#props to the coffee guy whos like alright gotta help my man cause hes a hot mess
How about douxie nervously trying to tell reader his feelings for them on Valentine’s Day? :)
Douxie is an old soul, a romantic.
He believes in wooing his love and he wants to woo you. However words seem to fail him when he's around you and the poetry he wishes to tell you dies on his tongue as he gets lost in your pretty eyes. So far whenever he's around you, he comes off as completely incapable on anything. And as good as it is too see you, he's kind of anxious to serve you after all the times he's messed up your order or your name or generally just talking and interacting to you.
As he hides behind the counter of his workplace to avoid you, his coworker looks at him confused before shaking his head. Not questioning it as neither of them are paid enough, the coworker pauses seeing you. Glancing at Douxie he rolls his eyes. He knows what Hisirdoux is doing but he doesn't completely understand why.
"Hey (Y/N)." The coworker greets. "Can I get you your usual?" He asks politely and Douxie blushes as he listens to your laughter in response.
"Am I that predictable?" You hum. As he becomes a flustered mess, Douxie imagines you squinting at the menu to look at all the options just to pick the same thing you always do. As he leans against the back of the counter trying to calm his breathing his coworker gives him a weird look before he looks back to you with a shrug, continuing to chat. Hisirdoux signs wishing he could talk to you like that but alas he could not.
He was always so sauve with customers. Not to mention almost everybody, ladies, men, they/thems, loved his charm but when it came to you he became a flustered mess. As he hid in his shame his coworker shifted so you couldn't see him. He thanks the gods his shift manager isn't on duty and that this corworker had his back.
He looks to the poster on the wall. Their boss had made them hang them everywhere since the corporation would be selling coffeee there.
The Valentines Day concert.
He wanted to take you. To ask you. He'd bought a ticket for you, but every time he tried to talk to you it failed. Maybe it was better to just let this dream die...
He pouted knees drawn to his chest as he listened to you talk. You ordered what you always order and Douxie signs mumbling the Order outloud. He knows exactly how to make the drink but knowing if he thought of you while making it, he'd mess it up. Just like he kept messing up with you.
Hearing you walk away his coworker turns towards him arms crossed.
"Dude. Come on man. They're into you. I know you know their Order. Why don't you just try?" Staring up at his friend Hisirdoux swallows nervously. Please don't betray him now. He's successfully hidden this far. "Come on. I'll help with the drink. But you gotta talk to em. Your always going on about them you might as well give it another go." Douxie shakes his head no as his coworker bends to be at his level.
"Mate I've made such an ass of myself please don't make me do this." He begs as his friend grabs his arm and pulls him up.
His coworker begins prepping getting the ingredients he needs ready for your coffee as Douxie watches.
"Mate I will pay you todays wages if you let me slip out the backdoor right now." He begs.
"Is everyone in England this dramatic or are you a theater major and I never caught that?" He asks finsihing the drink. Your drink. Christ he was shaking thinking of you.
"Well yes. Yes and no. Ummm maybe. Mate don't make me do this." Douxie stutters pulling at his hair.
"Oh look at that! Another customer." Shoving the drink in Douxies hand the coworker turns him around and pushes him towards you.
Looking up seeing him you smile and wave. He blushes staring at you as he tries not to spill your drink. He feels a pat on his shoulder and hears a, "Good luck" before his coworkers gone, leaving him in his own personal hell.
Walking away Douxie looks back at his coworker before looking back to you.
What a traitor.
"... HI!" Chuckling nervously he leans against the counter with a huge smile on his face. Looking at your coffee in his hand than you he swallows. Hand it over and Abandon ship. Abandon ship. Abandon ship!!!
"Hi." You respond smiling. Chuckling nervously he tries to make the conversation continue, hoping to smooth over the awkward atmosphere.
"... I'm... I'm..." Say your name you fool. Come on just say it.
"Douxie?" You question glancing at his name tag. He blushes nodding before putting your coffee in front of you. You don't take it, not yet. "I'm (Y/N)." Oh he knew.
Staying silent for a minute you chuckle grabbing your drink. About to leave he closes his eyes taking a deep breath.
"Wait." You pause and he swallows. "Ummmm... (Y/N)... Ummmm..." Taking a deep breath feeling the tickets in his pocket he nods at you. "I have an extra ticket for... for the Valentine's Day concert. I don't know if it's your scene... but I kinda play with my band sometimes. Would you... I mean if your not busy. Would you maybe... come with me?" He questions.
Closing his eyes, holding his breath he hears you take a sip of your drink.
"Yeah. I think I'd like that." Opening his eyes your smiling at him. Taking a sharpie out of your pocket you write your number on a store napkin. "Here. Call me and you can pick me up." You hum.
Taking the napkin he smiles holding it close before tucking it in his pocket next to the tickets.
"Nu-nuclear!" He states. "I'll... I'll see you around then!" Nodding at him you grab your coffee and walk away.
It seems the fool had a chance after all.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Best Of Us
Batfamily x M!Reader
Word Count: 3,035 Warnings: Angst
Author's Note: And here we are with a Batbrother fic! Enjoy! -Thorne
It wasn’t an inferiority complex. Not really. He wasn’t prone to anger or any of the other symptoms listed under it—and he checked. Multiple times. But there was something about being the only non-vigilante in his family of vigilantes that made him feel inadequate compared to the rest. Bruce had the Justice League, Dick and Jason had their own fantastic groups that saved the day, and Tim and Damian were still in school, but even they had their groups too. Hell, even Alfred still had contacts from his days in MI-5. And yet, he had none of the skills his brothers or father had, no extensive martial arts training, master detective skills, or weapon mastery. He was completely normal—or maybe abnormal in this case. And on some level, he resented that he couldn’t be like his family—maybe he did have an inferiority complex.
The greatest thing in (Y/N)’s mind about still being allowed to live at home was that no matter what, there was always food around to eat—Alfred saw to it that every growing man in the house had enough to eat—that being said, their grocery bills were outrageouslyexpensive.
He balanced his tablet in one hand, the other hand adjusting the tie around his neck as he stepped into the kitchen, quick to raise the tablet in time to avoid whacking his youngest brother in the head.
“Morning,” he greeted, taking his seat at the table, just after Jason’s. A chorus of tired, ‘mornings’ came back at him and he quirked an eyebrow. “Wow, loving the enthusiasm this morning, guys.”
Jason snorted and propped his chin on his palm, watching (Y/N) for a moment. “I seriously don’t understand how you’re always so chipper in the morning.”
He huffed a laugh and took a sip of the coffee that Alfred set down. “Someone has to be the ray of sunshine in this group of gray clouds.” (Y/N) cast a glance at Dick who was shoveling eggs into his mouth. “And it seems like our eldest is busy feeding his bottomless pit.” Dick was fast to shoot him a glare, that he returned with a smile.
Just then, Tim trudged into the kitchen in an oversized hoodie and plopped down in his seat, immediately shoving the plate in front of him to drop his head onto the table.
“Jesus Christ, you guys,” (Y/N) sighed, flicking at his tablet for a moment. “You’ve seriously gotta take a day off to recuperate.”
“What do you think we do during the day?” Dick retorted, taking a swig of milk.
“Okay I think you’re confusing the entire day with the first half,” he reasoned. “When I say take a day off, I mean the whole twenty-four hours.” He glanced at everyone, and the only person who seemed to not be tired was Alfred, and that’s partly because (Y/N) believed he was immortal. “You guys are gonna run yourselves into the ground,” he said. “I just don’t think—”
“We know what we are doing, (Y/N),” Damian interrupted with a glare. “We know our limits better than you do.”
He let out a sigh and shook his head. This conversation had happened many times before and it wasn’t anything new.
“I’m not saying I know them better than you Damian, I’m simply saying that you guys should take a day to relax so that something doesn’t happen on the job that you can’t control.”
(Y/N) glanced at his father. “Dad, c’mon, you know I’ve got a point.”
Bruce hummed and flipped the page of the newspaper. “So does Damian.” He met (Y/N)’s eyes and nodded. “You don’t have to worry so much, (Y/N). We know what we can handle.”
He stared at Bruce for a moment then scowled. “I don’t even know why I bother,” he muttered, and Damian was fast to chase his comment.
“I don’t know why you bother either. You’ve never once experienced what we do every night.”
(Y/N) met his youngest sibling’s glare. “Just because I don’t stick my neck out for each person in this city night after night doesn’t mean that I don’t know what it’s like to be exhausted.”
Damian crossed his arms over his chest. “So, you know what it’s like to be exhausted from blood loss because you’ve been stabbed or shot? Or to be exhausted from saving the lives of innocent people? You do?”
“I—” (Y/N)’s mouth opened, then he snapped it shut and looked away with a darkened expression, tasting something sour in his mouth. “No, I don’t.”
“That’s what I thought,” Damian finalized, and in the wake of the uncomfortable tension, a cellphone went off.
Everyone started looking for theirs, but (Y/N) muttered, “It’s mine.”
He picked it up and put on a cheerful voice. “Good morning Angela…yes, I just got the floor plan…” he tapped at the screen on his tablet. “Do me a favor and move the people from table eight to table three. Mr. Robinson is better friends with Mrs. Grace and will certainly give us a warmer atmosphere in that area.”
(Y/N) paused and listened, then he stood from the table and pushed his chair in. “Let me get to the office and we can situate the rest of the guests for tonight…alright, see you soon. Bye.”
He pulled the phone from his ear and ended the call, then took the black backpack that Alfred was holding to him. “Thanks Alfred.”
“Of course, Master (Y/N). Have a pleasant day at work.”
He huffed a laugh, but it was anything but amused. “I have to give a speech tonight in front of the entire company and three different magazines.” He glanced at Bruce. “Think you’ll be able to attend tonight? It’d mean a lot to me.” Bruce grunted, his way of telling (Y/N) that he’d try, but to not hope for a miracle.
It was fine, he was used to parentless ceremonies and events. He cleared his throat and shrugged on the backpack, making his way to the garage door.
“See you guys later.”
He’d given a few speeches in his short twenty-four years, and while he’d never say he was an expert on public speaking, he did know his way around a podium. That being said, every time he had to do a speech, he felt like vomiting—nerves he chocked it up to.
(Y/N) cast a glance around the packed ballroom, quietly groaning at the massive amount of people. His own table was empty, save for Angela and thank god for him, Lucius. He couldn’t help but frown at the name tags sitting in front of the empty seats.
“Wondering where the rest of the gang is?”
He met Lucius’ eyes and gave a halfhearted smile. “I’d like to think they took my advice and took the night off but…something tells me that the night called to them.” His lips pulled downwards. “I’m not going to act like this is a surprise, Lucius. I couldn’t even get them to show up for my university graduation.”
(Y/N) smiled and stood up, grabbing the notecards beside him. “What makes you think I could get them to show up to this?” He left the table and moved to the side of the stage, waiting for his name to be called. His fingers briefly shifted to his chest, feeling his heart fluttering beneath chest, nerves causing his breathing to come in short bursts. (Y/N) shut his eyes and took a deep breath, letting a pleasant smile cross his face as the presenter called his name, and walked up the steps.
The bright flash of photography momentarily blinded him, but he smiled through it. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight at the Centennial Inside Alliance Award Ceremony.” He flashed everyone a million-watt smile. “My name is (Y/N) Wayne, and as many of you know, I am a senior editor for Inside Alliance. It is my pleasure tonight to recognize Inside Alliance’s top writer for the year.”
(Y/N) glanced around the room, making sure to catch the eyes of the hundreds of guests.
“Inside Alliance was created on August fourteenth, nineteen-twenty by a group of immigrant mothers and fathers who wanted to bring knowledge of their homes and cultures to the rest of world. Some of those countries being Germany, Romania, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Israel, and many, many others.”
“The production of their valuable time and extensive care created one of the greatest magazines that is still in business today, that brings attention to the worldwide issues that many groups face, while still connecting to their roots of educating the public on cultures and groups.”
He smiled. “It is with my upmost honor that I congratulate and introduce Miss Flora Janaliyeva, one of our newest and greatest writers that has joined Inside Alliance, and the winner of tonight’s Inside Alliance Award.”
(Y/N) turned to the side and grinned at Flora as she ascended the stairs. Her long black hair was braided down the length of her back and she wore a bright and floral-patterned gown. She reached (Y/N) and he reached with his right, shaking her hand, and handed her the glass award with the other.
“Miss Janaliyeva, it is with honor and congratulations that I give you this award for your excellent talent and recognition of ability from Inside Alliance.”
She smiled brightly and accepted the award. “Thank you, Mister Wayne, the honor is mine.” He nodded politely once more and descended the stairs as she began her speech, quietly taking his place back at the table.
“Well done, Mister Wayne,” Lucius smiled and (Y/N) let out a deep breath.
“I’m just surprised I was able to do that without stuttering or panicking.” He glanced over, smile lowering slightly. “Lucius, are you alright?”
The older man dabbed at his forehead and nodded, though when he breathed, it sounded labored. “I’m fine,” he assured, then reached up to rub at his chest.
(Y/N) shifted. “I don’t think you’re alright Lucius.” He leaned over. “Are you having chest pain?”
“I—yes,” he grit out then met (Y/N)’s gaze. “My chest is getting—tight and I…and I—”
He started to slump over and (Y/N) shot to his feet, eyes widening with fear. “Lucius!” The yell startled the crowd and Flora, who all looked over at the two.
(Y/N) pulled the older man back and pressed his ear to his chest, listening. He pulled away and yelled, “Someone call an ambulance! I think he’s having a heart attack!”
He helped Lucius to the floor and immediately pressed his palms to the man’s chest, starting compressions. His breath came in panicked spurts and he kept looking at Lucius’ face.
“Just hand on Lucius. You’re going to be okay.” (Y/N) kept at it until the EMT’s arrived and they knelt beside them.
“Let us take over.”
For a moment, he didn’t move, too afraid that if he did, Lucius would die, but one of the EMT’s placed a hand on his shoulder while the other slide their hands underneath (Y/N)’s.
“Son, we’ll take it from here.”
(Y/N)’s arms went slack, and he let the medic pull him away, watching as they took over and started moving him onto the stretcher.
“Please, save him. He’s—he’s friends with my family I—”
The medic nodded firmly. “We’ll do all we can.”
And all (Y/N) remembered was someone ushering him into a taxi heading for the hospital.
The first people that arrived were Lucius’ family who were grateful for (Y/N)’s actions, but the young man could barely grimace as they disappeared into the hospital room, leaving him sitting outside, his head in his hands. Tears gathered in his eyes as he thought back to what the ER doctor told him.
“Mister Fox is in a stable condition, but you have to understand, Mister Wayne, his heart is very weak.”
“But—but he’ll be okay right?”
“Based on Mister Fox’s past conditions, he’s verging into heart failure. His heart is too weak to keep up with what the body needs.”
“And…and what does his body need at this point?”
“At this point? A new heart.”
He sucked in a breath and fought to keep the sob from escaping his throat, just as heard, “(Y/N)!”
His head shot up and he saw his father and older brothers coming down the hallway. (Y/N) clambered to his feet.
“Dad I—” he started, but cut off as he choked on a sob, and Bruce pulled him into a hug, holding (Y/N) as he sobbed. “I’m sorry,” he cried. “I tried my best but—”
“Shh,” Bruce hushed, a firm, but gentle hand coming to rest at the back of his son’s neck. “You did all that you could.”
He pulled back and wiped his face. “But Lucius needs a new heart, and I don’t know what to do. I should’ve seen this coming. He hasn’t been feeling well the past few weeks and I—”
“(Y/N),” his father said firmly, hands coming to rest on his shoulders. He met Bruce’s eyes. “This wasn’t your fault.”
His libs wobbled and he whispered, “But if I were like you guys, I would’ve seen something earlier. I didn’t and now…” sighing, he added, “and now Lucius needs a new heart, or he’ll die.”
Bruce’s sigh was heavier than (Y/N)’s and it made his chest heavy. “We’ll get Lucius a new heart, (Y/N).”
He lowered his head and lamented, “I’m sorry, dad.”
His father squeezed his shoulder then lead him towards Dick and Jason. “Take (Y/N) back home for the night. I’ll stay here with Lucius’ family.”
They nodded and led their brother down the hall, arms firm across his shoulders in a comforting way. They didn’t say anything, knowing that there wasn’t much to offer, but their support was enough for (Y/N), even if he felt horrible.
For being the World’s Greatest Detective, his son was evidently the World Best Hider, because it took Bruce a long time to finally find (Y/N). He stepped quietly over to the form sitting on the ledge and took a seat beside him, silently gazing out at the backyard. A bottle appeared in his vision and he focused on it as the smell of whiskey reached his nose.
“Where’d you get that?” he asked but took the bottle anyway.
“Jason gave it to me earlier.” He watched Bruce take a sip. “Figured it fit the occasion.”
Bruce chuckled. “That sounds like Jason’s way of dealing with a problem.”
They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, passing the bottle back and forth, simply enjoying the calm around the manor and night.
“You know it wasn’t your fault, right?” Bruce suddenly said.
(Y/N) sighed and set the bottle down, kicking his legs out off the roof. “Lucius said he hadn’t been feeling well recently. And I just passed it up to getting older.” He looked at his father. “If I’d actually paid attention, then I would’ve seen the symptoms.”
“Do you actually know what the symptoms of heart failure and heart attack are?”
“I…no, not really.”
“Then you couldn’t’ve known.” He looked at (Y/N). “Lucius works in my office every day. If anyone should’ve known and seen it, it should’ve been me.” Bruce shook his head. “But you did everything you could at the awards ceremony, and that saved Lucius’ life tonight. You did good.”
“I could’ve done better.” (Y/N) muttered. “I should’ve. I’m your son and I’m practically useless to the family but—”
“Woah, woah,” Bruce interrupted, brows furrowing as he asked, “What are you talking about?”
(Y/N) turned to him. “I am the least useful person in this family. I mean you and the guys are these crazy intelligent, vigilante master detectives and I’m just me.” He wiped away a tear that fell from his eye. “I can’t speak seven different languages or solve murder cases with a single strand of DNA left at the scene of a crime. Hell, I can’t even throw a punch.” He sighed heavily. “The last time I tried, I broke my hand.”
Meeting his father’s gaze, he said, “I just want to be like you guys.” He lowered his head. “I just want to be normal and not an outlier in the family.”
Bruce simply stared at him for a long moment, and while he’d never been privy to let his emotions show on his face, he let them this time—shock and shame. Shame that he didn’t see his greatest achievement suffering.
He didn’t look up at first, but then he did. “Yes sir?”
“How long have you felt like this?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “Forever?”
His father sighed. “Son, I…I never wanted you to be like us.”
He gaped at Bruce. “What?”
“(Y/N), every person in this family is driven to do what we do because of our childhoods. You’re the only one who doesn’thave any skeletons in his closet.” He stared at him. “We wish every day that we could be like you and not a day goes by that we don’t think that.”
“I…what?” he floundered, absolutely bewildered at the idea that his father and brothers wanted to be the most boring person ever. “There’s no way that’s true.”
“It is.”
“No.” (Y/N) huffed. “I’m me. I’m plain and boring, work a nine to five job me. I mean I write for a magazine for god sakes! And you guys save the world!”
Bruce chuckled. “And what we wouldn’t give to be just a bit more normal like you, son.” He shrugged. “You think you’re inferior because you’re not a vigilante, but you’re the one thing that keeps us all sane. You give us the perspective of someone who isn’t what we are. Of someone who’s completely normal.”
He reached over and placed a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder. “And being normal? Being you?” Bruce squeezed firmly. “I don’t want you to be anyone else.”
(Y/N) gazed at him, and though he felt tears in his eyes, he didn’t blink, didn’t let them fall. “I’ve only ever wanted to make you proud.”
Bruce smiled heartfully. “You do, (Y/N). Everyday. Because you’ve always been the best of us.”
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Five
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings: none 
an: this chapter is ALSO a s h a w t y (wit a body ody ody) cause we gotta just flesh it out u kno ~development~ before the big ol shebang yerd? also spanish children’s songs go HARD. 
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“Alright, friends,” Elide said as she passed out a little packet of laminated letters to every student. “Today we’re going to start on our ABC’s. Who can tell me what ABC’s are?” 
“Ko-Ko knows!” Esther shouted, always cheerleading her quiet friend. The redheaded five-year old was practically bouncing in her seat. 
Elide bit down her smile and laugh, “Esther, remember our inside voices, ok? Kohana, do you want to share?” 
He glanced unsurely towards Esther and she nodded, encouraging him. “ABC is letters. Ah-phabet.” 
“Good job, Kohana, exactly. ABC’s are the letters that make our words,” she said, smiling at him. A little grin appeared on his face and Esther gave him a subtle high five. They were the cutest. “So, with our letters, friends, we’re going to learn the sounds they make!” 
The rest of the morning went swimmingly and Elide was pleased with herself, with the success of her lesson. She sent her kids off to recess after lunch, waving goodbye. A hand tugged on one of the deep pockets of her painter-overalls and she looked down to see Kohana standing there, worry creasing his brow. “Elide, I don’t want it to rain.” 
Elide glanced outside and saw the slight overcast. “Me neither. I don’t like the rain. Do you?” 
He nodded slowly and Esther popped out of the cubby room, decked out in the brightest, sparkliest gumboots, a polka-dotted raincoat, and a rain hat to match plopped onto her crazy curls as well. “I love the rain! We’re going to make soup, right, Ko-Ko?” 
Kohana looked up at Elide, his face brightening, “But I only like the rain sometime. I like the rain ‘cause me an’ my dad stay inside and we gots to watch a movie. Essie come over and watch movie too.”
“Oh, wow, I love movies! What’s your favourite?” 
“Like Space Jam. Dad likes MJ. I likes Buggsie Bunny, Essie likes Buggsie Bunny too. But she like other movie too.” 
“Oui, j’adore Buggsie Bunny!” 
Kohana giggled and Esther hooked her arm through his. “Bye bye, Elide!” She was dragging Kohana out behind her before Elide could wave good-bye. 
Rolfe smiled as Kohana and Esther raced each other to reach him, their little backpacks slapping against their backs. “Rolfe!” “Papi!” 
He waved to Elide, indicating he got the little ones as he crouched and hugged them. “What’s up, munchkins? How was school today?” 
“We learned letter sounds,” Kohana said, taking the hand Rolfe held out to him as he stood up, Esther taking his other hand. “ABC sounds.” 
“Was that fun?” 
“Yeah, but me and Essie already knowed that. A is ah, B is buh, C is cuh or kah. Blah.” 
Esther giggled and let go of Rolfe’s hand to jump in a shallow puddle, barely a splash under her boots. Quickly, she ran back to Kohana and her father, walking to Rolfe’s car. “We goin’ to uncle L shop?”
“You know it,” Rolfe said, easily buckling the two of them into their booster seats. “Are you little devils hungry? Want some chicken nuggets?” 
They squealed and nodded, babbling to each other as Rolfe slowly pulled out of the parking lot, turning onto the road that would take him to the nearest fast food place. 
Soon enough, Kohana and Esther were happily munching on their snacks and sipping from the drinks he’d gotten them. “So, how’s school going, guys?” Rolfe looked into the rearview mirror. “Es? Ko?” 
“Elide is so nice, papi. She lets me and Ko-Ko sit together all the time and we gets to be buddies for everything! I like playing time and Ko-Ko like reading time, so he sits on the mushroom and I sits with the dinosaurs and I talk and Ko-Ko looks at the books, right, Ko-Ko?” 
“Yup! I looked at a book with bears today,” Kohana said, looking pleased as he sipped on his apple juice. “Do you like bears, Rolfe?” 
“I do,” he hummed, winking at Esther, “but you wanna know what my favourite animal is?” They looked at him expectantly, their eyes wide wide open. “Sharks!” 
Esther giggled and Kohana stared, “Sharks are scary.” 
His bestest friend wiggled and began to sing a song about a shark that tried to trick the fish. “Tres pececitos se fueron a nadar, el más pequeñito se fue al fondo del mar… El tiburón le dijo ven acá…”
Rolfe watched his daughter show his nephew of sorts how to make a fish with his hands and the actions that went along with the song. 
When they got to the mechanic shop, Kohana and Esther strained under their restraints, their empty food containers discarded on the floor. Rolfe didn’t mind it, if anything he was beaming at Esther’s influence on Kohana. The kid was itching to act out, even in such a simple way. 
His serene behaviour was a worry for Lorcan. 
Rolfe quickly unbuckled them before they hurt themselves and they were off, weaving and racing through the shop. They sought out Malakai first, who was sitting behind the front desk - fashioned out of the front end of a ‘57 Chevrolet Bel Air - sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper. 
“Grampy!” They yelled in unison, launching themselves into his arms. At their voices, Ansel and Lorcan popped their heads out of the back office, smiling fondly at the sight. They strolled on out, Ansel wiping her hands on the pants of her navy blue coveralls. She had the sleeves tied around her waist and wore an old white wifebeater as her top. 
“Hey, kiddos,” Ansel said and they hardly acknowledged her as Malakai withdrew two lollipops for them. She laughed and walked over to Rolfe, “Hello. How were the little ankle biters today?” 
“Esther sang a very educational song about not trusting sharks and they chowed down on some chicken nuggets and apple juice,” he told her, pulling her closer with a hand on her waist and a hand cupping her face. “How was your day?” Ansel kissed him softly. 
“Good, it was good. I think I figured out that engine block so,” she said, stepping back when Esther called for her. “Yes, my darling?” 
“I need help!” 
“That’s my cue,” Ansel quipped, saluting the two men as she went over to her daughter. 
Lorcan rubbed the back of his neck, “So how was he?” 
Rolfe nodded, “Good, he was good. He talks a lot about his teacher, you know? I think she’s really good for him. And Ess too.” Relief flashed over Lorcan’s face and Rolfe clapped his shoulder, “Hey, man, you’re doing a good job.” 
Lorcan opened his mouth to say something when his son crashed into his legs, one hand reaching up to tap Lorcan’s hip and the other holding Ko’s prized candy. “Hi, Dad!” 
Smiling, Lorcan leaned down and scooped him up, propping him on his hip. “Hey, kid.” 
“Look, Dad, gots a candy!” 
“Oh, cool, where’d you get that?” 
Lorcan raised his voice, “Well that’s funny, I could’ve sworn Grampy knew that candy makes you hyper and makes me want to cry later at home.” Kohana just shrugged and popped his lollipop back in his mouth while Malakai laughed loudly, the sound coming from his belly. “How was school?” 
“Learned ah-phabet sounds. I ‘ready know ah-phabet sounds,” Kohana said, resting his head against Lorcan’s shoulder. “Can I help you with a car?” 
“Always, bud,” Lorcan said, nodding at Rolfe and the others before carrying Kohana away. “Hungry?” 
“Nope, got chicky nuggies. And A-for-Apple juice,” Kohana babbled, subconsciously switching his language and kicking out his legs. “Look, até, gots frogs on my boots. I eated with Essie and then we ‘plashed in puddle and made soup-soup and Essie played with dinos and I looked at a book of bears. I like bears, do you like bears?” 
“I do like bears,” Lorcan replied, keeping his voice even even though internally he was ecstatic at the amount Kohana was talking right now. He didn’t know how much influence was Esther’s or Elide’s, but he thanked the gods for them, no matter the awkward and stilted relationship to the latter. “What else did you get up to?” 
Kohana shrugged and wiggled to be put down. Lorcan obliged and they walked together into Lorcan’s car bay. “Not much, Dad. Gots help Essie with inside voice, but Essie help me with outside voice. Much louder now, when we go outside, do you wanna hear my outside voice?” 
“Of course,” Lorcan replied, his heart cracking just a bit more. Kohana stuck his lollipop in his mouth and clambered onto the cushioned stool by the tool cart. Every morning, it was meticulously organized, but by the end of the day, it looked like a tornado had gone through it. Lorcan took the other stool by the open hood of one of his regular’s cars. Each repair was futile, merely putting off the inevitable, but the man tipped well, listened to Lorcan’s instructions and didn’t argue with anything he was told so, Lorcan had no complaints. 
He glanced into the engine, sussing out which tool he would need and then the reachability of his son’s arms, trying to decide what he could make do with. “K-Man, pass me that socket wrench, yeah?” 
“Here you go!” Kohana chirped, shoving off the cart with his two feet on the rolling stool after he grabbed the shiny tool. “Here you go, Dad.” 
Lorcan chuckled and kissed his son’s forehead, “Thank the Creator for you, kid.” 
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @superspiritfestival​ @empress-ofbloodshed​ @queen-of-glass​ @sleeping-and-books​ @beccasophia95​ @exersize-me-i-dare-u​ @thewayshedreamed​ @hizqueen4life​ @ifinallygavein​ @bat-wing-rhys​ @awkward-avocado-s​ @b00kworm​ @mu-si-ca-l​ @lovemollywho​ @tacmc​ @soitsgorgeous​ @staarligght​
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Chapter Eight: Here's To Hoping
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(Image not mine)
Rated: PG
~You see I had this crazy dream last night, this man he talked to me He told me everything that's good and bad about my history
He told me that you are, you are the future
And the future looks good The future looks good to me~
"Jack," Sam sighed, checking his watch, "You gotta face the possibility that Marty may not be coming."
Jack was pacing back and forth across the motel's parking lot, trying his best not to slip on the crystallized asphalt. Dean had called the frozen tarmac 'Black Ice' and Jack felt that the term was quite accurate, it did feel like he was trying to walk on ice. But Jack just couldn't stand still. It was seven thirty-five A.M. and Marty still had not showed.
"No, she's coming. I'm sure of it!" Jack said with conviction, wringing his hands before shoving them into the pockets of his jacket. The small amount of force he applied was enough to throw him off balance. Jack's feet slipped out from beneath him and his head smacked against the frozen tarmac.
Sam flinched in sympathy but didn't move from the spot where he leaned against the Impala. He made no move to help Jack up as this was the sixth time he had bashed his head on the black ice in the last fifteen minutes. That fall and the five others before it would have been enough to kill or at least critically injure your typical human being.
So naturally, or rather unnaturally, Jack sat up and rubbed the back of his head. The blood soaked his hand as the wound quickly mended itself. Soon all that was left of the injury was a puddle of blood, nearly identical to five others on the ground that quickly began to freeze. Jack scooted on his knees to the edge of the parking lot and used the snow gathered there to wash the crimson substance off his hand. He stood carefully before beginning yet another round of pacing that would most likely end the same way it had the last six times.
Jack wished he could be sitting in the Impala with Dean and Cas but he found that waiting for Marty was more important to him, so he kept pacing. He wouldn't have to wait much longer. Dean had said that they would wait until eight o'clock before going to look for her. That arrangement had taken quite a while to agree upon. When Marty had failed to show up at six o'clock, Jack had immediately feared the worst.
"What if-what if she's hurt, or something? What if she got kidnapped?" He had worried.
"Jack, I'm sure everything is fine. People have different versions of what 'bright and early' means," Dean had reassured him, taking a long sip of coffee. He did not want to be up, but one thousand miles was a long way to go, so it was best they got up early. Besides, the earlier they checked out, the less they would have to pay, the motel charged by the hour and the rates weren't cheap.
"I know, but you saw what happened last night! What if those guys came after her again?" Jack had leaned back against the Impala's seats. The only reason he had gotten into the car in the first place was for the air conditioning. He was deeply worried that Dean might just decide to take off without Marty.
"Jack raises a valid point, Dean. The odds that those men from the bar should come after Martina, are considerable," Cas noted.
"Fine, if the shrimp doesn't show by eight, we go looking for her, and if we can't find her by ten, then I don't care; we're leaving without her," Dean decided. That was when Jack climbed out of the vehicle and began his trek back and forth across the parking lot. Sam had just followed him.
"I dunno, Jack. She seemed sorta skittish, don't ya’ think?" Sam now spoke.
"What are you saying?" Jack asked, turning to Sam.
"I'm saying that maybe you freaked her out. Maybe she got scared and ran off. Maybe- I don't know- maybe she's hiding, or something." Jack's eyes narrowed.
"You think she's scared of me?" He asked, though it sounded like more of a statement than a question. "What did I do wrong?"
"No, no. Jack, you didn't do anything wrong. I think, maybe she's just scared of coming with us- of what that might mean for her. I don't think she's scared of you, Jack. Marty doesn't seem like the sort of person that scares easy," Sam reassured. A smile tugged at the corner of Jack's mouth.
"You're right. She doesn't."
"If she doesn't show, we'll go looking, but you have to be ready in case she's changed her mind."
"She-she wouldn't do that, she promised!" Jack insisted.
"Sometimes people break their promises," Sam warned.
"She's coming. I know she is."
"Okay, Jack." Sam ducked back into the car, leaving the young Nephilim to wait in the cold. Jack turned on his heel to resume pacing.
He forgot he was standing on the ice.
Down Jack went. Yet again. Bashing his head on the asphalt. Yet again.
This time, Jack decided to just stay down for a bit and closed his eyes. He could hear Dean's obnoxious laughter echoing from inside the Impala. Jack came to the conclusion that black ice, and ice in general, was hard, impossible to walk on, and absolutely unforgiving when you slammed your head against it. Jack decided that he didn't like the black ice, he decided that he didn't like ice at all. This was fortunate as seemed as though the feeling was mutual.
There was a skidding noise somewhere off to his left and Jack opened his eyes. He turned his head towards the sound and directly beside him was Marty's amused looking face, only eight inches from his own.
"That was the most graceful thing I think I've ever seen in my life. You should consider ballet, Jack," She said.
Marty lay on the ice next to Jack with her head propped up on her elbow. Her mouth was twisted in a smirk and she held an eyebrow in a raised position. The expression appeared condescending, but Jack could see the sparks of affectionate mirth gleaming in her eyes.
Now, the reason why Marty was laying on the ground was a mystery to Jack. He was also baffled as to how she had managed to sneak up on him the way she had. If she had been walking down the street, he would have seen her coming, but he hadn’t, and it wasn't as though he had been laying on the ground for very long. If she had been close enough to see him fall, then how had he not seen her? Jack sat up and his brows pulled together in slight confusion.
"Where did you come from?" He asked. Marty followed his lead and sat up with a shrug. A large, overstuffed backpack was slung over her shoulders, yet she carried it with ease.
"From over there," She said, causally gesturing to the thicket of trees just behind the Motel as if it was a normal thing for people to go bushwhacking to their destination instead of simply taking the road.
"Why?" Jack wondered. Marty shrugged again.
"Cause' it's faster and way funner than using the road," She answered. Then she blinked and her face sort of scrunched up and she shook her head, laughing to herself. "Funner? Funner? That's not even a word! I think I need to use the sleep." Jack laughed with her for a moment before glancing to his feet and frowning. "What's wrong Jack-Jack?" The line between Jack's brows deepened and he looked to Marty.
"Why do you call me that?" He asked, temporarily distracted from his cold, slippery problem. Marty's mouth twitched with a tiny laugh.
"Jack-Jack is a character in a movie about superheroes. Have you ever seen The Incredibles?"
"No, I haven't."
"Oof, buddy! I'll have to show it to you one of these days, just remind me. Anyway, Jack-Jack is a baby with, like 50 different powers that he just uses willie-nillie and, yeah; it's a pretty funny movie and when you said you had powers and that you're, like two, that's just what I thought of," She explained. "And I'm rambling again, sorry!"
"I don't mind. I like knowing what you're thinking about," Said Jack. Marty ducked her head, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear in a shy sort of way.
"Nah, you'll get tired of it eventually." Marty tapped her forehead. "Up here is nothin' but a random mix of movie quotes, song lyrics, and paradoxical questions."
"I don't think so," Jack said, shaking his head. Marty made a face.
"Well I do! I live up there, dude! Anyway, what was the long face for?" Her change of subject brought Jack to his problem.
"I don't like ice," He said, as if that explained everything. Marty raised an eyebrow in question, "It's impossible to walk on!" Jack exclaimed.
"Ah, I see. I guess that explains why you look like a homicide victim." Marty gestured to the frozen pools of Jack's blood on the tarmac and the blood coating the back of his head. "Want some help getting up?" Jack nodded.
Planting her feet on the icy surface, Marty stood and extended her hand for Jack to take. He used her arm to pull himself up, doing his best to replicate what Marty had done to stand. He wobbled a bit and almost fell back down, but Marty caught and steadied him before that happened. When he was vertical again, Jack glanced toward the Impala and realized that now he had to get over to it without falling. Marty was quick to notice his worry.
"Come on, Jack. It's really not that hard, look!" Letting go of his hand and sliding out onto the ice, she twirled once, jumped into the air and then twirled again, lifting her foot to her knee. Her foot touched back down and dragged her to a stop, facing Jack who looked like he'd seen a miracle. "See?" Marty did jazz-hands.
"I don't think I can do that," Jack said, sounding a little intimidated.
"Oh, no way. That took me years, I was just showing off!" She explained with a wave of her hand. Moving back to him, she reached down to pick up an instrument case and wrap a gray plastic grocery bag around her hand.
"You should teach me!"
Marty chuckled and pulled some of her hair away from her face. Her black-to-grey-to-white hair was down again today, descending all the way to her knees. Jack had never met anyone with hair that long, but he thought it was amazing.
"Alright, just remind me take you ice-skating and movie bingeing, kiddo."
"I don't think you can call me 'kiddo'," Jack said with a frown.
"Why not? If you don't like it, I'll stop saying it."
"Well, I am biologically older than you, right?" Jack pointed out. Marty chuckled.
"Where does a two-year-old hear a word like 'biologically'?"
"I heard Sam use it."
"Makes sense." Marty shrugged. "Anyway, you're right, but I call everyone 'kiddo' age doesn't really matter. I call people all sorts of things."
"Like what?"
"You'll find out, honey-bunches-of-oats."
"Is that one of them?"
"Yup!" Marty snatched Jack's hand and helped him over to the car where she knocked on the driver's side window. Dean rolled it down and she glanced at the men inside. "Hey guys!"
"H-hey, Marty! You-you came!" Sam greeted me, he sounded surprised.
"I promised I would!" I said, I didn't miss the 'I-told-you-so' look Jack shot at Sam, "Dean, could you pop the trunk? I've got precious cargo." I raised the instrument case with my violin up into view.
"Yeah, sure." Dean climbed out of the car and skidded a little getting to the back where he opened the trunk.
I swallowed deeply. There were a LOT of weapons in there. Dean pulled on a tab and a panel came down, covering the arsenal in the truck's false bottom. I placed my case in carefully and slid it all the way to the back. Taking off my backpack, I positioned it between the case and the truck's door so my instrument wouldn't slide around. It was the most valuable thing I owned; I couldn't have it getting damaged. I then nodded to Dean and he closed the trunk. I was really doing this.
Jack opened the Impala's door for me and clung to it like a lifeline as I gathered my hair and slid into the backseat next to Cas. The boy followed after me and pulled the door shut.
"Here we go." Dean put the car into gear and rolled it out onto the road.
"So, where are you guy's taking me?" I asked, shifting to get comfortable in my seat.
"Lebanon, Kansas," Dean answered.
"Ooh, that's a long way away. I'm sorry I was so late. Did I make you very late?" Dean shrugged.
"Doesn't really matter, but yeah."
"I'm really sorry, I just wanted to say goodbye to somebody," I apologized, "But I brought chocolate! Will that atone for my sins?" I raised the bag of goodies Dan had given me.
"Hell yeah!" Dean reached back and opened his hand for the brown gold. I dropped a truffle into his palm, tossing one into Sam's lap and handing another to Jack. I held one out to Cas but he turned me down.
"No thank you, Martina," The angel said, gently.
"It's Marty, remember?" I corrected him and shrugged, unwrapping the candy. "Well, more for me, I guess." Dean reached his hand back again, asking for seconds. "Dude, this is gonna be a long ride, we gotta save our provisions." I declared, dramatically slapping his hand away.
"Aw, man!"
"Suck it up, butter-cup." I was about to pop the candy into my mouth when I noticed something on the wrapper. "Does anybody here like nougat?" I asked. Jack's head snapped up, his eyes begged for the truffle in my hand.
"I do."
"Oh good! I can't stand the stuff!" I passed him the chocolate. Jack looked at me like I was insane.
"Oh no, Jack. She doesn't like nougat, are you sure you guys can be friends?" Sam joked. At least I was pretty sure he was joking.
"You say that like I committed high treason!" I chimed.
"I dunno, I do feel betrayed," Jack said with his mouth full. I faked a gasp.
"I don't believe this! Jack, are you breaking up with me?" Dean burst out laughing, Sam snorted, and Jack just gave me his lopsided grin. My comment even won a quiet chuckle from Cas. I took that as a good sign.
"Yeah, I think so." Jack chuckled.
"Can we still be friends?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from my every word. Jack pretended to think about that.
"Only if you teach me to ice-skate," He mock-decided.
"It's a date! Wait, no its not, you broke up with me." I reached out and shook Jack's hand, sealing our satirical deal. The car shook with laughter and I gave myself a mental tally mark as I tied up my treat bag, placing it at my feet. When the laughter died down, Castiel was the first to speak up.
"Was that an instrument case you brought with you?" He asked.
"Yeah it is. Why?"
"I'd just like to get to know you," He answered simply.
"We all do. So, what instrument do you play, Marty?" Sam turned in his seat to look at me.
"Uh, I play the violin," I answered timidly.
"Are you very good?" Sam wondered.
"Um, well, I don't know. I'm sorta out of practice, but I started playing when I was eight," I replied. Sam chuckled.
"I'll take that as a yes." His tone was warm, despite his previous distrust. It made me smile, maybe I was winning him over.
"Okay, my turn," Dean spoke up.
"What's with the hair? I mean, that's a lot of hair. Why don't you cut it?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded, trying to think of an acceptable answer.
"Well, my mom loved to braid hair, and my sisters, Bree and Jackie, hated having long hair so they cut theirs real short and my mom couldn't do anything with it, but I liked having my hair long. My mom would spend hours working on my hair, that was our time together. See, she always got so sad when I would cut it and now I just-" I stopped and looked at the floor of the Impala. "Now I just can't bring myself to cut it. Not without her. I don't want to make her sad. It's all I've got left of her." With a start, I realized I was crying and quickly wiped my tears away with my sleeve.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" I cut Dean off.
"It's okay." It had to be.
"Well, what about the color, what's that about? Or does this have a tragic story behind it too?" Dean asked, trying to make a joke. I cracked a smile.
"Oh, I've always wanted to have it like this. I love the fading colors, so hiding from a blood thirty vampire just gave me the motivation to actually go through with it," I shrugged.
"So, what's your real hair color?" Dean pressed.
"Wait, that's natural?" He sounded stunned.
"Yeah!" I giggled a little. "The black is real, only the grey and white parts are dyed."
"You're lucky, black hair is cool. Looks good on you too."
"Thanks’ Dean."
That was when we passed the small, wooden sign on the side of the road. The paint was old, faded by the sun, and chipping away but I knew what the words said.
Now leaving Copper Harbor We'll get you back soon enough!
As I watched the town I'd called home for so many years fade from my view, I found myself hoping that I'd never return. I looked forward at the road ahead of me and the hunters beside me.
I looked to the future.
The future was looking pretty good.
~See, I had this crazy dream last night, this man he talked to me He told me everything that's good and bad about my history
He told me you are, you are the future
And the future looks good The future looks good to me~
Lyrics from: The Future Looks Good by One Republic
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tiggyloo · 4 years
Can’t Hold On - Chapter 4 - Aggression
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - FINAL
Also up on AO3 and FF.net, which are linked in my description
Connie woke up the next morning to the sound of growling.
She yawned and rubbed her eyes before propping herself up on her elbow. She blinked a few times to clear away the blurriness, noticed Steven was no longer beside her, and turned to look at the source of the noise. Lion was standing by her feet, crouched down in a defensive stance, his back facing her.
This wasn’t good.
Hesitantly, the girl stood up and walked along Lion’s side, gently brushing her fingers along his fur. His head shifted to look back at her for just a moment before it turned forward again. The growling never stopped.
Connie froze.
Backed into the corner of the room was Steven, down on the ground, growling right back at Lion. He was positioned in a way that showed off the spikes on his back and his tail was thumping against the wall in agitation.
However, that’s not what stopped her. What stopped her were the changes.
Not only were his eyes pitch black, but what looked like thick plating traveled along the top of his corrupted arms. Long spikes stuck out from his shoulders, and there were two large, sharp, curved teeth protruding from either side of his jaw. Connie took in a sharp breath when Steven’s eyes fixed on her. There wasn’t even a shred of humanity in that gaze.
She felt her chest tighten and she gripped Lion’s mane.
“Lion, t-take me downstairs,” she choked out. Lion looked at her again, then quickly but gently lifted her up over his head. His eyes were on Steven as he walked to the stairs, a snarl on his face, then he was through the doorway.
Greg had started making breakfast not too long ago, and Amethyst was lying on the couch. She sat up when Lion hurried down the stairs from Steven’s room. He rounded the corner of the coffee table and crouched down to allow Connie to slide off his back, which she did slowly, and she almost fell over when she hit the floor.
“Connie? What’s wrong?” Amethyst asked, jumping off the couch. Connie was shaking and her breaths were short and fast. She tried to answer but no sound came out so instead she just leaned against Lion and shook her head.
Greg had looked away from the stove when he heard Amethyst’s concerned voice. “Whoa! Okay, hold on,” he said a second later, shutting off the burner before running over. He grabbed onto Connie, who now looked like she was about to collapse, and helped her stand up a bit straighter.
“I know what this is. She’s having a panic attack. I’m going to take her outside for a bit until she can calm down. Amethyst, do me a favor and go check on Steven, something must have happened,” he said, and Connie nodded a confirmation. “Do you want to go outside?” Greg added, and Connie nodded again.
“Alright. Uh, be careful, Amethyst.”
Greg started to lead Connie to the door while the Gem ran up the stairs. She stopped at Steven’s doorway, feeling uneasy. She didn’t hear anything…she wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. Cautiously she entered the room.
She looked around and saw Steven in the corner, poking at his teeth. He looked up when he felt her gaze on him, staring back with eyes all black.
“Where’s Connie?”
“You…” She glanced back at the stairs. “…Don’t remember her leaving with Lion?”
Steven had a concerned look on his face when she turned back.
“Lion was here?”
Amethyst sucked air through her teeth. Okay, that’s not great.
“Uh…what’s the last thing you do remember?”
Steven’s brows furrowed. “I…I was with Connie last night…I fell asleep, but I woke up over here? I don’t know how I got here. Did something happen? Did I do something? I’m worse, that means something happened, right? What happened?!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay! I don’t think anything happened. Not really. Connie seemed fine…I mean, mostly. She was kind of shaken up but she wasn’t, like, hurt or anything?”
“That means I did something!”
Amethyst scratched the back of her head and went over to Steven, who had started shaking. “Okay, um, how about we just go downstairs? We’ll ask Connie to explain what happened,” she suggested, holding her hand out.
Steven looked but didn’t take it, instead holding his own hands close to his body. Amethyst cleared her throat and her arm dropped to her side. “Let’s just head down. You gotta get breakfast, too; Greg was almost done making it.”
Steven glanced to the doorway and got up.
He couldn’t stop thinking about whatever had happened just a few minutes ago. Why couldn’t be remember? He usually remembered when something happened. And he changed again? But it was different this time. The last two times something changed it had hurt. This time he felt nothing. The teeth and spikes were just there. His claws trailed along the wall as they descended.
When Amethyst and Steven reached the landing a loud growl started up. Lion, who was sitting by the door, had turned when he heard footsteps and started snarling at the two on the stairs. “Lion, chill out!” Amethyst said, holding her arms out. “What’s wrong with you?”
The growling just got louder, and also doubled, and Amethyst looked over her shoulder to see Steven returning the growl. Her eyes widened and she cursed under her breath as she ran down the remainder of the stairs.
“Get! Shoo!” She started pushing Lion away, or tried to, but he wouldn’t budge. Groaning, she shifted into Purple Puma, opened the front door, and shoved the big cat outside. She heard Greg say something as she did this, but didn’t bother to listen further before shifting back to her normal form. The noise from the stairs stopped and when she looked over she saw Steven standing there, staring at her with a dazed and confused expression.
She took a deep breath. “Come sit down, Steven.”
Greg and Connie had come back in not long after, and Amethyst made sure that Lion stayed out. Connie was looking a bit better now, though still somewhat nervous and fidgety. Greg went and finished making breakfast for everyone and stayed with Steven at the counter while Connie and Amethyst ate on the couch.
“Hey, Connie…what happened this morning?” Amethyst asked in a hushed tone. “Like, you’ve seen all kinds’a messed up stuff by now, and you’ve never freaked out like that. I mean, I can guess what happened. When I brought Steven downstairs, Lion started growling at him? And he…started growling back?” The Gem rubbed her neck. “Is that what happened with you?”
“…There was nothing left of Steven,” Connie replied, laying her plate on the coffee table. “All the noise woke me up. I don’t know why Lion came down from the observatory; maybe he sensed I was in some kind of…danger? But, I wasn’t…at least, I don’t think I was. They…they were just snarling at each other. Steven looked at me, and there was…nothing. Those eyes weren’t Steven’s. I mean, they still aren’t I guess? But they’re still human. The ones I saw this morning weren’t.”
Amethyst puffed out her cheek and looked over at Steven and Greg. She didn’t really look at Steven earlier when this happened to her. She hadn’t noticed what Connie did.
“Does he know about his eyes?”
“I’m not sure,” Connie said. “Greg probably told him, though.”
There was a pause and Connie reached over and gently grabbed Amethyst’s hand. The Gem looked away from the kitchen and saw tears in Connie’s eyes. “Aw, man…maybe you should go home.”
The girl took in a deep breath and closed her eyes before rubbing the tears away. “Maybe…I don’t know. I’m…scared that I’ll have another panic attack. But, I don’t want to leave Steven. It’s just going to get harder to see him again if I do.”
“…Yeah, you’re probably right about that,” Amethyst agreed with a quiet groan as she laid her head on the back of the couch. There were a few minutes of silence before Connie spoke up again.
“I think what he’s doing is a threat display.”
Amethyst picked her head and gave a confused look.
“This morning, Lion had come down and, given what happened with you, my guess is that Lion started showing aggression toward Steven first before I woke up. A lot of animals will respond to aggression with threat displays. It’s when they try to look bigger, or make loud noises to try and scare the other animal off.”
“But Steven’s not an animal.”
“No, but corrupted Gems practically are. When he feels like he’s in danger those instincts must kick in. That must be why it hasn’t happened around us. We aren’t a threat.”
“Amethyst, I don’t want this to end like that, but come on. You can’t deny it. Look at what’s happening! You guys have been trying for months to stop this but you can’t. He’s corrupting just like the others and we can’t do anything about it!”
Amethyst just stared for a while. Of course she was right, they all knew that. She opened her mouth to reply, but a scratching sound suddenly started up from the door, cutting her off. They both looked over and saw Lion sitting outside with his paw on the door frame. He watched the two on the couch and scratched again.
“Hey, uh, guys?” Greg said from the counter, “Something’s up with Steven.”
Steven had gone rigid, his gaze locked on the door as Lion scratched at the wood. He started pushing soon after, which caused Steven to raise his shoulders and his tail started twitching.
Amethyst quickly stumbled off the couch and ran to the door as Lion started to push, but just before she reached him the door slammed open. There was a clattering sound behind her and she looked back to see that Steven had knocked over his chair in a panic and was now on the floor, a low grumble coming from his throat.
Lion had also looked over at the sound and he and Steven stared at each other for a few seconds before the cat took several steps forward. Steven started growling louder when he did this, and Lion growled in turn, his fur raising.
“Whoa-kay, everyone needs to calm down,” Greg said in a hurry and tried to pick Steven up but the boy wasn’t having any of it. He squirmed out of Greg’s arms, his thorny spikes cutting through his father’s skin, and snarled at him, which made Greg flinch away. Steven then backed up a few feet, his claws cutting grooves into the wood, and turned his attention back to the lion slowly advancing toward them.
“Greg, you might wanna move!” Amethyst called, shifting into Purple Puma.
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Greg answered and hurried to the other side of the counter, where he grabbed a napkin to take care of his bleeding arms.
Amethyst grabbed Lion’s tail and started dragging him back, but he was fighting with her, and eventually spun around to swipe his claws at the Gem, causing her to instinctively release the lion’s tail. He then roared at her, which threw her back against the wall. She grunted and fell to her knees as Lion turned back to Steven.
Before she could get up, Lion lunged forward.
His attack came to an abrupt stop, his claws just inches from Connie’s face. The girl, who had been sitting frozen on the couch just seconds before, had practically thrown herself off and, without thinking, planted herself between Steven and the big pink cat. Slowly, Lion lowered his paw, but he didn’t stop growling, and neither did Steven.
Connie’s heart was racing. The others were just staring. She took a long, deep breath.
“You need to leave.”
Lion snorted in response and started to stalk around her, but she stepped over to block his path again.
“Leave him alone.”
Lion tried to go around her again, and again she cut him off. They did this a few more times until Lion finally gave an aggravated groan and backed away. Glaring eyes rested on Connie as he ascended the staircase, and then he was gone.
Connie slowly turned around as Steven’s growling quieted down and Amethyst hurried over. “How’d you know that would work?”
“I…didn’t,” Connie admitted. “I just had to do something. I didn’t really stop to think about it.”
“Well, luckily it worked out,” Greg said. “Though, let’s hope it doesn’t happen again. Might not work a second time.”
She sighed and they all looked at Steven.
“You think he’s okay?” Amethyst asked, walking past Connie. Steven looked at her and started growling again, causing the Gem to take a step back.
“Okay…maybe we should wait a minute before trying to go near him,” Greg suggested. “You don’t wanna end up like me.” He forced a chuckle and Amethyst gave him a sympathetic look.
Connie looked back and forth between the two, then to Steven, who appeared to be calming down, but slowly, and who was still letting out a quiet grumble. He looked up at her and Connie saw those angry eyes once more.
Steven’s eyes finally started to change, the anger fading, and Connie took a step toward him. He didn’t growl, which was good, so she took a few more steps. Amethyst glanced at Greg, then Connie. “Uh, be careful. This is…different from the last time.”
She nodded and hesitantly crouched down in front of Steven, who just stared at her. His gaze followed her hand as she slowly started to reach out. He blinked a few times and shook his head before sitting up. Connie looked at Amethyst, who gave a motion telling her to continue.
“How is he?” Greg asked as Connie’s hand finally rested against Steven’s cheek. The boy blinked again and leaned his head into Connie’s touch.
A few seconds went by before he asked, in a soft voice, “What happened this time?”
“Um…Lion tried to attack you,” Amethyst told him. “Connie got him to go upstairs before he could hurt you, though.”
Steven lifted his head and looked over at his dad. Greg quickly hid his arms behind his back but wasn’t fast enough to prevent Steven from seeing the red cuts. His eyes went wide.
“D-did I do that?” he asked, his voice trembling.
“It was an accident, kiddo, don’t worry about it,” Greg told him, but Steven just looked more upset. “Listen—it wasn’t your fault. I’m the one that grabbed you, okay? You didn’t do it on purpose.”
“It doesn’t matter if it wasn’t on purpose,” Steven said as tears started streaming from his eyes—now an all too common occurrence. Before he said any more, Amethyst grabbed his face and made him look at her.
“Steven, I need you to calm down. We can’t have another one of those episodes. Just look at me and breathe, okay?” she said gently before taking in a deep breath. Steven did the same, though his was quite a bit shakier.
Then the exhale.
“Feel better?”
“No,” he said, but he definitely sounded calmer. Amethyst patted his cheek and straightened up.
“Hey, Steven?”
Steven looked to Connie, who had stood up and now had her hand held out to him. He carefully grabbed it and she pulled him up off the floor.
“Let’s go sit on the couch. I can read some more, if you want.”
He nodded and followed her, while Greg came out from behind the counter.
“I’m gunna’ take care of this,” he said and headed to the bathroom while Amethyst went to join Steven and Connie.
She hopped up and looked over to the warp pad. “I wonder when the others are gunna get back,” she mused, kicking her feet. “I think…when they get back, maybe it’ll be time to talk about this again…”
A soft rumble came from Steven and Amethyst didn’t say anything else on the matter.
Greg had finished patching himself up, and all were on the couch, listening to Connie read. Steven had curled up on the cushions, with the back of his head pressed against Connie’s leg. Cat Steven had joined them and was stretched out along Steven’s side, which Steven had tried to prevent her from doing, but the little cat was quite stubborn and wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.
Thankfully, Lion hadn’t shown up again. Amethyst had gone to check on him and he had been asleep in his bed. Hopefully he’d stay there for a while. They certainly didn’t need that happening again. Connie suggested maybe taking Lion to stay at her house, which might work, but at the same time he could just teleport back whenever he felt like it. It was something to think about, though.
For a while everything was fine. It was peaceful.
But of course the peace couldn’t last.
A sudden blinding light flashed from Steven’s gem. It fizzed and glitched and pulsed and Steven’s cry sounded broken, distorted. Cat Steven scrambled onto the back of the couch as the teen’s body convulsed before he fell to the ground. It happened so fast that the others couldn’t even react until it was already over.
“Whoa, what was that?” Greg said, quickly standing up, but Amethyst’s hand darted out and caught the man’s shirt. Greg looked at her and she tugged him back down.
“Hold up, Greg. We gotta be careful, okay?” she said and Greg looked at his son for a moment before giving a hesitant nod.
“Connie, you good?” Amethyst said, turning to the girl. She looked a bit shaken, with her eyes locked on her friend. It took her a moment but she nodded before pulling her legs up to her chest.
“I-I think so,” she muttered. “Is…Steven okay?”
Amethyst shifted her gaze to Steven, who had lifted himself off the ground, panting heavily. Two shaking arms held him up while the other two were pressed against his stomach where his gem still flickered. He didn’t seem…feral like before, but it would probably be a good idea not to jump in and help right away, just in case.
The three on the couch waited silently while he caught his breath. His gem blinked a few more times before the light finally faded out and Steven let out a moan before mumbling, “I feel nauseous.”
The others released a collective sigh and Amethyst got up, hopped onto the coffee table, and stepped down before heading over to the Temple door.
“Where are you going?” Connie asked, anxiety high in her voice.
“I’m getting the others back! I’m not waiting anymore. I just have to get my Warp Whistle, I’ll only be a few minutes,” Amethyst called back. “Just help Greg with Steven, okay?”
She disappeared through the door and Connie put on a concerned look, which only worsened when she heard a rather unpleasant sound from behind her. Turning around, she saw that Steven had propped himself up on the coffee table and had started dry heaving. His gem was flickering again and his claws were digging deep grooves into the table as Greg did his best to offer some comfort.
“Uh—I’ll see if there’s something to help in the kitchen,” Connie said, pushing herself off the couch. They had to have something for nausea somewhere. But, then again, this did seem to be coming from Steven’s gem, so even if she did find something, who knows if it’d work.
Back at the couch, Greg had managed to get Steven on his feet. The dry heaving had stopped and was replaced with coughing and gagging now—not too much better, but still better.
“I’m going to take Steven to the bathroom. I think I remember leaving Steven with some nausea pills a while ago, try to find those,” Greg said and Connie waved an acknowledgment. She was searching through all the drawers trying to find something. Frustrated, she climbed onto the counter and started looking through the cabinets on the wall. After quite a lot of searching she finally found the pills shoved in the very back of one, along with a random assortment of other over-the-counter medications. Did Steven ever even use these?
Connie heard the Temple door open and out came Amethyst. She didn’t even announce herself before blowing into what Connie could only guess was the Warp Whistle. The warp pad lit up and Amethyst ran around it, stopping short when she spotted Connie on the counter.
“Uh, you should probably not be up there.”
“Sorry. I just had to find something,” Connie told her before carefully climbing back down onto the floor. She held the pill bottle up for Amethyst to see, then they both looked back to the warp pad as the light beam disappeared.
“What happened?!” Pearl gasped, running over to Amethyst and grabbing her shoulders. “Where’s Steven? Is he okay?” she asked, shaking Amethyst a little and looking around. She straightened up when she saw Connie, looking a bit surprised. Amethyst removed Pearl’s hands with a huff and crossed her arms, which brought Pearl’s attention back.
“Steven’s…well he’s not good, duh, but he hasn’t gotten drastically worse,” Amethyst told the others. “And he’s been eating and drinking and talking a lot more since I invited Greg and Connie over.”
“Greg’s here?” Ruby asked as she and Sapphire appeared at Pearl’s side. Connie joined them, the pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other, looking sadly over at the unfused Gems.
Amethyst sighed and motioned to the couch. “Greg’s with Steven in the bathroom right now. Something happened with his gem that made him feel really sick. We can wait for them.” She paused and rubbed her arm. “…We all need to talk about some stuff.”
That left an unpleasant aura over the group as they all waited. Silence stretched out among them, finally being broken by the creak of the bathroom door. Steven looked a little better but definitely still sickly as he followed his dad.
He stopped walking when he realized the other three were waiting with Amethyst and Connie. Without a word, the others watched as he sat at the far end of the couch. Connie took a deep breath and went over to him.
“Um…here, this should help you feel better,” she murmured, handing him the glass and a couple tablets. He took them silently as she returned to her spot, bringing her knees up to her chest again.
A few minutes later Amethyst groaned and ran her hands down her face. “Alright…Let’s get this over with. We can’t avoid this conversation anymore. How much longer are we going to warp out of here, searching for something we know we can’t find?” she said, throwing her arms up. “There’s nothing to find. We’re all just wasting our time at this point. No one wants to admit it, but we are. I’m tired of it! Steven’s not getting better and we can’t do anything about it! We have to accept that!”
The others just stared at her, unable to say anything. Then they all turned to Steven.
He’d started crying.
Amethyst had a guilty look on her face, but she couldn’t take back what she said. She didn’t want to take it back. No matter how hard it hurt, it was the truth. Yet, the guilt remained, and she looked away.
“I’m sorry,” Amethyst choked out. “There’s just nothing we can do.”
“…She’s right,” Sapphire said, wiping tears from her face. “Steven needs us here. We shouldn’t leave him anymore. There’s no point to it. Nothing is going to get accomplished.”
“I w-want to see Gar-net,” Steven cut in, the words skewed by his heavy sobs and hiccups. “P-plea-se. I w-ant to see her one m-more time.”
“Steven, don’t say it like that,” Pearl said, her voice wavering. “Please, don’t say it like that.”
He didn’t respond. All he could do was cry.
Ruby jumped off the couch and tugged Sapphire with her.
“I-I don’t know if I can,” Sapphire said in an almost whisper as Ruby held her face.
“Come on, we have to try. We’ll force it if that’s what it takes.”
“We’ve…never forced Garnet, before.”
“We’ve never had to. I don’t want to do it, but if that’s what it takes, then we’ll do it. It’s for Steven.”
Sapphire looked over to where Steven was watching them through shining tears.
“Come on, Sapph, you can do it,” Amethyst said. Pearl nodded and Greg gave a thumbs up. They were all doing their best to be encouraging, but it was so painfully difficult.
Sapphire bit her lip and gripped Ruby’s hands tighter. “Okay.”
Steven hid his face as the two small Gems lightly touched their foreheads together. The others watched in choking silence as Ruby and Sapphire came together in a bright light, then came apart, then back together again. The light was shaking, fighting to keep form, and after much too long a time, the form finally held.
The light dissipated and Garnet was down on her knee, exhausted from the strain of reforming. The others immediately moved to hug her, but her arm lifted and cut them off. She then forced herself upright and, on trembling legs, walked over to Steven. He looked up at her, his sobbing starting all over again as she crouched in front of him.
He wrapped his arms around her and wailed into her chest.
Everyone talked for a long time after that. Their voices were quiet and solemn as they discussed what their next steps down this road would be. Steven had been clinging to Garnet the entire time, curled in her lap. They all decided that, no, there was no reason to continue going out. There was nothing else they could do for Steven except to just be there with him until this ended, in whatever way it would.
No one wanted to talk about the end, though.
Steven’s grip on Garnet suddenly grew tighter and his claws dug into her back. She sucked air in through her teeth and the talking came to an abrupt halt. Steven’s gem was flashing again as Garnet tried to loosen his grip on her.
He wasn’t letting go. He heard the others’ voices, panicked as they tried to get through to him, but he couldn’t understand. Their words were drowned out by the ringing in his ears. The ringing was loud, so loud. The ringing was followed by heavy thudding, except that wasn’t in his head. Steven opened his eyes.
Lion came thundering down the stairs, slammed into the wall when he hit the landing, and vaulted down to the first floor. Everyone jumped to their feet and Steven dropped from Garnet’s arms, his hold on her failing as Lion appeared. He crouched on the ground, his growling loud and fierce as Lion approached with glowing eyes and shining teeth.
The feline roared, throwing everyone and everything out of his path before they could make a move to stop him. He didn’t allow them back on their feet, quickly letting out another blast, aimed directly at Steven. The force was so strong that it threw the boy against the Temple door and he fell to the ground. He shook his head after a moment and started snarling, pushing himself against the door as Lion charged.
The Gems tried to stop him but he managed to dodge every attempt. He was determined to get to Steven and was not going to be blocked off this time. Lion’s paws hit the ground hard before leaping over the warp pad. In that moment the Temple door opened and Steven fell through with a startled cry, his claws marring the wood floor as he failed to hold his ground. Then the door shut, just in time for Lion to collide headfirst into it.
Lion collapsed to the ground but was quickly on his paws again, shaking his head wildly to force off the dizziness. He started pacing and turning circles in front of the door then, stopping with every pass to scratch, growl, and roar in frustration. His fur was standing up as his anger grew.
He crouched down in surprised as Garnet summoned her gauntlets. Lips curled in a grimace, Lion looked back to the others. He looked both baffled and furious that Garnet and Amethyst had started coming closer, their weapons at the ready.
“Wait! Don’t hurt him!” came Connie’s frantic plea as she ran out in front of Garnet and Amethyst, leaving the couch where Pearl was trying to calm Greg down after having to watch his son almost get mauled.
Connie had her arms outstretched, acting as a shaky barricade. Garnet growled and her gauntlets disappeared, but Amethyst still gripped her whip.
“We do not want to hurt him, but we must get into the temple and Lion is in the way,” the taller Gem said, trying to keep her voice calm. She was already struggling to hold her form, and it was obvious that this event had just made that even harder. Worry was on Connie’s face and her heart was beating fast, but she held her ground all the same.
“Something is really wrong, Connie,” Amethyst said, pulling the girl’s attention away from Garnet. “A lot just happened, and I don’t know what you were looking at, but I was looking at Steven. He got pulled into Rose’s room and with him being in that state who knows what he’s doing in there?”
Connie looked back at Garnet, to Amethyst, to Garnet again. With a deep breath she dropped her arms and turned around to face Lion, who’s ears perked up slightly when she looked at him. She took a step toward him and he puffed out a growl, making her stop short. Not wanting to rile him up again, Garnet motioned for Amethyst to put her whip away. “If we don’t appear as a threat maybe he’ll let us in,” she said, and Amethyst grumbled but did as instructed.
Still, Lion kept his defensive posture as Connie tried to get closer. Her hands were shaking as she held them out in front of her. “Lion, you need to get out of the way. Please just move,” she begged, followed by a yelp when a large paw swung at her. Immediately Garnet and Amethyst were at her side, Amethyst grabbing Connie and pulling her away as Garnet summoned her gauntlets again.
“Sorry, Connie, but we have to get in there as soon as possible!” Amethyst said as Connie struggled in her arms. “Pearl, how’s Greg doing?” the Gem called a moment later and Peal responded with a “Doing better,” as Greg took a few deep breaths. This really just went from bad to worse.
Everyone’s attention went to Garnet and Lion as he started to roar, but the attack was cut off as large gauntlets clamped around his muzzle. He growled and pulled back as Garnet tried to move him, shaking his head back and forth but she couldn’t be knocked away. With a tremendous amount of effort, Lion was tugged off his feet and thrown across the room. “Pearl, Amethyst, quick! Into the Temple!” Garnet shouted, slamming her hand against the door as the gems to her room lit up. “We’ll have to travel through the Temple to reach Steven. Be cautious when we reach him—there’s no telling what we’ll—”
She was cut off as the whole Temple rattled, almost knocking them off their feet. They heard Lion snort a moment later as he stood up. “Get over here, now!” Garnet commanded and the others ran over. Connie also joined them, shoving Pearl’s arm away when she tried to keep her back.
“No, I’m coming too! I want to help!”
“Ahhh! We don’t have time for this!” Garnet interrupted before pushing everyone through the door. She heard a loud protest from Greg but didn’t stop to answer. Lion was running back and the last thing they saw before the door closed was his mouth opening.
The Temple shook again and dust and debris fell from the ceiling, burning into ash as the pieces splashed into the lava pool in the center of the room.
“What the heck’s he doing up there?” Amethyst said, holding her arms over her head to block the bits of rock.
“We have to get up there before the Heart gets damaged,” Pearl said and the others nodded. Connie looked confused but didn’t ask questions. Those could be asked later; right now they had to focus. She grunted when she felt Garnet’s arm around her and she was lifted off her feet.
“Let’s go.”
Climbing through the Temple was becoming more difficult with every passing minute as the crystal tubes they were scaling were bombarded by debris. Connie clung to Garnet for dear life as pieces of the Temple fell and smashed around them. Amethyst was breaking some of the pieces apart with her whip, which helped but not by much. The Temple was rattling almost constantly now from whatever was happening in Rose’s room and Pearl nearly got hit by a falling rock, causing her to slip but Amethyst was able to catch her before she fell too far.
“This is getting to be impossible!” Pearl yelled after Amethyst swung her back up. “Whatever Steven’s doing is getting out of control. He’s going to bring the Temple down at this rate!”
“That’s why we must hurry,” Garnet said with a grunt as she punched through a rock. Connie yelped and quickly shielded herself with her arms as the pieces tumbled down around the two. She was starting to think that maybe she should have stayed back with Greg. It was too late to turn back now, though. She was stuck here whether she wanted to be or not.
There was no more talking between them after that. All their focus was put towards getting to Steven. They climbed through several rooms, none of which were explained to Connie. She could guess to whom they belonged to, but only in fleeting thoughts. She couldn’t think straight anymore, her mind unable to focus on anything for more than a second or two, if that. Everything was just too loud and crazy right now.
They climbed for what felt like ages but finally, with one last crack of Amethyst’s whip, they arrived. Garnet handed Connie over to Pearl so that she could enter first to assess the situation. She came back a few seconds later with a fearful look on her face. “It’s…very wrong,” was all she said before slowly leading the others up.
None of them were prepared for what they saw. The room was dark, black clouds swirling throughout with rain pouring down in all directions, following the howling wind. Strange pillars of various sizes and shapes littered the room, and in the center was a large tower-like structure full of holes. At the top was Steven down on his knees, bent over himself with his head hidden under his arms, his gem flashing blinding light like lightning in the storm. His body looked distorted, mutated, far beyond what it was before. The spikes along his back had grown, his limbs were unnaturally long, and even with as far away as the group was it was clear that overall Steven’s size had almost tripled.
And, standing in front of him, was something…someone, someone that looked familiar but at the same time so very foreign.
It disappeared suddenly—
—And materialized in front of the others in a burst of cloud.
They all reeled back at the site.
What stood before them was a shifting amalgamation of both Rose and Pink Diamond, their features blurred together and ever changing as she—it?—came closer.
“Steven doesn’t want you here,” it said, sounding like a dozen voices in one as an arm came reaching toward the group. Amethyst threw her whip out, cutting straight through the figure, and for a moment it disappeared. They saw it reappear at the top of the tower, then heard something else poof into existence in front of them.
Before anyone could register what it was, Amethyst was hit with an uppercut that sent her into the air, then was slammed back down, throwing the others back. With a groan she picked herself up, shook her head, and scrambled back once she finally saw what had attacked her. Standing in front of her was a large shadowy creature, a huge, toothy grin the only thing visible on its head. It looked almost human, in a disgusting kind of way.
Amethyst narrowly dodged another attack and stumbled to her feet. “Guys, what’s going on? What the heck are these?!” she yelled, blocking a punch. She was knocked to the ground a moment later as her legs were swept out from under her and she snorted. She could already tell that this was going to be very hard.
“Steven’s hallucinations! This is how he described them,” Garnet answered, throwing one away from herself. “They must have manifested from the room’s magic.”
“How is this happening? The room should only be conjuring what Steven tells it to! He couldn’t be telling it to make these, could he?” Pearl cried soon after, parrying a few attacks with her spear. She huffed and forced the creature back as best she could before jumping away to try and gather her senses.
At least now they knew why the Temple was coming down around them earlier.
She yelped as the cloud monster formed behind her and knocked her to the ground. Garnet passed by, a third creature hot on her heels, as Amethyst continued to struggle with her own. Meanwhile, Connie, not having brought her sword, hurried to find a hiding place. She spotted a nearby pillar and made a beeline for it.
“We don’t know what Steven’s telling the room to do, but we know he doesn’t want us here,” Garnet said after giving a hard roundhouse kick to her assailant. She summoned her gauntlets and hit them together with a loud clang. “This must be how it’s trying to get rid of us. Steven would never tell it to hurt us, but he’s not himself, and that must be affecting the magic here. We have to figure out how to get him out of here before it’s too late!”
“And how are we supposed to do that?” Amethyst hissed, now simply running away from the shadowy monster. “He’s, like, a thousand feet in the air and we can’t jump up there while these things are trying to smash us!”
“But Lion can!” Connie cut in, yelling above the wind, her head popping out from her hiding place. “Lion can get him out!”
“Lion’s gunna kill him if we bring him in here!” Amethyst shouted back as she ran by. “We gotta figure something else out!”
“We don’t have any other options!” Connie said, hitting her fist against the pillar. “Garnet said we need to get Steven out of here, and if none of us can get up there, then we need Lion!”
“She’s right! Amethyst, grab Connie and get out of the Temple,” Garnet ordered and Amethyst groaned before skidding a few feet and turning to run back to Connie.
“You guys be careful,” she called before hooking her arm around the girl behind the pillar, which knocked the breath out of her, and then Amethyst jumped back down the hole they had come through.
It was much easier going down than going up, but there was still rocks to dodge. Amethyst had propped Connie over her shoulder as she maneuvered the crystal pipes, swinging off as they entered the next room. It was purple-blue and had huge piles of junk. Definitely Amethyst’s room, Connie concluded.
“I hope you can keep Lion under control long enough to get Steven out of here,” Amethyst said then, hurrying to the door as it stretched open. She ran right into Lion and she and Connie fell to the floor with a startled cry. Lion on the other hand had immediately started growling again.
Quickly Connie got to her feet and put her hands on Lion’s muzzle. “Lion, it’s okay! It’s okay, shhh,” she said, gently petting his nose. His head shook and he snorted but seemed to calm down. Connie sighed and carefully climbed onto Lion’s back. “Alright, let’s get back in there.”
Amethyst got up and nodded before turning around and opening the door again. “Hurry on in there. I’ll grab hold as he goes by.”
“Right. Okay, Lion,” Connie said, leaning forward to pat the big cat’s head, “We gotta get Steven out of the Temple. Can you do that? Please?”
Lion puffed, looking none too pleased at the mention of Steven, but he seemed to be listening all the same. He sprinted inside as the Temple shuddered and Amethyst just barely managed to grab his tail before he ran by. Connie helped her up and from there they instructed Lion on how to get to Rose’s room.
Up and up they went, the falling rocks proving to be only a small problem as Lion dodged around them. His eyes were locked forward, determination showing in his snarl. Amethyst looked as worried as ever, and Connie really hoped that Lion wouldn’t go off the rails when they got to the others.
Just get in and get Steven out, that’s all he had to do.
The noise of the storm grew louder by the second, just adding to the headache of the Temple falling to pieces, as Lion vaulted through floor after floor. He passed the Crystal Heart in a fraction of the time it took the Gems to get there, and before they knew it they were bursting back into Rose’s room.
Pearl and Garnet were still fighting several yards away, but were showing clear signs of exhaustion. However, as soon as Lion’s feet touched the ground, the attention of the monsters was torn away from the Gems, and focused on the pink cat instead. Amethyst jumped off his back and turned to Connie.
“I’m going to check on the others now that those things seem to be distracted,” she said, then pointed to the tower in the center of the room. Steven’s gem still flashed at the top, the light appearing even brighter now, almost bright enough to mask his form, which had grown even larger.
“That’s where Steven is, Lion. Go get him, and be quick!”
Lion nodded and ran off with Connie clinging to his fur as the shadowy creatures gave chase. The room had started falling apart now, holes like shattered glass opening up into blinding nothingness scattered throughout. Portal after portal shot out from Lion’s roar as he made his way to the tower, avoiding holes and cloud monsters as he went, the rain cascading down in a never-ending torrent. Connie felt drenched to the bone.
They reached the tower and Lion leaped up, his claws digging in. Connie held on for dear life as he forced himself up the side, using his portals to aid in the climb until he reached the top, where one last portal took the two several yards above.
The portal opened over Steven and they fell for just a moment before Lion sent out one last roar. As it shot out, Steven lifted his head and swung it around to face the two. Connie felt her chest tighten again; almost nothing of the boy was left. His body was that of a monster, covered in spikes and scales. Burning eyes glared as the portal formed below, and as Steven tumbled through Connie saw his body shift and grow and a horrifying and painful screech sounded as the pink gem flashed one last time.
Instantly the room quieted.
And that’s when everything came undone.
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doing-all-write · 4 years
hi ! i was wondering if you'd be willing to write a joe x black! gf overshot where he helps her on wash day ?
Hello! Absolutely! Full disclosure, I am Very White™ so I had to ask my friends who are POC their process for wash day (Hi J and T!) so, this is their process but I tried my best to make it applicable to as many people as possible! 
I hope you love it! 
Tumblr media
WARNING: Mentions of sex below the cut and soft fluffy boyfriend!Joe 
Sunday's were always the laziest day in their apartment.  
It was their day to spend together, maybe meal prep (and by meal prep she'd mainly get in Joe's way as he cooked way more pasta than two people could consume in a week) catch up on some Netflix, have sex and generally, just enjoy being in each others company with no set plans. 
Joe has just snuggled into the couch. Comfiest hoodie and sweatpants on, he propped his feet up on the coffee table in front of the sofa, flexing his feet as he sighed contentedly.  
His head whipped up at the sound of (Y/N)'s footsteps coming closer. He started to smile but it faded as she came trudging into the living room. Head hanging down, shoulders hunched forward, even the spirals that Joe loved so much were looking dejected. He chuckled as she forlornly draped her form over Joe's body, heaving a sigh so loud that it made the flames of the candle Joe had lit, dance wildly. 
"Someone's a Grumpy Gus." 
The only response he received was a disgruntled "harrumph".  
Tugging on one of her curls, watching it spring back, he cooed, "C'mon, use your words." 
Heaving a sigh, she flipped her body over so she could stare up into Joe's eyes. "It's...god I don't even want to say it because then that makes it more real." Joe snickered but quickly tamped it down when he saw her glare at him. 
"Sorry, activating my sympathy gene...now."
"Where was that two seconds ago?" 
"Listen, sometimes it takes a while to warm up." 
"It's Wash Day, Joe." 
Joe stilled at those words. He could practically hear the capital letters that accompanied the words Wash Day. 
Snuggling her face deeper into the well-worn fibers of the red sweatshirt Joe wore way more than should be acceptable for a man, she inhaled the comforting scent of deodorant and the lingering scent of pancakes. 
Without thinking, she opened her mouth and her next question fell out in a whisper, "Will you...will you help me?" 
Joe felt his throat close up at her request. He knew Wash Day was always something (Y/N) complained about and he felt bad when he'd walk past the bathroom, hearing her cursing as she worked to detangle her coils. It was silly, but he missed her during those hours when she was preoccupied in the bathroom. 
So, to hear her ask him to help, it felt like he was being invited to share in something special with her and he was honored. 
"Of course I will, baby." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Her eyes closed and she pressed her head more forcefully into his lips. 
"Thank you, Joey." 
"I'm glad you asked. But we should probably get started now or else we won't be done till three in the morning."
Her hand flew up to make contact with his chest. 
Grabbing it, he pressed a kiss to her palm and stared down at her, "You know I'm right, (Y/N)." 
"I know, doesn't mean I have to like it." She grumbled as she swung her legs off the couch, letting her feet hit the floor with a thud. The eyes of the corgi's that were on her socks stared up at her, mocking. 
Feeling Joe's arms wrap around her waist, he pushed her hair off her neck, pressing a gentle kiss to the curve of her spine, causing her to shiver. She could practically feel the smile growing across his lips as he pulled back. 
Yelping at the smack he landed on her ass, she scurried into the bathroom, Joe laughing as he ambled along behind her. 
Flipping the bathroom light on, she crouched down, pulling out the basket of hair products, clips and hair ties she'd need for the arduous process ahead of them. Joe whistled, "That's everything we're using today?" 
Wordlessly, she stood up and dramatically flung the shower curtain back, spreading her arms wide like Vanna White presenting the shampoo, conditioners and pre-shampooing treatments that took up 85% of the shower real estate. 
Laughing at how wide Joe's eyes became as they flicked back and forth between the basket and the products lining the shower wall she stepped closer to him. "Now do you see why this is my least favorite part of the week?" 
Shaking his head, Joe stared into her eyes, "Yeah, but that's why I'm here," he pulled his sweatshirt over his head, stepping closer to her, enjoying the way her eyes widened and her throat bobbed as she took in his shirtless form, "to make it more fun." He whispered those last words in her ear and he enjoyed watching goosebumps erupt all across her shoulders.  
"Then let's make this really fun..." she drawled seductively as she pulled back, licking her lips. Joe's eyes lit up as he leaned forward only to pull back with a shout as she brandished two combs in front of her, "by detangling my hair. And if you do so without making me cry I promise I'll suck your dick." 
It was like one minute she had the comb in her hand and the next Joe had it in his hand and was instructing her to face the mirror. 
Laughing, she grabbed four clips from her basket and explained to Joe that first, they had to section her hair, get each section wet, work a pre-shampoo product through the sections, then they could detangle it and work her hair into twists. 
"Oh, that's not too bad." Joe scoffed as he gently divided her hair into two sections. 
"That's just the first step." 
Joe paused, eyes staring into the middle distance as he took this information in. 
"I know. I'm sorry, babe." 
"Hey, never apologize for stuff like this. Besides, we get to spend time together. In the shower," she giggled as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down, "and there's nothing better than spending time with you. No matter what we're doing." 
"Really? You mean that, Joey?" she bit her lip as she fiddled with her fingers, feeling bashful at the compliment. 
"Hey," she brought her eyes up to meet Joe's in the mirror, "we could be going to the fucking DMV and it'd be the same amount of fun as going to Disney."  
"We'd probably stand in line an equal amount of time." 
"True. Now. Show me the best way to do this." Joe asked, straightening up. His eyes were laser focused as she sectioned off one part of her hair. His eyes drinking in every movement of her hands as she deftly wet the section and combed the pre-shampoo treatment over her curls. He even mimicked her hands movements in the air as she showed him how to coil her hair into twists and secure it.
Nodding, he exhaled, "I think I got this, (Y/N)." 
Smiling, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "I know you've got this. Just follow along with me."
As she slowed down her original demonstration, Joe's focus grew. She could tell because the tip of his tongue was poking out between his lips, his brow furrowed. 
"Hey! Joey! That looks great!" 
Stepping back, planting his hands on his hips, he titled his head to the side, "Yeah, it doesn't look half bad does it?" 
Spinning around, she threw her arms around his neck, catching him off guard with a deep kiss. Taking a step or two backward, he quickly regained his equilibrium by grasping her hips and pulling her closer to him.  
After a few seconds, they pulled apart. (Y/N) knew her chest was heaving but that was the effect Joe had on her. 
"This is more intimate to me than anything we've ever done." she confessed in a soft voice.
"Yeah? Why's that?" he whispered, pressing another featherlight kiss to her lips.
"Well, I guess because I figured most guys aren't interested in how girls do their hair," Joe tilted his head to the side, "but the fact that you took an interest and you care and took it seriously. Joe...that means more to me than you'll ever know and I love you for it."
Joe had felt his heart steadily grow with each word uttered. By the time the last word fell from her lips, he was sure (Y/N) could feel his his heart pressing against his rib cage, ready to burst through his chest. 
"I love you too, (Y/N). I'm-I'm really honored that you took the time to show me and let me help you. I-god, I'm just so lucky to have you in my life." 
Feeling like the tears building in her eyes might spill over if he said anything else, she kissed him, hard. Pulling back, she sniffed, "I'm lucky to have you in my life too. Now, I don't have to do this alone all the time." 
Rolling his eyes, he pinched her hips, making her squeal.
"Alright, smart ass. What's the next step?" 
"Now's the fun part, we have to get in the shower." She explained as she turned to twist the shower on. Turning back around she was met with a Joe who had his pants and underwear around his ankles, his cock already half-hard. 
Slapping a hand over her mouth to contain the laughter that threatened to fly out of her, Joe cocked an eyebrow, "What? We gotta shower, let's GO." Reaching for her he tugged at the hem of her shirt. In between bouts of laughter, she let Joe undress her. He took his time, pressing kisses down her legs as he helped her step out of her shorts and panties. Finally, they stood facing each other. Joe's eyes became hooded, "Goddamn (Y/N), you're so gorgeous, I-god." Overwhelmed by the praise, she avoided his gaze by moving to test the temperature of the water, after a few seconds, she looked over her shoulder at Joe.
Who was unabashedly staring at her ass. 
Smirking, she wiggled her hips back and forth, laughing at the effect it had on her boyfriend. 
"Why are you trying to kill me?" He whined, moving forward to smooth a hand over her curves.
Giggling, she reached her hand back to flick water in Joe's face, "Because it's fun." 
"Yeah, hilarious." Joe grumbled as he swiped a hand over his face, taking the hand she offered as he stepped into the shower with her. 
Feeling the water run down her body relaxed her muscles instantly. Closing her eyes, she tipped her head back, relishing in the calm that washed over her. Joe's eyes were wide open, drinking in her form hungrily. 
After a few beats, she opened her eyes, meeting his, "Can you hand that to me?" she pointed at the shampoo bottle behind Joe. 
"I got it, baby. Turn around." 
"Are you sure?"
"I think I can handle shampoo, but let me know if there's anything in particular I need to know. I don't want to ruin our handiwork." 
Turning so her back was to Joe, she tilted her head back. Sighing as he gently massaged her scalp, working the shampoo into her hair. The scent of coconut permeating the warm air, Joe became mesmerized by the way the suds ran down her twists. 
"Turn around baby. Face me. Want to see that pretty face." Joe murmured as he traced a finger down her spine, enjoying how the way her body shuddered. 
"There's my beautiful girl," he smiled when she turned to face him, face lighting up with a smile to match his. 
Reaching a hand out, she laid it on his chest, feeling his heart beat underneath her palm, "Your heart's beating really fast, Joey." 
"What do you expect? I'm naked. In the shower. With the most radiant woman in the world who I somehow convinced to be my girlfriend. Sorry if I'm a little worked up." He scoffed. 
"There was no convincing, Joe. I was yours five minutes into our first date." Blinking up at him through her eyelashes, Joe almost fell to his knees at the intensity of the feelings that crashed through him. 
"So was I, darling." His voice huskier than normal. 
Letting her eyes flutter closed she inhaled shakily, "Our water bill is going to be astronomical this month if we don't hurry this process up." 
"It could be a thousand dollars and it would be so, so worth it." Joe breathed out as he pressed a kiss to her neck. 
Shaking her head, she stepped back, "It would, but also the last time we tried to get sexy in the shower, we both almost wound up in the hospital. So, hand me the conditioner and we can wrap this process up."
"No fun." 
"You just want to go to the hospital for a sex related injury so you can brag about it to Ben, Rami and Gwil, don't you?" 
"I'm just saying! It would really help me secure the position of 'coolest dude' in the group chat."
Rolling her eyes, she squirted conditioner into Joe's palm, "Well, we have time. Let's come up with a good story, I'll back you up." 
"You would do that for me?" Joe asked as he spread conditioner over each of her twists.
"Of course. We're a couple, Joe. We gotta have each others backs, especially when it comes to important stuff like this. Can't have Rami and Lucy outdoing us in terms of freakiest sex life, can we?" 
The water was running cold by the time they shut it off. Joe stepping out first and offering his hand to (Y/N) so she could step out carefully. 
Handing her the t-shirt she always used to dry her hair after a shower, ("Hey, this looks like the one shirt I was trying to find a few months ago." "Huh, weird how that happens. Can I dry my hair or what, Joe?") they were still trying to figure out what kind of injury would be best for this story they were crafting. 
"Well, it can't be like a broken bone or something involving a cast because then they'd ask for pictures of it and that would get tricky."
"Maybe a sprained ankle?" 
"You could just say your pride was wounded." His eyes grew soft as he stared at (Y/N). She had wrapped the shirt around her face, holding it together at her chin, staring up at him with extra wide eyes. 
"You're too good to me." 
"I know." She shrugged as she stepped around Joe to face the mirror once again. "Alright, you ready to learn how to do a bantu knot?"
Straightening up, Joe shot her a salute, "Yes, miss." 
Snorting, she walked Joe through how to get each twist into a bantu knot and how to secure it. Watching his dexterous fingers twist themselves into and around her hair made her stomach clench in both want and appreciation for how seriously he was taking this whole endeavor. 
"Annnnd....done!" Joe raised his arms in a flying V as she turned her head back and forth, inspecting their handiwork. 
"That's perfect. It's going to look great. Thank you so so much for your help, babe." She turned around to give Joe a hug.
Wrapping his arms around her form, he pulled her flush to him. Nestling her face into the crook of his neck she let out a content sigh.
Then her eyes flew open.
"Uh, Joe?"
"Is that...um...how long have you been hard?"
"Oh, thank you for asking. Pretty much since we got in the shower." 
Lifting her head up so her mouth was in line with his ear she murmured, "Well, do you want me to help you with that?" 
Grabbing her hand, he tugged her into their bedroom, her laughing ringing out through the apartment. 
As Joe made coffee the next morning while checking his email, he barely glanced up when she padded into the kitchen, offering him a soft "morning" as she grabbed two mugs from the cupboard.
"Morni-wow." he breathed out when he finally gave her his full attention. 
The morning light streaming through their kitchen window bounced off each ringlet, making them shine. As she wrapped her arms around Joe's middle, he buried his face into her hair, inhaling deeply. The scent of coconuts, her perfume and the coffee that was brewing was the best love potion he'd ever encountered. 
"You know, I always thought your hair was gorgeous, but after yesterday, it's even more gorgeous. Probably because I helped to make it this gorgeous." He joked as he gave her curls a gentle tug. 
"Have I thanked you enough for helping me yesterday, by the way?" 
"Well, you made sure I came twice last night so...I'd say we're pretty much even."
Disentangling from his embrace she giggled, pouring them both coffee. "Well, I guess I like our new Sunday tradition." 
Taking a sip, Joe cocked an eyebrow at her, indicating he was listening.
"Sunday is now officially Wash and Shower Sex Day." 
A dreamy look settled over Joe's face, "Yeah, that's a tradition I can get behind." 
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LEGACY: A Tony Stark Daughter Story
< previous
Word Length: 1,650ish
Summary: The Team works on tracking down Ultron.
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 After a long night of trying to track down Ultron, Bruce, Tony, and I were still in one of the labs searching. Everyone else was also helping, I just couldn’t tell you where they were at the time. Bruce was rewatching the recording of last nights events while Tony was fixing up everyone’s tech so that Ultron wouldn’t be able to hack into any of our stuff again. I had been helping him, but I was slowly starting to fall asleep. My head was resting in my hands as I was sitting on a stool and my elbows were propped on the table.
“It can read vocal stress patterns, adrenaline spikes—“ Bruce started.
“None of that was in the schematic we launched,” Tony stated, tossing his tablet on the table afterwards.
“He had a self-constructed learning spiral.”
“In his language database. He was supposed to learn slang, not go insane.”
I chuckled. The two men looked at me, unimpressed. “I’m sorry,” I said, trying not to break out into laughter. “But you two tried to created an artificial intelligence to protect the world. The whole thing was insane to began with.”
“Look, we know the guy has anger issues. Which, not to point a finger…” As he said that, he pointed a finger at Bruce.
“We told him to solve the world,” Bruce stated.
“And look where that got us,” I said, standing up. “Apparently solving the world means killing us off.”
Tony sighed, looking down at the floor before making his way to me. “You should go get some rest,” he suggested, putting a loving hand on my back. 
“No,” I shook my head. “I’ll be fine after some coffee.” I began walking away. “I’ll be right back."
I started heading down the stairs to the kitchen when Maria and Steve were walking up the stairs talking. 
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“Fatalities?” Steve asked.
“Only when engaged.” Maria answered. “Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears, and something too fast to see.” What?
“Maximoff’s.” Steve said. “Well, that makes sense he’d go to them, they have someone in common.”
I stopped in the middle of the stairs. Maximoff? Where had I heard that name before? Suddenly there was a shooting pain across my head. I put my hands up to my head and groaned. I saw something. Two kids in cages, HYDRA cages. Just like the one I used to be kept in. It was blurry and first but soon cleared up. 
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It was the same two that I had seen with Ultron in my nightmare. I was pulled out of whatever I was pulled into when a rested hand on my back.
“Are you alright, Bailey?” Steve asked.
I hadn’t realized that I had crouched down onto the stairs. I looked up at Steve. “Ya,” I replied. “I’m fine.”
Steve gave a worried look before backing off, knowing full well that I was keeping something from him. 
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Maria and him kept walking up the stairs and I quickly got up and followed them back up the stairs. Completely forgetting as to why I was walking down in the first place.
“They don’t have someone in common anymore, Cap,” Maria continued as she pulled up something on her tablet. 
We stopped at the top of the stairs as Maria handed Steve her. It was a picture of Strucker. He was dead. The word “peace” was written in blood on the wall behind him. I wanted that man to be taken out, but I was kind of hoping that I would get to help do it or that Tony would be able to. 
“That’s kind of a mixed message,” Steve stated, studying the image.
“Is it?” Maria questioned. “If it was my mission, world peace, I’d probably take out Strucker, too. Ultron could be in any system. He could be pulling planes down from the sky. What if he’s just doing what he’s supposed to?”
“If I thought Ultron were bringing peace, I’d hang up my shield.”
“What?” I quietly gasped in surprise. Steve Rogers not being Captain America anymore? 
“Would you?” Maria questioned, clearly challenging him.
“Let me know if he leaves anymore messages.” Steve ignored the question and began walking away.
“Did you mean it?” I asked, following him closely.
“Mean what?” 
“Steve,” I grabbed his hand, causing him to stop and turn around. “You know what.”
“I don’t know,” he shook his head and looked down at our hands.
“What would you do?” He began to absentmindedly rub his thumb over the back of my hand. “If you weren’t Captain American anymore, what would you do?”
He sighed, keeping his eyes focused on our hands. “Probably find a place in Brooklyn. Mind find a girl and settle down.”
“But what about us?” He quickly met my gaze. “I-I mean… What about your home?”
“Like I said,” he dropped my hand, but not before gently squeezing it. “I don’t know.”
He turned and continued walking towards the main lab, me following a bit behind. We could hear Clint talking on the phone before we saw him.
“Don’t worry about the wolf,” Clint voice rang from around the corner. “Leave the nightlight off. That’s a negative. I answer to you.” Steve and I stopped once Clint was in our sights. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Barton,” Steve said. “We might have something.”
“I gotta go,” Clint said into the phone, hanging up on who ever was on the other end.
“Who was that?” I wondered. 
“Girlfriend,” he answered. 
My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Didn’t he just say a few days ago that he didn’t have one? I knew he was lying! But I still felt like he was keeping something else. Something bigger than just a girlfriend. Steve and I walked into the lab to see Nat and Tony ending a video call with Rhodey, Bruce back on a computer, and Thor entering from the back staircase. I walked over to where Natasha and Tony were, stopping in front of the table while Steve went to met Thor. 
“Any help from on high?” Steve asked Thor.
“Heimdall’s either away from his post or he’s been ordered not to answer,” Thor replied. The two began making their way towards the rest of us, with Bruce not far behind. “But Ultron can’t hide forever, we’ll find him.”
“Well, he’s not exactly hiding.” Steve handed the tablet with the picture of Strucker up to Thor. 
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“What’s this?” Tony asked, coming up to the men.
“A message,” Steve answered.
“Ultron killed Strucker,” I told the group as Thor smacked the tablet into Tony’s chest. Tony looked at the picture and then looked at me. I quickly looked down at my feet to avoid eye contact. 
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“And he did a Banksy at the crime scene,” Tony observed. “Just for us.” Bruce came up and looked at the picture from behind Tony as he walked passed.
“This is good,” Nat stated, studying the picture once Tony set the tablet down.
“No, that’s not good,” Bruce shook his head.
“He’s showing us his hand,” Nat said. “This isn’t his pattern.”
“This is a smokescreen,” I stated. “Why send a message when you’ve just given a speech?”
“Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss.” Steve said. I quickly sat down at a computer and looked up Strucker.
“Yeah, I bet he—“ Nat began to type at the computer she was at.
“Everything we had on Strucker has been erased,” I interrupted.
“Not everything.” Tony said.
We followed Tony down into another room. He proceeded to pull out boxes of physical copies of files. They were a mix of HYDRA and SHIELD. We all took a few boxes and spread out across the room to look. Everyone was finding things that were useful. I got stuck with I found one certain file. My own. It looked to be only a portion of it, but something was better than nothing. I laid it on my criss crossed legs and just stared at it, too afraid to open it. 
“Known associates,” Steve spoke up. “Baron Strucker had a lot of friends.” 
“Well, these people are all horrible.” Bruce mumbled.
“Wait.” Tony quickly said. I turned to see him pointing at the file that Bruce was holding. “I know that guy. From back in the day. He operates off the African coast, black market arms.” Steve looks at Tony like he’s accusing him of something. 
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I stood up, with my file in hand, and walked over to the table the rest of them were at. “There are conventions, alright?” Tony defended. “You meet people, I didn’t sell him anything. He was talking about find something new, a game changer, it was all very ‘Ahab’” 
“This?” Thor asked pointing to a scar on the back of the guys neck. 
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“Uh, it’s a tattoo,” Tony answered. “I don’t think he had it—“
“No, those are tattoos,” Thor stated. Bruce quickly went over to a computer. “This is a brand.”
“Oh, yeah.” Bruce says at the computer. “It’s a word in an African dialect meaning thief, in a much less friendly way.”
“What dialect?” Steve asked.
“Wakanada…?” Bruce tried saying. “Wa… Wa… Wakanda.” Tony and Steve glanced at each other.
“If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods?” Tony wondered, looking at Steve.
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“I thought your father said he got the last of it?” Steve asked Tony. 
“I don’t follow.” Bruce said. “What comes out of Wakanda?”  
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I walked over and picked up Steve’s shield. “The strongest metal on earth.” I answered. 
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Steve continued to look at Tony. “Where is this guy now?”
“His usual salvage yard on the African Coast, I suppose.” Tony answered.
“Well, team,” Steve said, “Suit up. Let’s go get the guy.”
next >
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Not Guilty
remember when I was gonna write a murder mystery? well, it kinda took a turn plotwise, but here it finally is
Being a homicide detective is all fun and games until you start to fall for the lead suspect in your most recent case.
warnings: description of a dead body, talk about death
ship: ralbert, platonic spalbert
word count: 2480
Chapter 1
Even before Albert walked in on the dead body, his day wasn’t going well.  
His good uniform shirt hadn’t dried properly the night previous, so he had to go with his old one that was a little bit too small in all the wrong places.  The department was out of his favorite green tea, which meant he had to settle for that fucking dirt coffee Kelly and Conlon kept around for “sanity”.  And he’d been late on his lunch break, since Chief Roosevelt stuck Cortez’s paperwork on him last minute.
So, when he ventured into the bathroom of his favorite sandwich shop, only to find a fresh corpse and more blood than he ever really cared to see propped up neatly on the toilet, all he could find in himself to do was sigh.  And gag a little, but that was a given.
The coppery smell of blood and freshly shut down internal organs cuts brutally through the air and Albert reaches under his button down to pull his undershirt over his nose as he dials Spot’s number.  
As his phone’s ringing, Albert takes the time to steel himself and assess the body, first checking the pockets for any kind of identification.  When all he comes up with are a couple candy wrappers and a condom, he sighs again.  So, they’ll have to do this the hard way.  Typical.
“Yo, Dasilva, how’s the meatball sub?”
Albert gags again.  The last thing he wants to think about right now is his abandoned meat sandwich covered in red sauce.  No, nope.  Not right now.
“Yeah, uh, no,” Albert says, leaning back on his haunches, “We got a 10-54, possible homicide- multiple stab wounds to the chest and stomach.  I’m gonna need backup down here.”
There’s a pause, then Albert hears Spot groan, “And you’re still at Gianno’s?”
There’s a pause and Albert can picture Spot rubbing his eyes, “Fuck, okay, me and some others’ll be there soon.”
The line goes dead with a click and Albert casts another cursory look over the body.  Dilated eyes stare back at him, a slack jaw giving way to a bluish, swollen looking tongue.  He scrunches his nose, feeling a little dizzy.
“Bruh, you’re lookin’ rough.” 
The body does not answer.
The victim, Albert learns upon returning to the precinct, is some low level reporter for one of the smaller newspapers in New York: the Brooklyn Eagle.  
“Frank Wiesel, but folks call him Weasel.  Fitting, too.  The guys a biased asshole, apparently.  Republican, Conservative, the works.  Probably would fit in better with Fox News instead of a city newspaper, but…”
Spot leans back in his seat, tossing down the manilla case file and taking a long drink from his “10-4 Coffee That” mug.  It’s a stupid mug, but Spot has worshipped it since Jack had passed it over one Christmas Eve in the department, and honestly, Albert hasn’t seen him nearly as passionate over anything, so he bites his tongue. 
“An asshole, huh?” Albert pulls the case file towards himself and flips it open, eyes scanning the scowling face of Wiesel, “Anyone in particular who would have it out for him?  Or is he more of a generally known bastard type.”
“Hard to say,” Spot says, “He wrote some pretty nasty stuff about a few left leaning politicians in the area and got some pretty bad backlash because of that.  Plus his general lack of a filter’s gotten him kicked out of bars here and there around Manhattan, so…”
Albert hums, scrunching his nose.  Wiesel really is ugly.  All 1940s mobster with a stupid bowler hat and beady eyes, mouth turned down under a ratty handlebar mustache, “Has the autopsy come back yet?”
“They’re finishing up the toxicology report,” Spot says, “S’taking a little longer than usual, ‘cause Mush suspects something mighta been up with the vic’s blood.”
“Maybe,” Spot shrugs and pours himself more coffee.  Albert eyes him, wondering how many cups he’s had today and vacantly wondering if Spot would be off put by him taking the pot and drinking directly from it.
“Has the wait staff at Gianno’s been questioned yet?”
“Mostly,” Spot answers.  The look in his eye tells Albert that he’s about to drop something pivotal.
He cocks his head, “Mostly?”
“One waiter went home right before the murder occured.  Claimed a migraine.”
Albert’s eyebrows shoot into his hairline.  Now that is interesting, “And nobody fucking thought to bring this guy in?”
The waiter- Antonio Higgins, according to the file Katherine handed off to Albert and Spot- lives in an older looking apartment complex a few blocks down from Gianno’s.  Despite the slightly dilapidated exterior, the place has a pleasant enough, homey sort of vibe.  The vague smell of pasta sauce wafts through the air, assaulting their nostrils the moment they step into the building.  Distinct Italian villa music plays in soft undertones through the lobby and the walls are adorned with various renaissance-era paintings.  
Albert and Spot exchange a short glance, raising their eyebrows slightly before approaching the front desk.  The lady behind the counter is a stout, but demanding woman, her eyes lined with harsh black rouge and hand gesturing wildly as she speaks on the phone in rapid fire Italian.  A quick glance towards her name tag tells Albert that her name is Maria, which fits her whole Italian mother look.  Albert watches, bemused, as she looks at them inquisitively, then at the badges on their shirts and rolls her eyes, firing off a few more sentences into the receiver before hanging up the landline and placing it back on its phone stand.  
“Yes, hello officers, how may I help you?” Her heavily accented voice is tinged with annoyance and Albert sees Spot shoot him another glance in his peripheral.
Inwardly, Albert sighs.  He’s never understood why people can’t just be cooperative.
“Hi, ma’am, sorry for the inconvenience,” He trains his voice into something resembling empathy and plasters his most charming smile onto his face.  She doesn’t look amused, “I’m Detective DaSilva and this is my partner, Detective Conlon.  We’re here from the 17th precinct investigating a case regarding the tragedy that occurred over in Gianno’s earlier today and one of the waitstaff there, Antonio Higgins, lives here in your building.  We’ve got a few questions for him, so if you could do us the courtesy of buzzing us up to his room, that would be greatly appreciated.”
Maria’s eyes widen and when she speaks, the previous irritation is absent, “Tonio?  Is he in trouble?  That boy is the sweetest thing, so helpful.  There’s no way he could be who you are looking for.”
Albert tries to soften his expression, “He’s in no trouble yet, ma’am, I assure you.  We’re just following protocol and questioning all employees at Gianno’s.  He went home a little before the incident occurred, so we were not able to question him with the rest of the waitstaff.”
Maria looks a little relieved at this, but her sternness is back when she says, “Alright, I will buzz you up, but don’t do anything to hurt my dear Tonio.  He’s had a tough year and I’d hate for some pish posh detectives to upset him further.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Spot says, amicably.  
Maria picks up the phone again, presumably to call Higgins’ room and Spot looks at Albert, mouthing, ‘tough year?’  Albert shrugs and shakes his head, turning back to Maria as she hangs up the phone with a friendly, “Si, si, abbi cura, tesoro.”
“Okay,” She says dismissively, waving her hand as she picks up a pen and starts scribbling on some papers, “You can go up.  Elevators are around the corner.  Tonio lives on the 7th floor, room 712B.”
They thank her and head towards the elevators, relieved to find the one that picks them up to be empty.  
“I wonder what this Higgins dude’s been through for the fuckin’ receptionist to be that protective,” Spot says, pressing the button for the seventh floor and wincing when the elevator groans as it begins to ascend.
“Yeah, me too,” Albert agrees, “Sounded kind of cryptic, too.  Hope he’s in a good enough headspace to be helpful.”
And it’s true.  The more fucked up the suspect, the less willing they are to talk.  Vexation is one of the many banes of Albert’s existence.  They arrive at the floor and find room 712B at the end of the hallway.  Spot knocks and in less time than they anticipated, the door swings open to reveal a tired looking man.  He’s a bit taller than either of them with curly blond hair that sits like a mop on top of his head.  His blue eyes are accentuated by the bruise-like bags that sit underneath and the pallor of his skin makes it look like he’s sick; or was sick.  With a wince, Albert remembers that this guy had supposedly gone home with a migraine earlier.  
“Officers,” The man- Antonio- greets tiredly.  He looks bored at their presence and leans his shoulder casually on the doorframe, crossing his arms in front of his chest.  His grey t-shirt stretches obscenely over well-muscled arms and Albert swallows.  Spot snorts next to him.
Recovering, Albert flashes him a quick smile, “Antonio, right?  I’m Detective Dasilva and this is my partner, Detective Conlon.  I’m assuming you’re aware of the incident that occurred over at Gianno’s earlier today?”
Antonio’s bored expression doesn’t waver, but when he sighs, it sounds shaky, “‘Course I heard.  Business is about to go to shit ‘cause of it, too.  No one’s gonna wanna come to a murder scene to eat, so bye-bye good paychecks.”
“Right, I apologise for that,” Albert continues, “But we’ve gotta ask you a few questions regarding the case.”
Antonio’s eyebrows shoot up, “Am I a suspect?”
“Everyone’s a suspect until we find the culprit,” Spot says evenly.
“Right…” Antonio sighs again, “Okay, come in I guess.”  
He opens the door wider to allow them to enter and turns to walk into the apartment, flicking on a few lights along the way.  Albert follows him, noting how excessively clean the apartment is as he makes his way to the kitchen where Antonio is opening a pill bottle and throwing back a few pills, washing them down with what Albert assumes is coffee.  Spot joins him in the mouth of the kitchen, looking as hesitant as Albert feels.  Antonio looks at them, lips quirking upwards into something like a smirk.
“Want anything to drink?” He offers, “I’ve got water, coffee, milk...if you’re weird like that.”
“We’re good, thank you,” Spot declines, stepping further into the kitchen and leaning against one of the counters.  
Albert follows suit, noting with a frown that everything here is impeccably organized as well.  A neat row of cookbooks are pressed against the fridge, descending in order from thickest to thinnest.  The counters are bare and shiny, boasting no crumbs or residue.  Kitchen appliances line the walls neatly, also showing barely any sign of use.  Albert suspects if they opened up the fridge and the cabinets, they’d find neatly stacked dishes and immaculately organized silverware.  
Antonio shrugs, sipping again from his coffee mug, “Suit yourself.”
“Okay,” Spot pulls out his pocket notebook, flipping it open to a blank page and clicking his pen against his chest, “So you claimed to have gone home around 12:20 with a migraine.  Did you take any detours on the way home?”
Antonio’s jaw clenches, “Well, seeing as my head was trying to kill me from the inside out, I wasn’t very keen on going window shopping, so…”
Albert hears Spot blow out a breath through his nose, “I need a direct answer here, sir, if you could please.”
Antonio rolls his eyes, “Yes, I came straight home.”
Undeterred, Spot plows on, “Did you have any connections to the victim, Frank Wiesel?  Was he a regular customer that you knew of?  Anything of that sort?”
“Fuckin’ Weasel was the one to get his ass smoked?” Antonio says, nostrils flaring.
“So you did know the victim,” Albert says.
“Yeah, I fuckin’ knew him.  Worked with my Pa for a while, before leaving him in the dust to go work for some hotshot newspaper.  Asshole if I ever knew him,” Antonio shakes his head, laughing dryly, “‘Bout time he met his maker.”
“Okay, don’t say that to any officer about a murder vic,” Albert admonishes, “And you said he worked with your dad?  What did they do together?”
Antonio shifts, suddenly looking uncomfortable, “I don’t really know, but my Pa never liked him much.  Always complained about how he was tryna ‘do him in for a big one’ whatever that means.  I think it had something to do with accounting, but I’m not entirely certain.”
Spot’s nodding, scribbling rapidly in his notebook, “You met him, yes?”
“Few times,” Antonio says, “ornery fucker.  Homophobic, too.  That was the only front he and my Pa ever agreed on it seemed.  Which worked wonderfully in my favor.”  He says that last part sarcastically and Albert sends a brief look to Spot who grimaces.
“Where’s your dad now?” Albert asks.  The situation Antonio’s painted for his involvement with Wiesel sounds like a breeding ground for motives- if not from him directly, then his father.
“Dead,” Antonio smiles bitterly, “Was fighting cancer for a while and finally kicked the can ‘bout three months ago.”
There’s a tense pause and Spot clears his throat, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Antonio snorts and Albert senses his frustration building.
“And you were here, in this apartment building, when the murder occurred say around...12:50?”
Antonio blinks, “I already told you I came straight home,” he pauses, “I didn’t fuckin’ kill Weasel.”
“We’re not saying-”
Antonio scoffs, “Kind of sounds like you are.  We done here?  ‘Cause as you seemed to know, I went home because of a migraine, which is still fucking me up.  So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get some sleep.”
“Yes, my apologies,” Albert says, sensing that they weren’t going to get anything else out of this visit.  He nudges Spot, beginning to back out of the kitchen.  Antonio follows them to the door, watching warily as they step out, “Thank you for your time.  I appreciate your cooperation.  We’ll probably be back sometime this week for a few follow up questions.”
Antonio wrinkles his nose, “Wonderful.”
The door shuts with a resounding click and Albert and Spot stare at it for a long moment.
“Well…” Spot starts.
“Yeah,” Albert says, “There’s some digging to do here.”
“Sure is.”
They begin to retreat back towards the elevators.
“You gotta be careful, though.” Spot says, aiming for casual and missing by a mile.
“About what?” 
“You were totally hot for him.”
Albert thunks his head against the elevator wall, groaning, “Man, shut up.”
Spot just laughs.
i actually know where this one is heading plot wise, so...,.,
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @getchapapes @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable 
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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hwanggeum-ashi · 5 years
Love At First Peek
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➝Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader
➝Genre: tooth rotting fluff (don’t blame me for diabetes lmao)
➝Wordcount: 2209
➝Summary: you stalked the nerd so that you can get a free ice cream
You are sitting on the library floor
One book propped open on your lap and rest lying scattered on the ground
You're studying for your upcoming exams.Hence all the books
But they would help only if you were paying attention to them
Coz your whole attention was focused on the boy sitting right across from you
Well not right across coz there's a huge ass bookshelf in between you both
But what is classic book-space-peeping-hole made for right?
You're admiring, no full on staring at him
His soft brown hair which falls over his eyes when he bends his head down
His semi plump lips which he is chewing right now
His long fingers softly holding the pages, just like how you like and not like those animal who just tear the pages off. His fingers glides across the lines he's reading
He's sitting cross legged. His trousers creasing at the folds
But the most cutest thing is how his specs keep sliding down and you can't help but laugh when he sighs for nth time and pushes it back
That's when his eyes meet you
You quickly avert your eyes, flailing your book pages
He's clearly caught you staring
You keep your head down, to scared to lift it up and see what you'll find
After five mins of paranoia, you finally manage to lift your head up only to find him missing from his spot
Your mouth quickly turns into a frown and you decided to gather your books and leave, since you already wasted too much time
Huffing you get up and walk away only to bump into something hard
You snap your head up immediately regretting coz now you prolly got a nerve pull or something
But it's all worth it
"sorry I wasn't looking"
"here." he hands you the book that had fallen from your hand "it's alright, I should've said something"
Suddenly the proximity of you both dawns upon you and you jump back "I guess, I should go. Thanks"
He smiles at you and steps aside "my pleasure"
You race to your dorm with beating heart and fall face first as soon as you see your bed
You squeal in the pillow, not being able to contain the excitement
But then you sit straight "breath in, breathe out." But then again your face morphs into a stupid smile
Next day you arrive early to the class so there's only a few students there
You scan the classroom coz you know he has this class
How did you know? Duh stalking!
Did you purposely select this class? Ofc not, you're not dumb
Today was the first day of the merger class coz your eco teacher called in sick for a week
So you had to merge with his class
Were you dying? Yes definitely
You see the same brown hair peeking out from the door and you quickly immerse yourself into the  book, pretending to study
With sneaky eyes, you look up to find that he's talking to some guy with all black attire, even his shoes are black. Hot.
But your eyes travel to his lips
How they move when he talks
How soft they look
How kissable they look
You snap out of it when you feel them coming closer
And as per your amazing luck, he spots you "oh!
You're stuck between saying hi, waving or smiling
So you just dumbly mix everything together
To your relief before he could react, the all black boy pulls him to the seat adjacent to yours
Your heart =boom boom
Your brain = malfunctioning
Your brain cell= ded
Your soul= yeeted
You dip your deep enough so that your hair would cover the side of your face
So far so good
Halfway through the class, a pencil rolls down to your side
And as a mother teresa you are, you bend to pick up the pencil
Your hands bumps against a rather beautiful once, Tae's.
But this time you don't pull back coz he doesn't either
You both look up and he gives you smile, you return the gesture
After class you turn into flash and you're outta the class in a second
You Hear voices behind you
A familiar husky, deep voice perks your ears up
"hey man, I'll catch you guys later. Got some work to do" "yeah just be there at . See ya hyung!"
Your heartbeat quickens again
please come talk to me! please come talk to me!
And just by the Lord, there's a tap on your shoulder
Now you know better than to jump him, so you try to turn as graciously as you could
"yes?" yes?! YES?! for real get a grip!
"hi! We uh.. We met at the library? Remember?"
 of fucking course I remember you dumb fool! "oh yeah! Yeah I remember."
"I'm taehyung" he extends his hand and you shake it, giving your name with it.
"so is it fine if I talk to you for a minute?"
 fuck yes!
"yeah, absolutely
"well.." he scratches his hair which messed his specs and you suppress the urge to push them back
"I was wondering if you wanna be uh, you known, my partner for the uh project?"
You stiffen and you swear you can hear the wedding bells going off
"yeah! That will be great!"
He beams at you and you again suppress the urge to kiss him mercilessly
"so... shall we..?"
"don't you need to be going? It's almost five"
The words leave your mouth before you could register what you said
fuck my fucking dumb mouth! He knows! He fucking knows!
He quirked an eyebrow at you but gives you a radiant smile
yep I'm dead
"yeah I gotta be somewhere rn. But we can reschedule?"
You both exchange numbers and go your own ways
You silently thank the universe for not exploding on you
"he knows right? He definitely knows right?" You stuff your mouth with chips as you tell the whole incident to your best friend, who rn is doubling over in laughter
"ofc he knows! Boys always know! Goddamn I'm dying!"
You throw a pillow at her and huff
Next day you're waiting patiently excruciatingly painful for him at the cafe near the campus
You're prolly on your third cup of coffee coz your nerves just won't calm down
he stood me up. He absolutely did!
You hold your head in your hands he knew I was lusting over him!
You were ready to bail, leaving him message saying sorry something came up
But the jingle of the bell marks his arrival
And if you thought you were nervous before? Rn you were definitely bordering into a panic attack
And the damn wedding bells ugh!
 Why won't they stop...idk belling??
He sees you and struts his handsome walk towards you and sits as gracefully like a prince. You felt like a peasant who owns five pigs and a cow
"sorry to keep you waiting! Practice ran late"
Only then you notice that he's a little out of breath he came running!
"that's okay. I only just got here"
"well then you're either super fast or I'm just imagining things coz i see three cups of coffee"
You turn the reddest red of the red unable to say anything
"so.. About the project, Where do we start?"
He takes out his notes and a well maintained diary which had everything written in an organised manner oh my god marry me!
He points out the things to do and you both assign each other duties. After an hour of discussing, your conversation comes to a stop
Turns out you both sucked at holding conversation
he's not interested you shut the voice inside your head
"so.." "so.."
You both say at the same time and burst into giggles
He's just smiling
"you first"  you say coz definitely didn't have anything to say
"I was thinking if.. If you wanted to go somewhere?"
he's asking me on a date?!
He must've read your thoughts but the poor boy looked at your startled expression and got flustered
"uh I mean do you want to go somewhere rn? Since we're done? I mean it's fine if you don't want to-" "yes! I'll go!"
 fuck that came out too strong
"I mean, yeah sounds good"
You both split the bill and head out
You both stroll down the streets and since it's almost Christmas, shops are decorated with lights and candy canes
You talk about random stuff, asking what he wants to do in life and you're quite surprised to hear that he wants to be a singer
Given his choice of subjects you definitely took him for a non med student
"I'm so asking do you to sing" you tease and groans
"I'm not so good yet.." "oh shut up! You're perfect"
You freeze mid walk fuck my fucking mouth!
"uh I mean uh that you'll be perfect! Hey! Is that an  ice cream shop?!"
You point and almost run towards the shop
Tae just smiles behind you and catches up to you
"what flavour do you want?" you ask turning only to see him an inch away from you
You quickly turn back but he doesn't move from his spot
"chocolate" his breath hits the back of your neck and you shiver
"are you cold?" fuck he noticed!
"n-no.. I'm taking brownie fudge"
You both wait for your orders to come up and tae still hasn't moved from his spot.
His breath still fans your neck and there are now horrifyingly visible goosebumps at your arms. Thank god you're wearing a full sleeved shirt. Thank god for winter
Suddenly a bunch of school kids rush in pushing everyone
One of the kid bumps into tae who consequently bumps into you.
He mumbles an apology but it dies down when more kids start entering and causing ruckus
This makes the people standing adjacent to you lose their balance and the bump into you
You shut your eyes but don't feel the body weight
Slowly opening your eyes, you see Tae's arms at both sides of you. His chest pressing against your back.
You're too nervous to move
The shopkeeper rushes the kids out of the shop and everything quiets down
You're again suddenly hyper aware of tae behind you
His body heat radiates off of to you and you suck in a breath when you feel his heart  
"t-thank you.."
He clears his throat and steps back
You both take your orders and head out suddenly feeling too suffocated in there
"thanks for saving me in there.." You say softly
"it's nothing"
There's a awkward silence and you are racking your brain to make in un-awkward
But tae beats you to it
"it's getting dark.. We should head back to the campus" you say yeah looking up at the sky
The walk back home is pleasant. You both quickly fall back into a nice conversation.
Taehyung laughs his ass off when you accidentally reveal that your best friend had a crush on jungkook and you start panicking
You both reach at the the co-ed hostel
Sign your names and get inside
The boys' floor is on the second and the girls' floor on the first
And there's a door on the stairways to prevent certain activities form happening
You both say your goodbyes at the one last shared staircase
But neither of you moves
Tae breaks the ice first
"it was fun today. I had fun with you"
"me too"
Cue in awkward silence
You're about to turn when he calls "hey! We never made plans for our next meet!"
"oh yeah!" you almost rush towards him but catch yourself the last moment
"the usual?" you ask
"I was thinking a library? I know this big town downtown if you wanna go?"
"yes I would love that"
You both stare at each other for longer than you should
But then he announces that he has to leave and you could swear that you heard dejection in his voice
Tho he says, he has to go, you leave first
You're in your third step when he calls out your name
You turn around and before you could register anything, his lips are on you
You're standing on the last step so you're almost his height
Slowly you take in what's happening
And without you knowing your fingers entangle in his hair
His soft fucking hair
His hands fly up to hold your waist tightly, pulling your against him
He slips in his tongue and you almost moan coz of the feeling
At last sadly he pulls back and you both catch your breaths
A smile tugging at both your lips
"sorry for that. Had to check something"
He says with the same breathlessness as he did at the cafe
"check what?" your voice is croaky
"whether am I in love with you or not"
Your foreheads are touching
Breathes mingling
"did you find your answer?"
"and it is?"
"I'm in love with you"
"I'm in love with you too"
@getmemyfries @rosytteok @manggojooz @jeongguksdoll @minstrivia @minlucent @cherrynochu @taeveler
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 17)
"Love, sex, fights & international flights"
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After Luna and Colson pull into Ashley's driveway, he shuts off the engine. The car ride wasn't much different from any other so this concerns Luna. She turns to him. "You feel alright?" She asks. This makes him smile as he lights a joint.
"I didn't wanna say anything in front of the guys..." He begins, hitting the joint long and hard. "Probably because it didn't really sink in yet and because you had such control but you scared the fuck outta me tonight, Loons." He says, looking at her while passing her the joint.
As she hits it she asks why.
"When those 2 dudes stood up, we all jumped up because it was about to be on. But, like I said." He takes the joint from her. Inhaling and exhaling deeply. "You controlled that situation, like a sexy Boss Ass Bitch, but...." He looks at her with concerned eyes "I don't know what I would've done if one of them had touched you before I could get to you." He hits the joint again before passing it to her.
Luna's silent. It makes Colson nervous.
"Look, I don't even know what I'm trying to say, because I love you for exactly who you are. But, it made me realize that I don't know what I'd do if ANYTHING happened to you, Kitten."
She hits the joint slowly before speaking. "I get where you're coming from. Buuuut..." She says with a soft smile lifting her right arm towards him, forearm side up. Trying to make light of the conversation, she asks "Do you know why I have this?" Pointing to the tattoo of a cockroach that she has just above the words 'Don't look back in anger, Live like it's the style." right above the crook of her elbow.
He can't help but chuckle "No, but I have wondered." Taking the joint.
"Shoulda asked." She smiles up at him. "It's a reminder, that there are 2 things in this motherfucking world you can't kill. Cockroaches and Luna Smith." He laughs out loudly to her pleasure. She continues "I am who I am, Bunny. I have no fear, am violent as fuck and fiercely loyal." She says, blue eyes burning into his soul, with a shrug. She then says to him sincerely. "I'm am sorry I scared you. I knew I had it though. I've been living my life for a long time. If I hadn't KNOWN that I could handle it myself, I'd have brought you or Benny with me, like I did at the strip club.... I don't know if that makes you feel any better..." She finishes.
He sighs. "It does... And I know you have. And I know why. AND I really can't say shit because I would've acted the same way too, no questions asked. It's just, I'm a 6'4 dude and you're..."
She interrupts him. "Careful what you say next, Bunny." With a knowing eye and cocked smile.
He gives her a side eye. "You know what I'm trying to say." Pulling on the joint.
"I do." She says getting serious. "And I love you for it. But....." She trails off. Taking the joint from him.
"Just....." He interrupts her "I don't even know, I just..... I know I can't lose you."
His words soften her eyes, making her put out the joint and climb across the seat so that she can straddle him. Wiggling in, so that his cock rest between her legs, against her pussy. Where it belongs. She looks deep into his eyes before kissing him firmly, pushing her hips down, pulling him by his shoulders towards her. "Only YOU can make you lose me." She lifts her arm "Cockroach, remember?" She says with a huge grin.
"YOU are a fucking idiot." He laughs pulling her in for a kiss.
"Your idiot." She replies, pulling away laughing at their joke, for only a moment, before easily submitting.
Their kiss is passionate. Creating a roaring fire between them. She feels his dick grow larger against her pussy. "Yeah, you are." He says as she leans back against the steering wheel, beaming as she moves her hips against him to the beat of the music on the radio.
"Unh Hunh." She says as he pulls her back into his mouth. They kiss heavily, she lifts up, unbuckling him, he helps her slide his pants down. His dick is raging. A simple peice of cotton separating them. He slides inside of her as she lifts up high enough for his large cock to enter her.
She still has to take him in slowly, he's so big. Shifting her hips, swirling her pussy around his dick, "Colllllllllson...." she moans loudly, feeling him fully fill her. They start off slowly but as always passion and need take over. It's not long before she's propped up against the steering wheel, riding him like an experienced jockey at the most famous derby. He slides the straps of her dress down, exposing her full breast. His hands grip them. Thumbs playing with her piercings. The view of her naked upper body splayed in front of him makes him harder. She can feel him grow, sending bolts of electricity through her. This kicks her into overdrive. She lifts off the steering wheel, causing him to groan in pleasure in her shift. Hearing his groan tickle her ears, she grabs the top of his hair and bucks against him like a Texan owning their first rodeo. Feeling him deep and hard inside of her, it doesn't take much for her to see stars.
Just as he cries out "KITTTEN!!!!" in sheer pleasure, her walls grip his thick cock. Throwing her head back, shoving her breast in his face, they cum together.
'FUUUUCKKKKKK......" Colson says.
"Mmmmmm.." She purrs into his neck still grinding her hips slightly. They sit together in pleasure.
He lifts her up from his chest. "No double standards." He looks into her eyes. "Just bring me. You have a man for a reason."
"Fucking SERIOUSLY??? She's in mental disbelief. Trying not to explode.
Fighting her urge to argue the sexism of his last statement, she shrugs "Always bring your Bitch. You gotta a Bitch for a reason." She says with a cocky look and shrug.
"You're such a fucking asshole." He laughs kissing her hard on the mouth.
"Yeah, but a Right Asshole." Her head snakes before pushing her mouth back onto his.
They tease each other a bit more before she slides him out of her and herself back to the passenger seat. He promises to hit her up once he's home so she knows he's safe. She asks how long Casie is in town. He tells her she's on SpringBreak, that he'll take her home Saturday. They kiss a thousand more times before she finally slides out with a goodnight kiss.
"He's so fucking different...." She thinks happily walking inside.
"FUCK. She don't need me. She just wants ME. Nobody JUST wants me. Not without SOME-fucking-thing. Fuck, she doesn't even need me to protect her. Or want it..... I'll fucking kill somebody though...... Fuck. I can't believe she did that tonight...." A million thoughts race through Colson's mind after he watches Luna enter the house.
Inside Luna is greeted by a happy Jagger. Petting him she calls out "Heeeeeyyy!!"
"I'm upstairs, grab us beers and come up!!" Ashley shouts. Luna obliges. Upon entering Ashley's bedroom she sees destruction. Ashley comes bouncing out of the bathroom. "Hey!" She says excitedly "Guess where I'm going...." Before Luna can answer she screams "SEOUL!!!!!!" Jumping onto her bed. "Remember that over seas project I was working on....." Before Luna can answer again, she continues "It's finished... You know what that means!!!!" She's jumping on the bed "FREE FUCKING TRIP!!!!!!!!"
Luna laughs. Ashley is her ABSOLUTE bestfriend in the WHOLE fucking world. "Soooooo......" She says with a grin.
"So pack your fucking bags, Bitch, because we going to Seoul!!!"
Luna laughs happily, lighting a joint before she heads to pack and call Colson.
"We're gonna miss you." Colson says as they try to work out Casie's spring break and the 2, 12 hour flights Luna needs to embark on to go and return. It's not gonna work. She won't get back until at least Sunday, they think, while Casie goes home Saturday.
"I feel like an asshole." Luna says.
"Why?" He asks.
"I haven't spoken to her. I don't know if she wanted to see me again before she heads home." Emma's words about disappointing the little girl lingering with her.
"You didn't make any promises to break, Kitten." Colson reassures her.
"Still...." She sighs. "Would it be wild if you made sure to FaceTime me tomorrow so I can talk to her?"
"No." He laughs. "That's actually great." He says giving her a small comfort.
They talk a bit more as Luna packs. Acknowledging that in the 6 days they've been together, that they're about to spend the next 5 apart. "I'll miss you." Luna says sadly.
"But you'll come home to me." He feels the same but tries to reassure her. "And Casie has a whole lifetime with you." He finishes, making her heart throb.
They exchange love and he promises to FaceTime her with Casie before she boards as they hang up.
"FUUCK. I'm missing her springbreak. We should be doing fun things if she's here....." Luna thinks. "Uuuugh. And 5 days without Buuuunny." She whines to herself.
"Damn........ I'm gonna fucking miss her." He thinks sadly about Luna leaving.
The morning is INSANE. Although they had packed the night before, Luna is not a morning person. Ashley is up and raring to go while Luna is still trying to open her eyes. Years have turned them into a well oiled machine. Having a system for gettting themselves dressed, burnt and functional. Ashley handles coffee as Luna procures the bud. Getting dressed and high before an intentional flight together as bestfriends do. "You got any edibles?" Ashley asks as their uber pulls up.
Luna pulls a bag of gummies from her pocket. "For the ride!" She grins at Ashley as they head out the door.
"What do you want to do today? An excited Casie asks Luna on FaceTime. Her heart sinks as she explains that she's at the airport.
"You're leaving?" Are the first words a disappointed Casie utters next. Breaking Luna's heart even more.
"I'll be back, just not before spring break..." Luna hates putting on a fake face. Making her even more pissed that Casie's father didn't tell her. "You're gonna hang out with your dad and have TONS of fun!!" Luna tries to reassure her.
"I will." Casi says, matter of fact. "I'll still miss you though." She says, making Luna second guess herself immediately.
"I already miss you TONS, Sugar!!! But, I'll see you soon." She reassures the little girl.
"Ok..." Casie says. "Here's Daddy!" She passes the phone to Colson.
"Hey Kitten..." He starts
"Is she outta the room?" Luna sternly asks.
Colson looks around confused "Yeah...?"
"You didn't fucking tell her? She thought she was seeing me today??" Luna snaps on Colson. Glaring at him through the screen.
He's silent. Shocked.
"You're a fucking ASSHOLE!!!" She says with venom before banging on him.
Luna and Ashley settle in for a long flight. They talk about Luna's discontent with Colson regarding Casie, laugh a lot as friends do, talk shit on the other passengers and eat while enjoying in flight libations. Both high as fuck. They sleep a bit before waking to catch the sight of the beautiful city overhead they're landing in.
"I can't fucking believe him...." Luna is still fuming. Thinking about Casie's disappointment.
To be continued.......
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sam-lives-story · 5 years
#SamLives - Chapter 4
Also find the latest chapters of this story on [Archive Of Our Own]
It was on Day 11 that Jack got a message from Robin that sent a chill down his spine. He’d been sitting on the couch at the time, watching some Rick and Morty with Sam curled up asleep in his lap. The little eyeball was as comfortable as could be with Jack gently petting his “head”...and that’s when his phone went off.
Robin: Hey Jack...did you have plans for the Egos that I didn’t know about? Lmao
Jack blinked, staring at the screen. He frowned and typed a message back.
Jack: No...? Only what we’ve talked about, but I thought that wasn’t until next month. Why? Robin: Nice job on the editing practice then. Looks like your Anti skills are improving.
And now Jack was very, very confused.
Jack: What are you talking about? Robin: That last recording you sent me, for Subnautica. It looked great!
Jack sat up straighter, making Sam stir from his sleep, but he barely noticed.
Jack: Robin, I didn’t edit that recording at all. I haven’t recorded anything for Anti in ages. Robin: What are you talking about it? I’m watching it right now. Jack: Send it to me?
A few minutes later, Jack was at his computer with Sam on his shoulder, watching the short clip that Robin had sent him, playing it on a loop. That...wasn’t possible. No. What the hell...?
“...heeeey Reefies!” On-screen Jack was saying. “Aww, I love you guys. Be back soon! Alright, heading to the Deep Down Dark Deep Down. Gotta visit my base, visit my lockers, ‘cause I’m a stupid who forgot all the valuable stuff and left it in a place that takes FUCKIN’ FOREVER TO GET TO! Fuuuuck it so muuuuuch! Heheh...” Video-Jack chuckled at his own reference to Simulacra, and it was at that moment that a shadow appeared, glitching, behind him on screen. Just over his shoulder, against the wall. A familiar face grinned from the shadows, and a high-pitched, distorted laugh played in the recording. The video itself glitched, Jack included. Then Video-Jack shivered, glancing over his shoulder, and the figure - Anti - was gone. It was so quick that he wouldn’t have caught it in his brief skim-through of the recorded footage before he sent it to Robin. And it looked just like all those hints he had dropped in his videos during October before Anti had first shown up in “Say Goodbye”.
Except...except Jack hadn’t recorded that. Jack hadn’t done that. Jack hadn’t...made that face, laughed that laugh. He hadn’t done that...and suddenly he felt very, very scared. Then rationality kicked in and he giggled hysterically, running a hand through his hair.
He was being stupid. He was being dramatic. Obviously Robin had edited this, and was making a joke of it. That bit with Anti...it had to be part of the unused footage from a previous project. It had to be. He shook his phone free from his hoodie pocket and tapped out a shaky text.
Jack: Haha, very funny. You got me! I was actually scared there for a second! Jack: You’re such a troll lol
But Robin’s next message didn’t make him feel any better.
Robin: Man I’m not trolling you. I thought you edited that?
Jack could barely keep his hands from shaking as he tried to respond. He swallowed thickly, a dull fear washing over him.
Jack: No, I didn’t. That...I never did that. Unless I’ve learned to edit in my sleep I have no idea how that got into the video
“Belief. I’m talking about belief....and how it can do amazing, impossible things...”
The words Mark had spoken to him a few days prior were bouncing around in his head again, echoing and repeating and playing on loop. Mark had been about to tell him something, before the call had ended. Something about belief. Something about Sam, but kind of not. Something that he didn’t get to finish saying because...he swallowed, both hands clutching at his hair as he sank in his desk chair.
Because the call had started to flood with static, and then his phone had shocked him. Which he wasn’t even aware a smartphone could do, not when it was mostly unharmed like Jack’s was.
Another buzz from his phone alerted him to another message from Robin.
Robin: Wait, so you didn’t put that bit with Anti in the other video either?
Jack scrambled to pick up his phone, fumbling with it for a moment.
Jack: What video? Robin: The upload from this morning, the first one. The “Reading Your Comments” video. Robin: You were answering some question about the egos...? I thought you were just messing with the community so I left it in. Robin: But when I saw the second one in the Subnautica recording you sent me I thought I should ask.
Jack rapidly pulled up the video on his computer, scrubbing through it until he found the question Robin was talking about, because he already knew which one it was. He’d responded with something totally off-topic, something unrelated, just to be funny...and sure enough, as Video-Jack was reading the question aloud, there was a little visual distortion. Not much, but if you were looking for it, you’d see it. And way in the background, in the shadows in the corner...a silhouette. Brief. Barely there. A fraction of a second. A few frames, maybe. And it knocked all of Jack’s breath from him.
“Jack? Are you okay?”
Sam had bounced onto the desk, into Jack’s line of sight, and the little eyeball was eyeing him with a look of innocent concern. Jack took a breath. Then another. He forced a smile.
“Y-Yeah. Yeah, o’ course. Fine.”
“You’re scared.”
“...a little,” Jack admitted sheepishly. Sam could always read him, better than anyone. Having a mental link probably had something to do with it. “Sorry bud. I didn’t mean ta scare you.”
“Why are you scared?”
Jack had no answer for him, not really. He couldn’t think of a way to say it. So instead he thought it. He pictured Anti, pictured the videos he’d made with him. And he let his fear seep through...just a little. Enough for Sam to get the idea. And Sam...his pupil widened a little and he squeaked.
“He’s real too?”
“I dunno,” Jack shrugged, sinking further in his seat. He leaned forward, propping his elbow on the desk and burying his face in his hands, reverting to thinking from here on out. ‘I dunno. It sounds stupid, sounds impossible. But...I dunno how else he’s showing up in videos, unless Robin’s lying. And I don’t think he would. Not this far.’
Sam made a worried little noise and nudged Jack’s arm, nuzzling up against his hoodie sleeve. Trying to help. And it did, a little...because Jack managed to smile.
“C’mon, c’mon...” Jack was muttering at his phone and pacing, as though urging it on would somehow will the person on the other end to pick up the phone any faster. It was taking far too long. It was only as he finally heard someone on the line that it occurred to him what time it was in California.
Jack winced, hearing the sleepiness in Mark’s voice, knowing he must have woken him up.
“Mark. Hi. God, sorry, I totally forgot what time it was over there...”
“Yeah, it’s...” There was a rustle of fabric, a muffled grumble. “...three in the fuckin’ morning.”
“Sorry. Shite. I didn’t think, I just called...I can...I can call back later...”
“Woah, wait, no, ‘s cool,” Mark mumbled. There was more movement on the other end, a light clicking on, a door opening and closing. A yawn. “Wassup?”
And now that he was actually talking to Mark, Jack began to realize how stupid he would sound the minute he opened his mouth.
“It’s...nothin’. Nevermind. I shouldn’t’ve called.” The words spilled out of him faster than he could think them, a hand dragging through his already-unkempt hair. Sam made a little noise of question from where he was sitting on the arm of the couch.
“Dude you sound like you saw a ghost.” Jack could hear the worried frown in his words. “Hold up, once sec...”
The call ended abruptly, but as soon as it had gone Jack’s phone was ringing again, this time for a Skype call. Jack sighed and answered it. His screen lit up with the rather sleepy-looking face of Mark, his hair a chaotic mess of bedhead and his mouth pulled down in a worried frown. Jack could only imagine how he looked himself. He’d been running his hands through his hair nonstop since he’d woken up, he’d had four cups of coffee, and he’d been jumping at shadows all morning. Mark blinked.
“Holy shit. You look like hell.”
Jack rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, thanks, I kinda figured that,” he grumbled, looking away for a moment.
“Are you okay? You seem...stressed. I’ve seen it in your videos too...”
Jack let a small, hysterical laugh bubble past his lips.
"I'm fine! Toootally great!” He said sarcastically. “I'm being held together by coffee and redbull and cookies and prayers! What could possibly be wrong?!"
“Jesus.” Mark stared at him like he was nuts. “The hell happened to you?”
And Jack just let out a slow breath, deflating.
“...just...a lot. Recently.”
“Is it Sam still?”
Jack didn’t even feel annoyed this time when Mark mentioned it, just sighing resignedly.
“...sort of. I mean that’s part of it, sure, but...” He trailed off, chewing his lip. Wondering if this was even a good idea in the first place.
“But what?” Mark asked. Jack looked at his screen again to see Mark sitting on a couch now, a soft light illuminating his tired features. Would Mark think he was fretting over nothing? Mark had his own dark persona on the internet, Darkiplier, and Jack was certain he was aware of Antisepticeye. But thinking that Anti was a real, living thing...or whatever Anti’s version of “living” would be...
“Jack?” Mark’s brow furrowed in concern.
“...I...eh...” Jack stared at his screen for another long moment. Then he sighed. “...I’m bein’ paranoid. That’s all.”
“Paranoid about what...?”
A pause.
“...you mean, like, Evil-You? That Anti?”
“Yeah. That Anti. He...” Another pause, another sigh, a huff of frustration. Jack, running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. “...he’s shown up in a few o’ my videos, an’ I didn’t put ‘im there. I didn’t record stuff for it. I didn’t tell Robin to do it, an’ Robin claims he thought I was editing it like that. And I keep...I keep thinking he’s right behind me, right over my shoulder. And I started thinkin’ about what you were saying about “belief” before and I started to think it might be possible and I wanted to call you and ask and – you...probably think I’m absolutely off my rocker.” Jack flopped back onto the couch, his head thunking back against the wall behind it. He closed his eyes, expression strained. God, he sounded insane. Sam slipped off the armrest to snuggle up in Jack’s lap, out of sight of the camera. Trying to make him feel better.
“...would you call me crazy if I said I believed you?”
And just like that, Jack’s eyes were glued to the screen again, where he could see Mark avoiding looking at the camera, rubbing a hand over his mouth. Looking concerned.
“You’re joking.”
“Not...not this time, no.”
There was a seriousness to his tone that Jack wasn’t used to, that made him think maybe Mark really did mean what he was saying.
“Why do I believe you?” Mark asked, finally looking up to the camera. “Because I think–”
There was an odd, glitched distortion on the screen, the lighting around Mark changing and shifting for a brief, almost unnoticeable moment....and judging by the slight widening of Mark’s eyes and the way Jack gasped softly, they both knew that the other had just seen the same thing.
“...I think...I can’t talk about it. Not now. Not...” Mark glanced over his shoulder, his eyes landing on something off-screen, something near the ground. “You alright? It’s okay, I promise. I’m right here.” The camera’s angle changed, going lopsided as Mark leaned over to reach toward whatever was on the floor. Jack assumed it was probably his dog, Chica. Poor pup. He smiled softly in sympathy. Then Mark was back in the frame, and he looked a little strained.
“Look. I can’t...talk about it over the phone. Obviously he doesn’t want you knowing. But I’ll be in Europe for a tour soon. A few weeks from now. Just...hold out ‘till then, and we can talk then. I’ll stop by, or we can meet up–”
“Wait, who?” Jack interrupted, frowning. A minute fear seemed to build in his chest, a tension there that hadn’t been there before, and he found himself glancing over his shoulder despite the fact that it was broad daylight and he was sitting against a wall. Sam made a quiet noise of distress and cuddled closer to him, looking up at him. Jack’s free, shaking hand fell to his lap to pet the little eyeball. “Who doesn’t want me to know what?”
“Later,” Mark insisted. “Not now. It’s not safe.”
And Mark hung up. Jack tried, twice, to call him again - but both times Mark ignored him. He gritted his teeth and held Sam a little closer, suddenly scared to be alone.
[A/N] I swear, when I began this story, this was not the direction I was planning on taking it. It was going to be a cute little fluff-friendship piece with Sam thrown into the mix, then...the story took on a mind of its own. So even I don’t know where it’d headed...but I promise there will be cutes ahead as well. That, at the very least, is still a part of the plan. <3
Also find the latest chapters of this story on [Archive Of Our Own]
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
The Winchester Blood Line: Part 2
Pairings: Sam x Reader, Past John x Reader
Warnings: One Night Stand, Swearing, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 4,255
Part 1
“So you know I’m gunna wanna hear you play.” Sam said a week later as he walked through your door for his first music lesson.
“Oh God.” You laughed as you closed, locked, and chained your door behind him so that no one could break into your house again. “Really?”
“Well, I gotta make sure that your worth taking lessons from.” With a roll of your eyes, you lead him into your living room where your baby grand piano was. He gave you a cute little pout and you caved.
“Alright fine.” You sighed as you sat down on the bench while he leaned against the side of it. “What do you wanna hear?”
“Oh, I get to request.” He said as he watched you pull a few pieces of sheet music and a couple books from a shelf beside you to pass to him. He hummed and leaned both elbows on the piano as you got comfortable on the middle of your bench. “Oh, this one.” He passed you a folded page, and you smiled when you saw the title.
“One of my favorites.” You said as you handed him back the sheet music for ‘Vienna’ by Billy Joel. “But not all that challenging.” 
“What would you say is a hard one then?” He asked as he continued to look through the papers.
“Well if we’re talking none classical, ‘Piano Man’ is interesting. Hallelujah is fun. I know the Star Wars theme song and a few Game of Thrones songs…”
“You pick one then.” He said with a smile as he set the sheet music aside. “Give me your craziest.” You huffed and picked up the sheet music you had given him so you could exchange it for your son’s favorite son.
“He likes this one.” You said as you spread out the sheet music for ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ in front of you. “First time he kicked was when I was playing this son and he has ever since. I take that as a sign.”
“He’s got good taste.” With a nod of agreement, you placed your hands on the keys and looked up at the sheet music because this was not a song you had memorized yet. As he watched you play, instead of watching your fingers, Sam watched your face. He couldn’t help but be grateful that his dad put him on this case. You were a beautiful woman, and the passion you had for music was undeniable. He knew when your son started to kick by the sparkle in your eyes and the smile that lit up your face. His mind wandered a bit to why his dad wanted this specific woman protected but his though was pulled from his mind when you hit a particularly hard spot in the song. 
“Well damn.” Sam said as you played the last note and pulled your hands back to caress your bump. “OK, you’re worth it.”
“I’ve been playing since I was six.” You said as you pat the seat beside you. “So I have a lot of practice. But I’m afraid to tell you, that the first few lessons are kinda boring. Scales, chords, posture, stuff like that.”
“I’m patient.” He said as you put your right hand on the middle of his back, and the left on his shoulder to sit him up straight.
“I hope so.” You giggled. “Because it’ll be worth it in the end.”
“So, is he cute?” Your mother, Michelle asked as you caught her up on your week while you laid on your bed.
“That’s not the point.” You said as you adjusted the body pillow your neighbor had bought for you the moment she found out you were expecting around you so you could see the video call on your laptop. “The point is…”
“That you need to go on a date.” Your mother interrupted.
“Ma!” You laughed as you adjusted the screen more. “I’m almost six months pregnant.”
“That is a fetish, you know.” Chris, your step father said from off screen, causing your mother to purse her lips, and gesture to him in an ‘I told you so’ kind of way. You groaned, and covered your face with your hand.
“You two are so weird.” You sighed before looking back at the screen. “Look, he’s my student. That’s all. He’s just a student.”
“And hell is just a sauna.” Michelle responded with a smile. You rolled your eyes as you suddenly felt the need to pee.
“I’ll be right back. Bathroom again.” She nodded her head as you pushed yourself upright, and got up.
“Have her send a picture.” You heard Chris say on your way to the bedroom. “I wanna see what this guy looks like.” You habitually glanced out your window on your way past and froze when you saw a man you had never seen before standing at the curb in front of your house. You took a step back, and looked a little closer as your mother called out your name in worry.
“I think someone was outside my window.” You breathed as you stepped back to hide behind the wall.
“Chris, call the cops.” You mom said as she jumped to her feet, and picked up the laptop.
“No, Mama he’s… gone. He’s just gone.” You said as you looked around to see if he had run off somewhere.
“Get Mikey on the phone. Tell him to get to (Y/N)’s as fast as possible.”
“Mom, it’s fine…” You tried as Chris made the call. “Mom!”
“Stop it, (Y/N)! We’re sending your brother over and that’s final.” You sighed, and pulled your curtains closed with one final glance out the window.
“You’re just interrupting him, Mom.” You sighed as you walked a little quicker to the bathroom while your step dad got ahold of your brother. What you didn’t realize was when you were away, your mother called your dad, Michael, as well.
“Stay on the call with us.”Your mom demanded when you came out. “Your father’s coming, too.”
“Good God.” You sighed as you picked up your laptop, and your pillow to go down stairs and wait for your dad and brother.
“There’s an alarm company that has an early Black Friday sale. I’ll call them first thing…”
“Chris…” You tried as you set your laptop on your coffee table and laid down on your couch.
“Your dad’s bringing you a gun, too.”
“You two are being ridiculous.” You sighed in defeat, since you knew you weren’t winning this fight on your best day.
“You need to date this guy.” Your mom said as your dad’s headlights swept across the front of your house since he only lived a few miles away. “That way you can have him move in so he can protect you and that baby.”
“Dad’s here.” You sighed as you pushed yourself up to let your dad in.
“I’m staying on the phone.” Your mom called out as you unlocked the dead bolt and the bottom lock. You pulled the door open as far as the chain could go just to be safe, and looked out at your dad and his shot gun.
“Daddy! Get in the damn house!”
“You come near my baby girl, and I’ll kill you!” He yelled out as he walked backwards toward your front porch while you took off the chain.
“Daddy!” You heard him growl as he turned and jogged up the steps so he could slip inside.
“Shell?” He called out as he set his shot gun by the door and took two hand guns out of his jacket. “I made it.” He put one on the table by the door, relocked the door, and carried the other one over to the living room.
“Thank you, Michael.” She sighed in relief.
“She’s my baby girl, too.” He said as he helped you sit down on the couch even though you didn’t need the help. “I want her safe just as much as you.”
“I know.” She breathed as she watched her ex-husband fuss over you to make sure you were completely comfortable as you both waited for your brother. “We’re gunna have an alarm system installed tomorrow…”
“Who you going with?” Michael asked as he turned the laptop enough so she could see both of you before he lifted your feet to sit down.
“ADT.” Chris called out from off camera.
“No.” Your dad said with a shake of his head. “Go with Front point. They’re much more through and reliable and they cost half as much annually. I use them for all my construction jobs, and they’ll give me a good deal.”
“We’re paying for it.” Your mom said. “So price isn’t an issue.”
“I’ll call you in the morning, then.” Your dad said as he pulled off your shoes and socks for you. “We’ll three way them.”
“I’ll be back from yoga at 7:45. Get some sleep, baby. Your dad and your brother will protect you. I love you.”
“Love you, too mama. You too, Chris.” You heard your step dad call out that he loved you before your mom hung up to go to bed. You looked over at your dad and he smirked at you.
“You just love stirring up trouble, don’t you pumpkin?” You smiled as he reached over, and rubbed the front of your bump. “I thought we had a deal, kiddo. You’re supposed to keep your mama safe.”
“Dad, he’s not even born yet.” You giggled as you adjusted your pillow under your stomach. “I’m the one protecting him.”
“So it’ll be my job to protect you until then.” He said with a smile as his grand son pressed his elbow against his thumb. “Guess I can be glad that you choose to stay in Fort Worth…”
“Daddy…” You said, threateningly as your brother finally pulled in behind your dad’s car.
“I knew you loved me more than your mother.” He teased as he got up to let his name sake in.
“So annoying.” You muttered with a shake of your head as you reached out to close your laptop.
“Where’s the party at?” Your baby brother called out as he dropped a backpack of clothes on the floor and looked over at you. “Hey. You’re supposed to be dancing…”
“You can kiss my ass if you think my pregnant ass is dancing.” You said as he came over to pat your bump and your forehead on his way to the chair he liked.
“Well we’re not watching The Bachelor tonight.” He said as he grabbed the remote and flopped down on his chair.
“Boy, you’ll watch whatever your sister wants to watch in her house.” Michael said as he helped you rotate the other way on the couch to see the TV. “I’m lighting a fire, OK, sweetheart.”
“Just prop that window open a crack.” You said as you pointed to the window in front of your face. “I get hot really fast.”
“So that’s why it’s like fifty degrees in here.” Mikey said as he put up the foot rest, and grabbed the blanket from over his shoulder.
“You grow a human and tell me you’re not hot all the damn time.”
“Be nice, you two.” Michael said as he yanked the remote from his son’s hand to give it to you.
“Favorites aren’t nice.” Mikey teased with a glance and a wink at you because you both knew your dad was only favoring you because of the baby.
“I’m kidding!” Mikey laughed as you turned on Game of Thrones, something everyone in your family liked. He looked up at the TV and nodded. “That works.”
“Want some sweet tea, pumpkin?” Your dad asked as he lit the fire and got up. You nodded your head and thanked him as you scrolled to the last episode you had watched since Mikey was already all caught up.
“I miss family nights.” Your brother said with a look over at you as the opening credits rolled in the back ground.
“Then stop getting lost in college pussy and beer pong all the time.” You reminded him with a smile. He flipped you off as your dad carried in three glasses of tea.
“Alright, Thrones time.” He said as he set the three cups down and sat back down at your feet. “What’d I miss?”
“You guys really didn’t need to come down.” You told your mom as the two of you sat on your front porch the next day after a short walk down the street to look at the house you grew up in while the three boys put up a million and one alarm sensors and cameras in every inch of your three bedroom home. 
“Oh, but we did.” She said as she sat down beside you, and handed you a water bottle. “We had to sign paperwork…”
“Wow, mom.” You laughed with a shake of your head. “You were just hoping to see dad’s new partner.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked over at you, still not happy that the man she fell in love with in high school, the father of her two kids, and the man that was more ‘manly’ than everyone you had ever met, was gay, despite the fact that he came out when your brother was two.
“He’s like half his age.” She hissed with a glance back toward your front door to make sure your six foot six, ex-Army ranger father, who was built like a linebacker, wasn’t right there to over hear.
“You need to get over it already, Mama.” You said with a shake of your head as you looked at the car that pulled into your driveway. “Aww, crap.” You said as you capped your bottle and got up to greet Sam before he got out of his car and before your mother could meet him. You walked quickly, and even sped up when your mother jumped to her feet.
“Go. Run fast.” You said to him as he partially got out of his Hyundai Santa Fe. “Save yourself…”
“Who is this?” Your mom cooed as she practically ran around the front of the car with a giant smile. “Is this the new student?”
“Damn it, Ma.” You breathed with a shake of your head. “Go away!”
“I’m Sam.” Your student said with a smile as he closed the driver side door and stuck his hand out. “You must be (Y/N)’s sister.”
“Oh, don’t encourage her.” You groaned over your mothers forced gasp.
“Well aren’t you just the sweetest! Come in, come in.”
“Mom! It’s my house!”
“And you’re being very rude.” She hissed as she laced her arm with Sam’s, not giving him a chance to protest at all. You tried to apologize to him but he shook his head as she led him up the steps and over to one of the new rockers she had brought you to replace the one your brother had accidentally broke the last time he was there.
“I told you to run.” You giggled as you sat down on the other rocker while your mother ran in to get drinks.
“That your mom?” He asked.
“That’s my mom.” You confirmed with a nod. “And my dad, my step dad, and my brother are inside installing enough security cameras to secure my house like it’s the damn Pentagon, and make sure every inch of my yard is covered.”
“Did something happen?” Sam asked, knowing full well that Crowley was there a week prior, and that Cas had been there two nights before on his request to ward the house when he thought you were asleep.
“Well, two things happened.” You said as you rubbed your bump and rocked yourself slowly. “I had a guy break in last week. That was just a weird situation and you wouldn’t believe me if I told you the full story. And then on Friday, I was on the phone with my mom before bed like I do every week, and I was walking to the bathroom and saw someone else standing on the side walk in front of my house. I may have just imagined it, but my parents don’t care.”
“I’ve never liked her living on her own.” Your mom said as she carried a tray with glasses and a pitcher of sweet tea. “A single, young, beautiful woman that lets strangers come into her home for music lessons all day long. But she was close enough to her father that I gave up that fight until she got pregnant.”
“Now she just tells me I need a man.” You said as you looked over at Sam. “She’s crazy old fashioned.”
“I protect my children.” She said as she glared at you as she sat down on the old, unbroken rocker. “That’s my right.”
“You keep reminding me.” You said with a nod as your dad walked out with five or six camera’s and a power drill in his hands. He stopped with his eyebrows raised as he sized Sam up.
“No.” He said, simply as he turned to put the camera up on your porch so that they covered the front door, the front yard, and the sides of your house.
“Ignore my father.” You said with a glance over at Sam as you poked back at your son when he kicked you. “He’s just a butt.”
“Boy, you just gunna sit there all day and gossip with the ladies or are you gunna get to work?” Michael called out as he marked a spot on your porch roof with a pencil.
“You don’t have to.” You tried as Sam quickly finished his tea.
“It’s fine.” He chuckled as stood up, and took off his jacket and the flannel he had over a plain, black t-shirt. “I don’t mind.”
“Let him help!” Your mother hissed as she looked at Sam’s muscular arms, pointedly. You rolled your eyes and continued to rock as Sam took a camera and the drill from your dad.
“It’s going on this same panel on the other side, facing that way. Screws are taped to the back and go into the four holes. Fucking self explanatory.” Michael growled as he pointed to the left side of the yard before he headed down to his work truck to get another drill. “I’ll check the view on my phone when you’re done.” Sam nodded his head as he pulled himself up on the porch rail and walked down it carefully to the corner to give you the best view possible.
“I know what you two are doing here.” You hissed at your mother with a glance over. She smiled innocently as she picked up Sam’s shirt and jacket to fold them for him.
“I’m just spending time with my daughter.” She responded with a smile. “That’s all.”
“So what do you do, Sam?” Chris asked as he helped your mom put her spaghetti dinner out on the table.
“Well right now, I’m trying to get back into law school at A & M.” He said as he took the seat beside yours after helping push you closer to the head of the table. “I had to leave Stanford when I was 22 after some… personal issues came up.”
“And those were?” Michael growled, which was the tone he had kept up all afternoon when talking to your new friend.
“Dad!” “Michael!” You and your mother snapped at the same time.
“You don’t need to answer that.” You said as you touched Sam’s arm. “What did you do after school?” Sam glanced over at you almost gratefully with a hint of sadness in his eyes before he cleared his throat and took the serving bowl of spaghetti from your brother.
“I did a lot of traveling.” He said as he looked back over at your mom and step dad across the table from him. “My brother and I went on an extended road trip. Picked up work here and there. Did a bunch of gambling, some pool hustling. Just enjoyed being in my twenties, honestly.”
“Don’t get any ideas.” Your mom said as she pointed at Mikey.
“I have to ask.” Sam said to purposely change the subject as he glanced at your brother who was about the same age as he was when he left Stanford. “Is that your Mustang out in the driveway?” Mikey smiled broadly and nodded his head as he chewed.
“She’s all mine.” He said proudly. “Cost me four years of pay checks to get. Rattles somethin’ fierce and stalls out every once in a while but you just gotta know how to drive her.”
“Did you fix it up yourself?” Sam enquired as you and your mom exchanged a look; hers telling you that she was already in love with Sam and you’re telling her to quit planning your wedding.
“I’ve tried.” He said with a shrug. “But I don’t know what I’m doing and you can only learn so much from YouTube.”
“My brother has a ’67 Impala that he’s always tuning up. Next time he’s in town, if you’re not busy, maybe he can take a look at it and give you some pointers. I’d help but I’m not as good as Dean is.”
“That’s a great idea.” Michelle exclaimed with yet another look over at you. “Family man.”
“Shell.” Michael said warningly, knowing exactly what his ex-wife was doing.
“Just a statement.” She said as you covered your face with your hands.
“I’m so, so sorry.” You whispered to Sam as Chris asked Mikey how his classes were going. He snook his head and pat your knee under the table, reassuringly.
“I promise, it’s fine.” You nodded your head at his warm smile and currently subtle dimples as he offered you the basket of garlic bread.
“So thank you for dinner tonight.” Sam said as you walked him out to his car. “I honestly haven’t had a home cooked meal in years.”
“Thank you for putting up with my entire family.” You said with a huffed laugh. “Sorry about your lesson.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He said as he leaned against the hood of his car. “Makes it a little easier to ask you out to dinner. Breaking the ice and all that.” You smiled at him and leaned against the back of Chris’ Suburban as you ran your hands threw your hair.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You said with a shake of your head as you looked down at the driveway.
“Why, because your pregnant?” He asked with a shrug. “Because that doesn’t really bother me all that much.”
“It should.” You said as you looked up at him.
“Hun, you’re a single mother.” He replied as he leaned back on his hands on the hood. “What’s the difference between us having dinner now or in four months after you have him?”
“Do you have a pregnancy fetish?” You asked, repeating Chris’ idea from the other night. Sam laughed and shook his head.
“Not at all.” He chuckled as he rested his head on his shoulder. “I have a nice, pretty, musically inclined woman fetish, if you can even call it that.” He read your trepidation for a moment before picking his head up again. “How about this? How about we take it slow. I don’t need to start music lessons right away so that you don’t feel overwhelmed with me. We’ll get to know each other as friends first. And when you’re ready, we can try dinner. But maybe just the two of us. Your dad is kinda scary.”
“He’s really not.” You laughed. “He’s actually a big softy once you get past that rough exterior. Put him in his place one time, and you’ll be just fine. Don’t be scared of him.”
“Yea, you say that like he’s not capable of ripping my head off with his bare hands.”
“I’d save you.” You told him with a small nod. You bit your lip and glanced up ate your house to make sure that your parents hadn’t snuck out on the porch to eaves drop. “Umm… well you see, I’m going to an early Friendsgiving pot luck block party thing on Friday. You wanna tack your name on to the dish I’m making, and come with me? Not a date…”
“Just as friends.” He said with a nod as he stood up a little straighter to leave. “I’m game. But I’m coming over to help cook before hand. Even if that just involves taste testing which I’m really good at, by the way.” You giggled and nodded your head as you pushed off the Suburban. 
“I think that I can agree to that.” He smiled and nodded his head as he pulled his keys out of his jacket pocket. 
“I’ll see you Sunday.”
“I’ll start cooking around nine thirty and the party starts at one. So just come over whenever.”
“It’s a none date.” He said cheekily, as he pulled open the driver side door. “And you have my number. Feel free to text until then. I know I will.” You blushed and nodded your head as he got in his car to leave. With a small wave, you rested your hand on your bump and headed back inside.
“Soooo?” Your mother drawled out the moment you walked in the door.
“Shut up.” You said through your smile as you walked toward the bathroom to avoid her questions.
Part 3
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sinsiriuslyemo · 6 years
Good afternoon, guys!! Here is the next episode of Cuba v DR!!
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You knew it was bad news the second Eddie called just as you were getting out of your first couple’s therapy session to meet you at home. He’d said he wanted to talk and wanted both you and Nevada there, another red flag in your mind. Now you sat sipping your cafe con leche beside your husband with a tight grip on the cup.
“What do you think is wrong?” you asked softly. “Do you think he owes the Triad?”
Nevada couldn’t help the laugh that burst from him. “What the fuck are you talking about?” he asked. “Oye, you’re gonna break that cup.”
“Since when does he call a family meeting?”
“Baby, you’re being paranoid, even for you. It’s not a family meeting, he just said he wanted to talk, right?” Nevada said, propping one foot on the coffee table as his arm draped over the back of the couch behind you.
“Baby?” you asked, arching a brow.
“Yeah,” he replied, bobbing his shoulders. “You made me go to that couples therapy shit, and the therapist said, we gotta start trying to meet each other halfway. You said you like that lovey-dovey shit, so I’m trying to meet you halfway,” he answered softly. “Cut me some slack here.”
You took a deep breath and sighed. “You're right, it's probably nothing.”
“How’s Lily doing in school?”
“She's being quiet, a bit withdrawn but she seems a bit better.”
“That’s good--” Nevada was cut off by a knock on the door and he got up to open it. “Oye, tell your tia that she was being paranoid for no reason.”
Eddie furrowed his brows. “Tia what's wrong?” He moved to you, giving you a tight hug and kissing your cheek. “I'm sorry I made you worry, I just needed to talk to you both.”
“What about?” you asked as you stroked his hair. He was so grown now, it made you want to cry.
“Oye, what are you crying about?” Nevada asked, looking down at you.
“Greyson got offered a really amazing job,” Eddie said with a smile.
Nevada looked at his nephew. “Oh, good for him.”
“It's in Miami,” he added. “And I'm going to go with him…” It had taken him a while to adjust to the idea but he knew in his heart Greyson was it for him, he'd be stupid to let that go.
Nevada’s brows shot up on his forehead as he drew the corners of his lips downward. “Coño, good for you. What are you gonna do there?”
“I'm gonna transfer to the University of Miami and finish my degree. Then I'll see how it goes from there.”
“That's amazing sweetheart,” you said softly and pulled him into another hug. You already missed him.
“Still wanting to be a lawyer?” Nevada asked.
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, if I play my cards right I'll be the next one with a job offer. But it's gonna be good... safer,” he hesitated on the word, not wanting to upset or hurt either of the people he loved most.
You just nodded and smiled at him. “I knew you'd be one of the ones to get out,” you whispered and kissed his forehead. Immediately Eddie felt a weight lift from his shoulders.
“That’s great, mijo. You getting out, making a life for yourself. That’s all we want for you,” Nevada agreed.
Eddie grinned at both his adopted parents before nodding. “I haven't told him I'm coming along yet. I wanted to tell you guys first...I feel like I'm abandoning the family,” he confessed. “I have three siblings that need me…”
“No, you’re doing what every person does when they get to be your age. You’re starting your own life, making an example for your brother and sisters,” you replied.
“Exactly. You don’t have anything keeping you here, you’re not married, no kids, you gotta take advantage of that. It’s not like you can’t visit whenever you want,” Nevada added.
“You guys really believe I can do it then?” he asked with a smile. “Move out to Miami?”
“Yeah, why not?” Nevada replied with a shrug. “You can take care of yourself, you’re smart…”
“You got this,” you added as you nodded with a grin. “You’re gonna do great...but you better not forget to call every once in awhile, and visit as often as you can.”
“I'd never forget,” Eddie said with a smile. You smiled back, you'd miss him every moment but it was all outweighed by the pride you felt for Eddie. He was making it out.
“Tia thought you owed the Triads money,” Nevada couldn’t help but say with a chuckle. “Exagerada.”
“Oye! I worry! Carajo…he's my baby!”
“I’m not a baby anymore, tia,” Eddie groaned.
“That’s right, mijo, you tell her,” Nevada chimed.
“No, you'll always be my baby,” you said softly and smiled at him. “But you're also so grown, I'm so proud.”
“Yeah, we’re real proud, mijo,” Nevada agreed with a nod.
“Thanks,” Eddie answered, grinning at the both of you. “We still have a lot to do before the move, but...I think it’ll be good for us.”
“So do I,” Nevada said. “Get out of all this, away from the bullets...and now we have an excuse to come to Miami to see you.”
“Oh Miami,” you mused with a grin. “Now I'm really warming up to the idea,” you teased.
Eddie smiled at both of you. He felt significant relief. Things were going to be okay, he was sure of it.
Omar stood beside Jose in the club. The dancers all were either with customers in the VIP section or on stage. The few patrons that were in the club were all businessmen either on their lunch break or hosting a “business meeting.”
“Is it me, or is this the slowest day we've had since we took over?” he asked, looking over at the man beside him.
Jose bobbed one shoulder. “It’s lunchtime. Not usually packed during the day.”
“Still, we usually have more people than this. We should try to do some promotional stuff. Get more people in here,” Omar answered.
Jose snorted a laugh. “I guess, hard to bring in people during work hours though.” He looked up at the ceiling for a moment before turning his head to Omar. “So I hear you’re looking for a roommate.”
“Yeah,” Omar answered. “Back in the day I lived with Manny, but since he moved to Attica, that’s out. Why? You interested?”
“My place isn't an option anymore. So yeah, I'm looking for somewhere new.” He gave a half shrug.
“Been trying to get my old place back,” Omar replied. “Extra room is yours if you want it.”
“How much for rent?”
“Not much. It’s rent controlled, so won’t ever go up.”
Jose nodded. “I'll take it.”
“Alright, sounds like a plan. I’m meeting up with Milagros later, so I’ll let you know if and when we can move in,” Omar said. He happened to glance up just as Destiny walked in for her shift and nodded a polite hello to her.
She offered a smile in return, giving him a friendly wave before heading to the dressing room.
“What’s going on with that?” Jose asked, having seen the exchange.
“Nothing,” Omar replied with a bob of his shoulders. “We took the kids to the park a few weeks ago.”
“Oh yeah, she's got one of them. Did Fallon have fun?” Jose asked with a quirked brow.
“Yeah, I mean she’s one, so she probably doesn’t know the difference,” Omar answered, shrugging.
“I dunno man, babies are like little slot machines. Gotta get the right combo to win with them. Eddie, cuando era un niño, used to think it was funny when I changed his diaper,” he said. “Fuckin’ funniest thing he'd seen all day apparently.”
“It’s cause they don’t know the real world yet,” Omar replied. “Either way, it was too weird. We probably won’t do it again,” he added.
“It's always a shit show when men and women are friends anyway.”
“That’s not true, it’s just that A) I’m technically her boss, what the fuck are we supposed to talk about? That’s why I don’t ever get involved with the dancers. And moreover B) I just got divorced, I don’t need to be dealing with another woman in my life,” Omar replied.
Jose shrugged. “Whatever you gotta do.” He patted Omar on the back before his brows furrowed as he noticed a patron sitting by himself. “You see the guy in the corner? Hasn't touched a drink or a dancer since he's come in.”
Omar turned his head to look; sure enough, sitting at a corner table was a man, dressed in casual clothes, looking around discreetly.
“Might be an inspector,” Omar said before he turned back to look at Jose with knitted brows. “We supposed to be having one this week?”
“No, we had one last month. It's too early for that.” Jose frowned and looked at the man. “Doesn't have a notepad like an inspector either.”
Knitting his brows, Omar started to walk over when the man stood up, taking one last look around. He met eyes with Omar and nodded once before he turned and left the club.
“We should tell Nevada,” Omar said, looking back at Jose.
“Go ahead, I'm gonna keep an eye out for a second.” Jose crossed his arms, frowning at the exit door.
“What do people exactly do at these kinds of parties?” Roxie asked as she wrote down names on envelopes for Rafael to then stamp. They had planned last minute to throw a gender reveal party as a compromise for not waiting until the baby was born to find out whether it was going to be a boy or a girl.
“I mean, whatever we want,” Rafael answered. “Usually you play games that either centers around the two of us or whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.”
She chuckled, “Like pin the nappy on the baby doll?” she teased.
“No, like...maybe we could make cookies, half in the shape of an apron, half in the shape of a briefcase and have people choose what they think the baby is,” he answered, immediately thinking of more activities as if the party was coming together in his mind. “Or we could make a list of things first time parents normally do and people can guess which one of us is likely to do what. Or we could get a board and write down our favorite names for a boy and a girl and people can pick which ones they like best. We can have prizes, blue and pink drinks, food…”
“I didn’t know I married such a party planner,” she mused as she jotted down his ideas. “What if I bake pink and blue cupcakes.”
“Sure...speaking of which, I’m surprised you were so calm giving the sealed envelope to another baker so she could bake the cake,” he replied with a smirk.
“I’m more frustrated about someone else baking the cake than someone else knowing. But I am eager to know who is in here,” she whispered with a poke to her belly.
“Well that was my point, I thought you might try to tell me that you make the cake blindfolded just so you could bake it,” he replied with a chuckle. “You think my sister will actually come to this?”
“I hope so. Have you spoken to her?”
“No,” he answered in a sigh.
“What about your mum?” she asked, stroking the back of his head.
“No,” he mumbled.
“You should try to reach out before the party,” she suggested.
He sighed heavily, putting a stamp on the envelope that would be sent to your place. “Yeah, I guess I’ll give her a call later.”
Picking up the next envelope, the hand that held a new stamp paused as he stared at the name. Clearing his throat, he tried to sound casual as he said, “You invited Amber and Troy.”
“Yes, of course. She’s my friend.”
His jaw clenched at the reminder. “What if I don’t want her there?”
“I don’t understand, she was at our wedding and you seemed fine. You see her at every Sunday dinner. What’s the difference?”
The difference was that Sunday dinner was out of his control, and her showing up at the wedding was him compromising, but he hated that Amber was able to insert herself so easily into his personal life.
“Nothing,” he replied softly, resentfully putting a stamp on the envelope despite his desire to burn it. “Just forget it; you want them there, it’s your party too, so I guess we’re inviting them.” He tossed the envelope carelessly in the pile and took up the next one.
“Do you have a preference on food?”
His jaw clenched as he shook his head and bit his upper lip, shaking his head. “No.”
She casually took Amber and Troy’s invitation back. “Stop acting as if your feelings mean nothing. You matter and so does how you feel. I will not have my husband uncomfortable at a party that is partly his.”
“I can grin and bear it if you really want to invite them, Roxie,” he said softly. “She’s your friend, not mine…” He hated saying that. He hated that he’d never explained to Roxie exactly why he didn’t want Amber so involved in his life. Especially because when he’d told some of what had happened between them, she had expected him to simple get over it, just like everybody else. As if he hadn’t already tried to for his own sanity. “So invite her if you want.”
“What did I just say?” She sighed. “I will not have my husband uncomfortable. That is what matters to me. I want us both happy and relaxed at the party.”
“I ignore her at Sunday dinner just fine,” he replied with a bob of his shoulders. “You clearly wanted to invite them, so invite them.”
She tore the invite in half, looking back down to her notes. “What if I made bangers and mash? I think people might like it.”
“Sure,” he replied, stamping another envelope.
They stamped in silence for a few moments before Roxie sighed and rubbed a hand over her face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked softly as he continued to stamp envelopes.
“I don’t like when we argue. I know it’s unavoidable, it just makes me feel sick to my stomach. I just want you to be happy, I know you feel the same about me. I just want to spend our days cuddling until we’re too old to hear if the other person has any disagreements,” she teased.
He smirked softly, eyes still on his task of getting stamps on all the invitations. “I don’t like arguing either but arguments are normal, disagreements are normal. To be honest, it wouldn’t be a real relationship if we never argued. Couples who never argue aren’t comfortable enough with each other to be vulnerable nor express how they really feel. I think we’re lucky, we have the normal amount of arguments and we always talk them through in the end.”
She nodded slowly and hugged him tight. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied. “We should find a role for Mowgli in all this.”
She chuckled and nodded. “Mowgli!” she called out, looking around. “Where is my fur baby?” The little sound of trotting filled the air as the pig snorted in response and nudged up against her ankles.
“Well, well, well...look who came around to the term fur baby,” Rafael teased.
“Well if you ask me, he’s my regular baby too,” she said in a baby voice as she picked up the pig and kissing his snout. “Because I’m your regular mummy, right?” The pig snorted again as she giggled and hugged him close.
“You think he’ll feel jealous of all the extra attention the baby will need?”
“Of course, he’s the prince of the castle right now,” she said as she set him up on the table, letting him hop back into her lap gently as she smiled. “My smart baby,” she cooed. “I worry that he’ll feel undervalued. I don’t want the new baby to affect his self esteem,” she said as she scratched behind the pig’s ear. “You are a prince, no one will change that. You’re just getting another prince or princess alongside you.”
“We’ll just have to be sure to make some time only for him “ Rafael answered as he scratched behind the pig’s ear. “That’s what they say to do with older siblings anyway.”
The pig trotted into Rafael’s lap, settling down on him.
“He keeps sniffing the birthing tub,” Rafael said after a moment. “You think he’ll try to jump in it when he see you in it?”
“Maybe, would you like us to take you swimming, my love? You want to swim?” She moved off the chair to kneel in front of Rafael where the piglet sat.
“Okay, first of all, he is not swimming in your birthing tub,” Rafael said, smirking before he playfully added, “Secondly, do we need to get the pig to go away for a few minutes?”
She grinned up at him mischievously and leaned forward to kiss Mowgli, eyes looking up at Rafael from beneath her long lashes.
“Mowgli, away with you, sir,” Rafael said, eyes locked on his wife’s.
The piglet landed on the floor, walking off into another room as Roxie was running her fingers up his thighs, just barely missing his groin.
He hummed and bent to kiss her lips softly, sucking her bottom petal. “I love you so much, Mrs Barba.”
“And I you, Mr. Barba,” she whispered as she unzipped his fly.
Omar ran his eyes over his phone as he sat in the passenger's side of the SUV. After a slow morning at the club he and Nevada had decided to check up on one of the warehouse where they would store the guns before moving them.
“Talked to Chastity, she’s already all but forgotten it all,” Omar mumbled. “Although between you and me it’s not a stretch to picture her swiping cards off a John.”
“I already knew she was doing it, and I chewed her ass out for it,” Nevada replied. “Only reason I haven’t tossed her ass out is cause of this prick at the precinct. She already knows, she does it again, I’ll slit her fucking throat wide-the-fuck-open.”
Omar gave a nod of acknowledgement. “This pendejo is really going after you. The last thing we needed was this fucker with a mission. You think you would’ve fucked his daughter the way he’s focused on you.”
“Maybe I did, who knows,” Nevada replied in a chuckle.
As they pulled up to the warehouse, Omar frowned and sat up. Parked across the street from the warehouse was a black, unmarked car. To anyone else it may have just seemed like someone who had simply parked and walked the rest of the way to their destination, but Omar and Nevada knew better.
“Now what?”
“Son of a bitch has this place being watched,” Omar muttered in disbelief. “The balls on this fucker...”
“Fuck it, let’s try the one on 198th,” Nevada said, driving past the car.
Omar nodded, looking back to his phone for a minute. “Hey, what was with your wife and her brother on Sunday? Melissa said it got pretty ugly. She still not talking to him?”
“Not that I know,” Nevada answered. “She hasn't even mentioned him since then.”
Omar snorted a laugh. “It’s not like it takes a lot to get on Dama’s bad side anyway. What’d he do, forget to wipe his feet at the door?”
“A few weeks ago he was talking to Lucia about how my job is dangerous y no se que carajo. Stupid shit, stuff he’s been saying since day one. Thing is, Lily heard them talking. They didn’t know she could hear what they were saying,” Nevada replied. “It was an accident.”
“Lily okay?” Omar asked. “Accidents and shit happen, I get that. But it doesn’t mean it didn’t do shit to the kid. As long as she’s okay, all is forgiven, right? What’s the point in being mad if she’s fine?”
“That’s what I said,” Nevada replied. “I mean she acted weird for a few days. Didn’t wanna talk to me, didn’t even want me around, but as soon as we talked to her, everything got cleared up.”
Omar chuckled. “And Dama’s still mad? Man, she can hold a grudge.”
“You’re telling me,” Nevada mumbled. “Imagine what it’s like living with her,” he added in a chuckle.
“Suddenly I’m very glad to be single,” Omar replied, chuckling as well. “How’s Lily otherwise? I’m sure her head was already jumbled before the Rafael stuff. And her arm. She okay?”
“Yeah, she’s good. Still got a little mouth on her,” Nevada answered with a smirk as he turned the corner and his smiled faded. “You gotta be fucking kidding me,” he mumbled.
He drove past the second unmarked car, again parked directly across the street from his warehouse. Taking out his phone, he called Chibby as he turned the SUV around and headed back to the club. “Oye, I want bird eyes on all the warehouses, we’re on the way back right now...alright, bye.” He hung up the phone. “You believe this shit?” he asked, looking over at Omar.
Omar shook his head. “What are we supposed to do with two cratefuls of heavy artillery?”
Nevada sighed. “We’re gonna have to use the club.”
“You outta your fucking mind, man? Where the hell are we supposed to put them?”
“We can use a couple of the VIP rooms. Tell the girls they’re being deep-cleaned,” Nevada answered.
“Shit, I don’t know about this, bro.”
“It’s two days, we’ll be fine,” Nevada said.
Omar sighed heavily, running a hand over his face and letting his head lean back against the headrest.
“Alright,” he relented finally.
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setsunatama3 · 4 years
Chapter 8: living arrangements and the first day
Chapter 8: living arrangements and the first day
Walking down the hallway with a giddy Nora. Naruto, Pyrrha, and ren made it to there room without incident. Surprised that teams RWBY, SLVR, and AACM all had rooms nearby. Upon opening the door, naruto immediately had issues with the place. It was too small for all their things, sighing at the headache this was going to cause. He walked in and removed a scroll from his vest.
Opening the scroll on the nearest desk caught the attention of Pyrrha and Nora who hovered over him. Biting his thumb caused them to grimace as he smeared the blood over a seal containing his supplies.
With a puff of smoke, his Fūinjutsu supplies came out." naruto, why did you do that, and what are those brushes for?"Pyrrha questions him as the smoke cleared.
Naruto picked up a book that came with the supplies and tossed it to her called Uzumaki Fūinjutsu for dummies an essential guide to Fūinjutsu and its many uses. "Hear read this Pyrrha start at chapter one for beginners and skip to chapter 20 I highlighted the sections to make it easier to understand. Now before you unpack, please step outside while I am working. I really don't want to make any mistakes."
Nora raised her hand like an exuberant child asked," what do you mean by mistakes?"
In response the question, naruto said." well it could be anything from splinching, to turning the whole school into a giant bomb. Or my least favorite becoming stuck in the space between spaces."
With that, naruto pushed them out of the room, not letting them get any more words in. sticking a sign that read." work in progress do not disturb!" on the door and placing a tag on the below it for good measure
About an hour passed with Pyrrha reading the book getting paler at the section she was reading. seeing how disturbed she was, ren looked over her shoulder." what's wrong, Pyrrha?"
The pale girl looked at him and grimaced.`` I just got to the part about what could go wrong in there, and splinching is what happens. When anything that has to do with time-space Fūinjutsu goes wrong. And that's one of the better things that can happen to you."
She then handed the book over to ren, and he read the definition of splinching: is the result of a malfunctioning seal matrix or the result of an error in seal matrix design involving space-time Fūinjutsu. Symptoms of splinching are as follows: dismemberment of any kind. Disembowelment, loss of hair, turning inside out, or death. Upon reading the description, ren was glad that Naruto had kicked them out.
About thirty more minutes had passed, and a teacher had come upon the trio sitting in the hallway. Nora was now napping in ren's lap as Pyrrha continued to read. "Good evening students I am professor port. Can you tell me why you are sitting out here in the hallway? you're not in trouble as classes don't start until Monday and there is no curfew on weekends."
"Ah, yes, our team leader is "working" on our room," Pyrrha answered.
Scratching his head at the vague response professor port knocked on the door to try and get a clarification on the situation from the source. After no response, he decided to open the door only to fall over with a yelp unable to move.
Panicking and recognizing the effects from one of the tabbed pages. Pyrrha knocked on the door of team SLVR hoping that Sarada was still awake.
Waking up to pounding at their team door, a disgruntled Ragora answered." what you want!"
"We need to talk to Sarada it's urgent. It's about naruto," Pyrrha relayed to the drowsy girl.
Sighing to herself Sarada got out of bed her Sharingan active to help her see in the dark of the room walked to the door. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she looked to Pyrrha," naruto?"
Nodding to the implied question, Pyrrha directed the two to the paralyzed professor.
Staring dully at the professor Sarada looked to Pyrrha letting out a sigh." he touched the door didn't he?" getting another nod as an answer Sarada let out another sigh." he'll be okay it will wear off in two or three hours. That tag is an Uzumaki special he just got hit with a paralysis tag don't let anyone open the door, or it will get worse. I'll stay here make sure dumb-dumb here doesn't choke on his own drool."
After another forty minutes, they could hear the distance taping of a cane and clicking of heels on the floor. Turning their heads to the sight of professor Goodwitch and the headmaster of beacon himself. " good evening children you wouldn't have seen a professor port have you?
Ozpin said sipping on his ever-present mug of coffee courtesy of one blonde Uzumaki.
Lazily Sarada pointed in the direction of the professor. Propped up against a wall drooling on to his suit and floor. "He's stuck like that for now. He has about two hours left."
As amusing as the whole situation was he could not help but question how a member of his staff wound up like this." miss Uchiha if you could clarify things for us."
With a groan, she got up and went over to the locked door. "The professor touched this despite the sign."
Before he could inquire more Sarada handed him a copy of the same book Pyrrha was currently reading. Questioning to himself where she could have had it as she was now wearing a blue silk nightgown.
Skimming through the section on the tags briefly to assure himself that Peter was going to be was about to ask more questions the door in question opened And naruto walked out. Turning to the young man noticing the tired look on his face and the fact that he was rather pale. Worried for the young blonde overtook him." Mr. Uzumaki are you alright?"
Nodding his head naruto raised a finger to postpone any further turned and kneeled down on the floor and bit his thumb and placed his hand on the odd circle of characters.
Ozpin fascinated at the script that scrolled the walls. As it was slowly disappearing. No not disappearing shrinking and condensing itself into the ring on the ground.
With a twist of his hand, naruto finalized the seal. Standing up, he closed the door, removed the tag and channeled chakra into the door and opening it.
After opening the door What was once just a simple door room. Was now a long hallway with several doors.
The flash of light had attracted the attention of team RWBY and the rest of team SLVR who were all dumbstruck at the new room. Before anyone could ask how. Naruto had walked down the hallway where he turned a corner. And disappeared and a door was heard closing.
The dumbstruck group rushed after him save Sarada who turned and walked back to her the door close the group tried to open the door, but the door would not give. They then tried Knocking on the door only for no one to answer.
Pyrrha noticing the small script in the top left corner flipped through the book she was given. Finding the section, she read it. Fūin Kekkai: is the incorporation of barriers into techniques. Essentially these techniques allow the users to manipulate Barriers. The user can erect barriers that can be used to protect themselves or to trap an opponent amongst other various uses. She then spoke up," headmaster, according to this book, nothing we do will open that door."
Not believing her Glynda used her semblance to try to open the door from the inside the door rattled violently for a moment but stayed shut. Huffing at her failure to open the door. She stalked off to get answers from the only source currently not there.
Skimming through his copy briefly Ozpin found the same section after reading it." it turns out is correct just let know to see me tomorrow. I do believe that it is safe for you to look around Good Evening."
After the headmaster left, they decided to take him up on the offer to look around the new dorm room. Going back around the corner came upon a living room with an attached dining room, and just beyond that was a massive kitchen.
Blinking blankly at the sheer impossibility of the sheer magnitude of what naruto had just done. They quietly moved on to the next room. To find it full of books and scrolls of all kinds, the number of books impressed one bow wearing black haired girl in particular that she left the group and secluded herself in the corner of the room to read.
After about an hour of exploring, they came back to the hallway with the four of what they now knew to be the other teams deciding to get their answers from naruto when he woke up they left.
The next morning a now refreshed naruto stumbled out of his room down the hall to he started to make the others got up they a delicious smell began to waft its way into there by the smell of food they stumbled their way into the trio naruto, with a wave greeted the trio.
"yo, guys sit down the food will be ready in a minute I gotta go get a straggler and teams RWBY and SLVR."
Heading to the library with a mug of coffee in hand. Naruto walked in and headed to the corner to find blake asleep tucked into sectional couch surrounded by books and scrolls.
Finding that the book in her hands was the one he had written about the sage of six paths and the moon goddess. He couldn't help but smirk a bit to himself.
Naruto leaned over to wake blake up, grabbing blake's shoulder to arouse her gently."hey there sleepy head time to wake up and smell the coffee."
Blearily opening her eyes the first thing that came to blake was the smell of spikey blonde hair as he handed her the mug of coffee." naruto, What's going on?"
"Well you're in my library, and I can't believe your team left you behind here. Or is it that you just broke in here to see me and got lost?" Blake tried to hide her blush at naruto's comment to no avail.
"Come on you must be hungry I'll take you to the kitchen and then get the other two tea-"
Before he could finish his statement, there was a ringing heard from the seal on the front door. "I'll be right back," naruto said as he left blake in the library.
Reaching the front door soon after he opened it to see teams SLVR, RWY, AACM all at his door which meant that rumors about the dorm room would quickly spread. Letting them in he gave them all a greeting and had them follow him to the library to pick up the B of RWBY. Heading into the kitchen. He had them all take seats at the dining room table as he started to take out the food. Setting out the platters with eggs, bacon, pancakes, and a fruit salad. And with coffee, tea, orange juice, and grape juice.
After setting the table, Naruto sat at the head of the table next to Sarada. "So it appears you have some questions for me," Naruto stated as if he had no doubts about whether they had questions or not it was if it was fact.
In the silence that held the air ruby spoke up, "Is this apart of your semblance?"
"That would be a yes and no, it's an art learned by my clan it's known as Fūinjutsu or sealing Techniques the book I gave to Pyrrha is a basic explanation of what it does. As for my semblance its the ability to sign contracts of sorts with guardian spirits."
Raising his hand, Jaune asked," how many do you have?"
Coming to a quick conclusion, Naruto nodded his with a glowing palm he placed it on his stomach and turned the seal. "These are my partners Gyūki, Shukaku, Son Gokū, and Saiken, and you have all met Kurama. but he's kinda lazy and likes to sleep.
Nodding to the answer blake went next with his question "you said that you were apart of the Uzumaki clan? In the book, I read it mentioned the Uzumaki clan is what happened to your clan real? And if so is the story about the two brothers true as well?
After a brief moment of silence, Naruto sighed," the stuff in that book is valid for the most part it was used as a way to get the younger members of the clan to know our origins from what I was told. And yes, the story of the two brothers is true if you guys want to know more about what you can borrow the book. Also, I am the last Uzumaki, so I keep the traditions of my clan alive by preserving our history."
They ate as they digested the information when Weiss came up with a question." naruto I kind of understand how you but why where you so tired looking?
"Ah, I'll give you the second book on sealing. But the basic gist of it is to make powerful seals a master needs to use their own blood in a special ink that we then need to channel our aura into. And for something this big I had to use a lot of ink, blood, and aura."
After they finished eating naruto started to clear the table, and much to his surprise all of team RWBY and Pyrrha rushed to help. Seeing the look he was giving them, " what is with that look you cooked we can help clean up," Weiss stated.
Naruto just walked away grinning and never said a word. Causing  Weiss to huff.
After they finished the dishes naruto headed for his room with Weiss and yang hot on his trail. Opening his door, he turned, "can I help you two."
"Well, I wanted to see your room foxy. But I don't know what lurid intentions princess has here."
A now blushing and sputtering Weiss tried to get a word in, but naruto just patted her on the head. And pushed her in the room.
The room was reasonably large with a bed and bookshelf on one wall and a desk on the other with a closet of average size. A restroom with an attached bath and a weapon rack that held seven swords of different a massive broadsword as tall as a man with two cutout sections. What looked like a large sewing needle. To a sword wrapped in bandages. Taking note of the odd weapons, Yang noticed the one covered in bandages and tried to touch it.
Naruto grabbed her hand, just shy of touching the blade saying. "I wouldn't touch that one if I were, you might get hurt." as spikes came out of the grip in response.
Nodding, in response to this, Yang, took a step back.
"So if your done snooping yang is there anything else I can help you with?" naruto asked leaning on the wall. " cause if not I am going to go see Ozzy the man obviously wants some answers. Then I need to go do some training."
The two girls soon left the room after and he changed into a black and orange copy of his old jumpsuit and started to leave. Seeing the others on his way out, he let them know his intentions"I am heading to see Ozzy. Then I am going to go train if you want to join me for a light work out meet me at the emerald forest cliffs around 9:30."
Hearing this put a smile on Pyrrha's face and ren nodded stoically as ever. While Nora was sleeping on ren's lap. Looking forward on how to explain things to Ozpin, he headed straight to the tower. After riding the elevator up. Naruto knocked on the headmaster's door." enter," hearing this naruto opened the door and entered the room. "Come in please sir we have quite a bit to talk about."
Sitting down in the chair, Naruto directed his gaze towards the headmaster. "So what do you want to know?" naruto asked the headmaster.
Surprised at the blunt and direct method taken by the young man in front of him, Ozpin quickly schooled his features." if you're going to be straight with me then. I read that book, and I understand the basics of these sealing arts as your clan calls them but what I don't understand is how it's possible for something like this to exist and yet no one has heard of your clan."
The room was suddenly filled with a sense of loss and dread when naruto looked into Ozpin's eyes. Letting out a sigh naruto told him about the basics of his clan. " what the book does not tell you is the history of my clan it starts with a man and his two children. The man had a powerful semblance that aspects of it were inherited by his two suns. The eldest inherited his eyes and the youngest his vitality and power. As time went on, the two grew up, and their father was dying. So he chose a successor. Of the two brothers, the elder of the two was a prodigy who devoted his time to gaining power and would do anything to get it. The younger was not as gifted and struggled and worked hard for everything. And found his strength through his bonds. The father chose the younger of the to as his heir. This enraged the elder who tried to kill his younger, not wanting to kill his brother tried to resolve it peacefully. Eventually, this feud attracted the creatures of Grimm who claimed one of the younger wives. The two had founded the Senju and Uchiha clans, and their semblances became two met in battle one last time, and the elder fell to throughout the ages the two clans killed each other. Until eventually two factions broke off and left the feuding Senju and Uchiha to die at the claws of the Grimm and each other. The one of the two clans wanting to leave the past behind renamed themselves the other to honor the dead kept there name of Uchiha as to never forget their history." pausing for a moment to let this sink in naruto continued."eventually the semblance of the Uzumaki evolved as they took on new peace never lasts and the surviving Uchiha from the feud found where the Uzumaki hid. They enlisted the aid of other clans and bandits and laid siege to the Uzumaki, and the grim came scattering the Uzumaki killing most. But a few found the village where I come from Konoha. that happened to founded by other surviving Senju that had made peace with the Uchiha that had broken off years far as I know I am the last Uzumaki alive since my mother was the only survivor of my clan to make it to Konoha as far as I know."
After naruto had told his 'edited' history to waited for Ozpin to speak. For Ozpin this revelation about clans as powerful as naruto's clans was unheard of in all the millennia he has lived. But the young man did say that the clans hunted each other into extinction. With most likely, the young ms. Uchiha and Mr. Uzumaki as the lone descendants of the two clans. Another thought came to his mind about this village Naruto had mentioned." you mentioned a village called Konoha. Just where is it exactly?"
Hoping beyond hope that he could gain more resources in the fight against Salem and her ilk. Ozpin hedged his concerns on the village was still there based on the caliber of the young man before him he would like more of the sort of warrior.
" it was destroyed not long after Sarada, and I left to travel." was the answer naruto gave Ozpin. The exact answer Ozpin did not want. Internally grimacing to himself he debated on what to do next if there could be survivors looking for them would be like trying to find a needle in a stack of that most powerful fighters had fallen with the village.
"If that is all you needed Ozzy I think I should go."
Hearing this Ozpin deciding to leave off the conversation on a lighter note asked."One moment Mr. Uzumaki, I would like to know one more thing. I would like to know exactly what you did to my coffee?"
Grinning at the question naruto smirked." nothing really I just replaced that swill you call coffee with an Uzumaki family blend I also left you months supply in a seal on the bottom of your mug if you can figure out how to open it. Later Ozzy!"
Then naruto ran out the door before Ozpin could get in another word.
Not believing him ozpin cautiously looked to the bottom of his favorite mug. Sure enough, there was a small, almost unnoticeable seal on the bottom of the mug in the center. Letting out a sigh, he grumbled about his now missing high-end name brand black ivory coffee that had cost him 500 lien per pound. And on how there would be many sleepless nights of studying to break he cried a bit on the unfairness of just how good the coffee was in comparison to his name brand knowing he could never go back now.
Naruto then took the scenic route to he was walking along the path he ran into the littlest reaper who plowed into him like a bull trailed by the Schnee princess. "Naruto I finally found you!"
"So Red, princess what can I help you with?"
"Uhh... I was wondering if you could make our room like yours?" Ruby asked using her infamous puppy dog eyes that had plied treats from even the most stubborn of foes.
"And I was hoping to watch I am interested in your seals they seem similar to my glyphs."
Wiess added her request.
Setting the young girl back on her feet while she gave him those damned eyes Naruto couldn't help but smirk. As the only weakness of the puppy eyes was a parent. And he was going to do the same for their floormates. "I was going to do so anyway, but I need some time to recover. I'll do so next weekend."
Ruby just happy that naruto agreed nodded her head and smiled. Weiss, however, caught on to the length of time needed to recover frowned a bit.
Seeing the look on Weiss's face, naruto came up with a devious plan. "Weiss do you remember what I said to you on the roof you look better with a smile." he then grabbed the girl and took off yelling to ruby before she could say anything." hey red I'll race you to the cliffs."
Seeing the challenge ruby took off at a run too. As naruto adjusted Weiss onto his back, speeding up. The trio raced all the way to the cliffs. Naruto slowed down just a bit to let the younger girl win." yes I win," ruby cheered while doing an odd dance. He put down Weiss down and walked over to his team." you guys ready?" naruto asked his team.
Getting nods from and his team was about to take off ruby piped up and asked."are you guys going to train can we join you?"
"Of course ruby today we are just doing an endurance training." naruto said as he patted the girl on the head. "So we're going to be doing tree running. We will be making a loop through the forest, you don't have to worry about keeping up today is all about seeing where your stamina is at." naruto explained then he jumped off the cliff. Weiss for her part thought to herself"how hard could this possibly be." not knowing that by the days end she like many would come to know naruto as a taskmaster who would be a sadist when it came to training.
In the first hour alone Weiss had struggled with her heels catching on roots and the unfamiliar territory of training known as tree running. Even though she had done many things in heels. Making their way back to the cliffs, she was surprised that the infuriating blonde had not yet broken a sweat. However, almost everyone was gasping for breath, and her ribs were hurting. But what had caught her off guard was what he had announced next.
"All right I have seen where you are at so next shirts off I need to draw some seals."
"...uwawa why!" Ruby squeaked out now turning red.
"I am going to draw on some resistance, gravity and weight seals for training you can get your sister and blake to come by later to get theirs I just need access to your backs and your arms and legs. It won't take long." naruto explained, unzipping his jacket and taking off his mesh armor to show the seals and some scars. The most noticeable of them being the ones on his chest where his heart is and a circular scar around his right bicep. Channeling his chakra to make the seals appear showing the intricate and ever forming spirals that met on his back.
After getting them to agree naruto began to work starting with ren who has gained three rings on each limb that were just the beginnings of spirals meeting on a smaller seal on his back. Norra excited about the whole thing had almost stripped naked only stopped by ren and had gotten four on her legs and six on her arms. Repeating the process for Pyrrha, she had gotten four on her legs and five on her arms.
Turning to the other girl's naruto noticed how uncomfortable they were with the whole thing "I can turn around while you both get ready and Weiss you can take my jacket." taking the jacket the two girls then covered their fronts as best they could. As he drew the lines on Weiss, she jumped when he made it to her back, making two lines on her wrist and three on her legs. He repeated the same process to ruby, giving her three on her arms and four on her legs.
When he was done he channeled his chakra to each of the seals to finalize them and showed them how to turn the seals on, and everyone was dressed and wanting to know more about seals Weiss "Hey naruto what's wrong with these seals I don't feel any different," staring at where the seal had once been before it disappeared.
Not noticing the grin naruto had he formed the half ram seal and suddenly they all collapsed to the ground. Struggling to move as naruto walked off the jacket in hand."don't forget training after class tomorrow later." were the last words naruto said to them as he disappeared.
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seigyokus · 7 years
6.5 - The Beginning of the Past
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 6.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Ogami Banri: If I remember correctly, it was just a little before summer break.......
Ogami's Friend: Hey Ogami, long time no see. Haven't seen you since middle school. These guys are my buddies from light music club. Lemme introduce 'em to you. Ogami Banri: Who is he? Ogami's Friend: Ah, he's not part of the light music club, but I convinced him to come. Isn't he a real hottie? He's crazy popular. Ogami Banri: Definitely looks like he's a hit with the ladies. Nice to meet you, I'm Ogami Banri. ???: .......
Ogami Banri: Even though I had just introduced myself, Yuki looked really bored and kept staring outside the window. Ogami Banri: I remember thinking, 'Maybe he's just shy.' But nope, he stayed like that for the next thirty minutes.
???: ....... Ogami Banri: Is this dude a fossil or something......? Ogami's Friend: How about we get to the real issue at hand here? I brought the song Ogami made for last year's school fair with me. Ogami's Friend: Oh? Wanna give it a listen? ???: ....... Ogami Banri: He put in those earbuds like it was a real pain in the ass just now....... Ogami Banri: Oh? Ogami Banri: He finally looked up. ???: Name? Ogami Banri: The song's......? I haven't given it one yet. ???: No. You. Ogami Banri: Well, that was a little rude. Isn't he younger than me......? (1) Ogami Banri: I'm Ogami Banri. I introduced myself earlier, you know. ???: Any other songs? Ogami Banri: I didn't bring them with me. They're at my house, though. ???: Alright then. Let's go to your house. Ogami Banri: What? ???: We're gonna go now. Ogami's Friend: Huh!? Wait, hold up!
Ogami Banri: You sure that was okay just now? Your friends-- ???: They're not my friends. Ogami Banri: ......Name? I mean, what's your name? ???: ....... Orikasa Yukito: Orikasa Yukito. Everyone calls me 'Yuki' though.
Ogami Banri: ......And just like that, I met Yuki through my friends. Eventually, we started to write songs together. Nikaidou Yamato: I can't believe you decided to work with someone with an attitude like that....... Mad props to you, dude. Ogami Banri: Yuki's songs were really good. We both listened to pretty similar stuff, and I was just happy to have Yuki's voice singing my songs. Ogami Banri: We were going to be a band at first, but we bumped into all sorts of trouble....... Nanase Riku: What kind of trouble? Ogami Banri: We were in dire need for members, so we'd get people to help play for us. But all of them would quit, one after another.
Orikasa Yukito: You don't have to come anymore. Bassist: I wouldn't, even if you asked......! Ogami Banri: W-wait......! Yuki! Just what didn't you like about him this time!? Orikasa Yukito: Way too overbearing. Ogami Banri: That's rich, coming from you! Orikasa Yukito: I was talking about his sound. He was terrible, and yet he played so insistently. That's not what you wanted either, right Ban? Ogami Banri: Yeah, but.... You're supposed to talk about these things and gradually get on the same wavelength....... Orikasa Yukito: There's no way he'd understand that. Ogami Banri: ......Guess we gotta recruit people again....... Orikasa Yukito: I'm hungry.
Ogami Banri: We'd always end up in fights because of his face too.......
Man: The fuck are you doing, makin' eyes at my girl? Damn brat! Woman: You've got it wrong! I was just helping out Yuki-kun's band! He said he liked the way I play the bass.... Orikasa Yukito: Precisely. What I'm after is her bass playing. Neither her heart nor her body are my type. Ogami Banri: You.... You didn't have to put it that way....... Woman: ......You tricked me! You're awful! Orikasa Yukito: I didn't trick you at all. What, was there something you were expecting out of me? Ogami Banri: You really didn't have to put it that way....... Orikasa Yukito: What a pain....... Woman: Go! Go kill that brat......!! Man: You fucking bastard......! Ogami Banri: Please wait! Calm down-- *smack* Ogami Banri: Ow-- Orikasa Yukito: .......
Orikasa Yukito: What are you thinking about? Ogami Banri: I was thinking about how we should disband before someone gets shanked because of you. Orikasa Yukito: I see. I thought of a band name. Ogami Banri: Were you even listening to me? Ow.... Orikasa Yukito: What? Ogami Banri: Drinking coffee stings a lot right now. Orikasa Yukito: That sucks. Ogami Banri: Wow, this asshole.... Orikasa Yukito: I think you'll like the band name. Ogami Banri: What is it? Orikasa Yukito: Re:vale.
Ogami Banri: Yuki was absolutely terrible at socializing with people, irresponsible, and overall a slob. But when it came to songwriting, he was sincere and worked really hard at it. Ogami Banri: Worked too hard, even....... He's the type to get completely and utterly attached to his songs. That's how we ended up fighting a lot.
Ogami Banri: Wouldn't it be better if we went with a different phrase here? Orikasa Yukito: ......Why. Ogami Banri: I feel like it’s coming on a bit too strong, in terms of flow. Maybe a little more relaxed would be good...... How about that? That thing from before....... Orikasa Yukito: I'm not changing it. Ogami Banri: I'm absolutely positive it's gonna work better. If you don't lighten it up a bit here, then it'll kill the chorus. And the chorus is really, really good. Orikasa Yukito: Shut up. Ogami Banri: ....... Orikasa Yukito: This song is fine as it is. ......I won't change anything, even if it's just shifting a note half a step!
Ogami Banri: ......And right when I thought that, turns out he's pretty flexible.
Orikasa Yukito: So I tried changing it. Ogami Banri: It changed. Orikasa Yukito: How is it? Ogami Banri: It's great! It's just as I imagined! Heck, it's even better than imagined! You got the refreshing, relaxing feel pat down! Orikasa Yukito: Heheh.... Ogami Banri: While we're on a roll, why don't you complete "We, the Incomplete?" I'm sure the fans will love it if we performed it live. Orikasa Yukito: I won't be completing "We, the Incomplete" any time soon. Ogami Banri: Why not? If you tweak it too much, it'll go bad. Orikasa Yukito: It was the first song I wrote. I'm very attached to it. Orikasa Yukito: If possible, I'd like to keep tweaking it-- forever. It'll change little by little, day by day, into the melody I want it to be. Orikasa Yukito: And then the next day, something else will sound better to me, so I'll change it again. I don't care if it's never completed. If anything, I prefer it that way. Ogami Banri: That's very like you, Yuki. But you know, I want everybody to hear it soon. After all, I was really touched when I first heard it. Orikasa Yukito: ....... Orikasa Yukito: No. It's fine as is. Ogami Banri: Really? Orikasa Yukito: Yeah.......
Ogami Banri: I think there was a lot on Yuki's mind back then. Ogami Banri: As Re:vale put on more and more concerts, we'd get more and more famous. But with that fame came more things that'd exhaust Yuki. Ogami Banri: The cause was pretty simple, though. Nanase Riku: Things that'd exhaust Yuki......? What were they......? Ogami Banri: It was all because of his personality and the way he looked. Ogami Banri: Regardless of how hard he worked and how good the song was, there would always be dudes who'd trash talk it because they were pissed at Yuki, either because of his appearance or his personality. Ogami Banri: On the other hand, songs that we didn't feel too hot about would get rave reviews from our fangirls. Nikaidou Yamato: So people would judge Yuki-san himself instead of his songs? Ogami Banri: Yep. You can't really blame them, though. Not when he looked like that, and had such a sour personality. Yotsuba Tamaki: Well, I mean.... His visuals come flying at you way before his song does, so....... Ogami Banri: Even so, Yuki wanted people to look at the songs we wrote, and not at him. Ogami Banri: That's why he was pretty troubled back then, in his own little way.
Bassist: I'm not playing with you guys ever again! I don't wanna play that nitpicky, lameass song anymore! Not if I get bossed around that much either! Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: You said you liked it! I thought you joined because you heard that song....... Bassist: Yeah, I liked it. Past tense. But after getting chewed out like that, hearing that song makes me wanna hurl! Orikasa Yukito: Oh? So other things can come out of that mouth, then? Not just complaints? Bassist: You bastard......! Ogami Banri: Stop it! Bassist: Tch....... Bassist: Don't get too carried away now, Yuki! Listen guys, your songs won't make anyone happy! *slam* Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: Haa....... Guess we gotta start looking again. Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: ......Don't let it get to you. If it bothers you though, maybe you should consider fixing that attitude of yours. Ogami Banri: You're a downright chatterbox when it comes to music, but you won't talk about anything else. That's why people keep misunderstanding you. Orikasa Yukito: Perhaps. Ogami Banri: Don't 'perhaps' me. Orikasa Yukito: If I change, then so too will the music I write. Just like a kid who stopped believing in Santa. Orikasa Yukito: Do you really want to listen to something that boring? I'm disgusted. Ogami Banri: Hey now, don't take it out on me. Also, if that's the case, then just don't let it bother you in the first place. Fair enough, right? Orikasa Yukito: It doesn't bother me. I never believed in their aesthetic sense, and never will. Not even a single bit. Orikasa Yukito: After all, they think I'm only doing music to be popular. I don't need to do anything to be popular. Ogami Banri: That. If they had just sat down and thought about it for a second, then it would've been obvious. Orikasa Yukito: ......I agonize over composing, and everyone dares to think I'm doing it for my own image? (2) Orikasa Yukito: As if anything good could be born out of those sorts of feelings. How arrogant and conceited. Orikasa Yukito: I don't care if they don't love me. I want everything, from the lowliest of bugs to God himself, to love my songs. Just my songs. Orikasa Yukito: Ban, am I in the wrong? Ogami Banri: ....... Orikasa Yukito: I desperately wrote those songs after so many sleepless nights spent thinking, after hours upon hours, after countless fights with you....... And yet.... Orikasa Yukito: Why.... Why must these good-for-nothings touch my songs with their filthy hands? Ogami Banri: Yuki....... Orikasa Yukito: Don't touch them. That's not what they were written for. Orikasa Yukito: I only want the people who'll treasure my songs to listen to them. As for everyone else, I could care less if bees flew into their ears and built a hive so that they'd never hear again. Ogami Banri: ....... Orikasa Yukito: ......I'm so frustrated....... Ogami Banri: I pray your songs will never get dirtied, even if they get touched by filthy hands. Ogami Banri: I pray your songs will never get renounced, even if people renounce you. Ogami Banri: And I pray that people won't love your songs just because they love you. (3) Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: No matter how terrible you are as a person, you're the only one who can write those songs. And I'll always want to hear them. Orikasa Yukito: Ban....... Ogami Banri: They're the best songs. That's why I wanna listen to them. Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: Got it, Yuki? Orikasa Yukito: Yeah....... Ogami Banri: Let's complete it-- "We, the Incomplete." Ogami Banri: And starting next concert, we should stop playing instruments and just sing. Let go of all of the things you were fixated on. Ogami Banri: You get way too attached to your songs. I think it's best if you let go, and distance your heart and your hands from finished works. That's why we should put some space between you and your songs. Orikasa Yukito: ......So no more live instrumentation? Ogami Banri: Yep. That solves the band problem too. Orikasa Yukito: So you want us to stand on stage and just sing? That's it? Shall I play the tambourine while we're at it? Ogami Banri: No....... Ogami Banri: Let's dance. Just like how idols do. I did it at the last school festival, and it was pretty well received. Orikasa Yukito: ......Won't it look lame? Ogami Banri: We gotta dance well enough that it won't look lame.
Ogami Banri: And that's how Yuki and I became the idol group Re:vale.
To be continued....
Translator notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!
fun fact, my character short hand for young!yuki is ‘orks’ bc o-ri-ka-sa but also bc young yuki is kind of awFUL in terms of personality, definitely a 15 yr old boy
(1) callin someone (esp someone older than you) 'omae' (rude/informal way of addressing another person) is Bad Shit, so yea (2) hyouka means evaluation/how other people assess you/etc but i figured this is p close and easier to integrate (3) ok this confused me a little
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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taegijae-blog · 7 years
pairing: sugamon
genre: fluff, a japanese pinch of angst, summer school!au
word count: 1.7k
description: min yoongi gets to spend the coldest summer of his life in school, but maybe hot mess kim namjoon can warm him up.
note: this is my first time writing fanfiction, so please offer your suggestions ! 
| Part 1 |
Yoongi was sure it was going to be the bleakest summer of his life. First of all, the days had been maintaining depressingly lukewarm temperatures of no more than 21°C though it was now well into early July. In every other year, it would be hot enough to fry his dog on the asphalt by this time of year. But today, he was tugging on his thick, dark hoodie in order to stay alive on the frigid 6:30 AM bus that would bring him to class.
Min Yoongi, high school senior, resident rebel and misunderstood teen, was doing summer school.
“Namjoonie! You’re taking this class too?”
The tall brunette turned to the desk behind him. “Hobi-hyung?”
When Namjoon applied for the thrilling college course of MAT 003A Analytic Geometry and Calculus I, he knew he'd be one of the youngest in class. Most incoming high school juniors were going on crazy trips, making the most out of their new licenses and last summer before college applications. However, Kim Namjoon believed that true enjoyment came from the refreshing experience of learning new . He was a first class dweeb, but at least he wasn’t alone.
“I didn’t expect you would take such an early class,” Namjoon said. Hoseok’s expression immediately dropped to one of mild disgust. Judging by his lazy black HBA sweatshirt and the thick knit headband keeping his messy faded orange hair off his face, he probably didn’t either.
“I know, right? But I’m teaching more classes at the dance studio since it’s summer. Gotta make it rain, ya feel?” 
No, Namjoon did not feel, but he nodded anyway. “So, are you still doing only the class for little kids—”
He was cut off by a figure in black slamming a bag onto the desk next to Hoseok’s. It was a boy shorter than him, and thinner too, with a black cap pulled low on his forehead and a “fuck-off” expression on his face. He did not seem excited to be here.
Hobi, however, was elated. “Ah, Yoongi-hyung! To be honest, I didn’t think you’d show up.” 
Yoongi sank heavily into his seat and shoved his face in his arms with a groan. “I didn’t think I’d come either,” he mumbled, “but I failed calculus last semester so I have to pass an accredited course to make it up.” Hoseok pat his friend on the back sympathetically and looked back at Namjoon, who’d been awkwardly regarding the interaction.
“Yoongi-hyung’s my best broski! He’s gonna be a senior,” the dancer explained. “He’s kinda really done with everyone’s shit, you know?”
“Ah,” Namjoon replied understandingly, though he did not know as he was barely a junior. He adjusted his fashionable Steven Spielberg glasses to subtly express his intellectual capacity. Perhaps this coming school year would cripple his spirit, and he’d be able to relate.
“Oh sweet Jesus,” Hoseok yawned as the three exited the classroom at 11:20 AM sharp. “My stomach has been eating itself for the past hour. I’m gonna grab something from the snack shack. Do either of you want to come?”
“Nah, I’m okay,” replied Namjoon, taking out the honey chips he had so thoughtfully packed from his backpack. “I'm heading to the bus stop.”
“Me too,” muttered Yoongi incoherently, trudging alongside Namjoon. Upon discovering the first class would only be covering review from precalculus, the smaller boy had slept through the entire four hours and was currently still very groggy.
They made their way to the bus stop in silence. Namjoon had not touched another chip since they had split from Hobi, because he was very self-conscious of his crunching. Instead, he turned toward Yoongi and offered him the bag.
“Want some? They're really good.”
Yoongi glanced up at him, then took a chip.
“No problem, Yoongi-ssi.” Now that they were side-by-side, Namjoon could see that the senior was almost a full head shorter than him. He was so pale he sparkled a little in the sun, like a vampire from a poorly-written teen fiction novel. It was kinda cute, but his resting bitch face was intimidating.
They boarded the bus together and sat in the back.
“What stop do you get off?” asked Namjoon, attempting to fill the obvious void of silence between them. Hoseok had said Yoongi was his “best broski”, so the awkward junior felt obligated to attempt a friendship.
“In four stops. Key and Madison.”
“Ah, I’m only three away.”
There was no response from Yoongi. Namjoon was now very uncomfortable, so he said 'screw it’ to conversation and stared aimlessly out the window for the rest of his ride.
“I want to gut myself alive.”
“I would feel bad for you,” Hoseok started, “but you did kind of ask for it. You probably shouldn't have slept through the week.”
“Don't fucking lecture me, kiddo,” snapped Yoongi. “How was I supposed to know our first test is this week?”
“You have the syllabus.”
“Well I lost it so fuck off.”
Hoseok did not seem particularly offended by the snarling. “He gets like this when he's stressed,” he explained to Namjoon. He turned back to Yoongi. “You should go to the tutoring center or something. They're open until 4 on school days.”
“I have to work until 4. There's no way I could get off early enough to get here in time.” Yoongi grabbed his backpack, ready to take off. “Whatever, it's just one quiz. It can't hurt my grade that much.”
“Maybe not, but it's a group grade. I don't want my grade to drop because your irresponsible ass decided to snooze through the last five lectures, and I'm sure Namjoonie feels the same.” Hoseok sighed. “Well, I can't help you either. I'm literally deceased after herding those hyper little kids in the toddler class.”
Namjoon cleared his throat. “I, uh, I could review with you. I don't really do much in the summer, so I'm free anytime. Maybe we could meet somewhere.” He suddenly felt incredibly embarrassed. Yoongi probably thought he was annoying for butting in. “I mean, only if you want to.”
Yoongi stared at him. The way Namjoon would glance down and puff his cheeks when he was nervous was kind of really adorable.
“Sure, kid. Is the café tomorrow at 6:30 okay? The one near here.”
“Sounds good.”
When Namjoon stepped into The Grind, the hipster café home to the world’s first avocado and hemp cold brew, at 6:28 the following evening, he saw Yoongi was already at a booth. He was hunched over his laptop, looking swallowed up by his double layering of an embroidered satin bomber jacket over a black Stussy hoodie. His unruly black hair stuck out haphazardly under the hood and framed the matte horn-rimmed glasses he wore. Even from 20 feet away, Namjoon could see the life-repelling glare on his face.
Namjoon moved to sit across from him. “Uh, hey Yoongi-ssi,” he managed, heavily intimidated by the man's irritated expression. Yoongi glanced up from his computer.
“You’re friends with Hobi, right? Just call me hyung.” He closed his Macbook and set it to the side, against the dark, aesthetic planks on the wall. “What do you want to order? It’s on me.”
“No, it’s fine, I can—”
Yoongi cut him off. “I’m repaying you for tutoring me.”
Namjoon didn’t want to be annoying and push, so he let him pay for his disgustingly basic Caramel Ecstasy. He was flipping through the textbook when Yoongi shoved the drink at him.
“Don’t start. I’m not mentally prepared for this shit yet,” he muttered around the environmentally-friendly biodegradable paper straw of his own iced Americano. “Let’s just talk for a bit, ‘cause you and I both know this is awkward as fuck.“ He propped his chin up with one hand and stared across the rustic wooden table.
Namjoon panicked.
“Yeah, uh, I’m really bad at making small talk on the first date.” His face paled when he realized what he just said.
Yoongi narrowed his eyes. “Did you just call this a date?”
“Yes? No? I mean, technically yes, but I meant a date as in friends. A date between bros. A dude date, you know, it’s not like we’re gay or anything.”
When he noticed he was the loudest one in the room, Namjoon stopped and smiled through his cringe. He was seconds away from vomiting. That was the most mortifying spiel he had ever uttered and his chance to even befriend Yoongi was now probably in the negatives.
The tension had become unpleasantly obvious, and after a few seconds, Yoongi set his hand down.
“Well, I’m not gay. But I do like guys, so if you have a probl—”
Namjoon choked on his coffee, drawing attention to himself once again with his second shameful act of the day. 
“NO! I’m perfectly fine with that, man. I’m friends with gay people. I love gay people. Sometimes, I even wanna be gay!“
By now, he wasn’t even trying to feel better. Within a little more than half an hour, Namjoon had managed to embarrass himself more than in the rest of his entire life. But Yoongi didn’t seem offended.
The brunette was snickering. “Alright kid, whatever you say. Let’s just get to the math now. You’re a hot mess.”
Not just a mess, but a hot mess? Was Yoongi hitting on him? Ignoring his flushed cheeks, the younger boy pushed his textbook to the center. “Okay, so I was thinking that we begin with chapter three, since that’s wh—”
“Are you gonna teach me upside down? I can’t read shit if you’re across from me.” Yoongi shoved his bag off the rest of his bench. “Sit here.”
Reluctantly, Namjoon moved over. This was not good for his soft 16-year old heart, which pumped a little faster when he realized this was the first time he was seeing Yoongi so closely. When he leaned over to check the boy’s work, Namjoon could smell a faint, minty trace of his shampoo and noticed the adorable, kittenish way Yoongi scrunched his nose when he was solving a tough question.
Under the warm glow from the café’s whimsical Edison bulbs, Namjoon, who sometimes wanted to be gay, fell a little bit in love.
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