#douxie galder penn
akozuheiwa · 11 months
UWU alouxie chapter
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
How about one of the KRoE au's, whichever one interests you more?
So those are two chapters of the same thing, one of my favourite AUs, Krel Raised on Earth AU. I don't remember if I've talked about it here or not so I'll do it now anyway.
Basically, Krel's parents decide wit his connection to Gaylen's core, it's too dangerous to raise him on Akiridion-5, so they bring him to Earth. They try Fialkov's aunt Iros's communicator since her last known location was Earth, but get Mort instead cause Iros is dead by now. Yes, this is wiz-fic verse based. No, I'm not sorry.
So Mort raises Krel on Earth. He was not told Krel was a royal or that Krel had a sister or, you know, anything helpful like that. Fialkov and Coranda do leave a serrator for Krel that can activate a transduction (temporarily child locked, of course). Flash forward to present day, Douxie is getting strange dreams of the Eternal Night and Aja Tarron has escaped with Vex to Earth and you kick off the actual written part of the AU.
Anyway, a snippet under the cut!
“You doing okay, Krel?”
Krel manages a half-glance towards his brother. Douxie looks concerned, face still scratched and muddy from the fight with the Zerons. He offers a shrug. “I guess. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“It’s just – well, they’re from your birth planet,” says Douxie.
“Yeah,” agrees Krel.
“You don’t seem as excited as I thought you’d be.” Douxie has always had a way of reading Krel, better than even Uncle Mort, so Krel’s not surprised that he’s picked up on his unease. “Are you okay?”
“I’m… fine,” says Krel. “I just – I’ve always wondered if I’d ever meet someone from Akiridion-5, but then… I’ve always been scared to meet them. Because what if they come here and take me away?”
Douxie is silent for a long moment. “Yeah… I’ve been a bit scared of that, too.”
“I know you were probably wondering why I didn’t tell them,” Krel says. “I just – I don’t want to leave. I’m terrified that one day my birth parents are going to show up and say the danger’s gone and take me to Akiridion-5. I don’t know them. I have a home here, I have a family. I have a brother and – and a dad and – I don’t want to lose that.”
Douxie bumps shoulders with him and smiles. “You won’t. Uncle Mort and I won’t let you go that easily. Even if your birth parents show up tomorrow and demand you return with them, I know I’d fight with everything I’ve got, and Uncle Mort won’t let anyone take you if you don’t want to go. Okay? You won’t lose us.”
“I still don’t want to tell them,” admits Krel. “Just in case.”
Douxie nods. “And that’s fine by me. Now we should probably shut up, there’s Eli’s.”
Krel chuckles. “Right, right – man, Seamus is gonna lose it when he hears this.”
“See, there it is,” Douxie says with a laugh. “Krel knows something, Seamus knows something. I warned them.”
Krel laughs too and smiles at his brother. “And Douxie? Thank you.”
“Any time, little bro,” says Douxie. “Any time.”
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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3quel design time!!! I’m still working on the side characters, but here’s all the POV characters! Hopefully if this uploads right, they’ll be in roughly POV order too: Krel, Alex, Douxie, Jim!
I’m super hyped for the 3quel! Big plans ahead! Hope to see you there!
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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It's been three years since the most recent near-miss apocalypse and things are better than ever for Earth and New Akiridion. However, when Douxie finds a strange magical signature coming from near the ruins of Camelot, our heroes find themselves thrown back in time to a world of knights, kings, and the war that affected all of their lives even centuries later. 
In other words, now that I have a title for 3Quel, I had to make a poster! Look forward to seeing “The Wicked Day of Destiny” start posting this November!
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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FIRST LOOK at a random 3quel scene I drew because I was feeling angsty and had just written the scene in the plan. VERY excited for this one folks!
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akozuheiwa · 11 months
new chap! douxie chap! :D
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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More TH Douxie AU redraws because @castiel-kline asked me about Alex and thus I decided fuck it I’ll post em
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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TOH AU while I’m at it because I need to draw this one more. Bonus Eda Mort under the cut!
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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Is it a few months too early for Christmas fluff? Maybe. Am I currently writing Christmas angst for 3quel and needed the fluff? Yes.
So Alouxie Christmas fluff!!! :D
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akozuheiwa · 1 year
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
hiii hello I am once again asking about your oc alex except this time I’m requesting any soft alouxie thoughts/hcs you’d like to share because ch 32 of legacies decimated me (in the best way of course!! but it still made me Sad)
I was very excited to see an ask about soft alouxie so I may have gotten carried away and there's an entire fic under the cut! Takes place before Alex knows about Douxie's magic, back when they first started dating. Fluff for the soul after ch32! :3
Alex hesitates outside the glass doors of the magic shop downtown. He’s been here briefly before, but Douxie’s never actually invited him into his home, so this feels kind of big. Like meeting the parents big. Well. Douxie’s an orphan and Alex has already met his weird uncle-slash-adoptive-dad before. That’s irrelevant. This still feels big, and it’s making him insanely nervous. He brought sparkling grape juice because Mom said it’s polite to bring wine but he’s too young to be carrying around wine in his backpack so she settled for fake champagne. Does anyone actually like sparkling grape juice? Alex is definitely going to screw this up.
Okay. He probably needs to go inside. Do they have a doorbell? Is it inside the shop? Should he text Douxie that he’s here? The sign on the door says closed. Did they close the shop because he’s visiting? He’s always heard this place has super weird hours. Maybe Douxie invited him over after they normally closed on a Saturday.
Deep breaths, Alex. Just go inside and see if they have a doorbell. Maybe ring the little bell at the cashier’s desk? That might work. He holds the fake wine in one hand and pushes open the glass door with another, stepping inside and looking around. It’s actually really cool in here, even if it’s kind of gimmicky. Douxie’s uncle leans into it with all the merchandise, and none of it looks obviously fake either.
He hears running footsteps on the stairs and then the door in the back flies open and Douxie runs out, a bright grin on his face. “Alex! You made it!”
Oh, the door must have alerted them.
“Um, uh, hi,” Alex manages. He shoves the wine forward. “I brought champagne. Not – not real, uh, champagne, it’s actually just sparkling grape juice, but my mom said I should bring wine so…”
Douxie blinks at him and tilts his head. “Ooookay?”
Alex knew the wine was a stupid idea.
“Why don’t you come on upstairs?” Douxie says with a smile. “I talked Mort into ordering pizza for us, so that’ll be here later, but I figured I’d show you around first.”
“Sounds good,” Alex says, hoping Douxie doesn’t notice the way he must be blushing, heat climbing from his cheeks all the way to his ears. Sue him, this dating thing is new to them both. Apparently newer to Douxie than it is to him since apparently Douxie thought he hallucinated Alex asking him out. Anyway, they haven’t even kissed yet. Alex is shy, okay?
He follows Douxie upstairs. There’s pictures of Douxie and his uncle in the stairwell, and when Douxie catches him looking at them he groans and turns red himself.
“I meant to hide those,” he mumbles embarrassedly.
“Don’t worry, I think they’re adorable,” Alex teases. He points to one picture, a toddler Douxie seemingly being levitated by bronze energy and laughing with his uncle. “Though the special effects are certainly something.”
Douxie laughs awkwardly. “Special effects, yep. Ah, um, Uncle Mort’s all into that stuff. He… does Photoshop… as a side hobby?”
“Huh, that’s pretty cool,” says Alex. “He’s good at it.”
“Yep,” Douxie says. “Come on, this way!”
Alex shrugs and follows him out of the stairwell. He’d be embarrassed if Douxie saw baby pictures of him, so he gets it.  He looks around the apartment as they enter. The kitchen and living room are separated by a bar with stools. Douxie’s uncle – Mort, right? – spots them and brightens.
“Alex, good to see you, lad!” he says. He’s got an even stronger British accent than Douxie, and he’s the only real-life person Alex has ever heard use the word “lad” unironically.
“Um, hello, sir,” Alex says shyly. He brings the sparkling apple juice over. “I brought sparkling grape juice. It’s – Mom said it’s polite to bring wine but I’m not old enough so this was the best she could find.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Mort says. “Make yourself comfortable. I made lemonade for you kids. What kind of pizza do you like? I was just about to call.”
“Oh, anything is fine,” Alex says.
“He likes fancy pizza,” says Douxie. “With onions and mushrooms.”
“Onions and mushrooms isn’t fancy,” Alex retorts. “You’re just basic and only like cheese pizza.”
“The pepperoni is spicy!”
“My mother is going to make fun of you,” Alex says. “You’re not going to be able to eat any of her cooking and it’s going to break her heart.”
“He gets that from me,” says Mort with a laugh. “Alright, you kids go play TV games or whatever it is you do for fun nowadays.”
“They’re called video games, Uncle Mort!” Douxie corrects. He takes Alex’s hand and smiles at him. “C’mon, I’ll show you my room!”
Oh, okay. He gets to see his boyfriend’s room. Alex’s cheeks heat up again. Be cool, Alex. Be normal. Don’t say something stupid. He follows Douxie down the hall, glancing around at some of the other pictures hanging there. There’s a portrait of a woman with dark hair and Douxie’s eyes with a man that has Douxie’s nose and freckles and face shape. Those must be his birth parents. They look happy and bubbly just like their son.
“And here’s my room,” Douxie says, pushing open a door and pulling him inside. “It’s, uh – sorry it’s a bit of a mess.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Alex can see his boyfriend everywhere in this room, from the guitar propped up in the corner to the band posters on the wall to the musical note comforter on his unmade bed. There’s a cat bed in the windowsill – that’s right, Douxie talks about his cat all the time. His bookcase looks to mostly have records and sheet music, but there’s other books there too, Arthurian literature and books about magic. Douxie has always been fascinated with the occult. Alex finds it endearing.
“There’s not much to do here,” Douxie admits shyly. “I figured after dinner we could maybe go the park, take a walk or something. But till then I have books and my guitar and stuff, or we could go watch TV, whatever you want, really.”
“You just wanted me to see your home?” Alex teases, although he’s still excited and touched. Douxie doesn’t bring any of them up here, not Cass, not Jordan. Probably the only one who has been here is his childhood friend Seamus who Alex has yet to meet, and he knows they’re practically family so it’s different. But now Alex is up here, in Douxie’s room, at Douxie’s invitation.
“Yeah, pretty much,” Douxie says, face red again. It makes his freckles stand out. “It’s, um, it’s not as nice as your house. Smaller. But it’s home, so…”
“I think it’s wonderful,” Alex says fondly. He hesitantly sits next to Douxie on his bed and tries not to blush so hard Douxie can feel the heat of his face. “Your room is nice. Reminds me of you.”
“What, messy?” Douxie laughs.
“No, just… spirited.” Alex squeezes his hand. “And musical, of course. Wouldn’t expect any less.”
“If you say so,” Douxie says, rubbing the back of his neck. His smile gives him away. Alex really loves his smile. He can’t help but smiles back and lean forward a bit, which turns Douxie pink. Douxie’s so pretty when he blushes.
“Can I kiss you?” he blurts.
Oh my god, Alex did not just say that.
By the way Douxie’s eyes widen and his face goes from a shy pink to a flaming red, Alex did just say that. What the heck, Alex?
“I – I mean, if you want – I mean – I can’t believe I just said that, why did I just say that–”
“Okay,” Douxie breathes, still scarlet.
Alex stops his hopeless rambling. “Huh – okay?”
“Okay,” Douxie says again, smiling shyly. “You can kiss me.”
Alex did not think this far ahead. He didn’t think before asking and now Douxie’s answer is yes. Alex has not ever kissed anyone before. But this is Douxie, smiling at him with bright, beautiful golden eyes and Alex can’t imagine kissing anyone else besides him for the first time, so he leans forward and cups Douxie’s face.
He must be taking too long because Douxie is the one that surges forward and presses their lips together. Alex lets his eyes flutter closed, melting into the kiss. Wow. They keep it simple, gentle and slow, but when they pull away Alex is still left breathless and content.
“That was… wow,” says Douxie. “I should invite you over more often.”
Alex giggles. Like, legitimately giggles, which he might be embarrassed about if he wasn’t still reeling from finally kissing his boyfriend. “I think we can arrange for more kisses. Maybe.”
“Maybe, huh?” Douxie leans forward and pecks his lips again. “More than maybe.”
“Is your uncle gonna kill me now?” Alex asks.
Douxie hides a laugh behind a hand. “No, he’s not going to kill you. He knows we’re dating, silly. Pretty sure it’s normal to kiss your boyfriend.”
“Right, yes, that’s true,” Alex agrees.
“Wait, why, is Mr. Swift gonna kill me?” Douxie asks, eyes widening.
Alex grins. “Mayyyybe?”
“Okay, okay, no, my dad isn’t going to kill you!” Douxie grabs his pillow and whacks him with it, which just makes him laugh more. “Oh, oh, I see how it is!”
“Boys!” Douxie’s uncle calls from down the hallway. “That door better be open! No funny business!”
Douxie groans. “Yes, Uncle Mort!”
“Still sure he won’t kill me?” Alex asks.
“Oh, hush.” Douxie hits him one more time with the pillow. Alex laughs. “We better make our way back to the living room anyway. Pizza will be here soon.”
Alex brushes Douxie’s hair behind his ears, which of course turns him red again. If the gold of his eyes wasn’t already Alex’s favourite colour, the red of his cheeks would definitely be up there.
“Alright,” he says fondly, before grinning again. “Maybe I can ask Mr. Penn to show me more baby pictures of you.”
“Alex, don’t you dare.”
“I’m so going to.”
“Alex!” Douxie whines. “That’s so embarrassing!”
“And adorable!” Alex says, standing and offering him a hand. “I bet your uncle will be delighted.”
“He will,” Douxie laments. “I’m doomed!”
Alex leans in to peck his lips this time, instead of the other way around. Douxie’s turn to giggle. It’s much cuter coming from him. So they say high school romances don’t last – Alex can’t see this one ending. They’ll just prove the naysayers wrong, Alex and Douxie against the world. As they head out of his boyfriend’s room and back towards the living room, Alex can’t help but feel that he’s the luckiest guy in the world.
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
Chapters: 1/40 Fandom: Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan/Alex Swift, Steve Palchuk/Eli Pepperjack/Aja Tarron, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski & Jim Lake Jr., Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Krel Tarron Characters: Krel Tarron, Alex Swift, Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan, Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia), Toby Domzalski, Claire Nuñez, Steve Palchuk, Mordred Pendragon, Merlin (Tales of Arcadia), King Arthur (Tales of Arcadia), Lancelot (Tales of Arcadia), Iros Ventis, Morgana | Pale Lady (Tales of Arcadia), Knights of the Round Table, Original Characters Additional Tags: Major Original Character(s), Character Death, Loss of Limbs, Presumed Dead, Torture, Blood and Injury, Evil Merlin (Tales of Arcadia), Time Travel, Wizard Steve Palchuk, Alternate Universe, taking the canon wizards and going MINE NOW, trigger warnings before the chapters that need them, get ready for ANGST and BACKSTORY Series: Part 4 of The Ones Who Stayed 'Verse Summary:
It's three years after the most recent near-miss apocalypse and things are better than ever for Earth and New Akiridion. However, when Douxie finds a strange magical signature coming from near the ruins of Camelot, our heroes find themselves thrown back in time to a world of knights, kings, and the war that affected all of their lives even centuries later.
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
Time to meet some familiar faces!
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
And a huge, heartfelt thank you to all of my readers. You are all so amazing and I love you SO much!
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akozuheiwa · 1 year
Had a hell of a time with this chapter but yeet!
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
It’s been a while since I wrote him so hopefully he’s in character rgdkjashdkg enjoy!
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