#new yume huh
blooming-cecilia · 1 year
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me when im self indulgent once again
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Groovy: Let’s make some memories we’ll never forget! Say Cheese!
Here is Yume's groovy birthday card! Fun fact I drew this one first before the basic card one. This is half art/half edit. I wanted to make it look most like a card so I used some twst refences and had a lot of fun with it.
Yume and Leona's dynamic is very fun! I'll post Yume's birthday interview in a few days!
Voice lines and Duo magic under below:
Summon: Ah, I was waiting for you to show up. We can’t start the celebration without you!
Summon 2: *mimicking Idia’s voice* “Fuheehee, here comes the birthday boy~” Ah, sorry just an inside joke, haha.
Groovy: Let’s make some memories we’ll never forget! Say Cheese!
Set Home: Ready for the “surprise!” hehe!
Home Idle: Yuuta and Yuuhi made me a special pizza cake for my birthday! It’s so tasty, you have to try some!
Idle 2: Ruggie keeps bugging me to let him do chores for me today, but I don’t have anything I need done. All he needs to do is be there after all; that’s a friend's only real job on your birthday!
Idle 3: Deuce gave me a charm for my keys; it’s a matching set; look how cute it is!
Idle Groovy: Like my jacket? I designed it myself! It’s not completely Ignihyde, but not fully Ramshackle either. It belongs somewhere in the middle… like me! Hehe! *smiles*
Home Login: Wow this is a bigger party then I thought…hey, will you stay close to me for a bit…Thanks!
Tap: Phew~ Jamil just barely stopped Kalim from running a whole parade through here. Please Kalim, the introverted Ignihyde students would perish instantly!
Tap 2: Grim drew me a picture of the two of us together for my birthday. It’s getting the highest honors; right on the fridge!
Tap 3: Riddle gifted me an assortment of teas; we drank them together! They were way sweeter than I imagined.
Tap 4: Hm? Idia’s gift? Oh, we celebrated my birthday early last night, just the two of us!...HEY! Not like that! Don’t make that face! o///o 
Tap 5: *talking to self*...the origin of the idea came from ancient mages who used their powers to manifest their desires by using the power of the cosmos…” Hm…didn’t I read this before?…Huh! Oh! Sorry, I was just reading the book Leona gave me! It’s really interesting!
Tap Groovy: Instead of just fixing my glasses like a normal mage; Leona had Ruggie make me an eye glasses appointment to get a new prescription…I mean…I guess it's kinda nice? But still, I’ll have Trey or Idia fix my original pair.
Duo Magic
Yume: Here comes a big play; you ready, old man?
Leona: Heh, don’t fall behind, runt!
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pukanavis · 5 months
Fuyume Hanamura Idol Story 2
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ーA basic studio within the ES building, two years since the establishment of ES
Fuyume: …
Midori: …
(What am I supposed to do?)
(This new kid…Hanamura-san, was it? The staff told him that I'm going to be using my experience in the field to guide him through today’s job.)
(It’s already been a whole 20 minutes since then and neither of us have said a word to each other..)
Fuyume: …
Midori: (I-I have to do what they told me to and teach him what he needs to do. I know I suck at this stuff but between the two of us, I’m the one who’s more familiar with this type of work.)
(But there’s no way I can bring myself to do it. I really, really don’t want to.)
(This kid is radiating an aura that screams ‘don’t talk to me’...this whole time, he’s been doing something on his phone while occasionally whispering and muttering to himself.)
(I think…he’s even been taking selfies and posting them online…?)
(It feels like he’s in a world of his own making.)
(I’m scared~, I don’t like it~ , I don’t wanna talk to him~...)
(Now that I think about it, he was there listening when the staff put me in charge of coaching him so he must know what’s going on too.)
(He should be turning to me and saying something like ‘Please give me your guidance, Senpai!’. It’s the polite thing to do, really.)
Fuyume: …Um.
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Midori: !? Y-Yes? What’s the matter…?
Fuyume: …They’re calling Yume.
Midori: (Huh, what does that mean? Is he one of those people that hear voices that aren’t there? Is he 'cuckoo', as people used to say?)
Fuyume: It looks like it’s time for Yume to go up now.
Midori: (Oh, right, the staff are calling for him. Seems like they’re ready to start the shoot.)
(What do I do? I didn’t teach him how to do a single thing.)
(From what I’ve heard, it sounds like this kid is a popular amateur model? I think they call it a cos…player?)
(There’s no need for me to come in acting high and mighty and tell him what to do, right?)
(I bet he’s already familiar with how these jobs work. He seems so confident for some reason…?)
Fuyume: Fufufu. Yume will do his best.
Today, you’re all invited to step into Yume’s world
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Fuyume: Sniffle. Sniffle sniffle.
Midori: (What am I supposed to do?)
(All that confidence he was giving off was just a front…)
(He doesn’t know the first thing about professional modelling and kept insisting on using methods from his amateur days.)
(I wonder what that one staff member did to have this kid going off at him the entire time? Just when I thought he’s behaving well, he suddenly started berating and denying that guy’s humanity.)
(Not to mention all the complaints he has about the lighting or the costume...)
(He started telling the staff to take pictures from his cutest angle and even asked to wear the outfit he had brought along himself.)
(After all the back and forth, it was agreed to put the shoot on hold for a while. When this guy realised the staff weren’t going to listen to his opinions, that's when the tears started...)
(The staff asked me to see if I could do something to motivate him or change his mindset but…is that even in the job description? Shouldn’t this be the responsibility of a manager or something?)
(Who am I kidding? We probably wouldn’t be in this mess if I had just done my job and shown him what to do from the start.)
(I’m at fault here too, so I feel like I should at least do something.)
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Fuyume: Midori-sama.
Midori: Huh? Yes, what’s…wait, ‘Midori-sama’ ?
Fuyume: Yume has seen you in a magazine before and thought you were as dashing as a prince. Fufu.
So you’re Midori-sama. ‘Cause you’re a prince. Fufufu.
Needless to say, you don’t have what it takes to be called Yume’s prince, since that title is already taken by another.
There is no sin in beauty. Fufufufu.
Midori: (Huh…? What is he talking about…? I don’t understand a word that’s coming out of his mouth. Are all the kids like this these days…?)
(Hey, wait a second? He’s acting surprisingly unfazed for somebody that I thought was crying into his hands just a minute ago? Was he faking it…?)
Fuyume: Melon soda, plum and kelp tea, coffee.
Midori: ? What? Are you casting some kind of spell?
Fuyume: I’m trying to make the drink that Esu found during his adventure. What else was in it again…?
Midori: I-It’s going to taste awful if you mix so many random flavours together.
Fuyume: I’ll be able to drink it. I will drink it. I want to relive Esu’s story for myself.
Bottoms up. Glug glug…
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Fuyume: …
Midori: Tastes awful, huh…? I warned you not to drink it. You can tell just from looking at it how bad of an idea that is.
Here, spit it into this cup.
Fuyume: Urgh, Yume has a long way to go.
His image of a perfect princess is still far out of reach.
—I’m sorry, Midori-sama.
Midori: Uh, for what? I can’t keep up with this conversation…
Fuyume: Yume messed up again…he couldn’t keep his ego in check and screwed up the job. He even made Midori-sama mad.
So…Yume is sorry.
Midori: Oh, uh, you did cause a lot of problems but…no, nevermind, that’s not true. I should be apologising too. I was trusted to be your mentor but I haven’t taught you a single thing.
I’ve failed as a senpai, huh?
Fuyume: It’s alright. Besides, even if you had given Yume some pointers, if he didn’t like what he heard, he'd probably just get annoyed and ignore you.
He’s always been like this—so egotistical. It’s the only princess quality he has.
Regardless, Yume is sorry. The staff member that Yume was blowing up at was someone he had met before. They'd shown up to one of Yume’s photo shoots in the past with a super bigheaded attitude.
They were giving out business cards and masquerading as a professional. It was seriously the worst, they started taking over and ruined the mood on set.
A photo shoot is supposed to be a part of Yume’s world.
Ever since that day, Yume hasn’t been able to forget all the hate and frustration that he felt. When he saw that they were here today, he couldn’t stop his emotions from bursting out.
Yume can’t stand being in their line of sight. He hates being treated like a toy and having that person making up their own ideas of him…so, uhm, he’s sorry.
Yume honestly never wanted to cause all this trouble for you.
Yume was hoping we could get along…he wanted to talk to you but he was too embarrassed and nervous to know how to.
You looked like you were in a bad mood today, Midori-sama. The vibe you were giving off made it seem like you didn’t want anyone to approach you.
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Midori: (Oh…)
(So we both had the same impression of each other…I should’ve known that he’d be feeling nervous about his first professional job.)
(Even I was feeling anxious when I first arrived on set.)
(I know how it feels to be in his position…that’s exactly why they asked me to be his mentor today.)
(I’m terrible, aren’t I? I’m never going to make any growth.)
Fuyume: Yes?
Midori: Let’s go and apologise to the staff once you’ve had a drink and taken a moment to calm down.
Fuyume: Yume doesn’t want to apologise.
Midori: Oh…okay, I understand. If you want, I can go and ask for the staff member that doesn't like you to be removed.
It’s within our right to request things like that. You can even step away from jobs you don’t want to do too.
Fuyume: …
Midori: That being said, if we don’t do our jobs properly, we’ll cause problems for even those that don’t have anything against you, Hanamura-san.
We'll end up being hated and labelled as 'someone I don't want to work with' by the people around us.
Fuyume: Yume hates being hated.
Midori: Then let’s go and give them a proper apology. Once we’ve done that, we can focus on finishing off the job.
It might be late, but I’ll teach you the correct methods to use. Since I’m your senpai, I’ll make sure I put you on the right path.
Admittedly, this’ll be tough for me…I’m not important enough to be bossing people around, and I suck at talking to people too.
Fuyume: Mm…Yume isn’t good at it either. People always seem to get confused when he tries to have a normal conversation with them. It’s weird.
Midori: That was meant to be a normal conversation earlier…? You really do live in a world of your own.
(Crap, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. He’s probably going to get mad at me now. Judging by the way he seems to hate being challenged, I’ll bet that he always had his way in the amateur world.)
Fuyume: Fufufu. Thank you, Midori-sama.
Midori: (Huh? He took it surprisingly well? This kid doesn't make any sense to me…)
Fuyume: Yume wants to put his world on display for everyone to see.
He's grateful that you noticed its existence.
You made Yume happy, so Yume must thank you.
Fufufufu, Yume just had a sudden burst of motivation. He’s going to turn over a new leaf and do the very best he can to make sure this job is a success. 
Midori: R-Right…I’m glad you’ve found some motivation.
I’ll do some reflecting of my own and give it my all too.
Let’s work together to finish this job, Hanamura-san.
Fuyume: Stop saying ‘Hanamura-san’, Yume wants you to call him ‘Yume’ instead. It’s been getting on his nerves all day. Yume doesn’t feel like working anymore.
Midori: Whaaat…?
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sotogalmo · 1 month
12 — 1:11 am
NEWS: The well-behaved and loved pet human — 000478; Yume Nagai — has been found to have committed suicide,
After being found with a pair of scissors in hands and the victim: 121321 (Sebastian), being found with blood stains and a huge gash on his left arm.
There are possibly more victims as 121321 was saying when he was interviewed but only the ones closest to 000478.
His method is not the scissors, but the vial- the “gift” he was making— but we cannot dismiss it because of the fresh cut that is close to a vein on his right wrist; and a clear line of blood on his neck
After that, 000478's room is nothing but a ghost "town". And we could never find out what his reason was for such an attack on those who were close to him; and we don't know if they are still alive just like 121321 is. And about 121321; his left eye mark was never done for a re-look (it's smeared, and it's more like it was made to be a tear mark now. Like some clown paint; of a star and a tear on their cheeks)
121321 was lucky to be alive after this; due to his talent of running.
"ah... ... Such an awful sight."
"sorry to, keep you waiting."
"you've done well. So, how was it?"
"right, well, it seems as though, the.. doll has already been taken away..."
"hm, I see..."
"furthermore, this matter does appear to be linked, to that woman... Margar."
"Noël...it looks like we'll need to investigate deeper, huh?"
. . "..."
. . .
"let's go, Bastienne. To AREPH."
"Yes, understood. Orian."
(AREPH: @bluemoonscape . <- also I think you can find some similarities in appearances with Sebastian and Eddy via eye. If it is It's left eye that has the mark)
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itsukismoon · 3 months
Yumekuro Artbook - Q&A (Yume Tsumugi)
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>>> tsukiwatari ver. - magia seminar ver.
Introductions: Canaan, the ring-maker. What I like are sweet sweet foods. …Ah. I’m silently sneaking out of the workshop right now, so please be quiet so they don’t catch me 🎶
MC first impressions: “Such soft cheeks”. Squishing them would calm me and give me motivation… I like them. However, I underestimated her tracking abilities… no matter where I go to slack off, she finds me pretty quickly. Hehe.
Bezer first impressions: Professor Bezel is super passionate. It’s amazing. I guess I’m surprised he’s that attached to me. I think it’d be good if he slacked off sometimes… wouldn’t that make him a better teacher, that understands his students’ feelings?
Meister you’re close with: Hmm, I don’t know. I don’t know if we really get along, but Volks always makes me behave. It’s like he’s always keeping an eye on me. It’s annoying, so I think I’ll seriously try to run away next time.
Introductions: I’m Adel, tailor for the royal warrant guild, Yume Tsumugi. I’ll tell you immediately: I only makes clothes for people I approve of. No matter how important their position or status. There are no exceptions.
MC first impressions: I was exasperated at the arrival of such a rookie. When she chose to speak, the content of her questions, everything was unpromising. Or so I thought— the speed at which she grows and her competitive spirit are not bad at all.
Jin first impressions: Jin, huh…. That one is so impatient there’s nothing to do about it. He quickly succumbs to his desires and indulges in as much pleasure as he can. At first, I thought he was knowledgable and with a good eye— though at least he has the good sense to be ashamed of himself. I’ll just have to wait and see how long he can keep up his self-control/abstinence.
Meister you’re close with: …unfortunately, there is no one up to such title. By the way, just to be on the safe side, if I you ever find me excessively praising the Meister named Merryrose, it’d be because of his powers, not because I truly mean it, alright? You better remember it.
Introductions: I'm Volks, a gems appraiser belonging to the royal warrant guild Yume Tsumugi. In addition to appraising gemstones, I’m also the guild leader and coordinate the royal family's activities. I look forward to working with you.
MC first impressions: I felt that she had the skills to be a winged guild keeper (TN: guild keepers have a wings shaped badge and Emma has it, idk if all guild keepers or only some of the best ones have it), and I was also drawn to that hidden charm of hers. I felt the need to make that brilliance shine even more beautifully by polishing it with my own hands. I got a little carried away.
Mel first impressions: I do not believe the time spent talking to Mel to be an unpleasant one. His knowledge and insight are remarkable, and above all, he is a diamond in the rough that is worth polishing. I plan to continue enjoying interacting with him in the future.
Meister you’re close with: I often eat meals together with Gastronomy’s Oscar, and we have a good relationship. I empathise with his greed in pursuit of fine cuisine. Whenever I entertain him, deciding on the menu is quite stressful.
Introductions: Dream perfumer, Merryrose. I belong to the royal warrant guild Yumetsumugi. The flowers on my arm? Don’t worry, don’t worry- Oh, that’s right. You shouldn’t get too close to me. Unless you want to be utterly charmed by me, mh?
MC first impressions: An interesting one. Her emotions are always showing on her face; she’ll react to everything. She’ll get mad if I play around too much with Adele, so I thought I’d found a new good person to tease, buuut… you never really know what’s going to happen in life.
Jester first impressions: Jester, huh… he’s so seriously out of his mind, it’s annoying. And what the hell do you mean by partner? (TN: The question asked is to talk about their “partner”, obv not in the romantic sense, aka the black fairies). He’s the one who decided to get attached to me on his own. He says there’s no shortage of unfortunate stories whenever he’s with me… tell a super happy story for once (?), dammit.
Meister you’re close with: It’s a guild thing, but Adel? It might not be mutual, since I’m only playing around with him one-sidedly… well, I like my guild mates. They’re strong-willed, so it’s easy being around them. Though I sometimes get really pissed at Volks’ unreasonable requests.
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rosemaze-reveries · 27 days
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my princess 🫦 a few days ago the yume devil visited me again and i was like . huh. . . .. devotion that corrupts.. . he totally lost his shit but everything stemmed from love in the end for this guy. … hm . woke up with a new favorite LOL
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kousaka-ayumu · 1 year
Song of Lust
NSFW warnings: like the previous one-shot but more rough, pregnancy kink, breeding kink.
Warning: this may contain the usual yandere content like stalking, mentions of killings, and Cole being a controlling, possessive and manipulator of a "bf".
Background ships: OceanStorm(Jay x Nya)
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It's been like 2 years(After the graduation of the Ninjago High School Students) since Cole Brookstone have an.... Intense NSFW moments that he wouldn't forget but for Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon he wanted to forget it all.
Ever since his new "Boyfriend" started killing a lot of his bullies, most of the students avoided the blonde boy not wanting to get killed by the Black Pumpkin who was Cole.
Speaking of which Cole and Lloyd are having another NSFW moment at his house again like last time.
Lloyd moaned softly in pleasure as Cole's hand pinching the Green Ninja's nipples and his other one fingering his vagina causing Lloyd to moan in pleasure as he grinded his hips against Cole's cock causing the Black Ninja to moaned a bit. He currently has condom on his cock.
"Gosh, you really are needy huh, my muse?~"
"Yes, I-I needed your cock! Please I couldn't take it anymore! J-just fuck me! Please- Ahh!~" he was interrupted with a moan as Cole's hard cock thrust into him causing the blonde male to moan louder in pleasure as the black ninja's finger fully entered his pussy causing him to moan loudly in pleasure as Cole continued to thrust into Lloyd who was a moaning mess as his cock brushed against his g-spot causing the blonde male to scream loudly in pleasure "Ahh!~ there!~" He yelled out in pleasure as the Black Ninja continued to thrust his cock against Lloyd's g-spot causing him to scream loudly in pleasure "Hah!~" Lloyd moaned out as Cole pinned Lloyd to bed, thrusting his hips into him shamelessly as his dick twitches causing Lloyd to moan in pleasure as he continues to thrust against his g-spot"I-I'm g-gonna cum C- Hah!~" Lloyd moaned loudly as he cummed.
As Lloyd was panting tired from the sex he had with Cole, the black haired ninja looked at Lloyd's body, filled with his love marks all over his feminine body.
But the blonde boy didn't say anything as he is sleeping right now, the black haired ninja smiled at the him as he put a blanket over himself and Lloyd and closed his eyes as he fell asleep.
The next day.
As Lloyd hide himself in the empty forest just outside the city, singing happily as he dances to his favorite Love Live songs, he already did that with Yume e no Ippo Ippo and Dream With You back then but since his legs we're still hurt from having sex the night before he was sitting on the log as he is singing "Break The System".
< Zettaiteki zennou shisutemu>
<Kutsugaesu arugorizumu>
<Noizu mamire disutooshon>
<Deguchi no nai dimenshon>
Kioku wa senmei de maru de genjitsu de
Hagayui hodo natsukashii
Atarimae nante sonzai shinakute
Soredemo kimi wa itsumo mabushii hikari
What he didn't know was that Cole was watching him from behind the trees, he followed him, he was recording him singing it.
Ah yume no naka naraba
Ah kowashite ike ruuru nante nai kara
Kuruidasu shisutemu
Genshou suru entoropii
Kirihiraku mirai
Koete ike mugendai e
Ima tokihanate
Takusareta negai saijoukai made
Waruagaki datte mikansei demo
Bekutoru sadamete
Azayaka ni sekai egaite
<Break The System>
<Zettaiteki zennou shisutemu>
<Kutsugaesu arugorizumu>
<Noizu mamire disutooshon>
<Deguchi no nai dimenshon>
Hitotsu no guuzen ga kiseki no iregyuraa
Kasanaru jishaku no you ni hikiyose atte
Yuganda seorii ga michibiku unmei wa
Kono te de yaburu paradokkusu
Jama wa sasenai
Ah mujuuryoku no oozora e
Ah tobashite ike kyoukaisen koeru made
Bousou houkai sunzen
Souzou zessuru kanjou
Tachimukau announ
Kaete ike fukagyakusei nara
Kiesouna hodo kasukana kibou demo
Shinjita sono kokoro o
Tomosu kagayaki o
Kanarazu asu e tsunaide
Kanashimi no tane kara wa
Tsuyoku hakanai hana ga mebaeru
Utsukushiku kuruizaku
Mamorubeki mirai ni ai aru kagiri wa
Koete ike mugendai e
Ima tokihanate
Takusareta negai saijoukai made
Waruagaki datte mikansei demo
Bekutoru sadamete
Azayaka ni sekai egaite
Shinjita sono kokoro o
Tomosu kagayaki o
Kanarazu asu e tsunaide
As Lloyd finished singing it, just in time for Cole to finished recording it, he didn't wanted to send it to rest of the group cause only he himself can hear his boyfriend's singing voice.
Cause to him Lloyd is an angel, the light, and his little melody.. Speaking of which, he better prevent some people from hearing Lloyd's voice and making sure that only he and hear it but maybe he let the others know about it, maybe one day..
All of the sudden he accidentally stepped on a stick which grabbed Lloyd's attention.
"What was that?!" He said softly as he was getting ready to defend himself, but there was nothing in general. "Oh, it was nothing." He said softly to himself as he walked away not knowing that Cole was there.
Time Skip
As Lloyd was back in his room looking at his laptop which ravealed that he was applying for a music related college, although the city did accept him after he ravealed his identity as the Green Ninja, there we're still some people hated him and didn't allow him to attend their schools, he decided to apply it in a college for music away from Ninjago Island, away from the people who hated him and most importantly away from Cole.
He was terrified of the Black Ninja, ever since he revealed himself as the Black Pumpkin he became more possessive over him and the moment he ravealed his relationship with the rest of their teammates they were happy, they don't know what had happened but they were happy for it.
But they don't know the whole truth, the reason Lloyd kept silent about it is that he didn't want anyone to get hurt, he didn't want his mother to get hurt, he didn't want Master Wu to get hurt, he didn't want Alyssa to get hurt, he didn't want the rest of the team to get hurt and most importantly he didn't want Zane to get hurt.
When he shared the news with the others, they were saddened by the news but nonetheless they were happy to hear that Lloyd was pursuing his dreams of becoming an Idol, even though they don't really know what he sounds like when he's singing.
But Cole wasn't happy about it, he didn't want Lloyd to get away from him, he wanted make sure that Lloyd was his and his only and no one else.
He's planning on applying in the same music college Lloyd was going for, but he's not going to tell anyone about it until Lloyd left.
The next scene revealed Lloyd at the airport, with the others behind him.
"Promise that you visit us?" Jay said "We will." Lloyd said with a smile on his face
"Promise that you bring us some souvenirs when you're back okay!" Kai said, "Y-yeah." Lloyd said, well stuttered.
Alyssa raised her eyebrows a little at his response"I hope you're taken care of yourself Lloyd." She said.
"Well, it's time for me to go. Bye." Lloyd said as he brought his suitcase and looked at the others and waved back saying goodbye.
Bot for some reason he felt like Cole was glaring at him menacingly, whatever it was nothing right? Right?...
Part 3
(If anyone wanted to know which college did Lloyd was applying for? It's The Institute of Music)
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goldenteaset · 29 days
lol I saw your tags on that toxic boyfriend post and (I apologize deeply if this may be uncomfy at all) *would* Belial ever cheat on Cammy or is he too smitten with her to even do that?
I ask because I also have a yume/self-ship thing going on and like...it is angsty and would hella hurt but at the same time my mind thinks of it like faulting a viper for having fangs. I see this dynamic a lot in Belial/Lucilius fics, where even though he is still devoted to his Faa-san...he still seeks out others on the side. BUT then idk if this is a result of it being an only onesided love VS how he would be in a mutual, requited love.
Aww, thanks for thinking of my comfort, anon. Agreed about it feeling like "blaming the viper" (good line)! Sometimes I like the idea of Belial sleeping around too, if only in a very unrealistic "miserable wives find pleasure and solace in his dark embrace" sort of way. He definitely did that while in hiding... :3c
But to answer your question! Normally I would say "Yes, the relationship is still new and Belial expected to be out of Cammy's life in a month tops". The catch, though, is that in this setting he and Lucilius have had a nightmarish, cataclysmic breakup, and now as you say, he has a "mutual, requited love" with Cammy. So yes, he could cheat on this woman who genuinely appreciates his company (they’ve been having less sex than he expected, yet he’s still pleased), is happy with even the smallest gift, gets at least halfway to matching his freak*, and would hug him every day no strings attached…but the perks are too good to pass up. Unless she asks him to, I guess? But that’s a whole other story.
And also on some level Cammy expected him to cheat at the start, she called him a “wagtail” (very archaic term for a manwhore) when they first met, which in retrospect I really should have led with, huh… XD
*Considering how wide-ranging Belial’s sexual appetites are, halfway is pretty good I think :D
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digital-binary-bunny · 5 months
Ah, I should make an intro post huh...
Uh... hi!!! You can call me Mel, or Bunny, or some other name you feel fits! I thought it would be fun to make an agere sideblog, so here it is!
[As this is a sideblog, interactions will come from @chicken-huggit!]
Some things you should know:
♡ If you are not an agere blog and are uncomfortable with me interacting with you, please let me know and I will remove your content from my blog!
♡ I am an adult (21+) [If you're curious abt my exact age, ask in a DM!]
♡ I identify most closely as a demigirl or femme nonbinary. Both she/her and they/them pronouns are cool with me!
♡ I guess I'm what you'd call a flip? Tbh I'm still pretty new to the agere community on here;;
♡ When I regress, I'd say I'm about 4 years old-ish. Other than that, I'm inclined towards older sibling mindset!
♡ I am autistic with other minor mental illnesses I'm not comfortable disclosing.
♡ I'm also a self-shipper! I have an old side blog and no I'm not telling you!!
♡ I'm either bunny or big sibs-ter, no in between with me lol
♡ I don't really have a CG at the moment, however I do have some fictional CGs!
♡ I do sometimes post about mature games. I will tag them appropriately, of course!
Please don't interact if...
♡ You meet the general DNI criteria (no -isms or -ists, etc. Nazis are KOS)
♡ You're a NSFW/Kink Blog. My content is not for you.
♡ You're just going to be a jerk! I've been on the internet longer than most, I'm just gonna block you lol
It's okay to interact if...
♡ You're gonna be chill! Yes, even if you think you're gonna annoy me!
♡ You're another SFW agere blog! I always welcome more friends!
♡ You're a Caregiver! I'm not looking, but I don't mind folks interacting and filling in lol
Things I like and will probably end up posting about at some point:
Helldivers 2
Hazbin Hotel
Stardew Valley
Needy Streamer Overload
Project Zomboid
Hunt: Showdown
Fallout (mostly New Vegas)
RPG Maker Games (think Yume Nikki, OFF, Ib... The "old school" stuff!)
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Puella Magi Madoka Magica/ Magia Record
Over the Garden Wall
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure Drama CD 2 (Character Song + Mini Drama 2)
It's pretty funny how both this CD and the previous one begin with Butterfly. I guess the CD needed an OP just like the anime! Christmas isn't mentioned once on this CD by the way...
Download link
Drama Translation
Koushiro and the Missing Whereabouts of Love
In this mini drama Koushiro is writing a love letter on his laptop and the gang find out. Everyone mobs him with questions and excitement and then he flies away with Kabuterimon to escape.
I don't have much to say about this one because it was so short. The only thing I found kind of amusing was that Yamato defends Koushiro at first but then is like "actually, I want to see it too teehee."
When I read the translation for this, there were actually more characters involved than I realized. There were so many people talking over each other that I completely missed Gomamon was there lol.
Image Song 1 - VERSION UP (Koushiro Izumi)
I hate to say it, cuz Koushiro is my fave, but I think this was one of the weaker image songs. I like the appropriately nerdy title, but the lyrics were too abstract to be interesting. Something about changing the world for the better.
I did get a kick out of hearing Koushiro singing at least. I kinda wish the digimon had duets with their human partners. Hearing Tentomon singing would be hilarious (maybe that comes later).
Mimi’s Overly Self-Conscious Plans for World Domination
The gang capture Koushiro and continue debating over who he wrote his love letter to. Mimi is very confident that it's herself and goes on and on about how all men fall for her. Koushiro is apparently gagged so can't protest.
Kinda weird jokes in this one. They say that Koushiro would be unhappy with Sora because she'd have him whipped (which...where did that come from?) And then they do the whole "you can't date my younger sister" crap. Yamato chimed in that if he was Taichi he wouldn't let Koushiro date Hikari...why does he care? Just unfunny early 2000s gags lol
Another obscure reference joke. This time about The Kindaichi Case Files. Definitely had to wikipedia that one. This CD wasn't exactly written to hold up in the future, huh?
Image Song 2 - Because We Can See Each Other Anytime (Mimi Tachikawa)
I loved this one, extreme Mimi vibes. Nothing to do with saving the world or facing your fears, just a poppy love song. I guess there's definitely a tinge of melancholy to it. It sounds like it's about a long distance relationship.
I liked the lyrics and imagery in this one, especially the line about minds leaving bodies and meeting without any restrictions. It almost felt like a song about love during COVID lol.
Hikari’s Weak Constitution
Okay, this one was basically just a shit post lol. It starts off following up on the previous part with the gang discussing who Koushiro is writing a love letter to and then it just descends into chaos. Very "lol randum" kinda humor with the characters saying lines that have nothing to do with the situation. Kinda funny, mostly stupid.
Booo we don't even get to figure out who the letter was to because they beep it out. Hikari politely asking us to listen to her song was cute tho lol.
Image Song 3 - Holy Light (Hikari Yagami)
Another kind of abstract one only this one has weird psuedo-religious vibes. Typical of anime to do that though. I guess it makes sense with all the angel digimon. Gonna interpret this one as being about having faith in dark times. (Maybe not in the Christian sense tho lol)
Hikari's voice is really cute. I kind of wish there were animations of the characters singing these. Maybe if someone made an AMV with lip sync...
Preview for the Next CD
There's a little "next time on Digimon Adventure" preview at the end haha. Nice touch. No translation so I had to figure this one out on my own. Something about "hatsu yume" which is the first dream you have in the New Year.
I cracked the code, the reason why the cover art for this CD is Christmas themed is because it came out in December. Still weird, but okay...
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industria-adastra · 7 months
[Vampire Knight] - If I'm to be reborn, I'll find you (again, again, again) - CHAPTER TWO: ruler of my heart (you outburn the sun)
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Summary: He hates her, he loves her, he hates her. He misses her. (The only place he can have her is in his dreams)
Note: Hopefully I'm getting better at this updating consistently thing but yeah zero's chapter. Next chapter is going to be kaname/yume focused again sorry zero or zeki enjoyers.
He’s not the first one to hear of the news. In fact, he’s neither the second, nor third (and so on) recipient of the fact that Kuran Yuuki is dead. Zero doesn’t hear it from the Chairman, his teacher, Kaito, or even from one of the vampires. In hindsight, perhaps he should have been more suspicious, should have questioned the way paperwork always found its way to his desk unceasingly—leaving him with no time to focus on the outside world.
Zero simply hears of it in passing whilst heading out for lunch, through a conversation between two nameless hunters—discussing it like changes in the weather.
“Did you hear? Kuran Yuuki is dead.”
“Another pureblood gone, huh… Wonder if it was her brother that did her in?”
“The rapidly decreasing execution missions would likely clue you into the answer.”
“Right, right.”
It’s hysterically, laughably casual in the way such information comes to him.
(It can’t be real. It can’t be real. It can’t be real—)
The world seems to stop on its axis, and Zero wonders if he should’ve simply ignored his desire for shio ramen today. After all, it’s not like he has an appetite now. His stomach roils with discomfort at the thought of food, and his throat itches for a scant few seconds before it burns. A sandstorm swirls and tears at his flesh. Mind blank, Zero goes where his feet wish to travel, content to let his mind stay in a haze.
He ends up in the association bathrooms, throwing up nothing but paltry strings of bile and choking on his spit.
There is too much work to be done. The vampire world, for one, was going through a massive societal upheaval. Zero simply couldn't do anything more than throw up into an association toilet before being fed an ungodly amount of paperwork as if he were some humanoid paper shredder.
And maybe it's because more than four years ago, just over a year ago—with Ichiru dead in his arms—he's finally refined a true and tried method for every loss he's been through. Every thought of her is locked behind a glass vault, buried six feet under,  the key left behind to collect dust. Zero works through papers and decimates his targets with the same ease. Every stroke of his pen is enforced with the explosive sound of his gun, of ashes in the wind. Rinse and repeat, his days all blur together in their sameness.
Months later, on a job just like any other, Zero walks into a department store and sees a long coat, hanging neatly from the racks. Stupidly, he thinks, ‘Yuuki would probably say I should get it if she saw it.’ And then, oh, how it hits him at that very moment.
Yuuki is dead.
Yuuki is dead.
Yuuki is dead.
Apparently, it had been the pureblood Shirabuki Sara. A pureblood through and through, she’d sent pawns to do her dirty work.
But she’d miscalculated the consequences of her actions, as all those high up on their thrones of arrogance were prone to doing so.
So she too, is dead, consumed by the pureblood king Kuran Kaname—he’s slaughtered more influential vampires than any hunter ever would in their lifetime. In the privacy of his thoughts, Zero thinks that had he the power and madness to do so, he would’ve too.
Sanity is both a blessing and a curse, because there is nothing else for Zero to turn to but his thoughts alone.
Roaring water fills his ears, and Zero sits, unmoving on the wet shower tiles. Steam fogs up the room, blurring his vision. He watches the water run down the drain for hours, washing the grime caked on his body until his fingers are all pruned and his skin is red with heat. His stomach is growling at him, and the water bill is for sure going to shoot up with this, but Zero can’t bring himself to care much about the future right now. 
(Any second now, she might barge into the bathroom to demand usage of the shower, to dramatically proclaim that he’s spent too long hogging it, to threaten to turn off the hot water in a minute even if she never ends up doing it.
But this apartment houses only him, and is far away from that Academy, far away from all those precious yet painful memories. The tiles aren’t even the right colour, beige, off-white, and an intense white that could be comparable to that of a strobe light. The shampoo and body wash he’s bought—the same one she always used in the Academy, a subtle floral scent of roses—only serve to highlight all the differences he can find between his current bathroom and the one in his memories.)
The doorbell suddenly rings, insistent and unfaltering like a military march. Zero is sure it’s been modified because there’s no way a regular doorbell could be so annoyingly loud like the one he has. With the way it’s blaring in his ears every second, it’s clear that whoever’s behind the door won’t take his silent refusal as an answer. 
The water continues to flow into the drain, taking with it the numerous dissolving blood tablets strewn across the wet floor.  
For a moment, Zero allows himself to be deluded by the idea that it’s her behind the door—-she’d always been as stubborn as a mule when she put her mind to it. But it is the sound of the doorbell that echoes in his ears, not an annoyed rat-a-tat-tat followed by the creak of an opening door. What follows is sandy blond hair and the glint of spectacles. They stare at each other for a moment, the headmaster and him. Nearby, the water continues to flow.
Even now, Zero can never truly parse the emotion behind those glasses of his.
“You know she wouldn’t want to see you like this.”
And even now, the headmaster’s words are as precise as his killing blows. Hearing them, Zero flinches. They stab into him, tearing open wounds until the pain is nothing but white numbness. But the mention of her, as always, pushes him to move on the legs of a shambling corpse. His hand slams against the bathroom tiles; the force of it is always degrees lower than it could be.
“How do you know what she would’ve wanted?” His words are acrid, angry in a way he doesn’t want to explain. “She’s gone. She’s not coming back.” Zero grits his teeth, looking straight at Kaien Cross’s eyes before he spits out a final bout of venom. “She’s been dead ever since she became one of them.”
Yet like always, the headmaster’s calm never wavers. “You know, that it’s always been her. No matter if Yuuki,” the sound of her name, said aloud, led to the tiles cracking under his hands, “stayed human or not, She’ll always be Yuuki. Maybe she changed and grew up a little—faster than I would’ve wanted or liked—but at her core, she was always, always Yuuki. She didn’t die that day. You knew that fact as well as I did.” And here, Zero feels the weight of the executioner’s blade above him, about to drop. “Otherwise, why do you try so hard to keep them as separate entities, even now, when she’s truly dead and gone?”
Zero drops to his knees painfully, leaving marks of destruction behind on the walls. He covers part of his face with a hand, contemplating further denial with the truth laid out so plainly before him.
“I never…”
“You never told her your true feelings, and now she’s gone. Because it was easier to accept it if you felt as if you'd already mourned beforehand.” The headmaster’s voice is soft, almost as if reminiscing a similar scene.  He crouches down and puts a hand on Zero’s shoulder. “Let it out, Zero. It’s only me and you now.”
There are no tears left for him to cry, but his throat tightens, and Zero hiccups out words all the same.
“I loved her. But she chose him.”
A ragged breath cuts his words short before Zero finds the strength to continue.
“I still loved her, even to the very end.”
The sky glows with a mix of different vibrant, brilliant colours—it’s an intensely beautiful scene, so much so that Zero wants to throw up. A cacophony of emotions welled up in him, knowing that such a view would be forever denied to the girl who was the most like the sun. He almost wishes that a storm would suddenly start, right at that moment. 
But the sun continues to glow with a detestable radiance, and the days continue to go by relentlessly. The world does not wait for one man’s grief.
He goes back into his bedroom and sits on his bed. Afterwards, he brings out Bloody Rose.
A click, and he watches as the empty magazine drops to the ground with a heavy thunk. Mechanically, Zero goes through the familiar motions of reloading Bloody Rose. The gun hangs loose in his hands. When it’s done, still holding Bloody Rose, his arm raises, up, up. Its silver muzzle points under his exposed chin without even the slightest tremor, pressing firmly into the soft flesh. 
He thinks about a girl, who, long ago, had rushed into a different room and wrenched this very gun out of his hands. Thinks of a life preserved for reasons he refused to believe was out of love. Thinks of a life, gone because it was loved so dearly.
The sunlight pierces through haphazardly closed curtains. A clock ticks in the background. He lets both the gun and himself fall on the bed.
His door is still closed.
(She’d wanted him to live)
Her blood still resides within him. But it lies, still, silent. Not a single iota of warmth flows in his body; it is ice in his veins in contrast to Kuran’s acidic poison. Were Zero to close his eyes and attempt to delude himself, he would simply fail from the get-go. Because Zero has always been faced with hard truths; so many times, he sees them over and over again—in the mirror, in the way he used to bite himself by accident and in the hunter’s bracelet on his desk.
She is gone and he must swallow down that bitter truth like the way he mindlessly consumes blood tablets.
(They scrape his throat, going down and making it uncomfortably dry; it tastes of overly sugared cough syrup; and he doesn’t want to, doesn’t wish to accept a world without her in it.
But her blood still lies.) 
He dreams of her. Not always, but sometimes he does. On those days, when he wakes up, Zero can’t seem to muster up the strength to get out of bed. It’s easier to bask in the what-ifs and could-beens, or the has-beens and bygone halcyon days. Breathing is easier, living feels easier, being carried by fantasies and memories. He always has to stop himself from getting too carried away—because ultimately the world does not care. Time continues to march forward, the Earth continues to spin on its axis and around the sun.
Sometimes Zero wants to curse at her. Because no matter how easy it was at that moment, reality would always settle in as an infinite weight, caving his lungs beneath him. But he could never stay angry at her, no matter what she did, or what she became. Before, he had sworn to kill her—but really, he wouldn’t have minded had she put him to rest instead.
"Zero? Did you fall asleep in the stables again? Geez, what's with you always showing up late for the transition periods!" She punches him forcefully in the back a couple of times, unrelenting even in the face of his annoyance and mild pain. (He wouldn’t have it any other way)
“Ow, ow, ow, ow—! Oi, would you quit it already?” He turns to slap a large hand over her forehead, pushing her away from him with great resistance on her part. “I’m here now, aren’t I?” Zero doesn’t say it, but her puffed cheeks and flailing limbs make her look as ridiculous as she is cute, and he’s almost tempted to flick her in the forehead for good measure.
“Yes, yes, alright now stop pushing me!” She glares up at him, arms folded in annoyance. “Don’t forget that as the prefects, we have an important job to do—which means, stop being late!” 
“By important job, you mean stopping a bunch of idiot classmates from throwing themselves into the slavering jaws of humanoid beasts?” Zero raises a wry eyebrow, watching her face gain a mildly exasperated look. When he turns to jab at the inevitable mass of lovesick, occasionally fanatic day-class students to further make a point, Zero finds that there’s no one there.
He turns back to look for her, but there’s no one there.
When Zero cooks breakfast for his birthday, he takes care to watch his food burn, forces it down his throat and makes sure it stays put. The eggs are rubbery, the toast is burnt, and the bacon is like chewing wood, but somehow he devours it with as much eagerness as a regular bowl of shio ramen.
She used to make such god-awful food.
(Zero finds vials of blood on his doorstep that day.
He practically guzzles  the pills instead.)
"Hey Zero, I think this would look pretty good on you." She takes out the long coat with a flourish, holding it up next to him with a contemplative expression. Zero stares back blankly at her, knowing little about the intricacies of what was his “colour”, or what “went well with his eyes”. Sure, he has some preferences, but he finds that he doesn’t mind watching her pick out his clothes for it.
(It’s oddly domestic in that way, and he dreams of what could’ve been—had they been normal, had they not had destiny and duty looping around their necks like a noose)
The next day, he goes and buys himself another coat. Staring at its dark colours and its simple design, Zero wonders if this could’ve been something she would’ve chosen for him.
(He never wears it. Dust collects on the cloth, tints the fibres grey and overrides the fresh store-bought scent, but he never wears it.)
"Zero, we can stay together for the night, just like before—I’ll watch over your dreams, and you can watch over mine, ok?" Under the warm covers, she whispers this to him, and their fingers intertwine together. Her hands have always run colder than his,  but even so, her hands are freezing—as cold as the dead.
When he wakes up, the space beside him on the bed is cold.
It has always been cold.
There is no grave, no stone marker, but he supposes that the Kuran Manor serves well enough as a reminder. The rumours don’t paint a pretty picture—the king of beasts, almost mad in his sobriety; the king of beasts, living only for memories and promises; the king of beasts, someone who’d crush you underfoot for his dreams without a second thought.
Standing in front of the tall, dark and rusting iron gates, Zero can almost choke on the overpowering scent of roses. They’re everywhere, in full bloom, mere buds, wilting or decayed. It’s a smell that only reminds him of what could have been, and what he let go of, of that fateful night in the academy. 
Were it him, he would’ve planted sunflowers instead. 
(Zero doesn’t enter. He knows how much Kuran hated him entering any space deemed as his own. It wouldn’t change now, half-mad as they both were.)
Violence is, perhaps, the only outlet that Zero knows will never let him down. There is release to be found when he hunts down level Es; there is no need for emotion, only cold, pure logic in which he can execute his duty as a protector (that he’d already failed so many times before). With every shot of his gun, every blast of the hunter’s sigil and every vampiric body blown apart into dust and ash, Zero puts to rest the grievances of so many others—but never his own.
Kaito no longer makes any sort of comment about such trips, only there to stop him from presumably losing his head and forcing the association to find yet another leader (or so he says, but they both know part of the association would be thrilled to find a reason to off him). Sure, Kaito mindlessly chatters about the surroundings and his day, but they both know that saying anything about her—no matter how sound his reasoning could be—would create a one-way ticket to the end of their friendship.
He tried, once. (“You can’t keep doing this to yourself. You have to accept the fact that she’s gone and that she didn’t choose you.” He’d paused then, reproach evident in his face before he continued. “She was a pureblood first.”
“She had been human.”
“And so had I been, once.”
“…Just don’t get yourself killed.”)
It’s nice to have someone stay. But he’ll never say it. People can’t stay simply because you want them to. Their decisions have always been their own.
Perhaps the universe had an ironic sense of humour if he was back to teach Cross Academy’s Day Class ethics of all things. The headmaster clearly made a mistake in forcing him to do what he flippantly called a “much-needed change of perspective”. Somehow Yagari, of all people, seemed to think that it’d be good for him to take up such a position in addition to his duties as both a hunter and the president of the hunter’s association.  
“You’re a good kid, but you need a better head on your shoulders,” is all Yagari says on that matter, and off Zero goes into once more dealing with teenagers—this time as an adult rather than one of their peers. He half expects it to be just like before.
But it’s not.
Revealing the truth of the Night Class to the Day Class means that there are no more barriers between the vampires and humans of Cross Academy. Without the distance, there is not enough room for worship, and what is left are only two kinds of being, all simply trying to live in a new world.
Teaching ethics really means “filling in the gaps” so that vampire-human relations will go more smoothly. Unlike his mentor though, Zero thankfully doesn’t need to use either express or implied threats of violence to get his students to listen. And he finds that, with the truth revealed, the Day Class students now behave in much calmer ways—ironically, the truth had perhaps “humanised” the vampires for them.
They listen carefully to his teachings; Zero does his utmost to drill them into their heads, complete with drawings that are only marginally better than her toddler scribbles. He’s sure that when he’s out of sight and earshot, they laugh about it, just as they laugh alongside the vampires they’d once thought of as unreachable. 
Watching it all from a distance, it almost feels unbearably nostalgic yet melancholic—because this had not been his world. Had she and Zero never been torn apart from the natural way of things, reborn and reforged in blood, they would have never met. 
(He wonders if he would’ve dismissed her as nothing but a monster. If their old classmates would have thought of her as another pseudo-goddess to worship.)
Zero watches two worlds meld, and is not quite at peace, but at the very least, the memories, the “what ifs” here do not hurt.
However, it doesn’t take long for him to resign. In the end, Zero is better cut out for other things, rather than becoming another face in the crowd of the headmaster’s rampant eccentrics that he calls teachers. But, sometimes, seeing the world that she wished for, finally, slowly, starts to be created… The air is a little lighter, even as his throat aches. She would’ve liked to watch the two different classes fumble through cooking on their own.
Maybe he’ll make ginger pork stir fry tonight.
It’s years before he meets Wakaba Sayori again. Zero nearly forgets about her wedding, were it not for the Headmaster’s, and Kaito’s constant, unceasing reminders via letters and spoken words. The final nail in the coffin is the wedding invitation itself. If he doesn’t attend the wedding, he’s sure that someone will come to physically strong-arm him to the event.
The wedding itself is a rather small affair, given Sayori’s background and what he remembers of Aidou’s proclivity for dramatics. Maybe it was Sayori who’d wanted it. Or maybe it was a joint agreement. Zero doesn’t know either of them well enough to say, but he prefers it this way.
Staring at the happy couple—in the back of his mind—Zero morbidly wonders if death will also do them part earlier than expected. He’s quick to shut down that train of thought as soon as it appears. He wouldn’t wish such a feeling on anyone.
After the event, Zero keeps his copy of the wedding photo, keeping it safe with the other one that marked his first year of high school. Against the glossy sheen of the new photo, that one looks all the more faded; the new photo always feels as if it’s missing something.
She would’ve loved to see the wedding; would’ve been the maid of honour, lovely in gentle pinks and a happy blush on her cheeks.
He startles at the vision, dropping the photo book with an unceremonious thud.
The burn in his throat has never gone away since that fateful night of snow. But it’s now a familiar constant, easily relegated to the back of his mind. What does it mean? Zero doesn’t know, only watching as society changes, and as people grow to create a world where there could be true peace.
But it feels easier to breathe for himself, even as he continues to breathe for her. Zero isn’t sure if he’ll ever stop breathing—living—for her. It’s alright this way, and the dreams now leave him feeling more…fond rather than wanting.
It’s only a glimpse, but years and years later, Zero gets a chance to see how Kuran Kaname now fares in this still unfamiliar world. Despite his achievements and the iron-clad grip he has on the rest of the vampires—key in fostering the new partnership between humans and vampires—he rarely shows his face. Does the smell of roses, in its various stages of life, cling to him like a parasite? Or maybe it’s the other way around, with roses built within everything he owns, everything that he is.
As Zero contemplates, he thinks back to the regularly replaced sunflowers in his office and his flat.
When he sees him, Zero gets his answer. 
Lounging on his throne, the smell of blood, dust and decay is attached to him like that of a rose with its thorns. Kaname Kuran stares emptily at everyone and nowhere, only occasionally opening his mouth to send orders. Within his hands is a resin-encased rose, looking worn and smooth from the years. His clothes don’t quite fit what he’s supposed to be, refined King of the Vampires. Rather, dressed in loose clothing, the apathy in his gaze, Kuran almost reminds him of—
(Zero tries not to think about it)
After so long, even hate will cool. They both loved, they both lost. It is a reality of the world that they live in. That she could not ever see the dream she wished for come to reality. In fact, looking at this sombre, cold, alone figure… He almost pities him. Kaname Kuran, top of the world but with no one left.
Could they see what Zero sees? The old Night Class no longer stands nearby, but at polite distances, looking almost weary. It was the kind of weariness that he was most familiar with. 
After all, the hunter association had always looked at him this way.
Zero at least has the headmaster, has Kaito, has his teacher. Kuran has no one at all.
Even beasts could be pitiable.
(Yuuki knew that best, didn’t she)
Maybe it’s only fitting that he’ll die from protecting a child who looks so much like Yuuki. Not quite in the flesh, but more so in spirit—and wasn’t that the most important, most beautiful quality about her? Especially now, memory half-baked and succumbing to erosion over the years. In the face of time, it all crumbles to dust, just like his body is now; not even sure whether it is his or the bodies of mad vampires he’s slain. 
Zero can see her crying, tears wetting his shirt, mixing with the dust in a way that he’d be mildly disgusted by were he not currently dying. “It’s alright,” he says, reaching out with hands that only smear more dust into her hair. Zero isn’t sure if the garbled sounds reaching his ears are truly words or not. Maybe the girl is speaking, maybe the girl is simply sobbing.
Or maybe he is already dead.
When he closes his eyes, Kiryuu Zero dies before a young girl’s eyes, leaving nothing but a pile of empty clothes and a silver gun.
The incessant ringing of an alarm is loud and annoying enough to cave metaphorically his skull in with its shrill noise alone. Grumbling, Zero burrows deeper into his blankets, covering himself fully in an attempt to block out the noise. It doesn’t fully work, but a partial solution is better than no solution at all, so Zero gets right back to falling asleep.
The heavyweight landing unceremoniously on top of his body puts an abrupt stop to that. “Zeeroo! We’re gonna be late for school again!” Ichiru whines, digging his pointy elbows right into Zero’s sides, knowing full well the exact location of his arms. He’s lucky that Zero loves him.
“Gerroff me, Ichiru,” he groans, the sound muffled by the blankets, gently shoving away at the incessant prodding. “We don’t even have to wake up until ten minutes later.”
“How do you even know that?” Questions Ichiru, switching up his tactics and physically smothering Zero in another attempt to force him out of bed.
“I pay attention in class rather than daydream about the divorced neighbour next door.”
Just as Ichiru is about to retaliate with a few choice words, the bedroom door bursts open to herald another arrival. “Zero! Get up, we're gonna be late!’ Kuran Yuuki rushes over to drag him out of bed with strength contrary to her small size. “Get up you lazy bum!” She promptly drops him on the ground, ignoring his affronted yell and Ichiru’s snickering in favour of rifling through his wardrobe.
“Good morning Yuuki!” Ichiru cheerily waves at her from Zero’s bed, delighting in the extra chaos and suffering added to his brother’s normal routine. 
“Morning Ichiru!” She absent-mindedly chirps back, piling the different pieces of Zero’s uniform onto one arm. Halfway through, Yuuki looks back at Zero. “Oi, get up Zero! Aren’t you supposed to be the one with the best attendance record out of all of us?”
“I shouldn’t have messed with your alarm,” Zero grumpily mutters, not bothering to get up from the floor. From above, Ichiru barely attempts to stifle his laughter. “Stop laughing, Ichiru.”
Unfortunately for Zero, Yuuki could hear him perfectly well. Her body snaps around just in time for Yuuki to let out an outraged cry of, “You what?!”
At that, Zero groans, and Ichiru only laughs louder and harder.
(He wouldn’t trade this for anything else in the world)
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dreamingphase4 · 10 months
DREAM!ing Season 1/Act 2/chapter 2
Nito and Takaomis room
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Nito: Hey, I'm sorry if you're not feeling well, but your yume mask was in the trash can. You should manage it properly.
Takaomi: Ah....? What did you pick up? Oh, I threw it away.
Nito: You threw it away?! Why?!
Takaomi: You should know. I'm never logging into that damn system again.
Nito: Huh..? Wait a minute you, what will happen to us as a pair?
Takaomi: I don't know.
Nito: "I don't know." No matter how you say it, it's too irresponsible! There is a risk of expulsion! What will happen to the top position?!
Takaomi: So noisy... you are tiring go away.
Nito: Why did you come to shinonomes special express...?
Takaomi: Ok go away let me sleep.
Nito: Why aren't you motivated? Don't you want the top position?
Takaomi: I'm sure aiming for it is something stupid.
Nito: Then why did you throw away the dream mask?
Takaomi: It's disgusting over there!!!!
Nito: There... inside the dream..?
Takaomi: There's nothing else about it. The person who thought making a human being's heart materialize must be insane.
Nito: No, I don't have to say that much...
Takaomi: Well then, can't you show others what's in your heart? Or can't you just see it the other way around?
Nito: Tha.. thats...
Takaomi: It's disgusting to enjoy watching people's distorted hearts through silly live shows.
Nito: Distortion.... its all in the heart, so it's normal for it to be a little strange. That's a human.
Takaomi: Ha! Humans are full of flaws aren't they..
Takaomi: Most of them distort the facts and make selfish assumptions, and they all lie easily.
Nito: I dont know what you are talking about.
Takaomi: I guess... beneath that face that made me feel so flustered....
Kasuka: Exorcize evil spirts, killing a grudge, noise eradication......
Takaomi and Nito: What?!
Kasuka: You guys....i....
Nito: Huh..?
Takaomi: What...?
Kasuka: So noisy!!!!!
Takaomi and Nito: Huh?!
Kasuka: If you disturb my sleep any longer, I will put you to sleep forever. The only person allowed to interfere with me is yanagi-kun.
Flashback end
Yuma and Yanagi's room
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Nito: Shibutani-senpai scolded me, and was really bad. When senpai returns, Shishimaru sleeps in sokko. You are ignoring me huh...
Yuma: Wait a minute, Nito. Please repeat Shibutani-senpais words again.
Nito: I'll let you sleep forever.
Yuma: No, after that...
Yanagi: More importantly, if you are not compatible with your roommate, why not talk to the student council?
Yuma: ......Student council?
Nito: If I tell the student council, will I be able to leave Shishimaru?!
Yanagi: This year's partners were chosen by dormitory leader, but student council also has the same authority.
Nito: Does that mean I can change pairs?! My path to the becoming the top is bright!?
Yanagi: You want to be chief right...?
Nito: Yes! It's my dream to become rich!
Yuma: Yes, money is important.
Yanagi: You guys are a rare type at this school.
Yanagi: Well for now, please come to my class tomorrow. I'll let you meet the student council officers.
Nito: Really?! Senpai thank you!
Nito was at his best, suddenly he took my and entwined our pinky fingers.
Yuma: Huh..?
Nito: I'm worried about going to the 2nd year class alone, will you come with me?
Yuma: Yeah I guess....
Nito: Thank you! Well then, yubikirigenman, if I lie, I'll do the limbo dance while Yumapi is working! I hate it when I think about it.
Yanagi: Well then, we'll be waiting for you two tomorrow after lunch break.
To be continued...
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A/n: Ok here's chapter 2 I forgot to put it up yesterday, but here it is! Like I said I'm new to translation stuff, please correct me that would be helpful.
Pictures: 360 channel
Story: DREAM!ing
Characters: DREAM!ing
Translations: Me!
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Huh, what are you up to? Hey, that's mine! *Laughs*
Ahh so, I finished this a few days ago, but life with friends got busy so here it is now. I know the new Halloween stuff is exciting but I did want to do a Groovy for Yume's harvestown card I drew awhile ago. I also wanted to challenge myself by drawing THREE characters and perspective. It was hard but I'm pretty proud of it.
I really tried to do a backgroud too! I think it came out pretty decent!
Additional voicelines:
Writing a lil cute personal story to go with this too could be cute. 0v0
Yuuta Midori is Yume brother and is my dear friend @bunnwich's oc.
Groovy: Huh, what are you up to? Hey, that's my camera! *Laughs*
Groovy Idle: Even if we didn't win I still had a lot of fun being here together with everyone...DO NOT let the others hear me say that; I'd never hear the end of it.
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takerfoxx · 11 months
Even though exactly nobody follows me for my opinions about Gridman, this is still a fan blog, and I've technically been a Gridman fan since I was a little kid, even if only through Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad basically being my Power Rangers, because I wasn't allowed to watch Power Rangers (growing up in a conservative Christian household in the 90's was fucking weird, man). Still have the toys, in fact.
So anyway, given my nostalgic fondness for Gridman, of course I was all about the anime reboot. I loved SSSS Gridman, thought it was great. And while Dynazenon wasn't quite as good (felt the climax fell a little flat), it was still really good, and I enjoyed the hell out of it.
And now I finally got around to watching the crossover movie that serves as the franchise's grand finale, and...huh.
Well, let me put it this way. My reactions went about as such.
Man, it's been a while since I've watched this. Gotta recall everyone's names and what happened at the end.
Okay, this multiverse shit is admittedly kind of lame, and there's a lot of really out there coincidences, but it's still fun to see the two casts of characters hanging out and interacting. Feel sorry for both team's b-tier members, though. They get like maybe one or two lines apiece. Also, dafuq is up with Gauma's princess just showing up the hell out of nowhere! You'd think that'd be a bigger deal!
This play script is totally a meta-commentary on the writers' own frustrations in making this movie, isn't it?
Kaiju fights are still hype, though!
Wait, hold on. They're not actually...
They boomed me! They actually boomed me! They pulled a Rebellion Story and got me! Oh, this is good! Hell yeah, turn up the weird, I wanna see how this-
Well. This may be the stupidest climax that I've ever seen.
Eh, things ended on a nice note, I guess.
So, basically this movie's biggest problem is its villain. Like, we find out the reason for the different digital worlds colliding is because Gridman himself became corrupted and all the worlds that he created are merging. Okay, that's cool! I like that!
Except we find out that Gridman was actually corrupted by an outside force, who turns out to be this super-kaiju...whom we literally never heard anything about until the final fight starts and he just shows up and starts ranting in cliched super-villain monologues! Like, serious! Who even was this guy? Why is this franchise's final, final battle where all the characters team up and we have like a gazillion different new combinations and super-weapons against this fucking Dragonzord-looking motherfucker that we've never even heard of until the punching started and we get no exposition about until literally the climax of the movie? Why would we even care about this guy?
Seriously, if you needed a final boss, Alexis is literally right there! Just have this be part of his master plan! Or, hell, if you wanted to go meta with it, make it be Khan Digifer, the OG villain from the original show! Or commit and make it Gridman himself! Make the final fight be a "I know you're in there!" fight to redeem a hero corrupted by his own guilt and self-loathing!
And while it was fun seeing Akane again, the way they brought her back was pretty sloppy. I know it's Trigger and Trigger is ridiculous, but it usually feels like there's a method to the madness.
I mean, I still enjoyed a lot of it. The two teams interacting was fun, even if Yomogi did get relegated to sidekick. Sorry buddy, protagonist no longer. And poor Yume and Koyomi were...there, I guess? I mean, even Chise felt like she had more to do. Same with the NG high-schoolers. I guess they had lines. And it did feel like they were running down a checklist of everything they needed to cram in, like Yomogi and Gauma's reunion, the two protags having a heart to heart, etc. But I still liked it.
So, not upset that I watched it, but the final act left a lot to be desired.
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years
Go On, Protagonist!
Isogai siblings + Fuwa’s brother Oneshot
Ao3 Link
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It was an averagely slow day at the manga shop Reiji worked at as usual and Reiji was spending his time acting out the manga panels he was reading when he was interrupted by the sound of the store’s bell ringing.
Reiji immediately straightened himself out, “Ah, Welcome to our manga shop! How may I be of assistance?”
Coming through the door was Yuuma and his younger siblings, Yume and Yuki, “Good morning, sir! Um, my sister here wants to buy a manga for herself.”
Reiji looked down at Yume, who he took note was holding some old toy bunny, “That’s right! A lady gave me some money after helping her carry some bags.”
“Ah, is that true? Well, what’s your favorite genre?”
“Oh, um, what would you like to look at?”
“Oooooh,” Yume scratched her head in a thinking manner, “I got it! Something girly but action-y!”
“I see, I see! Follow me!” Reiji led the three of them to one of the stocked shelves. He scanned it for a while until he found a particular manga, “HUZZAH! HERE IT IS!”
Reiji turned to Yume and bent down to her level, “Here you go! A magical girl manga! The most girly and action-y thing there is!”
“Wooooah!” Yume admired the cover. The cover had a group of girls who looked stylish but ready for battle.
“Watch as a group of, initially average, girls battle the forces of evil to protect the ones they love while also struggling with their normal lives!”
“COOL! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!” Yume jumped up and down with her bunny in her arms.
“Great! That’ll cost you 500 yen!”
Yume nodded and looked in her pocket for the money. Her expression quickly turned confused as she searched deeper in her pocket, “Ah, that’s right I put it in the other one!” She checked the other pocket but her fingers went straight through it. Her pocket was ripped.
“Wait, what?”
“I think they fell out of my pocket while we were walking!” She pulled on her hair and looked up at her older brother with hope in her eyes, “Do you have any money, Yuuma?”
Yuuma shook his head and bent down, “Sorry, Yume but I wasn’t planning on buying anything today.”
“But but…”
“We can come back another time, alright?”
Yume nodded and took Yuuma’s hand.
Yuuma stood up and turned to Reiji, “Sorry for the trouble, sir. We’ll come back later.”
Yuuma took Yuki’s hand as well and turned to leave but, “Stop right there!” Reiji stopped them, much to their confusion.
Reiji pushed up his glasses, “I’ve noticed how old your clothes look, like they were stitched or something. Not to mention that old bunny that girl is holding.”
Yume squeezed her bunny tightly.
“But, why would anyone be willing to wear such off-brand clothes and have such old toys unless, they were low on money.” Reiji stepped up to them closer, “After some thought, I have come to the conclusion that you kids…” He dramatically pointed at them, “ARE HOMELESS ORPHANS!”
Yuuma chuckled nervously, “Actually no, we live with our mother. It’s just that we’re…uh…”
“WE’RE POOR!” Yume said way too excitedly.
Yuuma sighed, “Thanks, Yume.”
Reiji nodded, “I see I see. Well, even so…” Reiji bent down and handed the magical girl manga to Yume, “I want you to have it, for free!”
Yume let go of Yuuma’s hand, “Wait, really!?
Reiji nodded, “Really! There shouldn’t be a price on manga.”
Yume took the manga out of Reiji’s hands, “Thank you, sir!”
“No problem!”, Reiji turned to Yuki, “Now, what genre do you like, little guy?”
Yuki thought for a while, “Oh, um… space adventures?”
“Ah, I got the perfect one!” Reiji stood up and went over to one of the shelves again. He soon came back with another manga in hand with an extra one as well. “A group of kids get stranded on some unknown planet. Watch as they struggle to get back home while learning new things about each other in the process. Hope you’ll enjoy it!”
Reiji handed the manga to Yuki and Yuuma patted Yuki’s head, “Now what do you say, Yuki?”
“Oh, right! Thank you, sir!”
“No problem.” Reiji turned to Yuuma, “As for you…”
“Oh, I don’t need any manga! It’s already enough that you gave my siblings manga for free!”
“Wow, you’re really are humble, huh? But, I insist!” Reiji handed him the other manga he was holding,“You give me overworked older brother vibes so this seemed perfect. It’s about a guy who’s a loving big brother by day and an assassin by night! Watch as he struggles to take care of his family after his father’s untimely death and juggle his school life, his job, and keeping his secret life a secret from his family!”
Yuuma looked at him concerned, “That’s, uh…oddly specific?”
“I told you that I thought this was the perfect fit! I’m pretty accurate when it comes to these things, hehe!”
Yuuma looked at the manga in his hands having no clue what to say then Yuki tugged at his sleeve, “Now what do you say, Yuuma?”
“Oh, um, thank you?” Yuuma smiled nervously.
Reiji nodded, “Anytime!”
“But, I will come back and pay you back for these mangas I hope you know.”
Reiji sighed, “You give me so much protagonist vibes.”
“Protagonist vibes?”
“Way too considerate for your own good. I told you, there shouldn’t be a price on manga. There’s no need to worry!”
“Alright, I guess. Well, we should be leaving now. Thanks again for the mangas.”
“You’re welcome! Feel free to come back for new volumes. Now, go on, protagonist! Go on and keep doing what’s right!”
“Uh, sure?”
Yume waved, “Bye strange glasses man!”
Reiji smiled to himself as he watched the siblings leave out the door. Soon after, his boss, Mr. Tanaka, came out of his office, “Reiji, don’t tell me you gave out ANOTHER free manga.”
“No, no I did not.”
“Oh thank go-”
“Oh, Reiji…” Mr. Tanaka shook his head in disappointment.
Meanwhile outside…
“I can’t believe we got free manga!”
“I know right! I’m going to read mine every night! What do you think of yours Yuuma?”
Yuuma didn’t respond, instead he stood there puzzled.
What in the world did he mean by “protagonist?”
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mai-universe · 2 years
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— . . . ❝ take the dream with you, wherever you may go. ❞ . . .
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「 the abandoned dormitory next to night raven college. it was inhabited by ghosts that would chase anybody out the moment they stepped foot into the building, but due to certain circumstances, a magicless(?) person and their familiar now lives there. little do most nrc residents know, there were more than just ghosts that haunted the place… 」
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⤷ a yakuza member with a very uncanny appearance. they’re surprisingly a friendly guy despite their criminal status, though they can be rather impulsive and reckless. their insatiable hunger proves to be the most dangerous thing about them. twisted from: eddie brock and venom.
⤷ the so-called “adopted daughter” of the headmaster. a young girl that came to twisted wonderland after ending her own life, she’s not sure if it was reincarnation or something else. apathetic and polite, she’s a big sister figure to adeuce and grim. twisted from: the raven.
⤷ a child that managed to enter night raven college. energetic but unintentionally morbid, she loves to run around and explore the strange school, seemingly fearless. according to her, she got picked up by a “shiny pumpkin ride”, so how did she end up here? twisted from: thumbelina.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ an eccentric, strange anomaly, often stirring up equally strange antics—despite this, he usually has a good heart. he’s cartoonish, in a way. underneath the flamboyant exterior he puts up is a very spiteful man, however…what made him resent twisted wonderland? twisted from: ???
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ a being from another magical world. even though their appearance is off-putting, ghost is pretty harmless. they do anything anyone tells them, even if it doesn’t want to. it seems to have suffered through a lot, huh? for some reason, it worships nrc as a saving grace…? twisted from: second star to the right.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ a recently-built music box robot. chipper girl, she’s always playing happy tunes as she walks. built to sooth humans, she loves to socialize with the other students. unfortunately for her, not a lot of people like the overly pacifistic and gullible types. twisted from: red riding hood + hugo.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ a reclusive but friendly painter. usually meek, she tends to daydream about stuff and forget her surroundings. however, there are times where she seems almost paranoid, terrified of what may possibly happen to her friends…is she alright?
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ the prince of a long-forgotten kingdom. cursed with immortality by a witch, he has spent many centuries wandering all over the world, though he never thought he’d ever go to an entirely different one. destiny is weird. arrogant man vs. arrogant man, who will win? twisted from: merida.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ a retired soldier who somehow got transported to his daughter’s new favorite game. sarcastic but never harsh, he tries to navigate this game with what he remembers from his daughters’ ramblings. dealing with rowdy boys is not good for the old mans’ fatigue.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ a sweet but overbearing mother who willingly went into the dark carriage despite not knowing what would happen. oddly enough, she isn’t worried about anything even though she’s in a strange world; it’s like she’s gone through this kind of thing before. twisted from: digory kirke.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ an extremely talented swimmer and musician back in his own world. normally rowdy and passionate, he’s turned rather salty due to losing his voice and becoming paraplegic. he’s trying his best to survive despite his current disabilities. twisted from: the little mermaid.
hypmic bio
⤷ anxious and bashful, it takes a while for her to loosen up but when she does she’s really sweet. unless it’s here, where she is unsettled every second being surrounded by men…sure she wanted to face her fear, but not this soon… twisted from: ???
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ a doll in the basement of ramshackle, maximilian is a human that got cursed by a witch. more outgoing than his sister, he gives advice to the prefect and listens to them when stressed. he tends to blow up rather easily though, so be careful of what you say. twisted from: hansel.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
⤷ a doll in the basement of ramshackle, margaretta is a human that got cursed by a witch. more timid than her brother, she gives gifts to the prefect to hopefully relieve them of stress. in contrast to her delicacy, she’s quick to suggest violence to solve problems. twisted from: gretel.
nothing has been recorded in the books.
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nothing has been recorded in the books.
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