#don't forget final fantasy cards coming next year!
mirakurutaimu · 7 months
Opinion on Ral Zarek now being an Otter in both meanings of the word?
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rant time i talked about this on Twitter a bit yesterday but it's so fucking stupid. like it's kinda cute that Bloomburrow has the kingdom hearts lion king world "if you go here you're an animal while you're here" thing, but also the only thing we were really told about Bloomburrow leading up to it was "there will be no humans on the plane". so we're all like oh shit, cool, sounds like it's gonna be its own unique thing without a bunch of Dudes You Know in it since there's no humans in it, right? we can finally escape the cycle of banal, tropey sets that are mostly just "Characters From Magic's History Dress Up In Costumes" (MKM, Cowpokez, NEO, Capenna) but nope. of course not. if you planeswalk/omenpath to bloomburrow, you turn into a furry! now watch them sell secret lair packs of fur-tfed planeswalkers, because of course every set needs to be a vehicle for a bunch of stupid gimmicky Products™️ they can sell to gamers with extremely loose wallets
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oh, yeah, and alongside this announcement was that they're cutting off printing of portuguese cards. it's not the Biggest deal since I've heard firsthand in non-English speaking countries that they usually just end up using the English cards anyways (gee I wonder if this has anything to do with the globalization of American culture lol no problems there). but they only decided to cut off the printing of portuguese (and simplified chinese) cards because they're facing a 2% drop in profits this year... because of all the stupid royalty fees they're paying on their dumbass Universes Beyond crossover bullshit lol
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i've loved Magic since i started playing in high school, but as of late that love has been waning a good bit. the game is so bogged down by corporate product shilling bullshit. every card needs 900 alternate arts. 900 alternate borders. every set needs a hideous alternate card treatment. every set needs 56 different kinds of booster packs. no more Block-format releases, no more core sets, just products, products, products, products.
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i used to be a big fan of Commander/EDH, but ever since it really caught on and Wizards/Hasbro decided "well, this is the most popular gamemode, we now need to design the entire game around it" and it kinda completely ruined commander imo. what was once a gamemode about running weird, niche interactions and building something with a unique flavor or playstyle now boils down to "well, just pick one of the 92849634796782435678 legendary creatures they've been printing for the past few years and run all these extremely pushed commander staples they keep printing" and it just ain't fun anymore. gotta sit down at the table and look at entire Doctor Who decks and Transformers cards and Tomb Raider cards and etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. Commander tables are just fucking billboards now lmao
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it's very clear WOTC/Hasbro has no idea what to do now that they did the Giant Multiverse-Ending Threat of the Phyrexians in All Will Be One. much like the marvel movie franchise which MTG has been so emulating for years now (AND HAS EVEN SIGNED A FUCKING CROSSOVER DEAL WITH AS OF LAST YEAR, SEE YOU IN 2025 THANOS COMMANDER DECK), we're at the period where they're just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, twiddling their thumbs with these boring, tropey sets, all the while drowning players in a deluge of alternate arts, secret lairs, crossovers, etc. a common complaint among magic's playerbase is that nowadays they're literally selling too much shit. preview/teasers season for one set will immediately be followed by previews and teasers for another set. there's no time for anything to breathe it's just buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy.
anyways stop giving hasbro money, print proxies and play magic for free :)
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ffviidirtyconfessions · 3 months
Rebirth has thoroughly drained my enjoyment of the remake trilogy. I no longer feel obligated to try and play the games anymore. I don't even want to play ever crisis. And honestly that's the one I was looking forward to the most, because that was supposed to have a game version of Advent children. But it doesn't seem like it's going to happen because of how shitty and terrible rebirth has been. I waited years for that game, just this whole remake in general, and now I just feel so drained. I, myself, only got 20 hours into the game. Just 20, and I pre-ordered the game. It is safe to say that I will no longer be playing a final fantasy game unless I see play through that I like of it.
I really, truly feel your pain here. After all's said and done, I honestly feel like the best thing Rebirth gave me was the chance to see Advent Children on the big screen. This is coming from a person who's been putting off buying a PS5 until I see a game that's worth it on it. This wasn't worth it. So I can't even imagine what it's like actually having bought it.
Even in those first 20 hours, I'm sure you already experienced so much of what I find weird, offensive at worst, and just off-putting about this game. It extends everything to such a strange point, the opening Nibel Mountain sequence being the first offender of all. Everything takes so much time to do and yet gains so little depth, oftentimes less than the original game, which had limited space. It's an insanely huge game that turns out to feel mostly empty. There's constant "upgradable collectables" around every corner, even serious story relevant corners, a required card game, chocobo racing everywhere I guess, and don't even get me started on the Chadley world intel thing that was literally for some reason just ripped out of Zelda Breath of the Wild (????). It wants to be 500 different other popular games and stops being a Final Fantasy game.
The story, too, is just as distracted. It has what I might call "interrupting cow" syndrome. Nothing is allowed to just sit. You have to see the next flashiest thing right away, even if it feels emotionally dissonant from whatever just happened. Oh yeah, let us not forget the random DEAD MOBILE GAME PULL that takes up SO MUCH TIME????? WHO THE FUCK IS GLENN LODBROK ACTUALLY OR AM I JUST A BAD FF7 FAN BECAUSE I DON'T THINK I AM- ahem. This general problem worries me most in the places that matter most to me- specifically in that they seem to want to erase Cloud's mental illness. His memory problems are suddenly credited to "degeneration" instead of what it is, which is trauma, what they always implied it to be in the first place. This escalates as the half-baked Zack alternate timeline whatever thing continues. I genuinely think they are really hurting the story by downplaying (if not removing) the emotional cores of loss and trauma in favor of... fighting fate?? The multiverse??? Something?????
All around it feels like it needed way more time in development. It feels rushed while being completely bloated with "content". It doesn't even look very good 90% of the time. I feel like they barely got used to the PS4's tools only to be stage-hooked by Sony over to the PS5.
The ending in particular (don't know whether or not you figured out what they did with it so I'll avoid spoilers) leaves me wholly unenthusiastic for the next installment. And yet I feel I can't completely look away from it. Something about train wrecks makes me need to look at them, but I completely respect your decision to step away, especially when it comes to your own hard earned money and time. If it's any consolation, you're not alone in disliking this.
Apologies for the length of this post. Unfortunately, I am an English major.
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brittanagirlcrush · 1 year
When You Find Forever
This is also posted at FF.Net (but for some reason the link doesn't work)
Brittany is a four hundred year old vampire who has just fallen in love for the first time. She wants Santana to be hers … forever.
A/N: Found this in an old file. I wrote it during my Buffy the Vampire Slayer days but it didn't really resonate with me so I abandoned it. Found it yesterday and realized it just * might * work for Brittana. I cleaned it up but I'm not sure it worked as well as I'd hoped. Hopefully, this will make sure you don't forget me while I work on my longer fics ;).
(Yes, I am aware that I switched the spelling from Brittany to Brittanie then back to Brittany – I was trying to differentiate between Brittany present and Brittanie past.)
(I am eleven chapters into the next installment in my Brittana world and am hoping to have it finished by the end of July. * fingers crossed *)
M for some sexy times.
Moonless night, lightning arcing over the ocean. A balmy breeze brought Santana's scent to her. Four hundred years, thousands of sights, sounds, and smells … and hers was the first to take hold of Brittany's heart. Four hundred years had lead her to this woman. And tonight – tonight she would make Santana hers – forever.
Santana walked to The Coffee Spot and ordered a sweet tea before making her way to the comfortable couches in the back room.
Tucking her left leg under her as she sank into the worn leather couch, she thought about Brittany and smiled. Brittany had asked Santana to meet her here tonight. The call had come out of the blue which was kind of unusual. Brittany wasn't really a “spur of the moment” girl but, then, Brittany was still quite a mystery. Maybe Santana just hadn't seen her spontaneous side.
She thought about what she did know about Brittany; it wasn't much. They'd met moonlight surfing one night, the only two people on the beach that night. Santana had thought she was the only person who enjoyed surfing by moonlight so Brittany being there had surprised her. Pleasantly so.
She and Brittany had started talking after several runs and they discovered they had more than moonlight surfing in common; campy movies, fantasy novels, board and card games, and several of the same 90's tv shows, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Brittany said it wasn't completely accurate but it was still entertaining and Santana enjoyed teasing her about it because, of course, Brittany knew so many vampires.
Brittany always laughed and said “Hey, you never know.”
It was almost dawn when Brittany finally stood to go and Santana headed home.
Their biggest disagreement was always over who was hotter: Willow or Tara. Santana, a slim brunette, was attracted to the curvier Tara while Brittany, who was an athletically built blonde with curves, was completely infatuated with Willow.
The best thing they had in common was that they were both nocturnal. Santana had always hated mornings and had never been able to sleep at night. It was too quiet at night which made the noises and thoughts in her head too loud. Daytime was better for sleeping; cars and people, the sounds of children playing – the noises of life that kept all her personal noises at bay.
She remembered the first time they made love. It had been around five in the morning and they'd just gotten in. Santana was going to drive home when Brittany looked at her and uttered one word as she took Santana's hand.
And with that, their lips met, parting as they exchanged tongues. They had kissed before, but not like this. Brittany's tongue dueled with, caressed and then sucked Santana's into her mouth, scraping it with her teeth. Santana ran her tongue over Brittany's lips, her hands on Brittany's hips, pulling the girl into her. Brittany maneuvered them to the bed and Santana had covered the blonde with her body, sliding her hands up Brittany's sides and under her shoulder blades, clinging to her as her lips moved to Brittany's ear. She teased the ear with her tongue, suckling the lobe as Brittany gasped then moaned.
Santana felt the heat between her legs as she nibbled and sucked Brittany's neck, Brittany's moans and sighs making Santana hungry for more of Brittany's soft skin. She separated from Brittany for a moment – just long enough to strip both their shirts and bras off. She paused for a second, drinking in the sight of Brittany's flawless skin and full breasts.
“You are so beautiful,” she breathed before leaning back down and recapturing Brittany's lips, their breasts rubbing against each other.
Brittany groaned into Santana's mouth as Santana settled her knee between Brittany's thighs then began kissing, sucking and nipping at the exposed flesh of Brittany's neck, throat, collar bones, and shoulders, delighting in every gasp and groan the escaped Brittany's lips, exciting over every shudder and arch.
Brittany arched against Santana's knee, her body begging for more as Santana trailed her tongue over Brittany's heated skin, circling each breast with tongue, teeth and lips, getting tantalizingly close to her nipples without touching them.
“Oh, gods, Santana ,please,” Brittany whimpered.
“Please what?” tongue flicking closer to the nipple.
“Please,” she pleaded, “take me, please.”
At that, Santana smiled and ground her knee into Brittany's center as she captured one of her nipples between her teeth; sucking it, flicking her tongue roughly over the nipple. Brittany gasped loudly and arched hard, her body responding to Santana's love making.
Santana continued rocking into Brittany, assaulting each nipple and breast with her mouth; tongue, teeth, lips each taking their turn. Brittany arched hard with a scream and Santana felt dampness on her knee. Grinning, she pulled back and looked at her lover. Brittany's face had a besotted look on it. She looked at Santana in awe.
“You...you made me cum...oh my gods...how...”
Santana chuckled and stripped her jeans and panties off, then helped Brittany out of hers. She laid a towel down then climbed into the bed next to Brittany and pulled the comforter over them.
“I listened to your body,” Santana said quietly, “and it told me what to do.” She smiled as Brittany's eyes began to drift closed. “I love you,” she said softly, kissing Brittany's forehead and pulling her close.
A smile played at Brittany's lips as she murmured “I love you, too,” before drifting off to sleep.
“Penny for your thoughts,” a quiet voice said.
Santana grinned up at her lover. “Brittany in my thoughts,” she said as Brittany sank down next to her, planting a slow lingering kiss on her lips. “Mmmm...hi there.”
“Hi,” Brittany grinned, “been waiting long?”
“Not really,” she answered, “still ice in the tea.” She rattled her glass as proof.
“You were pretty far away when I walked up,” Brittany said, taking a sip of her latte.
“Thinking about you – about the first time we made love.”
Brittany blushed. “I couldn't believe you made me cum without really touching anything but my breasts. Still can't.”
Santana grinned and leaned close in. “Want me to do it again?” she asked, her voice breathy as her tongue snaked out and caressed Brittany's ear.
Brittany groaned. “Dammit, Santana, that's not fair. Gods, you made me wet.”
Santana giggled and pulled back. “I can't help myself when I'm with you.”
“Vixen,” Brittany grinned.
“So, what'd you want to talk about?”
Brittany sobered. “Not here, okay? Let's go back to my place.”
Santana frowned. “Okay – but can we get something to eat on the way? I'm hungry.”
“When aren't you hungry?” Brittany laughed.
“I'm always hungry,” she said, standing up and offering Brittany her head, “it's just not always food I'm hungry for.”
Brittany blushed and took Santana's hand, grinning as she stood up.
They found themselves in Brittany's room after they'd eaten, Brittany sitting cross-legged on the bed looking seriously at Santana.
“Santana...” she started.
“Yeah?” Santana smiled at her. “Why so serious?”
Brittany took a deep breath and started again. “Santana, I love you. My whole life, I've never loved anyone the way I love you.”
Santana frowned. “I love you, too, you know that.”
Brittany nodded and looked down at her hands. “I know and that's what makes this so hard. I'm not who you think I am, Santana.” She looked back up at Santana, tears spilling down her face.
Santana moved closed to her lover. “Hey … whatever it is … we'll work it out, okay?”
Brittany nodded and started for a third time. “Santana, I want us to be together. Forever.” She looked up at Santana who smiled encouragingly and nodded. “The thing is … I'm not going to age or die,” she looked steadily at the other girl – no turning back now. “Santana, I'm a vampire.”
Santana looked at her like she was waiting for the punchline. “Brittany, come on … what's going on?”
Brittany sighed, knowing there was only one way Santana would believe her; taking a deep breath, she morphed. He face was almost unrecognizable as her brow creased, her canine teeth lengthened to sharp fangs and her eyes burned red.
Santana yelped and backed away, stumbling in the process and falling to the floor, scuttling further away.
Brittany re-morphed. “I'm sorry, baby. I …”
“But … but … we've been to the beach – your skin is almost as dark as mine.” Santana looked incredulous. “This isn't real … this can't be …”
Brittany relaxed her features and started explaining again. “Sunlight doesn't kill us – we're just not crazy about it because our eyes are sensitive to the light and we do burn easily. It's not fatal. It's more of an allergy. I've been tanning for centuries to minimize the effects of sunlight on my skin but it still hurts my eyes.”
“This is crazy! There's no such thing as vampires!” Santana was shaking her head. “They're fictional. When do you … feed? How? Have you killed anyone?” Brittany slowly moved toward Santana, not wanting to spook her. Santana looked at her with a mixture of fear and betrayal on her face. “Why now? Why tell me now?”
Kneeling in front of her, Brittany took her lover's face gently in her hands. “I want to spend eternity with you. I want you …” she took a deep breath then plunged in, “I want you to join me.”
Santana gaped at her.
“I'm not expecting you to answer right away. I know it's a lot to take in. Think about it. In four hundred years, I haven't loved anyone. I want us to be joined forever. I love you, Santana.”
Santana recoiled from Brittany. “I … I have to … I can't …” she stammered, pushing Brittany away as she stood up and went to the door, leaving without looking back.
Brittany collapsed on the floor, sobbing against the side of the bed. She had known it could go badly – had been prepared, she thought, for Santana to walk away. She'd been wrong. She wasn't ready for this – her non-beating heart shattered.
There was a whisper of air and the scent of not-Santana in the room. “Go away, Constance,” she said, not looking up from where she lied huddled on the floor.
“Is that any way to talk to an old friend?”
The silky voice sent shivers down Brittany's spine – and not the good Santana shivers. Brittany swallowed a sob. “We were a lot of things, but friends was never one of them,” she said coldly, suddenly very weary.
“Your mistake, dearheart,” Constance continued as if Brittany hadn't spoken, “was telling her instead of just turning her.”
Constance stretched out on the other side of the bed as Brittany looked up and glared at her. Her movements were deliberate, designed to remind Brittany of nights long ago.
They had the opposite effect – Brittany remember those nights in a different light now. Oh, she remembered the sex. The countless hours of games and “toys”. But that's all it had been: games and toys. Constance had turned her without her permission in a moment of angry passion.
It had been hot, Brittany remembered – unbearably hot. It was Paris, 1608 and Brittanie Du Maurier was a privileged nineteen year old in the court of King Henri IV. She was being courted by many handsome young courtiers but it was the Comtesse Constance LePossileaux who fascinated Brittanie. Older, sophisticated, married to a Count who was ages older than she, Constance represented everything Britannie aspired to be and Constance had apparently taken a liking to the young woman. She took Britannie under her wing, introducing her to the crème de la crème of Parisian society and schooling her in all manner of the finer things in life; wine, art, theatre. Britannie had been awestruck.
One night, unable to sleep from the heat, Britannie had slipped down to the water pond in the courtyard and slipped into the bath-warm water wearing nothing but a sleeveless cotton sheath. She floated for a bit before getting out, the sheath made shear by the water and clinging to every curve. The air was warm, but a slight breeze cooled her skin and she felt her nipples tighten under the sheath.
“You should be more careful at night, darling,” came a voice sultry and smooth as silk.
Britannie felt her heart leap to her throat and a thrill of excitement shoot up her spine at having been caught. “Who's there?” she called in the direction of the voice hidden in the shadows.
Constance, naked skin luminous under the bright full moon, stepped from under a moss covered tree.
“My, my lady...” Britannie stammered, trying not to stare at the Comtesse.
Constance less walked than glided toward Britannie.
“Yes, my dear?”
“Forgive my impropriety,” she said, lowering her eyes, “it's just been too hot to sleep.”
“We'll see,” the older woman said, circling the younger woman. “You are a lovely young thing, but you need training and you shall, of course, have to be punished.”
“P-punished?” Britannie looked up, eyes wide with fear as she thought of the dungeons.
Constance's laughter was like bells on a Christmas horse. “Don't be afraid, dearheart,” she said, capturing Britannie's chin in her hand, holding her gaze. “You won't be permanently damaged.” With that, Constance captured Britannie's lips in a punishing kiss, bruising the girl's tender lips as Constance's tongue thrust harshly into Brittanie's mouth. With her free hand, she cupped Britannie's breast and brutally pinched the nipple.
Britannie's cry of pain and surprise ended in a moan swallowed by Constance's greedy mouth.
Breaking the kiss, Constance turned away leaving Britannie breathless and bereft.
“Come,” Constance commanded, leaving no room for argument.
Britannie, for reasons she didn't understand at the time, felt her sex tighten at the tone of Constance's voice and hurried to obey, eager to please.
Brittany shivered at the memory. Her “training” had begun that night. Constance had been a stern Mistress – finding any excuse to beat her, usually until she bled.
Brittany hadn't known, until the night Constance turned her, that Constance was a vampire. In retrospect she recognized the clues but, at the time, she didn't even believe in vampires. She remembered in vivid detail the night she was turned.
Britannie had been flirting with a handsome young Duke who had expressed an interest in courting her. She and Constance had been together for five years and Britannie was ready to end it. She was tired of being Constance's slave, of being beaten and ill-used for Constance's pleasure and amusement. She needed to marry and have children so she would be taken care of. She liked the Duke – he was handsome and kind and would make a suitable husband. After promising to meet the Duke in the morning for breakfast, Britannie had kissed his cheek and slid from his arms. She hurried to her rooms and closed the door, flush with excitement and giddy with thoughts of the handsome Duke. She had no sooner closed the door than a hand slapped her face hard accompanied by a harsh whisper:
“You ungrateful slut!”
Britannie, hand to her burning cheek, looked up from the floor where the slap had sent her. She had never seen Constance so angry – her face was somehow disfigured but Britannie couldn't quite put her finger on why or how.
Grabbing a handful of Britannie's hair, Constance dragged the young woman to the punishment room.
“Assume your position on the cross, whore!”
For the first time, Britannie balked at the command. “No.”
“WHAT?!” Constance raged at her.
“I said 'no' Constance. I will no longer be subjected to your punishments. I am going to marry the Duke and you and I are at an end.”
Face mottled with rage, Constance grabbed the younger woman with a vice-like grip and forced her to the cross. Britannie felt the shackles tighten on her wrists and ankles and screamed, earning herself another hard slap.
“You are mine, you worthless cow! I decide when we are at an end!” Constance's eyes glittered with cruelty and, for the first time, Britannie was afraid. Gone were the tiny thrills of excitement these punishments usually elicited. Constance moved slowly and deliberately, making sure Britannie saw the clamps and the metal tipped cat o'nine tails. Putting the clamps on Britannie's nipples, Constance gave each of them a vicious twist causing a cry of pain to escape Britannie's lips.
“That's just to start, you miserable little nothing. Before the night over, you will well and truly know pain.”
The first lash was harsh and raised welts on Britannie's soft breasts and smooth abdomen. Again, Britannie cried out.
“Pray for mercy and forgiveness whore!” Constance snarled as she snapped the whip again and the metal again bit into Britannie's skin.
She would not beg, she decided. She would die first.
Lash after merciless lash – the tips gleaming silver, then red, in the candlelight as her blood flowed freely from the countless wounds the cat opened in her skin. She didn't know how long the beating lasted. The floor ran red and she passed out only to be awakened by a bucket of piss dumped over her head.
“Stay awake, you filthy slut – the best is yet to come.”
Wounds stinging with the urine's acid, Britannie started to cry despite her best attempt. She would not beg. She would not break – not now, not ever. The cat was dipped in the cheap whiskey they served in the taverns and the beating began again – re-opening closing slashes and creating new ones. Britannie fought to stay conscious, to avoid more piss but it was in vain as Constance dumped a bucket of cold water over her, then a bucket of the cheap whiskey. She screamed again but still refused to beg Constance to stop.
“Stubborn bitch,” Constance screamed, her face transfiguring into something hideous and inhuman; her teeth elongating and sharpening to points. “I will make you mine forever!”
Britannie screamed as Constance stepped up and sank her fangs deep into Britannie's neck. She could feel her pulse pounding as her heart fought to compensate for the blood Constance was draining from her. Her vision went red – then there was nothing until she next awoke, still tied to the cross, a faint coppery taste in her mouth, her limbs numb, body aching.
“Good morning, darling,” Constance's voice was smooth as silk again.
Britannie winced. Loud. Bright. She could hear the horses whinnying in the barn as though they were in the room with her. Constance's voice grated on her nerves.
“Wh-” Britannie couldn't speak, her mouth dry and her throat sore.
“Oh, darling, isn't it marvelous? We're going to be together forever,” Constance grinned and Britannie felt her blood run cold at the sight of Constance's fangs. No – she couldn't – vampire? No – vampires weren't real. But …
“Yes, yes … I'm a vampire,” Constance said impatiently, “and, now, so are you.”
Britannie sagged against her restraints, unable to believe what Constance said, all the while feeling the blood pounding in her ears and hearing the breathing and heartbeats of other souls in the castle. She gave in and let oblivion claim her.
The next time she woke up, she was alone in her own bed; Constance must have thought turning Britannie would hold her. Britannie growled as the bloodlust coursed through her; she was hungry and needed to feed. Instinctively, she knew what she had to do; that must have been why Constance left her alone; she'd known Britannie would need to feed and instinct would tell her what to do.
Britannie slipped from her room and found an unsuspecting chambermaid. Grabbing her from behind so she wouldn't recognize Britannie (and, truth be told, so Britannie wouldn't recognize her), she sank her teeth into the woman's neck, slaking her bloodlust but not killing the woman. She achieved a moment of clarity as she fed; she needed to leave. Now.
Quickly dressing, she gathered the gold she'd been hoarding for the past five years. She had never been stupid and had realized, after that first night with Constance, that she might have to leave in a hurry one day. She donned the men's clothing she had hidden and, after cutting her hair and putting on a cap, stole away into the night. At that time, she had no idea Constance could track her scent. All she knew was that she didn't want to be recognized and she wanted to get as far away from Court as possible before Constance knew she was gone.
It had been weeks before she got out of France, learning the rules as she went. Rules about sunlight, stakes, and holy water; entering private dwellings and the risks of not feeding. Most were myths she had heard as a child, confirmed (as rumors) in the small taverns on her way out of the country. She didn't know where she was going – just that it was away from Constance.
And now, Constance was here. Four hundred years and a new world away and Constance had found her again, after following her from France, to Bulgaria, Germany, Belgium, Poland and finally England. Each time, Britannie slipped away. She was tired of running but she would not submit to Constance ever again. Not after finally knowing what love truly felt like.
“I told you we were going to be together forever.”
Brittany felt the chill in those words and looked at Constance. “How did you get in here?” she said more confidently than she felt. “I didn't invite you in.”
Constance's laugh was like ice. “Dear girl, the invitation only rule doesn't apply to vampires – only humans. Some archaic magical curse to make sure we couldn't enter a dwelling and destroy the humans in their own home.” She shrugged. “It gave the food a sense of security.”
Brittany just kept looking at her, weary beyond measure. “Whatever you want, I don't care – just go away.”
Constance stood up and hovered over Brittany. “I'm here to reclaim what's mine you stupid, stupid whore. I own you. I made you and you will be mine or I will destroy you.”
Brittany gaped up at Constance – undisguised disgust on her face. “Never again, Constance. You will never touch me again.”
Brittany snarled as Constance grabbed her roughly by the hair and pulled her to her feet.
“I will do what I want and you cannot stop me.”
Brittany was reminded how strong Constance was as she struggled to free herself. For the first time since her escape, Brittany was afraid – and then the door opened and the blood froze in Brittany's veins, fear giving way to stark terror.
“Brittany, I'm …” Santana stopped dead in her tracks.
“Santana! RUN! Get out of here!” Brittany flailed at Constance, kicking and scratching, anything to keep her away from …
“Ah … Santana,” Constance sneered, “the slut who stole my slave.” Constance snarled and viciously pushed Brittany to the floor. Constance turned on Santana, her face morphing into a twisted parody of itself, Brittany clawing at Constance's legs.
“You should have listened – and run when you had the chance.” Constance reached for Santana and grabbed her roughly, pulling the girl into her and sinking her fangs into Santana' throat.
“NO!” Brittany screamed, finally finding her feet and lunging at the two women, intent only on saving Santana. She grabbed for Constance and was stunned when she found herself in Santana' arms, the dust that used to be Constance settling over them. “Wha – what …” Brittany looked at Santana who held up a wooden pencil.
Santana shrugged and smiled wanly. “I grabbed it when I saw you two and then you yelled. Saw it in an episode of Buffy once … guess it worked, huh?”
Brittany collapsed against Santana, sobbing and clinging to the other girl as the emotions of the past two hours rushed over her.
“Shhh … it's okay, baby,” Santana held onto Brittany, lightly stroking her back and softly whispering soothing noises into her ear.
They stood like that for a long while; Santana gently rubbed Brittany's back until Brittany's sobs finally slowed and stopped. Brittany pulled back from Santana, face streaked with tears. She sniffled, “My nose is running.”
Santana giggled and handed Brittany a box of tissues from the dresser.
“You came back,” she said after blowing her nose and mopping up her face.
“Yeah, I did.”
“But … why?”
Santana smiled at her. “Because I took a walk and after the noise and arguing in my head quieted down all that was left was my love for you. Okay, so you're a vampire. A little unsettling but I love you. No matter what else, that's what it comes down to.”
Brittany looked at her hopefully. “Forever?”
Santana gazed seriously at her lover. “Forever,” she answered.
They moved to each other and kissed hungrily, tongues dueling as they stripped each other. Santana led Brittany to the bed and pushed her onto it, straddling her. Brittany felt the same thrill she always felt when Santana took control, juices flowing between her legs. Santana began kissing Brittany's neck and throat, hands expertly stroking Brittany's breasts – cupping and caressing them – tweaking her nipples as her teeth left little marks all over Brittany's skin.
Brittany moaned and arched up. “Oh please, Santana...please...”
Santana chuckled and pulled back. “Please what?”
Gazing up at her lover, Brittany said, “Take me...make me yours.”
Santana smiled and captured one of Brittany's nipples in her mouth, sucking it between her lips and holding it tightly between her teeth, tongue lapping at it. As Brittany squirmed, Santana moved to the other nipple then kissed her way down Brittany's body, pausing here and there to mark Brittany's soft skin.
Brittany continued to squirm and arch, center wet with her pooling juices. She ran her fingers through Santana' hair, holding Santana' head to her body. “Gods, Santana, what you do to me,” she moaned.
Santana chuckled lightly then buried her face in Brittany's mound, breathing in Brittany's scent before slowly dragging her tongue through Brittany's slit, savoring the juices. She then moved her tongue in a circle around Brittany's clit, not touching it until she drew it into her mouth, sucking hard at it. Holding the bud gently between her teeth, she tortured it with her tongue, flicking at it, bathing it, mercilessly assaulting it as her fingers probed Brittany's velvet walls, pressing into the soft spongy spot that drove Brittany wild. She reveled in Brittany's groans and cries. Moving her fingers faster and deeper into Brittany, Santana briefly lifter her head from Brittany's clit. “Cum for me, my love,” she demanded.
Brittany cried out for Santana as she came hard against Santana's hungry mouth. Wave after wave, the orgasms crashed over her. “YES! Oh, gods, Santanaaaaaaaaa....YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” she screamed.
Santana lapped greedily at Brittany's juices, slowing only when Brittany's cries of ecstasy became whimpers. Removing her fingers, Santana moved up Brittany's body until she reached her face and then kissed her deeply.
“I love you, Santana,” Brittany said, tears forming and slipping free.
Brittany nodded.
Santana looked at Brittany seriously. “Then take me. Make me yours,” she said, baring her neck.
Brittany stared at her, “Are you sure?”
“I've never been more sure of anything in my life,” she responded huskily, “I love you, Brittany, and I want to spend eternity with you.”
Brittany reached for Santana and kissed her deeply. “I love you, Santana. I didn't want to turn you against your will.” In quiet tones, Brittany told Santana about Constance, the “relationship” they'd had, how Constance had turned her and why Constance had shown up tonight. “It was exciting at first but...” she trailed off.
Santana smiled, “Now I know why you like it when I take control.”
Brittany blushed, “Yeah.”
Santana cupped Brittany's chin and looked deep into the other girl's eyes. “Brittany,” she said commandingly, “bite me.”
Brittany needed no further encouragement. She drew a nail across her own collarbone and looked at Santana, “When I bite you, drink from me.” At Santana's nod, Brittany pulled Santana' head toward her and sank her fangs into Santana's neck, holding Santana's head to the blood spilling from her collarbone.
As the world spun, two lovers clung in an eternal embrace – claiming each other – Forever.
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diedbutterflies69 · 3 years
Will you stay?- Bang Chan imagine.
Contains: friends to lovers au. , Divorce, smut, fluff, blindfolding, oral sex, explicit sexual stuff etc . Minors don't interact.
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Never once on your life, you thought you could get your shit together and laugh genuinely at the worst in world. falling out of love is worse but it's even more worse if it's your it's not you who fell out of love. Married at 22 and the honeymoon phase hardly lasted for a year and by the age of 26 got yourself labelled as a woman who sabotaged her own marriage in thirst of money. Your ex husband was bitter about your success even before you got married. He thought as a woman, you just did bare minimum and got yourself a high positioned rank by sleeping with one of the rich rags. You tried hard enough to hold on to that rotten red string , but he had the scissors and just cut you off. You weren't willing to sacrifice your career just because of his Immature mindset, yes you loved him, but can't a women love her own hard achieved success more? That's the question you wished to ask everyone who pointed there fingers at you. After divorce you didn't feel pain just numbness. Your self-hatred coming more stronger than ever, even hating the job, you tried Saving since years, getting life on track seemed impossible and at the end just quitted. Moved out of the city just to move back to your home town, the root of your real pain. It wasn't really a town but rather a more flashy city, expensive shits which you were unable to afford in childhood but now it wasn't any big deal. Earth is round and sometimes precious people find you all by themselves. Your highschool friend, the only friend you had throughout your lifetime because of your anti social tactics.
Bang Chan, the social butterfly who almost knew every single student in whole school, he was the hottest guy you ever saw in your life and also the kindest. You had crush on him even before you both were friends, he was your senior,used to help you with those shitty math sums, crack jokes every now and then and scolded you whenever you procrastinated. He came to congratulate you even on your graduation day, even though there were many more students whom he met you were still glad atleast someone bought you a beautiful bouquet of tulips and bellflower. The last time you saw him was before you moved out in search of cheap collages without informing him, as you thought you were just one of many friends he had and won't ever notice someone like you existed.
But god, how much wrong you were.
You met Chan after almost 9 years in convince store and his reaction was almost priceless , like finding treasure. He was now more handsome, beautiful and god-like even after all this years his style of dressing didn't Changed much, he still looked like Kim Kardashian at 2021 met Gala. nevertheless his smile still had those healing properties with his Cresent moon eyes. He was absolutely stunning.
The first sentence he spoke after confirming your identity was 'I missed you' and then tons of lectures and questions . Knowing how narrow-minded you were he gasped dramatically. Cheesiest ways of saying how could I forget my best friend and so on. That day was probably the best day of your life and maybe even the day after years you really smiled. You both exchanged numbers and addresses and his home was just 10 minutes away from yours. Destiny indeed.
Now it's been over 7 months since you met Chan again and he never made you felt like you were just one of his 109 friends. Chan made you feel special, after knowing what kind of disaster you faced he was even more supporting of you, you both used to spend weekend together watching variety of shows and movies going to stargazing, best friend goals. After many years you knew even if Chan had many people to confide with he never really did. He was alone, just a night owl obsessed with work. You were happy. And he was happy too. Being just friends was enough for you, but not for him . He was slowly trying to find courage to confess his love to you. He liked you fuck from highschool days. He found you once randomly staring at him across the room and when you suddenly disappeared all his fantasies were scattered, he knew your dreams and was willing to help you with your every step. knowing how messed up your household was from your neighbours he felt guilty for not being able to give you happiness. He loved you, but was helded by his own insecurities.
Not anymore though, he wasn't the same coward who just stared at the love of his life from distance. Being the extra human he was, he bought you one of the most expensive restaurant of the whole country, man was loaded. After driving for almost 5 hours you both finally reached there .
Now a nervous Chan sitting infront of you. You being oblivious to the fact that he has a beautiful diamond ring and a confession to make. Chan handed you the menu card and every single dish had an extraordinary name, without much thought you placed the order.
"atleast tell me now, why are we here?" You asked the man infront of you who was behaving extra weird today, he looked sick and was occassionally asking you random questions.
"No reason, I was in mood for long drives and... You know have a nice meal" Chan said fidgeting with his fingers he was acting like a flustered high school guy it was clearly indicating that he was lying but you didn't really care, Chan was weird sometimes.
"Sounds fake, but okay. By the way you aren't sick right?" You asked Chan out of pure concern as he was sweating profusely even in an cold AC room.
"I am fine, just feeling a little hot. Don't worry", Chan said it was more like he was convincing himself that he was fine and shouldn't worry. He wasn't a teenager but a human with responsibilities who once again fell for someone out of his league, he used to think that and he still sees you as a literal goddess. While he was lost deep in his thoughts, the waiter came with food , and this was his opportunity to shoot his arrow. You both started eating and talked like being in paradise.
"did you liked anyone in highschool?", Chan asked you out of blue making you almost choke on food. The only person whom you liked throughout your highschool days was the guy sitting infront of you and you didn't really remembered much guys and the best answer was probably saying a lie with little truth.
"no one lol", you answered trying to sound chilled but since highschool crush topic was out you weren't able to keep your curiosity with yourself.
"What about you, liked someone?", You asked trying to sound nonchalant and not desperate and bitter.
This was the Exactly the conversation that Chan planned in his mind. And here started his way to either heaven or pit of rejection.
"I loved someone", Chan said and you this time you really choked from the depth of your heart, you thought Chan was anti romantic type of guy as he never talked about of his female friends with you or bragged about his non existent dating life. Trying again to not sound jealous or bitter you spoke again.
" Who was that lucky bit-- I mean girl yes girl? Who was she?", You asked, almost letting out the bitch loudly. You weren't sure but you saw Chan smiling cheekily, he was really getting old acting weird more and more everyday.
"Well... Someone from our school",Chan said and you swear you didn't made a disgusting face showing pure jealousy. The best human in your life and your first ever crush had crush on somebody, you didn't knew why you were feeling so fucking bitter but you weren't able to handle the curiosity anymore.
"Tell me her damn name", you asked Chan in a frustrating tone not being able to keep jealousy to yourself.
"Why you being angry", Chan asked followed by his small laugh.
"I am angry, just the food was a little spicy you answer me now, her name?", You answered Chan with your defenses up and still sticking with your previous question.
Chan in response got a little serious now,you thought he was being childish now, he wasn't a kid who was given a dare to name out his crush yet he was acting like one.
"You won't leave me right, I mean after I answer your question?", Chan asked you and you didn't knew what to say in response you were now a little sus about him.
"fine don't answer, keep secrets", you said and continued eating. The next thing Chan said made you now choke and die on food.
"I loved you and I still love you" Chan said looking down at the table head hanging down like his teenage self just confessed he watched porn infront of his parents. You were shocked, frozen and the your heartbeat 10x faster, you didn't knew how to react and tried to find humor in this extraordinary situation.
"Chan, you kidding right?", You asked Chan with a nervous smile on your face. Chan looked up at you , his eyes trying to find yours but you avoided the eye contact.
"I am serious, I liked you from HighSchool times, I saw you for the first time in library when you were looking at me, I swear you were so beautiful and even now after all this years after seeing you I can't, I can't help but fall for you all over again, sorry"
Chan confessed, his voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability his sentences were scattered here and there and incomplete explanation but still you understood everything he really poured his heart to you, you felt like crying even if you both weren't such stupid cowards back then, then today you won't have turned out a divorced women and Chan a guy who grew out lonely even if he had a world for him.
"What should I say Chan?", You asked Chan you were sounding like a girl whose bf told her to breakup even if the situation was exact opposite. Even if you love Chan , you didn't think about him reciprocating same feelings back to you. You were beyond insecure with your love emotions. One thing was sure you won't be able to love Chan without being a bundle on him. Your emotion Baggage was too big and you didn't want Chan to get his heart too with your stupid emotions.
"I love you and I will be really really good to you. Please try staying with me I will try really hard to earn space in your heart, please?" His confession was like literally begging. You weren't able to believe if he was real or not, if it was a dream that will end as soon as cruel morning comes, this felt like fantasy. Chan was a amazing man, he had everything money ,honour ,beauty a nice heart. He was like a character written by women so perfect so delicate yet strong, and he loves you this fact was enough for to lose your mind. but you thought you were a taint to his beauty, you were a character full of inferior complexes and a person too easy to dislike thats what illusion you made about yourself. A random extra in her own story.
"I will pay the bill, let's talk later", you said and walked away immediately to pay the bill leaving a clueless and disheartened human behind. Chan was able to see how you stopped yourself from saying love you too and throwing yourself in his arms. He wasn't same from HighSchool a guy who gets overwhelmed by his own emotions and gets unable to see others. He knew you had atleast a small space for him in your heart and to make a big room for himself he had to throw out all your insecurities and self hatred. He followed you like a lost puppy and he wanted to pay for food but you already did and now you were already out of restaurant searching for his car to get back.
Chan sitted beside you, without doing anything silence and awkward air surrounding you both.
"start the car", you said breaking down the silence, you were extremely worthless and trash as you made the only one person whom you love feel like nothing.
"Just answer me, will you try dating me please", Chan said his voice again passing draggers into your heart. Trying to form any logical explanation you spoke again.
"I am not looking for relationship right now, see Chan you are amazing, but I can't make you happy now and did you forgot that I am divorced, please understand" you said expressing your real insecurities and fear, fear of not being able to keep a man happy.
"you don't want relationship because you divorced that fucking trash of a man?", Chan asked he was getting frustrated you thought but he just wanted to make you happy and not deny what your heart wants.
"my mind isn't stable, I might just irritate you everytime with my mood, you will will get tired of me and leave me -- I don't want to be alone again I will die if you leave me", you confessed tears threatening to fall out of your eyes there wasn't any doubt that you loved Chan he filled the void in you in just months made you happy but you didn't wanted to just take and take and give nothing in return. Chan's hand found yours interlocking your fingers with so much delicateness that you might cry.
"you think so low of me, just stay by my side I will make you so happy that you will hardly get time to think about your past, trust me", Chan said his fingers slightly lifting your chin up to look into your eyes, you looked in his eyes filled with so much care and this was your last straw before breaking down in his arms.
"I love you, I love you so fuckin much, you were my first love my only friend, my everything, please-- please love me", you confessed tightening your arms around Chan, his scent making you feel safe and like home, his one caressing your hair and other wiping away the tears. Even though the scene was more like a dramatic clique scene whatever emotions you both felt was unexplainable.
"So you my girlfriend now hmm?"Chan asked you for first time in night his voice containing pure happiness and excitement.
"I have a sexy boyfriend", you said smiling from ear to ear against Chan's chest. The label boyfriend making your heart flutter, you didn't knew happiness like this can even exist.
"My love", Chan said his voice sweeter than honey, suddenly the night was more starry."now can we go home?" You asked Chan finally breaking the hug, reality hitted you now Home was 3- 4 hours away.
"I made a reservation in hotel, we gonna spend night there", Chan casually said making your heart jump out of your chest.
"pervert, you planned everything seriously", you said dramatically and giving him a playful digusting look.
"I booked two rooms", Chan said now starting the engine making you feel embarrassed. "Who is pervert now~" Chan said in air teasing you more.
The rest of the ride you both talked about anything and everything. Confessing how you used to find ways to always be in each others vision etc. Both of you finding a new thirsty side of each other. Nothing felt uncomfortable, it was happiness those inhumane laughs crazy tricks you both used to pull everything was heaven. After some time you both reached infront of a gaint hotel , it looked expensive af but regardless Chan knew how to waste money and you were tired of lecturing him about savings.
"let's go", Chan said removing your seatbelt and getting out of car to open the door for ya. He was being so cheesy gentleman and you were enjoying every minute.
"room 42 and 43" Chan said to the receptionist and she handed two keys to him. Thanking her then getting on elevator, you were a little disappointed that you weren't sharing room with Chan, yes you were pervert and total simp for Chan, he was too hot and your sexual drive was getting higher each passing second. The elevator doors opened and you got off. Chan handed you the room key and softly kissed your forehead, both you wished it was your lips.
"if you want anything, just knock okay?" Chan said in his lovely tone, I want you you internally screamed, nevertheless you gave him a nod and got inside that expensive room .
Starring at the ceiling while lying on the bed your mind was full of Chan, you knew he wasn't probably sleeping and was wasting time in watching random shit on internet and you were hungry, hungry for Chan, it wasn't your fault that Chan was so hot. Trying to fall asleep and fidgeting here to there you finally decided to knock on Chan's room door. A danger zone. You noticed how the door flunged open in less than few seconds.
"Hi" you said scratching back of your head and trying to think what next to say.
"Hi..?"Chan said being confused.
"there is cockroach in my room, let me stay with you" you said a clear white lie. Taking impulsive action were never good for you.Chan sighed before opening the door fully and signalling you to come. This was your happiest day ever.
"whY you lying", Chan asked you as you plopped yourself on sofa besides bed. He asked the sentence in a sarcastic way.
"Do you you wanna kiss me?", You asked Chan with a straight serious face catching him off-guard, you didn't wanted to waste more time, you wanted to do everything with Chan, yes fucking on first day of dating was a little too early but you fantasized about this gorgeous man since ages, in your eyes he looked total dom but his reaction to your question was making you doubt your thoughts.
"Are you sure", Chan asked you clearing his throat.
"Are you virgin?"you asked Chan, he was being too nervous.
"Obviously not"Chan answered you in duh tone, rolling his eyes. And it was getting awkward.
"The cockroach must have gone by now I should go, bye", you blabbered and got up ready to leave, you were about to open the door but Chan grabbed your hand and before you knew anything his hands were on your cheeks cupping them softly and his lips so close to yours, Chan's eyes were looking straight in your orbs , your heartbeat stronger than ever.
"Can I?", Chan asked your consent his thumb softly brushing against your lower lip. This man had totally made you insane, something stirred inside you. Chan was perfect he was everything you wished. You gave him a small nod and slowly his lips touched against yours, you wanted to cry, his lips felt so good, he didn't rushed his movements everything was happening in slow motion, he holded you with such a vulnerability like he was afraid that you will go, your hand reached his head, fingers moving through his soft locks. You felt his tongue inside your mouth , you felt a electricity run down your body when the kiss deepened.
We kiss again. The next kiss is the kind that breaks open the sky. It steals my breath and gives it back. It shows me that every other kiss I’ve had in my life has been wrong.
Breaking the kiss Reluctantly in need of air, Chan rested his forehead against yours. He was hot almost like burning, sweating.
"Why are you so nervous, Chan?", You asked Chan hugging him tightly clinging like the last leaf to the tree.
"I am scared, I just love you", He said engulfing you in his arms. And you Finally felt, what real love feels like.
"Love you too", you replied softly.
"Do you wanna continue..?"Chan asked you his tone little less scared.
"Off course", you said looking at him with smile, something inside you told it was okay to let out your freaky side infront of Chan. Chan smiled back and suddenly turned you around , the large bed infront of you.
"Lie down there",Chan whispered in your ears , his low register sending shivers down your spine. This was exactly how you pictured Chan to be, your inner submissive almost died. You followed Chan's word and laid on your back on the bed, now you were feeling like a virgin. His eyes roaming through the room in search of something.
"Are you okay with being blindfolded?", Chan asked you as he came back with the tie he wore today and was rolling it slightly in his palms, and you swear you never saw a man so hot in your entire life. Getting blindfolded was one of your unfulfilled kinks.
"ye- yes", you replied your tone filled with thrill and excitement. Chan came back to you standing near you, his hand softly cupped your cheeks , before bringing the tie to use it in sinistrous way tonight. The cloth felt strange to your eyes, his cologne smell hitting you and Chan caught your shy smile, His heart felt so fluffy. Tieing a comfortable knot Chan sat on bed near your waist. His hands slowly crept near your stomach leaving a direct lingering touch on the sensitive skin, eventually going upwards while giving a little squeeze to add stimulation, his hands reached your boobs, you didn't wore bra, and he wasn't surprised maybe your nipples perked up enough to get noticed, his middle and index finger Rolling your sensitive bundle of nerves, the blindfold making his every touch more intense, your breath was heavy you let out a suprised moan when Chan gropped your right boob in an erotic way, this sole action increasing your wetness down there you were getting impatient. You moaned his name a little loudly when his lips came in contact with your sensitive neck, sucking in a painful way, inorder to leave a hickey.
"Should I touch you here", Chan asked you as his hand reached to your area where you needed him to the most, hands going directly inside your panties ,but not touching he was a teaser.
"yes please", you moaned almost breathlessly too tired of intense foreplay. You just wanted Chan to rip off your clothes and fuck you till sunrise. Getting satisfaction with your answer Chan finally removed every clothing of your lower body, leaving you completely bare, all at his mercy. His finger moved up and down on your opening , the wetness making Chan easily slip his one finger deep inside you.
" my baby is so wet, because of who?", Chan asked you as his finger was moving slowly inside of you and thumb rubbing circles on the bundle of nerves.
"because of.. you", you admitted without any hesitation trying to grind yourself on his hand, begging for more.
"Good", Chan said and without saying anything he added another finger inside you moving a little faster inside your cunt, rubbing your walls with a little pressure, scissoring them inside you painfully and making way for a third finger too and by then you were a complete moaning mess, his fingers were pleasure yet torture the blindfold making your senses weak. Mind full of whatever Cham was giving you. Your legs were shaking sign of your orgasm approaching you, by one hand Chan holded your thighs tightly to their place fingers now moving more faster to make you reach the peak of pleasure.
"Chan.. I--I-I-- wanna cum please", you moaned your little squeaks and begs almost making Chan's cock cum right inside boxers. With some final thrust of his fingers, you cummed the hardest you could imagine, squeaky sounds coming as Chan was fingering you through your orgasm, you almost crying from overstimulation. Moaning his name like a chant.
"you did well",Chan praised you finally removing his fingers from you leaving you empty, but it won't have last wrong. Chan removed your blindfold , the bright lights hurting your eyes, you adjusted your vision and the image of Chan sucking his wet fingers coated with your liquid came directly in front of your eyes. Letting out a helpless whine.
Chan plopped himself on knees on either side of your thighs, finally letting his cock out, leaking with precum, and he was big, thick , you didn't thought he could get even hotter.
"Ready baby?", Chan asked you as he fully undressed himself as well as removing your top, your mind hazey . The scene which you pictured since highschool finally happening.
"yes", you replied Chan, he came down to kiss you passionately and slowly entering inside you. You moaned painfully, tears pulling your vision, it was a painful pleasure. Chan kissed away your tears and hand interlocking with yours after finally being fully inside you he started to move at slow pace.
"you feel so good Chan", almost screaming from pleasure, your whines were fuel to Chan's ego and he increased the pace. Body slapping sound filling the room, his groans were most sexy thing you ever heard. Again and again his tip hitting your deepest spots.
"I am close", you moaned out breathlessly, pleasure becaming too much to handle .you released around his cock, reaching the peak second time at night.
After giving a few more thrusts Chan cummed at your stomach, he was still sane enough to not curse you with kids while being lost in pleasure."I love you", he said as he settled beside you hugging you tightly. This was heaven.
"love you too", you said , your voice a little hoarse.
"by the way I forgot that I bought a ring to propose you", Chan said, realisation hitting him, that he forgot to say the long ass paragraph that he was supposed to say while sitting on one knee. You smiled at his guilty face.
"don't worry, propose me after having shower", you said heart filled with pure joy and happiness . Happiness of knowing that You love someone who will always love you back.
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naferty · 6 years
It's that time of year again (my birthday 2/19) and I was just wondering if you could write a random prompt with Stony (or Stuckony), insecure Tony and some hurt/comfort mixed in. Nothing elaborate, just a little somethin somethin. Like Tony having a really bad day, Steve making an off hand tease that Tony takes seriously. Ooh or Tony thinks Steve forgot his birthday/anniversary. Those are always cute ❤️ whatever you choose to do (or don't do) I love your writing and it gives me life ❤️❤️🌈
It’s @xissa-chanx ‘s special day so here’s a ficlet to celebrate! Sorry it’s so late in the day!
(Stukony, a/b/o dynamics, hurt/comfort, dark-ish Steve, Bucky and Natasha)
For the first time in a long 27 year lifetime, Tony was excited about the idea of his birthday.
After years of unmemorable birthdays that consisted of waiting for a ‘Happy Birthday’ from his father that would never come, lonely and pitiful looking cakes snuck in and shared between himself and his butler, mountains and mountains of alcohol passed around by complete and utter strangers and later those strangers exchanged for one as copious amount of alcohol continued, he was looking for a new and refreshing take on his big day.
Perhaps even experience the big and wondrous celebration everyone described their day to be. With smiling faces of friends as they wished them a happy birthday and there would be presents in their arms and laughter in the background and a beautiful warm atmosphere that seemed too perfect to exist. A perfect image that Tony wondered if he would ever experience.
The closest to that feeling of perfection were on the days where his Rhodey Bear was available to visit and for the longest time that was enough for him. To have his best friend there and together have a competitive game of laser tag and overpriced fries and cheap beer and at the end, Rhodey would give him his gag gift. The most memorable being a grand box with the flashiest wrapper Rhodey could have found and after Tony ripped it apart with gusto he found his reward was a card that simply stated: “Gift Not Included.”
Tony had absolutely loved it. So much so he laughed to the point of tears.
It was perfect. Not fantasy perfect, but perfect enough for him.
Now, he had an opportunity to make his big day reach fantasy perfect. Because it wasn’t just Rhodey now. Not this year. Now there was more. Now there was Steve and Bucky and their gaggle of friends. Now there was Brucie, Tony’s science bro and soulmate he had finally met last year. Now there was Thor, bigger than life with a voice to support it. Now there was Jan, Tony’s sister from another mister and a self-proclaimed fashionista who used him as a guinea pig every chance she got and Tony wouldn’t have it any other way. With Jan came Hank. The two for the price of one. With Steve came Sam. With Bucky came Natasha and Natasha, in turn, came with Clint.
Now there was a circle of friends and two wonderful partners that could give him what he longed for as a child. Now he had a chance to finally experience it.
So when he woke up the morning of his big day with high spirits and ready to get it started he was met with… silence. He woke up alone with not even a good morning or a quick kiss from either Steve or Bucky. He woke up just the same as his previous birthdays with little changed except a bigger bed and more clothes on the floor.
Not wanting to jump the gun he checked the nightstand and his phone for any messages left by the alphas to explain where they were. He found nothing. Not a quick text or missed call or written note. To say he was upset was an understatement. He was hurt and the high spirits he previously had declined with each passing second.
He had imagined so much for the morning of his birthday. The perfect fantasy. He knew it was unfair to expect of it from his mates, but the least he most wanted of them was wishing him a happy birthday together and maybe quick morning birthday sex.
‘There is still hours left in the day,’ he told himself. There was still time.
Feeling a bit morbid, he eventually got himself out of bed and cleaned up for the day. Even if he was upset, it didn’t mean he had to appear the way he felt. It was just another day and Steve and Bucky weren’t the only ones he was supposed to see. Jan had promised a visit and Bruce said he’d be stopping by to talk chop and Rhodey had mentioned he was in town. He had others to look forward to.
‘Sorry Tones, I won’t be able to visit like I hoped. Something came up.’
“Happy birthday to me, huh?” Tony said to no one as he read the third and final cancellation of the day.
Jan had canceled as she had overscheduled and was unable to visit like she promised. Bruce called in to apologize for one of his experiments was time sensitive and he couldn’t risk leaving for the rest of the day. Rhodey had no doubt been called back and couldn’t stop by to at least share a drink on this amazing day of his.
Hours later and he hadn’t received a single message from anyone and Steve and Bucky continue to remain absent. On his list of best birthdays, today’s was certainly reaching the button in record speeds.
Wanting to give up on the day already, he made his way back to his room to grab a big shirt and sweatpants. No point in looking decent now. Nobody was going to see him. He only wished he had thought ahead and bought ice cream. Now was a good time as ever to eat his emotions away. No one was there to judge him for it.
He had just settled on his couch and made a grab for the remote when the door was slammed open and in came Steve and Bucky looking like alphas on a mission. More so than usual. Tony was startled enough by the sound and sight that he sat up straight at attention.
“Tony, great, you’re here,” Steve said a little breathlessly, as if he’d been running around all day. “Get yourself ready, Sweetheart. We’re going out.”
“Going out?” Tony held his breath. For him?
“Yeah, Thor reached a milestone. Managed to snag himself work as a doctor. That degree he got himself is finally paying off,” Bucky answered, just as breathless. “We’re taking him out to celebrate.”
“Oh,” Tony said with the smallest voice. Not for him after all. “That’s good news. Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Come on! Everyone’s there already,” Steve ushered him to get a move on, which Tony did so with reluctance. He wasn’t really in the mood to listen like a good little omega when none of their friends, or even his mates, remembered what the day meant for him. He guessed it was expected. He’d never had the fantasy get together before, why would he now?
He got himself dressed fancy enough and followed after his alphas almost robotically, letting them take over for wherever they were going. The celebration ended up happening in a restaurant and bar. A restaurant Tony could almost imagine himself wanting to toast his birthday with the gang, but the toast for the day was for Thor. Not him.
With a heavy heart, he went in. He was dreading the next few hours. Faking his smiles and heartfelt congrats and acting cheerful as he watched Thor glow under all the attention.
“Right around the corner, Doll,” Bucky guided him around a counter full of guests and hidden behind a crowd were a lot of familiar faces. For a split second Tony’s heart split in half when he spotted Jan, Bruce and his Honey Bear among all their friends. They had canceled on him in order to attend Thor’s celebration?
“Happy Birthday, Tony!” They all cheered together.
The words didn’t register right away. Not even after both Steve and Bucky turned his head in order to give him a kiss.
“Happy Birthday, Doll. Sorry, we weren’t there to tell you in the morning. We had to get everything together and wrangling our friends ain’t easy” Bucky admitted with a sheepish smile. “We didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Practically had to threaten them not to spill the beans.”
“For future reference, never elect Clint to pick up the cake,” Steve said. “Had to do a rush order after lifting it proved too much for him and it landed on the ground. Sam is also too curious for his own good. Kept wanting to open the presents.”
It took seconds for Tony’s mind to reboot after the two kisses killed his brain cells, but eventually, the blue screen faded. “For me?”
“Of course for you,” both alphas frowned. “We’d never forget your birthday, Sweetheart. Sorry we lied to you. We didn’t want to spoil the surprise.”
“Birthday boy! Come over here for your birthday hugs. We want fries already,” someone that sounded suspiciously like Rhodey interrupted and that alone made Tony smile brightly.
“You’re a complete asshole for canceling on me like that!” Tony marched over to him, giving him a hug after hitting his shoulder in retaliation for the act.
“Don’t blame me,” Rhodey winced, rubbing his shoulder, “your boys there practically snarled at me to cancel for this.”
“Did they?”
Both Jan and Bruce nodded in confirmation. In fact, all of their friends did before they all rushed forward to give the very hugs promised.
Steve and Bucky smiled to themselves as they watched their mate receive the very attention he deserved on his special day. The start of it didn’t work out how they wanted, but they made do with what they had and got all their friends to pitch in and help where they could. Their only regret was making Tony believe they had forgotten. With how they rushed to get everything together they couldn’t wish a happy day in person and Tony deserved more than a quick text message or note.
They rumbled to each other in satisfaction as their omega preened with every hug. How it was meant to be.
“You know, the posturing and threatening stares were completely unnecessary. You could’ve just asked us. We would have happily helped,” Natasha said as she carefully came over.
“We couldn’t risk any of you saying no,” Bucky’s voice was calm, but his eyes said otherwise.
“We wouldn’t have. You two aren’t the only ones who care for him.” She studied them briefly before following their gazes and watching Tony mingle around with their friends. “I’m glad you found your little light. I was beginning to worry they were going to put you both down. Feral alphas just aren’t worth the hassle to them.”
“Personal experience?” Steve relaxed, something not done often in public.
“You could say that, but I found my reason just in time. Same can’t be said for others,” she paused, either for dramatic effect or to reason with herself whether to say the next part or not. “They will use him. Gain leverage on you both so they can have control.” They growled, just as she had expected. “I’m calling them as I saw them. Be careful.”
Bucky shot her a look, something akin to respect for letting them know but also anger for the revelation. “They must want a death wish then.”
Steve grinned. “I’ve already got agents in mind. I’ve been itching to get someone’s throat between my teeth.”
“Down, boy,” Natasha smiled. “It’s Tony’s birthday party. Be civil.”
“Easy enough. For Tony, we’d do anything.”
“Including kill SHIELD agents?”
“As easy as biting down.”
It had sounded like a promise. Natasha liked it. “Let’s go. The fries are coming out soon and I’m hungry.”
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shay-iamiam · 6 years
Be alright
Pairings: Stripper! Bucky (Yes it's been forever since I've written any Stripper!Bucky.)
Warnings: Fluff lil smut ? 
Wc: 1.5k
A/N: It's been forever since I've written any Stripper!Bucky. I've missed writing for this au. This may not live up to my other Stripper!Bucky stuff. But it’s just been sitting in my drafts for a week. Hope y’all enjoy!  
Wicked Games Masterlist 
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“So what's next ?" You wrapped your arms around Bucky's middle squeezing him lightly in your arms as he finished preparing dinner.
“Right now I'm going to finish seasoning the food. But if your referring to the other situation I  don't know just yet babydoll. But if your with me. I'm not worried about it.”
“I'm always a sure thing. Don't forget that." Bucky nodded his head towards the kitchen table next  
“Go grab a seat I'll bring the food out.”
Working at a strip club Bucky naturally thought he'd seen it all. Drunken woman and men littered into the small club every weekend.
Getting trashed within their first hour of being there. Yelling to the dancers on the stage, downing shot after shot hoping to drown whatever sorrows they tried to drop at the door  hoping one of there fantasy could be fulfilled for the weekend.
He'd seen it all and he'd become tired of it. Things in his life had become serious for the first time in a while. He was in a committed relationship, he worked less hours at the club. He had a side business with a couple of guys from the club who ran a manic shop.
He was ready to slow down.
Bucky eventually decided to stop working at the club all together. He still came by if you were working behind the counter but besides that he'd been caught up getting his small business off the ground.
The past year with you felt like a dream. He felt like he'd finally caught a break in life. The two of you moved into Bucky's apartment and now for the first time in the five years he lived in this unit it felt like home.
For the first time in a while Bucky was completely content. He wouldn't change one thing about his life.
He was grateful. He felt thankful for the hand he'd been dealt. He was thankful everyday that the universe caused some things to work out for him.
Out of all of those things on that list. You where at the top. His number one.
He couldn't lie and say he didn't miss some of the thrill that came with dancing. But his heart was ready for something else.
Bucky was ready for change.
“Do you want to watch a movie ? Maybe go down to the corner and grab some Italian ice ?” You glanced over poking Bucky's side.
“When you say watch a movie. Do you really mean watch a movie? Or are you trying to get at something else ?” Bucky rubbed his hand up your thigh.
"I meant watch a movie.” You threw a pillow hitting him in the face. But he couldn't help but laugh.
“God why are you always so horny ?” You scoffed at him. Bucky was the definition of thirsty. Always turning a simple question into something more.
"It's hard not to be when I'm in bed with you.” Bucky pushed you back into the pillows laying kisses over any piece of skin you had exposed.
Your breathing became more short and labored the further down Bucky went.
“So I guess we're staying in ?"
Bucky unhooked your bra tossing it to the floor.
“Yeah you guessed right."
The breeze swept through from the window. You were spent. Bucky could be insatiable. Your body was sweaty, your hair was sweated out sticking every which way.
Bucky came back from the kitchen handing you a glass of water.  
“You wanna hop in the shower with me? " Bucky smiled smugly at you. He loved knowing he was the one that caused your current disheveled state.
"Now when you say hop in the shower. Do you really mean hop in the shower ?”
"I don't know why don't you come in and see.”
"God your a complete mess.” You rolled your eyes at him. While you struggled to get up from the bed.
Bucky wrapped his arms around you leading you to the shower .
"Yeah that may be true but I'm your mess."
"That you are. And I wouldn't trade you for anyone else.”
Bucky picked up the little of lotion squeezing some put into his palm. He reached for the your ankle moving you foot into his lap.
The shower felt like heaven. The hot water soothed your tired limbs easing the soreness in all over your body. You were currently sprawled  on the bed while Bucky rubbed your tired feet.
“Would you ever consider dancing ? “ Bucky counting to rubbing lotion up your legs. Going back down to your foot pressing a little harder.
“For me that is. I bought you a little something. And I would love to see you in it.”
"You bought me lingerie?  And you want me to put on a show for you? "
“Alright I'll do it.”
"But there's a catch. You can't touch.”
You knew he wouldn't be able to make it very long. This was going to be payback to from
“Let's see how long you last Bucky boy." You cupped his jaw bringing his lips close to yours.
“Where's the set at ?”
Bucky sprung up from the bed. Rushing towards the closet. He stumbled out holding the small bag.
“I picked out a orange matching set. I thought it would look good against your skin.”
“How thoughtful of you baby."
Bucky melted at the pet name. He was more than ready to see you in the lacy piece he'd picked out.
You plucked the bag from Bucky's grab. Adding a extra sway to your hips as you headed towards the bathroom. You looked over your shoulder at your very excited boyfriend. And he was more than ready.
“Remember no touching."
You slipped the lingerie on. It was soft and silly on your skin. The color complemented your skin beautifully. You applied a light layer of lip gloss on  your lips; finally spraying a light mist of perfume onto your neck.
Taking one good look in the mirror you knew Bucky was going to be wrecked once he saw you.
You hooked up your phone to the Bluetooth speaker on the dresser and glided out of the bathroom swaying your hips to Lost in the Fire.
You finally looked in Bucky's direction; and he was gone. His pants had visible tighten. He began to shift around on the bed trying to find a position that would relief some of his discomfort caused by your current state.
The beat began to pick up and you moved faster. Your whole body felt like it was on fire under Bucky's gaze. You understood that high he and Steve spoke about after performing.
You parted Bucky's leg so you could stand between them. You spun around placing your palms on his knee and you grinded against his crouch.
Bucky was losing it. He didn't think he would be able to coax you into wearing the lingerie set let alone getting you to dance for him.
“Are you enjoying yourself baby ?"
Bucky felt like he was going to combust if he didn't touch you. Your ass was placed right in his lap. Of course he was enjoying himself.
“Why so quiet now? You sure weren't earlier.” You straddle his thigh moving slow against him. You had a secret thing for Bucky's thigh. He was thick all over.
"You had a lot to say earlier. And now you're as quiet as a church mouse.” You could see it in his eyes he was trying really hard not to touch you.
“Would you liked to touch me ?” Bucky grunted out a anticlimactic sounding yes.
"Than go ahead.” As soon as the words left your lips Bucky was on you. Tossing you back into the pillows removing the lingerie as quickly as he could.
“God baby you look so good. I'm definitely buying you a couple more sets.” You chuckled at the wild man above you.
"This was fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again." You knew you would definitely need another shower after this.
“You know I'm gonna hold you to that right ? This is definitely happening again.”
Bucky lasted longer than you  first initially thought he would. A whole ten minutes.
After coming down from you shared highs. You and Bucky laid comfortablely in the afterglow. The sun had set long ago and now you where left with the background of the night sky.
Comfortable peace; that's where the two of you could be found.
“You know everything is going to be alright ? Take your time and discover what you want to do. Who you want to be.” Your voice broke through the silence.
"I'll be right here helping you as much as I can along the way.”
“I love you babydoll." Bucky pressed a gentle kiss against your head. “Thank you for supporting me through this change. I know I'm more than alright when I'm with you.”
Bucky wouldn't trade the hand he'd been dealt. In between the stacks of the deck he somehow managed to have gotten you. And he would never fold his cards to that.
A/n:  I got tired of this sitting in my drafts so I just posted it. It’s not as good as my other Stripper!Bucky stuff but I’m cool with this. 
When y’all leave feedback my heart legit skips a beat (I need life alert lmao.) 
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