#don't hug me i'm scard
grox · 2 years
The yellow don't hug me I'm scard puppet is so clearly like 28 years old
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not-a-car-fucker · 2 years
Don't hug me I'm scard's family eps is like how Mormon families are like
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sayori2023 · 4 years
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Hi can I have a daughter version of yandere Bruce and Tim please you know the ones where the reader has there lovers get away
Of course and after I do these two I'm going to do a couple more I got in my request and then I am making it a book. But I am not going to do Tim I don't really do him good.
Bruce Wayne
Cat women pov
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I sigh looking at the one of the fake portal my daughter made to make Bruce and her brothers come to me next. Starfire,raven,Roy there have been hit frist but I do not know who alive and who not.
But we all think the same thing we must keep our kids and grandkids safe even if we die~
My bruce my bat the one I used to love is no longer there but this man of anger darkness and obsession
But then I realized something this is the true Bruce he would do anything for his family.
My daughter ( reader) my precious diamond is a victim of Gotham and so is my grandbabies
Her brothers and father and Grandpa are Yanderes of the night
I rember when I was giving birth to her and when I frist saw her in my womb but what shock us was she wasn't entirely human. But then I rember the book my mother gave me of our family.
Funny enough on my side of the family there was magic users and it been dormant for a long time but my daughter got it and I am so proud.
Bruce was so protective of our little one and when she was born as well.
But when he wouldn't take her as Robin like her brothers I put my foot down and told him to make her a robin or I will become a hero and make her my sidekick.
And I did just that and she became a great hero
Her hero name is catbat women
Because of her gift she has magic but also a mix of a cat bat and human and oh so beautiful.
And The love she has found he cares for her and is kind like her just on the magic side but he loves her.
But Bruce and the family hated him
I remember I had to make them feel bad to let her date him
But I never thought they would make something so wonderful that the bat man Dems a threat.
Falsh back
(reader) hi mom I am home where dad?
Selena you know where he is and Don't Tell me you brought shade
I don't want him to hurt him. And ready for our movie night!
(reader) no I didn't know dad does not like . And mom I am not here for moving night there something you need to know.
I remember crying when the one thing I was trying to deny was true Bruce my Bruce is a yandere for me and our child but I don't know if he is for me anymore but I know he is for our daughter.
And no he not romantic for our daughter but platonic.
(reader) and mom I am scard for my husband dad still doesn't know we mated and got merrid his way and sniff I am with kitten's
I am shock and hug her understand what she means I know he won't let her have this baby and stay with her lover.
But I trying to tell her maybe he will let her keep my grand kittens but when she tells me another shocking thing when she went invisible her father's say I know now I must keep her safe.
And when she tells me she scared for her sister's truns out the her sisters are in the same place.
Yes her nices are like sisters to her and her to them because she is the youngest out of the bunch.
Which I don't mind. But she did not tell them but when I hear that the other are going to have a family I know it time so me and my daughter make a plane.
There a world where they are welcome it where her husband from and his brothers.
So we plan I tell the others when over in code the boys thought it was us talking about them in embarrassing times but it was not.
(reader) mother if it a girl I am namein her after you.
She crying whily hugging me and I do as well
Darke : time to go I promise to keep her safe
I wacht them go though the the portal and it get suck in a mini black hole that my daughter made
I hold on to the picture of me and her holding it to my chest and walk to the fake portal
Flash back over
I hear foot steps and they sound very panicked
Catwoman: you did this Bruce made your path do not blame me for final doing what right for our daughter.
I slowly trun around and I now know my answer he no longer loves me nor his sons but what shock me the most is he holding the gun that killed his father and mother
Bruce: you took everything from me and my son's
And I don't regret what I am about to do
Next thing I know is a shot to my heart but knowing my daughter and granddaughters and great grandkids are ok I am ok with this especially the face he makes when he realizes the portals fake and explodes.
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In the other world
Reader pov
Me and my older sisters hug and hold each other tightly
I will keep them safe and our kids with our husbands
But I know we are not safe not for a long shot so we all make planes and agreed to tell the kids when they're older. About our family
For now we can only do so much and we go to our New home. To prepare to keep our family safe
I hope you guys like it this is one of the post I be doing today!
Have a wonderful night and day 😘
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adobe-outdesign · 8 years
Do you think Colin likes cats?
Honestly I’m not sure if he’d even know what a cat is. I feel like if you asked him he’d say it was industrial adhesive or something.
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barishevsky · 11 years
The clock and the notepad are my new OTP. I will be rebloging every fan art I find.
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jkasdfhl · 11 years
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared II
Oh sweet mother fucking jesus christ....I just watched Don't Hug Me I'm Scared II with Mahlon, by the time everything went to shit we screamed in unison.unison. UNISON!
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