#dorin worldbuilding
pottering around with keldeorinyaa grammar again. idk what it is about SOV word order, I just vibe with it. XD
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i'm realising I have an order in my head for the placement of the comment... bits, and i need to sit down and figure out what it is lmao. here's the sentences in the screencap since the image quality is not great:
keldeorinyaa ⸻ kiv di deorssan i keli ksoli kon de nadal. English ⸻ The child went away to Dorshan on foot.
keli is actually a verb (to walk) but here it's describing a mode of transport so it gets treated as a noun instead. kon de nadi is the important verb here; nadi means 'to go/come' so you add kon de for someone going away from you, and nak de for someone coming towards you.
keldeorinyaa ⸻ er di jedi tta padawan zaaki andiyeh. English ⸻ I am learning to be a padawan of the Jedi Order.
Organizational titles (like 'Order' here) frequently get dropped in less formal speech because usage of the particle tta makes it obvious that you're talking about that sort of thing. You use tta to indicate belonging to a greater cause, a large-scale social grouping, a family, or perhaps a maker - it declares allegiance. tta and ta can both translate to 'my', but you would not say er ta siladalge for 'my family' unless you wanted to be incredibly rude to said family. You don't possess family, you belong to it.
keldeorinyaa ⸻ er de gepdalge di eyardek ki oysitarre (a) ikazdiyeh. English ⸻ My younger siblings are eating crabcakes and oysters.
keldeorinyaa has different words for siblings that are older than you (sokodal) vs. siblings that are younger (gepdal). Again, we're not using ta for family; de gets used here because we're talking about a specific relationship.
eyar means 'crab'. eyardek is a pastry sandwich of sorts filled with crabmeat and spices. oysitarre means 'oysters', and it's a loanword. There is exactly one sort of oysterlike thing on Dorin and they're regrettably venomous. On the other hand, there are many crablike things, many of which taste excellent and are far less likely to painfully murder you.
The -ge in gepdalge and the -rre in oysitarre are plural forms. -ge is the plural suffix for clan, non-clan family, and ancestors; -rre is the plural suffix for insects, sealife, plants, and a few other weirder things. this is because of noun class. :D
finally, the (a) is a particle that originally indicated the topic in a passive sentence construction, but is occasionally now also used to mark the specific object of a verb. eyardek ikazdiyeh is perfectly grammatical for 'eating crabcakes', but some dialects are now thinking that eyardek a ikazdiyeh also sounds about right.
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haunted-xander · 2 years
If anyones wondering if the side-quests in xbc3 are worth it
Like at the very least do all the ones that require heroes because there is a LOT of great character development and worldbuilding
The ones with Alexandria legit almost made me tear up because seeing her grow and change her mindset for the better just. gets me.
And honestly a lot of the non-hero required side-quests are just as good! theres so much worldbuilding and lore in them that really help flesh out the world and its people
And tbh a lot of them are just fun to do anyway even if they don't necessarily contribute all that much (take the Dorin & Bambam quests for example)
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dukeoftheblackstar · 11 months
I really love your Plo Koon-related posts! I saw your worldbuilding headcanons with the other blogs and the HC's are cute and hilarious! Please talk about Plo more and Kel Dor and Dorin stuff! You don't post much but when you do, they're great XD
OMG?! You like my Plo Koon-related posts ;//////////////////; ? Are you implying that I am not annoying .. yet?
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I will do my best to shut up about him? ;/////;
He's so perfect you know? Come off anon and let me love you? Please? ♥
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Feel free to join us and follow the others who have remarkable thoughts for Kel Dor and Dorin and Plo Koon in general!
@saengak @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows @exosorcery @uiro-mgmg1 @veny-many
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joganpie · 3 years
A bit of Plo Koon
This is for a friend​ who has fallen into The Clone Wars cartoon and entered the hell of stanning a minor PT-era Jedi.  So here’s a little bit of extra Plo Koon content for you.
(And if anyone wants to jump in with canon or fanfic recs for Plo Koon, I thoroughly invite it.)
First of all, I’m sorry to tell you this but a lot of Plo Koon’s most prominent modern content is from The Clone Wars cartoon, in part because Dave Filoni was a huge fan of the character.  
And by a “huge fan” I mean that he actually cosplayed Plo Koon to the premiere of ROTS. (Sidenote: That’s Giancarlo Volpe on the right as Kit Fisto who was also a director on TCW, as well as ATLA and GLTAS.)
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Dave also apparently campaigned various “Plo Lives” stories to George Lucas:
TFN: Do you have a plan for why Ahsoka doesn’t appear in Revenge of the Sith?
Henry: Hmmm. Are you asking about the ‘theatrical’ version of Revenge of the Sith or the ‘Special Complete Perfect “Plo Doesn’t Die” Edition’ Revenge of the Sith? Psssst... You guys have no idea how powerful Filoni is getting at the Ranch.
Dave: There is some truth to what Henry is saying. I once pitched George the idea that Plo had a parachute and that he bailed out of his fighter before it crashed. Then George said he would only continue the scene and make Plo’s death more painful, I think his parachute was going to catch fire and he falls on something sharp. I even pitched Plo being added at the end of Return of the Jedi as a Blue Ghost but that didn’t go over either. As for Ahsoka’s future... I have ideas, even outlines that answer your question very specifically.
But yeah, multiple people have joked that he’d try to sneak Plo into an episode any time he could.
Actually, returning to the concept of Plo Koon and Kit Fisto working together, that’s actually an established thing that has happened a couple times, and it does show up in TCW as well. (And yes, they are shipped.)
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There’s also a tie-in for the 2003 Genndy Tartakovsky series, Clone Wars Adventures, which has a teamup with these two in issue #6 that is about Kit and Plo dealing with a prison riot.  The characterization of Plo is a bit more violent and angry than in TCW, with Kit having to talk him into giving one of the prisoners a second chance, but he is pretty badass.  (Also, I like the Saesee Tiin story in that volume in particular, to rep another minor Jedi character.)
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If you want good, extended TCW Plo and Kit content though, what you really want is the Clone Wars: In Service of the Republic comic, and I can easily say that it’s my #1 recommendation to you as a fan of TCW and Plo Koon since it is a tie-in story to the cartoon.
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No, seriously, if you want more TCW!Plo Koon content, you want to read this comic.  There’s a running gag about Kit and the clones trying to guess Plo’s age.  I feel like I don’t need to say anything else about the story.
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However, Kit Fisto is not his only Jedi Bromance.
In Jedi Council: Acts of War we get his friendship with a Jedi named Micah Giiett.
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This one may be an odd one for you coming from TCW though because it was released in 2000, which was after TPM but before AOTC/ROTS, and some of what is presented in this comic (as well as some of the other comics from the period which I share) doesn’t quite mesh up with what we see in the rest of the prequels regarding the worldbuilding.  I wouldn’t put it as a must-read for the story either, but there are some sweet moments between Plo and Micah and it’s an interesting read to see how they extrapolated the universe out from only what we see in TPM.
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Which also leads me to another point, which is that after Micah died, Plo Koon stepped in and helped finish training his padawan-- Bultar Swan.  Who is a huge badass herself and I am Forever Haunted by the fact there seems to be no actual content of the two interacting because this fact seems to have been the product of retcons but PLEASE, I NEED IT.  (There is exactly one fanfic in the universe about these two grieving Micah and it’s less than 500 words but I owe this author my life just for it existing.)
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She’s also listed as his padawan in the most reliable of canon sources: Gurihiru’s illustrations for the Star Wars English-Japanese Dictionary
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Now here’s where I admit that my reading of the Republic comics is a bit fuzzy because of having limited access to them and reading the series in bits and parts over the years.
With that said, on the subject of masters and padawans, I don’t think current canon/TCW has established any clear lineage for him but in legends continuity Plo was trained by a wookiee named Tyvokka.  Some of that relationship is in the focus of the “Stark Hyperspace War” story in Star Wars (1997) #36-39. (Also, baby Obi-wan and Quinlan is nice too.)
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Plo also has a bit of a role in the “Emissaries to Malastare” story in  Star Wars (1997) #13-16, in which they give him Special Font to make him really cool and mysterious.  (Also, a fun Depa & Mace teamup in that story and A’Sharad Hett, the Tusken Jedi.)
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In more modern comics, there’s some nice little appearances in the Clone Wars- Battle Tales, especially issue #2 which has him rescue the Wolfpack.
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Beyond this, he absolutely shows up in the background of a lot of things because he’s a cool and recognizable alien, as well as part of the Jedi Council, but he doesn’t really have much of a role beyond exposition.
This is focused on the comics, but that’s the part of the EU (outside of TCW) where he’s gotten the most chance to shine.  He hasn’t played any substantial role in any of the PT-era books I’ve read, let alone video games or other media. (Playing as him in Lego Star Wars doesn’t count, although I do appreciate it.)
He does show up in a couple of James Luceno’s books in particular, but not in a particular substantial role. I saw Cloak of Deception mentioned when I was poking around to see if I was wrong about this, but that really does seem to be about it when it comes to his book appearances.
(They also visit his homeworld, Dorin, in the first Fate of the Jedi book: Outcast, and while that’s Post-ROTJ EU and while I can’t recommend the series as a whole, the first book does have some sort of interesting stuff about his species/planet.)
I’m also sadly short on fanfic recs since I don’t regularly read a lot of Star Wars fanfic except for when I’m needing a very specific niche filled and I haven’t really gone looking for a lot of Plo fic.  (Outside of the time I scoured the internet for Bultar & Plo content.)
I’ll end by making sure that you know about the existence of the “Plo’s Bro’s” gunship.
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As well as the fact he adds the Wolfpack symbol to his gauntlets later in the war.
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kaasknot · 4 years
What wips are you most excited for?
lmao always the one i'm currently working on, and there are times that changes daily. but i've been pretty consistent the past couple days, and my enthusiasm hasn't flagged yet, so for the time being i've got two:
an AU where plo survives order 66, which i'm writing as a fill for banned together bingo. basic plot overview: wolffe saves plo from the wreckage of his starfighter, then they both go to dorin to rest, heal, and hide from the empire (the prompt was "unpopular religions")
my ~*magnum opus~, which is really just me wanking to my worldbuilding fetish while hurting my jedi and clone OCs as much as possible. currently it's at 88k and it's barely moved into act 2 😬
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ive decided that dorin is a rocky planet with an unusually large and dense metallic core, a particularly mg/fe rich mantle, and active mobile lid tectonics (apparently it has mountains, so i kinda need that). bc of the unusual density it has a stronger gravitational force, which holds onto light gases a bit more than other planets. theres also a healthy population of helium-producing nuclear space-bullshit microbes, which replenishes helium that is lost. i need oceans for plate tectonics and also silicates, so there's oxygen there, but it's basically all bound up in rocks and water and not particularly bioavailable.
the atmosphere is fairly dense as well, and is affected by both lunar tides and solar heat-driven tides which drive some major convection and kick up the giant storms where they interact. there are extensive coastal mudflats and estuaries, because the average tides are like 20m and they can be bigger than that in places due to geographic amplification. kel dor evolved eating a LOT of shellfish and thats why they have nightmare mouths lmao. gotta crack open them shells.
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absolutely falling in love with the kel dor. i want to know EVERYTHING about them, except canon has made a few Choices about them that make no sense so i might instead have to settle for Making Shit Up About Them. i have spent the last couple days completely unable to stop thinkin about this. someone help me pls.
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kel dor worldbuilding concept of the day: Dorin has spectacular pinkish-purple-blue sunsets in storm season.
the current continental configuration is supercontinental - there's a massive fucking red desert in the interior
aeolian erosion happens at a far higher rate than on earth because Dorin's weather is on steroids
particles ranging in size from proper grit to microscopic get lifted into the atmosphere en masse by high winds, blocking out a good amount of sunlight in general
the biggest particles drop out and Cause Problems. the smaller particles stay aloft high in the atmosphere for potentially decades.
dust in the atmosphere = Interesting Sunsets. On Earth & On Mars.
I think most sunsets would be the regular orange-red-purple you get on Earth, but if the conditions re. high-level dust were right, they might turn into something a bit more downright alien :D
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i'm officially on holiday. my project: drawing a bunch of critters for my kel dor worldbuilding. :D
here's the dictionary entries for the main critters:
hassantegar — (n.) // — lightning bat; a goose-sized flighted animal resembling a downy azhdarchid pterosaur that frequently swarms in huge numbers as storms approach
nawaleh — (n.) // — carrion bat; an enormous gliding flier with downy skin, a very large toothy head, and a wingspan that can reach 6m across
yanssigir — (n.) // — whaleseal; the largest predator in Dorin’s oceans, a cold-adapted diving predator with grasping claws on its front flippers, reaching up to 15m in length
kyevittoe — (n.) // — a very large (2m+) worm species found in Dorin’s extensive tidal mudflats, frequently hunted with only partial success, capable of regeneration
erem alakye — (n.) // — a small (~40cm) snakelike predator frequently kept as household pets and for pest control
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