#if you do vape
dyslexic-mess · 2 years
Danny parents think he vapes. They don't mention it originally because they where 14 once and atleast he's not smoking...BUT his ghost sence inevitably gose off in the house.
Suddenly Danny's parents sit him down for a serious conversation and dannys panicking because he thinks he's been caught and then just:
Danny: *looking terrified*
Maddie: we know, sweetie
Danny: *panic intensifies*
Jack: and before you say anything, your not in trouble
Danny: I'm not??
Maddie: no, sweetie. Obviously we can't say we approve but...I'm sure you have your reosens
Danny: *nearly ready to cry* I...I do...
Jack: we understand you must be stressed but Danno, you can't just vape in the house
Danny: ...
Danny: wait, what?
Maddie: we're not gonna force you to stop, sweetheart, but um-
Jack: but you have to treat it the same you would smoking.
Danny: 0.0
This leads to hyjinx where Danny's ghost sence gose off and now he has to escape a lecture from whichever parent was present like 'Danny, what did we say about vapeing etiquette?' and 'Danny, this is not an appropriate place for that!' But on the hole, it dose save him some explanation when it gose off when there out. Even offers opertunity to leave situations when his mother insists that if he must do that right now, he should go find the smoking aria.
Eventually Danny dose start carrying a 0% Vape pen because the excuse is convenient as he gets older. People are very willing to let him just wander off if it's under the guse of hopping out for a vape and dismissive of him comeing back looking a little dazed. They assume he just over did it a little. Happens to the best of us.
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timisntdeadyet · 10 months
Figuring out how to put Scarecrow's fear gas into a vape cartridge seems like a good idea tbh. Microdose that sh*t, not only would it build an immunity to the fear toxin itself, but constant mild hallucinations of your worst fears would build an immunity to real terrifying situations (you can't show me anything worse than what I see everyday). Why has noone done this?
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zeeckz · 4 months
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anotherpapercut · 11 months
genuinely so many of you want to be leftist and "punk" and countercultural soooooo bad but you refuse to become comfortable with the concept of people taking drugs for fun because they like it and not because they were somehow tricked or forced into it without knowing what they were getting themselves into
you'll be like "addiction is a disease!!" but think you're better than those degenerate stoners because you only drink energy drinks and white claws and would never touch "illegal drugs"
many if not most drugs CAN be consumed completely safely with almost 0 risk to the user and even if that werent true and all drugs were extremely dangerous you still wouldn't be better than those of us who love doing drugs recreationally
lighten up and grow up. get offline, talk to real adults, and stop being shocked to discover that they enjoy doing stuff that adults do like have sex and do drugs and even listen to rock and roll
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ninyard · 4 days
ur response to my vape question is so real… I agree andrew seems like the person to go cold turkey. also if he did vape YES he would be so obnoxious about it.
I guess I wasn’t thinking about him vaping to stop smoking but in conjunction to it…I was on the fence because that man does NOT care about just smoking inside so he probably doesn’t have a use for it… but I can also imagine him with a… how did u put it… blue razz elfbar at the exy banquet or inside edens. ESPECIALLY if while medicated.
now ooc but imagine andrew exclusively vaped and he always smelled like blue raspberry ice mint strawberry banana and neil is forced to replace the memory of his dead burning mother with… that
anyways thank u for listening to my brainrot. nicotine is uncool and I’m glad andreil are peacefully blowing bubbles on the roof now
“Neil Josten let his disposable vape glow until the light started flashing”
Andrew smelling like triple melon pineapple ice sour razz apple. Neil picking up his vape and saluting him.
I could see Andrew in some ways vaping some fruity stuff purely for the fact that he does have a sweet tooth. The foxes would be sitting on the bus during a long, through-the-night trip and somebody suddenly smells mango and Wymack just shouts ANDREW HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP VAPING ON THE BUS
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keklordkaotic · 3 months
Just started watching Beast Wars. Behold, my first piece of Beast Wars fanart.
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It entails Cheetor getting VAPED by that MAXIMAL ZA-ZA
(I am a danger to myself and others.)
Referencing this image. It’s a great image.
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roseworth · 2 months
the damage yjtv did to dinah…. why was she a therapist
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whoblewboobear · 28 days
Me vaping during this episode 🫢💨
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lazy-toad · 2 months
btw if you come into someone else's kitchen and start fucking vaping in there without even standing by the window I should be allowed to hunt you for sport
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doomybat · 5 months
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jichanxo · 4 months
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hiding the evidence (badly)
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majestic-salad · 11 months
Hearing Hozier singing in Gaeilge single handedly Fixed Me. Also singing take me to church with a concert venue filled with lesbians healed my religious trauma I think
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rpfisfine · 6 days
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i genuinely can’t believe the whole thing of him denying his vaping dates back to july 2022
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
Sinister Six meeting where the rest of the six hold an intervention for Mysterio cause constantly breathing in weed smoke in a fish bowl can’t be healthy.
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chouchoudelioncourt · 2 months
Thinking about the post asking for Sam Reid vaping in between takes content this fine Sunday morning... what vape you guys think babygirl got?? Give me brand AND flavor
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what you don't know about the doing something like this verse is that the only person brianna has ever dated was chosen for three weeks in their freshman year of high school before realizing that she doesn't really "do the romance thing" and realizing that she Does feel sexual attraction, and her aromantic/allosexual swag is so large that it brings all the boys to the yard in a sense that billy wants to fuck her so bad it makes him look stupid but she told him no mostly because he smells bad (mister pallmall blue 100s i love you) which she also said to his face but she did have sex with jdb bc he's sweet and kinda a freak and they only fucked a few times before it got kinda Not Casual in a way bri wasn't comfortable with so they broke it off but not before billy found out john was hooking up with bri and so billy gets is aggressively obsessed with jdb in a not gay and then a distinctly yes gay way and it all lives in my beautiful mind
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