#don't ask me what my cut off for older ppl is the security guard was in his early to late 20s when i was still 19 but he was definitely
nekopara-riri · 1 month
So I met Sumi today upon her request in a café with my laptop.
Not inviting stupid selfish ppl at home anymore. So I was reading Stefanie's emails and this Sumi told me scary real stories
There are two sisters living with parents and college going girls. They were pretty.
So this younger sister dresses nice in orange and goes to her college party and she come back home acting strange and no one notices it in her family...
On the upper floor of their apartment building? There lived an aunt. She used to get possessed occasionally on only Thursdays. And this entity was plastic girl and somehow she was nice. But she would often come at their home on thrusdays and it was a trend to not to refuse her anything while she's in her automation mode on Thursdays.
So after the college party incident. This aunt visit their home in a Thursday..and ask their mommy to make her some sweet rice with lots of sugar.
They knew she's possessed at the moment. So they acted normal and this aunt sat with one of the sister, an older one. Told her she's beautiful and she's a really nice girl. While younger sister from the college passed by them?
This aunt called her and hugged and told you be fine don't worry. And the entire family confused and this aunt before took thr sweet rice? Told them that their daugter is possessed with bad entity they are not strong and she will be fine so go checked her out with religious scholar.
So they got her a checkup with some scholar and this younger sister was really possessed with some stubborn entity a male who followed her from college party. Because she was beautiful.
They went through hell for her treatment. Their parents passed away because of it with strange events and after two years of constant struggle, they got her cured.
A mom and 4 of her kids moved to a home and their dad lived abroad for many years while he financially supported them always.
But they noted that neighbours, all of them were rude to them and didn't talk nice or didn't talk at all. So they all kinda felt lonely in their new place.
Their eldest daugther was older and the rest of the 3 kids were a lot younger. It was back in 1990s.
So this mom everytime she woke up she discovered money under her pillow.. which she had thought of a no big deal? Then she started to find some gold rings at random in hmtheir house and now she was suspicious of sort?
So all the kid were sacred and to ease things off they decided to watch a hirro movie at night to spice things up? While they were watching something fell in their kitchen all of sudden and it's total blackout...thrbdoor was locked and all.
They shouted through the windows to neighbours but no one came to help them out.. except the security guard of the building. They broke the door.
Now this mom was clever. She noted that neighbours aren't behaving nice and they aren't even coming to help there's something wrong.
They got their home purified with a help of scholar the next day and that opened the Pandora box..
So the next night their eldest daugter started screaming in her room while sleeping that theres a man in her room and he has got a chainsaw and he said that he will cut her legs off?
Their mommy was hospitalized and upon checkup their found bruises all over her body which they thought of as a domestic violence and called police but her husband was abroad and out of contact for like many months.
But she eventually passed away because of the loneliness and the depression that she had to face all on her own.. that's what doctors told her elder daughter but she knew it has something to do with the chainsaw entity.
Their dad called her after five months of God knows where, she found out he married to someone else there in abroad. So she told him there's no need for his condolence. She will take care of her siblings.
The next day this elder daughter was found in her room hanging through the ceiling with a rope..
It was again bruises on her.
This story was told by the youngest sibling who by now is a grown up man.. he said neighbours after all this told him that they stayed away from this house because it was famous for such incidents...
So you know when white ppl tell you to change the hope asap facing such things on YouTube ? They are not wrong. I used to think they are stupid.
But no..checkingnthr house history and all that. It's a smart move before you move in..
Sometimes real life can be much more than thriller/horror movie.
May God protect us all from the evil that we see and that we do not.
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gayberdnird · 2 years
A reoccurring thing i keep noticing between older and younger adults is that usually, we give each other warnings or precautions about a video before sharing or a story before telling, while older ppl are just like hey watch this and you end up with an eyeful of a dead body or a homeless person defecating
Like theres an obvious difference between watching something of your own volition without warnings and someone that you possibly work with or see every day showing you their phone, just going "you gotta see this!" as if its a funny dog video and being triggered by the most graphic real life horrors
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