i've never seen this assign merc thing before! looks fun
Anyway, I'm an artist/editor. im omni with a preference of masc, i can spell for shit [undiagnosed dyslexia], i also cant think ahead at all. and i think random crits are, in fact, balanced.
one time i was i the forest on a walk with my s/o and it was humid so there was creepy-crawlies everywhere. 5 or so minutes in, a toad jumped out on the path in front of me. natural curiosity got to me so i decided to grab a stick an poke it because what the worst that could happen right. as soon as i had made contact, it jumped at me.i screamed so loud i thought i popped my eardrums. my s/o was quite concerned
sorry for long description/story!
Yah it's not like. an organized thing I started at all it's from when people would tell me what merc they look like, which then turned into "I don't look/act like any of the mercs, I'm xyz" to which I would assign them a merc based on their behavior to be contrarian, then people started sending these in with the intention of being assigned a merc, and now I'm like one of those fanfic blogs taking ship requests with people going hi I'm a 5'5" girl I have long brown hair in a messy bun I have bright blue orbs etc etc (although physical appearance, height, gender, pronouns, sexuality, etc. do not matter and will not influence your results)
Anyway Scout
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