#like obvi im not talking about online stuff im saying like person to person communication. either thru 1-1 messaging or irl
gayberdnird · 2 years
A reoccurring thing i keep noticing between older and younger adults is that usually, we give each other warnings or precautions about a video before sharing or a story before telling, while older ppl are just like hey watch this and you end up with an eyeful of a dead body or a homeless person defecating
Like theres an obvious difference between watching something of your own volition without warnings and someone that you possibly work with or see every day showing you their phone, just going "you gotta see this!" as if its a funny dog video and being triggered by the most graphic real life horrors
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thatadhdmood · 4 years
Okay so how does one balance RSD and the need to talk to/be validated by your friends/SOs with the fact that they may not have the time/energy to do that? My SO never really has the time to chat unless we’re together in person, which only happens about once a week and it makes my brain go haywire. Some of my friends tend to self-isolate during their own depressive episodes, which is them dealing with their own stuff obvi and they have a right to, but it happens to do a number on our friendship
do something to distract urself like fall into a hyperfixation
get some internet friends, from a discord or videogame community or smth so they can help keep u going when ur friends are busy
maybe try reach out and check in with ur depressed friends and send them memes or stuff to let them know ur still there for them
try connect with any of the friends not self isolating when you can
maybe make some new friends if you can, im not saying to ditch ur current friends. just like some surface level okayish friendships for if u wanna chat or go out to a mall or smth and all ur other friends arent free. not all connections have to be deep, and its always good to build connections as backups in case ur friend group falls apart
if ur SO doesnt have time then maybe if the stuff theyre busy doing stuff from home at any points u can just sit in the same room as they work and stuff, even sharing a rooms nice :P maybe talk to them about it as communication is key and see what they think about it and if they can fit you in their schedule or find time to talk online more
idk im the self isolating friend so its hard to think of ideas lol!!
if anyone has ideas the notes are your stage
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sparklypunk · 7 years
9, 18, 29, 37, 41, 58, 62, 65
9. What’s the most important part of a relationship?
besides communication, i would say feeling comfortable. feeling at home with that person and safe with them is so important  
18. What do you consider a deal breaker?
cheating! or someone who constantly avoids talking about something that needs to be talked about? like i need communication in a relationship because like im super insecure at times and so like if that person isnt there or constantly evades my feelings or evades talking about their emotions and doesnt try? idk if that makes sense
29. What do you notice first about another person?
physically i notice their eyes or smile. but if it’s online then it’s how they talk and what sort of vibe they give off.. as you know i get like very distinct vibes from each person i talk to and i usually listen to those vibes
37. What’s more important: Looks or personality?
obvi personality but looks as well if a romantic relationship is to continue. like i gotta be attracted to them in mind and body in order to feel a connection… but i tend to find beauty in many things
41. What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?
flowers are brought.. i would honestly love a picnic. away from people but not too far way because tbh i do love making up stories of people and i feel that is a fun game to do. so like a little picnic and maybe some wine at either the beach or a park.. i would prefer the beach but of course theres wind that happens a lot and i dont really want sandy meal.. but i would love to walk on the beach afterwards and collect shells and rocks to rememeber that perfect evening
58. Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship?
bish ur DATING me u KNOW me!!! but idk sexually it depends on how i feel.. romantically i would say both? because im shy and im so bad at flirting but like if something is wrong then i will address the subject on what is wrong instead of letting it slide
62. How do you define “cheating”?
havin sex/kissing/sexual stuff with someone else without my consent? 
65.Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?
YES YES YES i friggen love cuddling so so much
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