#donnie’s last arc came to me at a really important time in my life and made a very recent grief a lot easier
jokingmaiden · 1 year
okay i could easily ramble about @somerandomdudelmao’s art and how amazing it is for hours, but i’m bad at expressing affection so i’m settling for a meme
anyways i saw these tags
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and all i could think of was this
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reactingtosomething · 7 years
Solo Reaction to Orphan Black Episode 510: “To Right the Wrongs of Many”
Well Done, Show.
The Setup: This is it, Clone Club. The final ride has ended, and I for one loved the hell out of it. Check below for my final Orphan Black solo reaction. Spoilers for the last five years, basically.
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SARAH: Art knows what they need and is not the one who is Helena’s twin, clearly she should go be with Helena and he should get the medical supplies. I mean I know it had to be Sarah vs. “PT” at the end, obviously. But in-universe I’m right about that logic. But yeah, Sarah killing him with very little ceremony and none of his acolytes to watch was pretty appropriate.
OH GOD they pulled no punches with that suffocation visual.
This is EVOLUTION. More on that later.
The Sarah/Mrs. S parallels during the births, though. Sarah (and all the clones) are moving out from under the control of their lives and destinies. They are not S’s to watch over or Neolution’s to control. They are the adults. They’re raising each other and their kids.
Sarah and Helena’s joyful laugh/cries after the birth(s) are just lovely.
Is Sarah getting her GED?? I’m so proud! She’s turning into such a grownup, but is also still herself. Well done, show.
Honestly I do think that Sarah should sell the house. She needs to become her own version of an adult, not just step into S’s shoes entirely. Like, don’t move away to wander the earth apart from the whole support system, but get an apartment instead maybe.
Sarah. Get your ass back in there and take the GED test!
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“I don’t know how to be happy. There’s no one left to fight and I’m still a shit mum.” There is SO MUCH here. For one thing that language is super telling—Sarah may not always be good at being a mother, but she’s far from a shit one compared to Coady, the other person who’s been described as such. There’s no question about Sarah being wrong here. (Admittedly she has not always been a good mother but she has been improving and she does always have Kira’s best interests at heart.) For another thing, this is very important and realistic. Ending an all-consuming battle and returning to normal life is never simple. Sarah was good at guerrilla warfare, essentially. Those skills don’t immediately translate to healthy coping mechanisms or finding a day job. Sarah is still Sarah. They’re all still the people they were before and during this shitshow. Alison is still the woman who sold drugs and hot glue gunned her husband. They’re all still just people and they can’t go from living one life to living a totally different one with no bumps, even a normal/“easier” one. Just because Sarah can’t do it immediately doesn’t mean she can’t do it at all.
None of them are perfect and they’re all in it together and it’s the most mellow but effective multi-clone season ender ever. No one look at me.
HELENA: This is basically a nightmare birth situation and I am NOT a fan.
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Helena is preparing for vengeance even while ACTIVELY CONTRACTING and all I can say is damn, woman. Props.
OH MY GOD Art and Helena are such a good team! That was highly effective tag team murder.
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It’s a boy. Of course they’re boys. Kira was (nearly) exploited the way Kendall and the Ledas' birth mothers were. Kira and Charlotte are the intermediates, the ones who are part of the Leda story but won’t grow up entirely within it, but these boys are the true next generation. They’re not just repeating the script over again, they’re a departure from the Neo controlled past.
That is the cutest and creepiest mobile ever.
Orange and Purple!! Ok, but babies lose their socks ALL THE TIME. This is an imperfect method.
“Always when I eat, he poops.”
Super into her Hawaiian shirt over overalls look.
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“Where does this sand come from?”
They’re still not going to explain the black part of Orphan Black, are they?
I’m touched by the significance of naming the boys after Donnie and Art, but doesn’t that get confusing? Sure, call the baby Arthur instead of Art, but there’s nothing that far away from “Donnie,” sound-wise. And at least for now they live on the same property. (The one bit of Judaism that has managed to enter my psyche the most is the custom of not naming kids after living relatives, so I’m a little weird about this kind of thing.)
RACHEL: Is Rachel coming? Is that the secret person Felix is expecting? Yesssss. Even if she can’t be a part of the happy family, she is still a part of this and the show/Felix acknowledges it.
So we’re just straight up discussing this in front of the uber driver?
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She gave them the list of Ledas. Rachel’s final redemptive act saves the rest of the clones she helped to subjugate, and is a final screw you to the people who made her do it for so long.
General Rachel thought: Rachel needed redemption. She was cruel and a part of the structure that controlled and killed a lot of people. She was a product of a deeply abusive situation that made her that way, but she still was that way. She still stomped on the potential cure, she still ordered the deaths of clones and others. In a way she and Helena are a better “two sides to the same coin” comparison than Helena and Sarah are. Both were raised largely without love or proper socialization. Both were made “self aware” while fairly young. Both are taught that they are the special one, and can only continue to do they terrible things they do by believing that fact. Both self-harm. Both learn that their extremely black and white world views are limited primarily by being exposed to the family of their clones, primarily Kira. Helena made the change much more quickly, but they are both on that arc.
ALISON: “I was a drug dealer for Pete’s sake” is peak Alison Hendrix.
The Hendrixes have joy and laughter as a part of their sex lives and I am happy about this.
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I know this is not from this episode, but it’s amazing
COSIMA: Cosima is curing the Ledas!! She is doing it! And of course she feels like it’s not enough because she’s Cosima, but she’s doing it!
Science monkey! I love this.
Cos, you don’t have to be good with kids if you don’t want to be. Although she actually is excellent with kids, just not babies. So I guess the point is you don’t have to be maternal if you don’t want to be. You can love the children in your life without wanting your own. And if you do want children, being scared doesn’t mean you can’t do it.
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Cosima is coming so close to meeting all of these women, but not quite. That’s beautiful and sad in its own way. She’s always been the one to embrace sisterhood the quickest, so I imagine she loves each of these sisters a little bit. But she’s not destroying their lives by telling them about all of this when there’s no need to. There is an argument to be made about not making the decision for them by keeping the info from them, but telling them would also be making that decision for them. I’m going to choose to believe that they leave a semi-conspicuous web trail so that any Ledas who start to become self aware can find clone club if they’re looking.
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Also, can we talk about how gorgeous this artwork is and how I’m now obsessed with it? Please illustrate all of their adventures around the world.
TONY!!!! Guys, Tony has at least been acknowledged again! He and Krystal are cured and that is good.
EVERYONE ELSE: Goddammit Coady why are you so resilient?
“PT” (AKA JOHN) losing his grip is both terrifying and delicious. I was honestly hoping he would die of a heart attack—none of his cruelty or his science could save him from a simple failure of the body. But again, it being Sarah’s action was probably necessary.
Honestly, this was an underuse of Enger after they set her up to be such an interesting character in such small moments earlier. Clearly the focus here is on the Ledas more than their subjugators, but come on. I wonder if she had anything that ended up being cut for time? I’m excited to follow the actor’s career.
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I know I already used this one, and it wasn’t from this episode. But look at how compelling she is! And this ^ isn’t even as good as the toothbrush scene!
There really is a kill them in the throat theme this season.
Art calling people sestra is adorable!
274??? Living or total ever? That’s so many!
I’ve done a lot of discussing parenthood as a sign of adulthood, and I certainly don’t want to say it’s a 1:1 situation. I think it has come up a lot this season especially because the show is a discussion of both family and evolution. It’s hard to have evolution without future generations, so there is a lot of kid focus. I don’t think the show goes to far in the direction of accidentally suggesting that motherhood is essential for adult womanhood—that’s the beauty of having a lot of women in your show. You can tell multiple stories, and multiple versions of the same story without suggesting that it is The Story.
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I have no idea how intentionally Fawcett and Manson created this discussion of feminism and bodily autonomy. I think the later was the main intent and the feminism came out of the realization/acceptance of what they were already in the midst of creating. By making the lead a woman, they made most of the leads women, who all had to be different from each other. They couldn’t fall into the tropes many writers do when it comes to female characters. And when they began discussing This may be wrong and ungenerous of me—they may have had exactly this intent from the beginning!—but two things: 1) I think if they had a huge focus on feminism from the beginning there would have been more than one director who was a woman in the entire run (Helen Shaver, 3 episodes) and 2) Honestly, them learning the lesson as they went and freaking going for it is kind of great. Without meaning to (from the beginning—I’m not suggesting they were totally unaware this whole time!) these guys made a show that is all about women reclaiming their bodily autonomy from a big-for-tv version of forces that are very real in our lives. Realizing that that was the story and leaning into it effectively and without becoming a morality play is impressive and it gave us the show we have known and loved.
Ok, “this is evolution.” So true, on the science side and the personal side. Sarah and Helena have always been the outliers. It was a quirk of biology that lead to twins. And then their birth mother was willing and able to keep them safely away from Neolution. And they are actually able to conceive. None of these facts were intended or planned for. Evolution comes from gene mutations. Sometimes mutations are harmful, but sometimes they’re beneficial or neutral, and they get passed on and help the species become something new. If that happens enough times, you get a whole new species. There’s nothing intentional or graceful about it. You can’t plan for it, and you can’t do much to control it. “PT” tried to, and it never worked out for him. There were always other changes, or not enough change, or the small detail of people being people and thus not entirely controllable. He was beaten by the results of the uncontrollable parts of evolution, an unexpected twin who unexpectedly became a mother. And Sarah has evolved as a person because of both of those things, as well as everything else. In killing “PT" she completes the final step of not just no longer running from her problems, but truly stepping out from underneath them.
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Finally, let’s talk happy ending. Finishing this was hard—I’ve had trouble taking a long view of anything this weekend, in light of the events in Charlottesville, VA. This is the first time I’ve sat entirely still in at least a day. It’s made me even more glad that this show, which has always contained darkness and some shocking violence, let the “core four” of clones and most of their nearest and dearest survive. There were deaths along the way, and a shit ton of suffering, but they could have gone much darker about the ending for the sake of Realism and I’m damn glad they didn’t. The show was about finding the light and hope and family amidst all of this darkness. Sarah has been trying to be allowed/allow herself to be a part of her family since she got on that train. It doesn’t look like what she thought it would, but neither does she anymore. This is the version of family that works for this version of Sarah, and it works for the show too. Everything’s not perfect. S is dead, Rachel will never be a part of the family. They’ve all suffered massively. But they made it, and they have each other for support moving forward. Bad things can end. Good things can endure. That hasn’t always been an explicit message of the show, but it is the one they chose to build to.
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That’s all, folks. For more weekly reactions, check out Kris’s GoT series. For more ass-kicking genre women, check out Wynonna Earp. For more of Miri have a lot of feeling, check out The Bold Type (and I guess this blog in general).
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coshayphinelove · 7 years
just some thinky thoughts after i wrote a tag essay that got way bigger than the tags.  feel free to read if you want, but forewarning... i have more questions after writing than before so..
so before i start anything i’d like to clarify that i love ob.  most of my issues with it are bc i got my hopes too high and held the creators to the standards i hold myself, which is not fair in art.  also, i’m only talking about the ob team and the characters, not the fans.  don’t get all in a twist, this is just me... thinkin.
so ep 5 was great.  2013 me would have loved it.  but 2017 me is like.. hard into communication and explicitly labelled representation.  and cophine is neither of those things.  like... i can understand that there’s not enough time to linger on stuff the way i would want to.  i get it.  but like... there was enough time to linger on alison.  for five seasons.  the first time she ever did anything main plot-moving was this season, she was always almost completely seperate.  she got flashbacks out the wazoo to explain her entire life story.  we met her mom.  her monitor is redeemed.  
i just am very unhappy with the doling of screen time.  like... it’s not even about shipping anymore.  it’s about plot holes and i am genuinely confused about the story at this point.  like delphine and donnie are easily comparable characters.  donnie monitored alison for close to a decade.  lied to her for a decade.  once he found out about the clones started doing things without alison’s knowledge or consent.  he is forgiven.  almost immediately.  for everything. 
delphine lasted as a monitor about... a month?  she was so bad at lying that cosima caught her.  she immediately came clean.  then in the flashback begged cosima to believe that she would always protect her.  and yet?  the conflict surrounding delphine for the entire show is ~is she good or bad???~.  and at every turn she is keeping that promise while making and keeping other promises.  and everybody, including her love interest keeps throwing her mistakes in her face.
donnie gets side plots and new dynamics to explore.  delphine has to have all of her characterization as a subset of cosima’s screen time.  donnie gets a seat at the bubbles table, delphine does not.  she has to leave and get shot (a whole different rant of equal length).
on another note, alison and cosima are also easily comparable characters: side characters used to provide info for sarah to react to.  cosima’s safety is always at risk, she’s been boiled down to her love interest for several plots, and she doesn’t ever get to acknowledge her Very Obvious PTSD and abandonment issues.  alison has low stakes conflict (up until this season, but that’s already over), she is never boiled down to donnie’s wife, and we got to watch her parse through her issues in s2 in great detail.  
like even the flashbacks.  like alison got half her episode told in flashbacks and it was gorgeous.  i by no means wanted that when there’s so much going on but i thought we would get at least a little more.  
we met alison’s parent.  we hear about her in a natural and very not forced way.  cosima gets one very long line about her family very late in the game in a clunky and almost pointless way.  (like... why was it in there?  what purpose did it serve?)
i think the problem is subtext.  everybody is always talking about the subtext.  but the problem is there are several issues that the writer’s address almost explicitly.  like alison’s drinking problem.  we learned all about that and we cheered for her when she went to rehab and we we sad when she relapsed. with cosima it’s.... two instances of smash cuts of bad memories and her reacting to them.  ......*gestures with flailing arms* ISN’T THAT ALSO IMPORTANT???  
like.  i’m going to keep talking about delphine but.. that’s just where my head is rn..
but from s1 to s2 her arc was learning what her role would be in clone club and then how to do that.  and she made some big huge strides there.  and then she comes back for s3 and it’s gone.  she’s just.. not doing that anymore?  like they took the time to film her telling cosima immediately after she messed up that she had, in fact, messed up.  and then, what, a few days later she Can’t Tell Cosima Anything Anymore?  and don’t get on me about screen time here.  it could’ve been like.. 2 more lines.  “it’s not safe, they’ll hurt you.”  “b-but delphine??” “i’m sorry.”  LIKE?  they just wanted the drama of cosima not knowing.   which i can see wanting, but it didn’t end up working.  because then you had scenes showing delphine doing things for clone club.  so then... it was just.... confusing?  and imo drawn out for too long.  
but even to this day I, a delphine stan, am still kind of iffy.  she literally made an ultimatum (promise me, everyone.  you will never make an ultimatum in your romantic/sexual/platonic relationships.  that’s a manipulation tactic that a lot of abusers use.  slippery slope please don’t do it.)(i’m also not saying that delphine is an abuser or that you’re an abuser but just.. it’s a thing to be careful of.)  
“accept our toxic relationship as is or leave.”
IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT OKAY??? like i get the sentiment behind it.  like she was saying, ‘hey cosima i know i’ve been bad but like you don’t have to stay if you don’t want.  i’ll stop kissing you and everything.’  but then....  have her say that?  everything delphine ever says to cosima is wrapped in 3 levels of subtext.  or alternatively, cut the kissies in half and let them have a few lines about a new promise or something.  idk if that’s just her being extra or if that’s just.... the writers.
bc the creators... bless them.. they’re trying.  but when it comes down to it they were predominantly straight men.  and they did add tatiana as an executive producer which is like.. the head idea guy who tell the writers what to write.  which was awesome!  but like.. she’s straight (as far as we know).  so like.. i really don’t want to pull the sexuality card here.  but i think i am.  
bc it’s one thing if you don’t give romantic, mental health, or communication plot lines very much time.  it’s another if you give a straight couple plenty and a wlw couple scraps.  it’s one thing if the straight couple gets to delve into things multiple times and the wlw couple gets ten seconds before the plot needs to keep going.
i get that the cosima-centric ep was very plot heavy, stuff was happening, i get it.  but like... if you cared about giving good rep as much as you claim you do wouldn’t you... re-structure so that they have more than 10 seconds?  wouldn’t you sacrifice some of that oh so dearly beloved body horror to let them just... talk for a hot sec?  or let them be in the same room?
i know it’s hard work.  the longest original work i’ve ever finished is a 30 page script.  and even then it’s a lot of ‘is this dialogue working?’  ‘would that character say that?’ ‘that’s a plot hole’  ‘wait where is he going again?’  i get that there’s a lot to keep track of so like... knowing who cosima’s parents are wasn’t on a post-it note on the beat board.  but i just...  one of the questions i always ask myself is ‘is this healthy?’  so like... i always make sure that if the dynamic isn’t then i either address it somewhere else or change it so it is.
i don’t think they were asking themselves that.
bc straight guys are used to power balances in their relationships.  they’re used to ultimatums.  whether it’s in their life or in fiction, that’s what they see.  and they’re socialized to see that as normal.  so when they’re made aware that the media they’re making is feminist/progressive, these guys seemed like they did research and tried to make it more so.  but... they missed the mark.  bc straight men will never know what it’s like to be a wlw or a woman.  that’s just how it works.
and then.. like... they were so hyperaware of the fans and what they wanted.  and i think the thing they understood the best was that they wanted cophine kisses.  bc a lot of ppl wanted that and like...ppl who are cophine critical sometimes also want cophine kisses.  so that’s the loudest thing they heard/saw. and instead of doing the emotional work and the plot work they thought every scene had to have kisses.
and they also knew that they could always fill in the gaps at panels.  WHICH.  not canon if you say it at a panel y’all.  they knew the fans would spread their patches all over the place.  so instead of doing the work and explicitly taking a stand they just.. let people ask them questions so they knew what people were wondering about and then...... answered.
i don’t think they did any of this maliciously but like.. the whole drama surrounding sarah’s sexuality, the great debate of whether it was problematic or not.  like... knowing now that they didn’t intend it to come off as her lashing out and having a mental breakdown helps, but.... that’s still what it looked like at first glance.  and if i’m just a DVR viewer who doesn’t meticulously stalk everything ob online, i wouldn’t know that.  and they do that with delphine’s intentions a lot.  they do it with sexuality a lot.  they do it with gender a lot.  and it’s like.... it’s representation but... label-less to the masses.  like my dad was in the room when sarah was kissing a girl and he made some snide comment about it.  and it’s like... they were just too aware of fans that they gave them what they wanted (sarah kissing a girl/cophine kisses) without thinking about if was the healthy thing for the moment.  they didn’t think about the ramifications.
and it’s just so frustrating.  bc i love this show, i do.  there’s so much to talk about and so many themes and allegories and cool stuff.  but they just... do a lot of stuff that..... really grinds my gears.  like this isn’t even a comprehensive list.
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agl03 · 7 years
I've been saying for weeks that i think Fitz's regret is linked to his perceived naivety when it comes to others so i'm glad you're thinking similarly! I bet he thinks if he'd never trusted Radcliffe then the LMDs and the framework wouldn't have happened and so that's what Aida took from him. I just can't see the writers telling us Jemma is the reason Fitz is good after the scene where she tells him she loves him for his goodness because it means she's basically in love with what she created.
Hi Anon!
I believe you are referring to my meta from last night aboutFitz’s potential fix.  
I want to clear up a few things though (I wrote that at 2am so I might have been a bit loopy).  I wasn’t saying that Jemma gave Fitz his goodheart.  He already had that…and stilldoes only now it’s been buried by AIDA’s programming/manipulation of those whoare around him in the Framework world. His heart, loyalty, and openness, and bravery was what Jemma fell inlove with.  
Back in the Season 1 Classified and in Seeds they made sureto let us know that Donnie was cautionary tale.   Fitz and Donnie were a lot alike.  Their father’s weren’t supportive and evenbroke them down.  They were ChildProdigy’s.   Had a hard time makingfriends and fitting in when they first came to the Academy.  And what made the difference in the two wasthe friends they made.   Fitz  had Jemma.    And in Jemma he found someonewho understood him and was on his level for the first time.  She also helped to bring him out of his shell.  In many ways I see that Jemma’s friendshipwith Fitz acted as a Shield (and vise versa) keeping the Quinn’s andRadcliffe’s of the world from getting to them first.   Donnie on the other hand had Seth, someonewho used and manipulated his genius for his own gain.  
For me I think what AIDA has done was fix Fitz’s betrayals.  He didn’t get a say in the regretshe fixed.   Otherwise I think he wouldhave gone with helping Radcliffe.  I alsoam betting she left his father leaving him at 10, she didn’t fix theabandonment.  
To me, Fitz wasn’t betrayed because he was niave or too trusting:
Ward fooled everyone.
Mack fooled everyone.
Bobbi fooled everyone.
When Daisy left she left everyone.
Radcliffe is the one I make the exception for.  Fitz really misplaced his trust and was a more personal betrayal. ButShield was at the very least tolerated him and were working with him as wellwhen they needed his expertise.
However due to his past experiences he took those betrayalsdifferently that the rest of the team. Everyone took the betrayals differently, reacted differently, and haddifferent fall out.  They cut him alittle bit deeper based on what his father had done and that they kept justpiling up.  Especially Ward and Radcliffewho he had grown to feel where a brother and father figure to him.  
Now if we look at what AIDA seems to have done.  She removed the pain of his betrayals and to do that she’s closed him off.  By taking Jemma outof the equation (when they met Fitz was 16 and shy…didn’t fit in), allowedsomeone else to get at him.  
We sawRadcliffe manipulate Fitz throughout season 4.  And the in order to do that,especially with AIDA,Radcliffe got Jemma out of the way.  Made it so Fitz couldn’t tell her aboutit.   Because he knew Jemma was athreat.  She is Fitz’s greatestprotector, love, and weakness all in one. 
They are each other’s greatest strength and weakness.  
Now what I am imagining if AIDA purposelyremoved Jemma from his life and put someone like Radcliffe in her place.  Radcliffe will have manipulated him then and when Fitz was at a lowerpoint.  Imagine if Radcliffe was thefirst person he found that related to him, built him up, touted his successes, and was on hislevel.    Radcliffe already twisted the Framework andAIDA, imagine if he’d had more time and access to Fitz.  
Something else we have seen more than once on AOS is someoneget taken in by a powerful parental figure, even if it takes them down thewrong path.   Ward with Garrett.  Skye with Jaiying.  Now they will turn that up to level 10 withFitz and likely Radcliffe (If not Radcliffe someone else got their hooks intohim when he was younger).  
The theme they are exploring in the Framework is that youare more than you programming.   Fitz’sheart is still there, but its been twisted and manipulated  for years.  Its also very possible we could see whoever took Jemma’s place (I’mstill leaning Radcliffe because he needs to fit into this somehow) has isolatedhim.   Jemma got Fitz out of his shellnot only relationship wise but she got him out of the lab and out into theworld.   Radcliffe may have done theopposite and isolated Fitz in order to hoard, twist, and manipulate his gifts for his own gain.  
We also saw time and time again people want Fitz for hismind.  Garrett, Radcliffe, Gonzales, evenCoulson (we need that big brain of yours here).   Jemma wants him for his heart and forhim…not for what he can do.  
Neither the writers nor myself meant to infer Fitz has agood heart because he met Jemma.  Jemmawas just one of the many influences on him…and like I said its biggest support, love, and protector.
Mack is a good example. He did not like all things alien when we first met him.  Didn’t trust anyone with alien blood to beleading the team.  However, in working withDaisy and Coulson he has completely changed his views on this.  Not only does he trust, love, and respectthem…he fights for Inhumans in the real world.
 That was why AIDAtook Jemma out.  Because in order for Fitznot to be betrayed he needs to not let anyone get close enough to do so.  This whole FItzsimmons arc is practically the Snow Queen.  And she didn’t just take Jemma, she has takenor twisted nearly everyone around him.  
And we can’t forget that Robo Fitz said that a lot of what he created was done in order to protect Jemma.  
As always I could be totally wrong on this and only timewill tell there.   They aren’t showing uswhat his fix was for a reason.  Andusually what they don’t let us see is more important than what they giveaway.  IE undoing what AIDA did to Fitzcould be the key to getting them all out.  Her Prime Directive is to protect the Framework, so making sure thatFitz isn’t able to mess with it would fit right into that.  
To me AIDA purposely removing Jemma from his live is a testament of just how strong their bond is in any universe and under any circumstance.  That AIDA had to get Jemma completely out of the mix to get Fitz where she thought was best.   Its also telling that Fitzsimmons share a promo.   The story with them will be Jemma getting him back.
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