#don’t tell my roommates tho shhhh
wh01sstanl3y · 8 months
Ooooo I love watermelon sooo good here’s Martin enjoying some watermelon
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mayraki · 4 years
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“what the hell happened last night?”
who is max belinsky?
concept boards for the new characters
summary: Max Belinsky and JJ Maybank are the two troublemakers of Outer Banks. Going to parties, getting into trouble, having an attitude and being the two people you don’t mess with are the perfect ways to describe them. What would happen when the two people who seem to have trouble follow them around meet? One thing is fore sure, they didn’t expect this outcome.
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Max opened her eyes and immediately felt a strong headache. The light that was coming from the window made her eyes hurt so she quickly closed them. She reached her hand to her nightstand to grab the bottle of water she would always have there, but instead of finding a bottle, she found a body.
“What the actual fuck?!” She yelled after opening her eyes and realizing she wasn’t in her room, instead she was at JJ Maybank’s room... on his bed... next to him with no shirt. “Ah!” She yelled again making the blonde guy she had next to quickly wake up and sit down on the bed.
“What th-Ouch..” he was saying but quickly grabbed his head because an incredible pain was coming from it.
“Please, tell me for the love of God that you have pants one.” Max said before closing her eyes and rubbing her head.
“Yeah.” JJ said softly after lifting the thin blancket that was covering his body.
“Thank God.” She said. “How the fuck did I ended up on your bed?” She looked around trying to remember the events of the night before.
“I mean. We both shouldn’t seen it coming. You can’t resist me.” He said with a smirk that quickly went away when Max hit him in the face with a pillow.
“Unbelievable! You don’t change even with an incredible strong hangover.” She moved the blanket and stepped outside the bed feeling the cold floor with her feet. “I’m going to get an aspirin. I should have one on my backpack.”
“Bring me one!”
“You should’ve thought that before flirting with me.”
“I’m pretty sure you were the one who made the proposition of me and you sleeping together.” He nodded but Max didn’t care, all she wanted was this headache to go away.
She opened the door but then immediately stopped once she saw what was on the kitchen.
“What?” JJ asked confused.
“JJ. There’s a chicken in the kitchen!”
JJ let out a laugh before getting out of the bed. “You made a rhyme!”
“There’s no time for that!”
“Don’t tell me that you’re afraid of chickens.” JJ let out a tiny laugh but quickly stopped once he saw Max looking at him with a serious expression.
“I’m not afraid of them. I just, don’t like them. That’s all.”
“And why you don’t like them?” JJ crossed his arms around his chest. He was enjoying the fact that Max, the Max who didn’t seemed to be afraid of anything, was in fact very much afraid of a little and harmless chicken.
“JJ! Go grab it!” She pushed him but JJ barely moved.
“Alright. But you have to tell me why you’re afraid of this lovely things. And it’s not an it. She is a woman, for your information. We don’t treat women as objects in this house.” Max pushed him into the kitchen and then rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, now you chose to be like that towards women.”
“Excuse me? I’m always resp-Oh no no no no.” He quickly turned around and went back to Max after arriving to the kitchen.
“There’s a cat!”
“A cat?” Max asked confused.
JJ quickly nodded. “I don’t fuck with cats.”
“Why not?” Now Max was the one who was enjoying herself.
“It doesn’t matter! The question is, why the fuck is there a cat on here?!”
“Right. What the hell happened last night?” She quietly asked. “Alright, you take the chicken and I’ll take the cat. Ok?”
“Ok.” JJ quickly nodded and they both slowly walked to the kitchen.
“Hey, pretty thing.” Max said to the cat once she was close enough. “I’m not going to harm you, I just want to be friends.”
“Max, are you talking to the cat?” JJ said with a joking tone.
“Shut the fuck up.” She quickly said. She lifted her arms with the intention to grab the cat but it loudly hissed at her making her take a few steps backwards quickly. She bumped into JJ who did the same as her once he heard the cat made a noise. “I don’t think it’s very friendly, dude.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“We have to get John B and Sarah. They’re probably on his room.” Max turned around but JJ stopped her by grabbing her arm.
“Wait! Do you think the cat it’s going to eat the chicken?” JJ asked without taking his eyes away from the cat, who was calmly licking it’s leg.
“Do cats eat chickens?” Max asked confused.
“I have no idea! All I know is that they’re evil little creatures.”
“JJ! It’s just a cat!”
“You’re the one to talk.” JJ pushed Max into the chicken but she quickly went back to JJ when her heart dropped to her ass.
“Do that again and I’ll kill you!” She said trying to take her heart back to it’s normal speed.
JJ was trying to calm his laughter and it seemed like it wasn’t stopping, but then when the cat hissed again he quickly stopped.
Max turned to the cat and whispered. “Thank you.”
“Very funny.” JJ said sarcastically. “C’mon, let’s get John B and Sarah.”
“Wait.” Max grabbed JJ’s arm. “What if they’re naked?”
“Ooooh. Right.” JJ slowly nodded. “You go in, then.”
“What?! Why me?”
“I can’t see Sarah naked!”
“And I can see John B naked? He’s your roommate!”
“Don’t worry guys.” John B said while standing next to his door fully clothed. “Nobody is going to see me naked, unfortunately for you guys. This is a work of art.” John B did the finger guns to Max but she just shook her head.
“Never thought I was going to have this conversation with you, to be honest.”
“What are you guys doing anyway?”
“We have a like a... zoo on the kitchen.” JJ said and John B furrowed his eyebrows confused.
“Yeah.” Max quickly nodded. “There’s a chicken and a... cat.”
“A cat? How the fuck did a cat ended up on my kitchen?”
JJ and Max turned their heads to each other while the memories went back to their minds.
“Uuuuh! I love this song!” Max said while lifting her hands into the air and moving them around.
“Baby!” JJ said between laughs. “There’s no music playing!”
“Fuck! You’re right.” Max started to look around and noticed she wasn’t at the beach anymore. She was walking on the middle of the street with a drunk JJ next to her. She quickly stopped. “Why is there no music playing tho?”
“Because we’re not at the beach anymore.” JJ let his arm around Max’s shoulders.
“Ooooh.... Why aren’t we?”
“Because we decided to go to the store and buy some... some... what did we wanted to buy again?” JJ pointed at Max but she shook her head.
“Dude! Don’t look at me. I have n- OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS LITTLE CUTIE!” Max said once she turned her head to the front and a little black cat appeared in front on them.
“That’s an ugly thing!” JJ pointed at the cat.
“Shhhh! You don’t call Professor Mcgonagall an ugly thing! You want to get expelled?!” Max let her finger go to JJ’s lips, but he quickly grabbed her hand and move it to hers. She turned around and got on her knees to be closer to the cat. “Hi Professor! How’s Dumbledore doing? Let’s go home so we can give you some milk!”
“Did you really think the cat was Professor Mcgonagall from Harry Potter?” John B asked once the cat was safely outside and started to walk away from the house.
“Apparently.” Max shrugged her shoulders. “Ugh. Everything’s a blur.” She rubbed her head trying for the pain to go away.
“Yeah, keep rubbing, that would erase all of your mistakes from last night.” JJ said before letting his body fall on the couch.
“Oh, c’mon, I’m pretty sure you did as many stupid things as me last night.”
“Not like twearking on top of the beer pong table after winning.” John B said before letting out a tiny laugh.
Max turned to him and widen her mouth at the surprise. “I did what!?” JJ burst out of laughter but quickly went away when John B turned to him.
“Don’t laugh. Because I remember you up on a tree and almost ending up naked.”
“What?!” He asked.
“Who’s laughing now bitch?” Max crossed her arms around her chest with a little smile on her face.
“Whatever. All I know if that I’m fucking starving. Did we actually went to the store last night?”
“I can’t remember.”
“Then, let’s go.” JJ got up from the couch but quickly closed his eyes once the strong headache went even stronger.
“Yeah. We should get aspirins too. My head is killing me.” Max said before going back to JJ’s room go grab her boots.
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“Dude! Give me that!” Max ripped the beer off JJ’s hand. He complained but them brushed it off by braving another one from the bucket.
She started to drink the beer faster and faster. That’s when JJ turned to her and started clapping.
“That’s how you do it!” He pointed at her. Max finished the beer and threw it on the sand before lifting her arms into the air to celebrate. “But I can do it better!”
“Oh, really Maybank?” Max said before grabbing another beer. “Is that a challenge?”
“Bring it on, Belinsky.”
They both stood in front of each other while keeping the eye contact. JJ started to count with his fingers and when he hit the number three, they both started drinking from their bottles like there was no tomorrow.
The bottles were getting emptier and emptier, Max thought she was ahead of JJ, but when she moved the bottle out of her mouth when she was done, JJ did the same making them throw the beer bottles into the sand at the same time.
“I won!” JJ said lifting his arms into the air celebrating.
“Dude! What the fuck are you talking about? It’s a tie!”
“A tie! I don’t tie!” JJ quickly shook his head.
“No, you lose!” Max let out a loud laugh and tilted her head backwards, that made her lose a little bit of her balance but JJ was quick by grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to his body. Her breathing was mixing with his while he had his eyes glued to her lips. They both wanted it. More than anything.
“Dude, I don’t want to see another beer ever again.” Max said once she stepped inside the Chateau after going to the store. She turned around to see JJ ending the bag of chips he bought. “Ugh, how can you eat like that? My stomach is like a tornado. Everyone is going around and around.”
JJ shrugged his shoulders and then went to the fridge to grab a glass of water. Max sat down on the couch and grabbed her phone to check if she had any messages from Fred, but then looked up after JJ called her name.
“Why is there flour on the fridge?” Max got up confused and walked over to the fridge.
“How the fuck did that end up there?” She grabbed the flour and stared at it trying to see if anything was coming to her mind. But then, what she least expected, what she never saw coming, came back to her mind like a truck. JJ seemed to have remembered the same thing, since they both turned to each other and their eyes were widen at the surprise.
“We kissed?!” They both asked loudly at the same time.
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oooh I can’t wait for y’all to read the next chapter 😈
@iamaunicorn4704 @onceinagenerationrage @lasnaro @k-k0129 @x-lulu @oopsiedoopsie23 @baby-pogue @roamingmarauder @ponyboys-sunsets @agirlwholovescoffee @thorsangel @royalmerchant @deviouscharitos @badbitsh13 @cilorawr @mdlyncline @ilovejjmaybank @corebore123 @starksweasley @rudths @allycat449-blog @netflix-imagines @alwaysasadaesthetic @queenofthepouges @jjsmaybcnk @sexytholland @xoxoalxssa @sadcupofcoffee @allielozoya @jjandreidsgirl @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @nevvvv @drewswannabegirl @outerbanksbro @itsyagirljay @alw4ysmaybank @mrsromangodfrey @kay667 @casper17 @jarahisendgame @niya-savage @scooby6 @dustyjjumpwings @sweetlysilent @alternativehp @stilinskingongo @renatafairchild @stfukie @chasefreakinstokes @beloved-vinyl-addict (+)
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remembertheerinyes · 7 years
Sexual assault and aftermath
A lot of guys like my feet.
A lot. So I’m used to dealing with fetishists.
My roommate had a date a few weeks ago. I’ve met him before and liked him. We all smoked out, they went upstairs and did their thing, I was high af happily playing on my phone. Very euphoric.
He came down for their beers or whatever and I said if he needed anything else just ask. No girl, I’m good.
Damn you have nice feet tho.
Oh thanks.
Can I touch them?
Yeah sure.
I haven’t been touched or hugged in weeks, I’m used to dealing with fetishists, they usually ask permission. I thought I had this controlled. The contact isn’t sexual to me even if it is to him. The contact was initially nice. His hands were soft. He picked up both my feet and massaged his thumbs into my arch very softly.
I’m so stoned time is going by in clips, and I feel so happy even tho I’m aware of the awkwardness.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Omg okay whatever.
I open them and his dick is on my feet. He’s rubbing my feet on his dick.
Hey. Wait.
No no stop.
It’s okay. Be quiet. He motions for me not to make noise.
I get the giggles because I can’t believe he’s doing this, I’m euphoric and stoned. I’m uncomfortable at how fast that escalated. Did she want this? Is she feeling frisky? Does she want me to join them?
He shushes me and asks me to touch his dick. I want to i don’t want to. No no no.
Go on, touch it. He doesn’t look handsome anymore. He’s looking at me like Gollum looks at Frodo deciding when to eat him.
No no no. I can’t stop giggling and I know that’s making me come off coy but I can’t stop. Precum is getting on my feet. His cock is nice but he’s stil shushing me and tells me not to say anything. So she isn’t involved at all. That hardens my resolve and I keep saying no and pulled my feet away. I don't want to fuck up my friendship.
He lets go and shushes me again. Goes upstairs.
I’m kind of stunned and shocked, mad at myself for letting him touch me to begin with, that I couldn’t be more assertive, disappointed that part of me wanted him to make me do it, vulnerable that if he wanted to force it or hurt me he could have, and I had nothing on hand to stop him. Worried my roommate will be mad at me or blame me. This guy gave us weed, it’s not like I can go to the cops and say “our drug dealer molested my feet." I looked it up later and it counts as sexual assault...but nothing happened. But I'm not physically hurt. But it could have been worse....why do we use these excuses?
I can’t decide if it was a big deal or not. It’s not even him, it’s the trauma he’s unknowingly unearthed. I hope he doesn’t spend the night because now I’m worried he’ll try again. I’m confused bc he didn’t seem like that kind when I met him, and he didn’t seem kind himself. I don’t know what to do. So I do nothing. I stay silent for two days.
I wake up the next day happy, and then I remember and feel fucked up about it.
I tell a friend, who declares him a rapist piece of shit. I decide to go ahead and tell my roommate, because if he’s going to be around more I think she has a right to know, and I definitely felt a barrier was crossed. I explain everything, why I let it happen, why I felt like I couldn’t express my nonconsent, that I wasn’t angry but definitely felt iffy. But he has really good weed and I didn’t think he was himself.
She’s angry at him.
Talked it out, he says he was on Xanax and apologizes.
I’m like, I’ve been on Xanax dozens of times and never humped someone who said no but whatever.
I’ve seen him since then and it was fine.
But I never got apologized to. I’m not sure if I care, but it’s worth pointing out.
I’m fine. I’m not fine.
It’s not him, it’s the memories he triggered.
I have trouble eating since then. I had a huge problem looking at the guys in my new workplace in the face these first few weeks, but it’s getting better. I keep wanting to throw up, restrict, smoke cigarettes. Self harm. 2% of me is angry at her for bringing someone we barely know into our house. The rest is all angry at myself. I’m a tease. I shouldn’t have gotten so fucked up around a stranger. I shouldn’t have wanted the attention.
I tell myself that I said no, and nothing bad really happened. I didn’t cave, I kept saying no. And he stopped. That’s what should have happened when I was 6. I overcame the new situation.
So why do I still feel fucked up?
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