#domestic 5sos blurbs
nostalgiabones · 3 years
Starting Line // L.H
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It feels like SO long since I last did or posted any writing, but solo Luke has pulled me out of the woodwork! I’m so so proud of his new project and love Starting Line so much that it finally inspired me to write something. I feel like I’m a bit rusty with writing so thank you so much @calumrose and @calpops for helping me out with it! I hope you enjoy this & I would love to hear any thoughts on it!
Falling asleep next to Luke has become so normal, so part of your daily routine that when he’s not there, your body knows. The moments through the night where you’re briefly pulled from sleep for whatever reason no longer feel like disturbances when you’re met with the sight of Luke asleep next to you, instantly soothing you back to sleep. All you had to do was reach out, and he was never far away — a gentle kiss to assure you he was right there.
There’s no such sight tonight though.
The bedroom is dark, so for a moment you feel as though your eyes are tricking you, as Luke is always there. Although, there’s a small trickle of light through the room, streaming through the crack of the bedroom door, and it’s then you realise Luke must not have made it to bed yet. Petunia isn’t curled up in her bed at the far side of the room either, and you know she’s doing so in the studio down the hall.
It’s been several months since quarantine and lockdown began, and your lives have been turned upside down — forced to stay at home, tours cancelled and many, many virtual interviews taking over his life. At first Luke wrote over Zoom calls, and took his ideas into the studio when things opened up a little, but there was a constant nagging in the back of his mind that he needed something more. His mind was swirling with ideas that didn’t quite fit into what the band were doing. He’d had too much time at home, too much time to think, and he needed somewhere to put it so he could process it for himself. He’s too creative, he thinks too much — he needs an outlet.
Slipping out of bed, you grab one of Luke’s discarded hoodies, managing to put it on as you walk through the room still half asleep. It’s sometime in the early hours, but when Luke gets fixated on an idea, time is irrelevant. The light from the hall hurts your eyes, such a stark contrast from the dark bedroom. Your footsteps are quiet as you pad down the hall, not wanting to disturb him, but missing the familiar warmth of him sleeping next to you.
Standing in the doorway, he doesn’t acknowledge your presence — too focused on the keys in front of him, engrossed in what he’s playing. You faintly recognise the tune but now it has lyrics, he’s singing — and then you realise that why he’s not yet in bed. He’s hunched over the piano, his phone open next to him, assuming he’s recording little parts to play back later. There’s a lamp switched on in the corner, softening the room with a warm glow.
“I feel the walls are closing, I’m running out of time…” Luke’s tone is soft, almost like he’s mumbling, out of fear of waking you, or he’s just singing to himself. “I think I missed the gun at the starting line..”
You can just make out the words, and realise it’s purely his emotions - I feel, I think… and a part of you is relieved that he’s getting it down on paper, releasing his worries in the way he knows best. He gets too caught up in trying to understand himself sometimes, yet he avoids it too.
“Hey, rockstar,” You try to get his attention. When Luke lifts his head from the keyboard, there’s a concerned look on his face that he woke you up. There’s a smile too though, an amused one that always appears whenever you use that nickname. He gestures for you to come over, scooting along the bench of the piano so you could join him. You do — sitting as close as you could, resting your cheek on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around your back to keep you there. You wearing his clothes never gets old to him - it’s a reminder that whatever he has is also yours, that he wants to share everything with you; including whatever is on his mind. He hears you yawn and pulls you in closer, suddenly craving the feeling you came in search of, of being next to you.
“Sorry if I woke you,” Luke murmurs, his lips brushing your forehead in a silent hello. You shake your head, a free hand landing on his thigh in a reassuring gesture to say that it’s okay. “I didn’t realise what time it was.”
“You didn’t,” You reply, voice hoarse from the few hours of sleep that you did get. “I always wake up when you’re not next to me. You okay? That song sounds kinda sad.”
He laughs a little, looking at his phone to make sure he’s stopped the voice recording. “It’s not meant to be sad, more... reflective. It’s only acoustic so far, but I think I’ve got the lyrics down.”
He softly plays a few keys as you sit there, the gentle sound in combination with Luke humming under his breath next to you already sending you back to sleep. “You gonna send it to Ash to help out with the drums? Or are you leaving it acoustic?”
Luke hums thoughtfully, almost like he’s reluctant to tell you the answer — whether he’s sure he wants to say it out loud, because that makes it real. “I actually wasn’t going to involve them in this one.”
And there it is.
You had wondered if he’d ever go down this road himself, remembering how he had been inspired by Ashton’s solo works. Luke has been tied to the band since his early teens, he’s grown up in the band and barely had time to breathe until the last few months at home. You know he’s happy with the songs he’s written with the guys so far, but had the feeling he was wanting something a little more.
“How come?” You prompt, and even though you have an idea, you want to hear it from him.
“I just feel like I need to make sense of a lot of things,” He explains, almost as if he’s convincing himself too. “Having all this time at home has made me think about myself and who I am compared with who I used to be, and I need somewhere to work it out. I figured music is the best way to do that.”
He expects a bigger reaction from you, like it’s something so out of the norm that you’d question if he’s doing the right thing — but you don’t. You nod, and take one of his hands in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze, to ease the nerves you sense he has.
“Well, you said it’s reflective, and what better time to reflect than when the world is at a standstill? I know you can create something amazing.” You assure him, the words whispered against his shoulder, and it’s all the convincing he needs. “Trust yourself, Luke. You’re way more talented than what you give yourself credit for.”
He’s quiet for a moment, his cheek resting on your head, just basking in the silence for a little while. As soon as he started to write this song there had been a nagging feeling at the back of his mind, that he wanted to keep it just for himself — he wanted to pour some of his anxieties into a song in the hopes of learning more about himself.
“You don’t think the guys will be offended, that I want to work on something for myself?” He asks you tentatively, and you know he already knows the answer to that.
You shake your head. “God, no, Luke. You were all very supportive of Ashton when he did Superbloom, why would it be any different for you? You know they’ll have your back no matter what. You’re best friends before anything else. You should talk to them about it, it’ll ease your mind.”
He hums in acknowledgement, a comforted smile on his lips at your words.
“Do you want to hear some more?” He asks, and you don’t even need to give him an answer. You murmur a reassurance of “of course” and he picks up again, feeling more certain of his craft now that he knows he has your support. He never doubted that you wouldn’t support him in whatever he wanted to do, but he thinks too much — he struggles to make sense of his thoughts, and it prompts him even more to want to create art from it.
You can already see how much it means to him, how he’s poured his heart into the lyrics he’s managed to put together. Throughout your relationship, you’ve gotten better at observing his feelings, and you know this is important to him. There’s pages full of scribbled lyrics in front of him, his hair is messy from running his fingers through it every time had gotten frustrated, and it’s clear he was determined to get something out of this song.
“Tell me, am I broken? I can never leave, biting on my tongue and checking if it bleeds,” He sings, the words clearer now he’s not in fear of waking you and of the words itself. “Is it lost on me? All the things I believe.”
It’s like he’s questioning himself with the lyrics as he sings, and as your eyes glance over the sheet in front of you, you notice a whole page of different thoughts and questions about everything — himself, his life and the band. All things that play on his mind constantly that he usually doesn’t have the time (or he occupies himself to avoid) to think about, all coming to the surface now the world is on pause.
“Take me alive, don’t look away until it’s gone, til it’s gone..”
Luke plays a few keys at the end before he turns to you, your face hidden against his shoulder. His fingertips brush your cheek before he lifts your face to look at him, and he’s not sure whether to smile or not when he’s met with unshed tears lining your eyes.
“Baby,” He murmurs, leaning in to nudge his nose against yours, his thumb softly brushing the first tear away as he slides down your cheek. “What’s with the tears?”
“That song is really beautiful,” You reply, sniffling to try and contain your emotions a little. He brushes his lips against yours in a sweet kiss, a sign of both his love and gratitude — and if just the first song has that affect on you, he knows he needs to pursue what’s in his heart. “It’s so pure, and so you. And I can’t wait to see what else you come up with.”
He feels like crying at your words and doesn’t know how to thank you enough for how supported you make him feel, no matter what he’s doing. “I love you, honey. Thanks for being on this journey with me.”
“Where else would I be?”
And when he finally makes it to bed, with you in his arms and a full heart, he’s content — he knows what he needs to pursue, and with you by his side, he knows he can do anything.
Don’t look away until it’s gone.
So there we are! I’d love to hear any feedback, I feel like I’m out of practice at writing lmao 🥺 Also I’m starting a new taglist, so if you’d like to be added to my new one, please fill out this Google form!
Taglist: @irwinkitten @wildflowergrae @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @maluminspace @fluffsshawn @xhaileyreneex @flowerthug @calpops @youngblood199456 @wokeupinjapanisabop @banditocth @cashtonasfuck @5-secondsofcolor @g-l-pierce @monsteramongmgc @calmlftv @mantlereid @treatallwithkindness @another-lonely-heart @calumrose @inlovehoodx @mermaidcashton @everydayimfangirling @b-easybreezy @ilumxna @malumsmermaid @opheliaaurora23 @talkfastromance4 @zhangyixingxing1 @everyscarisahealingplace @mateisit-balsamic @saphseoul @suchalonelysunflower @findingliam-o @castaway-cashton @megz1985 @notinthesameguey @calumscalm @karajaynetoday @metalandboybands @littledrummeraussie @vxlentinecal @itjustkindahappenedreally @queenalienscherrypie @xxxstormyninixxx @chicken-ona-stick @hoodhoran @harrys-shrooms @midnightash
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sappy-seresin · 4 years
quarantine (c.h)
Request: Spending quarantine with your boyfriend Calum and finding out you’re pregnant. You’re nervous about being pregnant with what’s going on in the world, so he comforts you. Ultimate fluff. --------------------
“Good morning, baby,” Calum greets, pressing a gentle kiss against your forehead when he noticed that you were awake. 
“Morning,” you murmur, trying to muster up a smile through the nausea that was settling back into your body, even though you’d just woken up. 
“How are you feeling? Any better than last night?” He asks, pushing his computer to the side so that he could wrap you in his arms. You instinctively curl into him, humming at the contact. 
“I still don’t feel great, but it’s definitely better,” you mumble, relaxing as he started drawing soothing circles in your skin.
“You’re sure you don’t want to go to the doctor,” the concern in his voice causes a lazy smile to form on your face. 
“Now isn’t really the best time for a doctors appointment Cal,” you remind him. “I really don’t think it’s anything serious, I’m just not quite feeling a hundred percent. I’m sure it’ll pass in a few days.” ----------------------
Much to your dismay, it didn’t pass in a few days. You went through moments of feeling completely fine, and moments of rushing to the bathroom to throw up. You were completely baffled by the fact that it seemed that all you needed to do to feel better at times was allow yourself to get sick. Calum was a trooper through it. He was always holding your hair back when you were throwing up, or pushing meetings back so that he could cuddle with you in bed to help you relax. 
“Yeah, I don’t understand what’s going on,” you sigh into the phone, filling your best friend in on what has been going on. “I feel like such a burden to Calum because he’s constantly taking care of me in some way.” 
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” she responds nonchalantly, making the pot you were washing fall from your hands in shock.
“W-What,” you stutter, surprised by her suggestion. “I can’t be pregnant. There’s no way.” You laugh in disbelief, shaking your head at the idea.
“All I’m saying is that what you’re dealing with sounds a whole lot like morning sickness,” she explains matter-of-factly, and you imagine her shrugging her shoulders. “I know that you and Calum aren’t exactly the type to practice abstinence, so it could be a possibility right? Are you late?” 
“No, at least I don’t think so,” you huff dismissively, gripping your phone in your hand as you make your way towards Calum’s bedroom to check the date on the Calendar. “It’s the fifteenth, right?” 
“What do you mean no? Oh my god,” you gasp, your free hand covering your mouth in shock at the realization that you were, in fact, late.
“What? What’s wrong,” she questions, unable to see what was going on.
“I’m late,” you whisper, trying to stay calm as your head spun at the thought that you might actually be pregnant. “Oh my god, what if I’m pregnant.” 
“Listen, it’s probably fine. You guys have had scares like this before. I’m sure it’s nothing,” she dismisses calmly in an attempt to bring you some sort of comfort. “Do you have any tests at Calum’s apartment?”
“No, why would I have pregnancy tests lying around Calum’s apartment?” I whisper-shout, an overwhelming amount of stress hitting at once.
“Again, it’s probably nothing but you should probably invest in a few pregnancy tests, just in case.” she suggests, and you nod in agreement. “No matter what happens, I’m here supporting you, and I know that Calum will be too. Try not to worry about it too much, okay?” --------------------
You did worry about it. All you’d been able to do since that phone call was worry about the possibility of being pregnant. As soon as you got off the phone that day, you ordered multiple pregnancy tests from your local drug store online trying to keep from going into public in the midst of a pandemic. 
Calum quickly caught on that there was something wrong, but you used the excuse that you still just weren’t feeling quite right. He wasn’t entirely convinced, but he decided not to push it because he didn’t want to upset you further. 
A day after you ordered the tests a knock came at the door, tearing your attention from the weekly zoom call you and Calum had with the rest of the band. 
“I’ll get it,” you murmur sweetly, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips before sauntering towards the door.
“Good afternoon, I’ve got a delivery for Y/l/n,” the mailman greets, looking down at the package in his hands. 
“Thank you so much,” you smile, feeling your stomach drop at what was inside the package. You gingerly take the box from him, wishing him a nice rest of his day, before pulling the door shut. Knowing that you needed to get back to the call before the boys started asking questions, you hid the package in Calum’s bedroom before returning to the couch next to him.
“Who was it, Y/n,” Luke questions, shooting you a bright smile.
“Just the mailman,” you shrug, thankful that they didn’t ask anymore questions. You found yourself zone out throughout the call, unable to really focus on the conversations from that point on. After about ten minutes of listening to the boys talk, you excused yourself telling Calum that you weren’t feeling well again and wanted to lie down. The boys wished you well before you sauntered towards Calum’s room, wanting to get a test over with so that you’d know whether or not you needed to worry.  ------------
You stare down at the pregnancy test in shock; unsure how to feel as two lines stare back at you tauntingly. Your jaw drops in disbelief and you choose to take two more tests, unsure of how reliable one tests results would be. Your uncertainty about the results diminishes as the other two support what the first test already told you. 
“I-I’m pregnant,” you choke out, tears sliding down your cheeks. Realization settles in even deeper at the words that rolled off of your tongue. 
“I’m pregnant,” you whisper, unable to move as panic settled in your chest. The current state of the world came to mind, seemingly paralyzing you at the thought of bringing a baby into the world in the middle of a pandemic. The bathroom seems to spin as irrational scenarios begin rolling through your mind; quiet sobs falling from your lips.
“Babe, are you okay?” Calum asks, softly knocking on the door before walking in at your lack of response. His eyes shoot open when they land on your shaking figure seated on the floor. He rushes to you with a concerned look on his face, dropping on the floor next to you. His movements halt when his eyes meet your own; tears falling from your eyes freely. 
“Calum, I think I’m pregnant,” you sniffle, watching him carefully as his expression contorts into one of confusion. 
“What,” he murmurs in shock, his eyes trailing to the pregnancy tests in your hands.”You’re pregnant?” His eyes meet yours again before falling back on the tests. He takes them into his hands, studying them, before an excited smile takes over his face. 
“We’re having a baby?” his mumbles, tears filling his own eyes as his hand moves to cup your cheek, catching your tears with his thumb. “Babe, I can’t believe this. We’re having a baby!” His excitement matched that of a kid in a candy store as the realization settled in.
You want to smile at how precious he was being, and how he was handling the situation but you couldn’t breathe. Up to this point in the quarantine, you’ve been worried about getting the virus, but now you hold the responsibility of two people and that seems like too much.
“Hey,” he calls, pulling you away from your thoughts. His eyes searching yours for an understanding of what you’re thinking. “This is a good thing, right?”
Guilt began settling in your chest as the excitement in his eyes dissolved at your emotional reaction.
“Yeah, yeah it’s a good thing,” you nod shooting him a genuine smile, attempting to compose yourself.
“Then, what’s wrong?” He breathes, and you take a note to thank him later for being so patient with you. 
“I’m really scared, Cal,” you admit, looking down at the pregnancy tests on the floor by your legs. “What if I get sick? I mean, we’re in the middle of a worldwide pandemic! What if the baby gets sick because of me?” 
His face softens, a look of understanding crossing his face at your fear for the baby register in his mind. He pulls you into his arms, protectively tucking you in his embrace to help bring you a sense of comfort. 
“Listen, I know this is scary and I can’t believe the amount of pressure that you’re probably feeling right now but it’s going to be okay,” he assures you, running his hands up and down your back soothingly. “We’re already quarantined to the apartment, we’re being smart. We’ll just take all of the necessary precautions to keep any of us from getting sick.”
“But what if-”
“Sh,” he shushes you, tilting your head up so that you would look at him. “What if’s are just going to drive you crazy. We’re going to be okay.”
“We’re going to be okay,” you repeat, allowing yourself to relax in his embrace. He gingerly presses a kiss against the crown of your head, before you notice a wide smile take over his face. 
“We’re having a baby.” he murmurs into your hair, a few happy tears rolling down his cheeks. You smile at him endearingly, taking his face in your hands. 
“We’re having a baby, Calum. You’re going to be a dad,” you gush, wiping his tears away as your own begin to fall. Calum looks down at you and pulls you in for passionate kiss. 
“I love you so much. I promise to do everything I can to keep you guys safe,” he sniffles, his hands moving to caress your stomach. “I can’t believe we’re having a baby.” 
You spent the rest of the night in awe of Calum and how gently he chose to handle you. He held you close to him all night. His hand constantly drawing comforting circles on your stomach as he murmured encouraging words in your ear and talked about how excited his family would be about the baby. You couldn’t help but fall deeper in love with him that night as he gushed about baby names and how exciting he was to start a family with you. ----------------------------------- So, I just realized that boyfriend Calum comforting you after finding out you’re pregnant in quarantine is a concept that I didn’t know I needed. I’m so soft for this, I hope you guys enjoyed it! 
Feel free to send in requests! 
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hemmoangel · 4 years
Here’s the thing though....Luke making Ashton warm up to the idea of a puppy is my favorite idea. Because he’s used to cleaning up messes from his younger siblings, and he doesn’t want to look after a puppy that’s more trouble than it’s worth. The mud and potty-training were his least favorite parts of his early teens with Indie and various other dogs. He is the responsible one in his family—so he always got left with the most vile of tasks. So, pets are out of the question when he moves in with Luke who already has a hard time cleaning up after himself. But then he watches the sparkle in Luke’s big cerulean eyes and watches his lip stretch into a pout every time they pass the pet shop. He can’t stand to see Luke yearn. He couldn’t even tell Luke “no” when the younger boy wakes him up in the middle of the night and asks for an entire breakfast. So, he buys him a puppy, and he’s the one to train her and he gets grumpy and teases Luke about how fat she is and he’s all fun and games, but that dog—much like Luke—had some how weaseled her way into Ashton’s guarded heart and become part of his home. And he lives for how happy she makes his only happiness.
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
you got soul girl, don't let no man take none | calum hood
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Hello friends! I’m trying to do a little bit of writing every day or so to get my creative muscles back in shape, so here’s a short Calum piece inspired by The Thundamentals’ cover of Brother by Matt Corby (the italics in the blurb are lyrics from the cover). I’m a little unsure about this one and I feel like maybe the plot jumps around too much, but let me know what  you think :) It’s angsty yet again because maybe I can’t write anything else lol who knows! 
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
Word count: 964
Warnings: mention of domestic violence (not very graphic), implied cheating and the word c*nt (lol)
(This is a fem reader insert)
And you can see it in his eyes yeah,
And I can tell you've thought about it,
Give me an idea,
From the stories that i hear,
Of course you doubt him,
The breeze outside makes you shiver as you sit alone on the park bench. The sun is shining, but the warmth doesn’t reach you like it usually would. Your daughter shrieked with delight as Calum pushed her on the swings, giddily chanting to go higher and higher and higher.
At first glance, Calum was a friend of your brother’s from school that you hadn’t seen in years, until you saw his friendly face at your neighbour’s pool party, and then you ran into each other in the park one day while he was walking his dog, and ever since it had become a routine sanctuary of sorts. Calum didn’t ask too many questions, and he never complained about how tiring your daughter could be.
He’d met your daughter’s father at the neighbourhood gathering, and they’d crossed paths here and there. It was all friendly enough, and you never thought for a moment that things could be misconstrued, but after you came home from time in the park one day, your daughter couldn’t stop talking about how much she’d had with Calum, and how excited she was to go back to the park, that her father had lost it and thrown a mug against the wall in the kitchen, yelling about how she was his daughter and he was her father and wasn’t that enough for you. At first, you’d been too in shock to react, but your daughter’s cries brought you back to reality as you rushed her out of the room. He’d left that night, but returned a few days later looking guiltier than ever before and begging for forgiveness. 
Safe to say that now he's underneath your skin,
While you cower in the corner with no power left within,
But you're his lover,
Even though you know he'll never love ya,
You suffer just being his insignificant other,
You’d fallen for the promises, for the empty words, for the guarantee that things would get better. It all felt like normal again, until he started coming home late, or not at all. You brushed it off, because in your head your daughter needed her father, and surely you were just being paranoid. And then one day you were downtown on your way to the movie theatre (because Calum had begged you to go and see Frozen 2, his treat) when you saw them, cosied up in a cafe across the street, arms and legs and lips intertwined. You want to vomit and run away and scream and yell but your daughter is tugging on your hand because she’s seen Calum up ahead and she wants to walk faster to get there. You give in and move away, closing your eyes and breathing deeply, but once you reach Calum you can’t help but look back behind you to make sure you saw what you think you did. You thought Calum was too engaged in listening to your daughter’s babbling, but then you meet his eyes and you know he’s seen it too. A curt shake of your head cuts him off before he can say anything to you, and you head into the cinema without another word. 
It's a tragic way to end it,
But if he can't even pay attention,
And if he can't even make the effort,
It's way too late to save
A few days pass before you see Calum again, in the park as usual. Your daughter happily plays with Duke in the grass because the swings are occupied, and Calum takes a seat beside you on the bench. 
“Did you confront him?” He asks, gazing at you cautiously. 
You shake your head and swallow nervously. Calum scoffs, and turns his body and clasps your hands firmly in his.
“I know you love him, and you want him to be there for her, but you can’t let him treat you like this. You don’t deserve to be treated like this. If he thinks he can act like a cunt and still keep you, then what kind of parent and partner do you think he’s going to be for the rest of your life? And your daughter’s life?” It was the first time you’d seen Calum get so vocal about his frustrations. 
“What am I supposed to do, Cal? Kick him out of the house that HE owns? Run away with HIS daughter and make her suffer because he can’t keep it in his pants? Who’s going to deal with us and all this goddamn baggage? Who’s going to love us?” You snap, pulling your knees up to your chest and tugging your hands out of Calum’s grasp. 
“Anyone who can’t make you two the number one priority in their life doesn’t deserve to have you. It’s not going to be easy but it’s not fair on you to suffer through it either. You know your mum will let you stay, or you can move in with me, or you can buy a fucking caravan and travel the country - but you know you deserve better, love.” Calum’s tone was softer this time, as he ducked his head to meet your gaze. 
He was right, and you knew it, but that didn’t make it easy. You took a deep breath and nodded, and Calum squeezed your hand reassuringly. Then you felt the warmth from the sun despite the chill of the breeze, and this time you felt it in your soul. 
It’s a cold world no man's safe from,
You got soul girl,
Don't let no man take none
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
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caelesjjk · 5 years
Blurb week
Would anyone wanna send me some domestic!sos blurb requests? I’m in a writing funk and I think maybe if I write something else for a bit I’ll be able to finish fic I’ve been working on. So send me things and I’ll write them this week!
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softforcal · 6 years
domestic days with Luke HC's
-this big lazy boy just needing a day off
-like his second day back from tour and the sun coming through the window wakes you up
-lazy boy groaning and rolling over, pulling you to his chest and smiling
-sexy morning voice
-brushing your fingers over the small bit of golden stubble already showing up on his gorgeous jawline
-taking aesthetic pictures of him in the beautiful white bed because appreciate this angel please
-throwing on one of his shirts and its too long but thats okay
-trying to drag him out of the bed but its practically impossible
-doing a bit of a sexy dance and that wakes him up more so he finally trudges out of bed just to grab at your hips but you dance away and he groans but follows you through the house to the kitchen
-hopping up onto the table and he comes to stand between your legs as he grins down at you
-okay im going to say it, if you’re dating him, you’re the one cooking. you’d have to learn thats just that
-making something easy like pancakes
-this guy just towers over you as he lazily wraps his arms around you from behind and watches you cook, sometimes you hope that he’ll actually learn but he never does
-and he gets so bored while you cook so he just kisses your neck
-sometimes you think he doesn’t realize he’s huge and therefor heavy so when he puts all his weight on your shoulders it can be hard to stand up
-”you hungry?” “not for pancakes.” “you’re a dirty boy Hemmings!” “im your dirty boy.”
-jesus fuck ya’ll
-im just going to dive into it
-this boy loves eating at the table if you know what i mean ;)
-running your fingers through his curls
-pulling at his hair makes him groan
-falling onto the couch after breakfast, your legs on his laps and he just massages your calves as you stare at each other and chat about tour
-wanting to get closer so you straddle his lap and just rest against his chest with your head on his shoulder
-okay fam. so cock warming on a lazy day with Luke is for sure a thing.
-talking while you’re cock warming and he makes you laugh which clenches things and thats an issue and slightest movements make him throw his head back and it gets so hard for him to just sit still
-in my mind, celebrities in LA have pools so going out to the pool and tanning or throwing the ball for Petunia until she just gets bored and comes and collapses next to you two
-looking at clouds together
-drinking wine or maybe margaritas, Luke is actually decent at making a drink
-imagine this shirtless guy just padding around the house, a drink in each hand, sunglasses in his curly halo hair and Petunia lazily weaving around his feet
-watching the sun set and ordering take out
-soft music in the background, warm LA air against your skin
-intertwining your fingers
-lazy kisses
-giggly kisses
-the second he puts his hair up into a bun you know its hot tub time
-he just loves being close to you so always sitting touching or with you on his lap, once the sun goes down he’s not as lazy and thats when he gets more handsy
-naked hot tub time is a thing
-splashing at each other
-a song from the new album comes on through the speakers and before you know it you’re both belting out the lyrics
-just wholesome goodness and lazy sex with lots of groaning and clutching and so many ‘I love you’s
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years
okay listen i know this is just a pipe dream but december kind of blows for everyone and I just want a kind and loving boy to help me through this bullshit and yeah, i am referring to Calum Hood. Maybe it’s your first winter with Calum and you’re glad he’s got his break and all but you’re just swamped and you’re having so much trouble making time to see him through all this work and you have so much fucking laundry to do and you aren’t sleeping so well and he calls you every day just so you can hear his voice but it’s like he’s overseas again, given how much you’ve seen him 
and you’re right in the middle of it when he texts you one afternoon “hey, is it cool if i swing by your place to pick up some stuff?” and you assume it’s because you’ve stolen so many of his sweaters and shirts so you let him know you’re not gonna be home until late but he can let himself in, he’s got a spare key. he said earlier that he had plans that night but you think it’ll still be nice to come home and feel the change in the air and know that he was around for a while and god, this is really sad but you don’t have much time to dwell on it as you get back to work
anyway as you get home you’re mentally trying to figure out what you’ve got in your fridge so you can eat before you pass out but you’re planning on cereal when you let yourself in but you can smell something delicious when you come in and you’re really confused for a second until Calum’s head pops around the corner with a cute little grin all “hi, honey, welcome home” and you don’t even pause before you’re pressing into his arms. he gives you a kiss on the head and another on the lips when you look up to him. “rough day?” 
you nod, but you’re still a little tired and you’re not sure why he’s here, exactly. “thought you had plans?” you ask as he leads you into the kitchen where, yeah, dinner’s waiting for you and as he’s starting to answer you grab him by the back of the neck and give him a real kiss, the first you’ve shared in day. 
“I wanted to surprise you.” He says, looking sheepish. “If that’s okay- no, baby, you need to eat, i can hear your stomach” he adds when you go to kiss him again. “kiss me all you want after” 
and you’re not about to cry, you’re not, but this is the sweetest fucking thing he could have done for you, especially halfway through the meal when he drops his fork in a panic because he forgot to move the laundry into the dryer and he’s gotta do that now so it has a chance to dry before you head to bed and like - what a fucking man, you know? Isn’t that what it means to be a true partner? That you take care of each other in all the every day unglamorous ways? You walked Duke and threw the gross veggies he forgot on his counter out when he left on tour, and now he’s reciprocating and being the man you need in this nightmare of a month - like there’s nothing you can do to repay these things but you know he wouldn’t ever ask, and that’s gotta be love. 
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pretendtobepunkrock · 6 years
For Better Or Worse
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a/n: it’s been a hard week and I’m currently sitting in a train station and this just kind of happened
word count: 812
Getting married had been the easy part.
Your wedding day had come in vibrant colours and bursts of laughter. It had been a day of joy, of love, of wonder. The smiles of your friends and family, the music that played as you danced, the feeling of tranquillity you felt when looking at each other. You didn’t think you could ever be happier than when you were in those moments, when you were together. It was the beginning of the rest of your lives together, and you couldn’t believe you’d been as lucky as you had to get to do all of it with Michael.
And for a while, the serenity lasted.
It was blissful; the start of forever. Every day brought excitement, the two of you in awe that you were married now. It was like you were floating, you and Michael in your own little bubble for the first few months and nothing was able to burst it, to shatter the illusion. You fell pregnant, it was like the stars had aligned even more, the two of you elated to begin a family together. Even your pregnancy was relatively easy, and when your little bundle of joy had been born, it was like everything had fallen into place.
But your perfect little daughter fell ill at three months old, and whilst the doctors assured the two of you that she would be alright, it was no plain sailing. When she wasn’t sleeping, she was screaming, and there was little either of you could do to resolve her pain. You tried to take it in turns, one of you sleeping for a few hours and then swapping so one of you were always alert, but the constant cries of your child meant an uneasy sleep, and the two of you were both constantly running on little more than a couple of hours.
That was when the arguing began.
It began as little snaps at each other, a tired sigh and a mumbled apology following quickly after. But those grew into brief quarrels, which turned into raised voices, until eventually it wasn’t just the baby who screamed and cried. Both you and Michael were on your last tether with each other, barely even speaking unless it was about something your daughter needed. What had once been a home of warmth felt cold, and all three of you were struggling.
His mother took the baby one day, and the house felt odd with it finally being so quiet. She’d only popped in for a quick hello and to check on her granddaughter, but when she’d found you crying on the sofa and Michael pleading with his baby to stop shrieking, she stood in and took over. Before you knew it, it was just you and Michael alone again, the two of you just in each other’s company for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. The silence washed over you as your tears slowly stopped and dried on your face, and Michael fell onto the sofa beside you, hand reaching out to lace his fingers with yours. You squeezed his hand, closing your eyes as he pulled you closer into his side.
“You want to go nap to celebrate being alone?”
A strangled laugh fell from your lips at his question, and you opened your eyes as you twisted your head to look at him. A smile graced his lips for the first time in weeks, and he brushed your hair back off your forehead in an action more intimate than anything that the two of you had done for a long time.
“I feel like a failure.” It’s barely a whisper but he hears you, shaking his head as his hand remains cupping your face. “I can’t keep the pain from hurting her.”
“Nobody can.” He sighs, thumb rubbing your cheek gently. “But you aren’t a failure Princess. We had no idea she’d get sick, and even if we had, there was nothing that could prepare us for this.”
“I feel like I failed you.”
“Now that, is impossible.”
“I love you so much, and with the arguing and-“
“None of it matters.” He smiles again, and when you sigh, he brings your head closer to his so you could rest your foreheads together. “There is nothing that will ever stop me loving you. For better or worse. That’s what we agreed. Now, do you want to go and nap?”
You smile softly at him, brushing your lips against his. Michael smiled against you before kissing you back, the action feeling like home, a feeling you’d been missing for so long. He stood, pulling you with him to the bedroom so you could sleep uninterrupted, wrapped in each other’s arms, in each other’s love.
And it couldn’t solve all your problems, but it sure was a good way to start.
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malumsmermaid · 6 years
Lovebug (CH)
Fluff idea I came up with while listening to Jonas Brothers earlier this evening
Word Count: 674
Calum had come home from tour and after spending a week doing your best to spend all of your time together, it was time to get back to reality. You needed to clean up the apartment a bit. It wasn’t like you hadn’t done dishes all week, Calum had found a way to make it fun, it was just that the daily clutter had started to build up, Calum’s suitcase had yet to be unpacked, and Duke and your dog were shedding.
You were both considering putting off being adults for one more day, until Calum got out of the shower and realized he was out of clean underwear. So you both knew at the very least, laundry had to be done, and if you were both going to do that, you may as well find other things to clean between loads of clothes.
So now here you were. Calum was in his music room, getting it put back together the way that he liked it, second load of laundry being washed, and you were in the kitchen, sweeping and cleaning off the counters. You were leaning on the broom, scrolling your Spotify app, tiring of the playlist you were currently listening to when a sudden wave of nostalgia hit and you knew what you needed to do. You had searched the Jonas Brothers and began dancing around the kitchen with the broom to their music.
A little later, Calum walked in, stopping to lean against the wall and smirked as he watched you. You were dancing to Year 3000 now, sweeping entirely forgotten, you spun around and saw him, a grin breaking out on your face. You walked up to him, still singing along:
He took me to the future, in the flux thing, and I saw everything, boy bands, and another one, and another one, and another one.
He giggled as you booped his nose with each iteration of the boy bands, shaking his head as you tried to pull him to continue to dance with you. “You’re a mess,” he whispered, placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
You hummed, looking up at him before grinning up at him, “At least you never had to compete with 2007 Nick Jonas.”
Calum laughed loudly at your statement. “Really, how bad was it?” he asked, watching as you danced away from him, picking up the broom again. You just shook your head, smiling to yourself as you hummed along to Just Friends. He sighed, following you and wrapping his arms around your waist, “We’re out of laundry detergent, doll. One of us is going to have to actually leave the apartment.”
You groaned, figuring it would be you since you had more clean clothes than he did. He hummed softly, holding you tighter and kissing the top of your head. You stood there for a minute, completely content to just let him keep holding you like this. As he was about to pull away you heard the talking and slow guitar that meant Lovebug was playing. “Cal, please dance with me babe.” You whispered softly, turning to face him, resting a hand on his shoulder. He smiled, nodding at you and you smiled, pressing into his chest.
So there you both were, swaying back and forth in the kitchen, while you quietly sang along. You grinned when the song picked up, trying to spin Calum and he giggled, picking you up and spinning in a circle, setting you on the counter as the song faded out, leaning his forehead on yours. You smiled at him, gently kissing him, running your fingers through his hair. You hummed as he pulled away and he raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re lucky I’m still soft for a brown-eyed boy with curly hair.”
He laughed loudly, placing a quick kiss to your lips and you wrapped your arms around his neck and he whispered “So, about the laundry detergent?” and you nodded, letting him remove you from the counter, ready to go shopping.
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Did I say domestic stuff is my weakness? I was lying it's my 'effin cryptonite
This has no structure whatsoever because I started writing it late last night I'm sorry
Imagine going shopping with Ashton though? Not even clothes or idk, shoes or, uhm, instruments (even though it would be so mesmerizing to hear him talk about and discuss different drum skins and drum sticks and maybe even a guitar every now and then with the store employees) but groceries. Plain, simple, boring most of the time. Not with Ashton. He always did something to make the weekly trip down to the market and shops less boring.  Sometimes it was something silly like singing the shopping list back to you every time you asked him if there was anything else you needed, drumming a simple beat on the handle of the shopping cart to go with it or talking to you in a terrible (but funny) accent, pretending to be from a different country and commenting on all "ze strange sings sease Americans always do". It had you in stitches on the floor without a doubt. On other days he would whisper to you in an almost shakespearen way how you were as glowing as that gold vase on the shelf over there, or how your hair smelled as lovely as the fresh roses you had picked up earlier and that every colorful linen bed sheet was envious of the way your eyes were so soft and bright. It was odd at times but still charming and it made your heart flutter even when he compared the softness of your skin to a piece of butter with no better comparison available in the dairy isle.
He could be like a little child at times - picking up unhealthy amounts of candy and throwing them into the basket without you noticing, but that only happened every now and then, usually when he was very stressed out. It was a small sign for you to take care of him when you got home, running him a hot bath with candles around the tub, making his favourite meal and then cuddling up on the sofa under at least two blankets, your fingers gently carding through his curly, damp hair. Most times a portion of the snacks he had picked up in a fit would go home with you anyway and you'd munch on it while watching a silly movie
You especially loved the times where you were planning for the days ahead, discussing what to cook when and how your schedules would overlap the next week. You worked well together, like a team that had always existed like that, complimenting each other in more than one way. When he was looking for rice noodles and couldn't find them, you'd pick up three packets from the corner of the shelf and put them in the cart, when you were confused as to where they had moved the shower gels, Ashton knew and presented you with a bottle of your favourite scent. It made you compelled to envision a future with him, a thing you usually held yourself back from in fear of being disappointed in the long run and having to bury those dreams, but with Ashton it was just so easy. And when he danced with you through the almost empty hallways of the supermarket at 9pm, whispering how just your presence was enough for him to be happy, you decided to finally take a step forward and allow your heart to dream, because with a guy like that by your side and that warmth and familiarity and secure feeling, everything seemed possible. 
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nostalgiabones · 4 years
First Meetings // C.H
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Here is a little Uncle!Calum blurb for an anon that wanted one today! I hope this is what you wanted lovely. Calum takes his partner to meet Harper for the first time.
Content — Calum x gender neutral reader
“Are you sure the lion is gonna win her over?”
Calum chuckles as he spots you twiddling the stuffed lion in your grasp, hoping it holds all the power to make today a successful one. After being together for a few months, Calum (and Michael) have decided that it’s time to introduce you to the second light in his life — Michael’s daughter, Harper.
“She loves animals more than anything, trust me.” Calum replies, thinking about her extensive collection of stuffed and toy animals in her bedroom. “She’ll probably show you them all when we go see her.”
“I hope she likes me,” You think out loud, knowing the sweet two year old looks up to her uncle like no one else. If she didn’t like you, you knew it would upset him, and her too — you didn’t want to take Calum away from her. One hand moves from the steering wheel to rest on your thigh, thumb rubbing soothing circles to reassure you. “What if she doesn’t?”
“She will, honey.” Calum reassures you, taking your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze before lifting them to his lips and brushing a kiss to your knuckles. “She’s a baby, she doesn’t hate anyone. Apart from Michael when he takes her pacifier away from her and doesn’t let her nap past 3pm.”
“Terrible twos, huh?” You ask, knowing those were just two examples do some of the things Michael and his partner have had to deal with.
“If you’re lucky, you might get to experience that today too.” He chuckles, finding it sweet how nervous you are to meet Harper. She’s so important to him, and he knows how desperate you are for her to like you. He isn’t nervous, though. He knows she’ll love you just like he does. “Don’t worry, baby. It’s going to be fine.”
“Shall we see who’s here, Harper? Who is it?”
An excited squeal instantly leaves her lips as she notices Calum’s car pull up in the drive, the familiar vehicle one that makes her happy since it means her favourite uncle is coming to visit.
“Remember, we have an extra guest visiting today.” Michael’s partner reminds her, brushing her blonde tufts of hair out of her face. Michael was a little nervous, knowing how upset she and Calum would be if Harper didn’t warm up to you. You’ve met Michael plenty of times, and he feels like you and Calum are solid enough for Harper to meet you now too. “You’re not gonna go all shy on Uncle Cal, are you?”
“Unca Cal!” She charges towards the front door as Michael opens it, so she can stand with him to see Calum coming towards the house. Her excitement and confidence soon falters as she spots you jump out of the car too, your hand linked with Calum’s as you approach her. It’s almost as if in that moment she remembers that he has a guest joining him, and she’s unsure about it. “Dad, up please.”
“It’s okay, bubba.” Michael picks her up and sits her on his hip, lips brushing over her forehead to calm her down. He knows it’ll take her a little while to warm up to you. “Uncle Cal is here to see you, and his friend too.”
“Hi, sweetheart! How’s my favourite girl?” Calum calls out, stepping through the front door to where she’s hiding in her dad’s arms. She’d usually give him a bigger welcome, running up to him or clinging onto him until he cuddled her. Not today, though. “Where’s my hug, huh? You’re not going shy on me, are you? I have someone to introduce to you.”
She pushes her face against Michael’s neck, hiding as if it makes her invisible — in her mind, if she can’t see you, you can’t see her either. Michael chuckles and rubs her back reassuringly, murmuring a “it’s okay, baby” trying to coax her away from hiding from you and Calum.
“Can you say hi, baby? This is my friend,” Calum tells her, gently tapping her shoulder to get her attention before introducing you to her. “We have something for you.”
“Hi, Harper. I have a present for you,” You tell her, speaking gently in the hopes of catching her attention. You hold the little stuffed lion out in front of you, so she could see it if she decided to stop hiding against Michael’s neck. “I heard you like animals, so I thought you’d like this.”
Michael shifts her in his arms a little in the hopes of her looking at you, his hand reassuringly rubbing circles in her back as you stand there. “Look, baby, what is it? That’s so kind.”
She dares to peek out from his shoulder and her eyes light up at the sight, flickering between you and the lion in your hand. She smiles softly and reaches out for it, wrapping her small hand around the middle and pulling it into her arms. Michael smiles at her reaction, murmuring a “what do you say, baby?”
“Thank you,” She murmurs, rubbing her cheek against the fluffy material in her grasp.
“Now do I get my hug?” Calum asks, holding his arms out for her. She nods and reaches out to him, letting him take her in his arms and cuddle her. “That’s better. What are we playing this week?”
You follow them into the lounge, watching as Harper tips one of her toy boxes upside down, so Calum can find something to play with. She seems cautious of you — she looks over at you occasionally, mainly staying close to Calum — but the lion you gave her moments ago stays in her grasp. She sets up her zoo, apparently her favourite — placing the small toy figurines in each area to set it up. Calum wasn’t lying — she does have an extensive animal collection.
She stands still for a moment, hand clinging to Calum’s shoulder. She looks at you, and down at the zebra in her hand, like she’s thinking about asking you to play. Calum notices too, his hand coming up to land on her back to reassure her.
“For you,” She murmurs, walking over towards you and dropping it in your hand. Calum can’t help but smile, watching two of his favourite people interact.
“That’s for me?! Thank you so much, Harper!” You reply, a blush spreading over her rosy cheeks at your praise, before she moves back to sit in Calum’s lap. You move to sit a little closer, Calum sending you a knowing smile as Harper starts to play with her toys.
You stay and play for a few more hours, before Michael declares dinner time, and you and Calum decide to leave them to it.
“Bye bye, Harper. It was so nice to meet you.” You lean down to her level to say goodbye, and much to your surprise, she runs forward and wraps her arms around your shoulders in a little hug. Your heart melts as she cuddle you goodbye, and you wrap your arms around her too. “You’re so sweet, thank you for the hug.”
“Love you, sweetheart. See you soon, okay?” Calum kisses her cheek and picks her up, hugging her until Michael reaches out for her so they can wave good bye. She says a soft, “bye bye, unca cal” before sitting on Michael’s hip to wave you off.
As you drive away from Michael’s house, both with content smiles on your face — Calum can’t help but say I told you so.
“See, I told you she would love you.”
Taglist: @irwinkitten @ukulelecal @wildflowergrae @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs​ @jazzyangel242​ @cashworthy​ @babylon-corgis​ @norawashere​ @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil​ @maluminspace​ @fluffsshawn @xhaileyreneex​ @flowerthug​ @calpops​ @youngblood199456​ @aliencal​ @wokeupinjapanisabop @banditocth @cashtonasfuck​ @5-secondsofcolor​ @g-l-pierce​ @monsteramongmgc​ @calmlftv​ @mantlereid​ @treatallwithkindness​ @another-lonely-heart​ @calumrose​ @inlovehoodx @mermaidcashton​ @everydayimfangirling​ @sexgodashton​ @b-easybreezy​ @ilumxna​ @malumsmermaid​ @opheliaaurora23​ @talkfastromance4​ @zhangyixingxing1​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @mateisit-balsamic​ @saphseoul @suchalonelysunflower​ @findingliam-o​ @castaway-cashton​ @megz1985​ @notinthesameguey​ @calumscalm​ @karajaynetoday​ @metalandboybands​ @littledrummeraussie​ @vxlentinecal​ (please fill out this form to be added!) 
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sappy-seresin · 5 years
comfort (l.h)
You remained silent, staring out the window as tears poured down your cheeks steadily. You heard him come into your shared bedroom but that didn’t pull your attention away from the window as you finally allowed yourself to feel something for the first time in what seemed like months. The problems that you and Luke had going on in your marriage were pushed aside in your heart tonight as you felt the weight of your patients death sitting on your tired shoulders. 
You didn’t have the energy to hide your tears from Luke tonight. You didn’t have the energy to argue with him about whatever the two of you were bound to disagree about. The events of the day sucked the life out of you and all you could do was allow yourself to feel rather than running from it. You’d been running for far too long. The arguments with Luke started months ago, your marriage began deteriorating soon after but you simply pushed that away rather than letting it weigh you down. Being a doctor was hard work that required your full focus so you couldn’t allow your home life to distract you from that. 
You’ve hidden your true feelings from Luke for weeks. Never showing when you’d had a bad day. The two of you had stopped sleeping in the same bad nearly a month ago, so it slightly shocked you when you felt the bed dip behind you. 
‘Hey,” he murmured in an attempt to get your attention. You couldn’t get yourself to respond to him. Your mouth felt as though it was glued shut so you sat there in silence instead, simply letting the tears flow as sadness consumed your entire being. 
The first sound you made came when you felt Luke brush your hair away from your face from behind. He seemed to know what was going on, which didn’t come as a surprise seeing as the two of you have been romantically involved with each other for over ten years. Rather than saying anything, he wrapped himself around you from behind and held you against his chest tightly. 
That’s when the sobbing began. As Luke held you against him, your back pressed firmly against his front, you came unglued in his arms. The man simply held you as you broke in his arms. It seemed awful but this was the first time in months that things felt relatively okay. The fighting was the furthest thing from your minds as Luke’s mission was to be there for you. 
“For better or for worse,” he thought to himself, bringing a kiss to the crown of your head silently. 
Your sobs cut through the silence as he held you. He remained silent as you cried it out. He knew there was nothing that he could say to mend your broken heart so he opted to let you cry it out and talk to him when you were ready. The two of you swayed gently as your sobs slowly quieted down. 
“I love you,” he whispered into the silence. “I know it’s been far too long since I told you that, but I need you to know that no matter what has happened over the last few months, I still love you. I don’t know what happened today, but I’m right here to walk through this with you.”
While the words were meant to make you better, they only made more tears flow down your cheeks as the heavy weight of the relationship settled in as well. 
“I lost Maverick today,” you breathed through quiet sobs. You felt Luke’s breath catch in his throat as he understood why you were in the state he found you in. 
‘I’m so sorry,,” he sighed into your ear, “I know how much he meant to you. I know how much his whole family means to you.”
“We were in surgery for eight hours. Everything was going fine but then he just flatlined out of the blue and never came back.”
“I know that you did everything that you could.”
“He was supposed to keep fighting Luke. I wasn’t supposed to lose him. I must have done something wrong. I must ha-”
“Hey, I need you to listen to me right now,” he stated firmly, unwrapping himself from you before situating himself in front of you. “Look at me,” he murmured, his hands on each of your cheeks as he waited for you to focus your attention on him. “I can’t sit here and pretend to understand how you’re feeling right now, but I refuse to sit here and allow you to think so negatively about yourself. You’re a fantastic doctor. I know that you didn’t do anything wrong. you’ve been preparing for this surgery for weeks. You may not think that I’ve noticed, but I’ve watched you nearly work yourself to death over this for weeks learning different scenarios and memorizing every detail of the procedure. You went into the surgery beyond ready. I know it hurts so bad and it feels better to put the blame on yourself but I won’t allow it. He couldn’t fight anymore. I know it hurts, but it was his time to go baby.”
“I’m so sorry luke.,” you whisper wiping away tears that escaped your eyes. 
His face contorted into a face of confusion. “why are you apologizing to me?”
“I can spend weeks preparing for surgery and still get something wrong when the actual procedure comes along. How can I be expected to fix our marriage without any sort of instruction manual?”
“Oh honey,” he sighs, taking a seat next to me. “We’re in this marriage together. I don’t know how to fix what we’ve been going through but I do know that as long as we’re working together as a team, we’ll make it through this.” 
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runwayblues · 6 years
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
Pairing: Calum x Reader
Word Count: 565
A/N: This is my first time writing, thank you @cashtonspicelatte for giving me the push to write this. I’m literally so scared to post this please go easy on me
Based On: Calum’s Instagram post, and an Elvis Presley song
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Your boyfriend’s light snores disrupted the silence of your bedroom. You grabbed your phone to check the time, and huffed in annoyance. Gently uncurling yourself from the large heat source next to you, you attempted to leave your shared bed. Walking down the stairs you found yourself in the kitchen. Sighing you leaned against the counter and scrolled through your phone.
“Baby?” You heard a groggy voice call out behind you.
“In the kitchen.” You replied, slightly worried you had woken up the sleep deprived man. You heard him shuffle into the dimly lit room, the noise becoming louder until you felt him wrap his arms around your middle. “Did I wake you?”
“I rolled over and you weren’t there.” Calum said as he buried his face in your neck, squeezing you a little tighter. “Trouble sleeping?”
You set your phone down on the counter, and turned in Calum’s arms. Wrapping your arms around him, and setting your head on his chest, you nodded. You stood there for a couple minutes, cocooned around each other with Calum rubbing your back. Slowly he started rocking the two of you back and forth.
“What are you doing?” You asked, lifting your head from his chest.
He shushed you, pushing your head back into him. “‘Gonna help you fall asleep,” He replied softly. You felt the faint vibrations on his chest as he started humming. “You know I love you right?”
You hummed in response, hugging your boyfriend closer to you. You felt his nose rub against your temple as you continued swaying. You closed your eyes, and slowly felt yourself tire. Calum’s humming turned into faint singing.
Hold me close, hold me tight
Make me thrill with delight
Let me know where I stand from the start
I want you, I need you, I love you
With all my heart
He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and continued.
Every time that you're near
All my cares disappear
Darling, you're all that I'm living for
I want you, I need you, I love you
More and more
Your breath caught in your throat, and you clung onto Calum a little bit tighter.
I thought I could live without romance
Before you came to me
But now I know that
I will go on loving you eternally
You could feel him staring at you, but you kept yourself tucked into his chest. Afraid to wake up if this was a dream.
Won't you please be my own?
Never leave me alone
'Cause I die every time we're apart
I want you, I need you, I love you
With all my heart
“I always and forever will be in awe of Elvis Presley,” He murmured into your neck. The swaying had stopped when he finished singing, but you were still wrapped in each others arms. “Marry me.” He whispered, so faint, you weren’t sure if you had actually heard it.
“What?” You asked shakily, eyes wide, pulling back in his arms so you could look at his face.
“Marry me.” Calum replied a bit louder and with more confidence.
“Okay.” You said, watching a grin form on Calum’s face.
“Really?” He asked in slight disbelief. You nodded your head, smile forming your your lips. He pulled you in for a quick kiss, before picking you up.
“What you are doing?” You squealed out.
“We still gotta sleep baby.”
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herewegoagainniall · 6 years
Peak domesticity is mornings with Ash when he’s shaving his face and brushing his teeth at the sink while y/n is in the shower washing her hair and shaving with the shower door open while they discuss what to have for tea
EXCUSE ME !!!!! I FEEL ATTACKED (I also don’t know what constitutes appropriate food for tea but hey. I’m tryin’ here.)
You and Ash would not know what the word “boundaries” meant when you moved in together, so you would have no qualms about Ashton just waltzing into the bathroom while you were taking a shower (seeing your naked body was always a plus). 
Ashton brushes his teeth and starts shaving his face while you start shaving your legs. 
“Quit copying me, doll,” Ashton smirks, and you roll your eyes. 
“You know,” you sigh, “my razor is just not sharp anymore. I think I’m all out of blades.” 
“Use mine,” Ashton says.
“You mean it??”
“Yeah, just let me finish here.”
“No, Ash, you have to walk outside with half a beard.”
That warm, musical laugh you fell in love with fills your ears and you’re overwhelmed with a feeling of warmth and absolute peace that you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
You two carried on with your routines for a while before Ashton asked, “Hey, Y/N, do you want to do anything special for tea?”
You rinse out your hair and turn the water off. “Want me to make those canoli cupcakes that you love?” 
Ashton turns to you as you step out of the shower and pulls you into a deep kiss, being able to taste the soft mint from his toothpaste. “Perfect.”
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
piece o’cake-- poly!cake blurb
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a/n: SO! this is the first time writing for poly!cake...I’ve tested the waters with poly!lashton and loved it so this dynamic is a little different for me. Let me know what you think :)
word count: 1.3k
warnings: small smut scene, rest is fluffy and kinda domestic, uses she/her pronouns
donate to my ko-fi here :)
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She’s woken to soft kisses on her cheeks from warm pillowy lips while another set are kissing her hair, each one rousing her gently awake. This is still so new to all of them, this dynamic of being together, the three of them. Calum and Luke know the little things about each other but with her, it’s something new and exciting every day.
The first time they woke up together, Calum and Luke were being their usual loud selves. Their voices echoed from the bathroom while they utilized the facilities, laughter booming into her ears and the clatter of toothbrushes made her beautiful dream turn to a hellish nightmare really quick.
Annoyed, irritated, aggravated, and every other synonym to having her sleep disrupted, she tossed back the comforter in a huff and stomped her way to the bathroom door.
“Can you please be quieter?” she hissed, wide blue eyes darting between the two boyfriends.
“Were we really being that loud?” Calum asks. His sheepish expression eases her a little bit, but only a fraction.
“Yes,” she gritted her teeth then spun on her heel.
They watched her fall back into bed, throwing the blanket over her and she was still once again. Luke and Calum made sure to be quiet after that and apologized profusely when she officially woke up to coffee and toast that was made by them.
“It’s time to wake up, lovie,” Luke says in her ear, it tickles her skin, and she shrinks against Calum’s chest.
“Ten more minutes,” she groans.
Both their hands land on her thigh and waist, their palms are warm as they make circles on her skin, soft chuckles trickle out.
“We don’t have ten more minutes, cupcake. We’ve got a long day of relaxation planned ahead,” Calum pecks her lips quickly, but the slight poke of his tongue awakens her a bit.
“Sleep is relaxation.”
“You’ve been looking forward to our mani-pedi-massage day all week,” Luke kisses her shoulder.
She sighs and opens her eyes to be staring at the tattoos inked on Calum’s chest. Their hands continue to rub her skin with a few squeezes to her flesh with Calum’s thumb inching closer to between her thighs.
“Will we get to nap?”
“After the massage we can,” Luke smiles against her shoulder. His fingers squeeze at her ass cheek.
“Doesn’t seem like you guys want to get out of bed yet, either” she smiles craning her head so she can kiss Luke’s soft lips behind her. The turn made her legs open just enough so Calum can cup her sex with his palm, his thumb rubs at her through her underwear.
“This is the best way to get you out of bed, sweetheart,” Calum hums shifting her panties to the side. His finger teases between her folds, she gasps, and grabs hold of Luke’s curls.
“If Cal makes you cum, will you get out of bed?” Luke whispers against her lips.
She nods letting out a squeak for a yes, her lips chasing Luke’s.
“Give it to her, Cal,” Luke hums slipping his tongue in her mouth just as Calum inserts his finger.
She rests her leg open on Luke’s as Calum fingers her, his own mouth on her neck. He’s sucking and biting, his finger curling and rubbing against her spongy wall.
“Always so wet in the morning,” Calum murmurs on her skin and she moans at the tickling pleasure.
“Is Cal making you feel good, lovie?” Luke asks and she nods. “Yeah? Tell us how good.”
“So…so good,” she sighs tilting her hips with Calum’s motions. He’s using his whole arm as he fingers her, Luke hums and she feels herself slipping.
“There it is…come on baby, come for us,” Calum says, and she feels her orgasm burst forth.
When she moans, Luke and Calum press their lips to her skin until her body relaxes once more. They continue to pepper her in kisses until Calum removes his finger and sucks on it.
“Mmm, want a taste, Luke?” Calum asks.
She watches through heavy lids as Calum holds his hand out to Luke. He grins, shoots her a wink then wraps his lips around Calum’s middle finger. It disappears in his mouth as he sucks off her juices. She gets overwhelmed from the sight before her. How do they expect her to leave this bed now?
They meet in the middle to share a kiss, their tongues rolling over one another’s and she leans up to join in the fun. They both pull away before she can and she’s pouting at them while they share a smile.
“He made you cum, now it’s time to get out of bed, princess,” Luke sighs grabbing his clothes.
“Come on, pouty baby,” Calum grins and snags her ankles in his hands. He pulls her down the bed until her feet hit the fuzzy carpet. He pulls her up into a standing position, his arms wrap around her waist. “There’ll be more later.”
“Promise?” she asks, lip still pouting.
“We promise,” he gives her a sweet kiss.
After a quick breakfast of their favorite cereal, they change and are out the door to the nail salon. She sits in the front while Calum drives, his hand in hers while Luke rests his cheek on the seat by her face kissing her cheek occasionally.
When getting out of the car, Luke holds her hand while Calum opens the door for his two loves, the nail technicians greeting the trio with big smiles. They sit in silence while their feet are buffed, scrubbed, massaged and painted. They giggle as Luke nearly trips over his long legs in the oddly formed flip flops to the pedicure station, his hands held firmly in Calum and Y/N’s.
When the gel has set, they take a group picture of their new colors, Calum is a pretty purple, Luke has a nice shade of blue and Y/N chose a deep red. Three colors that blend together perfectly, just like they do.
Luke insists on paying for all them despite Calum and Y/N’s protests. He just shakes his head, curls jostling, then kisses both of their cheeks.
“My treat to you.”
Their next stop is the massage place that’s only a couple buildings over, so they decide to walk there. Calum has his hand on the lower part of Y/N’s waist, his thumb hooked under the band of her shorts while Luke has his arm thrown around her shoulders. It’s an easy thing being connected this way walking down the street. Somehow they’re always in sync, fitting perfectly together with little communication.
Since the rooms weren’t big enough, they all had to get massaged separately but none of them minded too much. As soon as the masseuse started, all thoughts and worries were gone.
Dazed and relaxed, they went back home for lunch and Y/N started to nod off against Calum’s shoulder. She always gets sleepy after a massage; her muscles feel like jelly.
“Is it my turn to carry her to bed?” Calum grins above her head at Luke.
“Nah, it’s my turn,” Luke chuckles.
Luke is much stronger than his body appears, she’s always amazed at how he can lift her into his arms. She nuzzles into his neck then makes grabby hands for him once he has her settled on their bed. She breathes in their smell in the blankets and sheets, sighing happily.
The two men join her, encircling her in their arms, legs tangled together like vines. She brings their hands to her chest, kisses both of their knuckles and cuddles them.
“After our nap, can we go in the hot tub?” she asks quietly.
“Sure, thing sweet pea,” Luke sighs kissing her forehead.
“Swimsuit optional?” Calum asks in her neck and she smiles against Luke’s throat.
“Only birthday suits,” she giggles then quickly drifts off to sleep. She’s never felt so loved, so cared for before.
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Taglist: @calpalirwin​  @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​  @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @atlcalm @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​​ @idontneedanyone​​ @dinosaursandsocks​​ @haveufoundwhaturlooking4​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @burstintocolor​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​ @dead-and-golden​​ @mymindwide​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​ @redrattlers​​ @lovelybonesetc​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @quasighost​​ @i-like-5sos​​ @creampiecashton​​ @calpops​ @superbloomed-c​ @ophelia-enthusiast​
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You like 5sos?? First of all, who’s your lane and cheat lane. (My lane is Michael and my cheat lane is usually Calum, but recently it’s been Ashton) So the request is domestic everyday life fluff with any of them. Whichever you know best or maybe a short blurb of all of them. I trust you so have fun and thank you!
I usually wait until I write the request to answer the ask but this is the first I'm hearing of "lane and cheat lane" and I love it so much so I have to answer. Ashton has been my lane since day one. I love him so much, he owns my entire heart and soul. But my cheat lane used to go back and forth between Luke and Michael. And of course they're married now so I'm back to Ashton 😂
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