It’s time to THRIVE - The Mojo Master
Have you ever felt like you’ve spent so much time trying to impress and gain the approval of others that you don’t even who you are anymore?
You’re NOT alone....
The main problem most people who feel lost face is working out who they really are without their perception being heavily distorted by the views, opinions, beliefs and influence of others.
Part of the journey of life is to discover the REAL you, not try to be something you are not as that is the fast track to:
-Inner Conflict
-Self Sabotage
-Self Doubt
Your greatness is already inside of you, it’s just distorted which makes most feel lost, confused and uncertain. The good news is, there’s a way to discover your INNER GREATNESS and get clear on who you really are and what you really want from life.
My 4 day THRIVE TIME event///
Most personal and self development courses teach you what you “SHOULD” be and do in life (based on someone else’s idea of success and fulfillment) and not who you really are and how to SUPER CHANGE what you are.
Thrive Time helps you discover the REAL you so you can channel your inner greatness to achieve MASSIVE RESULTS in life and gain fulfillment.
If you’re ready to unlock your greatness, click here to learn more about Thrive Time
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In Business & Life...
What doesn't expand...contracts. What doesn't grow...dies.
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Growth Hub
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Do you find yourself always saying you're going to do something, but never get it done?
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Want to dominate in touch times
In fact, research shows that the more you employ these techniques before a crisis, increasing your overall positivity during relatively good times, the higher you'll fare when life gets hard since positivity creates a buffer against depression. this is often your guide to bouncing back. Set Your Sights on the longer term
While living within the present is usually described together of the keys to happiness, when this is filled with doubt, hurt, confusion, and sadness, it's okay to imagine a time when things are going to be different. a part of that involves creating an image of what your day-to-day life is going to be like—for instance, imagining yourself cooking dinner for a gaggle of friends.
The other component involves new hopes and dreams for your future, like making time to end that course of study you started or planning a family reunion. Setting goals like these allow people to be more positive during times of grief. It also predicted better recovery 12 months after a loss, consistent with a study from the University of Chicago. By that specialize in ways to be happy within the future, you'll automatically have more to measure for within the present.
Channel Positive Memories
In the immediate aftermath of a loss, blocking out thoughts related to the painful event—such as memories of the person you lost—can be an appropriate coping mechanism. But as you progress through your grief, research suggests there could also be more merit to making a positive connection and catalogue of memories. A study performed at the Pacific grad school of Psychology tracked the role of maintaining a bond with the departed among widows who had lost husbands either four months prior or quite two years prior. within the group who had suffered the loss more recently, regularly brooding about their husbands, remembering the great times, or having an indoor dialogue with their former partner made them feel worse. But among those who'd had longer to regulate to the loss, those self-same thoughts made them feel better.
Remember to Laugh
Studies show that laughter reduces stress and eases symptoms of depression. It's no wonder then that staying in good humour may be a valuable thanks to get through the grieving process. Six months after suffering a loss, people that had more laughter in their lives experienced less grief and depression than those that remained solemn, consistent with a study from the Omega Journal of Death and Dying. The source of the laughter is irrelevant: whether you get your kicks from watching movies, joking with friends, or watching dogs at an area dog park, whatever causes you to smile—or better yet, laugh—will bring more positive emotions into your life, helping you to displace the opposite feelings.
Stay Engaged
As some psychology researchers say, the simplest thanks to stop being depressed is to prevent acting sort of a depressed person. it's going to sound harsh, but meaning no more moping around, and no more sweatpants and endless bowls of frozen dessert. Finding ways to remain engaged in your life and activities within the pursuits that cause you to happy is a method to start working through loss and restoring the life you had before. If you have been declining invitations, accept subsequent one that comes your way. If you wish sports, set a phone reminder to observe a game. If painting is one among your favourite past-times, get out your brushes and obtain to figure. you'll not feel able to get out and live such as you used to—and that's totally normal—but the sole thanks to easing back into a satisfying routine is to stay trying. If you're hesitant, try setting a deadline, like “I can leave after a half-hour ,” or “I only need to work on this project for five minutes.” likelihood is that once you begin, you'll have a far better time than you thought.
Need a little reminder on how you can dominate? Join the thrive today and learn to dominate in tough time:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/themojomasterthrivetribe/
The Mojo Master 
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