#dont hang out as often... and technically they dont still but i can pretend. they're both on the same farm!
jesterwaves · 6 months
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i dont think i posted about it, but here's the "bestie wedding" from my friends mutliplayer stardew valley account
we both were stuck in winter with no mermaid pendant, and were romancing sebastian and sam at roughly the same pace, so we wound up proposing on the same day. so not only were we, as friends, getting married on the same day, but sam and sebastian are friends in game! thus the "bestie wedding" was born
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
I feel like maybe their inactivity comes in hand with the fact that Yuu comes from a different dimension and think that they're immune to the laws of their world (Crowley) or that they actually don't know that Yuu is from another dimension and therefore isn't actually immune to blot (the rest of the staff). I feel like even magicless humans in twst do have cores in them even if they dont have or can't use magic. Since their bodies have evolved and they technically need cores to regulate the magic that wizards have and are in the air and the inevitable blot that comes along with it.
Crewel is the first one who most definitely notices the change in Yuu and is the one who first took action but only dismissed it as a blot build up (which he isnt wrong about so to speak) but he only orders Yuu to rest up and assign someone into making sure they eat properly which isnt bad if this was a normal situation but it's exactly where he went wrong. Sam is the one who picks up next thank to his "friends" but is unable to do much since he's not too sure on what to do (and the uncertainty that he might make it worse leaves a pit of nerves in his stomach) and he knows that even if he tries to ask someone for help they'll just dismiss him so he can only watch as Yuu's health begins to deteriorate...
As for Vargas and Trein they actually had their suspicions at first but it isnt when Yuu starts having more... sickly symptoms is when the feeling of dread starts kicking in for the both of them. I actually have a hc that Vargas can't use magic too much bc his core is sort of fractured that's why he's so adamant on muscle building for his students so at the very least IF they're unable to use magic they'd be able to keep themselves safe. Trein has read of cases similar to Yuu but he didn't realize it would be this bad.
Ah, Crowley---deadbeat father of 200+ children. What in the fuck were you thinking? I feel like he never expected this and was sort of ignorant to it until the very last moment where everything has gone to shit because the blot---while magic waste is still magic---blinded him from actually seeing what's going on add that with his ignorance and you've got a whole shit storm. So i feel like thats why Yuu managed to hide their situation from everyone who didn't pay attention to hard for so long bc they were actively making sure none of them saw until the last minute when everything became too much for them.
But like that's my opinion wbu?
But magicless people having a magical core could explain why they, historically, Yuu's situation is rare. If they already have a back up making sure that when facing the brunt of magic they aren't going to die (i realize Yuu has zero resistance to magic when thinking in game terms, a fire ball could literally kill them)
Magicless people need some form of resistance built up especially considering that evolution and such would make sure that each species magicless population does not die out, the probability of a magician breeding with another magician and not getting a magicless baby is low but never zero.
Crowley don't be using his lil pea brain unless theirs money dangling in front of it—but you're right about the Staff not knowing or Crowley believing that Yuu might be immune.
And he wouldn't be far off considering they managed to live on for that long without dying from a stray magic spell or a wild swing of OB magic.
I've also noticed that its easier to hide obvious signs that you aren't okay by playing it off or making up a lie—Yuu can be a good pretender when they want (need) to be.
Vargas having a cracked core actually suits him, I think Trein would've gotten clued in by Lucius, animals have a preternatural sense of who has a serious disease and will be more attentive that person—
He specializes in Ancient Curses, no way in hell would Cat Daddy 3000 not have some inclination that Yuu wasn't daijoubu, Ruggie or Jack for that matter! Jack would definitely hang around more often, which might become a source of jokes but when you think about how serious it is or that Yuu is essentially deteriorating...
Yeah, nothing's funny anymore.
Sam getting clued in but worrying if speaking up would help is some angst potential for the Gods. Especially told in increments, he notices small things but doesn't comment. Yuu doesn't frequent as much but when they do it's for medicine, they look sick. And then they just stop showing.
You capture the staff pretty well and explained them to me cause I'm always sideeyeing them whenever the kids get hurt, or Yuu's health being put in jeopardy, like yeah I know NRC isn't full of good people but a quick glance at Yuu and they might be able to get them the help they need.
But that's what Yuu's OB is for yall! Its about the venting, miscommunication, airing out grievances in order to finally get that sweet sweet cotton candy flufff
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