#don't get me wrong - going into endo tags and attacking/fakeclaiming is NOT okay
sophieinwonderland · 10 months
A new hate blog is on the scene: Meet @no-context-endogenics
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The DNI is rich when your whole blog is dedicated to witch-hunting and calling out endogenic systems by name. But let's see if this blog is even living up to its own name.
Here's the first post on their blog:
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First... literally have no idea what's wrong with this. But second... Let's take a quick look at the pinned of this system they targeted.
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Literally a traumagenic system.
To be fair, they did post to the endogenic tags, but a lot of pro-endo traumagenic systems do when users like this make them feel unsafe in traumagenic spaces.
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Right... which is why you posted the previous traumagenic system on your no-context-endogenics blog that claims to be about posting endos! 🙄
Also, I can't tell... are you lumping in mixed origin systems with "endos" here? It seems like you are, because the blog has a tendency of posting mixed origin systems too when it claims to be posting endos, as well as ones that just don't state their origins. Because many mixed origin systems do, in fact, have a disorder and are very public about it.
For example...
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Mixed origin, polyfragmented DID system.
(Also, runs some of the coolest and most important plural blogs on Tumblr.)
Another post on this blog, which I'm not including here, was from a 14-year-old polyfragmented c-DID system. That system didn't say if they were endogenic or traumagenic, but I think it's safe to assume that they were most likely at least partially traumagenic.
And no, I think systems that harm the community definitely deserve hate. People who are out there calling out systems, fakeclaiming them, implicitly fakeclaiming trauma, bullying, etc.
But systems who are just existing as endogenic... sorry... we aren't your scapegoat.
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I generally try to be nice with these. At least relatively.
But I'm going to fail this time.
You. Are. Pathetic.
All of you.
Endogenic systems have NOTHING to do with why systems are fakeclaimed. Do you want to know why systems are fakeclaimed? It's because systems... are weird. We are. We're a step too far from the norm and the average neurotypical singlet can't comprehend multiple existing in the same body together.
That makes us easy targets. And we should be standing together. We should be supporting each other.
But people like you are only interested in tearing us down because you're too cowardly to put the blame for your fakeclaiming on the actual fakeclaimers.
You want to talk about ruining the community, but you fakeclaim other systems. You hurt other systems. Including traumagenic DID systems. Because you're miserable and you have to inflict your misery on others to make yourselves feel better.
Have you ever been to Fakedisordercringe?
Because let me tell you, the people who get fakeclaimed there aren't usually fakeclaimed for being endogenic. Yes, of course they're anti-endo. But many who are targeted are traumagenic DID systems and it has nothing to do with endogenics at all.
Although... I guess that also applies to the @no-context-endogenics too, doesn't it? I mean, out of every post there, I think this might be the only one that's actually purely endogenic. (Not mixed origins, unknown or explicitly traumagenic.) Most of the blog is just Fakedisordercringe-style posts targeted at trauamagenic DID systems.
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Minor bodied? Minor bodied with over 200 headmates? Using the word "headmates?" OSDD-1b? Fictive heavy? Undertale fictives?
The cringe subreddits would gobble you all up in a heartbeat.
And you know what the most incredible part of this is???
You're supporting them!
You give them the moral justification they need. You support this ridiculous narrative that there are these groups who are causing DID to not be taken seriously by... existing... often, in the case of most endogenic systems, not even claiming to have a disorder in the first place. Just... being plural.
And you give the okay for these singlets to feel morally justified in attacking and fakeclaiming systems just like your own.
You are EVERYTHING wrong with the system community.
You're the reason systems fear expressing themselves online or in public. The reason fakeclaiming is so rampant. You contribute to this toxic environment of fear and paranoia in system spaces.
You're not defending the system community.
You're just a bunch of cyberbullies.
And the same goes for anybody supporting you too.
(And before anybody takes issue with me posting this when two of the bullies acting as admins for the blog are minor-bodied, I'm just going to remind you again that another one of their posts which I didn't share here targeted a 14-year-old polyfragmented DID system, so I really don't care about the ages of the bullies in the slightest.)
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thenephilicsystem · 3 years
hot take: creating a space tailored to traumagenic systems and not wanting endos to interact for that reason is not anti-endo and doesnt make the poster "sysmed"
existing as a traumagenic system and talking about our experiences exclusively is not anti-endo
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