#dominic mndawe
mndvx · 1 year
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TITANS – Dude, Where's My Gar? (S04E09) ››› Ryan Potter as Garfield Logan / Beast Boy ››› Nyambi Nyambi as Dominic Mndawe / Freedom Beast
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shrutithemisfit · 1 year
Gar heard Rachel and Dick's voice 🥺
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Dominic... What a great motivational speech!!!
He scared the poor boy and tried to isolate him from his family. He was dissing the Titans, Dick like they are some kind of a barrier to him.
Yeah the Titans, Dick might have done some mistakes in the past but they never willingly put him in danger or manipulated him. Dick trained him, Kory protected him, Rachel, Tim, Conner all love him.
I felt Dominic was frustrated with his position and just wanted to hand over the Red to Gar as soon as possible.
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Courtney!!! How much I miss Stargirl. Wish we got more of them in the crossover like both the JSA and Titans. However, I will take this.
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Niles Caulder!!! I hope you are alive in this universe so that Gar can kick your ass.
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cowboychrome · 1 year
Nyambi Nyambi who played Dominic Mndawe/Freedom Beast on Titans is FINE fine!
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docgold13 · 4 years
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365 DC Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
February 8th - Freedom Beast

Dominic Mndawe had been a journalist from South Africa who was imprisoned for reporting on the atrocities of the apartheid government. Sentenced to execution, Mndawe was rescued by the superheroes Animal Man and The B’Wana Beast. Shortly thereafter, Mndawe would become the inheritor of The B’Wana Beast’s magic helmet and strength-inducing elixir. This endowed him with super strength, increased size, as well as the ability to communicate and control any animal in his vicinity. Naming himself The Freedom Beast, Mndawe used his new powers to fight crime and corruption across the African Continent. He later became a member of the Global Guardians. Freedom Beast first appeared in the pages of Animal Man #13 (1989).
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strangeduckpaper · 3 years
JLI Continuing
Following up on the JL series post, further ideas:
- Guy Gardner / GL-The Canadian choice, actually, who has chip on his shoulder stemming from comparisons to other GLs, as well as the ways his life has changed since he got the ring. He’s definitely still angry, yet focus should be drawn to his heroic qualities, including both his sheer willpower and surprising ability to connect with people, and focus given to his past as a childcare specialist. Babysitter jokes Galore!
- Tora Olafsdottir / Ice-the Icelandic member, a relative newbie who is eager to please, while dealing with her own insecurities & reputation with a “B” team. She shouldn’t be all smiles and rainbows, maybe even some major anger issues stemming from injustices she’s suffered, and attention should be drawn to her Roma heritage and the magical origins of her powers. She is basically a minor nature goddess in human form.
- Beatriz De Costa / Fire-The Brazilian member, and a “friend” of Maxwell Lord. She’s actually a former Checkmate agent before gaining her powers during a suicide mission that Max sent her on. Hides her survivor’s guilt, guilt about what she did at Checkmate, and resentment of Max under a party-girl exterior. She’s still a fashionista though. Major snarker.
- Dora Leigh / Godiva-UK member from Norther Ireland, which acts as a source of drama, both from the fact that she’s definately pro-reunification, and the British government’s desire to actually have a loyal, british hero, which Godiva isn’t. Soft spoken and actually the JLI’s infilitration specialist, major pop culture nerd.
- Dominic Mndawe / Freedom Beast-South African member and activist who was put on JLI as an attempt to lessen his influence & voice against racism & forgetting South Africa’s shady past. Needless to say it didn’t work. Major equal rights activist, outspoken & wise. Surprisingly friendly with Guy Gardner, deals in deadpan humor.
- Michael Jon Carter / Booster Gold-US choice, in lieu of more “Patriotic” heroes like Captain Atom or Agent Liberty. Still from the 31st century, battles with his own insecurities knowing that he’s going to be forgotten. Likes classic sci-fi, and pointing out how accurate they are, has a love/hate relationship with Godiva because of this. Platonic(?) life partners with Blue Beetle.
- Ted Kord / Blue Beetle-Actually Eduardo Cortez, a Mexican inventor & business owner, criticized for his self anglicization. Still, the team’s inventor and gadget hero, even having a *limited* understanding of the Mother box the team comes into possession of. Major herophile, really *REALLY* wants to be able to stand even with Batman. Also has a crush on the heroic hacker known as Oracle, but has never met them.
- Other characters include Catherine Cobert, their beleaguered press manager,  Orion, the New God tracking down the rogue Mother Box, and reluctantly leaves it with them, Rocket Red, a member of the Russian powered armor squadron of the same name who was really disappointed when Russia decided to not put a hero on the JLI, and others.
The Justice League of China would actually make for an interesting B-plot, as the new young government made heroes also struggle with following orders or being heroes, or you could actually focus on Kenan Kong reaching that conclusion, with the rest of the JLC, and other heroes like the Great Ten, being a point of contention for him
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outsidersdc-blog · 5 years
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Después de graduarse de la universidad con altos honores, Mike Maxwell rechazó la oferta de su millonario padre de unirse a la empresa familiar y en su lugar decidió reunirse con su compañero de la universidad, Rupert Kenboya, en África, convirtiéndose en un guardabosque. Cuando el avión privado que llevaba a Maxwell y Kenboya a Zambeesi, África, fue alcanzado por un rayo se estrelló contra la cima del Monte Killmanjiro, resultando los dos hombres heridos, quienes se refugiaron en una cueva, casa de un mono rojo mutante. Al estar bebiendo agua de lluvia que había sido filtrada a través de los minerales de los muros de la caverna, Maxwell pronto descubrió que era cada vez más grande, más fuerte y feroz y que era capaz de dominar a el mono rojo (que los atacaba) con facilidad. Reconociendo a Maxwell como su amo, el mono rojo recupero un casco antiguo de las profundidades de la cueva y la colocó sobre la cabeza de Maxwell. A través del casco, Maxwell fue capaz de leer la mente del mono y descubrió que su nombre era Djuba. También descubrió que el casco le permitió controlar las acciones de todos los demás animales. Decidio utilizar estos poderes para el bien de toda África, por lo que Maxwell creó la identidad de B'wana Beast y se convirtió en un superheroe con la misión de resolver problemas del continente negro.Posteriormente, B'wana Beast realiza un viaje a Estados Unidos para rescatar a Djuba, que ha sido capturado por científicos quienes lo infectan con una forma experimental de ántrax. Él no puede salvar a Djuba y él mismo es infectado con la enfermedad, pero se cura con ayuda de Animal Man, quien imita los poderes de B'wana con el fin de fusionar sus células blancas de la sangre para luchar contra la enfermedad. En Animal Man # 13 (Julio 1989) Maxwell decide retirarse y realiza una ceremonia para encontrar un sucesor. Pasa el casco y el elixir a un activista sudafricano llamado Dominic Mndawe, que asume el nombre de Freedom Beast. Mike Maxwell vuelve en Animal Man # 47 (Mayo 1992), corrupto y poseído por la fuerza destructiva llamada Antagon y es transformado en el malvado Shining Man. En la batalla, Maxwell es asesinado. B'wana Beast tiene la habilidad de comunicarse con los animales. También tiene la capacidad para combinar dos animales juntos para formar una quimera, combinando lo mejor de los dos seres diferentes para crear una fuerza imparable. Maxwell posee un casco y un elixir que le confiere dichos poderes. La primera aparición de B'wana Beast es en Showcase # 66 (Enero 1967) y es creado por Bob Haney y Mike Sekowsky.
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jaysterg5 · 8 years
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Midnighter #8
Writer - Steve Orlando
Art - David Messina & Gretano Carlucci
Cover - ACO & Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Midnighter is called to Rochester, NY where an unidentifiable beast is terrorizing the public.  Turns out the creature had been created by an illegal hunt club known as the Sportsman's Ambition.  They use a stolen magical elixir to merge existing animals into a new form.  Midnighter works with Dominic Mndawe, the true possessor of the elixer, to bring them down.
This is truly a filler issue which gives us a main plotline, but builds on several subplots.  As reader's we fill in the gaps in the story-telling and make some broad assumptions about the motives of the villains with little to no actual knowledge of who they are.  In fact, we completely lose the two initial characters who are on a hunt.  Guess they got away to be a menace another time.  The issue is so chock full of small things that there isn't enough time to really develop anything.  Truly the biggest downfall here.
I did like the "guest star," Dominic Mndawe.  I never read his original appearance back in the original Animal Man series by Grant Morrison.  He was interesting enough with a magical helm and elixer that allows him to favorably merge and unmerge animals.  Yes, that includes people.  He was an fun character to play off of for Midnighter.
Average filler issue that really doesn't do anything for Midnighter but provide a one-off distraction.
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pastel-petticoats · 3 years
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Teaser for the next chapter of History Of The DC Universe
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mndvx · 1 year
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TITANS – Dude, Where's My Gar? (S04E09) ››› Nyambi Nyambi as Dominic Mndawe / Freedom Beast
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kleine-aster · 9 years
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Midnighter & Freedom Beast in MIDNIGHTER #8
“These are people in dire need of assault. Will you follow me?”
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why-i-love-comics · 9 years
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Midnighter #8 (2016)
written by Steve Orlando art by David Messina, Gaetano Carlucci, & Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
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mndvx · 1 year
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nyambi Dominic Mndawe aka Freedom Beast. “Dude Where’s My Gar” @dctitans now streaming #DCTitans
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mndvx · 1 year
nyambi BTS of my first day on set and in my trailer. Thank you @nola_costumes for being an amazing collaborator and designer. #FreedomBeast #DCtitans
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