kindlythevoid · 5 months
✨ ST: What color shirt would they wear in Star Trek?
👑 DP: Which Disney Princess are they most like?
💿 TS: What (Lord Huron) era do they remind you of?
For Nate and Nora, please!
:O That was so fast!!
Nate and Nora!! They don't get enough love (by me). :D
Star Trek:
So, Nate would be a blue shirt... bc Medicine.
Nora would be a... gold shirt pre apocalypse and red shirt post apocalypse. Because now she gets to fight ppl. (*∩▽^*)
Disney Princess:
Nate would be... Snow White??? Rapunzel?? Maybe it's bc they're new that I'm having such a tough time... ๏_๏ IDK all man wants to do is hang out with his wife and find his kid and now he's adopting like everyone and may or may not be turning into a corpse it's been kind of a tough time for him. ¯\_(ꏿ.ꏿ)_/¯
Okay, okay, Nora I want to confidently mostly conf semi-confidently say is Merida. She feels very goal-driven and very violent. Merida vibes. Yeah. Yeah, let's go with that.
Lord Huron Album:
Oh, okay, this one feels easy. I feel like I can do this one.
Okay, so they're definitely Strange Trails vibes. Like, the vibes emanate off 'em. I don't know if I can differentiate it. Let me try.
Okay, okay, I think I did it. Nora is giving Strange Trails. Nate, however, gives off more of the Lonesome Dreams. Both on content of songs and strictly the names alone, those are the albums I would bestow upon them. Nora's definitely back from the dead and Nate's going through it, but he's still a hopeless romantic.
Alright, that took me a whole heck of a lotta time but it was a lot of fun. :D Thanks for the ask, Knight!!
The Void
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jodellejournals · 4 years
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little mermaid days
an hour away from my hometown city, a municipality called san joaquin peacefully exists and humbly thrives. it is located at the southern tip of iloilo and it was way back 2005 when we spontaneously walked on its shores until we found an empty lot. it was love at first sight at the scenery that struck us so my tita bought that piece of land. a year later, it became our family beach house. long weekends, summer breaks, birthdays, and anniversaries started to be spent and celebrated there and so it became a home away from the city where i lived my little mermaid dreams. as some of you know, i have always been fascinated by mermaids and their happy-go-lucky life — just swimming, brushing their hair with forks, being friends with crabs and almost all sea creatures, and away from the harsh and cruel human world. i’m such an escapist, i know, but that’s who i am. i have mentioned in one of my previous entries that my favorite disney princess is ariel from the little mermaid so living in a beach house during weekends made me feel like one. thankfully, no ursula was there but only eels. and sometimes, they come for free. a family friend of ours who does business in the area gives us free seafood and we all know it tastes better when it’s free! but i don’t eat eels! they’re not my thing. i only enjoy fresh fishes and prawns. they’re good although i am allergic to the latter one. i am scared of how oysters look like, on the other hand, so i just pass them around. that’s too much food already so let me share to you instead how life was like in the sea side.
usually, we’d leave our ancestral house in the city by 8am although we have originally planned to depart at 7am. filipino time, you know. if there will be plenty of us (cousins from first to third degrees, extended aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews who were tagged along, and some househelp), we’d go in three batches. if we’re a small bunch, one or two batches would be enough. i always pick the car where cousins my age were at and i’d be lounging in the backseat with my pillow, a bag of cheetos or chippy, bottled water, and earphones. life is good. and i’m all set for a cozy hour of car ride. bye-bye, city! whilst on the road, i’d always (and i mean always), look in the window as if i’m in a summer adventure movie like aquamarine. the usual sights were centuries-old churches, spanish colonnial houses, pastry shops, local malls and resorts. all of which were very familiar to me since i grew up passing by them but they still seemed anew each time i laid my eyes. i marveled at my city. it is such beauty. there is really no place like home. then thirty to forty minutes later, my eyes were greeted by palm trees, zigzag roads, little nipa restaurants, and just a bit further, the glittering sea under the piercing rays of sun came into our perfect view. san joaquin, being a southern municipality, is abundant in natural resources. so the closer you get there, the closer you are to mother nature. it’s like a secret hiding place for me — almost like narnia — where i can unwind with birds, fishes, cows, and dogs to name a few. some cows were literally on the road so we make sure that we don’t go way too fast even if there’s no traffic. cows have their agendas, too, so let’s not get in their way. then if we’d get a bit hungry because breakfast was usually prepared upon arriving at the beach house, we’d stop over at a famous bakery shop called nang palang’s pies. a trip to san joaquin is usually never completed without buying boxes of their signature buko pie. delicious, warm, and well-suited for the tropical weather. i’d take half-bites so as to not be full when real breakfast arrives. then after attempts of dozing into a nap and avoiding cows and their agendas, we’d finally arrive at our vacation home.
upon opening the car door, the crashing sound of the waves welcomed us warmly and the buzzing of the crickets, too! i can already feel my tan slowly coming out of my skin. i don’t know why but beaches make everything seem glisten and glitter. the air smelled of fresh leaves and trees mixed with saltiness from the sea. i love that earth smell! by that time, i’d instinctively hear the sea calling my name. it’s shining there few steps away from me, after all. no worries mr. sea, me and my cousins were already in our swimsuits. we were that excited and ready. we have learned from previous visits to be always prepared with the right attire because the sea calling exempts nobody. and the bangka at the shore (that is usually a property of our caretaker) only tempted us more to go for a sunny boat ride. the adults could no longer do anything if we jumped in and rowed that boat! forget the sunscreen, the little children in us back then used to not care much about our skin. playtime was more important and twice the fun at the beach. so one time, my mother called us for breakfast but we were already dipped in the not-so-deep blue sea and basked under the yellow san joaquin sun. too late, chocolate!
but if she triumphed in stopping us, me and my cousins would have an afternoon swim instead. by 3:30pm, usually refreshed from our nap, we were in the perfect mood to be little mermaids. folding chairs in happy colors perched at the shore and tall beach umbrellas stood firmly. now we have sandy toes that made us forget our childish woes. we’d create sand castles or write our names in the sand using sticks. it would stay there for the sky to look upon until a giant wave would wash them all away. gone was any trace of our masterpiece but that’s okay, we always love the sea. then some children at our age would pass by us. they hold with them crystal bottles that looked like one of those that ursula had with potion, weirdly-shaped but pretty-colored stones, kites, and biscuits or chips. i guess it’s their playtime, too. no, they’re not lost wandering anywhere the wind takes them but local residents just roaming around their village. yes, our beach house was at the sea side where many houses of the locals stood firm. when we talked to those children about the place, they knew every twist and turn, how long it would take to get to the next island or village, or how much the goods there cost. these children, small they may be, but mighty is their knowledge. i could not even commute properly until now without asking for some guides and directions! but them, they are like dora’s map that memorized each corner by heart. how wonderful are the lives of these people? living by the sea, breathing fresh air, and swimming in the waters anytime they want. they do fishing for a living and it’s not even a nine-to-six job. clearly, there is work-life balance. the best things in life are indeed, free. so why do we even picture a life in the city? a simple life calls for a simple way of living. but jodelle, you know deep down inside, that each parent wants their children to live a life with the best things that this world has to offer. how? by getting a good education, earning money, investing on insurance, building your own place, exploring countries, and meeting new faces to name a few. that’s how it’s always been painted to us. but what if, once in a while, we just retreat to nature and immerse in a homemade and handmade kind of life? i’d gladly consider that option.
anyway, going back to my story, me and my cousins would start swimming by 4pm right after our encounter with the locals. for me, it’s the ideal swimming time because there was no more blazing heat but only breezing winds. and it would not also be long enough until it’s sunset o’clock! so one afternoon, i laid down by the shore wearing my navy blue swimsuit with yellow flowers on it and my back felt the soft sand and each time the waves kissed the shore. relaxing, soothing, calming. i can just stay here forever, i remember thinking. and while laying there, my only view was the clear sky. it was not blue that time but clear white with some fading yellows on the sides from the noon that has passed. how vast is this celestial body? does it ever end? the world is so big and i felt so small — but free as well. then a flock of chirping birds came into my view and i didn’t mind. i enjoyed them, in fact. they seemed so happy and at peace. isn’t it beautiful how bodies of water, vast skies, and living creatures just harmoniously coexist together? god really created everything perfectly. i stayed laying there a bit longer and saw the sky changed to a different shade in its own pace. just like us humans. another thought came across my mind but it was a bit silly. wild guess? i pretended the sand was snow and created a sand angel! it was not that bad upon checking the outcome. shortly, i called my cousin, dianne, and told her my blissful and happy experience. i can’t be selfish and enjoy the wonders of the shores all to myself, right? so she also laid beside me, created her own sand angel, and we looked up to the sky above, enjoying our moment of peace and quiet. we closed our eyes for a bit and meditated. just two pisces girls being spiritual. but not too long though, because strong waves took us back to our reality.
by that time, the sun was already setting and hues of oranges, pinks, and purples painted the sky. i’m not a swimmer so i just sat at a huge rock in the waters, pretended i had a tail, and parted my wet hair into half just like how mermaids do it. i’d look at the horizon, check ships from afar, observe small boats nearby, and when i look down on my toes, little nemos were there happily swimming. being in nature really makes me feel alive. then as we came out of the waters, the fishermen were also docking their bangkas and pulling their fishing nets. they had a bountiful catch which was enough to feed their family. that signaled me and my cousins that it was time to wash up in the bathroom for dinner will soon be served. expectedly, our viand would be grilled fish to be dipped in soy sauce, calamansi, and chilli peppers and we’d pair it with warm sticky rice. when we were full, we’d leave the ground floor for the adults to play mahjong and climb our way to the second floor to share stories. sometimes, we’d play cards or read books through our iphones. The television did not appeal much to us when we were there. and when midnight came, we’d munch on a bag of doritos for snacks and drink leftover red wine that was usually from our previous visit. all while the airconditioner was on full blast. i miss that kind of comfortable. a little bit later, we’d turn off some of the lights but it wasn’t completely dark. the moon that shone above was enough to give us light and it seeped through our room that was guarded by a sliding glass door. it overlooked the sea 24/7 and we never got tired of that view. when daylight came, there was no need for an alarm clock because the sound of the ocean waves that sweetly lulled us to sleep last night would gently wake us up in the morning sun, too. coming with the terms of nature and its cycles enabled me to be aware of what part of the day it already was. so that’s when i knew it’s time for brunch because the sun was way too high up in the sky. we’d then go on with the day just like how we spent yesterday until we were due to be back in the city.
oh, happy times. it was simpler back then. it used to even feel like days would always be like that forever but look at me now. i’m miles away from where i consider home and “living” a so-called adult life “the way it should be” — working at the office, paying insurance, constructing emails. all those stuff. when did life become like this? did i forget how to have a heart and eyes of a child? i hope not. but being in your twenties can easily get you in a trap especially if there is no time to take a pause and reflect. sometimes, it’s easier to be just a child — forgiving, carefree, light-hearted, full of wonder, and pure in every way. all would be well again after a good cry. but then i have always known that i can forever remain a kid at heart no matter how old i age. i just have to make sure that she’s within me safely guarded at all costs so the world would never harden her. i am glad she still remains soft when i look at her closely. she still has those eyes full of wonder with a carefree heart that carries happy childhood memories from her little mermaid days.
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helsaguy · 5 years
Best Disney Live Action to date.
This is my opinion and mine alone. You have your own. Watch out for spoilers if you haven't seen the movie yet.
What a ride. What a surprise. What a delight this movie actually is. The first promotional content did nothing, or very little to excite me about this movie. I was really gonna watch it just to see Will Smith’s work. Then good reviews started to pop out and those truly gave me hope. I still kept my expectations relatively low. But now I was excited to watch it. The idea was to watch the movie on Saturday, but stuff came up and couldn't be. Anyways, two great things happened about watching it on Sunday: First I got to watch it with more family members. I’m so happy they didn't miss this movie, you just can’t miss it. And second, I got to watch it in its original language! I'm sure the dub would have been good, but I really needed to hear the actors’ voices, the dialogues and more than anything the songs in their original language. It’s important to me.
I had my doubts about almost everyone in the cast. But in the end, if anyone made a mistake (which mistakes can totally happen and maybe they happened) I think they were so minor that I didn’t care if there was something off. The whole movie is just so good. I couldn’t care less about any mistake or off thing that could have been going on.
What I’m about to write may be weird. I felt that every character was very different to its animated counterpart. The story was pretty much the same, and of course the characters are the same (except for a couple of funny and good additions) yet they felt different to me. They felt very down-to-earth, very grounded, very fleshed out, very real. Which I think that's the whole point of these live action movies; or at least I think it should be that way. 
So far I enjoyed and liked all the live actions I've seen (Maleficent, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, The Jungle Book). But so far only Aladdin although being fair, Maleficent has it's own category has added content that served perfectly to enrich the movie and its characters. I see it that way anyway. It left me wanting to see more of them. I wanna see this gang again. Heck, I wanna watch the movie again. I really think it should have a sequel. More than anything I think this live action has established enough content to continue with another movie.
On a side note. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite animated Disney movie and if the live action doesn't make a sequel, I'm honestly not complaining. Here I am, perfectly well without a live action Beauty and the Beast sequel. And about Maleficent. I never thought it would have a sequel, and when I heard there would be one I was like: Ok. Maleficent is a whole other take on the Sleeping Beauty movie. A pretty interesting take if you ask me. And I’m curious to see how the sequel turns out. I loved Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent and I don’t mind seeing more of that. I think it'll be worth it.
About how I felt these characters were different to their animated counterparts. I think the most obvious is the Sultan. But man what a great change. I think every character was very likeable. Every good character that is. And the Sultan is so likable as a ruler and as a father. Of course he is a little flawed in those regards, but he grows and learns accordingly. I think everyone can or should understand where he’s coming from. It isn’t hard to understand his position. I'm not very comfortable comparing the live action to the animation. And I hope I won't do it (or do it much) writing further. But I think I dare say I liked this version of the Sultan better than the animated one. I just really cared more about him as a character and as a person. He even got a little action in the confrontation with Jafar and the dancing at the end of the movie. Way to go Sultan! He is a caring and loving father to Jasmine and father-daughter relationships are kind of my Achilles heel on Disney movies (Belle and Maurice, Ariel and Triton). Quite frankly, I never really cared for this father-daughter relationship with the animated movie, I'm guilty of that. But the live action version of these characters are a whole other story. The Sultan was overall a far more competent character and I loved it.
Oh boy I had so many doubts with Naomi Scott as Jasmine. But seeing her first interactions with Aladdin at the market place and at Aladdin’s street rat home, I was so charmed by her acting and charisma. Not to mention her beautiful hair and those beautiful, beatiful brown eyes of hers. Jasmine got quite the changes too, and I think most were very well done. This Jasmine is truly a ruler and leader in the making. Ready to be the first Sultana (that’s the proper term) of the land. She lacks some experience, of course, but she has all the tools she needs. I was impressed with all the knowledge this girl has at her disposal. Although, she's a Princess, of course she knows her studies. While the animated Jasmine feels rebellious “not wanting to be a Princess” and seems to ponder too much on the freedom she’s missing; live action Jasmine shows great conviction on wanting to help and better her people, her country and kingdom. She doesn't know much of Agrabah's outsides but once she gets out there and sees the market place full of people working and coexisting, she sees the community that lives under the Sultan's care and understands that those people are what make Agrabah so precious. Even from her balcony Jasmine gets to see her people's lives and how much they deserve to live happily and without fear of wars and losing loved ones (like she and the Sultan lost Jasmine's mother). Agrabah was done so lively that it’s easy to see why Jasmine wants so badly to be the next one on taking care of the kingdom and its people. She wants to make them happy and prosperous. Again, she is very likable. And most importantly, if some think these changes are to push some agenda (I thought that at first), well, if they are at least they don't feel forced. I think all these changes added a lot of depth and character to the character. To me they made Jasmine richer and a better role model.
Again someone that surprised me. Mena Massoud’s Aladdin turned out to be quite refreshing to me. In all honesty I wish I could explain better why I think this Aladdin differs from the animated one, but I lack the words. What I value the most of this interpretation is the simplicity and humility in character. He is more aware of himself. And while he does say the line “When you don’t have anything, you have to act as if you own everything.”, this guy doesn't feel pretentious at all. He is still very much down-to-earth and it shows greatly when he becomes Prince Ali. At least for the first part. I loved how awkward and/or insecure he is as Prince Ali during the Prince Ali musical number and when meeting the Sultan and Princess Jasmine. That scene is truly hilarious, with all the right jokes and all the right faux pas. Then there's the moment when the Prince gig gets to his head and is so believable how he gets lost in that lie and that facade, that it made me feel bad for him. In a pitiful way. Whereas in the animated movie I felt Aladdin was being a jerk to Genie and it made me think he deserved to be left alone. I definitely sympathize better with this Aladdin. Great chemistry between him and Jasmine from start to finish. Also I think it was very adorable to have Jasmine pretend to be the Princess' servant when she meets Aladdin for the first time. It made the blooming relationship more endearing and natural. Very appreciated. The animated movie honestly only makes me care about the Genie, but this live action truly made me care about every character. The good ones that is.
I still think Marwan Kenzari’s voice doesn’t fit Jafar at all. But this Jafar is still a good villain. I think he felt more cold blooded to me. He had a little background that benefited the character, not like they tried to do with Gaston on the Beauty and the Beast live action. And this depth not only made Jafar a little more interesting, it helped Aladdin's character as well. Jafar's past as a thief not only gives reason for his ambitions and goals, it’s also a good example of what our hero Aladdin could have become if he kept on the abusive/ambitious path of power. I think that provided quite the scare in thinking that if Jafar went through this manipulative, power hungry way; that could very well happen to Aladdin. This Jafar lacks the animated one’s theatrics but I still consider him a descent villain.
Very much like Robin Williams’ Genie is the heart and soul of the animated classic. Will Smith’s Genie is the heart and soul of this live action. Hands down my favorite character in the whole movie. Robin (R.I.P.) must be very proud with everything Will did. He was so charismatic, sympathetic, funny, charming, such a lovable character I swear to God. No one will ever convince me that this Genie wasn't perfect in every way, shape, or form. I loved how at the party in the palace he kept telling Ali to not ruin it for him. He's been trapped inside a lamp for thousands of years and he really wanted to enjoy a good party. The character with the most heart in the film and with powerful lessons to teach. Two of those will stay with me forever. The first, and I believe the intentional one, is that no matter how much riches you possess; no money, or jewels, or power will ever satisfy you nor make you happy. I wish more people in the world would see and understand that... And second, and this is I think more my interpretation than the movie's intention, to be human is what makes someone truly free. Although "being human" is such a vast term. I hope you understand what I mean. Anyways, what a freaking powerful message. This Genie wishes freedom. But that freedom isn't just to not be his master's slave or the lamp's slave. This Genie wishes to be human; he doesn't want to be an all powerful being for all eternity. And something happened in this movie that helped in a very sweet way to make this Genie even more human.
And that is Dalia. What a revelation this character is. Best addition to a live action adaptation ever. To be honest when I first heard of the character I really thought this live action would be ruined from the start. Who was this Dalia? Why Jasmine needed a handmaiden? Why was she white? Truth is Dalia is a much needed character. Also Nasim Pedrad who portrays Dalia was born on Iran to Iranian parents, and that made me more comfortable about her as a character in this movie. Dalia is a much welcomed addition to the colorful cast. Her character feels organic in this well known tale. She's not only Jasmine’s handmaiden but is also a true friend and her loyal confidant. And not to offend my favorite tiger, but the Princess really needed some human friend to talk to. Sure Dalia is a servant, but never once she complains about her place; even if it shows that on the inside she would like to enjoy more of the outside world as well as the Princess and have a life of her own. Dalia is quite insightful, she knows the Princess very well, she's very funny, and charming. We get to see how much and how well she cares for Jasmine and quickly becomes an endearing character. That scene where she pretends to be the Princess in favor of Jasmine being able to play the handmaiden character with Aladdin a little longer was incredibly funny. Not just she makes Jasmine a more well round character, she helps the Genie as well with their little romance. Such good content with these two. One of my favorite scenes was when the Genie wanted to ask Dalia out on an evening stroll and he, much like Prince Ali meeting the Princess, got all awkward and even mentions that Aladdin's behavior is contagious. Obviously he knows how to treat women right, with delicacy and respect. But also he's been imprisoned for so long that it isn't hard to see how he would be a bit clumsy when trying to court a girl he really felt infatuated with. Their interactions are just really sweet and charming.
The best part happens when Aladdin wishes for Genie's freedom and he does become human. And it is because of the lamp's very specific instructions that I believe a message for this movie is how being human makes us free beings. When making a wish Genie can't stress enough to Aladdin that he has to be very specific with his words, there's a lot of grey areas in wishes and he must wish carefully. Aladdin's third wish is of course to set Genie free, but he mentions nothing about making the Genie human. Still, the moment Aladdin wishes for Genie to be free he is turned human. And that's a very powerful message, even more so these days. It is the lessons this movie shows through Genie that truly capture the heart of the movie. Another example is when human Genie at the end of the movie asks for another chance to court Dalia. The affection is very much returned by the handmaiden and while she says that she is new at this dating stuff, she says that she accepts and that she wants to get married, have kids, and a boat. And all of that actually happens. And this is one more powerful message that I chose to interprete this movie tried to tell: even without being an all powerful being, humans are able to make their dreams/wishes come true. Genie and Dalia do get married, they have two kids a boy and a girl like she wanted, and they get a small boat like he wanted. Humans can make their wishes come true even without some magical help and that's Disney at it's best.
Let’s talk a little about the “sidekicks”. I enjoyed Abu being less caricaturistic. I know people adore Abu’s personality in the animation. But I think since this Aladdin was more serene in attitude, this Abu accompanied him very well. I adored Rajah. I'm very happy he showed up as much as he did. I honestly thought he wouldn't have as much screen time. I love his protectiveness over Jasmine most of all, but I also appreciate his good judge of character. Carpet was perfect. I think he suffered no change at all from the animated movie. So full of personality. I liked very much how during conversations the Genie would include Carpet and Abu into the chat. It made the monkey and carpet feel all the more real. Also, it hurt to see Carpet all torn when he was trying to escape giant Iago. And speaking of Iago. One of my favorite villainous sidekicks in Disney movies. This Iago is so not like the animated one. But that isn’t a bad thing. This bird looked creepy, and while it lacked all of Gilbert Gottfried’s personality, it made up in competence. This Iago is as cold blooded as his master, quite the spy, and a very effective giant boss fight. Thank you so much for keeping him a talking parrot. Very pleased with Alan Tudyk‘s work. And even if Iago's role is minor in the live action, he still serves very well his purpose.
Let's wrap this up with the music! Overall I loved it. Sure there are weak moments, but I think that didn't damage the movie at all. The film was just oh so entertaining on its own. Jasmine's new song Speechless is quite good. But the reprise was a little poorly executed visually-wise. I also think it sounds too pop-ish for it's own good. One Jump Ahead was weak in comparison to the original. The singing was pretty good, the music well "updated", but Aladdin was too relaxed walking here and there instead of running for his life. I liked a lot that Jasmine was part of the scene though. And congratulations to the woman with the "Still I think he's rather tasty" line, what a voice, and she was gorgeous. A Whole New World is very much the same and that's good. Both actors did great singing, Naomi's voice is incredible and Mena really surprised me as a good singer. That song doesn't need to be touched and they didn't touch it. Some may complain that Carpet didn't take Aladdin and Jasmine around the world, but I don't think it was needed. This Jasmine cared too much for her land that it was very sweet of Aladdin and Carpet to take Jasmine around Agrabah. She even admitted that Prince Ali knows more of Agrabah in the "few days" he's been to the kingdom than she has known all her life. It was fitting in my opinion to keep the ride to Agrabah. What was leaked of the Prince Ali performance doesn't make the whole thing justice. Sure it isn't as big scaled as the animated one, but is still a good show. And Oh My God WILL SMITH DID THE IN DRAG GAG!!!!!! I completely thought they wouldn't do it and Jesus Christ I laughed so hard, and was so happy they did it!!! He looked great, it was so funny. That alone made the song a success to me I swear. I couldn't ask for more. A Friend Like Me is another hit. A lot of detail, energy, I think the special effects were great. My favorite song from the animated movie and one of my top favorites in this live action. I think the new adaptation that takes the cake is Arabian Nights. Loved the longer lyrics, the visuals, and Will Smith being the one to sing it. We have Will Smith portraying a fisherman at the start of the movie. Then two adorable children ask their father to tell a story, and they prefer he sings the story. At first the fisherman says no singing since it's been a long day, but he soon indulge his kids and begins singing the opening number. The camera goes over Agrabah, we get glimpses of the characters in the tale. The Sultan in the palace, the Princess by he fountain with her tiger, a somber figure before the Cave of Wonders. We hear of the diamond in the rough requirement and go back to Agrabah. The way everything is presented feels so fairy tale like. And the opening number gets even better when right at the end we get the hint and confirmation that the fisherman and the kids are actually Genie and his and Dalia's kids. In all honesty I thought Will Smith was playing a whole different character with he fisherman. And even though we see the fisherman's wife from he back on the boat nd we hear her voice, I couldn't guess it was them till the end of the movie. Needless to say that revelation was fantastic.
I apologize for any typos. I know there's stuff I didn't write about like the couple of dance numbers going on, but they were great. I loved how gorgeous Jasmine looked at the palace's party. Her dancing was mesmerizing too. Hooray for the Jasmine and Aladdin wedding at the end! I made this long enough and whatever topic you wanna talk about, hit my ask box anytime.
Best Disney live action to date everyone. Highly recommend.
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distastefultbh-blog · 7 years
Motivational Tracks For Children of All Ages
smejko a tanculienka Motivational Songs are excellent for the thoughts, human body and spirit in little ones of all ages. If you are like me, a kid staring at forty, listening to motivational music gives me that substantially essential select-me-up in the middle of the working day transforming my whole mood, bringing me to my toes, and inviting me to dance. And a lot more importantly, for my very own little ones, motivational songs teach worthwhile lifetime classes that will conjure up powerful reminiscences for many a long time to arrive. A tune is motivational if it has a good and encouraging information. For instance, lyrics like "You can get it if you actually want, but you need to consider," recommend suggestions of dedication and challenging work. Nonetheless, some songs might have an upbeat rhythm that frees the mind and moves the human body...like in the topic music from the Rocky collection "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string motion are so strong it offers you that very little push, the added energy to get up and go. Even college academics locate that the suitable new music assists facilitate understanding by producing a appealing atmosphere and energizes actions for children. It can also help them to raise their focus, boost their memory, launch tension, and so much far more. How amazing is that? As a mom of 2 little children, I also locate that motivational music give them constructive sayings that you is not going to be humiliated to hear them repeat or sing along to. Subsequently, for dad and mom, motivational lyrics turn into text of knowledge to use when educating kids about the "trials and tribulations" of lifetime that Princess Tiana sings about in "Nearly There" (SEE Down below). Fundamentally, they work just like inspirational estimates do. But, due to the fact they have the capacity to get caught in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational music are that a lot much more potent! Thankfully, motivational tracks can be located in all genres and from an array of artists aged and new, popular and not so popular. Despite the fact that there are so many to decide on from, below are just a few I have launched my young children to. These are in no particular buy. 1. "Intensify the Constructive" sung by Dr. John, is a hugely stylized model of the outdated regular that was showcased in the film The Mighty Ducks. This one particular leaves them singing together to some very excellent terms of wisdom that were being at first prepared by Harold Arlen who was noted to have been inspired by a church sermon he had read with the similar title. two. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney traditional tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "aged university" appeal is nonetheless refreshing following all of these several years. 3. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer collection is basically a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious beat and usually delivers you to your feet to dance. four. "Walking Tall" by Ziggy Marley and featuring Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune prepared in the tradition of his father's constructive lyricism. There is an essential lesson being taught below, and is completed in these a adorable way that it is destined to turn into a strike! 5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Initial Broadway Forged Recording of Annie. I can remember individuals lyrics becoming there for me increasing up, and hope other youngsters come across them as equally encouraging. 6. Although "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett isn't a favored still among my kiddies, Grandma enjoys it and every time we are in the car, that is her first request. Probably I should have picked the Miley Cyrus version...which qualified prospects me to... seven. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the a single the three-12 months-old loves ideal. There is a great message in this one particular, far too. But, I really don't even assume she cares! It really is Hannah Montana! 8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties classic with a excellent message so healthful it has currently been highlighted in many videos, commercials, and "best of" compilations and never gets aged. Not only does it carry you to your ft, but it fills your kids' mouths with some wonderful text that can improve self-esteem and interior confidence. nine. "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae basic that also hits property for so several individuals..."Never be concerned 'bout a thing...every small thing's gonna be alright." Who isn't going to want to in this article that from time to time? It can be a good track for youngsters and surely has lyrics to are living by. ten. "My Preferred Items" by Julie Andrews is initial and foremost always a excellent vocal exercise routine! She hits individuals notes and holds them as lengthy as only she can. But in her rendition of this well-liked normal, she clearly delivers a wonderful option to anybody experience down in the dumps...Make a checklist of your beloved things. Pull them out when you need them, and let it function miracles on your mood. Excellent plan! 11. "Nearly There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog movie is so very good it was nominated for an Academy Award this year. It truly is so easy to sing alongside to, all the although relaying an critical message about resolve. How a lot of periods have you necessary a tune like this to help you continue to be motivated when nearing the complete line? The essential point to recall is that by having the time to do a very little choosing and deciding upon of what they hear to, just like they monitor what they look at, mother and father can regain some power to handle the ideas and photos that penetrate their kid's minds. In addition, by feeding them with good suggestions and pictures through audio, mothers and fathers can system their little ones to become more powerful, additional independent, and profitable persons. Rather awesome, huh?
0 notes
candycr4sh-blog · 7 years
Motivational Tracks For Youngsters of All Ages
víla ella Motivational Tracks are very good for the intellect, physique and spirit in little ones of all ages. If you are like me, a child staring at 40, listening to motivational music provides me that substantially needed select-me-up in the middle of the day reworking my total mood, bringing me to my toes, and inviting me to dance. And far more importantly, for my possess little ones, motivational songs instruct valuable life lessons that will conjure up effective reminiscences for quite a few yrs to come. A tune is motivational if it has a beneficial and encouraging concept. For example, lyrics like "You can get it if you seriously want, but you must try out," advise ideas of dedication and difficult operate. However, some music could have an upbeat rhythm that frees the thoughts and moves the overall body...like in the concept track from the Rocky collection "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, along with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so strong it provides you that small drive, the additional strength to get up and go. Even college lecturers come across that the appropriate songs helps aid studying by producing a appealing atmosphere and energizes routines for young children. It can also support them to raise their interest, increase their memory, release rigidity, and so substantially a lot more. How awesome is that? As a mom of two little little ones, I also find that motivational tunes give them constructive sayings that you would not be ashamed to hear them repeat or sing alongside to. Subsequently, for dad and mom, motivational lyrics develop into phrases of wisdom to use when training kids about the "trials and tribulations" of daily life that Princess Tiana sings about in "Almost There" (SEE Below). Generally, they perform just like inspirational quotes do. But, considering that they have the potential to get trapped in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational songs are that considerably far more highly effective! Thankfully, motivational tracks can be observed in all genres and from an array of artists old and new, well-liked and not so well-known. Though there are so several to select from, in this article are just a handful of I have introduced my kids to. These are in no specific buy. one. "Accentuate the Beneficial" sung by Dr. John, is a highly stylized edition of the outdated normal that was showcased in the motion picture The Mighty Ducks. This one particular leaves them singing together to some extremely great words and phrases of knowledge that had been at first composed by Harold Arlen who was described to have been impressed by a church sermon he had listened to with the similar title. 2. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney basic tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "outdated faculty" appeal is however refreshing following all of these a long time. 3. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer sequence is only a celebration of achievement. It has an undeniably infectious beat and usually delivers you to your toes to dance. 4. "Going for walks Tall" by Ziggy Marley and showcasing Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune created in the custom of his father's beneficial lyricism. There is an crucial lesson staying taught here, and is performed in these kinds of a sweet way that it is destined to develop into a strike! five. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Original Broadway Cast Recording of Annie. I can recall people lyrics staying there for me developing up, and hope other kids come across them as similarly encouraging. 6. Despite the fact that "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett is just not a favorite however among my kiddies, Grandma enjoys it and just about every time we are in the car or truck, that is her initial request. Perhaps I really should have picked the Miley Cyrus variation...which qualified prospects me to... 7. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the just one the 3-yr-previous enjoys very best. There is a excellent message in this a single, too. But, I will not even feel she cares! It's Hannah Montana! eight. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties basic with a fantastic message so wholesome it has already been highlighted in many flicks, commercials, and "best of" compilations and never ever receives aged. Not only does it carry you to your feet, but it fills your kids' mouths with some fantastic words that can increase self-esteem and interior self-confidence. nine. "A few Little Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae vintage that also hits house for so a lot of people..."Really don't worry 'bout a issue...every small thing's gonna be alright." Who isn't going to require to here that from time to time? It can be a good tune for kids and surely has lyrics to reside by. 10. "My Preferred Issues" by Julie Andrews is 1st and foremost often a great vocal work out! She hits these notes and holds them as long as only she can. But in her rendition of this popular typical, she evidently delivers a fantastic solution to anyone feeling down in the dumps...Make a checklist of your favourite factors. Pull them out when you require them, and permit it operate miracles on your temper. Fantastic plan! eleven. "Nearly There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog movie is so good it was nominated for an Academy Award this year. It really is so straightforward to sing along to, all the even though relaying an essential concept about perseverance. How several occasions have you necessary a tune like this to assist you continue to be inspired when nearing the end line? The essential point to keep in mind is that by taking the time to do a little picking and selecting of what they hear to, just like they monitor what they watch, moms and dads can get back some power to handle the tips and illustrations or photos that penetrate their kid's minds. Furthermore, by feeding them with constructive ideas and photos through audio, mothers and fathers can program their kids to turn into stronger, much more unbiased, and prosperous people. Pretty interesting, huh?
0 notes
beebrianna-blog · 7 years
Motivational Tunes For Kids of All Ages
rozprávky pre deti Motivational Music are great for the intellect, entire body and spirit in children of all ages. If you are like me, a kid staring at 40, listening to motivational music offers me that significantly necessary decide on-me-up in the center of the day transforming my whole temper, bringing me to my toes, and inviting me to dance. And additional importantly, for my own little ones, motivational tracks teach valuable daily life lessons that will conjure up strong reminiscences for several a long time to arrive. A tune is motivational if it has a constructive and encouraging information. For illustration, lyrics like "You can get it if you really want, but you have to test," propose suggestions of resolve and hard work. Nonetheless, some music may well have an upbeat rhythm that frees the thoughts and moves the body...like in the concept track from the Rocky sequence "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so potent it provides you that little force, the further vitality to get up and go. Even college lecturers come across that the suitable music assists aid finding out by creating a appealing environment and energizes routines for kids. It can also help them to boost their focus, boost their memory, launch pressure, and so considerably additional. How cool is that? As a mom of two smaller kids, I also come across that motivational music give them positive sayings that you will not likely be ashamed to listen to them repeat or sing along to. Subsequently, for mother and father, motivational lyrics become terms of knowledge to use when teaching little ones about the "trials and tribulations" of lifestyle that Princess Tiana sings about in "Almost There" (SEE Under). Generally, they get the job done just like inspirational prices do. But, because they have the potential to get stuck in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational tunes are that substantially additional powerful! Luckily, motivational music can be found in all genres and from an array of artists previous and new, well-liked and not so well-liked. Although there are so quite a few to choose from, right here are just a number of I have launched my young children to. These are in no particular buy. 1. "Intensify the Beneficial" sung by Dr. John, is a extremely stylized model of the previous typical that was highlighted in the motion picture The Mighty Ducks. This a single leaves them singing alongside to some really excellent phrases of knowledge that ended up initially prepared by Harold Arlen who was claimed to have been impressed by a church sermon he had heard with the very same title. two. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney vintage tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "previous school" charm is however refreshing right after all of these years. three. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer collection is only a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious beat and often brings you to your ft to dance. 4. "Walking Tall" by Ziggy Marley and showcasing Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune created in the tradition of his father's constructive lyricism. There is an critical lesson currently being taught listed here, and is done in such a sweet way that it is destined to turn into a hit! 5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the First Broadway Cast Recording of Annie. I can remember these lyrics getting there for me growing up, and hope other kids locate them as equally encouraging. 6. Though "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett is not a favored still amongst my kiddies, Grandma loves it and each and every time we are in the car, that is her initially ask for. Possibly I need to have picked the Miley Cyrus edition...which potential customers me to... seven. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the 1 the 3-12 months-previous loves best. There is a good information in this one, as well. But, I don't even think she cares! It truly is Hannah Montana! eight. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties vintage with a wonderful information so wholesome it has currently been featured in plenty of films, commercials, and "best of" compilations and by no means gets outdated. Not only does it carry you to your toes, but it fills your kids' mouths with some wonderful words and phrases that can enhance self-esteem and internal self-confidence. 9. "3 Minor Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae vintage that also hits house for so a lot of men and women..."Never fear 'bout a factor...just about every tiny thing's gonna be alright." Who will not need to listed here that from time to time? It really is a great tune for young children and absolutely has lyrics to reside by. 10. "My Favourite Things" by Julie Andrews is initial and foremost always a excellent vocal exercise routine! She hits these notes and holds them as extended as only she can. But in her rendition of this well-known normal, she plainly provides a good option to anybody sensation down in the dumps...Make a checklist of your beloved issues. Pull them out when you require them, and permit it operate miracles on your temper. Excellent concept! 11. "Practically There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog film is so very good it was nominated for an Academy Award this yr. It's so easy to sing along to, all the whilst relaying an important message about willpower. How several moments have you wanted a tune like this to support you remain determined when nearing the end line? The important matter to remember is that by using the time to do a minor buying and choosing of what they hear to, just like they monitor what they view, parents can get back some electricity to management the suggestions and pictures that penetrate their children's minds. On top of that, by feeding them with constructive concepts and pictures via music, mother and father can software their little ones to become more powerful, much more impartial, and prosperous individuals. Very interesting, huh?
0 notes
Motivational Songs For Youngsters of All Ages
fíha tralala Motivational Tracks are great for the thoughts, overall body and spirit in youngsters of all ages. If you are like me, a kid staring at forty, listening to motivational music gives me that a lot necessary pick-me-up in the middle of the day reworking my whole mood, bringing me to my toes, and inviting me to dance. And additional importantly, for my individual kids, motivational tunes instruct valuable existence lessons that will conjure up powerful memories for quite a few yrs to occur. A music is motivational if it has a beneficial and encouraging concept. For illustration, lyrics like "You can get it if you truly want, but you ought to try," counsel concepts of willpower and really hard perform. Nonetheless, some tunes could have an upbeat rhythm that frees the brain and moves the human body...like in the concept tune from the Rocky series "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so effective it offers you that small thrust, the further power to get up and go. Even faculty instructors come across that the appropriate new music aids aid studying by producing a attractive atmosphere and energizes functions for youngsters. It can also aid them to raise their focus, enhance their memory, launch tension, and so significantly much more. How great is that? As a mother of two smaller kids, I also uncover that motivational tracks give them beneficial sayings that you will not be humiliated to hear them repeat or sing along to. Subsequently, for moms and dads, motivational lyrics turn out to be words and phrases of wisdom to use when training little ones about the "trials and tribulations" of life that Princess Tiana sings about in "Practically There" (SEE Underneath). Essentially, they function just like inspirational rates do. But, given that they have the capacity to get stuck in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational songs are that substantially more highly effective! Fortunately, motivational tracks can be found in all genres and from an array of artists outdated and new, well-known and not so popular. Although there are so a lot of to opt for from, listed here are just a handful of I have released my kids to. These are in no distinct get. 1. "Intensify the Beneficial" sung by Dr. John, is a very stylized version of the old typical that was showcased in the motion picture The Mighty Ducks. This a single leaves them singing together to some really excellent words and phrases of knowledge that were being initially composed by Harold Arlen who was documented to have been motivated by a church sermon he had listened to with the similar title. 2. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney basic tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "previous college" allure is nevertheless refreshing immediately after all of these several years. 3. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer collection is merely a celebration of achievement. It has an undeniably infectious defeat and usually provides you to your feet to dance. 4. "Going for walks Tall" by Ziggy Marley and showcasing Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune created in the custom of his father's optimistic lyricism. There is an important lesson becoming taught listed here, and is carried out in these kinds of a adorable way that it is destined to develop into a hit! 5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Initial Broadway Solid Recording of Annie. I can recall people lyrics being there for me increasing up, and hope other youngsters come across them as similarly encouraging. 6. Even though "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett just isn't a favourite however amongst my kiddies, Grandma loves it and just about every time we are in the automobile, that is her very first request. Probably I need to have picked the Miley Cyrus model...which sales opportunities me to... 7. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the just one the three-12 months-old enjoys very best. There is a fantastic message in this one particular, way too. But, I do not even feel she cares! It can be Hannah Montana! eight. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties traditional with a great message so wholesome it has presently been showcased in plenty of movies, commercials, and "best of" compilations and by no means gets outdated. Not only does it bring you to your ft, but it fills your kids' mouths with some excellent phrases that can raise self-esteem and internal self confidence. nine. "Three Small Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae common that also hits household for so many men and women..."Don't fear 'bout a issue...each and every small thing's gonna be alright." Who does not need to have to here that from time to time? It really is a wonderful song for youngsters and definitely has lyrics to are living by. 10. "My Beloved Factors" by Julie Andrews is very first and foremost often a fantastic vocal exercise routine! She hits those notes and retains them as prolonged as only she can. But in her rendition of this common common, she clearly delivers a good solution to any individual sensation down in the dumps...Make a listing of your favourite points. Pull them out when you will need them, and allow it function miracles on your temper. Wonderful notion! eleven. "Nearly There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog movie is so very good it was nominated for an Academy Award this 12 months. It can be so effortless to sing along to, all the while relaying an important concept about resolve. How a lot of instances have you essential a tune like this to help you stay inspired when nearing the end line? The essential point to bear in mind is that by taking the time to do a very little selecting and deciding upon of what they pay attention to, just like they watch what they view, moms and dads can get back some electric power to manage the strategies and images that penetrate their kid's minds. Furthermore, by feeding them with beneficial tips and pictures by means of music, mothers and fathers can software their youngsters to turn into much better, a lot more independent, and successful individuals. Very interesting, huh?
0 notes
Motivational Tunes For Little ones of All Ages
spievankovo Motivational Songs are good for the thoughts, entire body and spirit in youngsters of all ages. If you are like me, a kid staring at 40, listening to motivational music provides me that a lot required select-me-up in the middle of the working day reworking my overall mood, bringing me to my feet, and inviting me to dance. And more importantly, for my personal young children, motivational tracks educate valuable lifestyle lessons that will conjure up strong memories for quite a few years to arrive. A tune is motivational if it has a constructive and encouraging message. For case in point, lyrics like "You can get it if you seriously want, but you need to attempt," counsel ideas of dedication and hard perform. However, some music might have an upbeat rhythm that frees the head and moves the entire body...like in the concept song from the Rocky collection "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, together with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so powerful it gives you that little press, the further vitality to get up and go. Even school lecturers come across that the right audio helps aid understanding by producing a attractive environment and energizes activities for little ones. It can also aid them to boost their consideration, increase their memory, launch pressure, and so considerably additional. How interesting is that? As a mom of two little kids, I also uncover that motivational songs give them constructive sayings that you won't be humiliated to listen to them repeat or sing together to. Subsequently, for parents, motivational lyrics develop into words of wisdom to use when educating little ones about the "trials and tribulations" of life that Princess Tiana sings about in "Nearly There" (SEE Below). Basically, they work just like inspirational estimates do. But, because they have the capability to get trapped in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational tracks are that a lot a lot more powerful! Fortunately, motivational tracks can be found in all genres and from an array of artists previous and new, common and not so popular. While there are so quite a few to choose from, here are just a few I have released my children to. These are in no certain get. one. "Accentuate the Good" sung by Dr. John, is a hugely stylized variation of the outdated standard that was showcased in the movie The Mighty Ducks. This one particular leaves them singing along to some really excellent text of knowledge that were initially composed by Harold Arlen who was claimed to have been impressed by a church sermon he had listened to with the identical title. two. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney basic tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "old school" appeal is nevertheless refreshing after all of these yrs. three. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer series is basically a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious conquer and usually provides you to your feet to dance. 4. "Strolling Tall" by Ziggy Marley and featuring Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune prepared in the tradition of his father's beneficial lyricism. There is an crucial lesson getting taught right here, and is done in such a sweet way that it is destined to turn out to be a hit! five. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the Original Broadway Forged Recording of Annie. I can recall individuals lyrics staying there for me growing up, and hope other young children uncover them as equally encouraging. six. Despite the fact that "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett just isn't a favorite nevertheless among my kiddies, Grandma enjoys it and each and every time we are in the auto, that is her initial request. Possibly I ought to have picked the Miley Cyrus edition...which sales opportunities me to... seven. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the one particular the three-year-previous loves best. There is a great message in this one, as well. But, I never even assume she cares! It really is Hannah Montana! 8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties vintage with a good information so healthful it has previously been featured in a great number of videos, commercials, and "ideal of" compilations and in no way gets outdated. Not only does it provide you to your toes, but it fills your kids' mouths with some excellent words and phrases that can improve self-esteem and inner self-confidence. 9. "A few Small Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae common that also hits residence for so several folks..."Really don't fear 'bout a point...just about every tiny thing's gonna be alright." Who won't need to below that from time to time? It truly is a good track for kids and certainly has lyrics to reside by. ten. "My Favourite Things" by Julie Andrews is very first and foremost usually a wonderful vocal work out! She hits these notes and holds them as long as only she can. But in her rendition of this well-known typical, she evidently delivers a good solution to any individual emotion down in the dumps...Make a record of your beloved things. Pull them out when you need to have them, and enable it get the job done miracles on your temper. Fantastic concept! eleven. "Almost There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog film is so great it was nominated for an Academy Award this year. It truly is so easy to sing along to, all the whilst relaying an crucial concept about determination. How quite a few occasions have you necessary a tune like this to support you remain motivated when nearing the end line? The essential issue to recall is that by having the time to do a tiny picking and deciding upon of what they pay attention to, just like they monitor what they enjoy, mother and father can get back some electrical power to handle the tips and pictures that penetrate their children's minds. Additionally, by feeding them with good concepts and photographs through songs, dad and mom can method their young children to develop into more robust, much more impartial, and successful persons. Pretty interesting, huh?
0 notes
yasunope-blog · 7 years
Motivational Tunes For Little ones of All Ages
pesničky pre deti Motivational Songs are great for the mind, entire body and spirit in young children of all ages. If you are like me, a child staring at forty, listening to motivational music provides me that much necessary select-me-up in the center of the day transforming my whole temper, bringing me to my feet, and inviting me to dance. And more importantly, for my own youngsters, motivational music teach valuable life lessons that will conjure up powerful recollections for several yrs to arrive. A music is motivational if it has a constructive and encouraging concept. For instance, lyrics like "You can get it if you actually want, but you need to try," recommend suggestions of determination and tough work. Nonetheless, some songs may possibly have an upbeat rhythm that frees the head and moves the physique...like in the concept track from the Rocky collection "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, alongside with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so highly effective it gives you that little push, the further strength to get up and go. Even faculty instructors locate that the proper tunes will help aid learning by producing a appealing environment and energizes actions for little ones. It can also assist them to increase their attention, strengthen their memory, release rigidity, and so substantially more. How great is that? As a mom of 2 small young children, I also discover that motivational music give them optimistic sayings that you will not likely be humiliated to hear them repeat or sing along to. Subsequently, for parents, motivational lyrics develop into phrases of wisdom to use when educating little ones about the "trials and tribulations" of lifetime that Princess Tiana sings about in "Nearly There" (SEE Below). Fundamentally, they function just like inspirational estimates do. But, due to the fact they have the capability to get caught in the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational tunes are that considerably more powerful! Luckily, motivational songs can be discovered in all genres and from an array of artists previous and new, well-liked and not so popular. Though there are so many to opt for from, listed here are just a number of I have released my kids to. These are in no distinct purchase. 1. "Intensify the Positive" sung by Dr. John, is a remarkably stylized edition of the previous standard that was showcased in the movie The Mighty Ducks. This one particular leaves them singing together to some quite fantastic words and phrases of knowledge that have been initially prepared by Harold Arlen who was reported to have been inspired by a church sermon he had heard with the identical title. two. "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" is a beloved Disney vintage tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "aged school" attraction is nevertheless refreshing after all of these several years. three. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer collection is just a celebration of accomplishment. It has an undeniably infectious defeat and always delivers you to your ft to dance. four. "Walking Tall" by Ziggy Marley and that includes Paul Simon, is a new catchy tune published in the tradition of his father's good lyricism. There is an significant lesson getting taught here, and is accomplished in these a cute way that it is destined to grow to be a strike! five. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton from the First Broadway Solid Recording of Annie. I can recall these lyrics becoming there for me developing up, and hope other children come across them as equally encouraging. six. Although "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett just isn't a favourite still among my kiddies, Grandma loves it and every time we are in the car, that is her very first request. It's possible I should have picked the Miley Cyrus edition...which sales opportunities me to... seven. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus is the just one the three-12 months-previous enjoys very best. There is a good concept in this one particular, too. But, I really don't even consider she cares! It can be Hannah Montana! 8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties basic with a excellent information so wholesome it has currently been showcased in a great number of movies, commercials, and "best of" compilations and under no circumstances will get previous. Not only does it bring you to your toes, but it fills your kids' mouths with some excellent words that can raise self-esteem and inner self esteem. nine. "A few Little Birds" by Bob Marley is a reggae classic that also hits property for so several persons..."Never stress 'bout a factor...every single small thing's gonna be alright." Who will not want to right here that from time to time? It's a good tune for young children and surely has lyrics to live by. ten. "My Beloved Things" by Julie Andrews is initial and foremost always a fantastic vocal workout! She hits individuals notes and retains them as long as only she can. But in her rendition of this well known regular, she obviously delivers a fantastic resolution to everyone feeling down in the dumps...Make a listing of your favorite factors. Pull them out when you need them, and let it perform miracles on your mood. Good thought! eleven. "Nearly There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess and the Frog film is so good it was nominated for an Academy Award this calendar year. It's so easy to sing alongside to, all the even though relaying an important information about willpower. How numerous periods have you essential a tune like this to enable you remain enthusiastic when nearing the finish line? The essential issue to remember is that by getting the time to do a minor selecting and deciding on of what they pay attention to, just like they keep an eye on what they look at, mother and father can get back some electricity to handle the tips and pictures that penetrate their kid's minds. Moreover, by feeding them with good strategies and photographs by tunes, moms and dads can software their children to grow to be much better, additional independent, and effective people. Pretty amazing, huh?
0 notes
kidhacks44-blog · 7 years
Motivational Tracks For youths of any age
Kid hacks
Motivational Tunes are great to the mind, physique and spirit in children of all ages. In case you are like me, a kid observing forty, listening to motivational tunes presents me that considerably needed pick-me-up within the middle in the working day transforming my entire temper, bringing me to my toes, and welcoming me to bounce. And much more importantly, for my very own little ones, motivational songs educate valuable lifestyle lessons that may conjure up effective recollections for a lot of years to return.
for kids
A music is motivational if it's a good and encouraging message. For example, lyrics like "You can get it if you really want, however , you must attempt," suggest tips of perseverance and labor. Nevertheless, some music may have an upbeat rhythm that frees the thoughts and moves the body...like within the topic song from your Rocky collection "Gonna Fly Now". That invigorating horn arrangement, alongside with that rock guitar solo, oh and that string movement are so potent it provides you with that little drive, the additional strength to have up and go.
Even university instructors realize that the proper tunes assists facilitate learning by developing a attractive ambiance and energizes pursuits for kids. It may also help them to improve their focus, boost their memory, launch stress, and a great deal much more. How great is the fact that?
Like a mom of two babies, I also find that motivational songs give them good sayings which you will not be ashamed to listen to them repeat or sing alongside to. Subsequently, for parents, motivational lyrics grow to be words and phrases of wisdom to utilize when teaching little ones in regards to the "trials and tribulations" of daily life that Princess Tiana sings about in "Almost There" (SEE Underneath). Fundamentally, they work just like inspirational estimates do. But, given that they have got the chance to get stuck within the listener's head and repeat into oblivion, motivational music are that much more strong!
The good news is, motivational tunes may be located in all genres and from an assortment of artists outdated and new, well-liked and not so well-liked. Despite the fact that there are plenty of to choose from, listed here are just a few I have released my children to. These are generally in no specific buy.
1. "Accentuate the Positive" sung by Dr. John, is really a hugely stylized version in the outdated normal that was showcased in the motion picture The Mighty Ducks. This one leaves them singing along to some really great terms of knowledge that were originally composed by Harold Arlen who was described to possess been motivated by a church sermon he experienced heard together with the identical title.
two. "You Can Fly! You can Fly! You are able to Fly!" is a beloved Disney classic tune from Peter Pan. Its charismatic "old school" charm continues to be refreshing soon after every one of these many years.
three. "We Did It!" from Dora the Explorer series is simply a celebration of accomplishment. It's got an undeniably infectious conquer and constantly delivers you to your ft to bop.
four. "Walking Tall" by Ziggy Marley and that includes Paul Simon, can be a new catchy tune written inside the custom of his father's constructive lyricism. There is certainly a vital lesson becoming taught here, which is done in this sort of a adorable way that it is destined to be a success!
5. "Tomorrow" sung by Alicia Morton through the Unique Broadway Solid Recording of Annie. I can recall people lyrics being there for me developing up, and hope other children locate them as similarly encouraging.
six. Despite the fact that "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" sung by James Baskett is not a favourite yet amongst my kiddies, Grandma loves it and each time we're within the vehicle, that is her first request. Possibly I must have picked the Miley Cyrus version...which leads me to...
7. "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus will be the one particular the 3-year-old loves ideal. There's a terrific message within this one particular, as well. But, I do not even think she cares! It truly is Hannah Montana!
8. "All Star" by Smash Mouth is a late nineties traditional with a excellent message so healthful it's got already been featured in countless videos, commercials, and "best of" compilations and in no way will get previous. Not only does it deliver you to your ft, nevertheless it fills your kids' mouths with some wonderful words and phrases that could improve self-esteem and inner confidence.
nine. "Three Small Birds" by Bob Marley is actually a reggae basic that also hits home for thus many people..."Don't worry 'bout a issue...each and every minor thing's gonna be alright." Who will not want to right here that from time to time? It is a wonderful song for children and definitely has lyrics to stay by.
10. "My Preferred Things" by Julie Andrews is first and foremost usually a fantastic vocal workout! She hits individuals notes and holds them so long as only she can. But in her rendition of the popular regular, she clearly provides an excellent solution to any person feeling down within the dumps...Create a list of the favourite things. Pull them out if you require them, and let it work miracles on your temper. Great thought!
11. "Almost There" by Anika Noni Rose from Disney's new The Princess as well as the Frog movie is so excellent it had been nominated for an Academy Award this 12 months. It's so simple to sing together to, all of the although relaying an essential information about determination. The number of instances have you necessary a tune similar to this to aid you stay determined when nearing the finish line?
The critical point to recollect is by finding the time to accomplish somewhat choosing and choosing of what they hear, much like they keep track of the things they look at, dad and mom can get back some electricity to manage the suggestions and pictures that penetrate their children's minds. Furthermore, by feeding them with positive concepts and images via audio, mothers and fathers can program their youngsters to become more robust, much more independent, and profitable individuals. Rather awesome, huh?
And, did I point out Low cost? Amazon not only lists "Walk Tall" by Ziggy Marley as Free, but every single obtain is barely .ninety nine cents a chunk. And, to get a selection of eleven tracks, that totals out to about $9.90. Now that's a discount! You do not even need to leave the comfort and ease of your respective home. It downloads instantly so you can unveil it for your youngsters within minutes.
To put it simply, motivational songs really are a exciting, effortless, and low cost approach to teach your kids about exertions, discipline, determination, regard for others and more. And as mothers and fathers, this really is the main function we can do and motivational songs permit us to do it "in essentially the most pleasant way!"
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savvywriting · 8 years
The Time of a Healer
Hey there. This is a story I wrote for my creative writing class, enjoy!
January 4th, 2017
I was used to staring at the floor by now. I seemed to be able to hide myself by memorizing the dents and scratches on the school’s tiled floor. I’d like to believe that by keeping my head down I was invisible. Of course, that’s not realistic. I’m still found. Her voice slashes my view away from the school’s shoe base. When I say “her” I refer to the vain of my existence, the one person whose words are equivalent to being stoned with rocks.
           She’s the bully loved by many. Kata somehow tears down my self-esteem on a schedule, but is still applauded for her stellar grades, and above beyond volunteer hours. You’d think that someone with that royal level of popularity would have something better to do than verbally shred me like an expired license. She’s always able to make a window of time for me. She’s able to because I’m me. Julia Azar. Julia whose skin under her eyes are darker than a haunted house on Halloween. Julia who’s not seen for her talents, but for her small physical abnormality pointed out by the champion of beauty at school. Julia Azar is the girl who’s under eye skin resembles a night sky without stars.
           “Do you just not sleep or something?” Kata laughs, “or are you clumsy enough to get two black eyes?” Her words move the tectonic plate layered in my brains, resulting in a violent shake of my confidence.
           Later on, my mom finds me in a fort of self-hate. The mirror in my ballerina pink room is covered with a bedsheet, and I’m reading a magazine article on painting my face with concealer. Her soft drum beat of her footsteps becomes louder, and somewhere in my mind I register it. Though, I am too engrossed in a feeling of familiar failure to react. My mom’s French manicure grabs the teen-beauty-heartthrob-collage of words from me. I’d say my reaction of teenage annoyance is valid.
            My mom is always the person who I come to, and she still manages her composure. She’s always so strong for other people, therefore my hero. Yes, my mom is my hero.
           Her eyes bounce to the magazine article, the concealer in my hand, and then to me. Only now there’s something new sparkling in her eyes, and I can’t decide if I like it or not.
           “We need to discuss something” her eyes announce with the words dancing in her exhale of breath. I don’t think I like this new gaze.
           My mom sits me down and over the next hour I realize that my family is either certifiably insane, or thinks I’m very gullible. My mother says that according to my genetics my dark under eye circles makes me some kind of ancient healer. This type of healer tends to injuries and emotional damage of those hurt in selfless acts. If this was true, I’d basically be a mythical badass. Sadly, I think my mother is doing some weird analogy to make me feel better; deeper truth to trigger confidence. Throughout my mother explaining my glorifying Lebanese heritage she sees my expression of continuing disbelief.
           Finally, she sighs out “I understand you think I’m lying to you,” I let out an eye roll, “but you’ll see the truth tomorrow.” I’m then wrapped in a comforting awkwardly positioned hug. I’m separated from the loving embrace as my mom lightly walks out of my room, closing the door behind her.
           Hours later, I’m staring at my ceiling. It’s funny how at school I look down, but I end the day looking up. With my tranquilizing floral duvet neatly creased around me, my pillow opens my dreams.
           I feel the light on my eyelids before they open. I feel the hot sun resting on my skin. I feel the warmth dancing through my bones. I do my typical morning routine of procrastinating through thoughts to opening my eyes. As I think I realize that my room is always cold in the morning. Anxious curiosity tears my vision open.
Horror seeps around me as I realize this is not my room.
I’m covered in a light cotton sheet, now sitting up on an oak bed. As my vision focuses I see that the room I’m in is covered in patterned curtain like fabrics. If I wasn’t horrified, I’d probably recognize the beauty of the room. However, I am terrified. Suddenly over aware of every one of my senses, hear feel a gush of wind and the quiet sound of someone walking in through the curtain.
“Hi Julia” a soft yet confident voice says as I sharply whip my head around. It’s a young woman speaking, she can’t be older than nineteen. Her stained oak hued hair goes to her shoulders of the small frame. A stormy sky gray contrasting silk and linen dress covers her lightly tanned body. What I notice most is her face. What I notice immediately is that under her dazzlingly shaped hazel eyes are darkly tinted skin. That’s a first to see, I think. Despite her peculiarity of a facial feature, she is absolutely beautiful.
“I’m assuming you’re confused” she smiles. I slowly nod my head, unable to have the paralyzing intimated thoughts roll off my tongue.
“I’m Beth,” she begins “I know your mother told you the story of your eyes last night. I don’t blame you for not believing her, it sounds like a prank a first.” No kidding. “I can tell you’re putting the piecing in your head together right now” Beth kindly humors, “Your mother told you the truth. You’re a healer, you have abilities to make the world a stronger and loving place. You can heal the heroes, you’re a true gift.”
“I’m really overwhelmed” I’m able to admit. I can admit it, because despite the insanity of the situation I feel so right­.
“I’ll tell you what’s going on, and then you ask away,” Beth sits on the bed I’ve unknowingly occupied “although I doubt you’ll have any questions. Our girls rarely do.”
She speaks swiftly yet comfortingly now. “You’re currently here with eleven other girls, two mentors, and I –the guide. We’re all bound together by our spirit, physically shown through our under eyes. Outside this structured tent is a hidden dessert. We’re invisible to the outside world and provided with everything we need. Despite the climate surrounding us, you’ll never be too hot, or too cold for that matter. Starting today, you’ll be learning how to capture your gifts and control them to heal our patients. When you’re training here is complete, you can choose to go home or travel where needed as an official healer. Training usually lasts eight days. Any questions now?”
Despite the confusion that an outsider may acknowledge, I have no questions. It’s almost is I’ve always known this, and I just got a refresher.
So I shake my head, feeling my lips tug up while doing so. Beth back beams at me.
I’m then given a small tour of the site and introduced to the rest of the group. After I’m given an identical outfit to Beth and all the others, the training begins.
The training hasn’t been brutal. In many narratives, the protagonist will talk about how much harder the training is than they would ever expect. At first I was mildly concerned that I would be put in a situation that I couldn’t handle, but that didn’t happen. I’ve been here for six days now, and so far everything has come naturally to me. Every tradition and ritual has easily floated through me, empowering me. For the first time in so long, I’m not thinking about my appearance. Instead I’m thinking about who I am on the inside, and how I have a purpose.
I actually feel beautiful, which is why I’m making the decision to continue my work as a healer.
I’m now sitting with Beth and the two mentors, Roan and Maxine. Around me are curtains similar to the ones in the tent I woke up in. Fascinating patterns that leave me curious are blowing towards me by the presence of the wind. Everything feels so right.
“Today we’ll be discussing your test, should you pass the journey of healing may begin” Maxine addresses. Maxine had the darkest shade of red hair, and always sported a new henna tattoo every day. Roan had long wavy sandy blonde hair running down her back, and had her always had her nails painted. The nail polish reminds me of my mom back at home. I’ve noticed that I’m seeing people for more than just their under eyes. I see so much more in people, which I pride.
“This will test your ability to heal both mind and body, and use will power in your emotions” Maxine finishes.
“There are some girls who are unable to complete this test, it is extremely difficult” Roan warns.”
“I’ll do my best,” I smile through my anxiety.
“Julia your test is to heal the spirit of Kata Anderson,” Maxine’s voice cuts through my newly found confidence. I’m gazed at with empathy by the three women in the room.
“Julia, your final test is to be selfless to someone who has been selfish” Beth informs me calmly.
“She’s the reason I hated my appearance a week ago” I find myself whispering, horrified.
“She has been horrible to you, we know” Roan tells me softly, “but the true value of a healer is being able to help anyone and everyone.”
“Julia, she has problem which will be releveled.” Beth says quietly as she lightly squeezes my shaking hand, “if you help her you will become a healer.”
I take deep breath full of knowledge and nod my head, feeling insecurity resurface.
 I’m sitting on a bench in a park. I think it’s kind of funny, because so many event happen at parks in stories. A first kiss, a heart to heart, friends making up, slow walks, playgrounds… it just keeps going. This however is none of that. What’s about to happen is not the Disney land fireworks of a first kiss, or romantic comedy where you run into an old love. This is going to be a forced interaction of misery. I don’t even know why I’m here, but I’m here. I’m here sitting on a wooden bench breathing the crisp Sunday morning air, and I’m waiting.
Time ticks and steadily continues, and so does the waiting. I’m watching a toddler playing with her mother. She’s dressed in an outfit she obviously picked out herself, and can’t be more than three. Her father is pushing her on the swing, calling her beautiful princess, while her mother takes pictures with her phone. The little girl’s giggles and squeals surround my mind, reminding me of my family dinners. The dinners filled with laughter and horrible puns about food, the rare time when I don’t think about my appearance.
I’m still contently watching the family dynamic when my eyes focus in on Kata sitting on a similar bench watching the scene too. Only while I have a small smile on my lips, she has small tears on her cheek. Kata’s face is blotchy like kid’s painting experimenting with reds. Small dots of mascara dot under her lower eyelashes, and her blonde hair is limply falling past her back. For the first time ever, she doesn’t look like the arrogant yet loveable perfect student. She’s not on her perfect stand, instead Kata’s on a bench crying.
The hardest part is forcing myself to stand up. My bones are trying to glue me to the wood, and my brain is screaming “DANGER”. Somehow though, once I start walking it becomes easier. The same feeling that happens when I’m in the secluded desert while I’m healing overcomes. Before I know it, I’m sitting on the bench with her.
Kata looks at me, and for a half second looks as if she’ll throw an insult at my face, but she doesn’t. Instead she speaks in small curiously quivering voice.
“Where were you last week?”
I wasn’t expecting that. Why would the sun of the solar system notice a small ring around Saturn?
“I was visiting somewhere I might be moving to soon” I half-truth.
           Kata’s eyes grow as big as the Grinch’s heart.
           “You’re moving?” she asks, shocked.
           “Well yeah, I mean maybe.” My mind is swimming in more confusing waters now.
           “But if you move… what will I do?” her voice is in a whisper, more to herself than me.
           Here it is, what might help me pass my test and be rid of her forever, “What’s going on?”
           I expect her to darkly laugh or roll her eyes. Instead she looks over at the playground family, who are now beginning to walk away. The girl on her father’s back and the mother throwing her head back in laughter off of something that was said.
           “I’ve never had something like that before,” gesturing towards them “my mom still has to approve my outfits.”
           “Why?” I ask, my voice now expressing my confusion.
           “Appearance is everything, my family lives by that. My appearance never seems to match up though.”
           “But Kata, I mean… you’re perfect.”
           Now she lets out a dark laugh, but it’s quieter than expected. Honestly the laugh resembles an ironic chuckle. Kata doesn’t respond to that verbally, instead shaking her head once while a few salty tears make their way down her face.
           My shock is wearing off and I’m able to say something that has more than a ‘W’ word.
           “I think you’re beautiful,” I start off softly as she continues looking at the playground, “I mean everyone does… If anything I’ve envied you for years.”
           Kata’s head stays bowed but she whispers “That was the point.”
           “Wait-what?” I find myself saying out loud instead of in my head.
           “I wanted someone to be jealous of me, to think that highly of me,” Kata looks at me before she continues, “You were shy and seemed insecure, I thought a jab or two might boost my confidence. And well- it did. The way you’d look at me like I was above you, it made me feel beautiful when nothing else did. I guess I got a little carried away, and before I knew it middle school and most of high school had gone by. It went by so fast, too fast.”
           I don’t know what I feel, let alone what to respond. Is this real?
           “God,” Kata throws her head back in a groan, “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this! We’ve never even had an actual conversation.”
           Right then and there I’m hit with an odd type of energy, like I know exactly what to say. So I say it. “I’ve recently made some new friends who’ve helped me realize that life has so much more to offer than looks. When I surround myself with people like that, I feel unstoppable.” I say honestly. “And you have so much more than your looks. Maybe that what your family thinks comes first, but it’s not. The teacher’s like you because you’re a good student and volunteer a lot, other kids like you because your funny and just likeable. I mean even after the stuff you’ve said to me, I can’t help but like you,” I chuckle, “pretty weird.”
           Kata then lets out a laugh, the same genuine one you can hear from across the cafeteria.
“People really think that?”
           “I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true” I laugh back, “it’s not like I owe you anything.”
           Then Kata looks at me, not in the judgmental eye glance way. In a humanizing big eyed childlike way.
           “I never thought you were ugly, to be honest I didn’t think about you in a physical appearance way at all. Just a selfish intention on my part.” She admits.
           My ears ring at those words. “Just remember that there’s a lot about you other than you’re looks, and you’ll be just fine.”
           Kata smiles at me,
           I smile back.
  It’s not until later that I realize that I had done my job, I healed. I didn’t even notice I was doing healing either, it all just happened. I know I can go back to my mom, back to school, back to Kata, and things would be different. Now though, that’s just not my home. My home is where my gifts are needed, and there’s nothing left for me in a building for eight hours a day. As I’ve told my mentors, it’s time for me to move on.
           I’m ready to start my new voyage through the waters of change.
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