#don't make the same mistakes as we did
rachymarie · 1 month
Actually if anyone needs proof that language actually evolves in the true sense of the word: (evolves to be better).
I am proof. A 90s kid who in her teens was such a stubborn jerk when someone told her that using "gay" as a negative word is a slur, refused to stop saying it for maybe a few more years. And I am very sorry, not just because I now have multiple diagnoses to validate my own lived experience of disability. That all came after I changed my language for the better.
We grew up saying all the things everyone agrees is not ok to say now.
The r-word etc. Autistic was a slur too.
It was all just commonplace. (It's no wonder many of us from the millennial generation are left feeling kinda screwed up)
It was Bad, ok.
(If you think that's horrible and irredeemable, well what can I say except think about how we schizospec feel still being called a rampant amount of names and slurs, having our symptoms made into "cute" TikTok trends to be joked about incessantly - but we believe and know you have the propensity to change, it's just an attitude/ignorance thing)
But here's the thing, the point of this post:
Language evolved.
We are better than that now.
Majority of us stopped saying what are now largely considered slurs years ago. Now it's just the internalized ableism to work on.
So why can't we as a society agree to stop using slurs against schizospec?
Why can't it be just as "cringe" to pick on/bully some of the most vulnerable people in society - schizospec?
And stop saying people are schizospec just because they are bigots or you disagree with them, that's not how it works.
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spywhitney · 2 months
How I sleep knowing I'll never trust anyone that hates Sydney but worships Richie:
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#the bear#the bear fx#sydney adamu#carmen berzatto#richie jerimovich#jk kind of#well on days I don't see or think about Sydney haters#under every damn comment section in this fandom is someone saying Sydney didn't take accountability#like I know we all have our biases but yall are really shameless about it#Sydney scored A LOT of Ws for The Beef AND The Bear#but one time she makes a mistake and justifiably walks away from a toxic work environment she's the devil#Richie worked at The Beef for years and Sydney did more for it in what less than four months than he did#on top of being a prick to Sydney in particular because she was changing things he wanted to keep the same#to the detriment of the restaurant but also everyone#and overall being unpleasant to Carmy#Nat and anyone that didn't find him funny or interesting or like his bs#pre-Forks Richie reminds me of those types of people that only listen to people that like them#and I love that because it's realistic to some ppl#I do like Richie#it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth knowing there are people that hate Sydney#ignore her accomplishments only to raise up Richie#in the same breath when the actual show is showing you what's up#like you'd think there were different versions of the show with how these two are perceived#I get this weird need to defend Sydney when people shit on her because I wonder how often said people treat the Sydneys of the world#but that aside#In Fishes Richie mentions something about wasting potential at the beef#In Ceres it's implied he called the popo on the dealers after Sydney deescalated a situation Richie previously dealt with#in an unorthodox manner#he recognised he needed to change but still was an arsehole to the one person who was facilitating that change effectively Sydney#this show is great but people denying what they're seeing on their own screens is crazy
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fromtheseventhhell · 4 months
It's crazy that people still uphold show!Sansa as a well-written character and pretend that liking her is the pinnacle of feminism when it would be infinitely more impactful to acknowledge her terrible and misogynistic writing. This is the same character who, while written by two men, was thankful for the abuse she suffered because it allowed her to grow. The same character who we had to be told was smart because the writers were too lazy to develop or show her intelligence. The same character who had to rely heavily on the men surrounding her and ended up accomplishing nothing on her own merit ( and no, thinking that she deserved to be Queen doesn't mean that she earned it). She is not well-written, she is not complex, and she is not a feminist character. Which is fine! If you enjoy her then good on you, but please stop pretending that she's something she isn't just because you feel the need to justify liking her character
#anti got#anti d&d#anti show sansa#anti sansa stans#like literally one of the worst written characters on that show because they tried so hard to make her the most important#while being entirely incompetent and their only method of doing so was to steal from other characters which ruined the plot#the only arguable achievement was defeating LF but even then it's written in the script that she had to go to Bran to explain things#/she rallied the Vale army!/ no she didn't 😭 she wrote a letter to LF and he did everything. instead of showing her arc in the Vale and#her learning about politics to rally them herself they took the quickest route to give her a /badass/ savior scene#which only ended up making her look selfish + power-hungry for putting her brothers' lives at risk for not telling anybody about said lette#and idiotic in the aftermath after relying once again on LF even though he was very obviously manipulating her#/pawn to player/ sounds catchy on paper but without seeing that growth/development it doesn't work#Arya was terribly written but at least we /saw/ her training in a way we never did with Sansa#and people try to apply this same logic to the books and think she's gonna suddenly spring forth as a political mastermind#when that's not how George writes...we see characters develop and make mistakes on page and get actual earned growth#feminism isn't defending the writing of two men who gave her a rape plot not in the books because they thought it was /interesting/#when the only aspect of that plot they adapted was a woman suffering abuse :/#and as per usual with stansas their only /evidence/ of her being well-written is accusing you of being misogynistic if you don't like her
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okmcintyre · 3 months
send me a character and I'll list:
favourite thing about them: Clarke's tenacity! Her first scene? She fights off two armed guards and LOCKS THEM IN HER CELL BEHIND HER. Then how she handles herself at the dropship ("You think we care who's in charge!?"). Her commitment to getting her people out of MW (despite every other leader before her failing to do so). Praimfaya. AFTER Praimfaya... When Clarke sets her mind on something, she's a force! 💥
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least favourite thing about them: I hated seeing how much crap she put up with in S6 (and even some of the earlier seasons!) I wish she'd value herself enough to apply that tenacity to her own well-being 😅
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favourite line: my answer always changes, but today it's this one from 512. It was refreshing to see Clarke own that 'Wanheda' part of herself after so many years. Loved that energy for her ⤵️
"What if I never see you again? No, not possible. How can you be sure? It's simple. You may be the Commander, but I'm the Commander of Death..."
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brOTP: MURPHY! Their dynamic is sm fun!!
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OTP: Bellarke. For sure 100% I'm always rooting for those two wonderful fools.
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nOTP: I still think the Clarke x Gaia vibes felt really... off? I wasn't a fan. And Cillian definitely wasn't my fave either, but I guess he's actually not meant to be 😅
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random headcanon: Eventually, earthkru has settled peacefully and trained a team of medics: so Clarke decides, after some convincing, to take up life as an artist.
(Though sometimes, when she can't sleep, Bellamy and Madi still find her helping patients in the med tent...)
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unpopular opinion: she wasn't completely wrong with all her S5 decisions. Some of them, like shock-collaring her daughter? YES! But feeling obligated to get a 12 year old girl tf away from Wonkru and Blodrenia? Maybe not a bad call 🤷‍♀️ Her method was lousy, but her intentions not completely un-understandable.
...and her red hair was COOL! 🤣
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song i associate with them: I'm gonna be predictable again bc ofc it's this one!
favourite picture of them: so many to choose from, but here's an adorable gif! ✨
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grogumaximus · 6 months
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#they are humans after all#but max making mistakes from pressure? the same 23 y.o max fighting for his first title against literally the statistical goat? that max?#But honestly when did max make a mistake due to him being under pressure?#Maybe at jeddah 2021 quali n his lockup in singapore 2022 but what else? His last 4 races in 2021? They weren't mistakes#they were clearly deliberate verstaliban tactics he couldn't fight lewis with merc being much faster he would've risked a penalty/dsq#n not regretting losing the championship at the end it was just verstaliban verstalibaning fr n we saw it this year n we saw it last year#even against mick in Silverstone n this is what max said about it#“it was a good battle. I was like 'well he had to know to back off otherwise we are both out' Luckily he is smart enough to.”#lol he got cooked for this but it was verstaliban not pressure n that's my point#“carlos in singapore” old man bffr redbull fucked up their setup n everyone knows that they were the 4th fastest car that weekend#n no don't bring up his hungary n his spain mistakes in 2022 as pressure mistakes they were just mistakes due to gust of wind n wet weather#n guess what he won both of these races#This year he almost lost it at the front when he was like 15s+ from the rest n giggled about it was that from pressure?#no if it happened then it would've been just a mistake#I honestly don't remember anyone excuses max's mistakes are due to him pushing over the limit or he's driving an understeery car that#puts him under pressure as well if he made a mistake then he was a bozo n simply a mistake#(except for jeddah which was a rare mistake from being under pressure n we called it a bottle)#I dont wanna go there but he set up his team when his team n drivers make mistakes without even a title pressure#oof i had to let it out#max verstappen
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reigen-small-naturals · 2 months
i see that some wilbur supporters are now trying framing techniques used by depp's fans. guys. i won't be judgemental right now, okay? the only thing i am asking is to maybe step down from posting about wilbur for a little bit and spend that time reading/watching stuff about amber heard and how the internet treats her. there are great articles, videos, and i will link a couple of them. if anything, you can keep your opinion as it is, but maybe reconsider, if it is appropriate to keep posting about this situation online.
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1IWzmi_T4Y
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NJK3Re4lto
4. https://michaelhobbes.substack.com/p/the-bleak-spectacle-of-the-amber
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There's a lot about discussion of hdwr that baffles me (not all discussion to be clear, because i do think there's a lot of good discussion about hdwr. But equally so are there the ones that make you wonder if you're reading the same story) and I think one that is especially annoying is the constant infantilization of miwa as this passive eternal victim. It drives me up a wall because this is quite literally an issue she's struggled with within the text of the story! She had an arc about how she dislikes how people treat her this way like towards the beginning of the story! And like even ignoring that, this story is about like nuanced and realistic portrayals of being in relationships and learning how to navigate them and so it's like what's the point if you're going to immediately reduce the characters to "the victim" and "the victimizers?" Is that even interesting? Is that a useful lens to look at interpersonal relationships?
#how do we relationship#hdwr#this is about the poll in the subreddit but i also saw similar comments (mostly about sae) on the website i was initially reading hdwr#i dunno like i'm like miwa fan numero uno so like i get ardently defending her but in my opinion#part of what makes these characters interesting is that all of them are extremely flawed in ways that can negatively feedback on each other#miwa has also done bad things to the other characters and been bad for them as well#i do think miwa repeatedly trying to turn being fwb with sae into a second chance despite sae clearly saying no#and repeatedly breaking sae's boundaries during that time was bad and shitty of her#i do think her avoiding tamaki and trying to supress her feelings despite that not being what tamaki asked for or wanted was bad andimmature#i do think that while miwa was under no obligation to say it to her i do think miwa's inability to tell sae that she loved her#even while asking to get back together was undeniably bad for sae as someone who had insecurities about being loved#personally these things are not unfortunate irredeemable aspects of her character#nor do they justify or excuse what happens to her#but instead characterize her as being inexperienced with romance and having strong feelings she isn't always able to completely express#or understand fully. this is an aspect of her character that is relateable and understandable to me#i find it hard to say that if i was in her position i wouldn't make the same mistakes as her#and like this is just one aspect of miwa's character. she of course has more than this which is why i am miwa fan numero uno but also#the same is true for like all of the main cast#they have depth and flaws that are relateable and realistic. even if you don't like a character's actions they're internally consistent#within not only the character themselves and the context of what they've been through but also the narrative itself i feel#which is why i like this story#so it feels unfortunate to flatten that all into who hurt who more or who is innocent and who is evil or whatever#like yes i obviously do think what sae did in like volume 5 was bad i also think what she did in vol 1-4 were also various shades of bad too#yes i do think what tamaki did in 103 was obviously bad#i mean ch. 119 and ch. 120 most likely are about exploring the consequences that has had on miwa#i just don't think it's useful interesting or even correct to look at those events as 'bad people doing bad things'#also while not related to miwa i think people who treat yuria and sae's relationship this way also baffle me i cannot understand it#channel 3
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
I don't have much to say about Magne other than there was an Attempt, but. That time when Twice and Toga got angry with Overhaul for misgendering her was already indicative of what I'm going to get at in a sec, and obviously it was especially relevant because it was a direct show of respect and support from people who very clearly cared about her (and who called her big sis already as it was!!) (×2 imo because Twice was intentionally written to be the readers' insight into the LOV, and the character with whom they were supposed sympathise with the most at/since the beginning, so it's especially important that the first one who spoke up was him), but the story's progression (especially in recent years) is what most assures me that despite a rather poor execution (definitely not the best, but also certainly not the worst) Horikoshi did mean well with her. "People bound together by the chains of society always laugh at those who aren't" :(
#^ when she quotes her friend. like had the manga not gone on like it has that could have very well been a generic#We Live in a Society moment. but it wasn't. and that's what's comforting tbh#in general i think a big issue with magne from what little we know of her is that her reason for joining the lov was fighting back against#a tangibile real world issue (transphobia) vs all the other villains. whose situations Are partially real world issues as well#(eg child abuse) but they also very much present fantasy elements to them (eg toga's treatment due to her quirk)#and i'm not saying this as a justification for killing her off but. when you're writing a superhero comic with a target audience of young#cishet men it is much easier to present them with fantasy solutions to fantasy problems. again not that i think it's right!!!#but i do assume that horikoshi's thought process was more or less this. like. tiger is there alive and well#but he passes and was confirmed to be trans only via word of god so his identity has no bearing on the story itself#while magne's did. which doesn't make tiger's transness any less ''real'' than hers ofc but again i think it was a matter of what horikoshi#could actually deal with (fantasy problems) with the average readers that he has. it sucks all the way around.#which begs the question. ''why create her character in the first place then'' to which i answer: i don't fucking know man#bnha#animanga#mytext#in general. i've seen lots of people do this even with eg toga and her bisexuality (and when it comes to her i completely disagree but w/e)#but. authors who want to depic queer characters in good will but make mistakes or do it awkwardly or anything else#should Not be put on the same level as actively queerphobic authors. at all. do criticise what's worthy of constructive#criticism when you see it but don't even pretend that those two are remotely the same thing#(jic i didn't explain myself well bc i don't think that i did. what i wholly disagree with is that ''toga is a bad bi stereotype''.#i am bi people and i disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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retrocesosdestacion · 4 months
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sheepwasfound · 2 years
after a few days have passed now, it was interesting to read through a transcript of the instagram dm’s which dream confirmed he believed were real. seeing them just on their own like that with nothing around it is a valuable experience i feel like
#watch out though the reddit post and most of the comments under it are very biased#make your own decision on how you feel!#cw discourse#and dream just completely did not address the snapchat stuff which is what i find to be the issue#and him not addressing it does not sound good for him at all#but i am waiting to hear more detail about that and get to the truth behind it#but as for the dm's? i know there's people who are very vehemently against them#i can't bring myself to feel that way and these are the types of messages we've known over the years that dream sends#he replied to her messages a total of 19 times over a year and a half#i don't know where i feel like the limit is for what is too much to message a fan#but 19 times in a year and a half ain't past that limit for me#not to mention how short and dry his messages are#and it was essentially on 6 different occasions over the year and a half (when they were within a couple days and continuing the same topic)#that's not enough to make someone depend on you or mistake it for friendship#HOWEVER even if a cc sends only like two messages but they're flirty or otherwise inappopriate that's not ok#and i also don't find it ok to send many messages back and forth regularly in a friend-like way#but i just can't read that from this interaction y'know#and for the ppl condemning any dming with fans i don't know why they didn't find it a problem the gajillion times we knew about it before#but at the same time i know the other allegations even if they turn out to be fake they just sour the whole thing#it can make you realize that in your mind even just dm'ing fans is a red flag now even though it wasn't that for you before#and that is completely ok and i hope everyone makes their own conclusions based on their own morals and feelings#but for me? i don't find these dm's wrong certainly not to the point where i feel like he should be deplatformed#BUT if the snapchat stuff is real that's a whole different thing that's where i think the problem lies#i'm waiting for more confirmation on that side of things
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maddy-ferguson · 9 months
i spent two hours (two hours) with my "friends" from school today and i'm MISERABLE roman voice you need to stop this (@ me)
#and like i say: brf slt#forgot to say we were literally sitting down. in class. taking notes. like there's genuinely no reason for THAT to make me feel this bad!#i'm not even bad at talking to people i never talk to again in class or only hang out with in school not having real friends doesn't bother#me because i have friends outside of school but it's my third year so everyone already has established groups of friends and it's :/ like#on monday in my first class of the year the girl sitting next to me was very nice we talked and we have more classes in common like apart#from the big ones where everyone's here the ones where it's only maybe 30 people. so i'm like that's fun i hope i see her again and i did#but she's friends with the bigger group of friends my friends who don't actually like me are friends with like my non friend's boyfriend's#friends so THEIR friends. like what are the odds. i guess not that crazy because there's only maybe 200 of us or 150 i have no idea#but still#but anyway#today we have one of these classes where it's not everyone but it was like another group of students so it was#me. this girl i've been hanging out with for two years who i didn't want to keep hanging out with at the end of the year because of the way#she reacted to something i did that was like an honest mistake she took it wayyy too seriously and said some things i didn't like i was#like girl fuck you😭 except then they kept the exact same groups AND I DIDN'T HAVE ANYONE ELSE and it was four months later so i actually#sat next to her and we were together for projects and things like that like my bad. that's on me.#and on her first day last year she met a girl who wasn't in our university the year before and they became bffs basically so it was them +#me. and i like the second girl better i think but she's insanely judgey like not to be like i'm so much better than her but i grew out of#the criticizing everyone 24/7 because it's genuinely a fun activity for me and i enjoy it mindset when i left middle school because the one#friend who liked it as much as me went to a different high school and i stopped seeing her every day. i made a post saying this in january#then during the second semester we became friends with another person i don't wanna explain how. we worked on a thing together for class#basically. them i genuinely like even though i don't think we would actually hang out out of school and have that many things to say to#each other. but they're more friends with girl 1 and girl 2 than they are with me because well i'm not comfortable with them so i talk less#than i would if i was comfortable. and there's also person 3's partner we have a few classes with who's cool but same as person 3 with the#being closer to girl 1 and girl 2 even though they're not even that close. but like. yeah idk#they just (girl 1 and girl 2) make me feel like i'm the weird kid in middle school and that wasn't even my middle school experience i'm#gonna let that happen to me NOW AT 22 YEARS OF AGE?#but last year it was like fine actually it's crazy how one class two hours made me rethink it all#but it's also awkward because like am i just gonna go sit all by myself because i don't wanna hang out with them. especially because we#still have a group thing we're gonna have to do until the end of the year that we started last year and it's not like i'd wanna switch#groups because they're a good group to work with. like they actually do the work. and i guess we only have two classes where it's. tag limi
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trapperskeeper · 1 year
So if Aaron Rodgers goes to the Jets, I wonder what all the NFL fanfic will be about now... 🤔
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magdasabs · 2 years
scheduling this for when my ban is lifted (fuck you tumblr, stop doing this shit to me!!)
once, ONCE, when we're playing well against a good team I want us to take our chances and not fall apart in the last 20 minutes. why is that too much to ask for?? also I am going into withdrawal bc of the lack of maren penalties like how come it never works out 😡 it's been almost two full years
anyways us fans are really the biggest clowns for having some hope during the first half, we truly never learn with this team... I guess it's been too long so we forgot
@ newbie anon I am so sorry but it doesn't really get more chelsea experience than this and I hope you'll stick with us still
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galaxseacreature · 3 months
I wonder if part of the fairy/walrus thing is people having different views on the relationship of surprise and confusion. Like, personally, I don't actually feel I can meaningfully quantify degrees of surprise after a certain shock threshold. It's either a completely unexpected situation or it's not. But after that initial shock? The fairy is some guy. The walrus remains confusing.
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i just want to stop feeling suicidal so constantly and i want to stop having my paranoia spirals and i want to have peaceful sleeps without night terrors and i want to feel safe in my body and in my own space and i want to eat and i want to not be so overwhelmed by my psychosis and i want to be over everything that kennedy did to me but i also really wish i could contact him again so i could deck him in the fucking face and then i call c and ask her what the fuck why the fuck did she do that and beg beg beg my family to leave the church that is so clearly harming them and dooming them to tragedies.... and so on...
#why did i write about that pregnancy why did i use my abuse for an assignment why did i delve into these memories such a mistake#whenever i remember it happened im like oh my god i could have had a 9 year old maybe i did want to be a mother#maybe i am suffering now bc i was supposed to be doomed to the same narrative like most women in my community#like maybe it was a fluke that i got here bc i don't fit in i hate myself so much i feel like everyone hates me and wants me dead and gone#if i knew any of their numbers still i would ask for ativan again i cannot fucking sleep my anxiety is never ending#i cannot tolerate the weight of the emotions i want to be numb i want to be high i want to be dissociated again#i broke out of my constant dissociation and now im here and i can feel my feet on the ground and i am living pov and it hurts so bad#i want to be in the arms of my best friend i want to be on her floor stroking the fuzzy carpet while we eat penne together#ever since she came back into my life i am so happy i have that anchor again but oh my god it makes me realize how distant i am from everyo#and how little i trust#i also miss my other best friend that i never get to see but i want to hug them tightly and we never have enough time w each other but ever#moment is so vivid and strong and they make me feel so alive and aware of the world we are in and its such a blessing that they decided to#talk to me the day they did and the friendship that came after like idk#i dont have many close friends but oh god the few i have i love th#them so much and they make life worth living but ugh yeah im fighting voices and spirals and theres a lot happening inside#ill be fine i have a lot of feelings my life is nonstop chaotic bc i have 5 bpd/bipolar women in my family and all emotionally absent men a#and our narratives weave together so close so tightly i cannot separate myself but i want to but can i? do i want to?#ezra.txt
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river-taxbird · 2 months
The most common mistake people make when thinking about prehistory and how to avoid it.
In "The Dawn of Everything, A New History for Humanity" David Graeber gives what I think might be the best piece of advice I've ever heard for understanding deep human history, and that is to get your mind out of the Garden of Eden.
People speculating about prehistory before modern archeology were quick to frame early humanity as existing in a "state of nature", either with pure innocent tribal communism, or being brutish barbarous cavemen, then something happened to bring us from the state of nature into "society". Did we make a Faustian bargain by domesticating plants and animals? Why is evidence of intergroup violence in prehistory so rare? How did we fall from the innocent state of nature? This, of course, smacks of the biblical creation story, so even if people don't believe it literally, they seem to have a hard time letting go of it spiritually even in a secular context.
This is pretty much nonsense, of course. Humans have existed for over 2 million years. Anatomically modern humans have existed for at least 300 thousand years. Behaviourally modern humans (with symbolism, art, long distance trade, political awareness) have existed for at least 50 thousand years, from our best evidence, but possibly a lot longer. The time between the Sumerians inventing writing and urban living 5,000 years ago and now is only a narrow slice of human history.
If we want to understand human history properly, we shouldn't understand people of the past as fundamentally different from us. They were intelligent, politically aware people doing their best in the world they found themselves in, just like we are today. We didn't fall from innocence with the development of behavioral modernity, religion, farming, war, money, capitalism, computers, or anything else. The world has changed a lot, but people have been experimenting with different ways to live for as long as there have been people, like this example I've posted before about disabled people's role in late pleistocene Eurasian society.
People have been the same as we are now for at least the last 50 thousand years. We have lived in countless different ways and will continue to experiment. There was no fall, and we don't live at the end of history.
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