captainkawaii666 · 1 year
Fairy Tail: Siren Voice
Chapter 2: Donoban, the Dragon Hunter
Hey, it's the second chapter! This is where things really pick up, with the first real fight and some more characters! We're still 300 years ago at the moment, but that won't last too much longer (for better or worse). Enjoy!
Sonia Amparte walked through the streets in excitement. Silva, the little town about a mile away from her home in the forest, was normally relatively small and cozy, but tonight, it felt huge and alive. Lanterns were strung up over every street, colorful flags were flying in the air, and more people than she had ever seen in her life filled the streets, dancing and talking and laughing. The light reflected off her shiny green dress, which Cacophon had finally gotten her into after about an hour of fighting (though she was still wearing her usual outfit beneath it). She walked slowly through the town, looking around in awe at the normally relatively quiet houses and shops, until she saw a girl with short, messy golden hair waving excitedly at her from her perch on the edge of a fountain.
Sonia broke into a run, heading straight for the girl. “Marla!”, she yelled. “I’ve been lookin’ all over for you!”
“I’ve been right here the whole time, dummy,” Marla Yesta giggled. “Just like I said I would be.”
“My daughter means to say that she was so distracted by all the decorations that she forgot where you were,” Cacophon said as she walked up behind Sonia in human form.
“Moooooommmm,” Sonia groaned, turning to look at her foster mother. “You weren’t supposed to tell her that.”
Marla hopped down from the edge of the fountain and stood up, wrapping her arms around Sonia. “Well, the important thing is that you’re here,” she said happily.
Sonia opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, Marla stopped hugging her and grabbed her by the hand, then ran off into the crowd, dragging her along. Cacophon grinned at her foster daughter and waved, then disappeared into the crowd.
“I’m gonna make sure you have as much fun as possible for your first ever Dragon’s Festival!”, Marla said as she pulled Sonia towards a stand where a man wearing no shirt sat. When she reached the stand, she abruptly stopped, causing Sonia to trip over herself a bit. “Flowers, please,” she said to the man behind the stand.
“Of course,” the man replied. He cupped his hands and said, “Ice Make: Bouquet!”
To Sonia’s amazement, a carefully-crafted bouquet of flowers appeared in his cupped hands, which he handed to Marla. Marla turned to Sonia and presented the flowers with a flourish.
“That was amazing!”, Sonia said. “How’d he do that?!”
“He’s an Ice-Make wizard,” Marla said. “It’s a kind of magic that lets them make things out of ice.
“I never realized there was cool magic like that out there,” Sonia said in wonder.
“If you thought that was good, wait until I show you some of the other stuff!”, Marla replied.
Sonia and Marla continued to walk through the town, Marla occasionally stopping to show Sonia some kind of incredible magic. They passed a man moving sand through the air in mesmerizing patterns, a woman juggling balls of multicolored fire, two people who were sending beams of light up into the sky from their hands, and many other sights, until they reached a hill at the edge of the town. On top of the hill was a statue of a dragon. Marla led Sonia to the base of the statue and sat down.
“Do you know why we hold this festival, Sonia?”, she asked.
“Uhh…”, Sonia said. “Well… No, not really. I kinda thought it was just some big party or somethin’.”
Marla giggled. “Well, I suppose nowadays it is mostly just an excuse for people to celebrate and show off their magic,” she said. “But originally, it was intended as a way to honor the dragon who defended this town 100 years ago.”
Sonia looked up at the statue, and recognition flashed across her eyes. “...Mom?”, she said under her breath.
“What was that?”, Marla asked.
“Uhh… Nothin’!”, Sonia said. “This is a really cool statue, though!”
Marla stood up and walked next to Sonia, then turned and looked up at it, tilting her head. “It really is,” she said. “Whoever carved this was very skilled.” Then she turned to look at Sonia and laughed aloud.
“What’re you laughin’ at?”, Sonia asked somewhat defensively.
“It’s just that I remembered who this statue always reminds me of,” Marla replied.
“Who?”, Sonia said.
“You, of course!”, Marla said. “Because you’re tough and aggressive, but also really cool and fun to be around- just like I imagine a real live dragon would be!”
Sonia stared into Marla’s brown eyes for a few seconds, lost for words.
“You think I’m cool?”, she said after thinking for a moment, then mentally kicked herself. “You think I’m cool?” That was the least friggin’ romantic thing you’ve ever said!, she thought. You can still turn this around! Now’s your chance to completely sweep her off her feet! Kiss her, you idiot!
Sonia put her arms on Marla’s shoulder’s, then cautiously leaned toward her. Marla tilted her head, knowing exactly what Sonia was trying to do despite the awkwardness of the motion, and leaned in to accept the kiss.
Suddenly, Sonia was flung downward, slamming into the ground with enough force to crack the stones beneath her. Six people wearing steel breastplates and long red kilts appeared on all sides of the two girls.
“Stand back, lady!”, a voice from atop the dragon statue boomed. Sonia and Marla looked up to see a man in a red cape perched on top of the statue. The man leapt off, drifting slowly to the ground, and gestured forward with his hand, flinging his cape as he did. “I don’t want to hurt anyone I don’t have to!”
“Who the hell are you?”, Sonia spat, trying to stand but finding herself weighed down again.
“I’m…”, the man flung his cape back, pointing up into the sky and posing triumphantly. “Donoban the Dragon Hunter! And I’m looking for the dragon that lives around these parts!”
“Dragon Hunter?”, Marla asked.
“You got some kinda problem with dragons?”, Sonia added.
“Why, yes!”, Donoban shouted. “I do, in fact, have some kinda problem with dragons! I’ve devoted my life to hunting and killing those horrible monsters! Now tell me where I can find that dragon I saw you with in the woods earlier today!”
“Like hell I will!”, Sonia yelled back, sucking in a deep breath and transforming Donoban’s words, as well as the nearby sounds of nighttime wildlife, into spirals of sonic energy that flowed into her mouth. “Sonic Dragon’s Roar!!!”
The roar sent Donoban flying off his feet, and all of a sudden the weight lifted from Sonia and she was able to stand again. She grabbed Marla by the hand and yelled, “Come one! We gotta get out of here!”
“What did that guy mean when he said you were with a dragon earlier?”, Marla asked as they ran down the hill, Donoban’s goons following after them.
“Don’t go worryin’ about that right now!”, Sonia said. “I’ll explain everything later.”
As the two girls shoved through the crowded streets, they heard Donoban’s voice yelling from behind them.
“I’m not letting small fries like you get away from me that easily, or my name ain’t Donoban the Dragon Hunter!”, he roared. They looked up to see him flying through the air feetfirst above the crowd, his arms crossed. As he reached a spot a few feet behind them, he suddenly slammed to the ground with immense force, cracking the stones of the street and knocking the girls, Donoban’s goons, and several bystanders off their feet.
Sonia quickly jumped in front of Marla, spreading her arms out in a protective motion. “Find my mom!”, she yelled over her shoulder. “She’ll know what to do!”
“Why would your mom-” Marla started, then the realization dawned on her. “Ohhhh.” She scrambled to her feet and ran off into the crowd in search of Cacophon as most of the rest of the townsfolk fled in terror.
Sonia turned back to look at Donoban and grinned.
“What are you smiling about?”, Donoban asked, confused. “You should be terrified! I’m Donoban the Dragon Hunter, small fry!”
“Yeah, you do seem pretty tough,” Sonia said. Then her grin got even wider and brought her hands together, yelling, “But that just means I finally get to have a real fight! Sonic Dragon’s Thunderclap!!!”
The shockwave from the clap knocked Donoban’s goons back, but he stood his ground, the street beneath him cracking even further. Then he stepped forward and swung a fist straight above Sonia’s head with ridiculous speed. Just before connecting, the punch slowed down and his arm slammed downward with incredible force, hitting Sonia hard. He followed up with a punch to the gut, then stepped back as Sonia was slammed into the ground by a sudden increase in gravity.
“Now do you see what you’re up against?”, Donoban said smugly. “My Gravity Magic is unbeatable, or my name ain’t Donoban the Dragon Hunter!”
“Unbeatable, huh?”, Sonia said, gritting her teeth and slowly standing up despite the forces pulling her to the ground. Her dress was torn up, revealing her casual clothes underneath, and she had a cut on her forehead. “Well, I love a challenge!”
“That’s impossible!”, one of Donoban’s goons yelled.
“Nobody’s ever stood up from that attack!”, another one added. The goons stepped forward, but Donoban held his arm out to stop them.
“I’m not some small fry who’s gonna let a little girl beat him,” he said. “I’m Donoban the Dragon Hun-” As he started to say the word “Hunter”, Sonia’s fist collided with the side of his face.
“I get it, you’re Donoban the friggin’ Dragon Hunter!”, Sonia yelled. “And I’m not a ‘little girl’! I’m 21 years old!” She punched Donoban in the face again, then kneed him in the stomach.
Donoban and Sonia swung their heads forward at the same time, slamming their foreheads into each other and glaring directly into each other’s eyes. Donoban suddenly jerked his head back and increased his gravity, slamming it back down into Sonia’s head again and sending her staggering backward. Then he stepped forward, punching her in the chest over and over and slowly driving her backward.
“Give up, small fry!”, he yelled. “Donoban the Dragon Hunter doesn’t go down that easily!”
As his fist flew toward Sonia’s chest again, she caught it in her hand, then opened her other hand, gathering sonic energy in her palm. “Sonic Dragon’s Impact Palm!!!”, she shouted, slamming her open hand directly into Donoban’s chest, denting his breastplate and sending him skidding back across the street and crashing into a wall. Donoban jumped to his feet and kicked off the wall, suddenly flying towards Sonia with one fist outstretched. His fist collided with her face, then he swung his other fist down at her head at the same time as he returned his gravity to normal, knocking her to the ground.
“Time to finish this so I can move on to fighting the real dragon!”, Donoban said. He wrapped his arms around Sonia and decreased the gravity around them to almost nothing, then jumped, flying high up into the air. After reaching the apex of the jump, he shut off their gravity entirely, allowing them to float in the air for a small period of time.
“Sonic Dragon’s Impact Palm!”, Sonia yelled, slamming her palm forward, but Donoban drifted out of the way and grabbed the back of her head with both hands.
“Eat dirt, small fry,” he said. “Driver Impact!!!!”
He suddenly increased his and Sonia’s gravity to ten times the normal amount, sending them both dropping to the earth below. He threw Sonia down under him, slamming her into the ground and then punching down just as he landed on top of her, driving her down further into the ground and creating a massive crater beneath her. As he stood up and brushed himself off, Marla came running towards the scene of the fight with Cacophon running close behind her, still in human form.
“Sonia!”, Marla yelled as the two screeched to a halt.
“Oh no,” Cacophon said quietly. “No, no, no.”
Donoban turned to look at Marla and Cacophon. “Oh, hey there!”, he said. “I remember you, blondie, but the other lady is new. Hey, lady! Are you just another small fry?”
Cacophon yelled in anger, the yell turning into a roar as she changed into her dragon form, whipping her tail around and spreading her wings. Marla looked up at her in awe, and Donoban’s goons each took a few steps back.
“Uhh, boss?”, one goon said. “We should probably get out of here.”
“Yeah, we’re way out of our depth,” another one added.
“Out of our depth?”, Donoban said. “Out of our depth? I’m Donoban the Dragon Hunter! I’m never out of my depth, and I’m not giving up on my first chance to take down a real live dragon!”
“First chance… to take down a dragon?”, came a voice from the crater below Donoban. Sonia shakily stood up, half-coughing and half-laughing as she did. “You call yourself… Dragon Hunter… even though… you’ve never even fought a dragon?”
Marla and Cacophon breathed twin sighs of relief as Sonia stood up.
“How are you still standing?”, Donoban said, shocked. “I hit you with my ultimate attack Driver Impact! A small fry like you should be totally destroyed after that!”
“Let me let you in on a little secret,” Sonia said. “Causin’ a whole buncha destruction like that, makin’ a whole big crowd panic…” She paused to shove a huge handful of sonic energy into her mouth. “...It makes a whole lotta noise.” Tendrils of green energy began to swirl around her entire body, gathering at her hands and face. “And for an ultimate attack… that was pretty lightweight.”
Donoban took a couple steps back. “Wh- what kind of monster are you?”, he stammered.
“I ain’t a monster,” Sonia said, grinning. “I’m a Dragon Slayer! Sonic Dragon’s Roar!!!” She released a colossal blast of sonic energy from her mouth, tearing decorations off the houses nearby and sending Donoban’s goons flying off their feet. The ground beneath Donoban cracked as he weighed himself down to avoid being blown away, and he clutched his head due to the earsplitting sound of the wave of pure sonic energy that he was standing in the middle of.
Sonia shot straight forward at Donoban, opening her hands and spreading them apart. “Sonic Dragon’s…”, she started to yell as she brought her hands forward with intense force. “Impact Palms!!!!” She slammed both hands directly into his chest, then stepped back.
Donoban stood still for a moment, trembling from the force of the impact. “But you’re just… a small fry…”, he managed, then he collapsed facefirst to the ground with a resounding thud, his tattered cape flapping in the air for a second before flopping to the ground.
“L- let’s get outta here!”, one of his goons said, turning and running down the street. The other five quickly followed suit, sprinting away as fast as their legs could carry them.
Marla ran up to Sonia and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay!”, she said.
“‘Course I am,” Sonia said, shrugging off the tattered remnants of her dress and hugging her back. Just as the two girls released each other and stepped apart, Cacophon leaned down and wrapped her wings and tail around Sonia.
“I’m so sorry, Sonia,” she said. “I wasn’t there to protect you.”
“It’s fine, Mom,” Sonia replied. “That guy was a friggin’ pushover!”
As the mother and daughter talked, the townspeople and performers slowly crowded around, staring in amazement at Cacophon. Noticing them, the dragon quickly shifted into her human form.
“Uhh… Nothing to see here!”, she said extremely unconvincingly.
“I’d say ‘turns out the dragon this festival is held in celebration of was attending the festival disguised as a human and also some idiot wrecked a street trying to kill her adopted daughter’ qualifies as something to see,” came a creaky voice from behind the crowd. The people parted to make way for the owner of the voice- the oldest person in the town, Karov Tolushia. Karov hobbled through the crowd, leaning on his cane for support. “You know, I was there when it happened,” he reminisced. “And I’ll never forget what you did for us… Cacophon.”
“You got me,” Cacophon said, raising her hands into the air in faux-surrender. “I never told any of you, and forbid my daughter from telling you as well, because I was worried how you’d react to knowing that I’d been here this whole time. But I guess the secret’s out now.”
“It certainly is,” Marla said.
“Yeah, in the most friggin’ spectacular way possible,” Sonia added.
Karov hobbled up to Cacophon and held out his hand. “I won’t start bowing down and worshiping you as a god or anything,” he laughed. “I only started the Dragon’s Festival because I wanted to thank you somehow. I certainly didn’t know that all I had to do was just walk up to you and say it!”
“That’s a relief,” Cacophon said. “But there is one other reason I never-”
“Hey, who’s that guy?”, Sonia asked, interrupting her foster mother. Cacophon turned to see a man walking down the street and froze, a look of shock and terror on her face.
“No,” she whispered. “It can’t be him.”
The man continued walking, his dark blue mane of hair and ragged black robes billowing out behind him. On his face were blue tattoos, and his dark eyes stared straight forward at Cacophon, who took a step back.
“Mom?”, Sonia asked again, concerned. “Who is that guy?”
Cacophon grabbed Sonia and Marla by the arms, pulling them behind her, and then whispered one word as the man continued slowly walking down the street.
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cocacola-lait · 5 years
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dibujos que no subi por webona
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kiwamezyoshi · 5 years
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Repost @yoshi097 ・・・ おはようございます❤︎❤︎❤︎ 最近インスタサボり気味です。。。 先日、久々に @gu_for_all_ の #ハイウエストシガレットアンクルジーンズ 履いたらピチピチ𓁏𓁏𓁏 @shapevictory_mle のお世話になりました! 産後の骨盤ケアにも! 最近運動も食事も何もしてへんからなー。身体は正直やわ😨 . . アウター → @titivatejp #titivate #titivatestyle トップス → @razielblue.official #razielblue ジーンズ → #gu バッグ → @donobanweb #donoban パンプス → @amiami_shoes #アミアミ . . #プチプラコーデ #プチプラァッション #40代コーデ #40代ファッション #ponte_fashion #ルーファ #hotmamatown #kiwamezyoshi #mamagirl #kurashiru #ビュースタグラマー #MINEBY3MOOTD #ルーファの輪 #ootd_kob#fashionaddiction_from_casual #jマダムのおしゃれ #大人カジュアル #大人きれいめコーデ @locari_jp #シェイプヴィクトリー https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvs5_FtnJHC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=banoksfxlbat
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rinrin87-blog · 6 years
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⋆ 色物やっぱり可愛い💛 ⋆ このトップス授乳ケープいらず🤱‼︎ ⋆ tops➳#trefleplusone denim➳#blackbymoussy bag➳#baybeeonline cap➳#ca4la shoes➳#donoban ⋆ 何も考えてなかったけどたまたま 息子とイエローLinkしてた👶🏼💛 photo by @k.eee.i 👵🏻📸 ⋆ 息子の顔のスクエア化が止まらない🐖 ⋆ ⋆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BpHYNhIB2Ko/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16fglfgbwyqjo
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blackbymoussy · 7 years
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👖大変お待たせいたしました!本日店頭にPUNA one wash denim入荷いたしました!👖 沢山の入荷連絡を頂いておりますので、お早めのご来店をお勧め致します。 オンラインショップでご予約頂きましたお客様には順次発送が始まっておりますので、ぜひお楽しみにお待ちくださいませ。 #BLACKBYMOUSSY #blkby #puna #donoban #MADEINJAPAN #JAPANDENIM
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ao3feed-rubberbrian · 5 years
Love you too Ross
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2q5jqds
by Donobaner
Ross makes Brian take a break with snuggles and a movie.
Words: 486, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Game Grumps
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ross O’Donovan, Brian Wecht, Dan Avidan, Arin Hanson(Mentioned)
Relationships: RubberBrian - Relationship, Ross O’Donovan/Brian Wecht
Additional Tags: Fluff, as gay as the day is long, c u t e, uwu
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2q5jqds
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hoantovet · 3 years
Suigen Donoban-10 (6 bệnh hô hấp trên heo)
Suigen Donoban-10 (6 bệnh hô hấp trên heo)
Suigen Donoban-10 – Vaccine chứa 10 loại kháng nguyên, phòng hữu hiệu 6 bệnh hô hấp trên heo. Donoban 10 là vaccine đa giá phòng hiệu quả bệnh hô hấp phức hợp và các bệnh thường phụ nhiễm với bệnh tai xanh. Đồng thời Donoban 10 giúp tăng năng suất đàn heo.  Hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi [email protected] 0385538868 0983423986 02436291350 02436290427 02436290416 02438691165 CHỈ…
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lovepetshistory · 3 years
Stubby, Iker, Sombra, Rags, Donoban y más historias en estos vídeos Imagen de la película Stubby
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cocacola-lait · 5 years
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milehighdad · 5 years
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全部team USAの選手の練習試合。Team USA Basketball Blue and White. 違う国と当たるTEAMUSAも見たいけれど、NBA選手がほとんどのチームを分けての練習試合も十分面白い。青が主力。白がディフェンスチームで分けている感じ。プレイ選手数も15:10.なので、勝ち負けよりもキャノンSX70で写真を撮りたかった。IPHONEズームだとちょっと厳しい。 ケンバ・ウォーカー(セルティックス オールスター)。ドノバンミッチェル(ジャズ)。ジャレット・アレン(アフロ ネッツ)。プラムリー(ナゲッツ)。ジェイレン・ブラウン(セルティックス モヒカン風、横斜めヒゲ)。ブルック・ロペス(バックス)。ジョー・ハリス(3Pオールスターチャンプ ネッツ)、ミドルトン(バックス)。 Blue Kemba Walker, Donoban MItchell,Jaylen Brown, Khris Middleton, Brook Lopes, Joe Harris. Mason Plumlee. White Jarret Allen, 
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kiwamezyoshi · 6 years
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Repost @yoshi097 ・・・ 先日ランチへ行った時のコーデ𓂅 2年ぶりに @bontanmama18 愛ちゃんとランチ𓊱 3時間半喋りっぱなし𓂏 楽しかったー! . . トップス → @reedit_official #リエディ #リエディスタ #ライダースジャケット → @beautifulpeople_officialsite #beautiful people #ビューティフルピープル スカート → @uniqlo_ginza #UNIQLO #ユニクロ #フロントボタンサーキュラースカート バッグ → @donobanweb #donoban #ドノバン . . . #プチプラコーデ #プチプラァッション #40代コーデ #40代ファッション #ponte_fashion #ルーファ #hotmamatown #kiwamezyoshi #mamagirl #kurashiru #ビュースタグラマー #MINEBY3MOOTD #ルーファの輪 #ootd_kob#fashionaddiction_from_casual #jマダムのおしゃれ #大人カジュアル #大人きれいめコーデ @locari_jp #locari_jp #ユニジョ https://www.instagram.com/p/BuqPIW7nZbj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n3yikofwt6oa
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kasego777-blog · 6 years
手に持つだけでもサマになる 出典:zozo.jp
[DONOBAN] リングジップボディバッグ
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blackbymoussy · 7 years
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👖大変お待たせいたしました!本日店頭にPUNA one wash denim入荷いたしました!👖 沢山の入荷連絡を頂いておりますので、お早めのご来店をお勧め致します。 オンラインショップでご予約頂きましたお客様には順次発送が始まっておりますので、ぜひお楽しみにお待ちくださいませ。 #BLACKBYMOUSSY #blkby #puna #donoban #MADEINJAPAN #JAPANDENIM
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icetoicee · 7 years
2018年03月19日 19:00:13 のキレイ RSSまとめ
2018年03月19日 19:00:13 のキレイ RSSまとめ
・03/19 18:49:50 プロバイオティクス乳酸菌の摂取と肌の改善について/タカナシ乳業 – 健康美容EXPOニュース ・03/19 18:44:52 不調の原因は花粉!? 春のトラブル肌を救う話題の「お守りコスメ」って – ANGIE(アンジー)ANGIE(アンジー) ・03/19 18:15:00 結婚式やパーティーにも女の子���れの花ヘアリボンヘアアレンジ – All Aboutオールアバウト [ビューティ] ・03/19 18:15:00 結婚式やパーティーにも女の子憧れの花ヘアリボンヘアアレンジ – All Aboutオールアバウト [まとめコンテンツ一覧] ・03/19 18:00:55 インスタで話題の厚底シューズ?「DONOBAN」で上品スタイルアップ – beautyまとめ ・03/19 18:00:54 【プレゼント】バーツビーズ「ティンテッド…
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r216131 · 7 years
かごバッグ DONOBAN ORIGINAL ドノバンオリジナル フラップバスケットトートバッグ Mサイズ カゴバッグ フラップ ラフィアバッグ 籠バッグ バック レディース|天然素材 フラップ付き ハンドバッグ 鞄 カバン A4 B4 合皮 合成皮革 裏地 大容量 バンブー[T](L)[FS]
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r216129 · 7 years
【メール便OK】PyuPyu SELECT ピュピュセレクト シルバー925チェーンリング 指輪 Ring モチーフ アクセサリー レディース 鎖 シルバー ジュエリー フリーサイズ|サイズ調節 重ね着け 飾り 装飾 ファランジリング 関節リング カジュアル シンプル[T](L)[FS]
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