#don’t hug me I’m scared Tv show
starrywho · 2 years
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they rockin
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ghosted-draws · 2 years
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he is gazing
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hiya-im-mary · 1 year
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Sometimes friendship really is a sleazy worm EAGLE and a small,wide eyed clay creature!!
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sherbetyy · 1 year
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What he thinking about 🤔🤔
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kiingbiing · 2 years
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There’s three of us~🎶
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caughtonwebcam · 2 years
dhmis Lesley theory 
okay buckle up
Yellow guy is a recreation of Lesley’s son David, who died in some tragic incident. This can be backed up by Lesley saying “you’re not my real son”, and Duck’s gravestone that says “David”. We know that David isn’t Duck’s name, but it would explain why Yellow guy has a “D” on his overalls. Obviously that’s not Yellow guy’s name, but in real life, it could have been. Lesley can also be seen with a child in a photo.
In life, Lesley had a family with Roy and his son David. Roy was abusive, absent, and cruel, and loved to target David. Trapped in a loveless marriage and unaware of Roy’s abuse behind closed doors, she turned to David as her only source of happiness. She loved to sew, specifically dolls and puppets, and enjoyed making toys for David. His favorites were Red guy and Duck. When he died, Lesley spiraled, sewing patches into her skin. Fueled by grief, she created the world the puppets live in (based around a doll house David used to have) to give David another chance at life, Red guy and Duck there to act as family/friends/caretakers when Lesley couldn’t, since she was controlling it all. However, she wanted complete supervision of them at all times to ensure Yellow would never get hurt, which is why they can never leave. She did this for 38 years, but then decided to give Roy another chance, despite him leaving her shortly after David’s death, since it was lonely never being able to interact with Yellow guy. She needed company. However, despite recreating him, he still maintained his sadistic tentencies. Roy used to work with Lesley to watch over Yellow guy and send the teachers, but this got out of hand when they became dangerous to punish Yellow guy, upsetting Lesley and she decided to work alone, leaving Roy to lurk and stalk the three. This can explain why the teachers are less cruel in the tv show than the web series.
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my-ancient-marss · 2 years
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i can’t stop thinking about them 🫣
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mabeljonesrock · 11 months
Don't take me home I'm scared PILOT version
Summary: a new puppet arrived in the neighborhood.
Following the title screen we are presented to the show by Wally Darling opening the door from his house, Home and welcoming the viewers to the neighbourhood. We are then introduced to the rest of the puppets and the theme song: Harry Redd(Red Guy), Robby Duckman(Duck), Barnaby B. Beagle, Julie Joyful, Frank Frankly, Eddie Dear, Poppy Partridge, Howdy Pillar, Sally Starlet, and the absentee Sunny Songbird (only his cardboard cutout is seen). The intro will be a parody of children’s puppet show intros like Sesame Street and The Muppet Show. During all this, a new yellow puppet suddenly appears and falls into the neighbourhood out of nowhere, disrupting the song(by crashing into the title sequence that turns into blocks of letters).
The yellow puppet is very confused about who he is, what going on and why he is in this strange new place, however, he is informed by the other puppets that he wasn't the first, as the other puppets have lost their memories too before teleporting to the neighbourhood (Harry is currently the one who stayed the longest), and also reassures him that he will get used to his new home.
Still confused about this new place he was in, Wally introduced himself to the new yellow puppet before giving him a tour around the neighbourhood where everyone lives and he introduced him to the other puppets. When the yellow puppet couldn’t remember what his name was, Wally showed some power limit and decided to give the yellow puppet a new name, Danny. To help Danny get used to the place, Wally hands him a key before he goes back into Home to do some drawing time. The key sprung back to life and began teaching everyone about homes through song.
Halfway through the song about settling into your new home, an annoyed Robby decides to call it quits and go back to his house because he already heard the same song all over again but gets captured by a bunch of weird-looking, dog-sized ants (who interrupted the song by gruesomely killing the key). Back to the rest of the puppets, Poppy suggests going to check on Sunny with Danny since he is unaware of the newbie's appearance, however, Harry theorises and believes that Sunny may have gone insane from staying too long. Howdy suggested that he, Poppy, Barnaby, Eddie and Danny should go check with Sunny while Harry, Frank, Sally and Julie help save Robby from the ants, which gets Poppy concerned a bit. Barnaby introduces Danny to their houses, but since they are puppets, they don't need to eat, drink, or sleep to live on(Puppets also don’t have genitals so they don’t need to go to the toilet either) and talk about how if a puppet goes insane then "something really bad" will happen to them.
They reach Sunny's house and open the door to see Sunny now horribly disfigured into a horrific giant bloody puppet-monster with thousands of eyes and teeth(the "something real bad" Barnaby mentioned), who attacked Eddie first, the now monstrous Sunny then chases after Danny, Howdy, Poppy and Barnaby. The monster then crashes through the railings and chases an ant next, allowing Danny, Poppy and Barnaby to go and check on Eddie(who is now ripped up in half). Meanwhile Harry, Frank, Sally and Julie find where Robby has gone, which just so happens to be a giant hole in the ground where the anthill is. When Howdy runs into them while trying to escape from the monster, he lies about Sunny being alright and goes with the other puppets through the hole. The five puppets then encounter the giant ant queen, who bizarrely looks like a hybrid of a tarantula and a queen ant. Julie also finds Robby and fails to save him from being devoured by the queen.
Back to Danny, Poppy and Barnaby. Barnaby and Danny talk with Eddie while Poppy patches him up with her backup first aid kit and they conclude that only Wally can help them. While Barnaby and Poppy take care of the wounded Eddie, Danny goes off to find Wally, opening several doors from other houses to randomly surreal rooms while avoiding monster Sunny, before finding Home. He enters the door from Home only to find himself in an empty room full of darkness and a staircase in front of him. Danny began climbing up the staircase.
Back to the nest, the ant Queen expresses her plans to turn anything and everything into all ants like herself and the rest of her nest when Sunny crashes down and begins killing her by slashing her head off, releasing Robby, Julie and allowing the other puppets to escape.
Danny meanwhile still tries to find the end of this endless staircase while climbing, coming across a picture of him climbing the staircase that is displayed hanging on the wall. Finally, he reached the end of this endless staircase which is a room. He opened the door.
Wally was painting an apple in his bedroom when suddenly Danny opened the door to his bedroom. Wally then realizes that Sunny has become corrupted and orders Home to finish him. Home used their tentacles to grab Sunny and violently gobbled him up through the door. After that, Wally apologizes to the puppets for leaving them behind. To make it up, he did a finger snap and a long dinner table holding an appetizing feast appeared out of thin air. Danny is confused as to why they are having a feast here despite being puppets who don’t need to eat. Howdy informed him they can eat and sleep but only for pleasure and relaxation(it helps keep them sane). He also pointed out the food they have is actually imaginary and the “food” vanishes after eating. The episode ends with the puppets having their feast while unaware they are being watched by another puppet named Roy who hid by the trees and staring at them closely.
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queam · 2 years
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Thanks to my friend for this wonderful idea
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starrywho · 2 years
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yum yum have one :)
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saphizzle · 2 years
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Watched the don’t hug me I’m scared tv series,, it’s good :)
My head is full with all kinds of things right now, but this piece was a great good distraction from all of it!
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mcnotok · 3 months
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Three of them!
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A bonus duck without his glasses
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sherbetyy · 2 years
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Keep seeing people repost this cute picture but he literally threw it at the wall seconds later
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viridian-e · 2 years
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@idkmanshrug you make me laff
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albaricomics · 1 year
One year has passed...
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beastwhimsy · 2 years
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tickly whiskers!!
remember to reblog [:
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