#doq speaks
imaginarianisms · 5 months
bc of the new upcoming animated show on yi ti called the golden empire & later the nine voyages on young corlys velaryon & also nymeria's 1000 ships prequel (all of which i'm super excited for btw lmao), i suspect that these may be the god-emperor dynasties of yi ti ranging from valyria to the present day:
Scarlet Emperors - perhaps the most infamous dynasty. They greatly expanded the empire and strengthened central power. Some were great statesmen, others ruthless but competent, and still others ruthless and incompetent. They moved the capital from Yin to Si Qo (which was left in ruins after their dynasty ended). Many members of the dynasty were wicked and cruel and practiced the dark arts and sorcery and cannibalism like Lo Tho, though Lo Doq ruled wisely and well for more than thirty years. He survived the numerous assassinations within the imperial family by supposedly pretending to be a lackwit struck with an affliction that made him jerk and stagger when he tried to walk limp and drools when he tried to speak while others believe that the true ruler was his formidable wife, Bathi Ma Lo. A famous historical drama recounts his unlikely rise to the throne. The Scarlet Emperors reigned about 2,000 years ago and warred against the Jogos Nhai to the north, the dynasty fell when Emperor Lo Bu, known as the Boy Too Bold By Half was killed in battle by Zhea (who btw is a canonical trans man or at the very least a woman who lived & dressed as a man, so, like, I don't wanna hear ppl in the a.soiaf rpc go all like "bUt I cAnT hAvE a TrAnS cHaRaCtEr!!!!" yes you fucking can that's a canon example right there dont give me that transphobic bs), a jhatar of the Jogos Nhai. Yellow Emperors - died out 1,000 years ago. Traded with the Valyrians, who were then also at the height of their power. Chai Duq, the fourth emperor of the dynasty, took to wife a Valyrian noblewoman and kept a dragon at his court. (in my personal interpretation, House Celtigar descends from this dynasty in the paternal line.) Sea-Green emperors - at least eight emperors under which Yi Ti is said to have achieved the height of its power. They also ruled from Yin. At the apex of its power, they conquered the large island of Leng and Great Moraq off the coast in the Jade Sea, and lands as far away as Qarth, Old Ghis and Asshai paid them tribute. They traded with Valyria. Azure Emperors - the current dynasty, who ruled from Yin in a palace larger than all of King's Landing. The seventeenth azure emperor Bu Gai's rule, however, is being defied by general Pol Qo, who has named himself first of the orange emperors, and by a sorcerer lord who is exiled to the city of Carcosa far to the east of Yi Ti, claims to be the sixty ninth of the yellow emperors, a dynasty fallen for a thousand years. Relatively weak, with the regional princedoms rising in power. Leng broke free from their control about four hundred years ago (which is exactly when the Doom of Valyria happened), so this is what the current dynasty is during the Century of Blood and the Targaryen dynasty and now the Baratheon Era to the present day.
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aurora-light-blog · 1 year
Getting rid of canon garbage
What do I mean by canon garbage? For my latest fanfiction “Scarlet Pearls”, it’s bigoted details. There are two schools of thought on how to deal with this. First off is complete utter annihilation. Shoot down that racist symbol bird or cat from your story. Make them nonexistent. I fully support this on bigoted flaws in otherwise good stories. The character of scarlet emperor Lo Doq is written as having “affliction that caused him to jerk and stagger when he walked, and drool when he tried to speak.” It isn’t enough that he’s referred to as a simpleton and lackwit. A stereotypical description had to be added too. Well, it isn’t in my story. I tossed it in the garbage where it belongs.
The second method of dealing with canon toxic waste is the trickiest. It’s upcycling reinventing the offensive detail. This is difficult because it can potentially blow up in your face. A fan’s comment alerted this to me that monkey tail hats are totally inaccurate historical detail of Chinese culture. Since getting rid of this detail isn’t as easily explained away, I decided to handle it differently. Yi Ti isn’t a carbon copy fantasy of China. For my headcanon, I used multiple other cultural references. One example is ancient Egyptian which wore elaborate bird headdresses. Actually, it’s a common thread in the ASoIaF series weird animal head gear from antlers on a helmet, dog shaped helmet, and dragon shaped on helmets. With this mind, I came up with the idea of a festival party hat idea. That the royalty wore certain animal shaped hats to represent different attributes.
In addition, since black lions are sacred, fur is actually hard to come by except for monkey fur. So, yes monkey tail hats, monkey skin belts, *probably shoes, monkey meat, and scarves (haven’t included these three yet), and specialty monkey composed whips are available. Hopefully, any bad connation is removed.
What’s left? A story about an unlikely prince Lo Doq (yes, he is still slow, but he is no lackwit) rise to the position of emperor with his beloved empress at his side.
Scarlet Pearls - DarthChocolate - A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms [Archive of Our Own]
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dailycappy-blog · 7 years
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(( O H ??))
(( UM!! THANK YOU FOR 300 FOLLOWERS Y’ALL??? I’m truly sorry for the lack of updates!! school is beating me up with a baseball bat rn....... i’ll see if i can pump out stuff this week but thank you nonetheless! i love you all <3 ))
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lvingflower · 7 years
hiatus notice
(( not much to say here. I’m just really tired guys, I’m so sorry ))
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soulsgained · 7 years
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(( hi guys! doq here~ ))
(( i kno i kno i’ve disappeared again and im rlly sorry abt that! I hate leaving without a word :( but I’m here with some pretty... big news for this blog... ))
(( I’ve been running this blog for more than a year and wowee, has it been a TREMENDOUS experience, but... wELL... I’ve gone through things and.. I’m not happy with how some things hae turned out, or my management with certain things... ))
(( before any of u jump at me, nah, I’m not announcing a blog closing! rather, what I’m announcing here... ))
(( I’m gonna be rebooting this blog. the other stuff will stay there to serve as an archive, but! I’m gonna restart the whole story. I want’ to start fresh and explain things i never got to explain because of my poor management. ))
(( After careful consideration, I wont be resetting the relationships, but then everything else? yeah. stuff will be tweaked here and there, and i should be able to bring this blog back up in uh... two weeks maybe? we’ll see ))
(( ill be tyding up stuff, and try to finish the abouts. I hope that this will allow me to... tell a story again bUT WITH BETTER MANAGEMENT HKJDSF ))
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oqpromptparty · 5 years
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Hi everyone! If you’d like to take part in this year’s Prompt Party Week, just select any of the prompts from the list below and write a fic, make a video or create some art based on it. Please note that more than one person may choose the same prompt.
You may submit new stories or include the prompts in any of your existing verses (though all your entries must be posted for the first time during Prompt Party Week).
Art/Video makers may use any of the prompts, but there are some Art/Video specific ones at the bottom of the post.
I have condensed some of the prompts that were a little too long and removed some that felt repetitive or have been sent before… feel free to take some liberties with some of the more specific prompts!
If you have any questions, please tweet @OQPromptParty
OQ Prompt Party week will run from 27th May - 2nd June 2019. Please don’t post anything until then.
Everyone who posts a prompt for all seven days of the OQ Prompt Party week will be sent a limited edition, one of a kind Outlaw Queen button/badge. These will never be available again, so don’t miss out!
Each day there will also be the opportunity to win another prize. You will be entered into a prize draw and the more prompts you write, the more times your name will be entered into the draw. I will announce which prizes will be available on each day soon.
There will also be a separate prize for most prompts included in a single one-shot/chapter (crack!fic encouraged).
And now! Without further ado, here are your prompts:
Lonely Robin paints/sculpts a picture of the woman of his dreams and she comes to life.
Roland’s first lost tooth.
“Sorry I thought you were someone else.”
Regina has scars from surviving a fire and thinks nobody can love her, Robin proves her wrong.
Roadtrip AU: Regina and Robin go to DisneyWorld for the first time and take Henry and Roland
Regina is the (little) sister of Robin's over-protective best friend.
One (or both of them) is in a coma, and they keep meeting in their dreams.
The first time Roland calls Regina "Mama"
Fighting Wolves.
A positive resolution or a rewrite of the baby storyline - Robin isn't the father / Regina is the mother.
Robin and Regina pick up a stranger at a bar and have some fun
Henry, Robin and Roland play Mario Kart
Regina over-hears someone talking about Robin in a language he doesn't know and she defends him.
Robin meets Daniel or Regina meets real Marian.
Regina and Robin are professors at the same university, enemy-to-lovers
OQ AU in a Love+Death+Robots scenario.
Enchanted AU: Regina finds herself trapped in the real world, New York City and finds something unexpected: a happy ending.
Regina asking for something she considers weird in bed
Modern AU: Regina is a witch and when Robin discovers it accidentally, his reaction surprises her.
Makeup sex
Regina’s new obsession is bubble tea, Robin just thinks it’s weird
Regina and Robin in a cooking competition.
Season 6 AU: Robin goes to the Wish!Realm with Regina and they both meet their Wish!versions.
MCU AU: Either Robin or Regina gets taken in the Thanos snap. Bonus points if you also wipe out one or more of the kids for maximum angst.
Robin, Regina and the boys in an escape room.
A little private time in Camelot.
Robin is a warlock who cast the first curse, and Regina is an archer who steals from the rich to give to the poor.
Ella Enchanted AU
Robin leaves after he feels betrayed
Summer vacation
Quiet times near the fireplace.
The Princess Diaries 1 and 2 AU
"Only You" AU
One of them gets injured and the other has to take care of them.
Robin and wishHook have to plan a part of Robin & Alice’s wedding (bonus points for a crack fic).
Spilled wine/coffee.
Robin & Regina are expecting twins.
Regina as a sex therapist.
Regina is thrown from her horse, Robin is the one who helps her.
Confessions of a Shopaholic AU: but Regina/or Robin is a hoarder of books instead of clothes.
Accidental magical body swap
Good Girls AU - Robin as a stay home dad, Regina as a criminal
Robin is custodian of a cemetery and meets Regina when she buries Daniel and keep meeting as she mourns.
Regina didn’t realize marrying Robin meant that she’d also be getting custody of all the Merry Men
The Sound of Music AU
One of them falling (any kind of fall), the other helping
Person A almost losing a loved one and person B tries to comfort them.
Inspiration from Pet Sematary - Regina or Robin dies and the other buries them in a place that happens to be cursed so that those buried there are resurrected. Regina or Robin is resurrected but are soon to be revealed as being darker and more sinister than they were.
Henry’s graduation.
Fic based on “Die From A Broken Heart” by Maddie and Tae. Robin and Regina have a massive fight after he shows up wasted with a few buddies... he walks out on her and slams the door behind him and she runs to her mom for comfort. By the end Robin comes to apologize and slowly win her back. AU (Cora is the good guy)
AU - Robin attends a convention with Henry and Roland.
Robin catches Regina full on dancing around in the kitchen while making dinner.
Pregnancy horniness.
Lost AU.
Roland's bedtime routine is exhausting.
OQ wedding + Robin carries Regina bridal style into their house.
Season 7 AU: Roni takes in a stray fox who turns out to be Robin.
Starting a new relationship after having slept together.
Stuck on a crowded train.
Regina and Robin visit New York City.
Regina hates celebrating her birthday, but Robin finds out and does something special for her.
Hiking in the woods.
Regina as a female knight and Robin as her Squire.
Robin and Regina are in Regina’s vault and Robin accidentally knocks over a potion, turning Regina into an animal.
“I didn’t know you speak…”
OQ get arrested for public sex
Grown up, Robyn meets grown-up Roland in the Enchanted Forest.
Regina and Robin take a walk on the beach at sundown.
Chaperoning Roland's first date.
Robin makes Regina a romantic meal and it doesn’t go to plan.
Person A pretends to be alright on their own but they finally accept they want Person B's company.
Regina shares an unusual fear.
OQ falling asleep on the sofa together.
San Junipero AU: Robin and Regina meet through a simulation meant for older people to live freely as their young selves once more.
Edible body paints.
Robin disguised as a priest and seeks shelter at a monastery where he meets novice Regina.
Henry and Roland plan something special for OQ's anniversary
OQ + war
First curse AU: Robin comes to Storybrooke with everyone, he and Regina meet and he instantly falls for her, but she tries to pretend she doesn’t care or isn’t affected by his charms, but fails miserably.
An "accidental" kiss.
He’s in for robbery. She’s in for murder. A prison romance blossoms when Robin Locksley notices a quiet inmate across the fence on her daily one hour out on the yard.
Robin at Regina's coronation.
Leo causes trouble for OQ
Missing year + a spell of kindness
DOQ CAOS AU: Mal & Regina as Hilda & Zelda who both fall for the Human Robin
Regina gets a happy ending massage from Robin.
Robin dealing with ED issues (temporary or permanent)
Robin surprises Regina with a puppy/cat as a birthday gift.
Every day, Regina takes her beloved sheltie to the same local dog park. And every day, she sees the same handsome blue-eyed blonde entertaining his adorable little corgi. Perhaps some day, she’ll muster the courage to say hi. Perhaps one day, it’ll not be her, but the dogs that will decide.
How to Train Your Dragon AU
AU: As a kid/teen/young adult, Person A was kidnapped. Years pass but Person A's family still hasn't lost hope and are still looking for them. Eventually the family hires Person B, the best detective in the country to find Person A and bring them home.
Regina meets Robin’s parents.
Robin Locksley is the lead actor on a fantasy TV show “Happily Ever After.” Regina Mills is the typical troubled Hollywood ‘queen’ whose been cast as Robin’s new love interest only because the producers need a big name to bring in ratings and Regina needs a way to fix her reputation. They might play lovers on screen but off screen they can’t stand each other. Until they get to know one another; then real life most definitely begins to reflect fantasy...
Henry seeks Robin's advice on a very important matter
The Merry Men accept Regina into their group.
Regina is Roland’s therapist - he gets bullied at school and Robin and Regina end up liking one another.
Labrador puppies!
Regina works at an animal shelter, Robin and Roland want to adopt a dog.
A day at the beach.
Robin comes back when Robyn is 8 to find his daughter is a spoiled brat, Little John and Regina split up his children,  Hook got to come back before him and Regina split her soul.
Regina and Robin are surprised to find that Roland has magic.
A (magical) circus visits Storybrooke.
“It’s the reason why we broke up in the first place.”
“I thought you were gay.”
Sharing body heat to stay alive.
Roland is secretly Regina’s biological child.
Gender Swap version of their story. Robin is the struggling to reform Evil King. Regina is the leader of the Merry Men.
OQ/Stargate crossover.
Robin spends a whole day with Henry while Regina spends it with Roland.
“I just want to see you smile”
Visiting a castle in present day.
Bandit!OQ - one gets captured/caught, the other has to save them
OQ modern world AU with no magic.
Season 7 AU: Regina meets Robin in EF2 but he doesn’t remember her.
Robin and Regina go to John’s farm with little Roland who becomes obsessed with a little piglet named Wilbur and spider named charlotte and Regina can’t stand the farm life and has a panic every time she dresses up Roland only to have him get his clothes full of mud- can be modern AU.
Robin gives Regina a ring.
Secret relationship AU.
Robin consoles Regina after one of their kids yells "you're not my real mom."
North of the Wall.
Robin catches Regina doing something awful.
Regina and Robin as a king and a queen of separate kingdoms who fall in love (and unite their kingdoms).
DOQ on vacation.
Lion King AU: While hunting far to find food, Regina reunites with Robin, her childhood friend and betrothed, after years of thinking him dead when his father, the King, was mysteriously killed.
Accidental spell that makes Robin and/or Regina lustful.
Going shopping.
Storybrooke Community Theatre is putting on ‘Snow White & the Seven Dwarves’ and Regina gets cast as Snow White while Robin gets cast as Prince Charming.
"My little sibling has been talking about his/her new friend for a while now but I always thought you were an imaginary friend or something but holy shit you are definitely not imaginary (for real how are you so hot???)"
Regina forms a friendship with Little John.
Monster in the closet.
Dark!OQ's wedding.
Fake relationship AU.
Robin & Regina in a Jaime & Brienne-type relationship (pref minus the incest backstory)
OQ meet again after a long time like on this Nescafé Gold advert: https://youtu.be/jZtEXMBbaZg
Byzantine empire or Ottoman empire AU.
DOQ Roland calls Mal mom.
Three Wishes.
Robin doesn’t reach Regina in time. The crystal hits her but instead of killing Regina, it kills their unborn child.
Mother’s day/Father’s day.
Fic based on the movie “Moonstruck”.
Enchanted Forest AU: Person A is a member of the royal family. An assassination destroys their family, but Person A manages to escape and is believed to be dead. Person A finds out that their power-hungry relative (Person C) was behind the attack and wanted the throne for themself. While on the run, Person A meets Person B, who invites A to their camp. After finding out A's true identity, B and his/her friends agree to help A to stop Person C's tyranny so A can be crowned as the rightful king/queen.
Regina’s past haunts her.
Robin is known as the Vicious King whose first love Marian was murdered because his step son David couldn’t keep a secret. Tinkerbell leads Robin to his soulmate, a beautiful brown eyed peasant woman with a feather tattoo.
Game of Thrones final season watch party.
Robin, Roland and Robyn are incredibly poor, borderline homeless, Regina is the CPS caseworker assigned to investigate them.
A mysterious stranger appears in Hyperion heights, no one knows who he is, but he has a gorgeous voice and he sings at Roni’s bar every Friday, and then rides off on a motorcycle.
After Regina brings Robin back she has a problem letting him go even for a second to the point where it becomes a problem.
Robin is a cop who goes undercover in a deadly dangerous motorcycle club, Regina is the president’s old lady.
Robins soul wasn’t obliterated, but instead was sent to the worst part of Hell as punishment for loving the Evil Queen and Regina just found out.
Robin & Regina get into a fight and have near death experience and angsty make up sex after (canon).
Robin the handyman.
Hunchback of Notre Dame AU.
Regina and Robin are actors on the same Broadway show.
The occupants of Misthaven discover a new land full of murder, betrayal and deaths, a land where the dead walk, a land called Westeros.
Robin and Regina’s daughter’s first prom.
Road trip.
Robin watches Regina and their kids from heaven as they continue with their lives (canon or AU).
Regina talks to Robin for the first time.
Regina accidentally hurts Robin with her magic.
DP with Robin, David & Regina.
Regina and Robin discuss moving into the woods when the last kid is preparing to leave the nest.
The Durrells AU.
Robin isn’t dead when Regina splits herself in two.
OQ stranded on an island.
“Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking but my smile still stays on.”
Robin cooking in Regina's kitchen for the first time.
Regina dealing with menopause.
Robin finds out Nottingham & Regina dated (or he finds out that Cora tried to hook them up in the ‘Mother’ ep).
Robin and Regina want to adopt a baby.
DOQ and quirks of living together.
Kissing Booth AU.
“Your curse is to remember.” Robin, who remembers everything, is in Hyperion Heights while Henry, Roland, Robin and Regina, who’s with Facilier, have no idea who he is.
AU: OQ as teenagers/young adults
Robin detests Snow more than Regina does.
Regina proposes to Robin.
“Robyn is eloping with the daughter of a pirate and a nature goddess, Roland is having an affair with a married princess, Henry’s mother in law is threatening to kill everyone and you still want to have a party?”
“I know you care for her, Regina, but I don’t want Zelena around my son.”
Robin and Regina join Twitter and find themselves involved in a fangirl argument over Henry’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ book.
Evil Queen introduces Wish!Robin to Roland or Robin.
Robin travels back in time with Hook & Emma.
Regina and Robin are neighbors who can't stand each other.
“You kissed Snow?!”
Beetlejuice AU: Robin and Regina are both dead and haunt a house with one another whilst trying to find a way to move on together.
Regina is betrothed to a pompous son of some Lord who lives out near Sherwood Forest that she’s never met before in her life. Robin’s future intended is the spoiled daughter of Princess Cora and Prince Henry who he never even laid eyes on. But how could Regina ever love the man she was supposed to marry when she’s fallen so hard for the forest smelling peasant she met in a tavern? Not to mention how could Robin ever hope to care for some princess when he’s head over heels in love with a brown eyed peasant woman whose smile he sees every time he closes his eyes?
Robin loses his memories, Regina must make him fall in love with her again.
Perfect Date AU (Netflix)
DOQ find out they share a soulmate bond
Waitress AU
Jurassic Park/World AU
“If i’d known then what I know now, I wouldn’t have...”
The original meaning behind the lion tattoo
Lost in time
Henry and Roland have a fight
Both Robin & Regina are hot tempered. 
Video Prompts
"I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith
Pretty Woman
Loving Can Hurt
This is Me
Season 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 AU
Fight song
“Tishbite” by Cocteau Twins
Any classical music
“Don’t Treat Me Bad” - Firehouse
“Paradise” - George Ezra
“Walk Me Home” - Pink
“Here We Go” - Wild
Up Town Girl
Any song from a Disney animated movie
“Shallow” - Lady Gaga
“I’ll Be There” - Jess Glynne
Art Prompts
Historical AU
Angels & Demons
Art a favourite fic
The 90s
Comic book
Sherwood forest
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ilysa-amberstar · 5 years
𝓐𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓙𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓵
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𝓘 . 𝓞𝓾𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓻
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Hello everyone, I am the player behind Ilysa Amberstar - Wyrmrest Accord. I currently work as an Alcoholic Beverage Consultant. I often go to tastings and seminars that revolve around alcoholic items such as Wine. So with the following interest that my Character on Wyrmrest Accord has, I thought it would be a fun little project to create an in game and real world guide to wines.
I do hope all of you would enjoy this project. You do not necessarily have to follow some the World of Warcraft wine guides, but I highly encourage you to read some about the real world wines. Once I get to the Real World wines, you will be given a brief lesson in the type of grape that creates that wine, the scale of dry to sweet, a color scale, food pairings, and a small geographical history of such a grape/wine.
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Speaking of, the following are some terms with their definitions that I will be using in the process of typing these things.
Color – There are different colors of wine. Reds often scale from an inky purple to a black cherry color. Some will age differently and the color you think you will obtain with it can change and vary. Whites often lean between a pale snow color to a deep amber. Rosés often scale between a pale copper to a deep pink.
Many reds will start to loose color in age and will slowly start to turn brown.
Aroma – Every wine gives off some sort of aroma that triggers a sense of smell you are familiar with. Many are very obvious while others are something decide yourself. While many wines have a set chart, these charts are built up by general consensus or by the ones who created that particular bottle or cask of wine.
Flavor – Wines all of the world have different flavor profiles. Even then, while the creators of such unique wines intend on certain flavors, the general consensus falls on the individual. Many times one would follow the same recipe and fermentation/aging process to ultimately find that the flavor of the wine is different in the slightest. This is because of many factors: Seasons, growth, soils, aging containers, etc.
Tannin(s) – This is a characteristic commonly found in Red wines. Tannin adds a bitterness and astringency, as well as a sort of complexity to the wine. If you are not a wine drinker, here are some foods to give you a general idea what a Tannin is.
Tea Leaves ( Unsweeten Black Tea is a wonderful example of a nearly perfect sorce of tannin in water)
Almonds and other whole nuts with the skin
Dark Chocolate
Cinnamon and other whole spices
Pomegranates, grapes, etc
Grape tannin comes from the skins, seeds, and stems of a wine grape. With this reason, red wines tend to have higher tannins than their white wine counter parts. Due to the extended contact with the skins as they are juiced gives the tannins to dissolve in the wine.
Some high tannin red wines:
Cabernet Sauvignon
Petit Verdot
Petite Sirah
Some low tannin red wines:
Pinot Noir
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Some Abbreviations commonly found:
These abbreviations are for designation of controlled areas. They often vary from country to country. The following are more commonly seen.
AOC – Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée, or Nontorlled name of Origin in France
AOP – Appellation d'Origine Protégée, or Protected Name of Origin. Under new Eurpean Union rules, France has begun to replace AOC with AOP.
AVA – American Viticultural Area.
DAC – Districtus Austriae Controllatus, Controlled Austrian District
DO – Denominación de Origen, Place of Origin, Spain.  
DOC – Denominazione di Origine Controllata, Contorlled Designation of Origine, Italy
DOCa/DOQ -  Denominación de Origen Calificada /  Denominación de Origen Qualificada. Both are the same however used in different locations in Spain. This is the stricter of two qualifications of DO.
DOCG - Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita, Controlled and Guaranteed Name of Origin. Wines in specific locations in Italy with stricter sets of standards than other DOC Wines.
IGT – Indicazione Geografica Tipica, Typical Geographical Indication. Refers to Italian wines from specific areas that do not follow more stringent rules of DOC/DOCG.
PGI – Protected Geographical Indication, European Union.
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giftediisms · 5 years
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“ It’s been a long time since I last saw you. “
HE REMEMBERED this boy that was standing before him. The boy’s eyes filled with fire in them. He was one of Dazai’s former subordinates. Something in him knew he wanted to talk about something. 
He cleared his throat. Oda wanted to talk to him about something too, “ I want to speak to you about Dazai, but I have a feeling you wanna talk to me about him as well. “
@stray-doqs liked
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daily-klingon · 6 years
Lesson 35: Verb Suffixes
Here are all the Klingon verb suffixes you will encounter, all types, from Type 1 through Type 9 and the Rovers.
Taken from here.
1.Oneself/One Another
These two verb sufixes describe an action which is done to oneelf, or actions which multiple subjects to to one another.
[TKD 4.2.1]
-’egh oneself Indicates that the action affects the subject; requires a prefix indicating that there is no object (jI-, bI-, ma-, Su- and the null prefix). Can be used together with -moH to form a command of a stative verb, e.g. yI­tuj­’egh­moH Heat yourself! [KGT p. 117]
-chuq one another, each other Requires a prefix indicating plural subject and no object.  (ma-, Su- and the null prefix)
Verb suffixes which describe willingness, unwillingness, readiness or trepidation (fear) - and a verb suffix which describes an action which must be taken.
[TKD 4.2.2]
-nIS need (Example: Dochvam DaSopnIS You need to eat this)
-qang willing (Example: Dochvam Sopqang She is willing to eat this)
-rup ready, prepared (referring to beings) (Example: Dochvam wISoprup We are ready to eat this)
-beH ready, set up (referring to devices) (Example: Dochvam Qolrup It is ready to beam this away (Qol beam away (v)) (Example: Dochvam SopvIp He is afraid to eat this)
-vIp afraid It is a cultural taboo to use the suffix -vIp with I or we as subject.
These two suffixes indicate that something has changed state, or it has changed state and then resumed the original state.
[TKD 4.2.3]
-choH change in state, change in direction E.g. cho­muS­choH I am beginning to hate you (but I did not hate you before). The sentence pa’ ghoS­choH He/she is starting to go there implies that either the person was not going anywhere before, or that he/she changed direction.
-qa’ resume, do again Indicates that the action stopped, then began again, e.g. wI­nej­qa’ We are resuming searching for it or We search for it again.
There is only one verb suffix of this type, and it describes a verb which is happening because it has been caused to happen.
[TKD 4.2.4]
-moH cause The subject causes a change in condition or creates a new one, e.g. qul vI­chen­moH I light a fire (lit. I cause a fire to take form). Makes intransitive verbs transitive, e.g. yI­qIj­moH Blacken it! (lit. Cause it to be black!). Required when making an imperative out of a stative verb (see also -’egh above).
5.Indefinite Subject/Ability
Two completely different verb suffixes. One describes the ability to do the verb: the other describes the verb as having an indefinite subject.
[TKD 4.2.5]
-lu’ indefinite subject Indicates that the subject is unknown, indefinite, and/or general, the verb can not have a subject, and the prefixes are used in a different way (vI-, Da-, null, wI- or bo- are used to descrive something is done to me/you/him/her/it/us/them). Sentences using -lu’ are often translated into English passive voice, e.g. Da­qaw­lu’ You are remembered. tu’lu’ is often translated as There is.
-laH can, able E.g. jI­Qong­laH I can sleep; tlhI­ngan Hol vI­jatlh­laH I am able to speak Klingon.
This set of suffixes qualifies a verb as being apparently happening, definitely happening, obviously happening (with some doubt) or happening perfectly.
[TKD 4.2.6]
-chu’ clearly, perfectly Indicates that an action is performed absolutely properly. [PK]
-bej certainly, undoubtedly
-ba’ obviously [TKDa] Indicates that the speaker thinks what he/she says should be obvious to the listener, e.g. QIp­ba’ He/she is obviously stupid. There is still room for doubt though, the suffix does not imply as strong a conviction as -bej.
-law’ seemingly, apparently Expresses that the speaker is uncertain, and may even be thought of as meaning I think or I suspect, e.g. Du­SeH­law’ He/she seems to be controlling you or I think he/she is controlling you.
The closest thing to describing verb tenses in Klingon, these suffixes describe actions which had happened (but which are not happening now), continuous actions, actions which have been deliberately done, and activities which are heading towards a definite end.
[TKD 4.2.7]
-pu’ perfective Indicates that the action is completed.
-ta’ accomplished, done Indicates that the action was deliberately undertaken and completed.
-taH continuous Indicates that the action is ongoing.
-lI’ in progress Indicates that the action is ongoing and proceeding toward a known goal.
Only one Type 8 suffix exists. It is an honorific, used for talking to a superior. It is rarely used. 
[TKD 4.2.8]
-neS honorific Indicates extreme politeness or deference. Used only when addressing a superior, e.g. HI­ja’­neS Do me the honor of telling me. It is never required.
9.Syntactic Markers
The last set of fixed suffixes, this is the catch-all category for a random selection of suffixes which cannot go anywhere else.
[TKD 4.2.9]
Subordinate-Clause Markers
A subordinate clause can occur either before or after the rest of the sentence, e.g. cha yI­baH qa­ra’­DI’ or qa­ra’­DI’ cha yI­baH Fire the torpedoes at my command!
-DI’ when, as soon as
-chugh if
-pa’ before
-vIS while
The suffix -vIS is always used along with the type 7 suffix -taH, e.g. bI­Qong­taH­vIS while you are sleeping.
-mo’ due to, because of [TKDa] Note that there is also a noun suffix -mo’ with the same meaning. [TKD 6.2.2]
Relative-Clause Marker
-bogh which
A relative clause takes the place of a noun in a sentence. It has a head noun to which its verb refers, e.g. qIp­bogh yaS the officer who hit him/her or yaS qIp­bogh the officer whom he/she hit. If there is more than one noun in the clause, the head noun is indicated with the suffix -’e’ topic, e.g. loD­Hom qIp­bogh mang­’e’ the soldier who hit the boy.[TKD 6.2.3; TKW pp. 142, 189]
Purpose-Clause Marker
-meH for, for the purpose of, in order to
The purpose clause always precedes the noun or verb whose purpose it is describing, e.g. ja’­chuq­meH roj­Hom a truce in order to confer; jagh lu­HoH­meH lu­nej­taH They are searching for the enemy in order to kill him/her. [TKD 6.2.4]
Main-Clause Modifiers
-’a’ interrogative
Indicates that a sentence is a yes/no question, e.g. bI­jang­’a’ Will you answer?
-jaj may, let [TKDa]
Expresses a desire or wish on the part of the speaker that something take place in the future. If used in a toast (but not otherwise) the sentence word order becomes object–subject–verb. E.g. wo’ ghaw­ran Dev­taH­jaj May Gowron continue to lead the Empire, if the same thing were to be expressed as a wish or aspiration on the speaker's part, and not a toast, it would be said wo’ Dev­taH­jaj ghaw­ran instead. Note: Klingons seem to be a bit touchy on the subject of toasts, and so it is important to use only the handful of accepted toasts. [PK; KGT pp. 25–26]
Nominalizers (Turns Verb into Noun) -wI’ one who does/is, thing which does/is
In reference to inanimate objects it means thing which does/is or thing which is used for,when referring to beings it means one who does/is. E.g. joq­wI’ flag; nan­wI’ chisel; baH­wI’ gunner; puj­wI’ weakling. Also used to say things like Doq­wI’ the red one. [TKD 3.2.2]
-ghach nominalizer [TKDa] Turns a verb (which must have at least one other suffix attached) into a noun. The use of this suffix often makes for bad Klingon, and it is strongly suggested that you refrain from using any word with -ghach, unless it is found in the dictionary. E.g. naD­Ha’­ghach discommendation; naD­qa’­ghach re-commendation.
These markers can be found in various irregular places in the suffix order. Every marker has different placement rules.
[TKD 4.3]
-be’ not
This suffix follows the element (verb or verb suffix) which it negates, e.g. cho­HoH­vIp­be’You are not afraid to kill me, cho­HoH­be’­vIpYou are afraid to not kill me. It cannot be used in imperatives (where -Qo’ is used instead), but it can be applied to verbs used adjectivally, e.g. yIH­mey lI’­be’ useless tribbles [TKDa 4.2.9; CK]
-Qo’ don't!, won't!
This suffix always occurs last, unless followed by a type 9 suffix. It is used in imperatives and to denote refusal.
-Ha’ undo
Always occurs immediately after the verb, before any other suffixes. It indicates that something that was previously done is now undone, or that something is done wrongly, e.g. nob­Ha’ give back; yaj­Ha’ misunderstand.Can also be applied to verbs used adjectivally, e.g. ’ey­Ha’ undelicious; yep­Ha’ careless.[KGT pp. 30, 84, 150]
-qu’ emphatic
This suffix follows the element (verb or verb suffix) which it emphasizes, e.g. nI­muS­law’­qu’ They SEEM to hate you, nI­muS­qu’­law’They seem to HATE you. Can also be applied to verbs used adjectivally, e.g. veng tIn­qu’ very big city.
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the-alpha-incipiens · 7 years
WIP Meme
Writing meme - add the first line of a WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
@x-wishes-on-fallen-stars-x​ (sort of) tagged me in this WIP meme thing, so here ya go. I’m including a bunch because lol why not. Maybe y’all can encourage me to finish some of them.
smells like forest (dark!oq)
She supposes she should have expected it, because he is Robin. Or at least, a version of him, and though there are differences, there are some similarities. Enough similarities to have him cheekily rolling his eyes, sassing, “I wouldn’t dream of it,” in response to her incredulous, “Do you doubt my cooking abilities?” when they’re discussing dinner.
some fairytale bliss (dark!oq)
It’s like a dream.
One minute she’s standing in Granny’s with her family, and the next she’s standing in what she assumes is the Enchanted Forest, judging by the clothes of the few people milling about her.
regina pegs robin (doq)
Robin grunts as he eases back, hand gripping the condom around his cock as he slips free of Regina. She’s slumped bonelessly over Mal, still blissed out and hovering on the edge of consciousness. Mal doesn’t mind, simply runs a hand through Regina’s hair, petting and stroking her, soothing the trembles still running through her body.
the best part of believe is the “lie” (golden queen)
The Queen enters the pawn shop, still wearing Regina’s clothes and hair, her body vibrating with excitement at how well her plans are going. Her so-called “better” half was trapped in the mirror world with the savior, while her insipid family had no idea she had replaced her. Everything is falling into place, so she thinks she’s earned a bit of fun.
the conversation: a sequel to “my songs know what you did in the dark” (snow queen, doq)
Snow hasn’t hesitated outside of Regina’s mansion in a long time. Probably not since before Neverland, as a matter of fact, and that was (admittedly only a few) years ago, but it feels like a lifetime. She’s broken into this mansion since, strode right in with Neal in his stroller and a cheeky grin on her face, looking for advice on how to be a mayor. She felt absolutely no fear back then, but now, standing before the door she had picked the lock of, she couldn’t quite bring herself to knock.
Not when she had a *pornographic DVD clutched in one hand, and the memories of Regina, Robin, and Maleficent entwined in bed burned onto the inside of her eyelids.
outlaw outlaw queen queen (oq squared)
By now, Regina thinks she should be used to the never-ending stream of crazy events that befall her little town. Ever since Henry brought his other mother to Storybrooke, it’s been a saga of crises, one after the other, and though she tries to hide it, she’s weary to her bones. Perhaps because the latest evil to come torment them is herself, all because she thought splitting herself from her darkness in a moment of grief would keep her from suffering anymore.
trash s7 au (golden queen, hooked queen)
There are many, many things Regina Mills-Gold hates about Seattle. She’s been living here for a little over three months, and her husband has assured her she’ll get used to it eventually. That she’ll learn to love it. So far, all she wants is to go back to Maine.
give me your filth (notty outlaw queen)
The Queen learns that perhaps one of the most delightful differences between Robin of Locksley and Robin Hood is that Locksley is… flexible. Sexually speaking. In all sorts of ways.
Robin Hood, for all that she had loved him and how he hadn’t judged her when she admitted to being attracted to both men and women, was as straight as the arrows he so skillfully wielded.
regina checks in (outlaw queen queen)
After sending the Queen off to her fresh start, Regina had considered trying to check up on her. As Robin of Locksley crossing over into this realm had proved, the Wish Realm was presumably as real as any of the others, and Regina thought she might be able to see it with her mirror. She didn’t try in the long run — partially because she was distracted by the Black Fairy and Gold’s son, and partially because it seemed voyeuristic, even for her. Not to mention spying on a part of herself hopefully getting a happy ending with some version of Robin seemed like a recipe for wounding her still-mending heart.
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dailycappy-blog · 7 years
I don't even have mario Odyssey but I would die for cappy
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lvingflower · 7 years
(( okay okAY real talk... ))
(( i am so sorry for that unanounced sprout of inactivity in this blog and soulsgained;;; the last 3 weeks were packed with crazy and heavy projects which i had to give priority to;; ive barely been able to draw hhh, and midterms week JUST finished, which means all this week has just been me giving exams (my hand hurts from all that writing...) ))
(( i was so focused that i really didnt have time to announce a hiatus notice-- but! I’m happy to announce that whatever hiatus i was in its over! ill try to get around updates in this days and finish the story arc so i can start rolling with normal asks again~!! ))
(( thank you for sticking to me guys, i rlly appreciate it!! ♥ ))
(( and as a token of my appreciation... a surprise is coming soon.... >:3c ))
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soulsgained · 7 years
(( also,, feel free to still meme with these kiddos bc ive decided to not spoil the fun and give happy times for now ;O ))
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campwintersoul · 7 years
Wintersoul News Report Day 5
[Previous] [You don’t need G for this cooleg! Undersoul Academy, starting soon!] [Next]
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*~Hey there, miscreants! Everyone’s favorite counselor here, back again with the news! Let’s see how everyone recovered from their night of partying.~
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*~Well...apparently the chefs went mad. Words fail me. Counselor Seis, you must be stopped! Well, I didn’t hear any complaints.~
*~Today’s morning event was a round of ice fishing! Really, it was just an excuse to get that fat dragon away from the sweets and back to eating some healthier morsels. Cleaned up the river a bit in the process though, first few catches were some old tem boats that got stuck in there. Some of the more notable finds include:
Alexis [ @integrity-dancer] hooking a can of premium temflakes, and then using the contraband as bait! She caught an elusive hooded temfish, but Temgon certainly didn’t approve. Disappointed in you Kamu, you know better!
Favian [ @asksixsouls] released an Angel Tortoise from its icy prison. Too regal and inedible for the Temgon, the furworm decided to spare it. It was kept cozy and warm on their head until the temgon was able to place it in the cafeteria’s aquarium.
Adie [ @overtaleblog] had themselves a brawl with a BRAVE Buffalo fish! After a match of strength and will, the kind soul  emerged victorious and crammed that fierce fish in a reinforced bucket. Some high quality fishmeat and scrimshaw there.
ExChara [ @experimenttale-au] caught quite a haul, including the first boot. A Monster’s Soul, a particularly fragile type of bass. .A 7 foot long Temgon Sturgeon. Fed the furworm for...oh about a day, the fat beastie. And her best catch was a Virtuous Salmon! The smaller cousin to the virtue fish that was already in the aquarium. Give ‘em some time together though and we’ll barely be able to tell them apart.
John&Joe [  caught themselves a Perseverant Crab. Its still holding a piece of their fishing pole even now.
Daf [ @multi-of-fire] caught a MTT Brand Loudmouth, much to the dragon’s annoyance. Thankfully it was returned back to where its obnoxiously garish scales and voice could no more harm.
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[...Samson was unavailable for comments.]
*~All in all it was a good haul, so good job to all of you wrangling anglers! Can’t quite say the same for the Hunters & Gatherers though. Eimmet guided the Kindness and Determined campers in a fruit harvesting competition in the Jungle Greenhouse as the day’s major event.  Two mixed teams were tasked with climbing on the massive flora to pick some rather impressively large fruits and transport it to the entrance. It was quite wild from what I heard. Wind and rain knocking the loot out of their hands, Scraps and Bubbles, nipping at their heels, devouring any fallen fruit. Or stashed fruit in Scraps case. Have to agree with Bubbles on that one Bitey, that definitely wasn’t ‘noice’.~
*~Which was all well and good until that pest Invoice [ @lord-invex] or whatever his name is showed up. Despite the campers’ best efforts to get rid of him, which included tossing fruit at him, and oddly enough trying to befriend him, the roach persisted in eating their hard earned loot. In the end, the Jungle itself had to defend itself, wrapping the bugman in its foliage and imprisoning the jerk. The campers had to be evacuated without declaring a winner, but Bubbles scrounged up enough leftovers to concoct some delicious cocktails!~
*~Lard Vexatious got the last word in though. Apparently stealing hard won food wasn’t enough for the jerkbug, ‘cause he saw fit to ruin Counselor Sol’s [ @sixsmolsouls] Secret Santa exchange. Not that he succeeded, but there was an attempt. Under the veil of a smoke bomb, Vex the Crude scattered and hid the gifts that were collected beneath the Gyftmas Tree. Rather poorly I might add. It was easy enough to hunt them down  So instead of exchanging gifts beneath the tree, everyone passed them along wherever they found them! Hope you enjoyed the book, Adlai, even if you did get hauled away by the Temgon soon after. Curfew breaking miscreants everywhere.~
*~Speaking of delinquency...Crime in the Camp! We have recieved reports of a rather shady temmie being sighted on the campgrounds, and even worse they have been selling contraband! Truly nefarious. Counselor Doq [ @lvingflower ]was on the case though and seemingly chased the illegal dealer away. However witnesses claimed to have seen the odd temmie in the Red Cabin and Green Cabin. Curfew breaking and harboring criminals...what is wrong with you kids?!~
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[Be on the lookout for this shady character. There is a reward of 500g for information leading to their arrest.]
*~Not that the counselors are much better. Yeah, I heard about you two jumping off the island to escape justice, Nero [ @orange-mercyfighter] & Azzy{ @bundle-of-dead-joy] ! Shame on both of you!~
*~At least there were some good role models in this camp. After seeing a call for help from a buried camper on Skynet, John & Joe assembled a team of campers and robots to dig ‘em out with the assistance of the Temmie Counsel. The rescue was a success and the poor kid was hauled back to the Master Cabin.~
*~And that’s all for today! A rather concerning amount of villain appreciation and criminal activity...maybe we should be keeping a better eye on all of you. Hmph. Well, thank you for watching and keep those peepers peeled for the next report.~
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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Hi everyone! If you’d like to take part in this year’s Prompt Party Week, just select any of the prompts from the list below and write a fic, make a video or create some art based on it. Please note that more than one person may choose the same prompt.
You may submit new stories or include the prompts in any of your existing verses (though all your entries must be posted for the first time during Prompt Party Week). 
Artists & Video makers may use any of the prompts, but there are some Art/Video specific ones at the bottom of the post.
I have condensed some of the prompts that were a little too long… and feel free to take some liberties with some of the more specific prompts!
If you have any questions, please tweet @OQPromptParty
OQ Prompt Party week will run from 19th - 25th March. Please don’t post anything until then.
Everyone who posts a prompt for all seven days of the OQ Prompt Party week will be sent a limited edition, one of a kind Outlaw Queen button/badge. These will never be available again, so don’t miss out!
Each day there will also be the opportunity to win another prize. You will be entered into a prize draw and the more prompts you write, the more times your name will be entered into the draw. I will announce which prizes will be available on each day soon.
There will also be a separate prize for most prompts included in a single one-shot/chapter (crack!fic encouraged).
And now! Without further ado, here are your prompts:
Regina and Robin are friends who accidentally sleep with one another, except not so accidentally
Roland is grown up and thinks he’s finally discovered how to bring back Robin Hood - but he needs Regina’s help
Regina eventually moved on, but then Robin comes back into her life.
Dark!OQ first kiss.
During the French Revolution, Robin is a  prosecutor who acts like a spy at court for Robespierre.
Robin owes the Queen a debt so she has made him her servant til it is repaid.  
Robin makes three wishes.
Co-Stars falling in love.
Robin and Regina used to date/were married. They’re no longer together but still love one another.
First Curse AU: Robin is in Storybrooke during the first curse and dated Mayor Mills while still cursed.  Then the curse breaks.
Robin catches Regina watching "Bridezilla" & "Say Yes to the Dress" and starts planning a secret wedding based on her commentary.
Regina meeting DarkOQ's baby (with them alive)
Robin or Regina get turned into an animal unbekownst to the other who ends up caring for them for a bit before the curse is broken and then it's all like awkward....you liked me as a fox.
OQ/Belle friendship.
Roland and Robyn meet for the first time.
No one dies and everything ends happy
Robin is there when Regina finds out she’s going to be a  grandmother.
Robin or Regina have a bad habit the other tries to help them break.
Regina is pregnant and she and Robin watch a birthing video together.
Learning how to snapchat.
Robin’s soul didn’t get obliterated when Hades stabbed him and his soul got trapped in Regina’s mirror
Page 23 showing up out of nowhere.
Regina feels burdened by the guilt of all the people she has murdered.  Robin supports her with this.
Cora tries to separate Robin and Regina.
Based on this story https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/02/20/king-pedro/
Regina and Robin meet at a hospital as they both have to sit in a waiting room waiting for hours on news about some members of their family.
Dark OQ meet Maleficent.
Regina self harming and Robin noticing
During the missing year, Regina sees herself in her mirror with Robin's tattoo tattooed on her.
Regina finds out that she’s actually Zeus or Hera’s daughter and demands that Robin be brought back.
Robin's backstory for any story or as a stand alone for the one we were promised.
Underworld. Regina telling Robin about her father’s death? Some of Robin’s demons.
In season 2, Regina went to the EF through Jefferson’s hat, and meets people who escaped the first curse; her mother, and her soulmate.
Bladerunner AU. As a bladerunner, Robin is sent on a mission to retire a rogue replicant, Regina.
Facilier's magic enables Regina to speak to Robin one last time. (Feel free to include him being semi or fully corporeal if you wish.)
Robin or Regina have to pick up a drunk Henry or Roland.
Henry comes out as ace/bi/etc to Regina and Robin.
Robin gets jealous when Regina and Mal work together a lot on something in secret. (DOQ or OQ)
Vampire AU.
Regina and Robin have a big fight. Robin goes to Mal for help in understanding Regina's reactions and ways to make it up to her. (DOQ or OQ)
Regina has mad PMS (just cause I think Robin figuring this out would be hilarious).
Robin and Regina discover their respective significant others are cheating with each other. They support each other through the fallout and their sons decide to make them realize they should be together.
OQ Body switch.
Robin is thrown through the time portal and meets young teenage Regina.
Robin and Regina in an orgy.
They are rival vigilantes both trying to fight the villain of the town.
Magic spell gone wrong, Robin accidentally turns himself into a fox while fiddling around with one of the vials in Regina's vault.
After Regina experiences sexual harassment, Robin reaches out to comfort her.
Robin refuses to go to the doctor.
Screenwriter/Director falling in love.
Person A keeps having strange dreams that turn out to be OQ in a past/alternate lives and they’re determined to find person B again (for extra angst; person B is already dead in this life).
American Horror Story Murder House AU
Season 3 AU where Robin/Roland/Both find themselves in Neverland and join an unlikely group brought together by their need to find a young boy.
Dark!OQ finding & taking in an abandoned baby.
An AU where there is a terror attack.
One is a killer/Criminal the other one is trying to catch him/her.
OQ friendship as one of the original married couples from Grace and Frankie.
Regina has another adoptive child when Henry brings Emma to Storybrooke.
Why did Robins tattoo match the lion emblems in Camelot? Former knight? Rightful king?
Missing Year and it's Roland's birthday.
The Good Place AU
“I went to the museum to get some inspiration for my art and then I saw you staring at one of the paintings in awe but now you just noticed me drawing you and this is awkward AU”
Regina hires Robin as her stylist. Because of a misunderstanding she thinks he’s gay.
Drunk Regina accidentally admits something really embarrassing.
Robin and Regina in a witness protection programme.
Frozen AU
Regina dies and Robin can see her ghost, together and try to find a solution to bring her back.
Prince Robin has to choose a bride via competition for his heart and Regina is one of the girls competing (or vice versa).
Robin finds Regina after searching for her.
Regina being with young Robyn.
Soldier/Nurse AU.
Their first time together after Robin has been brought back to life.
Robin or Regina are royalty and the other one works for them.
Regina goes to visit Robin’s grave for the first time.
Rival detectives trying to solve a case.
"We have to be quick"
“Would you like to share the blanket?”
Strip Poker
Alzheimer’s - one of them gets it and the other takes care of them.
Regina realises that Wish!Robin was her Robin after all and wants him back. The Evil Queen isn’t happy at all with that notion.
Robin comes back without any memories, Regina has to make him fall in love with her again.
Regina doesn’t get to go to heaven so Robin decides to stay wherever she is.
OQ meet over the death of their children.
Robin proposes to Regina on a bridge.
Regina teaching (or attempting to teach) Robin how to bake something.
Robin is secretly shrunk and kept in Roni’s jeans pocket. She doesn’t tell anyone to protect him.
Robin accidentally ingests viagra
They are both criminals trying to escape.
You’re getting chased by the police and you just jumped in my car and yelled drive, wtf man
OQ go on a double date with D!OQ
Robin comes to bring lunch to Regina but he finds her very sexually frustrated having been interrupted by the children the night before.
Regina thinks Robin is cheating on her but he is actually planning to propose.
OQ Doctor Who AU with Regina as the last of the time lords, The Queen, and Robin as the professor/archaeologist/criminal/time-traveling husband she never meets in the right order.
"This can never happen again"
Robin and Regina realise that Robin’s daughter has magic, they try to teach her how to use it.
After last call at a bar, Robin and Regina find they don’t want to say goodbye
I Dream of Jeannie AU.
You’re the bastard who keeps parking in front of my house and you just caught me drawing a dick on your window… ugh, oops.
Rivals doctors trying to win a famous prize
“Your dog likes me a thousand times better than they like your partner and sorry not sorry I love this dog”
OQ at a strip club
OQ in a Star Trek or Stargate setting
“Maybe we were the mistake"
10th Kingdom AU with Regina as Virginia and Robin as Wolf (but Fox!). Bonus points for bringing Henry and Roland along for the adventure.
Regina covers Robin in tiramisu.
Fantastic 4 AU.
"I'm really angry at you but also really horny so can we press pause on this fight and fuck first?"
Before she leaves for New York, Regina knows that Roland is going to leave so she decides to take him to his father’s grave to say goodbye to both of them.
Robin or Regina almost freeze to death and the other one finds them.
Regina takes Robin Hood on an airplane for the first time.
Regina visits Marian's grave to thank her.
The first time they sleep together after Zelena.
Partners, working on a firm together and lovers/couple off-work.
Robin likes to kiss the exposed parts of skin the EQ reveals (cleavage, back etc)
Robin and Regina's daughter breaking their first curse. Regina doesn't believe her and it tears her down a bit.
“We are trapped in a bank during a robbery, please don’t get yourself killed I’m actually starting to like you” AU.
OQ steal a baby (intentionally, unintentionally, whatever.)
D!OQ/OQ's wedding day.
You’re a sex line operator and I called you because I was curious and wow you have an incredible voice AU.
Regina dealing with menopause (could be brought on early due to magic).
Regina & Robin chaperone Henry's senior prom.
They have the house to themselves but they bet they can keep quiet. They end up losing.
Robin helps Regina see light in the darkness
One of them is caught masturbating.
Regina is overwhelmed and is drowning in her demons. Robin helps her.
OQ at Henry and Cinderella’s wedding.
Canon Robin and Regina talking about Regina and Graham’s past and Robin being jealous.
OQ in Disneyland.
Robin and Henry bond.
I’m a single parent and you’re my son’s coach and holy shit I want to take you out on a date and exercise in an adult way.
Regina planning a full weekend of roughing it in the woods with Robin and the barest of essentials.
Date night.
You seem to have slept with everyone on my block except me, care to explain yourself? (When’s it my turn because I find you very attractive).
Regina gets sun poisoning and Robin has to take care of her.
Barefoot in the rain - all of their “firsts” are in the rain.
Henry worries about his mother and confides in Robin.
Hook thinks something is amiss but accidentally walks in on Regina and Robin having sex he breaks his leg fleeing the scene.
Hades’ dagger splits Robin into 2. His dark and light sides.
Regina and Robin meet speed-dating.
Regina trying to cope with pregnancy hormones.
Regina goes to NYC and sees Robin with Marian(not Zelena) and she's jealous.
Summer camp either as counsellors or as attendees.
Teacher student preferably with Robin as the student
Roland falls ill.
Can't buy me love AU.
“I said i loved you one more time in case it would change your mind"
Two foreign strangers meet under the cherry blossoms in Japan (bonus points if Regina is dressed in a kimono)
Regina finding out she's pregnant and she gets scared of Robin's reaction. But he's very sweet about it and gets super happy.
Jealous Regina and/or Robin.
Roland and/or Henry getting into trouble for fighting and defending Peanut's honor when some kids start badmouthing her.
Regina as a russian spy, Robin the CIA agent who’s trying to capture her.
OQ in a dystopian AU (can be based on Black Mirror episodes).
Regina finds out through her jealousy that she actually likes Robin more than just a friend.
Roland and Regina go shopping.
Regina is a goddess of love. She is responsible to bring people together and help everyone find their true love. However, her fate is to be alone forever. Then she meets Robin and while he’s destined to be with Marian he goes against powers older than life on earth itself in order to be with her.
OQ as IT geeks who work in the same company and they’re so awkward when they flirt with each other.
Peanut's first period & Robin's the only one home.
Bandit!Regina injures Robin, then nurses him back to health
An English man’s heart is stolen by a Flamenco dancer on a visit to Spain.
One of them surprises the other in the shower, it's a really good surprise
Robin finds Regina's sex-toys, and he doesn't know what they are.
Regina attends Dark OQ’s wedding.
Secrets & Lies
Robin tries to put on a sexy costume but Regina laughs at him.
Movie night with the kids.
The queen orders Robin Hood to steal something from Rumple’s castle and gives him a reward.
Regina is the dark one and Robin has the dagger.
Emma ruins everything.
“And for the first time in a long time, I could imagine a future where I was happy"
Regina and Robin see a musical on Broadway together.
Drinking Game with 20 Questions
Robin and Regina have a big fight.
Regina turns home to a very drunk Roland. Turns out Robin thought the ‘Strawberry Woo-Woo’ cans in the refrigerator were a children’s drink. “What kind of alcoholic drink has a picture of _____ on it?!”
Zorro AU
Regina cares for a sick Robin during the missing year.
Regina/Roni has been in a relationship with Facilier when Robin comes back.
Childhood Robin and Regina meeting in the Enchanted Forest.
They almost get caught in any type of sexual situation by any character.
Regina is an artist, Robin is life model who poses nude for each of her life drawing classes.
The Love Punch AU
Season 5 AU: Robin doesn't die and now has two parts of Regina to deal with: Queenie and Regina.
“You can’t just take my child!” “I’m taking what’s rightfully mine.”
Robin gives Regina a ring.
Regina or Robin have physical therapy twice a week but instead of working on the injury they do much more fulfilling exercises.
Regina is an AI Robot owned by a lonely widower Robin.
OQ have sex in a library
Roland climbs up a tree, Regina helps him to get down.
OQ + rimming
Roni and Robin find one another in Hyperion Heights in their cursed identities.  Then one day, the curse is broken and they wake up
Queeny and Locksley bring Robin back for Regina
A visit to the museum.
Roman Holiday AU.
Regina and Robin "just friends" play a drinking game
Robin and Regina skype while he is on an out of town business trip
USA around civil war time. Regina, wife of a confederate slave owner, is on her way further down into the South when the train gets stopped by Yankees (Robin).
Robin tells Regina that she deserves better than her current boyfriend
Robin and Regina get caught getting handsy in public
Regina tells Robin that she saw his girlfriend cheating on him
Regina and Robin attend a ball.
WWI or WWII AU: Regina falls for British solider Robin.
Non-Magical AU - Regina and Robin are on a date when they bump into Regina’s ex: Emma Swan
Regina being selfish in bed.
Roland follows an injured puppy and gets lost, Robin/Regina find them huddled together for warmth.
“You are my future.” “But I’m not sure you’re mine.”
Anastasia AU
“How did my parents meet? Well, my dad was in jail, and called the wrong number accidentally, who happened to be my mom, and he didn’t wanna waste his call so he told her not to hang up. Boom. They’re 24 years married.”
Regina is an assassin hired to kill Robin, but when she realizes he is a good man and has a son, she decides to protect him instead.
A Showmaster falls in love with his new trapeze artist who joined the show with her young son in order to provide a living.
Robin leaves Roland with Regina while out of town and she has to call John when something goes wrong.
Friends with benefits
Regina and Robin get set up on a blind date by their friends but neither of them showed up. Years later they get together and find out about their missed opportunity.
Robin accidentally clones himself whilst playing around with a few things in Regina’s vault. Regina has to try and put things back to normal, though not without having a little fun first.
The Notebook AU
Mulan AU: because her father is too old and weak, she joins the army as her father’s son, trying to save her country from the looming threat of (e.g. ogres)
Castle AU: She’s a detective and he’s a writer.
They meet at a gala, she’s an actress with a wonderful red dress and he’s a musician. They start talking and they fall in love looking at each other’s eyes.
Robin is the royal heir to a fortune but is disillusioned with the customs and pomp of regality so he gets into thievery ... and Cora is out on the look for a new husband for Regina after the first fell through ..... (perhaps bandit Regina and Robin)
Regina makes Robin her famous lasagne.
Roland goes to college.
Roland gets lost in a supermarket and Regina finds him and helps him find his Papa.
Marrying your best-friend eliminates the risk of divorce by 75%
Medical AU.
High School AU - Robin is a new student of one year. Marian schemes to get Robin for herself by dissuading both Regina and Robin who clearly have feelings for each other.
Robin and Regina are not dating. Then Robin accidentally walks in on Regina when she's with a woman.
Regina wearing Robin’s sweater bc she’s cold and that’s all she can find.
Regina being a headmistress and Robin being a billionaire whose son, Roland, goes to the school where Regina is the boss. Usually the nanny drops Roland off at school but one day when Regina is in charge of the arriving children so happens that Robin takes him to school.
Robin and Regina make a pact that if both of them aren’t married by 40 they marry each other. They fall out of contact for a few years but Regina gets a phone call on her 40th birthday from a familiar voice...
A reincarnation AU where one of them is forced to remember the past lives with the other person but the other person doesn’t remember their last life.
Teen OQ's first time in the backseat of a car.
Robin and Regina are both celebrities (doesn't matter in what form)  and they've been secretly dating for a while when they are asked to perform in an episode of Lip Sync Battle and Robin proposes with Bruno Mars' Marry You.
“I only date for the Netflix passwords.”
Robin and Regina bond over their puppies Roland and Henry.
Regina sneaking birth control to her teenage daughter and Robin catching her.
Robin being Regina's personal trainer, because Regina wants to work out before her wedding but we all know that wedding won't happen now that they met.
Upper east side widow: While en route to her husband’s funeral (whom she murdered) Regina gets arrested by Detective Locksley.
In the EF Regina’s hair gets too heavy for liking and she wants to cut it with scissors but Robin has a different idea (cutting it with an axe)
Jealous Regina (when they aren't even together) and she gets all possessive, angry then takes matters into her own hands so they have a get together sex.
Regina takes up archery as a new hobby and Robin is her instructor.
Roland saves a litter of kittens. Regina wants to get rid of them bc she doesn’t want pets. They win her heart over in no time and while outside she acts all indifferent, Robin catches her being all sweet with the kitties when she thinks everyone is sleeping.
Art Prompts
Regina and Robin as Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. Famous ice dancers in love.
Anything silhouetted
Drawing/painting of all of their kisses
The Vault
Regina & Robin's twentieth wedding anniversary.
Regina's box of mementos from Robin (Can be before or after his death)
Dawn's first light on the sleeping lovers
A midnight swim beneath a waterfall
WW2 manip (Robin using the pics of Sean from Timeless)
Arguing in public
OQ at the beach
masquerade ball
Royal Wedding
OQ in Game of Thrones
Art a favourite fic
Song Prompts 
(for music videos but can also be used for fic & art)
Faded - Alan Walker
Rewrite the stars - The Greatest Showman
The night we met - Lord Huron
Sorry - Halsey
So cold - Ben Cocks
Every time we touch - Cascada
Sad song - We the Kings
Because of you - Kelly Clarkson
All I ask - Adele
Hello - Adele
Little do you know - Alex & Sierra
In my veins - Andrew Belle
Just a little bit of your heart - Ariana Grande (Alesia Cara cover)
You are the reason - Calum Scott
The scientist - Coldplay
I will survive - Aretha Franklin (Leopold or Daniel as “you”, Regina as “I”, and Robin as “someone who’s lovin’ me”)
Dangerously - Charlie Puth
I need you love - Calvin Harris (Madlyn Bailey cover)
Paradise - George Ezra
Say you won't let go - James Arthur
Naked - James Arthur
The one that got away - Katy Perry
My life would suck without you - Kelly Clarkson
Angel down - Lady Gaga
Secret love song - Little Mix
You always make me smile - Kyle Andrews
Like i'm gonna lose you - Meghan Trainor
Close your eyes - Michael Buble
Dynasty - MIIA
Classic - MKTO
Latch - Sam Smith (Natalie Taylor cover)
Rich love - One Republic
Just give me a reason - P!nk
What about us - P!nk
Better place - Rachel Platten
War of hearts - Ruelle
The heart wants what it wants - Selena Gomez
To be human - Sia
Dusk till dawn - Zayn
Just a dream - Nelly
Don’t Treat Me Bad - Firehouse
Demons - Imagine Dragons
Outlaws - Alessia Cara
Somebody else - The 1975
Hurts like hell - Ruelle
Too good at goodbyes - Sam Smith
Video games by Lana Del Rey
Goodbye kiss - Kasabian
Stay with me - Sam Smith
Tetris - Madlyn Bailey
Tell me you love me - Demi Lovato
Nobody - Selena Gomez
I want crazy - Hunter Hayes
In the name of love - Martin Garriz & Bebe Rexha
Gives you Hell - The All-American Rejects
Hopeless Romantic - Billy Vera & The Beaters
My Valentine - Paul McCartney
Are You Ready - Mike & The Mechanics
Dark Horse - Katy Perry
I Won’t Give Up - Glee version
Perfect - Ed Sheeran
Into You - Ariana Grande
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Theme prompts for Videos:
Fanfic Trailers.
Movie trailers.
AU videos.
S7 AU Trailer.
Missing Year
OQ Family
70 notes · View notes
Fic - White Light and Dragon Fire
I finally wrote a fic for DOQ week!  Except it’s a week late. And doesn’t fit any of the prompts. And is technically pre-DOQ.  But other than that, hey I wrote a fic for DOQ week!  (I lost two followers just from reblogging other people’s - awesome - DOQ fic. How many do you think I’ll lose for writing some of my own?)
Anyways. This is set in the same universe as my other DOQ fics, so canon up to Operation Mongoose, except Marian is actually Marian - and because she was actually Marian, there was no deception or emotionally manipulating Robin and thus no pregnancy.  Everything else is pretty much the same up until they’re back in Storybrooke post H&V, where it takes a sharp right turn.  This was basically supposed to just explain how Mal came to be staying in Regina’s house but it got away from me a bit. Shocking, I know.
So...rated T. Outlaw Queen. Pre-Dragon Outlaw Queen. Robin and then Belle POV. Mentions of canon pairings.  Awesome magical ladies making magic together.
Robin was late.
He was supposed to meet Regina and Henry at Granny’s almost thirty minutes ago, and though he knew Regina would understand his reasons once he explained, after all the months separated and then the horror of watching her die in Isaac’s twisted tale meant that every minute spent apart filled him with anxiety and dread.  So much so that he had basically run from the Merry Men’s camp in the woods into town and down Main Street.  Now he was outside the diner entrance, braced against the table while he caught his breath and tried to calm the heart thundering inside his chest.
“You okay?”
He whirled around and found Maleficent’s daughter standing rigidly in the vine covered archway.  She was staring at him with a sort of wary concern, and something about her expression and posture tickled the back of his mind.  He made note of it and then dismissed it for now, smiling a quick reassurance at the young woman standing in front of him.
“I’m well, thank you,” he said. Lily nodded and her posture relaxed just a bit.  He looked at her curiously. “And you? I didn’t see you in that....place, but I assume you were written into the book as well.”
He regretted asking the question when Lily tensed again, closing herself off completely.  That feeling of familiarity increased.
“I was,” she answered tersely. “But I’m fine.”
“That’s good.” He said nothing further, just gestured towards the door. “Shall we?”
Lily shook her head. “I’m gonna hang out here for a few more minutes….enjoy the peace and quiet.”
“Well then, perhaps I’ll see you inside.” She murmured something that sounded vaguely affirmative, and not wanting to increase the girl’s obvious discomfort, he flashed another quick smile and made his way into the diner.
It was crowded, much as it was those few months ago after the Wicked Witch’s defeat.  (Henry had jokingly informed him earlier that Granny’s was the traditional post-villain celebratory spot and that certainly seemed to be the case tonight.)  However, it took him only a moment to zero in on Regina and her son sitting side by side in a booth, staring down at what he assumed was the original storybook.  He made his way quickly to her side.
“Hello, love.” He pressed a quick kiss on those delectable lips of hers before taking a seat opposite her.
“You’re late.” Her tone was worried rather than angry.  “Is everything all right?”
Regina knew that he had gone to the Merry Men camp to check on Roland and Marian and the rest.  She would be worried that something was wrong with his son, and he hastened to reassure her.
“It is now.   Roland is fine, but Marian was very shaken by everything that happened in that alternate world, especially her own actions.”
Regina frowned.  “They weren’t her actions.  They were more of the Author’s manipulations,” she said. Her eyes softened as she looked at Henry, reaching over to squeeze his hand. “The former Author’s.”
Robin grinned broadly at the reminder that Henry was now the Author.  Even as young as he was, Robin had faith that he would be a much better author than Isaac ever was. But Henry squirmed in his seat a bit, and Robin supposed he wasn’t quite used to his new mantle or to the attention it drew so he brought the conversation back to Marian.
“I told her that, but it’s still hard for her to reconcile.” He hadn’t helped, he knew.  When he had arrived at the camp, she had come rushing towards him and he had instinctively flinched away.  He’d apologized, but it hadn’t erased the guilt and pain in Marian’s eyes.  Even Roland had seen it. “I know I said I was going to bring Roland, that we were both going to stay with you, but he saw how upset Marian was and he wanted to stay and comfort her.”
“Of course he did.”
“Marian tried to convince him that she would be fine,” Robin explained, “but he overheard her say that she wouldn’t sleep easily tonight and informed her in no uncertain terms that when ‘his Majesty’ had made him her knight, she had charged him specifically with vanquishing the monsters that lived in bad dreams.”
“He did?” Regina was clearly surprised, and Robin wondered at that.  The boy had doted on her in the Enchanted Forest, and had been thrilled when she had come to New York to bring them back home.  Yes, he had his mother back now, but they were still getting used to each other.  Although neither he nor Marian acknowledged it, and the tide was very slowly shifting in Marian’s favor, they were both aware that Roland still looked at Regina as the primary maternal figure in his life.
He said none of this to Regina now; it would only increase the (unnecessary) guilt she felt. Instead he just nodded in mock solemnity.  “Oh, yes. He takes his duties very seriously, milady.”
He slid his hand across the table to grasp hers. “And since Roland is not with us, I thought perhaps you might join me for a walk in the moonlight.”
“Perhaps,” she responded coyly. They held each other’s gaze for a moment before Robin shifted to look at her son.
“As long as you don’t mind, Henry.” Although he had handled himself with a bravery that impressed but didn’t surprise Robin - the boy was the son of Regina and Emma after all - Robin knew that watching his mother die had been traumatic for him no matter how temporary that death was.  He would not begrudge the lad if Henry didn’t want to be separated from his mother even for a short while.  Henry, however, just shrugged.
“It’s cool.” A mischievous look crossed his face. “That way you guys can kiss all you want and I don’t have to see it.”
“Henry!” Robin tried to suppress the smirk threatening to spread across his face at Regina’s scandalized tone and the pinking of her cheeks. “You-“
Whatever Regina was about to say was cut off when the door to Granny’s was flung open and Belle rushed inside. She moved quickly towards Emma and her parents.
“Rumple, his heart. He said it’s almost gone.” Belle announced breathlessly.  She shifted her gaze to Regina. “And uh…he said we’re in danger.”
Regina’s hand tightened around Robin’s but her gaze was focused solely on Emma.  A moment of shared understanding before Emma turned to gather her parents and Regina slipped out of the booth without ever letting go of Robin’s hand.  She turned to Henry, who was hastily shoving the storybook into his bag.
He looked up just as Regina opened her mouth but cut her off before she could speak.
“I’m the Author now, Mom. I might be able to help.” His lips quirked up just a bit as he added, “And if we’re in danger, there’s no place safer than with you and Emma.”
He could see Regina struggling to find a hole in his reasoning, but as far as Robin could see there was none.  The boy was right; he would be safest in the company of two powerful magic practitioners with all the motivation in the world to keep him safe.  So he gave Regina’s hand a reassuring squeeze and when she turned to look at him, smiled softly.
“He’s right, milady.”
She nodded and turned back to Henry.
“You stay right next to Robin, and if he tells you to run, you run.” She reached out and grabbed hold of his chin. “Understand?”
Henry nodded, placing his hand atop his mother’s.  “I promise.”
Regina stared at him for another long minute, and whatever she saw reassured her because she let go of both he and Henry and turned to follow the Charmings, who were already halfway across the diner.  Hook pushed open the door and Emma quickly made her way past him, her parents at her heels and Regina close behind.
However, she paused as she passed by Maleficent’s daughter.
“Lily, call your mother. Have her meet us at Gold’s shop,” Regina ordered before slipping past Hook and joining the others outside. Robin reached out for Henry, grasping the boy’s shoulder as the two of them made their way out of the diner, waiting just long enough for Hook to release his hold on the door and join them before rushing to catch up with Regina and the Charmings.
There was too much happening and Belle simply couldn’t take it all in.  Rumple, lying on the floor so very still.  The others standing behind the Apprentice, anxiously listening to his admittedly not very reassuring words.  And the man himself, kneeling across from her. Using words like ‘purest evil’ and darkness finding ‘its doom’.
She watched, horrified and hopeful, as the Apprentice pulled Rumple’s heart from his chest and summoned the hat.  Even as he finished speaking the words of the spell to free Rumple from the Dark One’s curse, she could see it being drawn from his heart by the power of the hat. There was a flash of light emanating from where the dagger lay on the floor; Belle glanced at it just long enough to confirm that Rumple’s name was no longer engraved on it before turning her attention back to the hat.  She wondered if it was the Apprentice’s hand or the hat itself that shook as it absorbed the curse.  Both, perhaps.
And then it was done. The darkness was contained and Rumple’s heart wasn’t red but a strange bright white – the antithesis of that impenetrable blackness of moments ago.  She wished she knew if that was good or bad.  She glanced up at Regina, the only one who might have a clue as to what it all meant, but she appeared just as confused and apprehensive as the rest of them.  Belle looked down at Rumple, placed a hand on his chest.
“He’s barely breathing.”
“Rumplestiltskin was the dark one for centuries. His return to the man he used to be will not be easy,” the Apprentice said matter-of-factly. “This will preserve him until we discern if we can help him.”
Before Belle could question him further, the box next to her started to rattle loudly.
“Everybody step back.” But even as Emma spoke, Regina moved forward, all her attention focused on the box and the inky blackness that was seeping out. The others obeyed Emma’s command and moved away from the box, Robin nudging Henry behind and to the side so that both he and David were standing between the boy and the hat. For her part, Belle didn’t move. She wasn’t strong enough to drag Rumple out of danger and she certainly wasn’t going to leave him.  So she simply leaned, ready to shield his body with her own.
She tilted her head up and looked at Regina, who was still gazing intently at the hat.  Belle could see it in her eyes, the way Regina’s mind raced to understand what was happening and how to stop it, and she saw the exact moment when Regina figured it out.  Watched as she stretched her hands behind her for just a moment, just long enough to brush against Robin’s hand, to curl a finger against Henry’s coat.
And then she flung her hands forward, white light bursting from them just as the darkness spilled from the hat in a desperate attempt to escape.  The darkness recoiled but Belle could see it still fighting to get free.
“Regina!” Three different voices called out, but it was Emma’s voice that carried over the increasing roar of the magic.
“What are you doing?”
“Belle said that once something is freed from the hat, it can’t go back in!” Regina said through gritted teeth.  Her arms were beginning to shake from the strain. “We have to keep it inside- Emma, help me!”
The darkness had stopped pushing against Regina’s magic and was now trying to get around it.  Emma darted forward; taking a position to Regina’s left and cutting off its escape.
The light coming from the women’s combined power was blinding so close, but Belle couldn’t force herself to look away.  As she watched, the darkness was slowly forced back inside the hat.
“It’s working,” Hook said from where he had moved to stand behind Emma. “You’re pushing it back!”
“But it won’t stay.” The Apprentice had grabbed hold of the box to steady it, and Belle thought she saw wisps of magic under his fingertips. “Their magic will not last forever, and the moment they let go the darkness will escape.”
A new voice cut through the din.
“I don’t think so.”
Belle’s head whipped around. She had known, of course, that Rumple and the other queens had resurrected Maleficent but this was the first time she’d seen her in person in Storybrooke. The first time she’d seen her since the three witches had kidnapped her back in the Enchanted Forest.  Aside from the updated wardrobe, Maleficent looked no different to Belle than she had all those years ago.  Tall and stunning and ferocious, and her sudden appearance made Belle hopeful and fearful in equal measures.
She watched as Maleficent strode to stand on Regina’s right, a young dark haired woman hovering behind her. Those icy blue eyes took in everything with a single glance before meeting the Apprentice’s gaze. Some unspoken agreement seemed to pass between them because the Apprentice nodded and Maleficent raised her hands.
And then there was fire. Flames shot from Maleficent’s palms, wrapping themselves around the box and around the thin ropes of darkness still trying to escape the bright white magic Emma and Regina were throwing at it. Belle swore she heard a shriek of pain coming from the wisps of black as they recoiled back into the hat.
All too soon, the addition of Maleficent’s fire to the other women’s magic amplified the already overbearing light and heat in the room and Belle was finally forced to look away. With nothing else to do, she wrapped herself around Rumple as best she could and waited for it to be over.
She didn’t know how long she waited, seconds or minutes – it could have been hours for all she knew – but eventually the light faded and the room cooled.  Belle lifted herself away from Rumple and looked around.
The Apprentice was still holding the box and there was no trace of darkness to be seen.  Instead, it appeared to be encased in some sort of crystalline structure; one that was still glowing with the heat of Maleficent’s flame.  Belle raised her gaze to the sorceress.
Maleficent was pale. Ghostly pale and breathing shallowly. A quick glance showed Regina and Emma in much the same condition.  They were all trembling and their eyes were unfocused.  Then, like a stack of dominoes tipped by some unseen force, they collapsed one by one.
Emma went first, but Regina and Mal quickly followed, dropping like stones.  Hook lunged forward and caught Emma, lowering her to the ground with Snow’s help.  Robin instinctively moved towards Regina but David and Henry were closer.  Confident that Regina was in good hands, Robin turned his attention to Maleficent, shifting his weight and catching her just before she tumbled to the floor.  The dark haired girl quickly moved in to help, and when Belle saw the look of fear on the girl’s face she realized that this must be Maleficent’s daughter.
“What’s wrong with her?” the girl demanded harshly, glaring up at the Apprentice.
“She is fine,” he said. His voice was tired and his shoulders slumped in fatigue.  Whatever he had done to assist the three women had clearly drained him.
“Fine?!” That was from Hook. “They just collapsed! That is bloody well not ‘fine’!”
The old man sighed and knelt down, still clutching the box. “What they did required enormous power. While they succeeded in trapping the Dark Curse inside the hat, it drained them of their energy.  But given a bit of time and rest, they will be back to their old selves.”
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  Everyone but Belle.  She was grateful that Emma and Regina and Maleficent were not permanently harmed by their efforts.  Grateful that they had succeeded in pushing back the darkness and containing it.  But they were not the only people in the room lying unconscious, and she was desperately afraid Rumple’s recovery wasn’t going to be as simple as a ‘bit of time and rest.’
She reached down and gently ran her fingers through his hair.  As angry as she was at him, as betrayed as she felt and as uncertain as she was that they could ever recover from everything that had happened in the past few months, the thought of a world without Rumple in it was…unfathomable to her.
Belle sat there, stroking Rumple’s hair, not paying attention to the drone of voices in the background until she suddenly realizes the droning has stopped and the room was silent.  She lifted her head and sure enough, the others were gone. Save one.
 “They just left,” the Apprentice said, laying a gentle hand on her arm.  “Snow White and Captain Hook are taking Emma back to their apartment, and the Prince and Henry are transporting the Queen back to her home.”
“And Maleficent?” Belle bore no great love for the woman, but she had helped contain the Dark Curse and keep it from infesting anyone else.  And after being separated from her child for so long, they both deserved the chance to get to know each other properly.
“Lilith -” so that was the girl’s name “- and Robin Hood are taking her to the Queen’s as well.  Although she is not in her true form, the dragon will still allow Maleficent to recover more quickly than the others, and once she awakens she can explain tonight’s events to them in greater detail.”
“And who will explain them to me?” Belle said, unable to keep her bitterness completely hidden. But she was just so damn tired of being kept in the dark about everything. Fortunately, the Apprentice seemed to understand that.
“Dragon fire.  It is one of the most powerful forms of magic there is,” he told her. “Neither light nor dark, it balanced the scales. Maleficent used it to wrap the light magic around the hat and create…a seal.  A cage so powerful that not even the Dark Curse should be able to escape.”
Well that didn’t sound promising.
“Should be?”
“The darkness is clever,” the Apprentice said, “and it will never stop trying to free itself from its prison.”
He paused, and his face took on a look of grim resolution. “Which is why I must take it and hide it somewhere away from here.”
“Hide it where?” It was probably the best idea, but Belle wondered where in Storybrooke the man could hide something so powerful.
“It would be best if you did not know.  In fact, it is best if no one does.  People cannot share knowledge they don’t possess.”  Belle thought about the dagger, about Rumple pretending to be Hook. About everything that had happened since.  She found she couldn’t disagree with him.  Still-
“What about Rumple?” she asked. “Do you still think he has a chance?”
The Apprentice glanced down at Rumple. “A chance, yes,” he said. “The protection spell should keep him safe for at least a short time, but beyond that, I’m afraid I can’t tell.”
“I understand,” Belle said softly.  Under the circumstances, that was probably the best she could hope for.
The old man stood, the box still grasped firmly in his hands.
“And now I must leave you.”
“Now?” She understood the need to hide the hat, but he couldn’t leave now.  She had no idea how to help Rumple on her own.  The Apprentice hastened to reassure her.
“Henry suggested to his grandmother that she call the Blue Fairy to better assist you in this.  I am certain she is doing so even as we speak, and it would be best if I am not here when Reul Ghorm arrives.”
“Surely Blue could help you…” but the old man shook his head before Belle could finish that thought.
“Under the right circumstances, the darkness can seduce even the most powerful champions of light,” he warned. He tensed, and Belle wondered if he could sense Blue approaching.  He had to be powerful to be apprentice to someone as powerful as The Sorcerer. “I must go.  I wish you well.”
He reached down and briefly laid a hand on her shoulder. Belle was surprised how much that one fleeting touch comforted her, and she wondered if he had used some kind of magic to help soothe her worries. But when she looked up to question him, the room was empty.
And then the bell above the door jingled, and Blue was there with Tinkerbell right behind her.  Belle felt a frisson of unease; the Blue Fairy had been an enemy to the Dark One since far before even Rumple’s time.  Why would she help him now?
But despite the pinched look on Blue’s face that betrayed her feelings for Rumple, she still pulled out her wand and began examining him.  Belle breathed a sigh of relief and felt at least somewhat optimistic for the first time since they’d returned from Isaac’s realm.  She reached out and drew her ex-husband’s limp hand to her chest.
“Hold on, Rumple.”
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