#dont be second hand niconieaning
dyslexic-mess · 2 years
Danny parents think he vapes. They don't mention it originally because they where 14 once and atleast he's not smoking...BUT his ghost sence inevitably gose off in the house.
Suddenly Danny's parents sit him down for a serious conversation and dannys panicking because he thinks he's been caught and then just:
Danny: *looking terrified*
Maddie: we know, sweetie
Danny: *panic intensifies*
Jack: and before you say anything, your not in trouble
Danny: I'm not??
Maddie: no, sweetie. Obviously we can't say we approve but...I'm sure you have your reosens
Danny: *nearly ready to cry* I...I do...
Jack: we understand you must be stressed but Danno, you can't just vape in the house
Danny: ...
Danny: wait, what?
Maddie: we're not gonna force you to stop, sweetheart, but um-
Jack: but you have to treat it the same you would smoking.
Danny: 0.0
This leads to hyjinx where Danny's ghost sence gose off and now he has to escape a lecture from whichever parent was present like 'Danny, what did we say about vapeing etiquette?' and 'Danny, this is not an appropriate place for that!' But on the hole, it dose save him some explanation when it gose off when there out. Even offers opertunity to leave situations when his mother insists that if he must do that right now, he should go find the smoking aria.
Eventually Danny dose start carrying a 0% Vape pen because the excuse is convenient as he gets older. People are very willing to let him just wander off if it's under the guse of hopping out for a vape and dismissive of him comeing back looking a little dazed. They assume he just over did it a little. Happens to the best of us.
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