puppypaw-wc · 4 years
thinking of putting doverain with hollowflight, briarlight AND snowdrop in my mothpool au. she has four paws after all.
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in my mothpool au (where the only difference should logically be that the three are mothpool kits but i changed a whole lot more, including the fact that dovewing (named doverain instead) trains in the dark forest instead of ivypool), tigerheart is not only an apprentice when doverain is, but also doesn't get with her. he ends up with bumblestripe because i like bumbletiger. dove gets with briarlight and i'm considering putting her with hollowflight too!
i’m considering bumbletiger for my rewrite too just cause they deserve each other
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dovewingz · 4 years
I just wrote a really long ramble about that AU I was talking about earlier... I've decided I want to change Dove's name and someone in a Discord I'm in suggested the name Palerain and I like it but I want to keep her prefix but Doverain sounds... eh. Do you have any thoughts on what I should do?
palerain is super pretty! so unless u really want ‘dove’ then i’d say do that
HOWEVER i also love the prefix ‘dove’ so um... i guess if you like ‘rain’ as a suffix but not ‘doverain’ then there’s some similar suffixes?
any body of water, like dovesplash, dovestream, doveripple, dovepool, dovetorrent, doveocean, dovelake, dovepond, doveriver, dovewater
see also: dovedrop, dovefall, dovestorm, dovesky, dovewind, dovehail
and finally the more obscure ones... dovecall, dovelight, dovemoon, doveshimmer, doveshine
also if youre still struggling with her story in this then you could say, um, something happens to her & she decides to change her name. then u can have it both ways. just have fun with it lol
i’ve written dove so many times it longer looks like a word HAHA. hope this helps
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
Mothpool AU Rambles - Omen of the Stars + Super Editions / Novellas
More of me rambling about the Mothpool AU, this time going through Omen of the Stars!
Two kits were born to the young queen Whitewing not long before Russetleaf fled to the tunnels.
One, a pale gray she-kit with white markings on her side and green eyes, was named Dovekit by the queen. The other, a gray-and-white tabby she-kit with blue eyes, was named Ivykit.
Once Russetleaf was presumed dead by the Clan, Dovekit started to know the names of cats who were from other Clans she’d never been to. She knew Flamepaw was a medicine cat apprentice before Littlecloud announced it at a Gathering, she knew who Mothwing was without having to be told, she knew Lynxcloud as well.
Anyways, the time comes for them to be apprenticed. Dovekit is apprenticed to Quailwing, while Ivykit is apprenticed to Cinderheart.
Dovepaw’s apprenticeship is difficult despite her enhanced senses. Quailwing spaces out a lot, as if distracted by something in the distance despite his blindness. Ivypaw on the other paw is great at hunting and fighting. She’s even more uncertain when an old gray she-cat with matted fur comes to her dreams and gives her a prophecy.
The russet leaf hasn’t truly left. It’s only descended deep, deep down. For now, look for the dove’s feathers that will rain down.
In her dreams, she sees starry cats and hears them whispering the same thing, over and over again. There will be three who will hold the power of the stars in their paws.
But she also sees dark, bloody cats with a strange mist surrounding them that make her feel sick to her stomach.
She just wants to have a dreamless night for once.
Eventually she tells the Clan about the beavers. Quailwing immediately knows. He never knew about Russetleaf’s power since she had it for such a little amount of time before leaving. He knows.
She tells him about her dreams. About the starry cats and the bloody, misty cats. Quailwing tells Firestar. He knows too.
Firestar sends them to get Lynxcloud from RiverClan. Lynxcloud has an apprentice, Hollowpaw, who desperately wants to go on the mission as well. But Rippletail and Petalfur say they should go in Lynxcloud’s stead. Mothwing dismisses their argument and says that all three of them can go and that Hollowpaw can be mentored by Icewing until they come back. He’s mad about this, but reluctantly accepts.
And so at the next Gathering, Firestar announces the news and Leopardstar announces that Lynxcloud, Petalfur and Rippletail are all going to represent RiverClan.
The cats from the other Clans include Oakfur, Tigerpaw and Toadfoot from ShadowClan and Sedgewhisker and Whitetail from WindClan. After getting some herbs from their medicine cats (in Quailwing and Dovepaw’s case, Brightheart, who’s in charge of medicine cat duties until further notice), the group sets off and that goes about as normal.
Unlike in the original book, we get Ivypaw chapters instead of Quailwing chapters. Dovepaw apparently getting a dream from StarClan does make her feel a bit jealous, but she’s a great fighter and hunter so it doesn’t bother her too much. Note that while Poppyfrost does go to the Moonpool, Breezepelt doesn’t attack her because he actually has a father who cares for him.
During the fight against the beavers, Dovepaw sees Tigerpaw use his Dark Forest moves and is intrigued. The two become relatively close on the journey back.
Once they get back to the Clans, Dovepaw sees how great at everything Ivypaw’s been. Yes, she has a connection to StarClan, but she’s... jealous. And uncertain about everything. Shouldn’t Russetleaf, Quailwing and Lynxcloud’s sister, be the third cat? Was she? Did StarClan change their destinies after Russetleaf’s presumed death?
The Dark Forest can finally get into her dreams and bring her somewhere StarClan can’t reach. Hawkfrost first comes to her in a flowery field. He says he wants to teach her how to control her powers and how to be a great warrior. She believes him. She wants her Clan to believe in her not because of her power, but because of her.
Now let’s go to RiverClan. Lynxcloud and Willowshine are still dating, though Willowshine’s had to spend less and less time with Lynxcloud due to Mothwing’s de-promotion. This saddens Lynxcloud. The Dark Forest tries to manipulate him, but he’s aware of their tricks already. Instead, he goes to the ThunderClan border, where Quailwing and a few other cats (Berrynose, Cinderheart, Ivypaw and Dovepaw) find him. He explains he wishes to meet with Firestar. Quailwing agrees. Cinderheart, who knows about the prophecy from Russetleaf, is less confused then the other cats... but still confused.
Quailwing brings Lynxcloud to Firestar’s den, surprised when Firestar requests that he and Dovepaw come too, but they do as he says. They talk to Firestar about the prophecy for a bit, and Dovepaw is even more uncertain when she hears about Firestar’s last notable interaction with Russetleaf.
“I remember what happened not long before Russetleaf left,” the leader mewed, “I was talking to Brambleclaw about patrols, when Russetleaf entered, asking to talk to me in private. I assumed she’d received a prophecy, so I followed her. We went into the forest, where she asked me if I’d ever broken the warrior code. I suddenly felt... compelled to tell her everything. So I did. Once I was done, I felt like myself again. I think that was her using her power.”
Russetleaf was one of the Three. She was meant to be there instead of her. Dovepaw should’ve been a normal apprentice. Why couldn’t she be normal?
Training in the Dark Forest makes her feel... important. A StarClan cat is choosing to train her of all cats. But slowly, as the Dark Forest gets more of a hold on her, the scenery in her dreams changes to be more eerie. 
At first there’s just blood red and dark mist slowly forming, like the ones the dark cats from her older dreams had.
Then the flowery field starts to turn into a misty, muddy forest. Dovepaw doesn’t know what’s happening. But she doesn’t stop going. She can’t, not when she’s not even done with her training yet. So she continues going to the Dark Forest.
Ivypaw notices her sister acting... odd. She asks her about it, but Dovepaw simply says that she’s focusing really hard on her training. She keeps waking up with bloodied fur, so much so that it can’t be from thorns in her nest like she insists it is. Ivypaw doesn’t know what to do, so she tells Quailwing and Cinderheart, who both promise to keep a close eye on her. Note that here, Cinderheart knows about Quailwing’s power due to them being close. Quailwing told her about the prophecy because he felt that she deserved to know.
Cinderheart suggests Quailwing walks in Dovepaw’s dreams. He doesn’t want to because he hasn’t used his power very much in this AU due to not being a medicine cat... and because Leafpool told Brightheart and Longtail about his power and they taught him about violation of privacy.
Anyways, the tree falls and Briarpaw breaks her spine and Longtail dies. Quailwing is devastated by the latter event.
Brightheart takes care of Briarpaw, though she struggles a bit due to not having been trained as a medicine cat. Quailwing and Squirrelflight go to ShadowClan to get Littlecloud’s help, and Flamepaw helps out as well, though he mainly just bonds with Dovepaw and Ivypaw, especially the latter.
Anyways, Briarpaw gets her warrior name of Briarlight, Blossompaw and Bumblepaw are named Blossomfall and Bumbleflight (name subject to change, I just think Bumblestripe is lame). Briarlight and Dovepaw end up getting really close... Blossomfall still gets jealous of her sister and when Dovepaw sees her in the Dark Forest, she decides to try to help their relationship because she doesn’t realize what she’s doing is bad - she just wants to be cared for by her Clanmates because of her, not because of a prophecy that she just so happens to be playing a part in.
I imagine that after their training sessions and before they wake up, Dovepaw and Blossomfall talk sometimes. At one point Hawkfrost joins in upon hearing them talk about their feelings, telling them how he came to be in the Dark Forest. It’s at this point that Dovepaw realizes that it’s wrong to be here...
Night Whispers starts with a Flamepaw chapter as he and Littlecloud go to the Moonpool and he gets his full name of Flametail before dreaming of a strange place... a dark misty forest. A dark brown tom with a red aura around his scars approaches him before he wakes up.
After this, Dovepaw goes to Quailwing and tells him everything. About the Dark Forest, about Hawkfrost, about Blossomfall... everything. At the next Gathering, he asks Dovepaw to tell Lynxcloud what she told him, and she does. Ivypaw and Tigerpaw (yes, Flamepaw got his warrior name first... don’t question it) eavesdrop and this helps Tigerpaw realize that mouse-dung, everyone is right about Tigerstar being evil. Ivypaw and her sister start to fix their bond.
I can’t decide if Flametail dies or not but if he doesn’t then like in Veil of Shadows with Shadowsight (and Squilf’s Hope with Squilf but that book isn’t canon-), he becomes a ghost and has to wait while his body heals from almost drowning.
Anyways in Sign of the Moon, Quailwing and Lynxcloud, alongside their apprentices, meet up to check out the tunnels. Dovepaw and Hollowpaw have gotten relatively close due to the Dark Forest and are both of their Clan’s respective spies (Lynxcloud asked Dovepaw to spread the news to as many Dark Forest trainees as possible - Hawkfrost and Tigerpaw helped out. They all decided to have Tigerpaw and Applefur spy for ShadowClan, Hollowpaw and Minnowtail spy for RiverClan, Harespring and Sunstrike (Me about Sunstrike: “I don’t know who you are but you’re pretty.”) spy for WindClan, and, of course, Dovepaw spy for ThunderClan... I’d have someone else spy with her but at the time she was like the only Dark Forest trainee in ThunderClan).
Hollowpaw and Dovepaw just hunt so Leopardstar doesn’t get mad while Lynxcloud and Quailwing block off the tunnels and end up finding a tuft of Russetleaf’s fur and realize that oh sheet, she’s alive.
Anyways they go back to their respective camps and Firestar decides that Dovepaw and Ivypaw should have their assessments, so they do and manage to both pass after a misadventure in the tunnels after Icecloud falls in. Dovepaw is named Doverain due to her friendliness and intelligence (had to look through a naming dictionary’s meanings for -splash, -pool, -creek and some others) and Ivypaw is named Ivypool due to her fierceiocity and strength in battle... her name’s more obvious.
Doverain, Foxleap, Squirrelflight and Quailwing all go to the mountains since Quailwing got a message from Half Moon saying that he had to go... the Three’s connection to StarClan is lessening due to some reason that no one knows the reasoning for. Hint hint, Dark Forest.
Quailwing possesses Quail’s Feather again because he wants to violate this dead cat’s privacy. Rock tells him to not violate Quail’s Feather’s privacy. He pretends to be deaf.
Anyways back at the lake Blossomfall and Ivypool end up in the tunnels and meet Fallen Leaves. After totally not Russetleaf leads them out Fallen Leaves won’t leave Ivypool alone. I had to make Ivypool’s character arc interesting, okay? She keeps getting dreams of the ancients and death and a battle... starry cats on one side and misty, dark cats on the other... a starry tortioseshell cat fading right from someone who she can only assume is Firestar’s grasp... she doesn’t know what they mean but they scare her and she just wants them to leave her alone.
In RiverClan Lynxcloud is having a crisis because StarClan is visiting his dreams and telling him that the Clans will have to stand divided and he’s just like “but,,, my bro’s in thunderclan” and they’re just like “sorry bruh” and leave. Willowshine’s also confused because she also keeps having these dreams and she’s pretty sure StarClan’s shipping them.
Back at the mountains, Quailwing comes back to the present and names Crag Where Eagles Nest the new Healer. Note that here just to make it make more sense, even if they are generally called Teller of Pointed Stones / Stoneteller, they are sometimes referred to by their old name, usually in dreams from the Tribe of Endless Hunting or by cats close to them.
After returning to the lake, Doverain finds that her powers have seemingly vanished. She doesn’t know how to feel about this. She vents about it to Ivypool, Blossomfall and Briarlight. She vents about everything to Ivypool, Blossomfall and Briarlight. How she feels like Ivypool was always better then her even though she had a power, how she felt like she was only cared about by Firestar and StarClan was because of her power, how she only felt at home in the Dark Forest, how she just wants Blossomfall to get along with Briarlight and be a happy family again, all of it. Blossomfall stays quiet while Briarlight and Ivypool comfort her.
Doverain notices that Blossomfall has stopped participating in training sessions, even when it’s just between the spies (Hollowpaw and Tigerpaw have since become Hollowflight and Tigerheart), a few others and Hawkfrost. When she asks about this, Blossomfall says that Doverain saying all that made her realize that she was being petty and that she’s been thinking.
Anyways, during a Gathering Doverain catches a glimpse of a cinnamon and red splotched and striped pelt through the trees. It looks exactly like...
Doverain had already had her suspicions that the torbie she-cat wasn’t actually dead due to the prophecy she’d received as a young apprentice, but seeing her was a whole ‘nother story.
Also I just now realized that I didn’t elaborate on Briarlight so here we go: after Doverain vents about all that to Blossom, Ivy and Briar, Blossomfall confronts Millie and tells her that “hey, you’re being really helicopter mom-like towards Briarlight, I don’t think she appreciates that, maybe stop and let her get out?”. She agrees so Briarlight gets out sometimes. While hunting on her own is still a bit challenging, she manages. She and her siblings go on their own hunting patrols sometimes and Bumble and Blossom scare prey towards her so she can catch it since pouncing and chasing it is... kind of out of the question. Also “[...] due to [Briarlight’s injury], she can never have kits”... w h a t ? I... hm... Kate... are you okay?
Anyways, Doverain goes on a walk in the middle of the night in order to think, and ends up coming across Russetleaf and her ghost boyfriend Fallen Leaves! She tries to convince Russetleaf to come back to the Clan...
“It’s nice talking to you Doverain,” Russetleaf mewed, smiling, “isn’t it, Fallen Leaves?”
The ghostly tom simply nodded, uncertainty in his eyes. “Er, Doverain, can you see me?”
“I can,” Doverain smiled at the ancient cat - what did Quailwing call his rank the other day? Softpaw? Yeah, Softpaw - as her tail whipped back and forth happily, “anyways Russetleaf... why don’t you come back to the Clan? If I can see Fallen Leaves, surely others can too! Or at least, Quailwing when he gets his visions and Lynxcloud... well, when he’s Lynxcloud,” she chuckled at herself.
The torbie looked to Fallen Leaves, uncertainty in her eyes as well. “Doverain... I can’t come back. I just can’t. I don’t want to cause more pain then I must... and then I already have.”
A puzzled look glazed the younger she-cat’s eyes. “What do you mean?”
Russetleaf sighed. “You know who Ashfur is... correct? Ferncloud’s brother, a brave warrior, formerly mates with Squirrelflight,” she speaks her foster mother’s name as if it’s a curse, though Doverain had heard from Quailwing and Lynxcloud had no trouble cursing, “him.”
“Yes, I do,” Doverain was confused, “why?”
“I... killed him.”
But she refuses.
She and Doverain keep meeting at night. It helps Doverain become more certain with herself. And eventually, she convinces Russetleaf to come back home.
She has a tearful reunion with Cinderheart and (somehow) manages to introduce Fallen Leaves to her, though given everyone else in the Clan’s looks they likely think they’re insane.
Seeing how happy Russetleaf looks being back with her brother and (albeit, foster) parents, and knowing that she isn’t going to get her powers back soon, Doverain wants to obstruct any connection with the prophecy.
Doverain smiled back at Russetleaf, Quailwing and the torbie’s mates as she pushed through the overgrowth and entered Firestar’s den.
“Doverain,” the tom purred, “you’ve proven yourself to be a great warrior, even beyond the prophecy. You’ve brought Russetleaf back to the Clan and have accomplished several other great feats. With that aside, what do you need?”
She paused. Did she want to do this? She wasn’t the third cat... did she have any involvement in the prophecy? Or was she just a temporary replacement?
She did want to do this.
“I... I want to change my name,” she mewed, “could you give me the proper ceremony for that? I understand if you think it’s silly or-”
Firestar cut her off. “I don’t think it’s silly at all Doverain. In fact, I’ll let you choose your new name when the time comes. I understand that you may not want to be connected to the prophecy any longer. I’ll host your ceremony right now, in fact. I already have something I need to announce anyways.”
And so, Firestar calls a Clan meeting. Cats still gossip about Cinderheart and all that, but after he shares the news of Sol...
“Before everyone leaves, I have something else I must do,” the leader announced just as cats were beginning to disperse, “Doverain, please come forward.”
The pale she-cat stepped forward, anxiety in her pelt. She heard a comforting whisper of “you got this” from Briarlight.
“Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name,” Firestar began. She gazed around camp, seeing a few confused yet supporting looks on cats’ faces. They know it from Brightheart. “I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what she is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name,” he jumped from the Highledge, looking to the currently nameless she-cat, “I give you the privilege to choose your own name.”
She paused, looking to her pelt. Pale gray... pale.
“I would like to be known as Palerain,” she mewed, hoping her trembling voice wasn’t obvious. Firestar nodded.
“By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name,” he mewed, “from this moment onward, she shall be known as Palerain.”
The newly named Palerain felt as if a weight had been lifted off her chest. She no longer had the burden of a prophecy on her shoulder.
But she knew what was coming.
Now note that I’ve never fully read the Last Hope... I read like the first couple of chapters and then stopped cuz it was boring and I knew what was coming (I spoil myself about shit that happens in the books sometimes... I knew who died in it, I knew about the battle, etc, etc)... but I just used the cliffnotes for every other book here so who cares!
So like the first chapter of the original Last Hope (with the change of it being Palerain instead), Palerain is training her Dark Forest apprentices (Birchfall isn’t one of them because the idea of her training her dad in the Dark Forest weirds me out) and Tigerstar and Mapleshade come to tell the trainees to wake up and go back to their nests. The trainees (reluctantly) agree but Hawkfrost stops Palerain and the other spies (alongside a few others... Blossomfall and the other ThunderClan trainees are there since most of them have started doubting the Dark Forest’s claims of being good and StarClan being bad) and brings them to the Gray Area, AKA where cats who did do bad things but had good reasoning for it but did too much of a bad to go to StarClan go. This is the area where Palerain’s Dark Forest training first started, the flower field. Note that none of the Dark Forest cats except maybe Mapleshade (I feel like she might also be in the Gray Area but leans closer to StarClan) know that Hawkfrost is in the Gray Area and think that he’s just in Hell outright. Anyways, he talks to the spies about the other senior Dark Forest warriors’ plan... not the battle, but another.
You know how when Antpelt died he got hypnotized in a way to believe that the Dark Forest’s plans were right and to care about them more than his old Clan? Well Hawkfrost tells the trainees that Tigerstar and the other senior Dark Forest warriors are planning to kill the trainees while they’re in the Dark Forest so the same thing will happen to them. Anyways Quailwing comes and brings some StarClan cats to violate the trainees’ privacy because he learned nothing from his training (the cats he brings are Bluestar, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, Whitestorm, Oakheart, Redtail, Leopardstar (she’s just there because she was Hawkfrost’s mentor), Half Moon and Cinderpelt - note that here Cinderpelt was more of an imaginary friend / guardian angel to Cinderheart and Cinderheart just had her memories for some reason... it’s based on this AU and a post by @/the-broken-code-rewrite).
The trainees make a plan to fight back when the Dark Forest cats attempt to kill them and Hawkfrost is just like “good luck ig i’ll help u get 2 starclan if u die”.
Anyways at the Moonpool Russetleaf has the same dreams Jayfeather has in the canon book (yes, she does get POVs) and she’s confused when she sees Mothwing there... Willowshine and Lynxcloud also tag along here. Russetleaf tells them they need to unite their Clans and Lynxcloud promises to tell Mistystar that.
Mistystar’s not having any of that.
“but ur half-thunderclan”
“yeah but if starclan’s telling willowshine that the clans need to stand divided then i’m going to listen to starclan”
“mistystar, ur my mom, i love you, but listen to the child”
“i’m an adult reedwhisker”
“sure u r bab”
“ur not even my dad”
“leopardstar nursed you and i acted like ur dad”
Anyways Dark Forest shit happens. Palerain and the other spies are anticipating getting killed.
Brightheart announces she’s having babies and Russetleaf’s just like “brightheart... maybe wait”.
Skipping some shit/shuffling events around, the Three and Palerain discuss who they think the fourth cat might be.
Canidates: Lynxcloud and Russetleaf both think Cinderheart, Palerain thinks Ivypool. Quailwing doesn’t really have any ideas until Mothwing shows him and Russetleaf the flaming reed, after which he thinks Flametail. However, here, the reed itself wasn’t the omen. Instead the fact that despite steady rain it didn’t go out was the omen. Do you get it yet?
Anyways Dark Forest patrols. Only the Three, Palerain, Fallen Leaves (yes, he’s still awkwardly roaming ThunderClan), Cinderheart and the trainees can see them. Also like in the canon books Brokenstar slaughters Beetlewhisker. This is when the Dark Forest decides to attempt to kill the trainees. The spies and ThunderClan’s trainees fight back, and a few other trainees fight back too, but some of them (Redwillow... that seems to be about it canonically so it’s time for OCs! Cherrycloud and Leechfeather, both RiverClan cats) fight the “betrayers”. The spies and ThunderClan cats are escorted out by Hawkfrost and a few StarClan cats (mainly Goosefeather and Crookedstar) who know the way to the Dark Forest. Said StarClan cats fend off the Dark Forest cats and Redwillow while Hawkfrost and the spies / ThunderClanners escape to the Gray Area.
The ThunderClan trainees go on a patrol led by Palerain and find the spies and some of the other trainees by the island - Icewing, Hollowflight, Minnowtail, Harespring, Sunstrike, Furzepelt, Larkwing, Whiskernose, Ratscar, Applefur and Tigerheart. When asked where Redwillow is, Tigerheart explains that he woke up with lots of injuries and scars and is in the medicine cat den healing, and that he thinks that he swore loyalty to the Dark Forest and they killed him so he’d stay there. Icewing and the other RiverClan cats report the same for Leechfeather and Cherrycloud. Hawkfrost then appears because no one cares about privacy in this AU.
The Three and Palerain tell Leafpool, Mothwing, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw about their destinies, blah blah blah, Lynxcloud accepts his destiny... and also tells them that he’s dating Willowshine and that he’s pretty sure she’s expecting his kits and Leafpool and Mothwing are just like “lynxcloud honey no” and Lynxcloud’s just like “lemme have a girlfriend”.
They’re not saying that about him dating Willowshine. They’re saying that about the kits.
Lynxcloud asks Willowshine if she’s cheating on him and she says that no, she’s not, she just wanted to have babies with him so she got Pebblefoot to sire some babs. Lynxcloud is both happy and realizes that she’s gon be in trouble but then Mistystar comes in like “yo i heard y’all talkin’ and i was already thinkin’ of givin’ mothwing her medicine cat position back and y’all have made me decide that maybe i should” and I don’t know why Mistystar’s Southern but anyways-
The medicine cats (Mothwing and Leafpool are there too because Brightheart’s struggling and Russetleaf’s like... a teenager) all decide they need to unite StarClan and Russetleaf tells them about the Dark Forest. Willowshine tells them she’s expecting kits and they all decide that that rule is pretty damn stupid so they should abolish it. Bluestar tells Russetleaf that Palerain’s the fourth cat and she’s like “y’know what that makes a lotta sense”. Russetleaf invades her privacy and hears Bluestar say this and tells Palerain and then brings the medicine cats to the Dark Forest to watch a training session. Palerain and most of the trainees are in the Gray Area with Hawkfrost while Redwillow, Leechfeather and Cherrycloud are all training for the battle.
Quailwing somehow gets to the Gay (I’m keeping that) Area and the medicine cats conspire there, all agreeing that they need to get their leaders to meet at the island.
Firestar brings Russetleaf, Quailwing and Palerain to the island (Palerain didn’t want to go but Firestar doesn’t know she doesn’t have her power anymore) and Lynxcloud comes with Mistystar. The Three reveal their powers to the Clans.
Russetleaf’s truth revealing/hypnosis, Lynxcloud’s inability to be hurt in battle, and Quailwing’s invasion of privacy.
The leaders decide to send patrols at each camp at dusk to prepare for the upcoming battle, and they decide to have reinforcements - cats who will send news to other Clans (I’m copy-pasting stuff from the Wiki now).
Palerain turns down Tigerheart with the reasoning of “i’m gay, ur gay, go marry bumbleflight”. Tigerheart is just like “wait i’m gay” and leaves to contemplate his sexuality.
Firestar tells the Clan about the Dark Forest and battle plans and stuff and Russetleaf talks to Cinderheart and they decide to be gay together. Fallen Leaves is there too.
“ily russetleaf”
“ily 2 fallen leaves”
“... hi i’m here 2″
“ily cinderheart”
“ily 2 russetleaf”
“we can be polyam”
“that sounds gucci”
The battle happens. Hawkfrost starts fighting on the side of the Dark Forest before he, Snowtuft and Thistleclaw “ambush” Palerain, after which he fights on the side of the Clans. Russetleaf almost dies but doesn’t.
Palerain sacrifices herself in order to save her sister from almost getting killed. However, due to her former unstable powers, her spirit simply gets disconnected from her body.
Spottedleaf double dies.
Firestar still dies, Brambleclaw becomes leader and appoints Cinderheart as deputy. Leafpool gets her medicine cat position back.
Let’s quickly quickfire through post-OotS pre-AVoS Super Editions / novellas in chronological order.
Dovewing’s Silence
Palerain gets back to her body after having some strange dreams. That’s basically it. I don’t remember this book. Foxleap and Icecloud don’t die. Hazeltail doesn’t either. Basically no one dies.
Crowfeather’s Trial
Instead called Crowfeather’s Peace as he comes to a peace with his past “relationship” with Feathertail and reflects on his relationship with Nightcloud. The first half of it takes place with him as Crowpaw during the journey to the Sun-drown Place while the second half of it takes place a bit before Po3 but after TNP, around the same time as Leafpool’s Wish, as he and Nightcloud become close and eventually have Breezepelt.
Bramblestar’s Storm
This book’s about the same.
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
what if i made doverain a medicine cat in my mothpool au?
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
hhhhh why did i name ivypool ivyfang in my mothpool au? her being ivypool would make way more sense!
pools are gentle and calm, much like dovewing is in canon.
rain is aggressive and fast, much like ivypool is in canon.
but here, doverain is the one training in the dark forest, and ivypool is the one who’s normal and seemingly better at everything then dove.
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dovewingz · 4 years
Me thinking about my AU: Hmmmm Doverain dying would make sense... | Me: But it's Dovewing. | Me: And then Briarlight would be sad. | Me: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... | Seriously though I can't decide if I should make her be the fourth cat or not-Firestar would still die either way because... I like Bramblestar. But like-I like Dovewing, Bumblestripe and Tigerheart (Dovewing's there platonically) need babies... w h a t d o I d o ?
there is no world where i’d say “kill dovewing” so keep her alive thats it thats my advice ❤️
nah but seriously fourth cat dovewing is a cool idea !!! theres a lot u can do with it i think. dovebriar and bumbletiger still happen too
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I have a gorl named Doverain and she’s the daughter of Flowepetal, the deputy of ChasmClan. Her father was named Sparrowdusk and he was kind of a jerk to Doverain. Sparrowdusk told a bunch of rogues to beat Doverain up moments before her warrior ceremony, then later on brought her kits out into a storm near a river and 2/3 of them drowned. Doverain, devastated, tells her sister Rosefall what happened, and Rosefall takes her and Doverain’s littermates and they all go beat up Sparrowdusk together.
kill em
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