#don't worry don't worry i did Deep and Meaningful Research before deciding
kindlythevoid · 5 months
✨ ST: What color shirt would they wear in Star Trek?
👑 DP: Which Disney Princess are they most like?
💿 TS: What (Lord Huron) era do they remind you of?
For Nate and Nora, please!
:O That was so fast!!
Nate and Nora!! They don't get enough love (by me). :D
Star Trek:
So, Nate would be a blue shirt... bc Medicine.
Nora would be a... gold shirt pre apocalypse and red shirt post apocalypse. Because now she gets to fight ppl. (*∩▽^*)
Disney Princess:
Nate would be... Snow White??? Rapunzel?? Maybe it's bc they're new that I'm having such a tough time... ๏_๏ IDK all man wants to do is hang out with his wife and find his kid and now he's adopting like everyone and may or may not be turning into a corpse it's been kind of a tough time for him. ¯\_(ꏿ.ꏿ)_/¯
Okay, okay, Nora I want to confidently mostly conf semi-confidently say is Merida. She feels very goal-driven and very violent. Merida vibes. Yeah. Yeah, let's go with that.
Lord Huron Album:
Oh, okay, this one feels easy. I feel like I can do this one.
Okay, so they're definitely Strange Trails vibes. Like, the vibes emanate off 'em. I don't know if I can differentiate it. Let me try.
Okay, okay, I think I did it. Nora is giving Strange Trails. Nate, however, gives off more of the Lonesome Dreams. Both on content of songs and strictly the names alone, those are the albums I would bestow upon them. Nora's definitely back from the dead and Nate's going through it, but he's still a hopeless romantic.
Alright, that took me a whole heck of a lotta time but it was a lot of fun. :D Thanks for the ask, Knight!!
The Void
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eemamminy-art · 5 days
👻💻 For the fanfic ask meme!
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
I had started what was intended to be the final piece to my daughters of ishgard f!estimeric oneshot series, which was going to be set post-HW after Estinien had left the way he normally does in canon. The idea was going to be that she came back to Ishgard surreptitiously in order to visit Aymeric, who is still waist-deep in trying to enact real and meaningful change in Ishgard. Estinien on the other hand, has opened her eyes to a whole new world outside the Holy See. While in Ishgard she might have forced herself into a binary male role in order to keep herself safe and express herself at all, in the outside world she discovers all sorts of ways to exist. When she comes back she's had top surgery, she's as masculine as ever, but in embracing those things as being okay and acceptable she's found the freedom to feel closer to her womanhood than she ever dreamed possible.
I wasn't really sure how to go about it, but that was the central theme anyway. As you know I have super mixed feelings on how the relationship in canon between Estinien and Aymeric went from 5.0 onward, so I was trying to find a good balance especially considering like, the entire rest of those fics are set pre-HW or during HW which is a completely different vibe. It also felt a little bleak that like, Estinien would come back with this profound new sense of self while Aymeric is still willfully keeping herself in chains in order to see a better Ishgard at the end of it. I didn't want it to be an unhappy ending, but in an already really bleak setting of this AU, maybe there was never any other ending possible.
So I let it sit a long while. At this point I've been made to feel so alienated and bad about the ship and the AU I don't really think I'll ever go back to it. I don't even feel like a maybe is fair to say. Never say never I suppose, but if I ever were to go back, I think it would be a long long time from now, if ever.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
I do! It's all fairly surface level for the most part, but I regularly look stuff up to make sure I'm being reasonable with what I'm writing. I look up quest dialog or replay quests in ffxiv pretty regularly when writing something relevant to it, and in my stardew valley fic I've looked up SO much stuff about homesteading, cooking, and sports lmao. I consider myself pretty well rounded in my interests and my dad was a country boy so I know a fair bit already about those topics but I've still double checked on a lot of stuff to make sure it was within the realm of possibility (allowing myself some wiggle room since the setting is technically not our own world so I can change things if it's more convenient). I've also been looking up character dialog a lot because I'm really worried I'm characterizing them all weirdly, like it's been genuinely a big concern of mine with this fic. Hopefully my concern will lead to me not writing them OOC, but I don't know! 😖
Probably the most in-depth research I ever did was taking notes through a replay of ARR with the intent to start writing Leigh's canon, since it's canon-adjacent and heavily focused on ARR and HW (ending at 3.4 before picking up again at 6.0). I ended up not writing that but I have a lot of notes saved of notable differences between the canon and how his story goes, if I ever do decide to do something with it.
Fanfic ask game
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