#doubly so for grandpa harley
partyrockin · 7 months
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somehow i've become jake harley's #1 fan i don't know how this happened
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sir-argues-a-lot · 7 years
nonevahed submitted:
Hey, you know how way back when, you joked about how Grandpa was actually the worst guardian?
Well, turns out, the hot new reading is that Grandpa molested Jade, apparently: https://mmmmalo.tumblr.com/post/162269565423/what-did-grandpa-harley-do-exactly-the-only
Wow. Even Marth can’t reach this far.
I mean, when I call a character a shit, it’s because of something pretty obvious, like allowing loaded firearms within the reach of children, not something that relies solely on vague interpretations of the work of an author notable for just being plain weird.
Plus, it’s not like Homestuck is particularly subtle. Bro and Vriska’s characters are quite blatant in how they’re kinda terrible at everything, doubly so after the whole toxic masculinity spiel conversations Dave shat out near the end, so if Grandpa really was supposed to be this terrible, I’m pretty sure this would’ve been very obvious in the text.
Andrew’s a hack writer, but I’m pretty sure he’s not terrible enough to include cryptorapists.
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