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[ DEEP ]
This is one of the only photos I had as a teenager. I used to AVOID school picture days as I found it hard to look at myself and hated photos.
The thought of seeing myself was full of negative self-judgements and lots of pain for me.
To be in a room with more than 2-3 new people used to make me anxious and I avoided many new situations as the FEAR of other judging me was PARALYZING.
The thought of doing something new and failing used to hold me back as years of FAILING at school and kids teasing me was a fierce reminder of how much I HATED myself.
I used to spend most of my time watching TV, sleeping and eating as I was comfortable.
After a life changing TRAGEDY rocked my life, I decided SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE and that I had to change to enhance the quality of my life.
I always knew I was better than the way I was living. I also knew I wasn’t living up to my own expectations.
Something inside me told me “I was better than that”.
Now challenging myself, being around people and having the CONFIDENCE, self-worth and self-love to live life on my terms is something I love.
It can after years of studying human psychology, human behaviour , health, success and human potential.
It wasn’t natural and didn’t come easy. It was hard work, but the rewards have been worth it.
Now I teach those same methods and techniques that I used to turn my life around to people who want to kick a$^s in LIFE!
You have to be ready for CHANGE.
You have to be ready to GROW.
You have to be ready to COMMIT to a greater future
If you’re ready to grow, change & commit to you - be sure to join my Facebook Group
Weekly Performance Progression Sessions - Latest tips, strategies & breaking down common challenges/patterns that can keep people stuck from achieving
Monthly LIVE Q&As - I answers you questions personally 
Additional Videos, tools to help enhance productivity, prosperity & success
Michael Johnson - The Mojo Master
“Smashing Limitations and Enhancing Mental Performance”
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It's awesome to see our community having the courage, strength & vulnerability to invest in themselves.
To want even more in their life & live up to their expectations!
Looking forward to sharing Thrive Time experience again this November with those who want to kick a$%e in life!
******* If you'd like to find out more about Thrive Time and our September Special drop an EMOJI in the comments below
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What I learn about Binge Eating, Over Eating and then Self Depreciating, Feeling Guilty and Beating Yourself Up!!!
1.) Over eating is a symptom of mental and emotional imbalances. ⁣ 2.) If you don’t know how to find the imbalanced thinking and emotional patterns then most will never break the pattern. ⁣ 3.) Most who over eat have a “fast and then feast pattern” where they diet, fast, cut calories then feast, over eat or binge. 4.) Many also use food as a reward for hard work OR they use food as way of distracting themselves. ⁣ ⁣ 5.) This pattern is almost always related to other imbalances in training, career, money, relationship, perfectionism, all or nothing thinking etc. ⁣ ⁣ If you know how to find the imbalances and untangle the overlapping mental / emotional patterns with the tools that I will be teaching in my upcoming Online Seminar called “Busting Binging” (send me a message saying “BB LINK PLEASE” for the link) you’ll be able to learn the trigger and also break the uncontrollable urges of overeating and binge eating. ⁣ ⁣ I will also show you how to bring mental and emotional balance to your eating and not let your inner Demons or emotional control center RUIN your health and body image goals. Send me a PM (⁣message) saying “BB LINK PLEASE” for the line
I look forward to sharing some powerful tips with you. 
Check this out for more info: https://mojomstr.com/JYFdiy
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It’s time to THRIVE - The Mojo Master
Have you ever felt like you’ve spent so much time trying to impress and gain the approval of others that you don’t even who you are anymore?
You’re NOT alone....
The main problem most people who feel lost face is working out who they really are without their perception being heavily distorted by the views, opinions, beliefs and influence of others.
Part of the journey of life is to discover the REAL you, not try to be something you are not as that is the fast track to:
-Inner Conflict
-Self Sabotage
-Self Doubt
Your greatness is already inside of you, it’s just distorted which makes most feel lost, confused and uncertain. The good news is, there’s a way to discover your INNER GREATNESS and get clear on who you really are and what you really want from life.
My 4 day THRIVE TIME event///
Most personal and self development courses teach you what you “SHOULD” be and do in life (based on someone else’s idea of success and fulfillment) and not who you really are and how to SUPER CHANGE what you are.
Thrive Time helps you discover the REAL you so you can channel your inner greatness to achieve MASSIVE RESULTS in life and gain fulfillment.
If you’re ready to unlock your greatness, click here to learn more about Thrive Time
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Book a free call now!!
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Break free from the craziness to find purpose and clarity!
MOST PEOPLE value their house,car,bank accounts and what other people think of them more than they VALUE themselves.
MOST PEOPLE think that their most valuable assets are their house, their business or investments..
Try having shit emotions and a poor, irrational, erratic mindset and think about where you really live.
Most people spend more time living in their mind and emotional states, way more that they spend living in their house,car or business.
Yet MOST PEOPLE would prefer to look like they have their shit together by have a nice house, a nice car, a good job, designer clothes and a big TV than emotional states.
Chasing the fantasy of trying to live up to everyone’s else’es expectations (a the expense of their own) only leads to a life of escapism where the daily priority for life becomes:
-DRUGS (both medical and recreational),
MOST PEOPLE want to be FREE from their irrational, erratic mind and emotions yet their addictions to the above DISTOR their ability to clearly perceive that the quality of a persons life is not based on how successful they look or how happy they look on the outside but the quality of a person’s life is based on the balance and clarity in their thoughts and the balance of their emotional states.
The more HIGHS a person craves and experience emotionally the more they will be THROWN into low cycle emotionally.
The more a person is UNCLEAR on their PURPOSE, VALUES, and MISSION IN LIFE, the more a person will set goals chasing the idea of a FANTASY that a goal will satisfy their mental and emotional needs, which is never lond lived.
The only way a person will ever master their life is when they master their mind and consistently work on maintaining a balance in their emotional states.
This isn’t hard to do.
It just takes persistence, courage and  a new paradigm in living life. Not the bullshit that is sold to the masses that people are trying to live out (which they will never be able to live out as it’s a fantasy). when you compare yourself to others and trying to live out (which they will never be able to live as it’s a fantasy). When you compare yourself to others and try to live up to the expectation of the others it’s becomes hard to see the delusion, especially when most others are living in the same delusion.
Set yourself free and get clear on
-Your unique life purpose,
-Your true values, (not social idealism like honour, respect, truth etc)
-Your life mission, and
-Learn to balance your emotions
Then and only then
Set goals that align with the above.
It’s your time to thrive
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The reason why most people don’t have what they want is that they value comfort and other people’s opinions over thir dreams.
To follow your dreams and create the life you desire you must get uncomfortable.
Even changes for the better can be uncomfortable at first. 
It is scary to star a business.
It is har to get our of bed in the morning and exercise.
It is bot easy to give up eating shit food that is quick and easy, as you now have to prepare your meals.
It’s hard building a worthwhile relationship with a person with the opposite energy and thinking as yours, as you won’t always agree.
It’s hard to stand tall as you’re an easy target for judgement and criticisms.
You can give up on your dreams and passions like most of the world population AND
-Drug yourself with the drama of others through TV or shitty relationships.
-Use recreational drugs to numb the pain and thoughts of whtat you could be.
-Drink away the thought of your passions with alcohol.
-Create so much pain and misery through your inner emotions and thoughts that you develop disease that will be drugged with a lifetime of medical prescriptions and treatments.
-Judge and criticise those out there in the world kicking arse and living their dreams as it protects you for split second of not feeling like enough.
-You can waster all of your hard earned money trying to feel worthy by buying craps you don’t need as it makes you feel significant for a split second beofre someone buys something better that you have. In which you need to spend next weeks pay buy something better again.
OR YOU CAN find pleasure in pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone AND:
-Figure our what purpose is in life.
-Follow your dreams and passions
-Set goals.
-Love those around you lift you up by challenging your thinking , instead of supporting your bad habits and attitudes.
-Fight for a cause worth fighting for.
-Stand tall when the small try kick you down.
-BREAK FREE from the past and create a life worth living that you are proud of!
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Are you stuck wondering if you’re REALLY living your purpose? Here’s something to ask yourself….
– Do you love what you do?
– Do you work so you can get paid and then spend the money you make trying to feel free/fulfilled?
Many people get stuck in jobs they HATE so they can become “financially free” but the truth is….
I have met (and personally coached) many financially wealthy people and I am yet to meet ANYONE who is actually FINANCIALLY FREE.
“Financially free” suggests that you never have to worry about money…
In reality, you will ALWAYS worry about money.
Those with money know that the more you make, the responsibilities you have and things only become more challenging.
Here are a few differences I have noticed with those who are financially abundant versus those who struggle or live week to week:
Those who do what they love by living their values, life mission and life purpose love what they do, hence they don’t try to avoid hard work. In fact they crave it. They love it.
The bigger the person’s goals, mission and purpose the more responsibilities they have which also keeps them trapped.
Only people who don’t live in congruence with their own individual values want to escape challenge and crave freedom.
Most of those who don’t live in congruence with their values believe that money will change their life and allow them to stop feeling trapped or stuck.
The feeling of freedom comes from living your own unique values.
Money is not good or evil. It is just a transfer of agreed value.
NOTE: Money does not solve problems. It is an amplifier.
If a person does not manage a little bit of money well, chances are they will not manage large sums of money well.
If a person is irresponsible with a little money, they will be irresponsible with large sums of money.
If a person spends what little money they have, chances are they will spend large sums of money and end up with nothing.
Money needs to be created, managed and distributed in order for a person to become financially independent. This starts by learning how to do it with small amounts first, which will increase over time.
If you plan to spend your life creating wealth, it is essential to love what you do or you will spend your time trying to escape by spending what you earn.
GET CLEAR WITH YOUR LIFE and money will amplify your experience.
“It’s your time to thrive”
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Ever wondered why some people get stuck self sabotaging their goals?
Self Sabotage is just a by-product of prioritising lower values over higher values.
It happens to most people as a way for the brain to redirect focus and energy back onto that which is valued most.
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they say michael "STOP DREAMING" the teacher said as I glared out of the window.
I f%^king hated school.
I was made to fit in
I was graded on how others wanted me to think.
My genius was suppressed so that one day I could hopefully go to uni and get a well paying job.
Pity for me (the dumb kid who was put into "special classes") wouldn't get good enough grades to make it to uni, so I was told I would have to get a trade and that's what I did ( diesel mechanic / fitter).
It was so I could prove to myself what I was capable of.
Now I have young kids run up to my car and have a photo in it (if I have time) and have adults take photos at traffic lights or stop for a chat. I always do my best to make time to chat as I know it inspires me to keep dreaming.
At the same time I also get called a "prick", "ar$e hole", "rich f$%k" and many more words that I can't mention on social media by those who have stopped dreaming and have limited their creativity & growth.
You have to take the good with the bad. All I know is that for those who keep dreaming and working their ar$e off to achieve their dreams, nothing is more rewarding than the self worth created by backing yourself, even when others are critical. Just go for it.
Think Big, Dream Big And believe that you can do it!
Because if the dumb, red headed, chubby kid with very few friends that was put into special classes can do it, anyone can.... and should, for themselves and their own self worth.
Plus you can only inspire others (including your loved ones) by doing inspiring things in your own life. Keep dreaming and taking massive action. Take action now - here’s a free goal setting planner: Goal setting planner
Michael Johnson - The Mojo Master "Smashing Limitations"
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In Business & Life...
What doesn't expand...contracts. What doesn't grow...dies.
While many businesses are contracting, waiting, hoping, others are pushing, expanding, finding new ways and gaining market share!
DOMINATE Online Business Hub is for the true Business Owners who are invested, committed and serious about Growing & Expanding even in challenging times
Click here to start your FREE 21 Day Trial - unlimited access to Superclasses: https://mojomstr.com/free3
👉 Become a SALES BEAST - handle rejection, overcome objections, add value and have your clients selling themselves 👉 Smash Money Mindset Limitations - grow your wealth, grow your business and maximise your true earning potential 👉 Create mental clarity, focus and drive - make long-term strategic decisions for yourself & your business 👉 Destroy disempowering habits - create strategies for success, take action and achieve the results that you really want personally & professionally 👉 Build an Unbreakable Mindset - Discipline, Determination, Mental Strength & Laser Focus
Investing the time today to grow and expand personally & in business can be the difference between "just surviving" through the downturn and taking years to re-build or THRIVING & DOMINATING your market & industry
Start your FREE 21 Day Trial of DOMINATE today: https://mojomstr.com/free3
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Growth Hub
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Do you find yourself always saying you're going to do something, but never get it done?
Are you aware of your patterns that lead to self-sabotage and not smashing your goals
If you want to know how to live up to your own expectations... I've got something for you...
Did someone say Free 21-Day Trial?
And NO card details required...
I know what you're thinking...
"Wait... huh? What's the catch?"
Well, there is no catch.
But in full transparency, I am hoping you get so much value out of COMMIT DON'T QUIT for free, that you want to be a part of "DOMINATE | The Online Business Growth Hub" and access all programs, our LIVE monthly huddles, and so much more.
If you want to smash through your personal and professional limitations, and become a POWERHOUSE in every aspect, click here  (you can only choose 1 for free)...
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Are you Helping others or Making Them Helpless
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Have you ever questioned whether you’re actually helping those around you….
If you’re just making them helpless by over-supporting them?
Many attempts to help others as they believe it makes them an honest person by doing so, yet there’s a fine line between helping and hindering (making an individual helpless).
It is important to know that optimum growth in a private happens with an equal balance of challenge and support.
Those who over support others do so at the detriment of these they’re trying to assist. (This is typically thanks to a poor understanding around personal responsibility and the way egos, confidence and resilience are all built from overcoming our own challenges.)
What happens when someone is formed helpless?
When there’s minimal action, minimal responsibility and a scarcity of courage around someone’s actions….. pain is made to assist them to learn, adapt and grow.
When an individual tries to assist someone without holding them accountable to their own growth and expansion then it causes the individuals’ egos to be reduced. Over time this causes them to become needy.
Sometimes the best gift an individual can give to a different is supporting them to require big challenges within their life and holding them accountable to their own commitments.
If you actually want to assist others (including yourself) remember that optimum growth happens when challenge and support are balanced which egos are made from having the courage to push your own limitations.
-The Mojo Master Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheMojoMasterCoach Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mojo_master/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/the_mojo_master
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Thrive Time the biggest IMPACT in your LIFE!
For those who want to gain clarity and be more incredible! Thrive time is like no other personal or professional development event. Thrive Time is designed to give you the personal BREAKTHROUGHS that you need to overcome your “STUFF” and start creating a life that energizes you. During this intensive online event, you will discover more about yourself and how you approach life then perhaps you ever have up until now. You will learn how to immobilize your self-destructive behaviors, patterns and thoughts so that you can perform at your peak each day and consistently work towards building anemic life. To find out if Thrive Time is the right event for you.
Book your call for free:
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