#don't take the numbers too seriously because actually /10 ratings stress me out idk why i made this post
againwiththeturtles · 3 years
Rating each atla character by how much himbo energy they possess. (This list is in alphabetical order)
Aang: 4/10 He is so so kind, and he respects women so much. He is, however, quite smart, and even when he does Foolhardy things, it is out of his mischievous nature, which is not the same as the himbo’s dumbass-ery.
Azula: -876/10 She does not possess one single himbo bone in her body. She is mean, she is a talented tactician, she is stick-thin, and she struggles w/ internalized misogyny.
Jet: -389/10 Like Azula, there’s not a himbo bone in his body. He’s strategic and very intelligent. He definitely doesn’t have the himbo kindness, even though he clearly has love in his heart, alongside his desire for revenge. He doesn’t seem to disrespect women, but I didn’t see him being particularly respectful at any point. He’s not really the type to respect anyone.
Katara: 0/10 She’s nice, but not in the oblivious himbo way. She’s also pretty thin but, unlike Azula, she has some muscle (it’s not just her bending prowess, she can lift stuff). She also respects women so so much, and fights for their rights whenever she can. But, it obviously isn’t in the Background Cheerleader kind of support that himbos usually provide (that’s aang’s job here). She’s also quite smart.
Mai: -4/10 She’s not particularly nice (listen. Mai has a heart of gold, but she would rather die than say the l-o-v-e word. She’s super compassionate, but she glares at her friends and is off-putting to strangers.) she’s very smart, and she is also very thin. Mai is incredible at throwing knives, but she would rather die than do a push up. I know this.
Sokka: Absolutely not/10 Look at me. Look me in the eye. Stop saying this. Stop it. Being goofy on purpose is not a himbo trait! Himbos are accidentally funny, out of their kindness and dumbassery. Sokka learns to respect women, but he’s not particularly ~nice.~ He’s a good guy, but he doesn’t have the endless patience and kindness of a himbo, and is actually pretty rude and sarcastic most of the time. Plus, he is so smart! The smartest! Wise AND analytical. Don’t even.
Suki: -8/10 Yeah she’s reasonably buff. She’s nice, but not overly accommodating, in fact, she is a fan of trickery and goofs, which himbos usually only mistakenly stumble into (and are on the receiving end. they aren’t usually successful pranksters). She is also smart! Strategic, wise, and emotionally competent.
Toph: 1/10 The 1 is because she is strong! Could scoop you up! Besides that: no. She doesn’t have the Himbo Kindess, and prefers to cause problems on purpose, and has to actively remember to be selfless. She’s also very smart and quick-thinking.
Ty Lee: 2 ratings. In appearance: 9/10. Actuality: -56/10. She seems to be buff, stupid, and Kind, but she is not. She is very smart and aware of her situation. Plus, she can actually be pretty mean, either by manipulating people herself, or because she seems completely unaffected by Azula’s frightening cruelness until it’s directed at Mai. She's buff tho.
Yue: -1/10 She is so nice, but it doesn’t come out of any naivete... though on the surface it may seem that way. She’s not buff at all, homegirl does not go to the gym. She’s also extremely wise! Which is a trait himbos can possess, admittedly. Still, I can see her being really good at math, and reading a lot of books.
Zuko: 3/10 He. He has the capacity for intelligence.... but also he’s dumb. He often forgets he has a brain, though we do see him use it on occasion. He’s also strong. However, I see no evidence that he Respects Women. In fact, he makes sexist comments pretty much all the way thru mid-book 3 (yikes). The major thing that makes him Not a Himbo, though, is the fact that he is a prick. By the end, he’s a good guy, but he is rude and snappy and even outright mean all the way through the series.
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