#don't know where the ghost in the last pic came from but the glass over my lenses is literally kept together by tape so really it's more
neongnistor · 4 months
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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( This is Min Soo-Nico )
Not Just a Monster
Warning: blood, puking, gore
3: Found my safe heaven... I think?
I woke up feeling weak my whole body ached as I laid in something wet. I breathe in deep gulping down the cool-cleanish air as much of it as I can.
Like a fish out of water, my lungs finally able to breathe. It tastes like metal in my mouth. I remember it when I had my nose bleeds. But shouldn't have done that though because pain shot through me.
I squeezed my eyes shut, I probably looked like a ghost from how much blood loss that I was laying in my puddle of it. wondering why I didn't die? Maybe It was because I passed golden hour since I didn't get to turn?
I didn't know how long I was out for but looking towards the building I caught on fire I saw that it was all ablaze. I didn't remember the flashback I had when I fell out of the window. Well more like I was crashed into it.
I sighed closing my eyes, but then that made me remember the speed monster thinking were that bitch ran off too? He's going to get payback if I ever see him again even if I had turned into a monster by that time.
I would have an advantage even though I'm still in the process of monsterization. Thinking of monsters I remembered there all around here not all but mostly some of them eat people.
Like the tongue one that got burnt up. I shivered at the thought. Getting up for the hundredth time today I soon didn't feel any pain. As if it all disappeared.
Inspecting my clothes they were torn as the thread of my sweater was clawed up and was stained by the monsters and my blood. I was covered in it from head to toe.
And I didn't have any other clothes, to wear in my duffel bag. I was out almost on everything, I needed to repack, real soon. It was around late afternoon judging by the sun.
I still had time to search for the things I needed but not for long, I had to be Conservative. Since I've never been out on a run in the daytime.
I walked away from the burning building down the street where the monsters were. The most dangerous ones I studied had to be around somewhere?
Not knowing I had to be careful of my surroundings, seeing cars all banged up with dints in the and the widow's glass shattered some was even flipped upside down.
But the thing that disturbed me the most was dead bodies lying on the ground. The smell was awful knowing they were Decaying their flesh coming off as flies flew around there and on telling what other things laid inside.
It made me want to puke so I turned my head not able to look anymore at the gross sight. My stomach felt nauseated knowing the familiar sensation going up my throat not able to hold it back.
It came up, as it was nothing but water and my stomach lining. I had bent over placing my hands on my knees. When I was done I spit the rest of it out as my eyes watered tears rolling down my cheeks.
Wiping them away I stood up straight and moved on, wondering where I was going to sleep for the night? And possibly stay if it wasn't run over with monsters.
I forgot about my knife because I couldn't find it anywhere when I first woke up. So I was defenseless if I had to run up one, which wasn't good.
As I head growling, and other inhuman noises. Some of the monsters talked but just only a few words. They would repeat it in a low tone dragging out the last Syllable.
Sounding like a snake, I scratched my face as it felt itchy. Ash and dried blood was caked up on it and got down into my nails. Not that I cared I wasn't a nail girl.
It would be nice if I had a shower, a cold one I imagined scrubbing off all this nasty mess off my tan skin. I haven't had one in a while.
I thought as I was up ahead going to the Convenient store I always went to at night. It was seven eleven, before going in I checked through the windows to make sure nothing was in there.
I waited but didn't see anything out of the ordinary not like there was much of normal anymore. I opened the door as the bell ringed above me. I cringed at the loud sound.
If there weren't any monsters around they would be now. Searching down The isles of different Varieties of snack food. I picked out most of the stuff that was in plastic bags not caring if there were expired.
Some of my favorites were kimchi instant noodles, triangle Kimbap and Pocky of different flavors. I grabbed it all letting it fall into my duffel bag.
When I was done with that I went near the Refrigerated section and took all the water and green teas they had seen most of the stuff With some kind of milk beverage that had Spoiled smelling bad.
I plugged my nose, and also stuffed my drinks in my bag to accept one, and took out a triangle kimbap unwrapping it I sat down and began to chow down on the delicious seaweed rice food.
Then taking a sip of my water, It coded my throat after it is dry and irritated from all the smoke and fumes I inhaled. Relaxing my body I slumped down laying down on one of the shelves that was behind me.
I gazed up ahead looking right outside noticing that building I saw on the rooftop. It looked mostly vacant from what I could tell?  Except for the eye monster but it was probably gone by now.
I had a deep feeling in my gut to go there, I didn't know why? I always looked at the place when I was on the rooftop I had drawled it once without thinking about it.
I would stay here but it provided little protection and I could easily be seen and I couldn't stay in the back of the store their water probably didn't work half of the Convenient store bathrooms always had something wrong with them.
Deciding on that's where I was going to go because it's better than nothing plus it wasn't that far of a walk I could be there in less of half an hour that being thirty minutes.
The sky was beginning to set, it a pinkish-orange color as the clouds grew into a dark purple I wish I had a camera so I could take a pic to see this world still had something beautiful to look at.
I frowned realizing this was actually how the world going to be now people turning into hideous monsters that want to terrorize and eat whatever if it has a heartbeat.
And it's just not the monsters you have to worry about it's the people. They're probably gangs for those who have Survived and killed others for what they have and robbed them of it after there dead.
I shook my head in shame but that's what a world like this does to you it changes you for the worse or if you luck better if you aren't scared. But if you aren't scared you ain't human. I got that off the maze runner a quote from Alby one of my personal favorites.
It's kinda like this world now if you think about it? I don't know why but I kinda laughed knowing something like this wouldn't have ever happened oh the Irony right? I was completely wrong.
I guess karma is a bitch, for thinking that way, signing I ate one more of the first things I gobbled down. I had to stop myself from eating everything before I made myself puke again from not having been eating in a couple of days.
Getting up I took a long sip of my water before putting it back in my bag. Swinging it over my shoulder I gripped the strap as if was a little heavier but not so much where I would have to drag it with my weak ass body.
To green roof apartments, that would be a sight to see. I was kinda Chubby for nineteen years my parents always told me to thin down and stop eating so much but I never listened to them.
They didn't know what it was like being a severely bullied teenager. Getting called a fat pig and having candy thrown at you in school. But they tried their best to understand and only wanted what was best for me but it wasn't good enough.
But now I regret everything I said to them and everything I did. My lips dowsed into a frown at the memories I began to think I was stuck in my head again letting the memories go I began my way to green roof apartments to see what was in store for me there.
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pomomos · 5 years
Buyers Beware!! I've head to deal with three years of lies, don't go thru what I went thru!
My patience is officially maxed out and at this point I don't even care if I get my item or not. I've been scammed and I get that now (took me long enough right?) and I know I'm well within my right to expose the person who got my money and denied me the item I paid for.
This all started back in 2017. I was shopping on Etsy looking for a dress for my 1/6 girl and I came across a really cute shop that specialized in Blythe clothes. I knew my girl was smaller in the chest and wider in the hips so I figured that I could buy a loose Blythe dress for her and it would fit well enough. I've done that before in the past and the Blythe seamstresses I've purchased from before have all been a joy to buy from. So I went ahead and purchased a dress, as is, and I figured worst case scenario, I could put it on a vinyl fashion doll and still be happy that I have a cute dress. Well, that was just a straight fantasy that I was living because my plans never came to be 🙃
After waiting for my dress to come I decided "hey, why not try to message the girl and see what the holdup is!" And that's how I got held hostage in a THREE YEAR LONG CONVERSATION over my dress that's "totally going to be sent to me soon!" And here it is, not cropped out and only edited to hide personal information. Pay attention to the dates too.
Click for better resolution. (Anyone who has a hard time reading, feel free to message me and I'll send you the receipts thru your DM or a transcript)
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She theb sends me the pics of the dress that she made and swore up and down that all she needed to do was close the back and it's as good as mine!! But the very funny thing is that the pics she sent me it 99.9% NOTHING like the pic advertising the dress I BOUGHT!
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Literally the only thing that's similar is the pattern. It's a completely different cut. Completely different buttons. Completely different pearls. Completely different lace. It's just not what I ordered from a supposedly "in stock" item.
And honestly, I'll take the blame for this because I told her I was ok with it. Because to be honest, I was. I don't HATE IT hate it. It's ok for what it is. And after a year of her playing me I knew that PayPal claim wasn't going to happen so I took my loss for what it was because I thought at least I was gonna get something right? WRONG! All I got was more of her lies.
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Here's where you can tell she clearly got sick of me 😊 guess I'm such an annoying naggy rude mouthy customer huh? I guess all the times I said thank you and have her compliments and asked about her life was just too much for her to deal with so obviously the best thing for both of us was for her to ghost me ❤️
Well after she went silent I did something that I should have done a long time ago. I did a little research on her. (I'm not winning any genius awards anytime soon and I had so much faith in her for years and I can admit that I should have looked her up after the first few convos.)
So I search for her and I found out that little miss is a very busy business woman! Apparently she has store fronts all over the place! AND ON TOP OF THAT!!!!! She's apparently a very sought after dealer who is always in constant communication with the people she deals for and the businesses she's buys from. She's also super active on her Instagram account and even posted on it a day after I sent her my last message on Etsy. Guess getting those sweet likes is more important then giving someone the item you sold to them years ago.
And after my sluething I found one of her store fronts accepts questions thru her email so I absolutely hit that shit up and I snapped on her. (The ordering got a little bit funky so I made sure to number everything)
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So after all that, after one last lie then her finally giving up and offering to refund me, the three year ordeal is "over". And to my great surprise she actually did! After all this time she actually sent €33.45 my way! Not before making me wait of course. She sent it to me this morning after I already asked for a refund on the 1st, but hey, baby steps right? (At least she didn't force me to wait until 2023 for the stuff she owes me lol)
But really, I'm just so tired of this run around. I hate that I've been this stupid and gullible and nice. I hate myself for being forgiving and understanding to such a liar and a scammer. She never gave a damn about me but for some reason I kept giving her nothing but kindness. I don't know what it was about me and my order that it wasn't good enough for her attention and effort, but that's all over and done with now.
Weather or not I get the item now is irrelevant. If me exposing her can save someone of the headache of having to deal with Estefania/Felicity then I can at least feel good about that. Here's the shops to avoid and the social media to block.
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This nightmare that she made me live thru is now over and done with. I can breathe in a sigh of relief. It was a very sobering learning moment and I know from now on not to be trusting or hopefully with ANYONE I buy from. I hate that I have to feel like this now, but the rose colored glasses are off for good.
I finally get it now.
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