#douxies a fan favorite but i wonder if ill get any requests for Zoe
How about douxie nervously trying to tell reader his feelings for them on Valentine’s Day? :)
Douxie is an old soul, a romantic.
He believes in wooing his love and he wants to woo you. However words seem to fail him when he's around you and the poetry he wishes to tell you dies on his tongue as he gets lost in your pretty eyes. So far whenever he's around you, he comes off as completely incapable on anything. And as good as it is too see you, he's kind of anxious to serve you after all the times he's messed up your order or your name or generally just talking and interacting to you.
As he hides behind the counter of his workplace to avoid you, his coworker looks at him confused before shaking his head. Not questioning it as neither of them are paid enough, the coworker pauses seeing you. Glancing at Douxie he rolls his eyes. He knows what Hisirdoux is doing but he doesn't completely understand why.
"Hey (Y/N)." The coworker greets. "Can I get you your usual?" He asks politely and Douxie blushes as he listens to your laughter in response.
"Am I that predictable?" You hum. As he becomes a flustered mess, Douxie imagines you squinting at the menu to look at all the options just to pick the same thing you always do. As he leans against the back of the counter trying to calm his breathing his coworker gives him a weird look before he looks back to you with a shrug, continuing to chat. Hisirdoux signs wishing he could talk to you like that but alas he could not.
He was always so sauve with customers. Not to mention almost everybody, ladies, men, they/thems, loved his charm but when it came to you he became a flustered mess. As he hid in his shame his coworker shifted so you couldn't see him. He thanks the gods his shift manager isn't on duty and that this corworker had his back.
He looks to the poster on the wall. Their boss had made them hang them everywhere since the corporation would be selling coffeee there.
The Valentines Day concert.
He wanted to take you. To ask you. He'd bought a ticket for you, but every time he tried to talk to you it failed. Maybe it was better to just let this dream die...
He pouted knees drawn to his chest as he listened to you talk. You ordered what you always order and Douxie signs mumbling the Order outloud. He knows exactly how to make the drink but knowing if he thought of you while making it, he'd mess it up. Just like he kept messing up with you.
Hearing you walk away his coworker turns towards him arms crossed.
"Dude. Come on man. They're into you. I know you know their Order. Why don't you just try?" Staring up at his friend Hisirdoux swallows nervously. Please don't betray him now. He's successfully hidden this far. "Come on. I'll help with the drink. But you gotta talk to em. Your always going on about them you might as well give it another go." Douxie shakes his head no as his coworker bends to be at his level.
"Mate I've made such an ass of myself please don't make me do this." He begs as his friend grabs his arm and pulls him up.
His coworker begins prepping getting the ingredients he needs ready for your coffee as Douxie watches.
"Mate I will pay you todays wages if you let me slip out the backdoor right now." He begs.
"Is everyone in England this dramatic or are you a theater major and I never caught that?" He asks finsihing the drink. Your drink. Christ he was shaking thinking of you.
"Well yes. Yes and no. Ummm maybe. Mate don't make me do this." Douxie stutters pulling at his hair.
"Oh look at that! Another customer." Shoving the drink in Douxies hand the coworker turns him around and pushes him towards you.
Looking up seeing him you smile and wave. He blushes staring at you as he tries not to spill your drink. He feels a pat on his shoulder and hears a, "Good luck" before his coworkers gone, leaving him in his own personal hell.
Walking away Douxie looks back at his coworker before looking back to you.
What a traitor.
"... HI!" Chuckling nervously he leans against the counter with a huge smile on his face. Looking at your coffee in his hand than you he swallows. Hand it over and Abandon ship. Abandon ship. Abandon ship!!!
"Hi." You respond smiling. Chuckling nervously he tries to make the conversation continue, hoping to smooth over the awkward atmosphere.
"... I'm... I'm..." Say your name you fool. Come on just say it.
"Douxie?" You question glancing at his name tag. He blushes nodding before putting your coffee in front of you. You don't take it, not yet. "I'm (Y/N)." Oh he knew.
Staying silent for a minute you chuckle grabbing your drink. About to leave he closes his eyes taking a deep breath.
"Wait." You pause and he swallows. "Ummmm... (Y/N)... Ummmm..." Taking a deep breath feeling the tickets in his pocket he nods at you. "I have an extra ticket for... for the Valentine's Day concert. I don't know if it's your scene... but I kinda play with my band sometimes. Would you... I mean if your not busy. Would you maybe... come with me?" He questions.
Closing his eyes, holding his breath he hears you take a sip of your drink.
"Yeah. I think I'd like that." Opening his eyes your smiling at him. Taking a sharpie out of your pocket you write your number on a store napkin. "Here. Call me and you can pick me up." You hum.
Taking the napkin he smiles holding it close before tucking it in his pocket next to the tickets.
"Nu-nuclear!" He states. "I'll... I'll see you around then!" Nodding at him you grab your coffee and walk away.
It seems the fool had a chance after all.
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