#this only scratches the surface
jelliefeesh · 3 months
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I am…..in shambles thinking about these panels and how Hasegawa refers to Narumi as the spitting image of Isao…….
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Not only are they making the same face here, but it’s in the same context of conversation. Both of them are feeling the heat of someone younger and stronger than them on their coattails and it’s a bit terrifying. They’ve never had someone push them, they’ve been used to being the “strongest” and now that world view is being challenged.
I think it’s a healthy challenge for them both what with their egos but also because they’re both “secret” softies who actually want to see others succeed around them.
Narumi promising to train with Kikoru once she’s defeated his platoon leaders is a great example of that. It may have come across as a “I don’t think you can do this” but I think it was more of a “I know you can do this, prove me right”.
Same with Isao sticking his neck out for Narumi to keep him in the defense force. He may be a stoic bastard, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to see this kid shine and thrive. He’s just going to make it a bit more challenging to do so. Not like Narumi doesn’t enjoy the challenge.
All in all, I love the parallels between them. They’re the worst IDGAFers ever and they’re losing the IDGAF war constantly. I see you, you fakers. You both care a lot more than you let on and I love it.
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monbons · 6 months
✨9 people you’d like to know better✨
Last Song: I just cleaned up my writing playlist for my fic, so mostly that. But normally I listen to reggaeton and hip-hop on repeat and dance around the house or drop it like it's hot while doing dishes. [Hilarious side note: I was doing laundry while listening to some Lil John or Sean Paul (probably) when I was 9 months pregnant with the first kiddo. I did in fact drop it low at one point, my water instantly broke, and I went into very active labor while no one else was home. Fun times...]
Favorite Color: Barbie pink. Magenta. Millennial pink. Dusty rose. Blush. Anything and everything pink. [Another fun fact: My first tattoo was literally the word "pink" on my shoulder. In black ink. Ha! I was 18 and stupid. I've since gotten a sick coverup. But talk about years of confused stares and questions.]
Currently Watching: Had a day date with the hubs last week to watch Dune. Binging Young Royals.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: All of the above? Give me some good Thai food (which has all these flavors + sour) and I am in heaven. In fact, be my friend long enough and I will have you over for Thai. I'm an excellent cook.
Relationship Status: Married for 10 years. Bagged him at a mutual friend's holiday party 12 years ago because I kicked his ass at beer pong.
Current Obsession: Snowbaz is my entire personality. In my mind, I am Baz Pitch.
Last Thing You Googled: Are hawks associated with Athena? (Did this for work. A kid made me question what I definitely knew. The answer is no.)
Thanks for the tag @raenestee! (All the below also applies to you!)
I've seen this making the rounds, so I am sure everyone I am tagging has probably already done this. Instead, accept this as my super awkward way of saying you seem cool/I fangirl over your stuff/I make a good friend and you should adopt me because I am clearly a little cool based on my answers.
@thewholelemon, @roomwithanopenfire, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch, @artsyunderstudy, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @drowninginships, @valeffelees, @emeryhall
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How Hanae came to live with her father
Free headcanon time
Hanae is the daughter of a Doman woman, Emi Ichijiku, and a Garlean diplomat called Lucius het Saevus. Doma was still free when they met. Lucius and come to talk to Lord Kaien during a diplomatic mission and met Hanae's mother who was a servant in the castle then. Their story—or the beginning of it—isn't really tragic, except perhaps tragically common. He lied to her, seduced her, let her think she had a chance to marry him and then he left without so much of a goodbye note once his mission was done.
Emi realized a few sennights later she was pregnant.
Ashamed and rejected by her family, she left for Kugane when Hanae was very young and hoped she would be able to make a new life there, away from judgement and reminders that she had fallen for a lie.
Then Doma fell, and Hanae's mother was torn. What could she say to her daughter? She didn't have any positive feelings for the Empire, considering all that had happened, but Hanae was half-Garlean and she didn't want her to hate herself either for something she had no saying in. So she pretended that there had been a war (rather than an invasion) that her father had tried in vain to prevent, and Doma lost.
For Hanae, back then, it was enough. She was the daughter of a good man and a good woman who couldn't be together due to circumstances. Not blind to her mother's pain when she talked of Doma, she had quickly decided that Doma wasn't such a great place anyway and had no strong attach to it. She felt more native of Kugane than any other place, really, and the Empire there wasn't a threat.
So much not a threat, in fact, that her father joined the Embassy in Kugane some time later. Something Hanae would only learn later, as she never saw him or heard about him in Kugane, but Emi figured it out quickly. And, to add salt to injury, the man came with his wife. A wife, she learned, he was already engaged to when they met.
She tried to get in contact with Lucius. Threatened to tell his wife about them and about their daughter if he kept on refusing to acknowledge her messages. All she really wanted was some money to help raise Hanae, as a lowly servant salary was barely enough for them both. What she got in response was... nothing. At first. Then threats to have her deported back to Doma with her daughter, where they “might learn [their] true place in the world”, if she kept on insisting. So she gave up, realizing that the honeyed words she had fallen for years ago didn’t just hid a liar and a cheater, but a dangerous man ready to go to great lengths to preserve his social status.
It could have been the end of it. Should have, in fact. But Lucius’ wife couldn’t give him children and the man, who came from nobility, needed an heir.
Eventually he sent his confident to Emi’s home and offered to take Hanae in on the condition that she wouldn’t be in contact with her mother anymore. She would become his heiress and learn how to be a true Garlean woman despite her heritage.
Emi refused.
He insisted.
Eventually they broke a deal. If Emi could bring him an Echo bearer, he’d agree to let her raise Hanae and would even give her money so their daughter could attend a good school and not become a servant like her mother. If she failed to do so, he’d raise Hanae and Emi would be forbidden to ever talk to her again. A strange deal viewed from the outside, but it made perfect sense since he knew Emi was in a relationship with a woman suspected of having the Echo.
Emi agreed.
And lost the fight against Inge (my main rp character).
Left for dead, she could do nothing to stop Lucius from taking their daughter in. It’s only because of Hanae’s insistence that he agreed to pay healers to save her mother’s life, and from then on, they barely saw each other again.
Hanae was a sweet girl at the time.
But a sweet girl she didn’t stay.
Though this is a story for another time.
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perilegs · 2 months
I'm thinking about the Dalish conversation with Zevran and how he tells of the circumstance of his birth in the most matter of fact way and calls it the oldest tale in the book. If the Warden says it was horrible, Zevran plays it off with a nonchalant "Is it?" and says it's normal, especially for the boys he grew up with. But! He approves of you acknowledging that his past has been horrible to him. He keeps diminishing his own problems and trauma, and it's interesting because there are so many little aspects of him that show themselves in that tiny bit of dialogue.
Zevran, as a crow, is trained in the art of seduction and it has been one of the reasons he's still alive to this day. He knows it's typically unsexy to lament on how terribly your past has been affecting you. If you tell Zevran you're sorry for him, he immediately turns the conversation into complimenting the Warden.
It can be read as a test of character if one so chooses. Obviously Zevran isn't going to show a weak point to a person he just met, but, he is telling about himself, on a deeper level, and it's up to the Warden on how they react. Also, It's a good way to scope intentions and such. Zevran is still sharing information on himself, but on his terms. He chooses to tell the Warden about his childhood when all they asked was a question about the Dalish. And he sets a neutral tone to it.
Zevran's childhood is not a pleasant subject and he distances himself from it. It's far easier for him to talk about it that way, and it doesn't force him to process what he experienced and how it was horrible.
But he does enjoy someone, an outsider, reaffirming that what he went through was horrible, and it wasn't okay just because others have gone through the same and worse. Was there a moment in his past, where he even mildly suggested his childhood might have been less than ideal, and gotten back the reaction that it's no different from his peers? Or that he is lucky to have been bought by the crows?
"My first victim, as it were." Is that what the crows said to him? How they reassured Zevran time and time again how he was meant to be an assassin, it has been so since his birth.
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double--blind · 11 months
(SPOILERS) breaking down how obsessed Andrew is w/his sister bc he's a repressed lil liar and I'm going insane
This post got longer than I intended it to
1. He claims they don't spend enough time apart from each other to even begin missing her so he doesn't even know if he would, but just earlier in the game he was apart from her for probs like 30 mins tops to investigates some cultists and guess what???? He was already missing her 😒
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2. Says "I thought you grew out of this touchy-feely crap" when Ashley asks for a hug, but earlier when he was cooking dinner, he was the one with the inexplicable urge to "pull this broody bitch into [his] arms and force her to stay until she smiles" 😒
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4. Bro just can't keep his hands off her. And everyone thinks Ashley's the clingy one jeez (lol the way he springs apart from her when Mom catches them is definitely definitelyyyy not worth analyzing. nope. not even when it happens a second time on the couch. nope. nooope)
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5. What. What is he thinking here. Don't think I don't see those grey lil blush lines. Is this connected to my third point somehow bc like... 🤨😬 Is "Andrew" is gonna start doing and being what "Andy" was too spineless and afraid of doing?? That's what the vow was partly abt right?? Does that include—
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5. WHEWWW BOY that little flashback with his gf has so much baggage in it I just wanna dissect. His girlfriend's tryna have a serious discussion with him abt his weird sister for the sake of bettering their relationship bc she genuinely loves him, but he just gets caught up in fondly talking abt said weird sister instead??
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6. He's awfully hesitant abt Ashley learning some independence, bc y'know what?? I think he doesn't really want her to stop relying on him. But what do I know y'know
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6. Wants his gf to put tie her hair up in a ponytail, then when she refuses bc he'll pull on it, says it's just "how boys express their love". Well. You know who else puts there hair up in a ponytail??? You know who else's hair he's always pulling on and touching???
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7. The voicemails in his gf's phone left by Ashley are heard by him in his dreams, and his dreams are a construction of his mind utilizing his memories, personal hangups, and knowledge of Ashley. The voicemails irl were left on his gf's phone, and for all we know, he never actually listened to them in person. Bearing this in mind... odds are the things Ashley's saying contain bits of truths he believes within himself, filtered thru her crude, hateful dialogue.
Here. I transcribed one of them...
"DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME!? Just because you can fuck him and I can't? You think that's love?! Are you fucking delusional?? Cumdumpsters like you are just that. He will never love you. Not like he loves me. I am the only one. I am everything. I am the secrets you'll never hear. When he lies in bed at night, and when he needs someone to hold on to… It's not you he seeks out. It is me."
8. Claims Ashley's the one with the jealous streak, not him, but I think he's just as bad. The only difference is that Ashley's never given him reason to act on it since all she's ever wanted was him, but at the slightest mention of her gettin it on w/someone else, even as a joke, he gets mad. "OVER MY DEAD BODY!!" he says, when she's jokingly contemplating getting knocked up via the neighbor so an ambulance would come for her. "I wouldn't let them," he says, when she's complaining abt not being pretty enough for the wardens to bang her
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9. Going hand-in-hand with that fact, he's intensely protective of her. Didn't hesitate to cleaver the warden who found her in the closet (probs didn't even BLINK lmaooo he chose VIOLENCE), and when the cake-stealing cultist insulted her just once, he stepped forward just like that
10. In their apt, when they were lying on the floor talking abt jumping off the balcony, he was really caught up in the "romantic" fantasy of them committing a double suicide and dying with their bodies entwined so irreparably by the impact they form one unified corpse "never to be separated!" and they get buried in the same coffin together. UM??? Bro fr thought he was the sane one of the two. That wasn't even true before the cannibalism and demon summoning 😭😭😭
11. This might just be me, but his reaction to seeing the post-sex vision doesn't strike me as someone who's inherently opposed to the idea. Instead of disgusted, he was... flustered?? He acted like she walked in mid-guilty pleasure wet dream. This wasn't a "GROSS THATS INCEST" reaction which is... the most normal reaction to have. That's the face of a man that got CAUGHT bro.
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He asks "we're not like that, are we?" and "why are you like this?" and questions the veracity of the vision, but he never actually explicitly denies wanting the vision to happen, more focused on Ashley and her reaction. He buries the elephant under the rug as fast as he can, bc yeah, it struck a landmine, but it probably wasn't a landmine for the reason Ashley thinks it is. I bet the vision just hit a little too close... :P
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I'm not sure if this has been asked before (sorry if it has) but who's your favorite animatronic?
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Here’s a handful of my top faves! Monty is probably my absolute favourite
Foxy I was obsessed with when I was younger, Ballora I always found to be very creepy/pos, and Helpy is my best friend
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sleepynegress · 6 months
*sigh* Featurism...
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So, I woke up to this shit on the Twit app and I've only hit on this issue before, but today I'm digging in. Colorism is something that is not addressed often enough, but intersected within that and even more rarely spoken about, is the issue of featurism. The young actress above just got cast as Juliet in the latest big staged prestige production of Romeo and Juliet, opposite Tom Holland. And as usual the blue-checks, everybody else including "black", and even Black regulars are all-in on the cruelty.
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...But I want to breakdown a nuance that is too often skipped over when this happens. The two people named with her, give away the featurism game, here; a particularly nasty form of often internalized racism. I guarantee if the young actress looked like this?
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She'd definitely still get racist attacks, but the particularly nasty shit I'm seeing attacking her looks wouldn't come. In fact, I could see some people thinking they are defending her with "but she's pretty!" or more specific... "obviously she's mixed" comments. -Something pretty much every Black woman with features that don't align with a narrow perception of blackness hear often (and we'll get to why I specified women in a minute). And don't get it twisted...
These aren't exclusively nor standard white features either (see: the many ethnic features w/in white ethnic groups that also get hit to a lesser and non-racialized degree such as large "hook" and/or Romanesque noses for example, which is definitely about anti-semitism, anti-Romani sentiment, and other disparaged/discriminated against ethnic minorities in Europe) and yes, blue eyes are naturally occurring within non-mixed and dark-skinned Black people due to a mutation called Waardenburg syndrome. But there is a REASON why fetishizing even certain ethnic features within the African continental diaspora has been a thing for a long time...i.e. "the dopest Ethiopian" from the Tribe Called Quest lyric is pictured as this:
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and this:
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and not this:
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...despite them all being Ethiopians of various tribal ethnicities.
A wide-nose, a tighter curl, coil, or zig-zag pattern of hair, fuller lips and often, but not always (because I've given examples above where features "mitigate" skin color) darker skin. Zendaya is grouped with Tracey and Francesca Amewudah-Rivers, despite being both lighter in skin color and having a Black parent and a white parent because her nose isn't what has become the standard surgical look...that too many celebs have. This includes the ones who got so-called "ethnic" work or just a slight 'refinement'. No, her nose is born w/it, made for that good African air, as I call it. Nostrils prominent, nose bridge wide:
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I went make-up free as well, because even make-up practices these days, go for that narrowing highlight technique i.e. just below it's subtle.
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Sza is a an example of it taken to extremes, even with the Hollywood standard "ethnic" refinement she did get.
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The thing is... I don't blame or attack her for that. Because you see above that is just a taste of what happens. Lil' Kim was relentlessly bullied by the men in her life for her ethnic features for her whole life...and that is why she is off-limits to this day for me when it comes to all the work she's had done.
...And this is where I explain why I specified men being mostly exempt. It's because "Blackness" including all the physical features associated with it, is by default masculinized. ...Which is why Idris Elba is considered one of the most handsome men in the world, w/o the caveats that even Lupita Nyong'o often gets. Nobody calls Samuel L. Jackson ugly. He is even idolized and fetishized by a specifically white male gaze for how culturally "Black" he is perceived to be for all the wrong reasons, his signature "motherfucka" for example (and I could go off on a whole other tangent here, but digressing). All this to say... Featurism sucks. It's not talked about enough. Blackness in all variations is Beautiful. Tracy Chapman looking as young she does?? Hell, mark it down to both her dark skin (a natural UV protector) and not messing with her given features (and being a lesbian, men will age you. lol -I got jokes-):
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P.S. THANK GOODNESS for Tems and her rising prominence as a beauty as well:
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P.P.S. Even Jay-Z the billionaire rapper has had the comments over the years about his lips and nose, hence that lyric in Beyonce's Formation.
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spirk-trek · 4 months
hii this is really random but i'm writting a paper on star trek fanfiction from the 60s/70s and i was wondering if there were any fics youd recommend? are there any like iconic, keystone fics that are really significant to the fandom? (i'm having a bit of trouble sourcing pre-internet fics)
Hi! I'll try to help the best I can but I am by no means an expert- in fact, many people who end up seeing this may have better/more information so I'll extend it to any of them to answer as well :)
Disclaimer: many of the following links contain nsfw content!!!
Here is page 1 and page 2 of what might be the first known k/s fanfic published in Grup fanzine (1974). Grup is credited as being the first Star Trek fanzine with adult content. This fic, A Fragment Out of Time by Diane Marchant was vague enough that it had to be clarified as k/s in a later edition, but the author did do so.
Spockanalia is always a good source for early fandom. It is the earliest and best preserved example of fanzine content (beginning in 1967 before the second season had even aired). I'd definitely say that makes it influential! So much more can be found on the internet archive and on fanlore. Copies of Spockanalia found their ways into the hands of many people involved in the show, including Roddenberry himself.
Gayle F is a prolific fanzine artist (one of my favorites) for k/s and is also influential to k/s writing. She was behind the Cosmic Fuck Series (yes really lol) which begins with Desert Heat (1976) in which Spock prematurely enters his second Pon Farr with only Jim available to him. This is the first mention (that I know of) of Spock's "double ridges" which are still a fanon element of his anatomy today (fanlore link here).
Alexis Fegan Black is another name to know, but is actually the pen name for author Della Van Hise. She did a lot of her work in the 80s and beyond, so I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but I think she's very influential. You may know about her licensed trek novel Killing Time (1982) because the first edition was recalled for being way too gay (changes between the two versions are best documented here imo).
Jenna Sinclair was very influential but again, a lot of her works came a little later than what you're looking for (note: ao3 does NOT have the correct dates, you'll need to find those separately).
A few more links to throw at you:
List of Star Trek Fanzines
List of Star Trek SLASH Fanzines
Captain's Log (1968)
The Crewman's Log (1967)
Spock's Showcase (1968)
Spock's Underground (1968-71)
The Sensuous Vulcan (slash zine, 1977)
Thrust (slash zine, 1978)
I hope all these links work and at least something I mentioned is helpful for you!! Good luck! I'd love to hear about your research if you're so inclined to share :)
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deancasforcutie · 11 months
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a very happy Destiel Decennial to the jilted lover what team is he playing for beef jerky and menthols episode! anyway Dean and Cas fucked in the first episode of the guy who made them canon 😌
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ef-1 · 1 year
The whole world is watching genocide happen. If you ever wondered how 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. If there ever was a fact to dispel the myth of civility and humanity. If there ever was a time everyone was in the company of the accused.
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minecraftbookshelf · 8 months
Having feelings in this Chili’s tonight about the Divorcee Quartet soulmates reveal at the end of the first episode of Double Life (if you haven’t seen Pearl’s perspective on this please watch it)
Because it is absolutely devastating.
Its about the first moment, when Pearl connects the dots and realizes. And she is so happy. This is her Gaslight and her Gatekeep and she and Martyn just had an adventure together. This is perfect! They'll all be so good together!
And then, just as she's getting excited, Scott and Cleo shut her down so brutally and suddenly and then just...walk away.
And it hurts but...maybe it will be okay. She's got Martyn at least.
Except she doesn't and he rejects her too and she is left standing there, alone in a clearing. Bewildered and in pain.
And here is the thing that people seem to forget. Pearl isn't the one who lashed out first. She accepted the rejection and retreated to her corner of the map with her Tilly.
Scott and Cleo were the ones who initiated with the axe crits.
And even after that Pearl didn't retaliate in any way until Scar came through and specifically suggested the powdered snow (which he also provided.)
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messiahzzz · 8 months
this informational piece is directed to the gale fandom specifically:
grooming is a tactic where someone methodically builds a trusting relationship with a child or young adult, their family, and community to manipulate, coerce, or force the child or young adult to engage in sexual activities.
1. Choosing a victim - The predator often chooses a child who is obviously vulnerable. Children who are withdrawn, low on confidence, emotionally deprived and with less parental supervision are particularly at risk.
2. Building access & trust - Sexual abuse often begins with friendship. The abuser can also take on other roles such as a romantic partner, a mentor, a caregiver or an authority figure. The abuser spends time in getting to know the victim's likes, dislikes and habits and pretending to share common interests. The perpetrator establishes trust with the child by making them feel special, sometimes through gifts or excessive compliments and attention. This is especially dangerous for vulnerable children who do not experience attention in their daily lives. In the trust development stage, offenders aim to develop a trusting friendship or relationship with their victim. This can involve several tactics, including:
a) praising the child for their maturity and intelligence;
b) encouraging the child to disclose personal information;
c) syncing their language with that of the child;
d) highlighting mutuality (i.e., similar interests, attitudes and behaviors between the offender and child); and finally,
e) portraying themselves as being trustworthy and nice.
3. Filling a need with gifts & favors - Giving the victim small gifts and favours is a strategy used by perpetrators to make the child feel indebted. Trust is further built by sharing intimate life details, going on special outings and giving the child access to things they normally wouldn’t get. Once the offender has identified a child’s needs, they will try to be the “hero” to the child who gives them what they desire. Examples include gifts, extra attention, or affection. This causes the child to see them as highly important and even idolized. They won’t want to upset them in risk of not getting the void in their life fulfilled.
4. Isolating - The groomer actively tries to isolate the child from people who may be watchful or helpful. This kind of isolation creates deeper connection & dependency. The offender also exhibits exemplary behaviour before parents of the victim & manipulates them into trusting the relationship. They will use this trust to create situations in which they are alone with the child. Time spent alone also reinforces the “special connection” the child feels they have with the offender. This “special connection” is further reinforced when the offender convinces the child that they love and appreciate them more than anyone else.
5. Initiating sexual contact - With the power over the child victim established through emotional connection coercion or one of the other tactics, the perpetrator may eventually initiate physical contact with the victim. It may begin with touching that is not overtly sexual (though a predator may find it sexually gratifying) and that may appear to be casual (arm around the shoulder, pat on the knee, etc.). Gradually, the perpetrator may introduce more sexualized touching. By breaking down inhibitions and desensitizing the child, the perpetrator can begin overtly touching the child. At this stage, the offender will exploit a child’s natural curiosity through physical touch and excitement. They will begin to teach the child sexual preferences and manipulate what the child responds to. The child begins to see themselves as a sexual being prematurely and the relationship with the offender now takes on a sexual term.
6. Post-abuse maintenance - The goal of the final stage is to ensure the child remains trapped in the cycle of abuse and loyal to the abuser, by either reinforcing and maintaining trust in order to prevent disclosure, or by explicitly threatening or blackmailing the child or their loved ones. This can also be reinforced and maintained by, for instance, giving the child affection, praise or encouragement for one’s actions.
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amid-fandoms · 12 days
Sure we all pester “commitment issues Dan” owning a house with his lifelong partner but what about his commitment to *us*? Like there he is after all the crisis of his life still sharing it with us and letting us in and making us laugh and caring? he’s more committed than 98% of men I know smh
we keep saying that they raised us but we don’t talk enough about the fact that they grew fully into themselves and out of their shells with us in their lives, the parasocial relationship is mutual and while they can keep their privacy and stuff, it’s so clear that they care and they want us in their lives
dan once said that love means the fear of that person not being there and i haven’t been the same ever since i heard that, and i can tell you this applies to both us about them, and them about us
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longelk · 1 year
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he hates everything that comes out of his mouth but he cant even be gagged without making it weird
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daffi-990 · 3 months
WIP Wednesday 📝
Tagged by @tizniz
It’s nice having something to share ☺️. Here’s something that’s not angsty from my secret buddie wip
Eddie smiles at him, all warm and bright like the sunrise slipping in between the curtains. His fingers caresses Buck’s cheek as they travel up to card through his hair, his thumb gently stroking over Buck’s birthmark before pulling Buck towards him for another kiss.
Their lips move languidly against one another’s, the soft sounds of their kisses and content exhales filling the room.
“I love you,” Eddie says, burying his face into the crook of Buck’s neck.
He’s heard Eddie say those three words countless times over the past year and a half, yet he still feels them ignite a warm sensation that spreads throughout his body like he did that first time.
Like there’s a star in his chest bursting with colour and light, its shimmering particles embedding themselves into Buck’s bloodstream until he’s glowing with Eddie’s love.
No pressure tagging: @diazsdimples @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @wellcollapse @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sibylsleaves @steadfastsaturnsrings @rainbow-nerdss @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @queerdiazs @spagheddiediaz @devirnis @dangerpronebuddie @diazheartsbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @captain-hen @bekkachaos @neverevan @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @kitteneddiediaz @lover-of-mine @lonelychicago @disasterbuck @inell @smilingbuckley @bucksbignaturals @ladydorian05 and as always, anyone who has something they’d like to share -> consider this your offical tag 🏷️
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endless list of otps: (remake) Callum and Rayla, The Dragon Prince
To have that kind of strength, it's not enough to love someone. You have to trust them to share the burdens you carry. [...] Callum, there's a... burden I'm carrying, and I've kept it a secret. And maybe that's part of what's made things weirder with us. But I think—I know that I trust you to help me carry this. If you're okay with that? Rayla. We've been through a lot together. And a lot has changed. Well, some things have changed—but not everything: I would do anything for you.
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