#don't worry about Tubbo I'm sure he'll be fine
Still love this charm sm, the holo is gorgeous in the sunlight 馃槉
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factorialsotherfandoms 7 months
"Do you think Philza's okay?"
Fit rolls over to look at Pac, his roommate staring up at the ceiling. He reaches over, cautiously offering his hand. Pac, of course, takes it just as hesitantly.
"Cell's back, maybe after you, and you're worried about Phil?" Okay, so Fit is worried too, but his point is well made. Pac had only told him some of the situation, in whispered tones and terrified whimpers a few hours ago, and he was worrying about someone who was at least safe?
Pac turns his head, and looks Fit dead in the eye. "You're with me. I know you won't let anyone hurt me. But who's with him?"
"He's safe enough," Fit says. "Physically at least."
"He just didn't seem, ah," Pac struggles with his words for a moment. "Well?"
"It's not really my place to say," he replies. "But he's Philza. He'll be fine."
"Will he?" Pac asks, fretting already. "If the Federation is inside his head, making him see things..."
It's a worry Fit has too, one he really doesn't want to think about. He wants to pretend that his old friend is fine, that going and murdering blazes and magma cubes will have fixed everything. He needs to believe it, because the alternative... The alternative is there's nothing he can do.
"Do you really believe him?" Pac asks. "That there was a book there."
Fit sighs, and sits up. He turns on the lamp and stretches, looking around his room of missing texture flooring and ugly walls - the safest place he could think to bring Pac when he heard the news.
"It's not the first time," Fit says. "Phil... He swears it was a dream, that he was just sleeping. He wasn't. Tubbo and me? We checked every corner of his house. He wasn't there. Then he takes us to where he thought he was taken and he swears there's nothing weird about it? But it's full of parrots - they shouldn't have spawned there. Tubbo even found an avocado sapling."
"Philza has a lot of avocados," Pac agrees. "You think the Federation took him?"
"I'm not sure, it's not their usual behaviour," Fit frowns. "But I don't know who else it would be?"
"The codes?"
"Maybe." Fit cracks his head to the side. "But I know Phil. Whatever he saw? It terrified him. And anything that scares Philza Minecraft is nothing you ever want to see."
"Should we ask him if we can visit?" Pac has a calculating look on his face. "I can cry scared all over again, I just need to remember why. And his bunker is very safe. They might look for me in your house, but they'd never think of his."
"Why? Is my company not good enough for you?" Fit is mostly teasing.
"No! No, no, no," Pac waves his hands in a desperate attempt to be understood. "I just... I'm worried, you know?"
"Yeah..." Fit sighs. "Yeah, I'm worried too... I'll ask him."
Pac nods, and Fit types.
You whisper to Ph1LzA: Can I bring Pac over? We might need to stay the night.
Ph1LzA whispers to you: sure mate
Ph1LzA whispers to you: is everything okay?
You whisper to Ph1LzA: We'll explain when we get there
That's the end of that; Fit shows his communicator to Pac, who agrees.
"I'm not really faking the tears," Pac promises, already tearing up. "I just don't think about it, and then it isn't real."
Pac's not the only one acting like that, Fit presumes; Philza's constant denials even with evidence in front of him... Whatever the fuck happened in that forest, it's nothing good. Something so terrible believing his memory is at fault is somehow better.
"To Phil and Missa," Fit reminds Pac, not really needing it.
They warp together, and at the same time.
Philza is waiting at the top of the hatch when the pair arrive. To most people he would look entirely normal, but Fit can see the way his eyes flitter as he waves. Pac waves back, while Fit gives his traditional "oi!!!"
Philza laughs, and leads them down into the basement.
"What's up?" he asks the two of them. "Need more toast or something? I thought you were both asleep."
"No, um," Fit looks to Pac, realising they didn't quite work out what to say.
"Bagi told me more about the murders," is what Pac says, his voice dropping very quiet as he does. "She thinks... We think someone from my past is on the island."
"Shit," Philza closes his eyes for a moment. "How bad is it?"
"Last time I saw him," Pac's pace picks up; Fit squeezes his shoulder as he sees panic come in. "Last time... He nearly killed me. And the messages..." Pac grabs the hand on his shoulder and squeezes it back. "Some of them might be addressed to me."
Philza doesn't ask questions, he just glances around his children's bedroom, then looks at Fit. Fit meets his eyes.
Philza sighs, and caves.
"Alright," he says. "Do you want to sleep in Chayanne's room? I can adjust the door to just the three of us, Missa, and my eggs for now."
Fit knows it isn't for Pac's sake that Philza is changing the doors, he knows it for sure.
They get their beds set up, tucked behind the chests where a casual observer cannot see. Philza doesn't have a bed, but Fit makes them for him and Pac, placing them tucked away.
"Would you stay with us?" Fit asks, before his old friend can slip away.
Philza looks genuinely surprised by the request, "why, mate? I'll just be in the eggs' room."
"Safety in numbers, right?" Pac asks, glancing between the two. "I would... Feel safer if you were here too."
Fit knows its a manipulation tactic to convince Philza to stay, to make sure the old crow is not alone. It still rings so very true - and so very against everything ingrained within Fit's soul.
It's fine. For a few nights he can manage it, if its what his two closest friends need.
"Alright," Philza hesitates, but comes over and sits on the edge of Pac's bed. He takes off his backpack, and leans his scythe just in reach. Pac and Fit take the opportunity to remove their prosthetics, hastily reattached to travel over here, and stretch.
When Philza stands again, both of them can see how unstable he looks.
"Let's push our beds together," Fit says. "If we put Pac between us, there isn't an angle they can get him from."
Philza looks at Fit, and knows exactly what he's doing. Still, Philza crafts up a third bed, and squishes it between the two.
He nearly falls as he walks around to do it; Fit catches him, helps him steady, but is brushed off before he can say a word.
"Alright," Philza says. "Pac in the middle then. You won't get too warm, will you?"
"I'm Brazilian," Pac says. "It's always too cold here now Mike is gone."
They both see how heavily Philza drops to the bed, curling himself back to Pac and defensively ready. Fit, on his side, curls close to Pac - his one arm over him.
It's not really a surprise how quickly Pac falls asleep, with the sheer trauma and strain of the day on his back. He quickly falls into dreams, and Fit can only hope they are kind.
"Phil," he asks, once he knows Pac is asleep. "Won't you sleep?"
"You needed a guard," Philza says.
"You know we don't. You and I? We'll wake if anything so much as tests the hatch."
It's true, and they both know it.
Philza, however, doesn't speak.
At least, not for a long time; Fit considers conversation a lost cause and is about to give up and call this good enough when he hears Philza again, voice broken just like it was in the garden.
"If I sleep, will I wake?" is what Philza asks, whispered almost silently. "How will I know when the world is real again? What will I see this time?"
"I'll make sure you wake up," Fit promises, because he can. "And I'll do something to make you absolutely certain its really me."
Philza sounds so weak, so small like this. Fit... Fit cannot stand it, not at all. He reaches a little further, and manages to put his hand on Phil's shoulder.
Philza's own hand reaches over, clinging to it.
"I promise," Fit says. "We'll wake you if we leave. We won't let anything weird happen, its just sleep."
Philza turns, and his eyes do not seem to trust Fit. But they are also exhausted, and desperate, and terrified.
"Go to sleep, Phil. I won't until you do."
"I'm sorry," Philza whispers, sounding absolutely broken. "Thank you. Both of you. I know... I'm sorry."
Fit squeezes his shoulder again.
"It'll be alright," Fit replies. "I've got you. I've got both of you. It's going to be okay."
Nothing else is said before they eventually fall asleep.
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boytoyhalo 5 months
Fit keeps two journals that he writes in every day: The standard, mandatory daily report journal where he keeps track of weather, maintenance and activity, and his personal diary where he writes more detailed accounts of his days. Phil gave him that one, told him that writing down his thoughts a few times a day would help him heal. Fit's not too sure about all that, but he'll admit it's kinda relaxing to sit out on the rocks at sunset writing down whatever comes to mind. it's usually just pretty objective play-by-plays of whatever happened that day, but still.
A few weeks after he meets richarlyson's "pod" of parents (he doesn't question why they're called that) these peaceful writing sessions gain an audience: two of the weird seals that he keeps seeing, the ones that are a bit too big and a bit too furry to not stand out among the typical grey harbor seals he usually sees. more specifically, it's the smallest of those seals - the one with a back flipper missing - and the light brown one that always seems to accompany it. A pair of mates, maybe? but after a week or so of the seals just. sitting there, watching him write, the light brown one seemingly decides it has better things to do, which leaves Fit with his one-flippered companion. Fit wonders how it's been surviving, but it seems to be managing just fine without it and he's not trained to deal with injured wildlife, so he decides it's not his problem.
One day, Fit belatedly realises that the seal has been getting braver - it's been inching steadily closer to him day by day, until now when Fit looks up from his journal and realises that the thing is only an arms-length from the rock he's sitting on. He stares at it. It stares back at him. "I don't have any food for you," he tells it. It barks a sound at him that sounds almost like a laugh. "Don't laugh at me, that's rude" he's not sure why he's feigning offense, why he's joking around with no one around to hear it but... it's nice. it's freeing, almost, to be able to laugh at himself without worrying about being seen. The seal is tilting it's head at him like it understands, and Fit knows it doesn't, but the next night he's there he talks to it out loud while he writes. he tells it about his day, about Ramon and Richas and his weird new acquaintances - about how he's found unexpected friends in some of them. Funny enough, talking out loud brings out thoughts he hasn't been able to get down with journaling.
on one particularly hard day, maybe the worst he's had since taking the job, he tells it about the war. tells it about how he was recruited right out of school, eager to make a change and protect his country. He tells it about how no one told him why they were fighting, how the war started or what steps were being taken to end it. How he had to learn all of that after going home. He tells it about his fallen comrades, about the enemy soldiers he killed. He tells it how much it hurts to think about, that he witnessed that much death and caused that much of it himself, that he has to live with that and knowing that at the end of the day he wasn't fighting for justice or peace or anything but the interests of the people in power. He tells it that he isn't sure he feels guilty, and that that makes him feel guilty. He tells it how lonely he's been since getting back - all things he hadn't really processed or admitted yet.
"maybe that's why I keep talking to you," he says. "I haven't really... I don't know how to make friends, since getting back. Being out here all isolated... it's nice. I mean, it's nice because it's nice, but also, it's nice just to have an excuse for being alone instead of being alone while surrounded by people, yknow?" He looks at the animal, which is staring up at him with disturbingly human emotion in it's eyes. He looks away. "I don't know. This is stupid, I'm talking to a fucking seal. and I do have friends, I mean... there's phil, there's tubbo. There's richas' parents, though I'm not sure they really count. Only see em for a little bit once in awhile, and s'not like they're there for me." He goes to sleep that night feeling lighter and heavier all at once.
And then the next morning, Pac (and a hesitant-looking mike) shows up with Richas, asking fit if they can help him work today. And not taking no for an answer
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drowninginblox 1 month
A group of drabbles that I wrote on a whim. Enjoy!
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It's been some time since Tubbo last saw the morning crew altogether. It wasn't something he lingered on, he had plenty of machines to distract himself with. Yet every so often, the thought would seep in between the brief spaces between his geers. Lingering laughter intermixed fragments of English and Portuguese. The smell of coffee and oil intermixed with wine, dandelions, and sweat. Sometimes he would space out mid-experiment only to be taken out with the howls of his business partner or the reminder of his ever-sleeping daughter.
Forexample, just earlier today, as the young satyr was reading himself for the day, he passed a loose calendar on his way to the coffee pot. Most of the time Tubbo would pay it no mind. However, a day was circled in pink marker- marking the day as one sunny made sure to remember in the case Tubbo did, which he is always one to do. Ceasing his trip mid-step, he lingered on the brief note longer than he should.
"Fit's Arm"
A few charges in his brain fire, a smile, small and tired, slowly creeps onto his face. He didn't get to ask Fit about his arm. It must've slipped by with a myriad of things Tubbo's sure to have missed throughout his life. But, with this newfound vigor, he can't help but chuckle. Maybe later today he'll stop by Fit's place. Pac's too if he can't find the Florida man. A laugh follows as he gets back to his journey to the coffee pot at the realization that he'd give up an arm and a leg for his morning crew
Phil wasn't that worried when he saw his children still in bed. He made sure to check their temperatures, to which both were fine, and sighed when nothing changed after three days. This isn't anything new to Phil, Chyanne and Tallulah on separate occasions have had their bouts of long rests. Yet when Bagi and Tina reported that the other eggs were the same, Phil could only fear the worst. It was one thing for the Ender King to go after him, that's fine. But children? This was a new low.
Even though he was a vessel of the gods, he could only do so much when it came to their rights. So in solidarity, he lit some incense, burned a few roses, and prayed that his anxieties weren't reality. In the meantime, making medicine for the eggs when they were lucid enough to take some.
It's been weeks now, and nothing has changed. Phil was sitting on the fishing perch with a fresh cup of green tea in his hands, contemplating the horizon for the twelfth time that week. His eyes and throat stung and exhaustion was on the cusp of his soul. Yet he remained. "Darling, please," A voice he only heard in his dreams coaxed. One that was sweat like honey and dark as night. "You know I won't go down easily love," He relented. A shared sigh followed as a light touch made contact with his shoulder. "I know."
He turns his head. A form he knew too well greets him, veiled from the sun and other's gaze. "It's been too long." She admits. Phil smiles before glancing at the door. Eyes do wide with panic. "Please don't tell me you're here for-" She puts her other hand on his other shoulder, holding him together. "No." Her hat moves with her shaking head. "No. I am here strictly for personal reasons. I have no business here, I promise you." A breath he didn't know he was holding almost took the man's soul. "Thank the gods," She slaps his shoulder. "I would never do that to you, you know that!"
"I know you wouldn't! It's just, others... have come here. 'Sinked their claim into my family, Kristen." She sighs. A tear slips though the warrior's gaze. "I'm so sorry my love." A hand holds his face as the cracks slowly grow in his guard. Who knew the reaper mourned the living?
The movement of his weapon carried Pac through his nights. With thoughts of his beloved haunting him in his dreams only to take up to see his sons trapped in their haze of sickness, the only thing that seemed to get him through these restless nights was monster slaying. Something about it was so cathartic. The repetitive swing of an axe, scythe, or sword and the groans of pain of those he vanquished. In a way, it was a great form of exertion. One that made his mind blur into itself while his body acted on sharpened instinct after a year of hostility.
While he replayed a conversation with Ramon in his head, he was taking out half a dozen zombies at a time. Hoards of them have turned into a nuisance more than a lingering fear. "Oi!" The break through the groans snaps Pac out of his haze, his body turning to the noise. Mike stands on a nearby hill, waving something bright in his hands. A surge of pain trails up Pac's arm, redirecting himself on the annoyance at hand.
It doesn't take him too long to clean up the group but the clearer Mike's voice became, the faster the exhaustion laced itself through his muscles. Before he knew it the grip he had on his sword gave. He could hear Mike clearly now but the words were nothing more than white noise as his knees gave into the gravity of the situation Pac put himself in.
Mike was there to catch him before he hit the ground. Concern and panic flooded his mind as he pulled out his warp stone. "Sinto muito, meu amigo. Eu deveria ter ajudado voc锚" he mumbled through the echo of the contraption. Within moments they were at Pac's house. The sun was rising over the savannah as Mike carried his friend inside. "H谩 quanto tempo voc锚 茅 assim?" Silence was what he expected, but from Pac's position over his shoulders, he could hear the mumbling "Fitch... Why, Por que voc锚 teve que sair?" He looked down. He and Pac had been through hell together, but he knew Pac would hate to see him like this. So instead he tried to look for the secret warp to his basement and bit his lip to shush himself. The ass beating he had in store for FitMC- *"I'm so sorry my friend. I should have been there for you." .... "How long have you been like this?" *"Why did you have to leave?"
Eventually, he found it, teleporting him and his semi-conscious brother to his bedroom. "Pac, fa莽a-me um favor e v谩 dormir, porra." He ordered, tossing the smaller onto his bed. A groan was all he needed to hear. "N茫o dou a m铆nima para o fato de voc锚 estar triste, voc锚 est谩 cansado. E eu s贸 consigo lidar com uma emo莽茫o de cada vez no momento." He waited a moment for any bitebacks but he was relieved to be met with obnoxious but believable snores. *"Pac, do me a favor and go to fucking sleep." ... "I don't give a shit that your sad, you're tired. And I can only handle one emotion at a time right now."
Whether it be out of paranoia or satisfaction, he lingers for what he hoped was only a few minutes. Eventually, he vacated the basement upstairs. There he put on a kettle to brew some tea. From there he would take the rest of the day to pick up after Pac as he slept for the first time in who knew how long. It wasn't a lot, at least to Mike but it was a good start for an overdue apology.
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demonadelem 1 year
Hey Lem, its @lmanburgmcytcare again-
Okay, so I have this sister, right? And she has a c!emduo pair that she got around the same time i got my Wilbur. She likes to visit me pretty often, and her emduo like to get out of the house so they tend to come over with her. Normally, thats not really a problem, cus wil gets along with my sisters phil and techno pretty well. But she came over kinda unexpectedly just yesterday, and uh.. it didn't go well.
I thought itd be fine since Wilbur got along well with both the c!emduo and my lmanberg group, so they wouldn鈥檛 fight with each other, but the moment that we looked away emduo went after the lmanbergians! Luckily we were able to break it up quickly, so none of them are injured, but my sister was very sad that she had to leave so soon, plus im worried about the effects this will have on all of them! I mean, Wilbur feels very betrayed by this, and im worried that this will make it harder for my lmanbergians to trust outsiders :(
I looked into it a bit, and i found that emduos dont get along with lmanberg groups like mine because when they group up like this, they like to form a social structure that emduos don't really agree with. Any tips to prevent this in the future, or should i just tell my sister that she cant bring her phil and techno over anymore? Also, any idea how to help my lmanbergians cope with the situation?
From what I remember, the L'manbergians (apart from your Wilbur) are already traumatized by whatever made them form the group, my sympathy towards you in their recovery knows no bounds.
In the wild when L'manbergians feel threatened they begin tunneling and building underground bunkers to feel more safe. So provide them places to hide together, hidden pathways that they only know about. A Wilbur's priority will always towards his found family, he knows they are stronger together. Which goes to my next suggestion.
Try introducing the Philza and the Techno seperately, Philza is the safest, he doesn't act on his hostility towards the group without his Techno, Technos however I'm not sure. Towards individuals he'll get along fine, a lone Wilbur or Tommy or even a Tubbo but as a group he feels outnumbered.
Good luck to you and you sister.
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adelior 3 years
Name: Unconditionally
Author: R. Adelio
Genre: Romance, Minecraft, Comedy, Fluff
Main Lead: Technoblade, Dreamwastaken
Female Lead: Reader
Chapter: 1
Special Addition: Tchnomaid
Letters: 10,718
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"I'm bored" You mumbled into your palm as you kept your gaze on the papers that were set up in front of you. "It's your fault for trespassing their area, [Name]. You should know by now how strict Dream is with the boundaries of the countries." Wilbur interpreted, his brows furrowing by the second. "They could have killed you."
"I'm sorry, I was just curious" Hearing you apologize, he softened up and groaned. Wil patted your shoulder with a somewhat forced smile before leaving the room. "Make sure to finish brewing the potions by the end of the day. For now," He looked back, nodding his head. "I'll see you around, [Name]."
"You too, Wil" Sighing, you turned to look at the blonde-haired boy who stood awkwardly in the corner. "Well uh, that went well at least!" Slamming your first, you startled Tommy as he shrieked. "I got in trouble in YOUR PLACE-"
"Yeahhhh, about that, I'm sorry!" Tommy shook you by the shoulders, a grin spreading across his face. "I'll make it up to you okay? I'll set you up on a date with Wilbur if it makes you feel any better" Your cheeks darkened, giving the kid a pathetic slap as you covered the bottom half of your face.
"It's really nothing like that. I don't.. like him.." The last part of your sentence was muttered, and as usual, the boy who knew of your feelings let out a hollering laugh. "I knew it! Who would have fucking thought that you'd fall for Wil! Out of all people!"
"LOOK-" You turned to face him, your face getting hotter and hotter the more you thought about it. "I have my reasons okay! He's a good guy, and on top of that, he's an amazing friend"
"An amazing friend you say? He's also one hell of a fucking leader that's for sure. But enough about your crush let's go out and play with Tubbo!" Dismissing him with a single wave, you gave your best sympathetic smile. "Sorry Tommy, but I have to finish brewing these potions by the end of the day. I can't afford to be disciplined by Wil again"
"Hm, whatever, fine" The boy shrugged, leaving you alone. "THIS ISN'T THE END WOMAN! You will join me and Tubbo on our conquest sooner or later!" You chuckled, smiling at his childish behavior. "Yeah, yeah, now go on and have fun"
You can hear him shout out loud, laughing as he tackled what you perceive to be Tubbo. "I never wanna leave" The sentence that slipped out of your mouth caught you off guard. Despite being an outsider to their nation, they treated you with respect and saw you as a member of their group.
Sitting back down, you continued to flip through the pages of the book. Studying the recipes and applying the specific ingredients to each bottle. "Oh shit, I ran out of spider eyes" Cursing, you stood up to walk towards the door, looking out into the hallway. "Niki!" You shouted from your office, capturing the woman's attention. "Yes, [Name]?"
"Do you know if we have any spider eyes left in the chest room? Or have we completely run out of it" She pondered for a second, answering once she finished checking her inventory. "I don't think we have any more spider eyes. I'm also not carrying any with me sadly"
"Oh, that's alright. I can just outside and kill some spiders myself" Pushing yourself forward to one of your chests, you opened it and took some resources. A bow, 10 arrows, and full iron armor apart from your golden shoes. "[Name], you don't need to go out and kill some on your own. It's dangerous at night"
"Exactly, which is why I plan to go to the Piglin market to trade some gold for a few stacks of spider eyes" Niki shook her head in denial, refusing to let you pass by. "That's even more dangerous! We're humans, we can't go inside there unless we have the King's permission. And usually, we'd have knightly escorts to go around with us"
"True, but I can slip in and slip out without being noticed" You shrugged on your hood, a robe that covered your full body apart from your face. "I can hide with this, besides if they aren't able to tell that I'm human they'll never be able to report it to the king"
"Al..right.." The short-haired girl had a troubled expression on her face, but nevertheless, let you pass. "Good luck! Please come home safely" You turned to give her a single nod, a reassuring smile that was enough to calm her down. "I promise, so don't worry about me okay?"
And so you left, walking to the basement of your home where the Nether Portal stood tall. You gulped at the mere sight of it, how mysterious yet alluring. The purple particles only making it look majestic. "beautiful.." You muttered as you slowly entered, the change of temperature really hit you hard. It was hot, humid compared to how it felt in the overworld. "Goddamn how do piglins live like this"
"Shocking, right?" A male voice erupted from the silence, causing you to stiffen. "I'm assuming you're not used to traveling to the Nether." You slowly turned around, only to be met with a man with dirty blonde hair. "Pardon?" You tilted your head, staring at his smiling mask. "Nothing, would you like me to escort you and keep you safe?"
"And what makes you think I'd trust a stranger" You questioned, earning a chuckle from the man. "You're not as dumb as you look. But don't worry you're not my type, I won't do anything."
"WH-" His hand went over your mouth in a flash, he moves fast for a person with netherite armor, and on top of that a black robe. "Keep your voice down, first rule when entering the Nether World is to never bring unnecessary attention to yourself."
"Got it" Your voice was muffled from his large hand, he stepped back before leading the way, making sure that you were tailing right behind him. "The second rule, make sure to always be with somebody. Never travel alone or you'll die in an instant without somebody keeping you safe."
"Safe? Is the Nether really dangerous for you to say that?" Observing his reaction, you realized how sharp his jawline was. You can't peak through the mask but his mouth was fully exposed. "Yes, I take it you've never looked into this dimension?"
"Well, to be fair I've only heard of the Nether. This is my first time actually setting foot into the portal" The man's mouth pulled back into a dumbfounded snarl, almost as if he was silently judging you for your actions. "Weird." Was all he said before nudging you forward. "We're here, keep your guard up. What are you here for exactly?"
"I'm here to trade gold for a few stacks of spider eyes" He sighed, pulling your hood closer to your face. "You do realize you could have killed a few spiders in the overworld without having to come here."
"Uh, not really the best in combat you see" You admitted, darting your attention to the passing piglings who stood at least 5 feet taller than the man leading the way. Their species were large and brute compared to humans, they were cool but dangerous to interact with. "What the hell were you thinking when you decided to come here without somebody to guide you."
"I honestly have no clue" You stared at the man with a blank face, earning a disappointed grunt from him. "Well, turn around Princess because we just arrived at the Mob looting store. Stay out here, I'll get the eyes for you."
"Wait a second- I feel bad you're the one who led me here and protected me-" The man that accompanied you patted your head with one of the most genuine smiles you've ever seen. Despite him being awfully mysterious, he has shown nothing but kindness all throughout your journey. "Don't worry about it. Just stay here and don't run off anywhere. It's even more dangerous inside because piglins tend to fight over items."
Fidgeting with your hands, you finally agreed. The blonde took that as an agreement and stepped into the store. You were left to stay outside, leaning against the wall that was nearest to the door. A few seconds passed, and yet you were still outside waiting. You were beginning to think that the man who you walked with abandoned you.
"Ex..c.." A piglin with long pink hair muttered, his hand reaching for you. "Excu.." You stepped aside, worried that the mob was here to harm you. The more you stared at him the more you realized he was one of them, but one that looked more human. "Is there something you need?" You questioned the man, earning a nod. "What is it?"
"Do you.. Do-" Before he was able to finish his sentence, your eyes widened in realization. You swung your right hand to open your inventory, taking out a gold bar to hand over to him. 'I heard piglins liked gold, maybe he'll leave me alone if I gave him one' Was what you thought as you urged the hybrid to take it.
He looked at you back and forth, debating whether or not he should accept it. "Take it, it's alright I have plenty of where that came from" The man in front of you hesitantly took the gold into his hands, his eyes widening when he realized how shiny and well kept the item was.
"Hey." The man who accompanied you shouted once he exited the shop, pulling out his netherite sword. "Back off."
"Hey wait! He didn't do anything wrong, leave him be" You pushed the blonde male back slightly, apologizing to the other person with a forced smile. "Let's just head back before we get caught!" Turning around, you tangled your fingers with his and ran away, waving the piglin goodbye.
"What are you doing." He asked, narrowing his eyes from under the mask. "You said to keep attention away from us so I am-"
"I wasn't even that loud." You turned to glare at him. "It got a lot of people's attention" The man laughed, swooping you into his arms, and began to speed up his pace. "You're a good listener." He complimented, a smile fighting to break through his irritated expression.
It took time for the two of you to finally reach the same Nether portal from before. The blonde slowly lowered you onto your feet, handing the bag of spider eyes into your chest. "Here, it's heavy so make sure to hold it with both hands."
"Thank you.." You muttered, gladly taking the bag with a smile. "Say, um.. I never caught your name?" Before the man was able to walk away, he turned to look at you one last time before telling you his name. "Clay, the name's clay."
"I'll see you around." With that, he pushed you into the portal. You fell onto your back once you were transported over to the overworld, lying there with staggering breaths. "I never got to tell him my name though" But once you sat up, the Nether Portal's liquid-like wall disappeared. The particles were being sucked into the middle, and the doorway to hell was disappearing.
"What the..-"
"[NAME!]" You hear your name being called out by what sounds to be Wilbur. Turning to look over your shoulder, you see the whole group running towards you with a worrying expression. "You're back!"
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ec: @quacobs (instagram)
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dreamsmp-au-ideas 3 years
Little idea for the 2b2t Tubbo au,
After Phil takes him in, Tubbo isn't taken off guard by how chaotic the house is. He's well used to people fighting and shouting over small slights. Seeing Wilbur and Tommy fight over the last bit of cereal or Wilbur flick Techno's ear for nothing or Techno and Tommy squabbling over who owns what in the messy house, it mostly rolls off Tubbo's back. He just tries not to get in the middle of any of it and, if anything gets too heated, he makes sure he's near an enderchest. Just in case he needs to store or collect anything to protect himself.
Eventually, Phil notices that Tubbo gets a little more quiet and tense when arguments break out and checks in with him, asking if he's alright. Tubbo says sure, he's fine, he's just keeping an eye out to make sure he's prepared if something escalates. Phil tries to convince him that nothing ever will escalate, that they're family and they wouldn't do anything to really hurt each other, but it's pretty clear Tubbo doesn't believe him.
And after one argument between Wilbur and Tommy - not a bad one, just a long one, where they're pulling faces at each other over meals and hiding each other's stuff and either snarking or giving each other the silent treatment - and Tubbo hasn't really joked or played around since it's started and is starting to get less and less sleep, Phil sits them all down to talk it out. It's a little bit awkward, and Tommy and Wilbur both roll their eyes over it at first, but eventually, they make up, and Tubbo feels a bit of tension leave his shoulders that he hadn't realized he'd been carrying.
After that, Tubbo and Phil make a deal. If Tubbo ever gets concerned that an argument in the family is getting too intense and is starting to get nervous about it, he'll put on a music disc and listen. If by the time the song is over, Tubbo can still hear them arguing and is worried, he can come and get Phil to settle it. Otherwise, he knows it's just basic brotherly arguing. Doing that helps Tubbo spend a lot less time stressed out, and even helps the rest of SBI know when they're being a little intense and should maybe step away for a bit to cool off.
Flash forward to the recent SMP days, Tubbo hasn't had to use that system in a long time. He's had a pretty good idea of where he and all their brothers stand with each other, and petty arguments don't really break out anymore, for better or for worse. But for a moment, after the disc finale, when he and Tommy are sitting listening to their discs, and they hear Wilbur talk from wherever he is, Tommy and Wilbur start bickering. And with how Wilbur was just before he died, Tubbo does get a little nervous that it might be serious. So, force of habit, he focuses on the music and lets them shout at each other. And before the song is over, Tubbo hears Wilbur say, "I'm proud of you," and, "I'll see you soon," and he sees Tommy smiling, and he smiles too, seeing that despite everything, some things still haven't changed.
Tubbo playing a disc and listening when there is an argument in the family so that he can calm down? Nice.
This is great honestly. I like this a lot.
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shyrose57 3 years
Brothers anon and it is extremely good. The game has it owns pokemon, own sprites and cries (mostly own cries), own region and story. Its also difficult but I can't tell if its because it's just difficult or because my refusal to change my team in the slightest is really shining through. It also has its own built in nuzlocke and randomizer (though you need to beat the championship to unlock the randomizer). It's very fun and I recommend it. Only thing I dislike is the fact the exp. share can only be given to one pokemon and not to the whole party.聽
14: He knows it because in the beginning of him chasing and hunting Ran, Ran refuses to speak English and spoke exclusively Enderian and used the fact that Raq didn't know it to his advantage. So to get rid of that advantage, Raq spent time learning it. He's not very aware of what's happening, as he is out of it the entire time, but when he can tell whats happening, he often sees people leering at him or in his face poking and examining him like he's a exhibit. Ran is almost in the same state as his brother, but unlike Ranbob, Ran manages to stay lucid enough to be able to get himself and his brother out of the camp. But once their safe Ran quickly declines and soon is in the same state as Ranbob. Because they both got far enough away to be safe nothing else bad happens, though their groups do panic when they can't find the brothers. When the groups finally find the two their beyond relieved, though quickly alarmed when neither are super responsive. But after a quick look over decide they can't really do anything as the posion is the kind that isn't harmful but is ment for subduing, so they stand by and wait for them to wake up so it can be shared whats going on.聽
They hug while somewhat more lucid and recovering from the type of posion the arrows where laced with. And Ran does admit that he was worried and how he believes that he's finally ready to start forgiving him and working with him to fix their relationship.聽
THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE DOES! And after the brothers make up Ran makes sure to call him stupid (teasingly) whenever he walks into water. I just imagine Ranboo and Tubbo get into a fight and Ranboo stares at him as he walks back into water while Tubbo looks on in horror.聽
They plan to hide in a hole small enough that Phil can't get into when they push him into the lake.
Phil. He just kinda sighed with his head in his hands, and suggested that god hated them with a defeated voice. And everyone quickly agrees and even when the others heard of the theory they all agreed god hates them.聽
Yes, when the tension between the enderman hybrids finally goes away, they all act like siblings with Ranbob acting as the big brother and keeping peace as Ran and Ranboo cause chaos and have stupid competitions. And Watson, Phil, and Benjamin get to bond over being the father of their friend groups.聽
Tommy and Wilbur are like brothers to Techno, even though they really get on his nerves, he'd do anything to make sure their safe and doing well. And anyone who attacks the two are sure to get a visit from a pissed off Piglin. Techno isn't super close to Fundy, but since Fundy is Wilburs son he feels like he has to protect him when needed. And Ranboo is Technos mentee/student relationship. Also Techno just has a fondness for Ranboo.聽
It definitely takes a while. Because they need to first figure out how they got there, then have a soild idea of how to get back, then find a way to get back, and find a version that looks promising, then just pray it holds.聽
Tubbo just stared at him, pointed at him and said hypocrite. Phil said that he's encouraging the right things but he needs to follow his advice himself. Techno snorted and said he can give that advice once he follows it himself. And Karl and Sapnap didn't really react cause their not very used to spineless Ranboo and don't know how spineless he is.聽
Idk if im allowed to talk about it even though I don't have much. But, Karl is semi-aware if that makes sense. He remembers Ran being close and even grabbing his arm when his watch started to go off, and he remembers seeing Rans confused face before he got time traveled. But other than that he doesnt think Ran actually got pulled through. Ran doesnt escape because he's scared as he doesnt know where he is, he's hurt enough that in the start when he tries to stand up he'll end up falling over every single time, he's also curious though about the people he's found himself with. Techno: He feels threatened by Techno at first and often shows that by growling and basically hissing at him to try to get him to go away. Like how a hurt cat tries to make themselves look big to scare off a predator. Phil: Ran wants to trust him, he truly wants to trust him as Phil gives off a vibe of calmness and trust, but he's to scared and hesitant to attempt to trust him. Ranboo: I'm honestly not sure how to describe this. He knows Ranboo is another enderman hybrid and he knows he's intruding on this endermans haunting, but it seems like Ranboo doesn't mind which really confuses him. Actually Ranboo tries to talk with him and help him which just confuses him more. Steve: He avoids Steve because he's a big and dangerous looking polar bear but secretly really really wants to pet him. Edward helps because he's a elder enderman, and elders are highly respected and idolized almost in enderman culture and give a constant feel of safety and comfort, so Ran gives in to his instinct and listens to and takes comfort in Edward's presence, and starts to quickly grow to trust him more than anyone else. Which opens up a bit more treatment options. Im not sure, maybe 3 enderman are a crowd?
Oh, nice! Who's your starter?
Imagine learning another language because your enemy kept making fun of you in it, couldn't be me.
Sounds like a terrible time for them both. How did Ran manage to get them both out? Adrenaline? Enderman genes?
And hey! We finally see them mending, heck yeah!
I mean. I'd say that's not smart, but let's be honest here, I'd do the exact same thing. It's the principle of the matter, really.
A grand plan indeed. How does it work out for them?
Well. Are they wrong? There's at least one god out there that hates them, if we take XD for example.
I bet that's a sight to see. How does everyone first react when Ranboo unleashes his inner chaos lord?
Really then? Well, how does he feel about Tubbo?
It's certainly worth a shot. What's the first thing they try?
Not used to spineless Ranboo? Do they just always meet him when he miraculously grows one?
You don't have to talk about it f you don't want, it's perfectly fine. But I'm always happy to see the cool ideas you've got.
I'll refrain from asking more about this au til I know where you stand on that, okay?
By the way, shout out received, Brothers Anon. Can't wait to see where you go with that.
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