#dont look too hard i felt too lazy to properly color it in
blooming-cecilia · 1 year
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me when im self indulgent once again
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writing-gifts · 4 years
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
A/N: Back with the 2nd chapter! Previous chapter | Next chapter
Reader is gender neutral!
[Mid Spring]
The bags hanging from your body make your movements sluggish as you make your way to the entrance of your home. While crossing the threshold, one of your satchels' straps catch on the door and you almost end up on the floor. You remove the strap and shut the door behind you slightly annoyed.
Your current fatigue was due to spending most of the morning gathering with few breaks. There were just so many flowers to pick from, and you struggled to decide. So you ended up stopping at every different one that you came across.
Knowing yourself, you had expected this and prepared the day before, collecting any empty canisters left sitting around your house. You even found some that you had thought you lost.
How you even managed to get off the ground with all the nectar weighing you down was a mystery though.
After setting the heavy satchels on the dining table, you take one of the canisters hanging on your belt to replenish some of your energy. Lilac. You stand in place to give yourself a moment to catch your breath.
A giant part of you wants to taste all the nectar you collected, but you hold back. You needed to use some of it to trade for items and supplies, and a taste test could quickly turn into half the can.
And even though you wanted to lay down, you plan on making more trips before the day ends so you could have enough for yourself and trading.
Then there was the task of switching all the nectar to jars. There were also all the unlabeled jars from the last couple days too. You could just keep your favorite ones in the cans to save time...after you figured out which contained them.
Then you could finally have a day to rest.
You sigh and finish your drink. The image of a new sun hat keeps your resolve.
By the time you get back from your third trip, you can’t muster up the energy to organize everything right away and lay down instead. Just for a little bit. The sun was still out but you didn’t want to risk another trip when it was this late in the evening, so you had some spare time.
You don’t even realize that you're falling asleep--then you hear knocking. Groaning, you drag yourself off the soft cotton of your daybed to go answer the door.
When you open it, Bruno's on the other side and you wonder why he's here. You smile sleepily before noticing that the sun is long gone.
You look at the sky and rub the sleep out of your eyes. “There goes my lazy day...”
“Hmm? You look like you had a good rest. Sorry if I woke you up.”
“I didn’t even mean to fall asleep, so now I gotta organize everything tomorrow…"
You mumble to yourself trying to figure out how you could salvage this. Then you realize that what you collected for Bruno was still sitting in one of the canisters in your bags.
"Uh, are you okay with something random? I don't even remember what flowers I went to today...”
Bruno stares at your most likely disheveled appearance and shakes his head. “Don't worry about it. We can properly trade once you have your thoughts together."
However, he still holds out his canister towards you, but you can't help the slight guilt you feel.
“I wouldn't lie about something like that. It’s fine, really.”
“So you’d lie about something else?” You look at him, not expecting an answer to your rhetorical question, to see if he was actually okay with it. But you only find his usual untelling expression.
You take the canister from him, an unsure smile on your face. "I'm just going to believe you then. Thanks..."
When Bruno smiles at you in return, you immediately look away using opening the canister as an excuse. You almost drink from it but remember that it isn't yours.
"Wait l-let me go pour this into a jar real quick!"
You leave Bruno at the entrance, doing your best to slow your racing heart.
“Hi Mrs. Joestar! I brought you some Mum nectar and also a new drink I made."
"Oh, I’m good on the drink dear, but I'll definitely save it for later. I'm guessing you want to trade for fabrics?"
"Good, cause I saved some of your favorite colors!” She goes to the back and quickly returns with them to show you.
You didn’t have any solid ideas on what you would make but some were starting to form now that you were here. You thank the elder bug and pull out the Mum filled jars from your satchel to place on the store's counters, setting the drink slightly apart from the rest of them.
"By the way, I heard you haven't been staying out late much anymore? Some of the neighbors were wondering if you were okay."
"Yea, I've been avoiding staying out too late now...”
"Well that's good, we don't want you getting hurt, but I find it hard to believe you would just stop so suddenly."
You fiddle with your satchel. "It’s because I met this moth and we started trading and stuff, so now I just try to go directly home so I dont leave him waiting."
"I see. Well, I'm glad you're making more friends dear!"
That makes you purse your lips. Were you and Bruno friends? You’d only known him for a little over a month now...How long did you need to know someone before you could consider them a friend?
"Ah...yea he’s really nice. He’s actually the first moth I’ve officially met."
“You know I’m a moth right?”
“Huh? But--what?”
She laughs. “What did you think I was?”
“I don't know, I thought you were like some sort of butterfly….Ah sorry!” Your face felt much warmer than before.
"It’s okay!” She's still laughing a bit though.
Mrs. Joestar’s partially transparent wings looked so similar to yours in shape and pattern. And with her being diurnal you had just assumed. You could definitely see the similarities between her and Bruno though.
“...Are all moth’s just super pretty?” The moment the question’s out of your mouth, you realize that it was better kept as a thought.
Mrs. Joestar places a hand on her cheek. “Oh, you're such a flirt!”
“Wait, I didn’t mean--!” You cover your face, unable to finish your sentence.
“I kid, I kid.” She smiles teasingly.
“You and Mr. Joseph are too much…”
"I know you usually leave pretty quickly, but do you want to stay for a while--inside? I can make you something new to drink?”
Bruno seems to be thinking, and you prepare yourself for him to say no and leave after you both trade. But then he gives you a small smile. “You like mixing drinks?”
Averting your eyes, you ignore the weird flip within your chest cavity. “Yea, it’s something I learned from another bug some time ago. I'm still figuring it out though...” You move out of the way so he can walk in.
This was the first time that Bruno had actually come into your home. You had tried inviting him multiple times before so he didn't have to wait outside, but he would always politely decline.
You hope you didn’t leave anything weird laying around.
You softly close the entrance. “Ah you can sit over there, I’ll be right back.” Once Bruno sits down on your daybed, you quickly head into the space in your house where you kept all your food and beverages.
You decide to make something you had already done before with the Datura since you didn’t want any accidents right now.
You do your best to recall the steps that you should probably just write down at this point. And even though there were a few times where you thought you messed up, you end up with a result that’s not bad. You just hoped it was to Bruno’s taste.
After you pour the drink into two cups, you head back to Bruno. You plop down next to him and shove the drink a bit too close to his face.
He carefully grabs the cup and you watch him take a sip, forgetting your own drink for the moment.
After way too long for your liking he finally says something. “It’s not bad. I’d even go as far to say that it’s good.”
You roll your eyes at him but smile. “Well as long as you drink it all, then I consider that a win.”
You down your drink in one swoop and stare into your empty cup. "I think I might drink the rest of the pitcher by myself…"
"I think you might have a problem."
"That sounds like a lot to drink at once."
"Please, I was like this before I was even a pupa."
Bruno raises a brow, skeptical. "How? I know wasps much bigger than you that drink less."
You immediately gawk at him. “You interact with wasps!?”
"Well one." The moth tilts his head slightly. "It’s a...unique relationship."
"...Bruno, what the fuck."
Bruno didn't always come in to relax when visiting but when he did, you always made sure to try to give him something new to drink. They weren’t always hits though.
One time he shows up and you're surprised to see that he doesn’t have anything to trade.
"It's become habit now. The night wouldn't feel complete without visiting."
You keep your face from putting on the giant smile it wants to and instead settle for a regular one.
After inviting him in, you tell him to wait while you try to make one of your "concoctions". This time you decide not to do anything too crazy, just a simple sweet tea. You wish you could make it cooler. It would be much more refreshing in this weather.
The two of you sit together speaking idly. Your relationship was starting to get to the point where you both could sit in silence and it didn't feel awkward. Or maybe you just felt comfortable enough with Bruno to do that, and maybe he felt the same way.
“What do you like to eat?” you ask.
“I don’t really eat that often but I like most fruits, except apples. Occasionally I’ll chew on something salty too if I can find it...Honey’s good too.”
That made sense. Some that drink nectar didn’t need solids to survive. It was strictly a pleasure activity in your case. “You don’t like apples?”
“I think they’re a little overrated to be honest.”
“Hmm, well I'm going to make sure to get you other fruits then cause I'm striving to be the best host ever.“
“Do you not invite people over?”
“My friend visits sometimes but they don't like my drinks! They only really eat grainy stuff without any sugar. The lack of flavour…” You grimace. “And I literally can’t make anything without sugar.”
“What are they?”
“A grasshopper.”
“Then of course they wouldn't want sugar.” A hint of amusement sounds in his voice.
"I know BUT I tried some of their grain stuff and it's not bad. It could be way better though. If you mix it with water and sugar--” You make an okay sign. "It’s at least 50 times better."
“No offense but that sounds disgusting.”
"You haven’t even tried it yet though!" The lack of sugarcoating caught you off guard.
"I’m going to make you take that back.”
Bruno shakes his head and smirks. "Good luck with that.”
You knew he was mostly messing with you but you were already set on proving him wrong. “Fine but I’m going to come up with something you really like one day.”
Maybe you were just excited to have someone you were somewhat close to to experience your relatively new hobby with, but you already felt like getting started.
"I look forward to it."
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cmncisspnandmore · 5 years
Don’t let me go, part 4
Pairing: Spencer Reid X Reader
Warnings: Anorexia, eating disorders, depression, drug use, mentions of past character death, extreme fluff? is that a warning? 
“Hotch it’s Reid,” Spencer pulled open the black SUV door, and slid into the driver seat.
“Reid, hows Y/N?”
“Not good, I’m going to be submitting leave of absences for us.”
“What is going on Reid?” A door closes on the other end of the line.
“It’s Y/n, she’s worse than I thought, but i'm going to get her help. She’s been struggling with Anorexia, and I cant believe that i didn't see it before now. “ Reid rests his head on the steering wheel, tears once again welling in his eyes.
“Reid you couldn't-” Hotch begins, and Reid lets out a soft laugh, raw emotion leaking into his voice.
“It was all right in front of me, she's my best friend. She knew i was getting bad with Dilaudid before i did. How did i not catch this? I'm a profiler, i study behaviour for a job. But i couldn’t see that my own best friend who has slept at my house numerous times. Who has showered at my house, and slept in my bed. I didn't notice it Hotch, and now im afraid im not going to be able to get her back.” Tears streamed down his cheeks as the elder profiler listened to him cry over the phone.
“It’s going to be okay, take as much time as you need. Make sure you both come back to work.” Hotch rubs a hand down his face on the other line, he too felt like he should’ve noticed her decline.
“I will.” Reid picks his head up off the wheel and wipes his face, pushing back his hair from his forehead. “And Hotch?”
“Don't tell the team, she’ll tell them when she’s ready.”
“Of course.” And the line goes dead.
Taking a deep breath Reid, buckles up his seatbelt, and put the car in reverse, pulling out of the parking lot and making his way to the store around the corner.
You laid there, you had fallen asleep for a few minutes, but the look on Spencer’s face when he saw you in the bathtub, when he finally got a look at your body and what you had done to it. It haunted your dreams. You ruined the image he had of his best friend. You ruined part of the one good thing in your life. And that just left a heavy weight on your chest.
You tossed and turned in the bed, unable to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Your body ached from head to toe, and you had a chill that went all the way to your bones. Grabbing the blankets from the bed you make your way into the small bathroom, where this whole thing started and pile them on the floor, then curl up in the still hot bathroom. Steam still resided on the walls and mirrors, the small heater in the corner sputters to life and hot air is released into the air. You and your mound of blankets huddle as close to the vents as possible, desperate to soak in any heat you can. You lean your head back against the wall.
Your mind drifting to the time when it was the other way around, when it was Spencer who needed saving and you were the one who stepped up. You sat for hours outside his apartment door, just talking, waiting, hoping. You would tell him about your day and how the Barista at the coffee shop you and him went to would ask about him. You told him about how your parents had gotten a new dog, and named him Vincent. You thought Vincent was a human name and didn't suit the dog at first but as time went on the big old basset hound had more human qualities. You told him about how you had thought about getting a dog, but wouldn't because of the BAU. You also told him stories about your childhood, and how you watched the neighborhood kids for most of your teenage years. You told him about silly things that made you laugh, how Morgan always said the unsub was a “Son ofa bitch” no matter what case you were on.
He was the one person who knew how to make you smile when you were sad. He knew that you had some of your own demons in the past, the ones that made you cry when you thought he was asleep in his room when you stayed on his couch. He knew that you hated that Garcia had to see all the horrible things about the crimes. He knew you were the one who gifted her flowers of all colors and trinkets for her desk. You often took hours out of your day making her a playlist of funny videos to watch after a particularly hard case.
You closed your eyes as the heater hummed again and warmed your frozen hands.
“Y/N?” Spencers voice pulled you from your half sleep.
“In here, its too cold out there.” You called, shiffting around so you could sit up, as Spencer peeked into the doorway.
A plastic bag hung from his long fingers, “I brought you some Saltines and Gatorade.” He gave you a small smile, you looked like a sick child from your huddled position on the floor.
“Okay,” You gave him a small smile, gathering the blankets in your arms you made your way back to the bed and spread the blankets out haphazardly. Spencer sat next to you as you leaned back against the pillows, sitting against the headboard. The plastic bag crinkled as he pulled out the crackers and pressed the box into your hands.
“Try to eat at least 4 or 5,” He pulls the box open and pulls out a sleeve of the bland crackers, and tears it open, putting one in his mouth before taking the box from you and handing you five of the crackers. He then opens a blue gatorade and places it on the bedside table. Spencer grabs another cracker and the rest of the sleeve and sets them in his lap, looking thoughtfully around the room.
“Okay… I got this.” you mutter under your breath, as you put one of the crackers to your lips, and take a bite of it. The moment it hits your tongue your stomach rolls and you feel sick. But Spencer’s kind smile as he continues to eat prints you to chew it and put another in your mouth. Following his lead, you manage to choke down four of the five crackers, before you start to feel like your chest is tight and you can’t breathe properly.
“I..I can’t.. Spence I can’t eat this last one.” You start to sob, gasping shuddering sobs.
“Hey. It’s okay, you did good, drink some of the Gatorade.” Spence reaches over you and grabs the bottle and hands it to you, your hands are shaking violently. You manage a small sip before another sob escapes.
“You did really good, I’m proud of you. I know that it’s hard.” He takes the bottle from you and places it back on the table. Then wraps his arms around you, you lean into his chest, taking a few shuddering breaths before you start to cry again.
“I feel like I should be able to eat them, but I can’t. It’s horrible. I’m sorry.”
“Hey now, don’t apologize, you’re gonna hit a few roadblocks, but the important part is that you are four, and that is an amazing things for you to do.” Spencer slid down the bed, pulling you into a lying position with him. You rest your cheek against his chest, and he runs his fingers though your hair.
“Can you read to me?” You ask, glancing up looking at the curly haired profiler, his brown eyes staring back.
“I don’t have a book with me.” He mumbles, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
“We both know you don’t need a book to recite a book.”
“True, what would you like?”
“Hmmm a Christmas Carol sounds nice.”
With a hum, Spencer starts to rub your back, drawing lazy shapes across it.
“Marley was dead: to begin with. There was no doubt whatever about that…”
Tag List
Criminal Minds: @morcialovechild @banananna99 @cynbx
Dont let me go: @itshaleighyo7 @galaxygallade @drw0301bieber @multifandom-ramblings @gothamsmarvel @neonshadowkilljoy @imaginativefanatic
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wtf-taeyong · 6 years
85 Statements
Tagged by my favourite soulmate @agustdomain
I don’t think there are 85 things to know about me.
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
I’m a massive loser so I can only tag like,,,,,,,, 2 people,,,,,, @stormae @honeytaeyong lisTEN im lame and not cool enough to know anybody else. i can feel the judgement. 20 people is too many people.
1. drink - Pepsi max cherry, because it’s my brothers and i deserve it for dealing with him
2. phone call - My mom! She was telling me she wasn’t coming home that night
3. text message - my brother, telling me to lock the front door
4. song you listened to - Base line by J-Hope
5. time you cried - i don’t remember, i dont like crying. feels lame
6. dated someone twice- not that i can think of?
7. kissed someone and regretted it- Nope! If it felt right in the moment, I won’t ever regret it
8. been cheated on- Yes :/
9. lost someone special- ya
10. been depressed- ya
11. gotten drunk and thrown up- Yes, only about a week ago. My friend’s 18th birthday! :D
fave colors
12. Black
13. Red
14. Dark blue
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Yeah! It’s been a good year already
16. fallen out of love - Nope! I’ve never been in love
17. laughed until you cried - No, but I envy the people that have!
18. found out someone was talking about you - No, weirdly. Maybe I’m too scary or they hide it really well
19. met someone who changed you - Yes, my best friend
20. found out who your friends are - I don’t know what this means lol
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Yeah
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I don’t know, I have a lot of facebook friends that i dont know. who uses facebook anyway tbh
23. do you have any pets - Yes! 2 cats, 1 dog (soon to get another dog!)
24. do you want to change your name - Yes!
25. what did you do for your last birthday - I really don’t remember, we don’t really celebrate birthdays in my house lolol
26. what time did you wake up today - Exactly 11:38am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - watching youtube videos on how to properly look after curly hair (my poor hair...)
28. what is something you can’t wait for - moving out!
30. what are you listening to right now - Gold by offonoff (a fucking JAM)
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - Yeah, he was one of those people you just think need to scrub their personalities with soap. He was dutty.
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - How many FUCKING wires i have jumbled under my desk. Where do any of them lead? We’ll literally never know. Also my mom lol #justgirlythings
33. most visited website - This hellsite and YouTube
34. hair colour - Light brown
35. long or short hair - I’m so fickle, ive been going through a period of wanting to cut all my hair off but i also like long hair.... kms
36. do you have a crush on someone - Gross??? no way. does mark lee count?
37. what do you like about yourself - I’m pretty funny tbh
38. want any piercings? - Ya! I want a rook, an industrial, MAYBE a daith, both my nips. then i’ll be like.... finished
39. blood type -  Literally no idea
40. nicknames - Ren! Loz, Lucifer, Lorenzo, Lollipop
41. relationship status - Happily single!
42. zodiac - Cancer
43. pronouns - She/Her
44. fave tv shows - Brooklyn 99, westworld, it’s always sunny in philadelphia
45. tattoos - none yet, im underage
46. right or left handed - boring and right handed
47. ever had surgery - 3!
48. piercings - I have 13 piercings. I’m getting more soon! :D
49. sport -  As a punishment only
50. vacation - on one rn!
51. trainers - the shoes? what about them? what does this mean?
more general
52. eating - what else do i do with my time
53. drinking - right now? nothing im crispy on the inside
54. i’m about to watch -  black panther, finally
55. waiting for - the sweet embrace of death
56. want - £5,000,000 in cash
57. get married - i cant picture myself getting married but maybe later in life
58. career - please no im only little
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs. just are, y’know?
60. lips or eyes - Eyes
61. shorter or taller - For guys, taller. For gals, shorter
62. older or younger - Older
63. nice arms or stomach - I.... Do you mean for an ideal type? i guess arms?
64. hookup or relationship - rn im in a hookup mindset
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker, but a lazy one
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger -  Yeah, it was embarrassing
67. drank hard liquor - Yeah, it tasted like the devil got inside my mouth ( ;D )
68. lost glasses - Nope! 20/20 vision bby
69. turned someone down - Yeah
70. sex on first date - No omg
71. broken someone’s heart - Yeah :/
72. had your heart broken - No lmao imagine
73. been arrested - Yeah, but it was a complete misunderstanding
74. cried when someone died - of course
75. fallen for a friend - no, i have a strict rule against that
do you believe in...?
76. yourself - pfft! no lol
77. miracles - No
78. love at first sight - nope
79. santa claus - that’d be so cute, but no
80. kiss on a first date - i dont see why not
81. angels - Angelo is my angel, so yeah
82. best friend’s name - Grace
83. eye colour - Dark blue/grey
84. fave movie - My guilty pleasure is warm bodies, but i also love fight club and Amélie.
85. fave actor - Angelina Jolie. When will she adopt me...?
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thestalkerbunny · 6 years
A tiny for elemental that rides atop a big wax golem
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A Water Witch who must escort a Flame Element and her Wax Golem Carrier to a holy pyre.
I wrote a thing also to elaborate. It is old and hastily finished, but mostly done.
"Does it bother you?" The Water Witch inquired quietly. The Flame elemental looked at the Water Witch with vauge disintrest. The Water Witch wasn't her first choice in 'magical escort protection' and she certainly wasn't pleasing to the eye. The Witch's skin was practically water logged and sallow looking in the dim light that emniated from the Flame's form and the meager Campfire that the Water Witch had set up reluctant upon the Flame's demand. Her finger tips always wrinkled and her hair hung in ugly strands, clumped together from the dampness that she was absorbing from the air itself. The Fish that lived in the tip of her staff swum lazy circles, half asleep itself. To be honest, the Flame loathed the way the Water Witch always stared at her; those eyes like a dead fish, glazed and bored.
"What does?" She inquired sweetly, laying her head on the shoulder of the golem. The Golem did not move as the wax began to sweat at her touch. The Witch's dull green eyes glanced up from beneath the brim of that soggy old looking hat that dropped at the edges.
"That you're killing him."
The Flame's bright shining yellow eyes fluttered for a minute, her colors flickered and crackled in the dry air. She quietly digested the question before smiling kindly at the Water Witch.
"It's of no real concern of you, now is it?" She cooed. "You're just supposed to escort me and my vessal to the sacred pillar on the mountain side. And there I shall light the pyre that will bring forth the Harvest God's Blessings." The Witch didn't smile or seem to accept that answer, so the Flame quickly changed her tune. "And besides, aren't you witches all about 'the natural order?" Her fingers crackled and flicked as she made airquotes. "This is just what happens naturally. The fox eats the rabbit, the fox dies and the grass eats the dead fox. Circle of life." The Witch's lips-possibly the only thing remotely pretty about her, tinted a pale cold blue-pursed tightly.
"That rule only truly applies to creatures that are in nature. To beings who do not require civilization to function properly." The Water Witch said dryly. "The Fox kills the rabbit because that is how it is done. However, civilized beings do not always have to kill the rabbit because they know other ways to get food."
"But something always suffers." The Flame retorted, laying a hand on the golem, The golem's waxy skin melting into an indentation of her flickering hand print. "Somebody always has to pay so others can live. I will live while my golem melts away carrying me to my destination as it should be. The Fire will melt the wax, but the fire will also burn grass into ash that will be used to fertilize the fields for harvest. And he would have it no other way."
The Witch looked at the Wax golem. It was twice as tall as both the Witch and the Flame combined and then more so-but before the Flame, it was probably twice as tall. Sculpted in the form of a muscular man, detailed clothing intricantly carved into the wax flesh to mimic a roman soildjer of sorts. The face was almost completely gone and only thick waxy strands remained as thru out the entiretity of the trip, the Flame had rode on it's shoulders and kissed and teased at the face in a faux loving manner. By the time they reached the Pyre on the mountain side, the golem would be gone completely. The Witch had to stop and reattach his arms twice and his leg once yesterday since the Flame continued to prance around him and melt away at his skin. He was magnificent once, beautiful and possibly the pride of whatever artesean created him. Now he looked sad and pathetic.
"He hasn't the voice to say otherwise."
"He doesn't need a voice to speak his mind." The Flame hissed, suddenly defensive. "He is HAPPIEST when he is fufilling his purpose and that is THAT." The flame slid away from her Golem and onto a pile of leaves, setting it ablaze quickly and laying down in the ash. "good NIGHT, Water Witch." And then promptly rolled over.
The flame from the Elemental's body still flickered. Light cast over the Wax Golem and the Water Witch as they stared at each other-one with no eyes or face and the other with eyes the color of the swamp.
"Goodnight, Flame." She mused quietly. "Good night, Golem."
The Golem was dying and the Witch was watching him fall apart as he staggered, still carrying the Flame. The Witch stepped around every other puddle of wax that dripped off his body, careful not to get any on her boots. Part from vanity since these were a gift from her Coven Mother, crafted from Sea Snake Skin and enchanted to ensure her socks never get soggy-but mostly out of respect of the dying. Her fish familiar still in her staff had changed shape again. At the beginning of the trip, he had been a lovely little goldfish with large observant eyes. Now he was something between a cleaner shark or a lionfish-he seemed to be unable to make up his mind on what he was feeling.
Well, what she was feeling. They say people's pets end up looking like them. For Familiars-they sometimes took the shape of how their master was FEELING.
And at the moment, the Water Witch could just wring the little Flame's neck.
She watched as the Flames slender orangey fingers tease and dance over the carved muscles of the Golem-melting away the gently crafted detail and burn her own designs into his flesh like gawdy tattooing. Every now and then, The Flame would cast a glance over her shoulder at the Witch and then lean over, kissing at his melted away face.
At this rate, he wouldn't make it to the Pyre.
The Witch snapped to attention when she realized she was in front and the Golem was behind her. The Golem was slowing down. The Flame frowned when she realized her mount wasn't keeping pace.
"go FASTER!" She complained loudly. She smacked him several times to try to urge him along. The Golem struggled in stride-the Flame almost like a massive weight, crushing him. The Witch had to stop walking to wait for him to catch up.
This happened 3 more times.
The Golem was a mess. It couldn't stand up straight, most of it's broad shoulders had been melted away and it had resorted to carrying the Flame cradled in his arms like a kitten. And now the heat of her body was burning away at his torso, making his form and frame even more weakened.
The Flame was humming a pretty little song as her steed was dying-holding her in his arms. She was crackling the air with conjured fire like nothing was wrong as another being suffered in her name.
The Water Witch stopped in her tracks.
"Emet, Halt."
The golem stopped dead in it's tracks-but the gravity of his now top heavy body propelled forward. The Flame suddenly shrieked as her Golem fell over foward on top of her, doing a tumble and practically crushing her in the process. The Flame flared up indignantly as the Golem lay a few feet away from her on it's back, leaving her in the dirt.
"DAMN YOUR WAX, YOU USELESS GOLEM, YOU DROPPED ME IN THE DIRT! I COULD HAVE GONE OUT-GET UP YOU-" She shrieked hysterically. The Golem struggled to right itself again, trying to push up on the one good arm-the other had broken off a few feet away.
"Emet, do not get up. Stay there." The Witch Calmly said. The Golem stopped and laid quietly back down. Within a few steps, the Witch stood before the Flame. The two stared at each other-one too spoilt and upset to stand up on her own and the other, standing in a pair of sea snake boots.
The Witch pulled back her boots and kicked up some dirt.
The Flame shrieked.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU HAG?!" She howled as the Witch kicked the dirt again and again into the Flame's body. The Water Witch said nothing, but continued to kick dirt at the Flame.
The Flame's body grew smaller and smaller with each layer of dirt kicked upon her-her body choking and sputtering out from the sudden cut off of oxygen. She began to gasp and struggle to breathe as more dirt was layered on-she felt pathetic and weak, she couldn't even see straight. She was going to die on this dirt road.
The Flame's eyes weren't working, but she felt something pick her up like a kitten and place her somewhere dry-but oddly damp. As her eyes readjusted, she realized she was standing on the tip of a wick, drenched in oil. She reached out but her hand stopped short as something clear and hard kept her from continuing forward.
"What did you do?" She quivered, her voice several octives higher than normal. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!!?" She wailed.
She was trapped. Inside a little oil lamp. A lamp-of all the indignity of it all-meant for COAL MINERS. She shrieked and howled and tried to conjur her flames higher, but could barely get above an ember to come out. The Flame pressed her face against the murky glass to see where she was. She gasped quietly.
The Lamp was firmly fixed on the Water Witch's belt.
The Flame watched bitterly as the Water Witch carefully collected and scooped the Golem up, dragging him away from the middle of the road.
"DONT YOU TOUCH HIM, HE IS MINE! LET ME OUT AND GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!!" The Flame pipped. The Water Witch seemed to pay no heed to the Flame's rants. Rather, she was focused on the golem. The Witch was carefullly trying to shape and restabilize the wax into his form; sculpting as best she could. He just needed to get to the town. He just needed to be stable long enough to carry himself to the town. Her Fish, which had become an monkfish during the frenzy, had returned to a pretty little goldfish and swam in circles, watching her mend the Golem
"You used to be something wonderful." The Water Witch whispered softly. "Do you remember? The village where you were carved and sculpted from the earth? They made you in the mirror of a warrior-of a protector. You kept the village so safe during the war-no Kingless Knight dared to pillage the town, no child was ever taken by the true monster of man." She plapped on another big handful of wax, it dribbled a bit-but it held strong as it was packed into his ribcage area. "They used to hold a big festival once a year, remembering your honor on the same day the War Ended, drinking and singing. I dont know if you remember, you were ordered to sleep after the war ended and never woken again-your prize after all those years of service being an endless rest. But they sang those praises for a great warrior."
The Water Witch smiled as she continued her work, reaching up to brush a long strand of wax that had begun to drip down in front of her face.
"You know, I grew up there. All those years ago, when I was a little girl. Before we moved to the Ocean to be closer to the Coven." She smoothed the clay over. Stable at last. It was just a patch job, but without the Flame destroying him, it would hold long enough for them to get to a Wax Worker. "It was the saddest day of my life when we got that letter from our Uncle that you had been stolen." Water Witch stood up and brushed her knees off; the flame still shrieking and cursing her name from the lantern. The Witch pulled her staff from the ground and held out her hand.
"Come, Emet." She ordered. The Wax Golem reached out and took her hand, pulling himself up.
The Water Witch and the Golem walked hand in hand down the road.
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hobiyolk · 7 years
Perfume regret Sehun X Reader
OMFGGGGGDYGSYUGYGYGYU I am so incredibly sorry for not updating for like months, I was just so fucking upset that my written chanyeol fic got deleted, and yeah, i was just lazy. Anywayyyyyyyys I thought I would just write a Sehun fic because that boi is C LI MB ING up my bias list. ANd he is just rud. ANywyas I hope yall enjoy this <3 <3 <3 
                                                      5940 words 
Summary: Your best friend, your crush, Sehun had left you for other people he called friends. Did he actually though? or was it all just a big misunderstanding? 
You walked towards the boring hallways dragging your body with your black boots. You reached your locker and looked at the paper that was stuck on top of it. ‘Get a life slut!’ You gasped under your breath, it must have been those two girls again. Emily And  Ji Hee, The two girls that bother you without any reason. You took a hold of the paper ripping it off of the locker roughly, you crumpled it up and threw it behind your head, not caring where the paper landed. You entered the code to your padlock. When you opened the locker door you saw another note fall down in front of your face and land on the ground. You bend down taking the note in your hand. You sighed lightly while unfolding the note as you tried to read the sloppy handwriting. ‘Stay away from oppa you bitch’ You scrunched your face in disgust, cringing at the word ‘oppa’ you definitely didn't know who the oppa was and you certainly didn't care, once more you scrambled up the paper and threw it into your locker. Taking your books and the things you needed you shut your locker. You were just about to leave before you felt a piece of paper hit your head. You sighed loudly and turned around.
- “Jeezus! Can you stop it already?! It’s getting annoying you know?! If throwing paper at me is all you can do then you might be more of a pussy then i thought you were!”
You glared deadly into the handsome boy’s eyes, the one that the threw the paper ball at you, the one and only Sehun. His beautiful lips turned upwards forming an oh so hot smirk that you wanted to smack right off.
- “Easy there tiger, you were the one who threw the paper at me, I was just giving it back.”
You looked at him glaring, even more. He could have thrown it away quietly, or he could have confronted you, but no, he chose to annoy the hell out of you.
- “Well you know normal people would just hand it to me, in my hand”
You made to emphasize the last parts.
- “ But I guess your majesty Sehun is an exception, why? you too scared to come up to my face and tell me whats wrong? You have no guts sehun, you have no balls, that's why your actual dick is smaller than your attitude”
You mentally patted your back happy with your lame response. You could see the way sehun's smirk fell into an annoyed one, and the way his friends were laughing and ‘oohing’ at your comeback.
Now you were the one who had a sly smirk, you lifted your bag and put one of the straps on your right shoulder.
- “Hey! Who do you think you are, how dare you say that to oppa?!”
You turned around facing Ji Hee. She was glaring at you with her beautiful eyes, such a waste, she was beautiful in every way, except she stank form the inside.
- “Hey! Guess what!”
You grinned bigger lifting your middle finger.
- “You and your oppa can take this and stick it up your asses!”
More laughter came from the background, and you couldn't help but laugh slightly at the priceless face that was painted over Ji Hee and Sehun.
- “Yah! You slu-”
Emily was about to back up for her “friends” but someone interrupted her.
- “Yah! Shut up! Go away leave her alone!”
You looked at the boy whose arms were now draped around you, Jongin, your best friend. You watched as Sehun tensed under the presence of Jongin, and you smile.
- “It's not a surprise that y/n would need Jongin in her life, I mean without him she would be all alone, since Sehun has already left her.”
Now it was your turn to look annoyed, the cards had flipped, and you ball your fist remembering the time.
-  “I mean, y/n you didn't actually think Sehun would ever continue being your friend, did you?”
Ji-Hee moved towards Sehun tracing the nape of his neck with her fake long nails while looking into your eyes, your fist got tighter, and tighter and Jongin noticed. He tried to calm you down he gently kissing your temples. Sehun noticed, he tried to not to say anything, so he bit down his jaw as hard as he could.
- “He left you y/n, he left you and Jongin, for us. Who do you think you are? no matter what you do or say, you will always be known as the friend Sehun dumped.”
You moved your hands to the small of Jongin's back and fisted the light cloth of his shirt.
- “No matter what y/n you will always be a loser.”
Ji-Hee smirked at your silent form, you looked pissed, Jongin noticed, they noticed, Sehun noticed. You looked into her eyes yet again.
- “You think you are a friend Ji Hee?”
You spoke in a cold voice which somehow managed to send a shiver down her back.
- “You actually think that what you and Sehun have is friendship, heck, you and Emily don't even like each other. Sehun picked shit over gold, and that’s his loss because he never was and never will be mine or Jongin's friend. I hate him, I hate you, I hate fake people, go sort your lifes out”
Ji-Hee walked towards you ready to punch you right in your face, but Sehun immediately pulled her back.
- “Stop, dont”
- “But sehu-”
- “I said stop! Leave her alone! Just go to your class!”
Sehun looked furious leaving Ji Hee scared, she gulped down the lump of saliva that had built up in her throat.
- “Come on y/n lets go.”
Jongin took your hand in his and lead you the way, your eyes wouldn't leave Sehun however, the memories flowing back into your head. You felt tears starting to well up in your eyes but you forced yourself to blink them away.
Sehun looked at your back leaving his presence, he missed you, he really did, he missed Jongin, he missed both of you. He had fallen in love with you a long time ago and still was in love with you. Sehun and Jongin used to talk about his little crush on you everyday. Jongin had told Sehun that you were just like his little sister, but why was he getting jealous all of the sudden? He didn't have the right to be jealous, he left you two for these scum bags. Sehuns gaze was stuck on the floor thinking about how you used to laugh at all his lame jokes and how you used to play with his hair while he laid on your stomach. The way you him and Jongin watched movies while throwing popcorn at each other. The way you used to glance at him, and when he caught you staring your would turn away blushing. He missed everything he missed you guys, you and Jongin, he wanted back what he had lost, but Sehun knew better.
- “Sehun picked shit over gold, and that’s his loss, because he never was and never will be mine or Jongin's friend. I hate him”
Your words echoed through his head and he almost felt a tear drip down his eyes, those words that he never wanted to hear from you, he wanted to hold you in his arm so bad he wanted to tell you sorry, he wanted to sit on the couch with Jongin playing the stupid old video games. But he couldn't, he knew if he ever got close to you again, you would be in danger. He didn't want that, Sehun didn't want you to suffer because of him, that's why even though this hurts him too much he must do it for you.
- “Yah Sehun!”
Sehuns train of thoughts was broken when he heard Emily shouting for him.
- “What do you want Emily?”
Sehun asked in a cold voice.
- “Ji Hee wants to talk to you, come down to the basement”
Emily looked at him waiting for a reply, but he only rolled his eyes in response.
- “I’m busy tell her I will talk to her some other time.”
- “She said now, you do know what would happen if you don't listen to Ji Hee right?”
Sehun scoffed, looking down on the floor. He hated all this crap, he didn't want this anymore. But he forced himself to drag his feet towards the basement where Ji Hee and her gang hung out.
Sehun looked coldly at Ji Hee, the girl he despised the most.
- “What do you want?”
- “Sehun, why did you stop me, why didn't you let me hit her?”
Sehun scoffed at her.
- “Because you deserved it.”
Ji Hee fisted sehun's white color bringing him closer to her.
- “You do remember what will happen to your little friends if you don't do what I tell you to, right? If I ever see you talking to her, I will break that little bitch of yours.”
Sehun Looked up at Ji Hee with a furious gaze.
- “Who do you think you are calling her a bit-”
- “She was talking bullshit Sehun, she should know her place.”
Ji-Hee looked into sehun's eyes, bringing him closer by his collar.
- “I really did pick shit over gold.”
Ji Hee fisted Sehun's collars tighter shoving him into a wall, her right knee was between his legs and Sehun slowly hissed at the pain that struck him on his back.
- “Listen up Sehun, I will do anything it takes to make you mine do you understand?”
Ji-Hee reaches up to the crook of Sehun's neck and starts to kiss his neck softly.
-  “If you really care about your friends then you will just have to do what I tell you, do you understand?”
Sehun tried to push her away and he succeeded, Ji Hee's eyes widened while she was stumbling on her feet trying to get a hold of her balance.
- “Whatever Ji Hee, I'm not scared of you, I am just doing this because I love y/n and I care for Jongin if you do anything to them especially y/n, You won't even be able to recognize your own face.”
Sehun tugged on his shirt and collar to fix it, while two of the guys came up behind Ji Hee. One of the boys reached towards sehun trying to attack him.
- “You fucking dick, do you not know any manners, talk to girls properly.”
But that same boy felt a sting on the cheek, Ji Hee slapped him as hard as she could and the poor boy fell on the floor holding onto his now red cheek.
- “Don't you dare call him a dick do you hear me?!”
Sehuns eyes widened, this girl was crazy, Sehun looked down at Ji Hee in disgust.
- “You are sick”
She looked down on the floor while nodding and chuckling slightly.
- “I know Sehun, I know”
You left your math class heading towards the lunch room until a soft hand touched your shoulders, they reminded you of someone you used to love so dearly.
- “Get off of me se-”
- “I will always care for you y/n”
He walked right past you, he didn't look at you, he didn't say anything after that. You stopped moving and took a step back. Were you hearing things, did you miss him that badly? You felt something wet stain your cheeks, tears, you couldn't stop them, you never could when it came to Sehun.
- “Hey y/n!”
You wiped your tears quickly turning around only to see Jongin running towards you.
- “Hey, Jongin!”
- “No time for greetings, I need to talk to you. NOW”
You looked at him confused, he was panting.
- “Jongin, are you oka-”
Jongin took a hold of your wrist and dragged you towards the roof, you followed him though, you followed his every step.
- “Jongin, why are we going to the terrace?”
Jongin opened the door of the entrance and you felt a cold breeze hit your face. 
- “Jongin, talk to me, you are scaring me. What is happening!”
Both of you were panting especially Jongin.
- “y-y/n you won't guess what I just found out”
Your gaze moved towards Jongin and you looked up at his sweet eyes, they had tears in them they had sadness, yet a sign of relief.
- “Jong-”
- “y/n Sehun, he, he s-still, Sehun, y/n it's not what it looks like, he still cares for us, that's why he is doing all of this.”
You look at Jongin with wide eyes, you're confused form felt a little numb, you didn't know what to think you didn't know what to say.
- “How does that make any sense?”
Jongin took a hold of your shoulders and looked you deep into the eyes.
- “Trust me, it’s not what it looks like.”
*Jongin’s POV*
After what Sehun had done to me and y/n there is no way I am going to forgive him. I walked y/n to her class, she was crying and her tears started to damp my shoulders, Sehun what have you done?
- “Jongin, I am okay, I will see you after class yeah?”
I nodded, smiling to make her feel better one way or another.
- “Okay, I will meet you by your locker.”
She smiled back, maybe to make me feel better and reassured, or maybe to reassure herself.
After I had left y/n I walked down the hall towards my classroom, but then I saw him there, I saw Sehun there.
 “Why is he not in class?”
I mumbled to myself.
- “Yah Sehun!”
After hearing Emily's voice I quickly hid behind one of the walls, I don't know why I was hiding, but something was off, Sehun loved y/n it just doesn't make sense that he would leave her for Ji Hee.
- “What do you want Emily?”
Sehun seemed cold while talking to her, weren't they so called friends?
- “Ji Hee wants to talk to you, come down to the basement”
- “I’m busy tell her I will talk to her some other time.”
- “She said now, you do know what would happen if you don't listen to Ji Hee right?”
I noticed how Sehun had scoffed and rolled his eyes, Emily and Sehun started to walk my way and I tried to camouflage behind the plain dirty white walls. I followed them, was I surprised over what I saw?  yeah, did i regret it?... no.
- “Sehun did this for us, he wanted to make sure that you and I were safe.”
You couldn't believe what Jongin had just told you, should you feel reviled, should you feel sad, should you smile, should you cry, you didn't know what to feel.
- “w-what”
You looked down Shocked and speechless, Jongin placed his hands onto your shoulders.
- “y/n we need to talk to him about it.”
- “What will we say? That we followed you and we know that you are forced into being friends with them just so they don't hurt me and you? Jongin he still had a choice, it was his choice of being a dick to us in the first place.”
Jongin sighed letting his hands drop down.
- “ I don't know about you, but, I miss Sehun, he has been our best friend for who knows how long, he deserves to give us an explanation, and we deserve to hear it.”
- “ what if I don't want to? He chose to do this Jongin-”
- “y/n I know you still love him”
- “No I don't Jongin, I lost feelings for him a long time ago”
- “You don't have to talk to him but I will”
- “What n-”
Jongin left the roof shutting the door harshly, was he seriously mad at you?! You sat down on the concrete and watched as the wind passed by. You were tired and your energy had drained.
- “Fucking hell Sehun, what are you thinking?”
You walked towards the cafeteria dragging your feet on the dirty floor. You had to put some food into yourself before you collapsed on the floor. You were hoping that Jongin would be sitting at one of the tables waving towards you, but you didn't see him anywhere, you didn't expect to.
Your plate was filled with this brown gooey meat with mash potato on the sides, it looked disgusting. You walked towards an empty seat and sat down, you hoped you wouldn't see sehun and his friends, you weren't really in the mood to talk to anyone, you just wanted to forget the existence of human beings.
But of course, the world had to go against your simple wish. Your peace was broken when you heard the sound of the chair beside you dragging on the floor. You really didn't want anything surrounding you, what makes it even worse is that he is Sehun’s friend. You lifted your head and sighed loudly wanting him to know you weren't very happy with his presence. You were about to move when you felt someone holding onto your arm.
- “Hey, where you going?”
You flinched your arms away from his grip.
- “Its none of your business Chanyeol ”
He looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed.
- “Chill will ya? I just wanted to sit beside you that’s why I sat here in the first place”
You cocked your eyebrows looking at him in disbelief.
- “You, Park Chanyeol, wants to sit beside me?”
He nodded smiling sweetly.
- “I am lowkey happy that you know my full name, but yeah I Park Chanyeol, wants to sit beside you, one of the most beautiful girl in the school”
You blushed heavily, he said it so bluntly, but he was still looking at you with that famous smile of his.
- “W-what you on about, listen if this is one of your evil schemes-”
Chanyeol started to grin, it annoyed the hell out of you, but somehow it sent butterflies down your stomach.
- “Nah, I just wanted to get to know you.”
He took a hold of your arm again and jerked it slightly.
- “Please?”
You sighed loudly.
- “Whatever I need to finish my food anyway”
You sat down and continued eating your food like you did before Chanyeol decided to disturb you. You looked at the beautiful boy sitting beside you, trying to steal a glance you moved your gaze towards his tall frame. You felt the blood rushing to your cheeks, he was looking at you already.
- “U-um, so Chanyeol, is Sehun even okay with you sitting here?”
He looked at you taking a bite of the mashed potato.
- “I don't need his permission for things, I can do whatever I want, whether he likes it or not.”
You nodded slowly.
- “oh, okay, but what about Jihee, she hates me.”
Chanyeol sighed while looking at you.
- “Why do you worry about what others think, I want to have a nice lunch with you, so I am going to be doing that, and I don't need anyone's consent.”
You went back to eating your food, the next thing that happened made you regret that you even agreed to sit beside Chanyeol in the first place. Jihee and some of her other friends, including Sehun, walked towards the table, and your form stiffened. Somehow Chanyeol managed to notice, he shifted his chair closer towards you to somewhat give you a sign of protection. You looked at him smiling slightly. Ji hee stopped in her tracks looking at you.
- “What the fuck are you doing here?”
You looked at her, not a single word coming out of your throat, thankfully Chanyeol was there to help you out.
- “She was actually sitting here before, and I wanted to join her for lunch. If you don't want to then you can leave, or you can just quietly sit down and eat your food.”
Ji-hee looked shocked, and you heard Sehun scoffing in the background.
- “What did you just say?”
Chanyeol looked back at her with a blank expression.
- “Did I stutter?”
- “Whatever”
Ji-hee dragged the chair in front of chanyeol, placing her food onto the table, and Sehun moved to sit in front of you.
- “Hey y/n”
Sehun quietly greeted you.
- “Hey, sehun.”
Ji-hee noticed you two staring at each other, and of course, she had to  butt in.
- “So, where is that friend of yours? That guy named Jongin was it?”
You looked at her not answering, turning your gaze towards your food.
- “Hey! I just asked you a question”
You jumped slightly at the tone of her voice, you wish you would have gained your confidence back from this morning. Chanyeol moved his hands towards your thigh and squeezed it slightly. If it was another day you would be swatting his hand away, but at this moment it felt comforting. Sehun noticed how Chanyeol’s  hands were squeezing your thighs and how you seemed to relax under his touch, he felt himself boil in anger, you were his for godsakes.
- “ He had to go somewhere”
Ji-Hee looked at you not convinced by your excuse.
- “That's sad, he just left you here all alone.”
Ji Hee lifted her arm only to place her hand on the back of Sehun neck, her nails scratching lightly on his porcelain skin, she made sure to look into your eyes.
- “Sehun would never leave me alone like that”
You looked at her with a blank face, you almost didn't care.
- “Maybe because he doesn't have a choice?”
The whole table chuckled lightly trying to contain them. Chanyeol turned towards you with a bright smile. You didn't notice anything you were just busy in finishing your food and leaving as fast as you can, you had had such a rough day that your baby hairs started to block your sight. You felt Chanyeol's form move in closer and he slowly tucked your hair behind your ear, you looked at him shocked
- “It’ll be easier for you to see what you’re eating and because it’s blocking your pretty face.”
You looked at up from your plate with wide eyes, your cheeks leaving a tint of red.
- “Sorry, was that a bit too much?”
Chanyeol chuckled when he saw your expression, you were so shocked you became speechless. You had seen Chanyeol around many times, he was actually the most decent out of the entire group. You had never talked to Chanyeol, the only time you did was when you were paired together for a group work. You would be lying if you said that you didn't like the attention. Sehun, on the other hand, was not liking one bit of this, Chanyeol was being too close for comfort. What pissed him off even more was that you didn't seem to mind it.  
- “So, chanyeol, how’s it going with Mina?”
You lifted  your eyebrows a little staring back at Sehun. Mina was known to be dating Chanyeol, on and off.
- “What about her?”
Chanyeol asked confused.
- “Didn't you guys just makeup or something?”
Your gaze turned towards Chanyeol, looking at him questioningly.
- “Dude that was a long time ago”
Sehun took a bite out of his food still staring down at Chanyeol.
- “Was it really? Didn't you ask her out like 3 weeks ago or something?”
Chanyeol immediately looked you with knitted eyebrows.
- “y-y/n”
You smiled softly.
- “It's okay, you don't have to explain me anything, I barely know you.”
Chanyeols face softened at what you just said, yeah, you guys didn't know each other that well but he had always had some sort of feelings for you. And he made sure to mention it to his friends, including Sehun.
- “y/n w-”
You stood up lightly.
- “Anyways, we start class in less than 5 minutes I need to go now. Thank you for keeping me company Chanyeol.”
You smiled sincerely towards him, and he smiled back showing off his beautiful pearly teeth.
- “I’ll see you later y/n?”
You nodded softly.
- “Why not-”
- “You're seriously going to hang out with this loser”
You rolled your eyes at Ji-hee.
- “Shut up Ji Hee”
Chanyeol said defensively. You chuckled lightly and left the cafeteria.
*Sehuns POV*
I walked out of the lunch room, moving onto the next class, I just wanted the day to be done. I was walking through the corridors peacefully before a boy pulled me into the corner.
- “What the fu- Jongin?”
Jongin quickly took Sehun into an embrace, hugging my tight. Sehun was shocked, his eyes wide.
- “J- Jongin?”
Sehun looked down at the boy who had held onto him tighter than ever.
- “You stupid boy! How could you do that?! You ass!”
Jongin shoved Sehun into the wall clutching his white t shirt.
- “How could you lie to me and y/n! You bastard! You didn't have to fucking be friends with them just because you wanted to seem like the good guy! We could have protected y/n together, and how stupid could you get?! Ji hee, doesn't have the gut to do anything to y/n heck not unless you and I are standing beside her! So why did you have to be such an ignorant bitch and hurt her so much?! You said you would always be there for me, you said you would always be there for her! You fucking lied Sehun, you fucking lied!”
Jongin was panting, he was fisting into Sehun's collar. Sehun could feel tears threatening to fall down.
- “I-am-sorry I thought I was doing the best for you and y/n”
Jongin looked at the male in front of him” 
- “Sehun, you left her, you made her few weeks living hell. She cried everyday for you, she was so confused as to why you would do something like this. y/n loved you Sehun, and now she hates you. I am your friend, I am like your brother. But you just got yourself in a big mess dude, a mess you need to get yourself out off as soon as possible before anything else escalates.”
Sehun took a hold of kai's shoulder and started to sob quietly.
- “I’m sorry I... didn't know what to do, Jongin, oh god i am so sorry. Please forgive me I just, I just want y/n back, I want you back. I want the old times back. I miss you, please help me.”
Jongin immediately took the younger one into a tight embrace, patting his back in a soothing manner.
- “ I will help you, but y/n is the problem. She was really hurt when you left us, and she’s not ready to forgive you yet.”
Sehun nodded to his elder and hugged him back tighter.
- “ I’m sorry Jongin, I am so sorry”
You were walking towards your locker, the school had finally ended and you were ready to get back home and just take a long hot shower. But of course, those dreams were shattered when your science teacher walked towards you.
- “Y/n! Hey I was just looking for you!”
You forced a smile and looked at her.
- “Hi miss, what can I help you with?”
- “I was wondering if you could do me a favor, see I have to meet up my son at the hospital, he is very sick. And I had promised one of my students that I would help him with his homework, but since you know all this came up…. I was wondering,”
You sighed.
- “You were hoping that I would help the student with the homework?”
You finished off her sentence trying to muster up the fakest smile. Your teacher smiles back at you with a slight nod, she looked guilty. Was the student that bad you though? You were just about to ask her about the student before she cut you off and ran as soon as possible. You shrugged your shoulder, throwing your backpack over your shoulders.
You walked towards the science room.
- “Okay, this student better not be-”
Your eyes widened.
- “Sehun?! W-what are you doing here?”
Sehun looked towards you with a sly smirk.
- “Shouldn't I be asking you that? y/n what are you doing here?”
You gripped the strap of your backpack tighter.
- “ The teacher asked me to help a student out, but since I can't see anyone, i’m just gonna go.”
You weren't dumb, you knew that Sehun was that student, but you just didn't want to have anything to do with him, you were so tired and so worn out that you couldn't bother with his shit.
- “You know, just because you hate me doesn't mean that I don't go to this school. That student that you are talking about is me.”
You sighed loudly.
- “So if you don't mind could you help me?”
- “Sehun-”
- “ You wouldn't want the teacher to know that you didn't do as she told you to do.”
You sighed in defeat and moved towards him.
- “Whatever, just, don't do anything stupid, I will help you out but right after you understand the homework I am leaving.”
He nodded amused, Sehun thought that you would just not give a fuck and leave him there stuck with this stupid ass question that he just doesn't understand. You sit beside sehun taking out your own pencil and notebook.
- “Okay so what do you need help with?”
You leaned in closer to take a look at the complicated equation.
- “Oh shit okay, so how far have you gotten?”
You put your hands on his desk looking at his work book. You were so incredibly close to him.
- “U-um well, I managed to write down the question number…”
You giggled lightly.
- “Well isn't that an accomplishment”
Sehun giggles back while shaking his head, his gaze diverted towards you, his lower lip stuck between his teeth. You couldn't help but stare at him he looked so beauti-
No Y/n don't get stuck into his irresistible beauty.
Your light cough brought Sehun back to reality.
- “So basically you just have to start off by dividing these two numbers”
Sehuns eyes were still piercing into you, and you were here absolutely flustered pretending not to feel his gaze.
- “y/n”
You stopped talking and looked at him questioningly.
- “Sorry, am I going too fast?”
You and Sehun were sharing gazes.
- “y/n”
His body came closer to yours and you froze on your spot.
- “Seh-”
You were taken aback when Sehun's soft plush lips landed on yours. Your eyes widened, you were shocked to say the least. Sehuns hands snaked at the small of your back pulling you into the kiss. His warmth that you missed so dearly, this moment you were waiting for so long. You gave into him, something you promised yourself you would never do. Your nails started to play with the small brown locks. Your tongues were clashing together, your bodies stuck to each other. You yelped when Sehun picked you up so that you were straddled onto his lap. The sound of tables and chairs falling over blended into the background. You didn't care, he didn't care, you both needed this, you both wanted this. You started to grind up on his lap in need, a small whimper came out of Sehun's lips, and you felt wet, you felt exposed, you felt blessed. You loved every bit of this, form him biting on your lips, leaving love marks on the crook of your neck. Pang! Reality hit you when you felt his hardness on your woman hood. You placed your hands on top of his hard chest and pushed him away harshly. Sehun looked at you with a confused look, his eyes hooded with slight lust visible. You looked back at him confused, frustrated, annoyed, you felt like crying, but most of all you wanted to feel his lips on yours, you wanted to touch him again. Sehun noticed the silence and he started to panic.
- “y/n.. No… please…. don't….leave me I beg you.”
- “Just like you did to me? Just like you left me?”
You looked at Sehun eyes filled with sadness.
- “y/n please, hear me out”
His hands snaked around you to hold you closer, to make sure you won't leave him.
- “ I know what happened between you and Ji Hee, don't worry, I know you wanted to protect me. But Sehun, you really did hurt me, you made me cry, you made me hate you. You made me feel like garbage, you made me feel things that I should never feel about someone I love.”
Sehuns eyes widened. Did he just hear that?
- “W-what?”
You looked at him placing your forehead against his, tears visible in your beautiful eyes.
- “I loved you, heck I still do, but you left me, just like you said you wouldn't.”
He was staring at you with awe, the girl he was in love with for years loves him back? Sehun knew that he had hurt you, something that he will never forgive himself for.
- “y/n I- I don't want you to go anywhere, please stay here…. please…. I love you more than anything in this world, Forgive me, I regret everything I have done I never wanted to hurt you, that’s the last thing I wanted to to. I just don't want anything to happen to you, I was scared, Ji Hee is a dangerous girl, you have seen what she has done to the other girls. I regret listening to her, I regret leaving you guys for them, I regret getting scared, I regret making you cry, I regret making you hate me. I am sorry… I am so fucking sorry”
Sehuns head hung low avoiding your gaze, although his hands were still tightly wrapped around you. You took a hold of his cheeks in your warm hands.
- “You’re so stupid sometimes Sehun.”
You smiled softly at him, Sehun leaned forward and placed his lips back onto yours. You responded to the kiss quickly. Your lips moving the way they did before.
- “Does that mean you forgive me”
Sehun asked into the kiss.
You pressed yourself harder against him.
- “ Surprisingly yes.”
You could feel his smile creeping into the kiss. Both of you leaned away from each other's lips, giggles, and smiles all over the place. You felt Sehun's long fingers trace the side of your neck and your gaze followed the spot.
- “Sehun ! Did you just give me a hickey”
Your wide eyes looked back at sehun while your lips left a small scoff. Sehun responded with a small shrug and grinned big.
- “At Least Chanyeol will know that you belong to me”
You flicked his forehead with your two fingers.
- “ I always have”
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