vindecare Β· 1 year
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A devil made from heaven, sent from above
Indie || ||18+|| Semi-Selective || Crossover Friendly ||MultiFandom Oc || Ran by Vixen || carrd ||credit
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vindecare Β· 1 year
Sips coffee
(my wife let me use her art as a base ) Anyways here come meet them
They got sharp teeth
ready to become more of a god or fight one Probs will cry without chicken nuggets
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vindecare Β· 1 year
what if I made a multi-eyed deity demon haha just kidding unless...
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vindecare Β· 1 year
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vindecare Β· 1 year
Hey everyone sorry for being mia for so long I was moving and doing a lot of stuff so I am now able to come back!! hope everyone is well
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vindecare Β· 1 year
Okay I am so sorry for my ooc spam and just blurting my love out for this woman but-- I got to the part in Dragonflight where you get to see her again <3 also yes my ass named my Evoker after Su'en because it just felt fitting
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vindecare Β· 1 year
love her
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vindecare Β· 1 year
Are you interested in a very specific ship, but you don't know how to ask?
send a specific number for...
a pre-established ship between our muses, where they're already together
our muses canonically together and i wanted to ask if you were interested in writing with me
our muses aren't considering eachother as partners, but i'd like a slow burn
my muse has a crush on yours
my muse has a crush on yours, and i'm interested in a slow burn
our muses are considering a relationship, but don't know how to start
a soft, first relationship
our muses are exes in good terms
our muses are exes in bad terms
our muses are exes, but mine is still in love with yours
our muses are exes, but mine is still obsessed with yours
a mutually toxic relationship
my muse is obsessed with yours
my muse is interested in yours, but only sexually
friends with benefits
exes with benefits
enemies with benefits
our muses hate eachother, but there's still Tension
childhood friends to lovers
childhood crushes who meet again after a long time
friends to lovers
enemies to lovers
lovers to enemies
a strictly sexual relationship
a sexual relationship that might lead to love
a sexual relationship where my muse is already in love with yours
a codependent relationship
an arranged marriage
a loveless marriage
married :)
divorced </3
a forbidden love
a secret relationship
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vindecare Β· 1 year
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Sips my coffee
all i Have to show you is these icons for the multimuse I am making for WoW
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vindecare Β· 1 year
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vindecare Β· 1 year
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vindecare Β· 1 year
I’m weak I just got home and bought world of Warcraft dragon flightβ€”
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vindecare Β· 1 year
Can’t wait to be a menace to society when I’m home
Until then here’s a early munday pic
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vindecare Β· 1 year
What a beautiful sound the shrill screaming of this sinner was, it was like a music to Su'en's ears currently and a sick twisted grin seemed to flash onto the womans face as she slowly looked over at her claws the copper blood that was now coating her claws made her feel something deeply inside, something she personally never felt before
Enjoyment. sheer absolute enjoyment
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She had never felt enjoyment from another persons suffering before, this was the first time these emotions seemed to bubble into her as a small laugh slowly came from Su'ens mouth before a full fit of laughter came out of Su'ens mouth, this was almost like a simple pleasure, one that she had starved herself of for so long ..this was what IMPURITY FELT LIKE
This is what she wanted to protect people from, and yet the Goddess was starting to stain herself with impurities , her anger from the eons was finally coming out at last, but not on those whom deserved it on someone who wasn't even alive back then
However the laughter of Su'en slowly seemed to stop as the Goddess came to her senses for a brief moment, this was all wrong, she shouldn't be doing something like this, she was supposed to bring salvation to people-- she was supposed to be there to show there was a way for sinners to possibly be redeemed. and yet here she was finally allowing her own disgusting emotions and sins take over-- this wouldn't of happened if those OTHER BASTARDS DIDN'T TRY TO HARM HER!! this was their fault all of their fault!.
NO ONE DESERVED REDEMPTION-- Su'ens thoughts seemed to stop for a moment as she froze upon her last thought, she didn't really believe that..she believed everyone deserved a chance..her followers had their one chance and then another.. so why shouldn't this entity be allowed to have such belifes or thoughts...even if Kerosene didn't believe in such things... everyone deserved to believe in what they thought and believed in.
Never the less Su'en seemed to look down at her clawed hands as her screen started to glitch ever so slightly, from a sadistic look to one of horror at what she had done, but her mask seemed to quickly change emotions...it was to late right now to say sorry and leave it be..if she left now then the mission would be in compromise , she had to play this act just a little longer...
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" You have chosen the correct option, good girl... "
Su'ens voice was still filled with a sense of malice , but it was slightly toned down, and she did honestly hope the other didn't catch it, she hoped Kerosene didn't hear the small amount of mercy that was in her voice as she looked around with her eyes slightly
"Maybe if you continue to work well.. I will see if I can pull a few strings to see if redemption for someone like you would be viable. of course you would be under my supervision. or you can stay here in hell until you decide what you wish to have....continuous suffering or a sense of fulfillment? "
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vindecare Β· 1 year
It hurt
She was in so much pain right now, and it was something that she couldn't possibly phantom or even imagine feeling, it was a foreign feeling to her, and it was something that she just wasn't meant to feel to deal with. maybe it would be better if she just continue to keep herself mildly shut down and shut off..she just wanted things to be better after all. never the less she seemed to look at Raptor as her face seemed to furrow ever so slightly
A small sad chuckle escaping from her lips as she placed a hand upon her chest ever so slightly, it hurt her to hear some of her followers were dammed, though there was a relief knowing that they were not dammed for following her and praying to her, she knew not all humans were kind or loving...but she had always turned a eye to their sins for that was not her property to deal in...and it was something she could not stop.
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" I am glad...most of them have gotten to make the most of their afterlife, that is all that I care really ask for in the end.. I know many of my followers were wolves in sheep's clothing but alas there was nothing I could personally do , to make them change or mend their ways, no matter how much they could repent there would always be that mark upon them... but I still cared for them all the same. " Su'en seemed to close her eyes a little before opening them once more as she watched the other sit down, she was much shorter in comparison to him, standing at a mere 6'0 as a Goddess. never the less the Goddess moved to Raptor taking a seat close to him as she looked down with her eyes. she had never thought about expressing her own emotions it was something she could never understand, but when he had asked a small sound escaped her lips. one she was unfamiliar with
"I don't... I do not know.. I feel so much sadness knowing that so many of my followers have been so hateful to one another to destroy their lives.. I feel like I have failed them all. I feel like there are a thousand hands trying to bring me down into the darkness where I will never be able to come out from every again--"
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vindecare Β· 1 year
Su'en seemed to merely look at the other as she raised a brow before she shook her head, she had no intentions on harming him anymore than he already was , never the less she seemed to merely nod her head before crouching down onto her knees. she wanted to see just what she was dealing with before her eyes shot over at his glowing eyes
"I would not threaten someone like me, I am not intending to hurt you now cut it out because I gotta concentrate so you don't bleed out or something like that "
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Su'en seemed to keep herself calm as she looked at Ace, she wasn't trusting of him currently as she slowly started to clean the blood around the wound, her face seemed to be blank of any emotion well doing so as she mumbled slightly
" Alright...if I just sew it up that will stop that... alright"
She seemed to pause a little as she cocked her head to the side before clearing her throat , she was trying to make sure she didn't use any holy magic or anything like that on someone who was a demonic entity, she didn't want to hurt him after all
"Alright...this is gonna' hurt I need to stitch you up and gotta cartelize the wound. it will be quick but it will hurt like a bitch for a few moments so... I would recommend biting down on something for about three minutes, that is as fast as I can personally stitch and cartelize "
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vindecare Β· 1 year
Go on ANON and tell me what you think of me. I do not want to know who it is, at all. Don’t tell me who it is, don’t give me hints, don’t say your screen name. Tell me exactly what you think of me. Don’t sugarcoat things. Don’t lie. If you hate me, tell me why. Tell me what I’m doing wrong. If you like me, tell me why. Tell me exactly what you think of me.
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