#don't like don't read 😤😤
your--isgayrights · 2 years
I love all this! I’m going to reread wall fic for the uhh third(?) time with all your behind the scenes stuff in mind! I noticed in your list of stuff you like to talk about, you included Naruto. How/what do you think orv-character(s)-of-your-choice would do in the Narutoverse? (If that’s too odd an ask, just take the compliment and my love <3)
Literally when someone says the word reread to me I swoon; I am swooning currently swoon swoon swoon.
YES I DO LOVE NARUTO. Naruto is my little guy okay. I know that I Cannot Convince other people in good conscious to get into it Now in the year of 2022, but it's just that comfort show for me that when stuff was happening to me growing up I always felt like there was something True to My Life that was happening concurrently in Naruto... Teenage Boy Syndrome smh... ANYWAY my Favorite episodes are Shippuden 209-216 (bc he has a panic attack in 209 and is Going Through It while his toxic middleschool crush attempts to murder the chief of police and then his bestie decides she has to murder their mutual middleschool crush and its so <3 drama). Also Sakura and Hinata are my favorite characters who are not Naruto.
Sorry okay but like you basically activated my trap card here. I'll try very hard to talk as little about Naruto and focus as much on ORV as possible... because this is my ORV blog...
Ummm if you're just asking one to one comparisons here; I think that some of the things that draw me into ORV are obviously things I saw in Naruto because Naruto was sort of a Formative Media Experience for me like before I watched Naruto I was like 12 and didn't have a personality yet and just watched what was popular but then after watching 500 episodes of a show I decided was My Favorite everything else falls into place. So obviously there's the Standard Shounen tropes I just like to see in everything like the emphasis on friendship and bonds in times of crisis and war and the way that Trauma is dissected... Like I always say this but like if you want to help a teenage boy exercise his empathy muscles sit him down in front of Naruto because the ONE thing that Naruto is always doing that it gets called like slow paced for nowadays is that it takes the time to remind you Why You Care about the people who are fighting, why the fight matters to these people, and what their motivations are even if they seem like they're just up and down villains from Naruto's perspective... This kind of drags things out in the end because there's so much time spent building empathy that near the end when Kishimoto decides he needs to have like a Big Bad we kind of get a bunch of weakly outlined OP villains for everyone with a Backstory to unite against (which I suppose is the weakness of dissecting the horror of war so thoroughly despite the fact that your plot hinges on the ever perpetuating and escalating nature of war). Like I think that the End of Naruto where all the ghosts of the characters we care abouts' pasts come back to fight had a lot of potential to Further the themes about how the Current state of society's conflicts is predicated by the egos of those of the past; but a lot of that theming that was heavily emphasized in the Pain arc gets shoved to the side in favor of trying to make "resolution"s to the important characters' personal traumas. Like I REALLY hate the way that Gaara's parents were handled like NO it is NOT curative of ANY of Gaara's issues to just be like "actually the trauma didn't happen :) it was made up :D go be happy now son!" Same thing with the way that the arc between Itachi and Sasuke was resolved... Kishimoto has this habit of only really knowing how to "resolve" a traumatic or tragic arc by backpedalling and saying "No actually it didn't happen like that!" instead of doing what I think is a lot more interesting and saying Yes That's what happened; where do we go now?
WHICH IS WHY I LOVE ORV OKAY THIS ASK IS ABOUT ORV. I think that ORV explores a lot of the same themes that Naruto fans love about the horrors of violence and the perpetuity of cyclical trauma; but like... how do I put this... It actually Knows its doing that? Haha, like, I honestly think that Naruto as a story is very... Raw. You can see a lot of how the cutthroat nature profiteering nature of the shounen manga market effects the production; during certain arcs different ideas and themes are brought to the forefront and you can tell when a chapter is being written for the purpose of introducing a new character or for the sake of one cool moment for the hero... But even still there are times when you really can just Feel that something being written is coming from something Real and raw and just kind of how the Author really sees things... Like Kishimoto often references that the driving motivation of Naruto to help his friend who is going through something dark is related to something in his own life, and I think it really shows in the very structure of Naruto in this theme of always reaching for the past and wanting things to be the same as they were back then... I feel like a lot of people thought the ending of Shippuden is supposed to come off as a resolution to that struggle and got disappointed when him and sasuke didn't get together... but I really like to think that the truth is Naruto's dream was actually impossible; things can't be like they were back then... But they can still be better. He'll never be as close to Sasuke again, they won't have team 7 of his childhood ever agian but... He knows that Sasuke's out there somewhere doing good things, and he just... moves on with his life. Starts a family, becomes a leader... I really appreciate that, actually.
Either way though, there's a lot of evidence that an ending I enjoyed came about purely due to coincidence... It's sort of confirmed that a lot of the decisions Kishimoto made towards the end were influenced by publishers' perceptions of what fans would be satisfied with... And a lot of the end of Naruto really shows like the Evidence of that struggle.
OKAY BUT I SAID ALL OF THAT ABOUT NARUTO BECAUSE LIKE. In contrast, ORV is just sooo meticulously planned and thought out with the INTENTION of being read and being interpreted in this deeper way. Like ORV is the kind of media that like is seeing guys like me who read Naruto and being like... Okay you like that but... Didn't you Want This? And its like yes <333 thank you for having a traumatized main character who never really resolves being traumatized <3 but learns to love and be loved anyway <3 thanks <3333
Like it's like Naruto is this huge field of half extremely juicy grapes half dead ones and ORV is one really well maintained grape plant that's all Juice okay... Like I love that Kishimoto had Naruto Legit Have a panic attack but its hard for me to say whether or not Kishimoto even knows what a panic attack is its like... Do you Know About This Shit or did this just, like, happen to you man. VS singshong like definitely Know what they are doing with like the fucking disassociation aspect of the 4th wall and the way that KDJ's trauma from his childhood specifically dictates his actions in forming bonds with others as an adult and Tried to send YJH to a therapist but picked the guy who set PTSD research back by a century because of his literary clout lmaooo.
OK. Soooo that's just analysis - I think you're asking for an AU so let me try okay.
So if we're making an AU where the ORV characters do Naruto; Kim Dokja has to be Naruto, obviously. I think it's more fun for him to have the typical KDJ trauma than to be just a straight up orphan though, no offense to Naruto being an orphan I was never bored when that fucking swing showed up I was legit always psyched about it like there's that motherfucking swing again the fucking MVP the one and only Child Support in this god damned village, just because it's more true to his character you know. Then I feel like it was really always overlooked how Sakura was kind of the only person in her class who was a 1st generation ninja; as in she didn't have any clan backing and only had civilian parents... She studied on her own and then became the successor of a Sannin just through pure focus and skill and then also she performed surgery in one episode anyway <3. In my head I've extrapolated this to mean that Most kids of civillians Do Not Make Genin rank and there is like class disparity because of that in My Mind okay? Okay. Anyway if Naruto was about KDJ then I think he's the kid of two civilians who someone (Future Han Sooyoung I've decided) hid a tailed beast inside of (the fourth wall the kyubi is the fourth wall here). Same deal with his trauma except the way he killed his dad was with his tailed beast powers, cuz the fourth wall was ordered to protect him at all costs. His mom is a civilian and takes the fall for the gruesome murder so she goes to ninja prison. Wards of the State go to Ninja School I guess bc child soldier is the only life you get or whatever but KDJ isn't really motivated to become Hokage or anything like Naruto is; he just wants to live a normal life and not stand out because he's convinced there's just this Monster inside of him...
BUT here comes YJH. YJH I've decided is from a powerful clan bloodline but is also a war orphan who has been orphaned like. Multiple times. Like he has been adopted and then had his parents die and then adopted and had his new parents die and adopted and had his new parents die and- you get the picture. This is what's giving me his Regressors Depression vibes but he goes to Ninja school driven with the idea that he is going to End War because that's the only thing he has to live for; no one person took any one family from him, its just all the endless conflict makes it pointless to care about anyone at all. KDJ is like kind of uwuing side eyeing him though like because lowkey he thinks that maybe YJH is the only person who could ever really understand him (yes the naruto and sasuke equivalent). YJH keeps getting adopted bc people want to coast off his prestigous clan name; he's basically guaranteed to be Hokage one day, but he doesn't really care. In his mind he's just going to war to kill, there's no idea of Living for something for him. But like KDJ watching him finds an inspiration to live in wanting to help YJH... which mostly comes out as him trying to Compete with YJH, haha.
Then, obviously, HSY is the third of their genin team. I think that she's an heiress of a powerful clan, probably with the sort of creation/brushstroke powers that Sai has or something to do with sealing to be in line with having knowledge and kind of tied to writing... But she doesn't care about this Ninja shit at alllll. I mean, obviously she's not going to let Broody Asshole show her up in the grade results but she just wants to do her service long enough not to have her parents up her asshole about it and then pursue her passion of writing novels...
Obviously then they become a found family style genin group and their dynamics are KDJ being obsessed with YJH and HSY wanting to find out about KDJ bc he's so angsty and is into similar stuff as her but also he's obsessed with YJH which makes him a total mystery like what's wrong with him and then YJH is just like -_- what's the point of caring about these people they'll be gone soon too and then has to slowly learn that these are people who will stand by his side no matter what and are his comrades...
Then the whole thing with Orochimaru- YJH relapses and realizes that people as powerful as Orochimaru (or whatever equivalent we want to have for him IDK Asmodeus lets have it be asmodeus he's equivalently creepy) could take away his friends at a moments notice and that it's not safe to have comrades, to care about people until he's the strongest. So he refocuses on only seeking power and seeing that as the way to stop war.
Meanwhile, KDJ begins to believe that pursuing bonds, trying to understand and read the lives of others, and accumulating as many connections as possible is the way to stop war. When YJH defects he's heartbroken and will do anything to get him back, because he just wants to FORCE YJH to like sit down and let him stop All War for him.
Then with Han Sooyoung: much the same as in Cannon her connection to KDJ is stronger than her connection to YJH, and the importance of her role comes up most in the endgame. Her methodology of "stopping war" is... Time travel! When she was young Han Sooyoung was talented enough to make an advanced form of shadow clones utilizing division of her memories; she would leave one at home to write while the other had to go to school... But one day, when she got home her shadow clone was gone? So HSY's shadow clone just decided to go on a globe trotting tour of the Ninja war because "I'm just a shadow clone anyway. If I die then original me will just have gotten to see some sweet sights!" The shadow clone went on to have a life of its own and eventually comes into conflict with KDJ like in ORV... She's seeking her own end to war by... Inventing time travel? And? Making it so that war just... doesn't happen?
So she tries to go back and find like the Start of War but obviously fails to stop it conclusively and kind of loses her faith in humanity a bit because she's like Jesus Fucking Christ I basically have to commit a Genocide if I just get rid of all the fighty people. Ugh. Guess mass murder is necessary but lets do the least possible.
And then obviously since the Bijuu are the Naruto worlds' equivalent to the arms race from world war II and the post WWII state of nuclear proliferation, HSY time travels and takes control of the 4th wall equivalent kyuubi, Planning to use its powers to stop the war through force. She sees the most vulnerable point in time to grab the 4th wall some time before it's passed to that random civilian kid KDJ... How'd he end up with it anyway?
So she goes back through Kim Dokja's life as an observer at first to kind of just look for the perfect moment to strike and steal the kyubi from him but like... Then she kind of sees the Traged of KDJ. That the only thing protecting him from dying is really the Kyubi... In every fight as a genin... then when he tried to commit suicide several times... then back when his father almost beat him half to death... HSY realizes that without the Kyubi, Kim Dokja is someone who would be doomed to die no matter what; but the tailed beast always stops him. It forces him to hold on until he meets YJH and HSY and then things just get... better.
She's conflicted now, not wanting to pounce and steal the Kyubi from KDJ directly... so she goes back to before KDJ is born.
The 4th wall kyubi was in the hands of some madman who was going to blow up the village they lived in (killing everyone including HSY herself)... HSY just watches it happen at first but then she slowly realizes that no one is coming into stop this rogue jinchuuriki so she like... steps in to do it herself.
And when she extracts the kyubi it... calls her "mother"?
Apparently, in the future, HSY will go back even further in the past and Create the tailed beasts.
And she realizes it's all because she...
She can't let Kim Dokja die.
That person whose entire life she just watched...
Yeah, she would doom the entire world to eternal war just to save that one kid who sat behind her in genin school.
So she puts the kyubi into a sleeping baby Dokja and then goes back in time to invent the tailed beasts lmao. I think that's unhinged so that's why I said it. I think she deserves to be a mad scientist who does immoral things.
Anyway then like they win the great ninja war and all kiss or something IDK <3 (<-kishimoto-esque ending)
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girleboy · 3 months
do you think i can read the entire women's prize longlist this year
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figuringthengsout · 1 month
Who is this Zane and why is he calling my boy Johnny?
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fc barcelona are finally back in ucl knockouts!
(sound on please)
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somedaytakethetime · 7 months
He's literally obsessed with kicking the ball at this kid in this fashion lately... show off..
Bonus of my favourite, precious dansk rotte:
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#the way i learn words just to be able to use them when referring to this man..#also if that's not correct? i don't care 😤 come speak my language and find out it's not so fun either#anyway in totally unrelated news today i have that song from Barbie stuck in my head#you know that one that Billie wrote for it? the really depressing one?#yeah that one.. you don't understand the melancholy i'm living with besties..#meanwhile Kasper is posting about the beach on his stories while i'm out here rotting away#and it's sick and twisted because i KNOW he's about to hit that sauna again.. my man *is* obsessed with it.. and he'll never post about it#he'll never drop a little selfie like he did.. totally shirtless... i miss that...#enough sorrow let me get back to work#Kasper Schmeichel#king thicccness#danish captain america#actually now that i think about it..#i could have written min yndlings dansk rotte.. but i don't know how to say precious yet#i'm poor on complimentary vocabulary.. or vocabulary in general 😅#edit to add: learning that that is not correct is hilarious#so if i want to say it that way then I'd have to attach possibly dansk rotte to it too?#because apparently yndling is a noun so you have to add the s and make it into a compound word?#there's also favorit and that's an adjective which makes it simpler because i can just write 'min favorit dansk rotte' but#favorit doesn't necessarily mean it's my personal favourite from what I'm reading and Kaspy is definitely my personal favourite so..#min yndlingsdanskrotte? min yndlingsrotte would likely be more correct? HOW BIG CAN THESE DAMN COMPOUND WORDS GET??#learning is hard and I'm too old and dumb 😔😔😔#i genuinely don't understand this language and it makes me want to cry but anyway 😂
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faded-florals · 1 year
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aiqingdemeimiao · 11 months
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full pj harvs interview in the guardian saturday magazine (1st july 2023)
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ghostly-squid · 10 months
I am. Begging. People to stop tagging pairings that don't exist in stories. If you have a relationship tag and then, 20 tags later, a separate tag going "no, that's not what's happening here," just know I am manifesting sand appearing in your socks
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cinna-bunnie · 1 year
lmfao i am beating my laptops ass rn 😭 i have 3MB of ram free, i need to convince my job to let me get a lil dedicated server to run at home.
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nacregames · 2 years
Semi - Hiatus Update & Spooktober progress
Heyaa everyone!
I’m TRULY sorry for not being so active anymore and for all the unanswered asks in my inbox!! I swear they’ll eventually get answered ;_;
I just had a lot going on lately, and honestly it’s still pretty hectic. Private matters drain me out the most, but there were other things slowing me down too (remember when I first announced my hiatus? It was bc stupid tech guy was too stupid to connect the stupid internet and I was left dry FOR WEEKS).
I quit to have some free time but got into an even more tedious job ( I swear to god, it would be my dream job if it wasn’t for the high demand and the running around from A to B). I was also forced to do other things by my mom bc “I need to get my life together” etc etc. SO I basically got only 1 in the week to do anything for myself, which includes writing. I’m so not stressed rn...
ANYWAY, on top of all these things, the Spooktober Jam is my top priority for now, but since it’s only until October, I’ll be able to focus on the other projects again! So that 1 day is solely spent on this beauty, I’m sorry :(
I know I’ve neglected you too much and continue doing so and you probably don’t even like me anymore, but please take a look at our Visual Novel 🥺
It’s our beautiful child and will be even prettier once it’s out 🌸
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some sketches/ possible looks for one of our main characters 😏
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a very normal kitchen utensil which will definitely only be used for cutting vegetables
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everything about this is so wrong and honestly I love our programmer lmao <3
Thank you for your understanding and your support and showing interest in my projects! It really means a lot and I try my best to give it everything I got! 💖
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thursdayg1rl · 10 months
didn't realise that the summer I turned pretty season 2 was still going lmaoo. I finished episode 6 and was like well damn I guess this is it. here we go again ig
#the problem with this series is that it is too set in todays time#but the books are so so 2010 coded and it kind of ruins the whole vibe#even the little choices of adding in modern music.. idk man. like my Jeremiah has never heard of Ariana grande and I know this in my heart#its so. Netflix originalified#and I know we will look back in 10 years to cringe at this bc even now I am cringing at it#and then the casting. that's a whole separate issue#she really said Conrad was 'dark dark dark' and they made him barely a brunette (can you use brunette for men? many have been wondering)#and Jeremiah isn't even properly blond like can we commit to the bit please. be serious about this im not even playing#bc they could have dyed their hair its not even that deep#I like belly at least like I look at her and I think yeah that could be belly#and Taylor as well actually. not in season 1 but her season 2 hair I believe it can be her#the only good thing they changed is making Jeremiah bisexual#and also I think the characters aren't obsessed with each other how I thought they should be after reading the books#the stakes are simply not that high when in the books it was like life or death for belly to get Conrad to notice her#ALSO not enough flashback scenes to their childhood#I don't even care ab this like that but it's just the principle of the thing! like it could have been great and they fumbled it completely#I need to have some kind of input in these things they should hire me as a creative director 😤#also I came here to say that Jeremiah is wearing an outfit I have worn many times before but I got sidetracked
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swordwife · 11 months
cuddles for erik
cuddles for erik for One Thousand Years
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megah3rz · 1 year
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so.... do these two have a ship name?
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keylovesstuff · 13 days
I'm so happy you enjoy my fics! So flattered that you said you reread them!
Omg Hello!!! Funny you should mention rereading your works specifically, the other day at work I was going through "Homeworld Lost" again, and I was like 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾 gosh I love this. I'm so excited to see what you got in store for it (I do a lot of tag surfing on your blog as you may have noticed 🤭) and saw that you've been working so hard it and from what you have now and have talked about I'm just like 👀👀👀 I'm so ready.
Dragonball fics were some of the first creative fandom works I got into and even though I didn't contribute anything to it (other than reading and commenting on stuff) for a while, I still felt a part of it. Of course, a lot of what I read was about pre-z Vegeta or Vegebul fics, I met and got to talk to so many nice people 🥹.
Anyways... coming across your works has been so fun and both of your stories have everything I love to see in those (Pre-Z and Vegebul) fics while also being unique in its own way. ☺️☺️
If you guys haven't already (and maybe looking to indulge in some Vegeta angst stuff do keep in mind the tags), please check out Astral, who is both a talented writer & artist ✨️
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babisawyer · 3 months
I know it's 2 am but I must complain about something.
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meow-moment · 1 year
i bet if walter white had tumblr hed be like "i am the one who blogs haha"
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🔮 purple-queen Follow
just got a beautiful ring from the store, can't wait to show it off here!
#my purchases #marie speaks
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🌶️ capncook
finally scored a new job can i get a hell yeah. back to making stacks dawg
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🪨 hankschrader4 🔁 flynwyte Follow
🏎️ flynwyte Follow
I didn't want to have to make this post, but deadlines are closing in and I don't have many options left.
My name is Walter White Junior, and my father was recently diagnosed with cancer. He's been battling for a few months now, and he wants us not to worry about him, but he can't keep pulling money out of nowhere. I've done the math, and I've estimated that he needs $12k to afford all the treatment he needs.
Any donations are appreciated! You can donate directly at my website, or donate on p@yp@l, under the username flynwyte.
(do not tag as donation!)
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💲 sponsored
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Did you recently get in a car accident? You better call him...
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👨🏾‍💼 gustavo-fring
I am pleased to announce that we have finally hired a new social media intern.
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🐓 los-pollos-hermanos Follow
yo yo yo whaddup chicken lovas!!! were bringin back the 2-for-1 honey mustard wings combo, with that signature taste you cant help but love! get it today, bitches!
🏎️ flynwyte Follow
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60 notes
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🔮 purple-queen Follow
okay, you know what? No. I'm sick of this. Kleptomania is a valid mental disorder, and if i have to explain to you why, then i will.
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#marie speaks #rant
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🌶️ capncook
bored on the job man its got me thinkin...
#vent post #delete later
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👊 2co Follow
i can't say shit around my grandpa bro. i make a comment about the lakers one time and its 😤🛎️🛎️🛎️😤🛎️🛎️😤😤🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️ im fuckin SICK OF IT!!
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🐓 los-pollos-hermanos Follow
i miss her so much man...
#vent post #delete later
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🐓 los-pollos-hermanos Follow
We would like to apologize for our social media intern's mistake. As a token of our apology, we are offering a 10% discount on any chicken order if you mention this post. Have a finger-lickin' day!
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🧪 h31s3nb3rg Follow
I am the one who blogs haha
1,250 notes
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😺 meow-moment
Who said that
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