#dont worry!!! trickle down economics!!!
ravioliwings · 1 year
capitalism has well and truly rotted people's brains. "oh but what about the potential investors" man FUCK the "potential investors" how about we think about the people these decisions will be affecting directly????
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2urban2fantasy · 2 months
Repub conservatives aren't evil, but at the core they hold really outdated views based solely on religion. It's an insulting worldview to have for everyone else who doesn't fit that religion, in this case trans people, gay people, other religions, and many sects in the US are still into segregation.
HF put into place Reaganomics, that's a fact we know. They campaigned for it, they had the political power at the time, and they won it. It's a big part of their history, and that was only 30-40 years ago. Which isnt a lot of time in this sort of thing, only enough for us to have 2 generations feel what trickle down economics are like. Now they hired 3 of trumps previous cabinet members after his office, as well as Pence, as well as Trump picking 2/3s of his cabinet from HF. HF and Trump are heavily tied together. He will assist with their campaign if in office, and that's not really hard to see or "conspiracy", it's just reality. This is particularly important due to what Trumps recent appeal means, because they ruled that whatever a president does during office - as long as it is declared a presidential act, and that's very vague - is now legal, even illegal matters. There's a lot that goes into this... but essentially Congress has been rendered quite powerless.
I also figure that there's going to be shit I still campaign for in my local area if Biden wins, such as assisting Palestine or UBI or taxing billionares, but not campaigning against attempting to dismantle parts of the FAA (extremely bad for everyone) because they want to charge for pilots to have weather service from the government (yes, an actual concern with pilots and Trump rn).
You probably won't read all of that or care, but there's a lot of moving parts right now, and the average americans actually in the meat of a bad strike. I was someone unconcerned with Trump the first election, I think his first presidency was flailing around quite often to distract from things his cabinet was doing, and didn't really get concerned until the last year or so. This time, I dont think he's a funny haha fuckup anymore, I think he's got a lot of people under him that want to fuck a lot of people over due to religion, and that's just that.
It's not about fighting evil, it's about looking at the really big picture and going "This is going to look really fucked up in about 5 years." Honestly, I wouldn't be so worried if Trumps case wasn't appealled - but it's great timing for him.
Lots to unpack here but let’s just throw away the whole suitcase
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ofthirtynine · 3 years
do u think if i seduced jeff bezos he would let me borrow his rocket so i can float around in space untethered for a few hours
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goldenlaquer · 2 years
WHATEVER YOU DO DONT GET INTO TIKTOK. DONT. Addiction ruins lives, it’s ruined my life.
the stuff you watch from a DISTANCE. Nawww but don’t worry about me on TikTok anytime soon, I’m already hell-bound with Instagram and Youtube. Which is like a proxy for TikTok at this point with all the reposts, call that trickle-down economics 😤😤
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
Like, I realize I was posting a ton encouraging people to vote yesterday, but now that midterms are over, let’s be perfectly clear that those posts were made urging white middle class liberals to vote. Because no person of color has ever needed a white dude to tell them why they should vote in the name of damage control even when they don’t like or ‘feel inspired’ by the ballot choices. And the fact is that many, MANY people don’t seem to get that the reason so many marginalized leftists on tumblr speak critically about the Democrats and liberals even at the height of election season is because they’ve fully mastered the art of doing whatever the fuck they have to while already having moved on to worrying about what comes next. And its patronizing as hell to basically expect them to put their training wheels back on until the rest of us catch up to that level of survivalism meets progressivism.
Which we’re never going to do if we don’t fucking start learning to speak with distinction about the difference between groups who are anti-voting or just critical of voting because voting doesn’t get them ENOUGH of what they want and the groups that are anti-voting or voting critical because voting doesn’t get them ANY of what they want and they’re still stuck doing it because at best its a speedbump in the way of making things WORSE than they already are, but hey even a speedbump helps, I guess.
But make no mistake, there IS a difference, and yet which groups tend to get blamed most for elections not going the left’s way? I’ll give you a hint. It’s NOT the groups that have larger platforms and louder voices than the others.
And which groups do you think actually have the MOST influence in whether or not elections go the left’s way? I’ll give you another hint. It’s absolutely the groups that have larger platforms and louder voices than the others.
We all know that trickle down economics doesn’t work, but some of us apparently are still trying to pretend that trickle down social economics somehow works any better. If you were on twitter last night or this morning, there was a MARKED distinction in attitudes from left-leaning users. And that distinction was between White Twitter and Everyone Else. White Twitter were the ones cheering and celebrating and going ‘we did it’ and ‘this is a victory’ and ‘dont let anyone tell you this wasn’t a win!’ Everyone else were the ones going ‘yes, this was good, but we’re not really celebrating because hey guess what? It still wasn’t GOOD ENOUGH.’
And that’s the real problem we’re facing, White Internet at Large. That’s what’s really holding us back. This thing where we’re all happy to sing ‘we’re all in this together’ when we NEED Everyone Else, when even WE’RE aware that things are dire and our most basic rights and freedoms are on the line....
But the second things take an uptick FOR US, suddenly, its fuck those guys, amiright, lol? Suddenly its ‘omg why cant you just let us have this for five seconds’ and ‘sometimes people need something to feel good about, for morale’ and a dozen other things that are basically us flipping off everyone who’s harshing our buzz by pointing out that however better things might have just improved for us, y’know, the ones who were already least affected and thus the latest to arrive at the We Should Totally Burn It All Down Party, that doesn’t exactly mean jack shit has changed for Everyone Else. Just that at most, things haven’t gotten actively worse over night, and guess what? That’s not something we should ever feel okay telling people they should CELEBRATE, especially not if the people we’re telling it to are afforded less privileges and advantages by their status quo than we are by ours.
Trickle down social economics is ‘wait your turn’ and ‘you have to be patient’, spoken obliviously to the ones who’ve been waiting the whole damn time, about things that nobody should ever have to be patient about because its 2018 and we’re still believing the hype that ‘inalienable rights’ are to be distributed at the discretion of the Ones At The Top.
Trickle down social economics is ‘a rising tide lifts all boats’ and ‘hey this might not have improved things for you THIS time but it put the rest of us in a better position to make things better for you down the line, and you did that, so thanks, that’s why your vote counts.’
Trickle down social economics doesn’t work for the same exact reason trickle down economics doesn’t work: making the 1% flush with more cash doesn’t trickle down the social classes and make everyone else more money through the creation of more jobs and the introduction of more capital circling through the economy.....because the 1% have zero motivation to spend their newfound cash on anyone else, zero interest in creating new jobs and introducing more capital into the economy to boost and revitalize it. They got theirs and now they’re doing just fine. They see no reason to change things or expend any more effort than what they’ve already expended obtaining the Extra that they were after for themselves. The lower classes are of no further use to them at this time, so as far as they’re concerned, they see no further need to interact with or on behalf of the lower classes until the next time they need to make use of the lower classes in pursuit of their own self-interests again.
It’s the SAME DAMN THING here. White liberals, as a whole we are guilty of the exact same shit most of us have only lately found it fashionable to despise the 1% for, just in terms of social capital, WHICH WE ALL HAVE, 1% and 99% alike.
This is what we’re doing. Every election cycle. Without fail. Without deviation. Relying on people of color. Talking a good game. Saying how we’re all in this together, we are the future, we have to come together, democracy’s at stake for each and every one of us, blah blah blah.....and then the SECOND we see things turn around enough that WE personally are able to be optimistic again, take heart, see a light at the end of the tunnel, we don’t want to hear anyone else hampering our celebration with talk of the issues they’re still facing. Have been facing all along, that have in no way, shape or form improved along with the improvement of our fortunes. Who personally have ZERO reason to be any more optimistic than they were yesterday, to take heart, to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Suddenly its ‘We’re TIRED,” and “we’re only human” and “everyone needs to rest sometime” and “nobody can stay this energized 24/7/365, we need to encourage people to stop and appreciate the victories along the way when and where we can.” As though Everyone Else isn’t every bit as damn tired, most likely MORESO, because they’ve been fighting this uphill battle long before our own self interest finally dragged us into it. As though Everyone Else isn’t just as in need of rest. As though Everyone Else doesn’t find it just as hard to stay this energized 24/7/365, as though they too wouldn’t like to stop and appreciate the victories along the way, if they actually WERE victories for them too instead of at best a lack of worsening of their present circumstances.
White liberals and leftists, we have a fucking problem (well, we have a lot) but this one’s name is Taking Too Damn Long To Join The Fight, And Calling Timeout And Taking A Breather The Second It Looks Like WE Personally Can Afford To, Screw How Everyone Else Is Doing.
Crawling over to the sidelines and grabbing a water and waving over at everyone else and saying “You guys got this, you’re doing great, I’m just gonna catch my breath, but I’m totally right here, I’m with ya, I’ll tap back in annnnny second now, just....little winded....still need a sec,” only to stretch that second and drag it out until coincidentally, we only seem to actually tap back in right around the time our own Personal Interests are up for grabs again and the focus of the next battle.
You went out and voted yesterday? Great. Good. That was a thing that you did that helped not make things worse and hopefully gave us some more tools with which to make things better.
But don’t fucking celebrate. Not now. Not yet. Look around at everyone who isn’t White Twitter and White Tumblr and read the fucking room. Look at WHO specifically isn’t celebrating, and wonder why, and then stop fucking wondering cuz you don’t need to because they’re all more than willing to tell us, they’ve been telling us all along, we just don’t like to listen to depressing shit when we could be celebrating our own good fortunes instead.
If we’re really all in this together, then we don’t get to celebrate until ALL of us have reason to celebrate. And guess who doesn’t get to decide when EVERYONE has cause to celebrate? Give you another hint - its NEVER the first people to see their fortunes change or improve. 
And if truth is, you’re really just looking out for number one and are secretly annoyed at having to care about how other people are doing when you just want to be happy for yourself? I mean, you do you, but maybe in the future keep that “we’re all in this together” line out of your mouth unless you’re totes cool with being a disingenuous exploitative asshole who doesn’t actually give much of a fuck about marginalized people or people with marginalizations other than yours. Y’know. When they’re not being directly beneficial to your own self-interests and circumstances.
But still. If you voted yesterday, good job. It wasn’t everything it could’ve been, but it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been either, so you can pat yourself on the back for a job well done at keeping things from actively getting that much worse. Your vote mattered. You did that. Well done.
Now let’s get the fuck back to work.
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massofamooneh-blog · 7 years
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Y'all ready to serve?;) . . As a team we have no worries. Individually. I fear intended war. That or we become a lot of futures that are becoming our impending dooms. . . 1.Your agencies are preparing for invasions? . 2.Your governments are pushing automated Robo system society (Microchips) upon humans. We are #Radio/Eronomically unique, #Electric hadrostatically unique, and #Rainbow Gluon qwark Chemically unique, "NOTHING" about our vessels wiring wants a chip integrated into it, at all*** . 3.Every day we idle in this ***Trickle down infinite self funneling debt cap economic system***, we motivate poachers, we motivate greedy politics. We motivate every rich car you see in a church parking lot and all the homeless you see everywhere else. While everyones "#Happy" . 4.Your #Churches since the crusades have been saying love your neighbor *While they are tax free, acting in "ALL" of the governments way to hold out the most sickly of acts this world has to show for.* . In gods name at that! Trully disgusting! You're getting had, lol🤗 Gods in you, quit thinking you need to; anything for something else. Caring for yourself and all around you Is your best bet to earn credits. "Earn credits with yourself is how this game is played" hehe😉😇 . 5.Serve #Yourself, Serve life, serve #God, serve a #Nation, serve a #Family. Whatever you serve, do it right. There are those playing with earths life/death ratio / Element of life. And the only way to fight back? Raise a garden. . Raising a garden of #Life is the best way to counter basically your four horsemen natural occurences in nature, #War/#Death/#Famine/#Pestilence. . . War, money, struggle. Its all built to limit life. Dont be a victim to the #Game. I #Love you all. Lets get this one done FTW!!^.^😊 (For the win!) 🌷
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Baltimore’s ‘Squeegee Boys’: ‘If We Don’t Go Out, We Don’t Eat’
BALTIMORE ― On the corner of South President and East Pratt streets in Baltimore a little over a month ago, a young man in a black hoodie stood out on an otherwise empty intersection. A single gold chain with a cross hung around his neck. With a squeegee in his left blue-latex-gloved hand and a plastic spray bottle in his right — filled with a solution of vinegar, water and glass cleaner — he watched for the traffic lights to turn red and a chance to make some money.
Evay H., 21, tries to clean windshields for a small donation from the drivers. He’s lucky if he gets $2 a vehicle. It’s not much, but it’s something.
He used to be a food runner and busser at the celebrated Charleston Restaurant on Baltimore’s Harbor East front, which, like many dining establishments around the country, was forced to shutter in March to slow the spread of the coronavirus. (Because mistrust for law enforcement runs high among Baltimore youth, Evay asked that his last name be withheld.) While awaiting his unemployment check — which still has not come — Evay relied on washing car windows at this intersection to pay for food and rent. He lives with his 25-year old brother, who is also unemployed.
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As the coronavirus spread and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan ramped up the enforcement of stay-at-home and social-distancing orders, Evay’s cash flow slowed from sometimes $200 a day to a mere trickle. “It’s the social distance, for real. They don’t want to roll down their window.”
When a police officer asked him to move, “He told me no one is supposed to be out unless you’re going to work.”
‘I am going to work,’” he replied.
Millions of Americans have hunkered down at home during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect themselves and their families. But many millions too, like Evay, have been unable to heed the warnings and mandates ― for them, it’s a matter of survival. The past few months of social distancing have only exaggerated the long-standing economic and social divides, contributing to the protests cascading across the U.S. In most hard-hit cities, rates of COVID-19 are generally inversely proportional to income.
When it comes to fear over getting sick while out on the street washing windows, he said his worries were “50-50,” And, likewise, it was not COVID-19 on his mind when he said he joined the peaceful protests twice on South Sharp and West Pratt streets this past week.
George Floyd’s violent death under a policeman’s knee raised bigger, long-standing issues for him: “I think the fires and everything are necessary, because if not they would’ve let it pass and it would keep happening.”
Here’s his personal calculation: He has health insurance. He and his brother live in the Perkins Homes public housing development. Their rent is $850, and monthly utilities with Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. come to about $300. He also pays $23 a month for life insurance. “Just in case I die, I don’t want my mom struggling to pay for the funeral.” That brings his monthly bills — not including food and any other necessities — to just under $1,200.
While low-income citizens could submit a “simple tax return” to receive a $1,200 payment from the federal government’s coronavirus stimulus bill, the relief package provided only a single breath of air for many of America’s poor households drowning in this economy.
Many of Baltimore’s squeegee workers aren’t in high school, so they don’t qualify for the free lunches made available to the community by the local school districts. The Mayor’s Office of Children and Family Success has tried to help by hiring squeegee workers to deliver these free meals. The initiative is part of the “Earn As You Grow” piece of what the office calls the Squeegee Alternative Plan. The pay? Fifty dollars a day or $250 per week, which doesn’t match what they typically make cleaning car windows.
Baltimore police officers attempt to disperse a small group of squeegee workers at the intersection of East Lombard and Market Place streets. (Chaseedaw Giles/KHN)
(Chaseedaw Giles/KHN)
A Baltimore Police Department unit deals exclusively with the squeegee workers because they have long been a source of conflict in an often racially polarized city. Some city officials have, at times, attempted to ban them. But the police weren’t targeting them during the lockdown, said one officer, who spoke anonymously because he wasn’t authorized to speak for the department.
Patrol officers who have built a rapport with the crews may ask them to disperse if there are more than six or 10 in a group. “We’ll say, ‘Hey, do us a favor. Clear this area,’” the officer said. “We know most of these kids are just trying to make a living.”
Washing car windows at intersections is not illegal in Baltimore. But the squeegee workers have been a target for complaints as new residents, unfamiliar with the crew, report them to authorities as a nuisance. “Are the #squeegeeboys essential personnel or do they consider the streets ‘working from home’? @BaltCoGov I guess y’all are ok with them touching all over people’s cars and not making them take their asses home,” said one person in a tweet. These types of complaints often lead to 911 calls.
That same afternoon, as Evay worked his corner, two young men with squeegees and spray bottles in hand approached cars at the stoplight on South Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. “If we don’t go out, we don’t eat,” said Sieed O., a 24-year-old from East Baltimore.
He and his 17-year-old partner in cleaning had walked about 45 minutes from East Baltimore to this spot, where many of Baltimore’s squeegee crews operate, earning $5 to $7 a pop. “It’s this or doing something illegal. We’re out here because we’re hungry.”
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/baltimore-squeegee-boys-if-we-dont-go-out-we-dont-eat/
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
No, this is not clickbait. I did sell all my bitcoin. Why? Because I firmly believe that to buy bitcoin cheaper. Why? Because a half thing is coming up. Institutions who have bought LTC Bitcoin in twenty eighteen forced cheapest three thousand dollars are looking for guaranteed. That’s right. Now guaranteed places, not speculation to where they can put their funds and make money. The stock market doesn’t offer that. Commodities don’t offer that right now. Hell, oil is even off of that right now. But PPE, personal protective equipment, things like medical mask, body bags and ventilators offers that opportunity. So they’re jumping all over that. The Bitcoin has also offered that opportunity. It gives them the opportunity to go in there and trade against the hype. That’s exactly what’s going to happen because they have bitcoin as cheap as three thousand dollars from 2018 is T-C market. They can wreak havoc on the retailers and also the miners who need the price of bitcoin to go up. So what’s gonna happen? You’re gonna see a sell the news kind of event happen in my period and in my opinion, and then that period of time is gonna be an eye-opener. And the reason for my tweets yesterday, if my fans who watch is there such huge false narrative sold about bitcoin being the perfect money for the world. It’s not so perfect money for you and me because we own it. It’s for us. It’s not for businesses like big corporations. It’s not for your central banks. It is not for your government. These entities need a debt-driven system in order to function. That little cell phone that we all carry with us needs a debt-driven system in order to be produced and sold. The microphone I’m using, same thing, the camera you guys are watching me through right now. Debt driven systems, the computer I’m on right now. Debt driven systems allow for the manufacturer and seller of these items without debt-driven systems. You can’t have the world we have today in order for bitcoin to be that kind of money that so many people on Twitter are shilling it to you. Well, you better sacrifice the luxuries. We’ve got to change our way of life. And then bitcoin can be that perfect money. Majority of the narratives you were sold on as far as bitcoin and people encourage you to go out there and buy bitcoin right now or long or short it. Okay. Are those who follow up with a referral link with Vibert or beatniks or Femm X? Okay, now is not the time to go and leverage trade. Now is not the time to worry about buying bitcoin. Right now is the time for you to go and worry about yourself, your family, your loved ones, your friends taking care of the people that matter to you most. Making sure you have access to all the necessities necessary to get through the craziness of this virus, which is moving through like a slow hurricane. So if you’re wondering why I was tweeting, the way tweeted yesterday is because the narratives that people are getting sold are being sold to you by people who are prospering from you going in there and buying and leverage trading and try to live that lifestyle. What most of you do not know is when you see people doing that, the money they have earned from their trades. Most of our very unsuccessful, terrible traders, the money they make from you, the affiliate links that they feel like commissions. Okay. The narratives you’re being sold on are very false. It’s a build-up your hope. You don’t do that. There are more important things to worry about. And I’m telling you, this is trickling down in ways that people have even thought manufacturers markdown down bitcoin miners as price drops right now. Actually, I can buy bitcoin miners top the line miner for 20 percent cheaper. Buy guarantee this at the rate that things are going down. I’m going to be able to buy my miners a guy. Again, this is warming cash. I’m in cash. So I have liquidity. I have the ability to go and buy stocks. American Airlines United go out by buying Disney, go buy Tesla. I want to I have the liquidity to go out there and buy even minors, whatever. The time is perfect and even buy more bitcoin. So right now I’m staying in cash on liquid. Okay. So these bitcoin miners, I guarantee you next month are going to get cheaper, which really frustrating those. Yes, the s 19 is out, but only for China. So freaking frustrating. But they use minor side right now. Use miners are freaking. You can buy that right now. Bittman’s advertising. Yes, 17 plus for fifteen hundred. You can buy a used one for less than $1000 right now. I guarantee you next month you might even buy it for about six or seven hundred dollars it just yet I guarantee you. Watch when the halfling happens and the price of bitcoin doesn’t move and a block away get cut in half and it’s in the price movement of people trying to push it up, gets traded against these miners, will get cheap. And then and there will be a point where bitcoin has to breakout is going to break out at some point. But right now in this, economic uncertainty is the perfect place to go and trade against to make sure if you’re a fund, hedge fund or institution that you’re still profitable. And I’m not the only one that has these theories. I know this makes you make me very unpopular, but I told. You guys, before the virus really got serious, I said the price this is going to impact Bitcoin. This is going to bring the price of Bitcoin down, especially as infrastructure gets shut down. If infrastructure starts getting shutting down and people start not going to work, the price of bitcoins will go down. Everyone’s said all know Krystof you’re wrong, you’re negative. It’s FUD. Guess what happened? The price of bitcoin went down. And I’m trying to tell you again, the spot where people are going to trade against and try to profit. Is this happening now? I’m not the only one again that feels this in this oracle. What to expect when you’re expecting the bitcoin block. Having everything I’ve been saying for months about. We have elements now that never existed before. The institutional elements, the regulatory elements, the the the banking elements. And this just it goes on and on. Right. All the institutional futures that exist. All these elements exist today that never existed. Previous hafnium. And now you start to see people paying attention to that, especially now the price of bitcoin is going down. You realize you’re not bulletproof. They’re talking about all this now like, hey, this hacking event is going to be completely different than before. Imagine if you were an institution and you imagine managing a billion dollars, get your billion dollars and you’re managing these funds and you’re trying to make sure your clients make the most money, but you’re always looking for the guaranteed thing. What is that one thing that’s gonna go up in price that maybe we can leverage against and maximize profits? And he hears about this thing called Bitcoin is having. Tell me you wouldn’t go there and hedge against it. Hedge against it. Make sure you bet against it. Bring the price down at that point that you feel like he’s exhausted by that bottom because you will know where that bottom is going to be of that freaking that that that onslaught right. By that bottom from that point and let it ride itself back up. You just doubled your profits. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen. And this is things that people are talking about right now. I like how he says is when all of these factors are considered. He says it right here. I believe the halving will be more along the lines of selling the news event or possibly even followed by muted prices. And things are so bad right now in the crypto space, everyone thinks it’s the crypto space. Did it get impact? The Bitcoin dot.com, far as 50 percent of its staff as bitcoin cash having approaches is fear factor set in. Here is the thing about bitcoin. Dot.com is held by Roger Ver. No one likes him. I don’t like him because of what he’s done for bitcoin. But you can not take away the fact that he has been an excellent business person. He has done a fantastic job of growing that company. He has done a fantastic job of managing his people to see an entity like that. Go ahead and get rid of 50 percent of their staff tells me that he also is anticipating the same kind of thing to happen to his entity. It’s real. You’re seeing blockchain companies fire people at an unprecedented rate right now. And you have to remember, as far as firing goes, the whole world is experiencing this unemployment rate prior on 13 percent here in the United States alone. Just in the United States, that’s 10 million people unemployed and rising and rising. Disney just announced, for instance, is laying off, furloughing sorry, several thousands of people. They didn’t give an exact number. We have retail companies shutting down, like completely shutting down. They can’t pay their bills. They are already struggling because of online sales. People are getting fired. People are getting fired is not just the United States. It’s also people like China. China’s unemployment crisis. But nobody knows the true number of jobless. They estimate about $205 million, Chinese worker. Right. Workers can’t find jobs right now or are unable to return to previous jobs. Two hundred five million of them. That’s just an estimate. A low ball estimate based off of the available data that people can find right now. There’s not enough retail money to support these things. You see, retail money is one of the biggest supporters, the price of Bitcoin. Many people to understand how the world leveraged trading has actually impacted the price of bitcoin. It’s a revolving door. They need all these new retail money to come in and lose, get liquidated to pump the institutional money and also to control the price of bitcoin. I mean, it’s it’s a vicious, vicious cycle. It is. It’s a dirty, dirty cycle. I’m telling you what, I am staying out of bitcoin for right now. For right now, I firmly feel that we’re going to see it get traded again. I know there was talk about the triangle format. Right. We’re in right now. The centre triangle. I don’t care. We break out of it. I don’t care. We hit eight thousand dollars in the next week. It could happen. I know that is going to be traded against because it’s something that mainstream has known about knows about now. We’ve asked for institutions to come in our space and play in thinking that was going to pump the price of bitcoin. But in fact, all the models are designed to bet against the price of bitcoin, not bitcoin. Self-right, not to help Bitcoin itself, I firmly feel that I will be able to buy back into my Bitcoin. So maybe, maybe less than $2000. Even if it’s just a flash crash, even a crash crash came and speak straight. I feel I’ll have that opportunity. I do. That doesn’t. That’s just my thoughts, my thought, my opinion. I shared these with you guys before it. I’ve been blasted before, but I haven’t been that wrong, have I? Listen, guys, that’s all I got for today. I know that no one likes to hear this kind of stuff, but I haven’t been wrong. I haven’t been wrong about how this was going to react with a virus. I haven’t been wrong as far as well as far as where the price of bitcoin is going to go for this year. OK. I haven’t either. It’s not that I don’t believe in it. We just have too many powers in place. Hurting the price of bitcoin. All right, guys. So listen, stay safe. Stay indoors. Don’t go anywhere, necessarily. See it. See you guys next time. Game it speaks for. And then a video log. Die vs L.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/why-i-decided-to-sell-all-of-my-bitcoin/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/why-i-decided-to-sell-all-of-my-bitcoin-dont-worry-cheap-bitcoin-ahead
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