ahsterism-a · 4 years
@doubtstars​ // lyric one-liners
( 100 bad days - ajr )
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    “ A hundred bad days made a hundred good stories! ” Said with laughter, though it’s clear he’s seen those hundred days, and then some. 
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differentkinds · 3 years
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basorexia  ;  the overwhelming desire to kiss.    accepting! ╱    @doubtstars​​  :  23.  a kiss on the back of the hand.
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     heather doesn’t know who picked the music for this party, but she’d like to give them a high five.  or maybe a hug.  (  both?  )  they haven’t played a single bad song.  the outro of kids of america fades out, replaced by the opening chords to another staple of her middle school years.
     she throws back the last of her drink, tossing the empty solo cup carelessly onto the coffee table as she stands.  why the fuck are they still sitting around?  ‘‘ hey.  come dance with me! ’’  a hand is held out to her friend, who raises an eyebrow.  a long moment passes.  then janis grabs it, allowing a grinning heather to pull them to a bare space on the makeshift dance floor.
     neither of them is particularly good.  that doesn’t matter, though, even when janis steps on her toes.  heather feels light in a way she hasn’t since … god, elementary school?  wow.
     the song switches again and a few people whoop loudly.  heather throws her head back, catching janis’s eye.  she’s smiling, but there’s something a bit odd about it.  heather doesn’t get a chance to place what before janis is tugging her a little further from the other partygoers.
     ‘‘ what’s — ’’
       janis’s lips press against the back of her hand and all heather can do is stare.  there’s a pause as their eyes meet.  then janis lets go of her hand.
     ‘‘ i’m gonna get another drink.  you want one? ’’  it takes a second, but heather nods.  ‘‘ cool.  be right back. ’’
     heather watches her go, disappearing into the crowd.
     that was … weird.  but she liked it.
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sunminded · 7 years
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        having just come in from   BITTER   WINDS   has blurred his edges,   brown   eyes     watery and cheeks burning red, but the curl at the corner of pale lips is nothing short of i m p i s h,     and he thinks he’s clever. romeo breathes AMITY,  a strange type of practiced-casual slouch in his     shoulders,         and             lilting            words            are              laced            with           laughter. 
       ❛       no, the tears are not from emotion, miss --- OPHELIA ?    there’s no need to worry.       ❜
                                                                   .   .   .
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changesthcplan-blog · 7 years
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     “i don’t know what that means, but i’m almost positive it’s not a good thing.” // @doubtstars
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hclfbrd-blog · 8 years
@doubtstars​ liked for a starter!
   A small frown from the half-breed as the woman hurried past, making Jon curious as to where she was going in such a hurry. Of course, he followed after - he didn’t entirely understand personal space and privacy just yet.
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  He didn’t get very far though, immediately tripping on something and falling flat on his face. He heard mumbles and giggles, and the half-breed flushed a deep red. Wonderful.
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ofvaliancy-a · 8 years
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             “  IF CATS COULD TALK    what d’you think they’d say?  ”  it’s a random question, but she’s bored. the library was usually a good place to study, but today it was simply too quiet for lucy’s liking. ants crawled along her skin, her feet wouldn’t stop twitching; she was restless and bored and wanted someone to talk to. fortunately ( or, perhaps, unfortunately ) there was another girl on the other end of the table.  “ or, ooh! better question !!!  what d’you think a praying mantis would say ??” 
@doubtstars [ starter call --- accepting ]
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trashthemouth · 4 years
where do you go when you close your eyes?
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true love is dead, and you're buried with them.  you look in the mirror the day after the funeral to see your own eyes missing, face nothing but a blurred canvas.  why aren't you surprised?  every inch of you feels badly pieced together, mistakenly glued in some sort of rush.  your brain and body never seem to agree.  do either of them belong to you anymore?
tagged by:  @mysteryprone! tagging:  @audraes, @shiningbled, @doubtstars​ (for anyone!), @personsuits​ (for anyone!), and whoever else wants to!
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
softly do mara's hands settle on the other girl's shoulders, expression kind ⁠— eyes shine like the stars that now fill the sky, her smile full of soft adoration. "I am so proud of you." a whisper carried in the breeze, gentle and meant only for adora to hear.
@doubtstars​ // spop s5 said ash and lune rights
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    A world saved-- the Heart stopped and life spread across Etheria once more, it worked. Every ounce of pressure that has weighed on Adora’s shoulders since she gripped the hilt of an unfamiliar sword in the woods, it’s replaced with the gentle touch of Mara’s fingers against them, her own lips tugging upwards into a w a r m smile. Finally, she isn’t overwhelmingly confused and lost. Not burdened by a destiny or the knowledge that she had to SACRIFICE HERSELF to save everything-- she’d been willing before, but...that was never what she wanted. Memories of darkness pulling her closer, body weak as the magic surged through her veins-- but she was pulled from it. This time...she gets to choose for herself and the world. 
   The feeling of warmth spreads to her chest as well, her gaze shining like Mara’s as she fully comes to terms with what this means. Everyone is at peace, and everything Mara sacrificed...it was never in vain. “Thank you, Mara.” Her voice comes out light, and somehow...somewhere, Adora hopes that Mara knows. That she can feel how it all ended.
                                                                  “For everything.”
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farmersaura-blog · 8 years
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  wowie, uh. i honestly wasn’t expecting to have to make this within two weeks of my blog’s existence, but here we are! i’m so so so grateful for the people i’ve met since making oscar and the A+ interactions that have spawned from it. thank you all from the bottom of my heart!! i hope we can continue to RP together and have a wonderful time. <3
   list under the cut! ( if u have multiple accounts i just listed all separately bc i don’t remember who has what rip me )
  @exsspes / @kindredbloom / @fatewilted / @superinventor / @ergaeum / @resoundinglove / @perfecxionist / @ofboopsandpancakes / @silvrscent / @pumpupblonde / @achillca / @crimscnscythe / @ruhigenbaren / @vprlip / @saecris / @ceresiae / @slcyer / @oxbleck / @ofglyphs / @hoheitsvoll / @tyriannical / @sparkvein / @rosetrailed / @shadowbled / @resindawn / @rustaken / @tadmean / @shieldandswxrd / @parasoso / @hommeours / @slnattered / @solisaei / @clcpta / @kingqin / @bellvdonna / @pinkbruiser / @flarefather /  @grimmcrvvned / @saintlyhilt / @oceanpanic / @combureta / @malevolis / @swordsboy / @achillaeborn / @rubyroze / @superiorcode / @gcrdens / @sarusol / @bladedheels / @halios / @fabrlcatlon / @tribeschief / @finitetime / @medaltali / @streetsrat / @romidia / @captivatinggladiator / @luxinia / @whiskeyflown / @taleinspired / @doubtstars / @miiirrcrsm / @armcdandrcady / @talariia / @shindera !
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obrawlinglove-blog · 8 years
@doubtstars liked for a starter.
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Romeo knew everyone in Verona Beach, & everyone knew her. this wasn’t vanity, but a simple truth; it was practically her JOB as the Montague heir to make connections, to have a standing in the community. she was well-known, well-liked, well--- well, MODERATELY respected. sure, her crew made waves at times, and perhaps she was a little too bold, too out, too LOUD. but at least they knew who she was. ( that was, according to Mercutio, all that really mattered, after all ).
and so she was SURPRISED to see an unfamiliar face amidst the sea of young adults lounging in the midsummer heat outside of the café. she could have been of the Capulet crew, if you squinted, but if that were the case Romeo CERTAINLY would have seen her before. ( you don’t have to know your allies, but you damn well better know your enemies ). as was often the case with Romeo, her impulsive curiosity took over before any rational thought could, and she found herself approaching the STRANGER.
“Hey,” she said, squinting a smile against the midday sun, “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
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nctsane-blog · 8 years
flashback !
Send “Flashback” to have your muse see one of my muse’s bad memories - accepting!
“—paint the man, cut the lines, cut the flesh, watch the b l o o d spill - let it come!”
     “please, the man cried! hush, hush.. now you sleep..”
     blood covered hands run through tangled hair, a manic grin spread across pale lips. green eyes are bright with newfound glee in the torture and murder of another - a criminal, he vaguely reminded himself - and the prospect of his salvation from the shadow.
    the englishman jumped when a gentle hand rested on his shoulder, making daniel turn to see the baron alexander standing there, mismatched eyes fixed on him and him alone. daniel watched the elder smirk, humming softly as gnarled fingers carded through dark brown locks.
“–do you see, daniel? it has yielded..”
    it seems it has.
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
“ you’re cute when you’re worried . ” suki @ sokka !
@doubtstars​ // percy jackson starters
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    “I’M NOT WORRIED!” Immediate insistence from Sokka as his brows raise ( bit of heat rushing to his face ), although he can’t help the slight smile that stretches across his face when she says it-- wow, he likes her a lot. “I know you can fight for yourself, really, I’m just saying!-- be careful.” AWARE of Suki’s capability, Sokka has tried to let go of the incessant need to protect-- does it return sometimes? Usually, mostly he can’t help it ( Grown up in war, a ROLE to play, losses to bear-- not something that’s shaken easily, despite whatever he might claim ), but he knows Suki is more than able to handle things. He can still tell her to be careful! “And thanks, you’re cute too-” He finishes with a dorky smile. 
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
“ please don’t let me go . ” here have something soft suki @ sokka !
@doubtstars​ // owl city starters
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    DOWNWARD TWITCH OF HIS LIPS and a sympathetic look in his eyes, the tips of Sokka’s fingertips mindlessly brush against hers-- in slow, careful movements, they connect, and he keeps a warm grip of her hand. Unwilling to admit, but nerves claw at his chest too: they always have, from boyhood awaiting MANHOOD, constant preparation for the day the black snow finally descended again, the resolve to keep Katara safe and the drive to find his dad, the WAR they’ve all had to fight in their whole lives. He doesn’t remember a day without it, and the LAST thing Sokka is going to let happen is leave Suki alone...not after what the both of them have had to endure.
       “I’ve got you,” He promises, and he MEANS it, with every effort he can manage. “And I won’t leave, believe me, a lot of people have failed at trying to get rid of me.” An attempt to lighten the mood with a slightly lopsided smile, before he gently squeezes her hand.
                                 “We can...stay here for the night?”
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
“ i know , i am an idiot . a brilliant idiot , but still an idiot . ” ..... pidge @ lance
@doubtstars​​​ // percy jackson starters
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   “YEAH, SURE, and if you’re an idiot, then what am I?!-- DON’T say anything-” Shoots them a playful GLARE, Lance crosses his arms over his chest. “I already KNOW the answer anyways-- the team’s very skilled sharpshooter.” Seriously, all of them have had their fair share of dumb moments ( some more than others, most...notably himself, except no one could get him to admit he’s self aware ), but Pidge has to be one of the smartest people he’s ever met. “...Wait why are you a brilliant idiot, again? I barely understood what you were saying.” 
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
“ it was sugar and caffeine . my willpower crumbled . ” mary @ robin
@doubtstars​​ // percy jackson starters
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   “Well if YOU’RE drinking coffee, then I’m getting some too, it’s only fair,” She responds with a slight lopsided smile, shrugging her shoulders-- an irregular sleeping pattern has stuck with her for years now ( even as she tends not to be doing much, at least in high school-- college is a whole other ordeal when it comes to workload ), and if Mary gets coffee, Robin deserves her own fair share of sugar and caffeine. 
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
"⁠— lance!" they practically perk up the moment they see him, covering the distance in an instant to grab hold of his arm and start dragging him along behind them. no room is given for protest ; it's pretty clear that pidge will put all their weight into dragging lance off if that's what it takes. "come with me back to the hanger, I want you to look at something I'm working on."
@doubtstars // ash and lune rewrite vld 2k20
   “WOAH, Pidge!” Surprised exclamation falls out the moment they grab onto his arm, and all of a sudden he’s being PULLED in the other direction-- Lance hadn’t even NOTICED Pidge was in this part of the ship until they called out his name, nevermind expected to suddenly be dragged down the halls towards the hanger. He doesn’t make any efforts to protest, though ( it’s not like he had any PLANS ), a lopsided grin instead stretching across his face. 
       “Geez, I’m coming! Lighten up, you’re gonna pull my arm off-- and no way I’d get anything near as advanced as Shiro’s.” Speaking without thinking, as per usual. “You didn’t stay up all night working on another tech thing again, did you?” 
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