#dont even get me started on the weird online matching games they make me play
lazulian-devil · 9 months
Antoinette Burgund or the story of how I as a Sims Player actually laughed out loud in exasperation several times because holy fuck, this was a bad idea but also weirdly funny?
Let me tell you the story of my latest Sims 3 Adventure (its wild, my dudes):
We start out with a single mother, whos running away from her abusive boyfriend and therefore has:
- no money
- no skills (thats because she just spawned in)
- no connections
- no qualifications (my rule was, that she could only get a parttime job once she reached Lvl 5 in a skill and a full time job once her baby is a Teenager, because at that point, she should have enough "references" that she could take a lowlevel job. She was also not allowed to take any job that payed more than 30 Simoleons an hour at entry level).
Her name is Antoinette Burgund and she looks somewhat like there were fairies in her line, but she wasnt blessed with that particular gift. She and her son get set to 0 Familyfunds via cheat and then we start.
Her goal in Life? Learning all recipes. As a woman that constantly hungers, such luxuries fill her dreams.
She moves into a new neighbourhood and its hell. Her kid is constantly hungry, shes constantly tired, neither of them can sleep. She spends most of her time in the library to learn some essential skills (and because there are benches and computers) or at the gym, for showering. At some point, she realises there are dumpsters behind the gym but I - the Player - foolishly decide that she still has too much pride and try managing without.
This last about half an in game week of hunger and constant exhaustion (this is the first time I had a Sim with wishes like "buy a stove" or "buy a shower". Very immersive!) before she dumpster dives with a crying baby behind her in the parking lot. Luckily for her, she actually finds good stuff that she can sell via "eBay" and therefore can finally buy a crib and a sleeping bag. From learning gardening at the library, she also has slowly fruiting tomatoes and grapes.
Though she is constantly hungry anyways. With a combination of fishing, gardening and dumpster diving, she eventually manages to buy a 4*4 "shed", with a toilet, outside shower, etc. Its... Not going well. She cant buy her toddler much to play with, making him reliant on weird gifted doll that occupies all his time. And her diet consists of apples, tomatoes and the occasional dining experience. Mostly stealing from public picknick stuff though.
When Julian grows up, Antoinette leaves him to his own devices while she tries to provide for him. They barely talk, as her shift follows right after his schoolday and by the time she gets home, he tends to be asleep.
But she always puts food in the fridge for him and when he wishes for something, she makes it possible. Julian is an artistic child, so she signs him up for after school ballet classes and gets him an easel to paint with.
At some point, while Julian is at home and Antoinette is in the library at night, she decides to marry into a wealthy family. Shes pretty enough and charming, so she starts online dating and actually matches with someone she knows to be rich. Even though it feels wrong, she knows that her boy wont have a good future when the tax payment takes about a fifth of what they have. Adding to the shed is expensive, her fruit dont sell for much and her job makes her around 100 Simoleons per day.
And she would do anything for her boy. Trying to set up a meeting is denied several times, but the rich man (someone by the name of Van Ghoul) and her text and he seems nice enough. One day, she decides to just visit his house and is practically marveled at the size of it. She also learns why her phone boyfriend isnt meeting up with her: Hes married. So much so that his adult son opens the door. Adult and very much single.
Also, a vampire. But after everything shes been through, why shouldnt she have immortality? She deserves the power. She deserves the strength.
So she seduces his son, a man that barely knows hardship. Who drives a car that costs more than she ever had in her life. He is nice though. Incredibly so. He doesnt complain about being taken out to cheap dinner or going to free places. Hes a good man, all things concidered.
Then it happens. Antoinette asked him out after she got a promotion. Hes ecstatic and takes her out to the feygardens, Antoinettes favourite place. They walk and talk (and woohoo) in the Aboreum. Its perfect. She wants to propose then and there, ask him to move in, meet her boy.
But, as they walk outside, a meteor strikes both of them dead. He dies, in an instant. Antoinette does too. But death is so amused by her constant misfortune, that he lets her live.
The meteor also turns out to be worth a fortune, enough for her to upgrade the shed into a small house.
[This was by far the funniest part of the playthrough, it was so unexpected].
Broken, grieving and utterly convinced that life just hates her, she goes to a bar. Everything was looking up, her boyfriend loved her, they wanted to marry. Her son was having good grades despite everything and even made some friends!
She walks into the bar, confused and worried and all kinds of messed up. The barman, for some reason, is immediately smitten with her. She doesnt know it yet, but the man that buys her a drink and makes her laugh about everything is also rich. She wont know for quite some time more. She doesnt really care.
Joe McDuff calls her again and again and over the years, while her boy becomes a Teenager, she falls for him. Hard.
Julian now goes to artclass after school, becoming a magnificent painter. All the time she spent playing xylophon with him have put the music into his soul and he gets more and more artsy as the years go by.
Eventually, Joe tells her everything: He doesnt have a job, all his money comes from his dad, he doesnt have a fancy car or anything else, but he loves her. So much. He would marry her right now.
And they do. With only the Player and her son as witness, Joe and Antoinette marry in front of the shed, mid summer, and he leaves his home and family behind. They call, worried, but Joe promises them a party once everything is settled and they reluctantly let him go.
He doesnt bring much money, but its enough to add a few rooms to the house and give Julian his own room. They even buy a computer and as a gift to his stepson, Joe gets him a guitar.
It turns out that Joe has absolutely no skills whatsoever, but hes a sincere man that left the comfort of his home for the love of his life. They'll make it work.
[He is useless. I lobe him, but he is such a spoiled child. Also he wants to become an Athlete, so making him jog everywhere is weirdly funny to me]
Not too long after that, Antoinette is pregnant and the family party needs to be canceled in favor of the new baby: Cesare. Born on the night of Julians prom. He comes home late, gets arrested and scolded by his mother and put to house arrest.
Yup. Poor Julian.
This was a wild fucking ride and it was so much fun. I sincerely never struggled this hard to keep them alive and well, and it was the most fun Ive had in a while with Sims 3! Cant wait to get back to the idiots.
(Also, play with unlucky Sims. Its fantastic).
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honeyviscera · 8 months
hihiii !! ^O^ hope you dont mind me sending this so suddenly :"D i saw the post thingy ab the questions and it seemed fun !! so if you dont mind:
1, 17, 28 ( + maybe 38 ) ?
( also i hope youre doing well !! ^^ <333 / p )
hiii kiwi!! always nice to hear from you!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) and of course i don't mind!! i reblogged the ask game bc i wanted asks :3 i hope you're doing well too <3 anyways, without further ado:
1 - what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
hmmm..... on a bit of a sad note, when i was a kid/young teen, i was always very much an outcast. people consistently found me weird and offputting, and i was very lonely. but i remained true to myself no matter what-- i knew it was pointless to try and "fit in" (because i'd always do it "wrong" anyways)-- so i have a very strong sense of who i am, and i am determined to love myself no matter what. it is also because of this that i'm so determined to be kind. i want to make others feel welcome and loved around me. i don't want to ever treat anyone the way i was treated. i know how much it hurts to be alone, so i want to do what i can to ensure that it won't happen to the people around me. so that's thing #1.
uhhh secondly! for a more lighthearted example, i'd say being in fandom! i've always kind of just kept to myself and have never been involved in major drama, so fandom has always been a favourable experience for me. it started when i was a young teen on pinterest just staring at (what i now know was stolen) fanart and obsessing over my faves, and now i'm on tumblr doing the exact same thing years later! but now i have online friends :) my interests have always brought me so much joy, and having a space to obsess over them as much as i want has just made me even more passionate i think. :3
thirdly, i'd say jazz music. my parents love jazz and play it very often at home. it's a genre i grew up listening to, so it just feels warm, familiar, and home-like. it also inspired me to learn the saxophone in junior and senior high school, and i loved playing jazz songs with others. jazz has been with me for so long :,)
17 - name 3 things that make you happy
oooh ok!!! 1. i love making art, so whenever i get a chance to sit down and make something it's just so nice :))) and i love admiring my creations afterward. 2. i love spending time with my friends! hanging out with them always makes me feel warm. 💖💖 3. my beloved matching bokuto + akaashi nendoroids!!!! i love them so much im so happy to have them. my beloved beloved sons. i love them so much im so lucky i found them at the mall :,)
28 - do you collect anything?
as you might have suspected from my above answer, i collect anime figures! my collection is still very small as i started fairly recently (and my parents are always on me about spending my money more wisely), but i love collecting them!! you can see what figures i have and which ones i want on my myfigurecollection.net profile! ^_^
the two top figures on my wishlist are the new miku x cinnamoroll nendoroid (aaaaaa) and. literally any kaito figure. they really haven't made many......... i need one though :( my little guy :(
38 - fave song at the moment?
i'd say loneliness of spring by inabakumori! the official english cover of it is really good as well. it captures a lot of things i've been feeling lately.......
im also obsessed with chogakusei's newest cover, konton boogie !! :0 it's so good, as his covers always are.
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aspxnvii · 8 months
ranting about this guy i've been talking to for the last 3 months because i don't know anymore
we originally matched in june last year, we talked for like a week and then i stopped responding cuz he was never asking me about anything in my life but i was asking him all the questions getting to know him etc etc
he reached out to me in september and i told him that i felt like he didn't care to get to know me and that's why i ghosted him and he apologized and immediately improved after that. so i said okay lets just go with it whatever. **we talk allday everyday since september last year**
he came on really strong at first and was like oh we could have movie nights and cuddle nights and etc etc and i was like dude relax you havent even met me yet etc. first time we hung out was in october - we went to a cafe and talked for 5 hrs, it went well and he said we should do this again sometime and i agreed.
2 weeks later we have a movie night at his house (that he invited me over for) we watch the movie and we both end up passing out and i left around 6am (nothing happened sexually or flirty but i wasnt planning on doing anything with him at the time), i hugged him goodbye and since then we have not hung out **once** and yet he texts me good morning and good night without fail every single day, asks me how my day is, aks how work was, asks me what i'm up to etc etc **every single day** to this day.
i even didnt message him for a whole week because i was going back and forth about the idea of cutting him off and i was like okay if he doesnt want a relationship and just isnt saying anything that's okay, i understand - let's just be friends. and during that whole week of me not messaging him, he still texted me multiple times everyday even tho i wasn't responding????
i eventually start talking to him again and we've been talking everyday since. keep in mind, i have mentioned us getting into a discord call together, going to an arcade together, playing a game together or going to a carnival together and he always says "oh yeah of course we'll do that"
weeks keep passing and nothing is happening. i don't fucking understand. does this make sense to anyone?
When i was at his house, his tv didnt work, we had to watch the movie on his computer - which tells me that he does not have friends over often, if ever. and he has like 3 friend groups on discord that he talks to all day everyday. so i'm wondering if he just prioritizes his comfort and his friends over a relationship. cuz that's what it seems to me and idk shits weird. i've never ran into a guy like this and just don't understand. like i genuinely think he's like someone who doesn't want to get up and get out and do anything. and i just???? BUT the fact that we're both online a lot and yes we're messaging eachother on discord allday - he never wants to call or play something together. so idk. we started sending each other deranged memes and he said i cant send you half teh shit on my phone and i told him i love deranged shit and he was like "i cant i dont want you to stop talking to me". sooooo liiiiiiike????????? we have so many inside jokes and we make eachother laugh all the time soo hhh
the guys who i've been dated and guys who have wanted to date m in the past have wanted to see me everyday, or atleast every weekend or want to call everyday etc. so this feels very strange
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noreasonreally · 2 years
i overthink math and underthink english.
one just wants the factual answer, the other needs a paraphrased recitation of every rule and observation that led you to this conclusion
annnnnnd i mix them up all the time.
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