#doveria speaks
doveriathegoddess · 3 months
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Reminder that there is a strike going on until June 23rd so remember to: -Protest
-Donate to as many campaigns if you are able to
-Continue to speak out about what is happening
Palestine WILL be free!
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doveriathegoddess · 10 months
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doveriathegoddess · 6 months
What's your favorite animal?
I like a lot of different animals but my favorite would have to be Sheep
They're just fluffy bois :3
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doveriathegoddess · 4 months
Hello everyone
I don't normally do this but I need to do some emergency commissions as my funds are currently low and I'm still looking for a summer job with no luck-
I have 10 slots currently open, and I'll leave the link to my Kofi here:
If you have any questions about my prices or other details then feel free to DM me.
Feel free to signal boost this post so it can get some attention :3
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
Hello hello I am officially happy to say that my commissions are currently open! Since I’ve been unable to find a job for the summer and my parents are becoming increasingly annoyed with me at that fact I decided this was a good way to make some income for me to pay for college. 
Here is my commissions sheet which has my prices listed and what I will draw and not draw so feel free to look at it first if you wish to commission me:
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Here are also some examples of my art to get a feel for it as well:
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Here is the link to my Kofi if you wish to commission me:
Feel free to reblog and share this around so others who are looking to commission an artist can see it! Thank you for your support :D
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doveriathegoddess · 5 months
Happy 420 and a very happy birthday to Pooh Bear who is technically my sister's dog but I love her despite the fact she is cringe, smelly, and a menace to society :3
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doveriathegoddess · 9 months
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
To elaborate even further on Burning Constellation being villains in an NSR x Spiderverse theme, I decided to make my OFA Artists villains as well :3
Since Burning Constellation is a group of villains relating to Spider-Man, the OFA Rockstars will be other Marvel related Villains. And because I love my friend @erigold13261 NSRxSpiderversexPsychonauts universe they got going on rn, I’m thinking the this group of Villains are not just gonna target NSR for the funnies.
Altogether they are called L.O.V.E aka the League of Villains Extraordinaire and their main goal is to fulfill their own devious desires whether that be world domination or obtaining the most darkest of secrets. 
Henrick is Loki (they’re both very silly) and took on his villain name due to his love for Norse Mythology. Since he wanted to cause some drama due to boredom, Henrick followed Burning Constellation once they turned against NSR.
Rosie is Madame Hydra (both rose to their positions of power very quickly) due to her being the Beloved Idol of Vinyl City no one could ever suspect Rosie of being a villain up until she defected with her fellow OFA Artists. Because of her powerful influence, her many fans joined her along with her friends and swore their allegiance to her, becoming her own personal Hydra Army. 
Prince Astral is Doctor Doom (they’re both royalty since Astral is a Prince while Doom is a monarch) he honestly didn’t want to be a villain but due to everyone in Vinyl City being suspicious of him he eventually snapped and joined his older sister Orion/Black Cat after she and her friends betrayed NSR. 
CAL is Ultron (because it literally fits LMAO) and due to being a sentient AI he goes from floating tablet to controlling a very dangerous robot/weapon that can control all forms of technology. CAL was initially created to be an NSR Artist to help with power output but once Burning Constellation betrayed and defected from NSR, CAL followed suit to go with his creator Orion/Black Cat. 
Jodie is Gambit (both know combat) and was the last to join L.O.V.E but after a huge argument that resulted in him getting disowned by his parents, Jodie decided to officially defect and joined the villains as a means to get revenge on those who wronged him. 
And that’s the L.O.V.E villains who are gonna be going around and causing trouble for everyone, including Spider heroes, NSR Artists, the Psychonauts, civilians, rich people, etc. Can they be stopped?
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
A few of my NSR friends/moots have been sharing their ideas about an NSR Themed Spiderverse and making all the characters be spiders but I have an even better idea
Burning Constellation as Spider Man villains and they’re absolute menaces to society to the point Titanium needs to get a few people to take them down-
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doveriathegoddess · 7 months
Hello, I'm from Gaza City because of the war,my house was destroyed. We lost everything,my family and I did not have anything left. We left our homes in search of a safe place and we were displaced three  times to different places to survive, but unfortunately there's no safe place in Gaza. My mother is very sick and she's a kidney failure patient in need of treatment outside. She suffers from LS. Help me and my family to survive. Please, your small donation can make a huge difference. A friend outside Gaza has come in to help me run the donation program so that my mother can be evacuated
I went ahead and reblogged your post with the link to donate to your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and I hope your mother will be able to get the treatment she needs.
From River to the Sea Palestine will be free!
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
Hey so idk ur ocs so just go off about your fave. Like what drove u to make em. What sort of relationship would they have with their family, if any? Would you wanna hang out with them at all?
Man I have a lot of ocs but my favorite oc would have to be my No Straight Roads sona Olive :3
She doesn't really remember her mother Buttercup since she passed shortly after Olive was born, but she does have a great relationship with her father Maxie. Since Maxie raised her himself he taught her how to play the drums since he was a drummer back in his day, and even told her stories about his own childhood. Since Olive's mother could sing with the most beautiful of her voice according to Maxie, Olive could learn how to also sing if her mother was present.
I would definitely want to hang out with Olive if I ended up in No Straight Roads. Since's she's really tall (8 feet tall to be exact) she could carry me on her shoulders or give me a boost since she can lift just about anything due to her super strength. Plus we both love pastries and getting coffee so we would also be sneaking out to get some :3
Anyway, I hope that answers your question!
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
I want to hear YOUR ideas of Tatiana and Kliff >:)
Ok Eri since you asked very nicely I will go ahead and let you hear on my ramblings on both Tatiana and Kliff :3
We'll start off with Tatiana first
First Impression: I knew she was the final boss of the game but I had no idea that I would come to enjoy her as a character and eventually simp for her like the bisexual I am. Tatiana is indeed a queen <3
Impression Now: She's one of my favorite characters and I absolutely adore her character. She's the icon, she's the legend, and she's the moment
Favorite Moment: After her boss fight when she goes off on Mayday, I could feel how much truth her words were, especially when she said "Never have heroes honey, believe me you'll have fewer disappointments." I honestly related to that sentence so hard due to past experiences-
Idea for a Story: This mainly involves my OFA AU but Tatiana and her oldest daughter Titanium having a heart to heart when Tatiana finds out her daughter is literally overworking herself being the current CEO of NSR so she has to tell her it's ok to ask for help and to take a break. Just thinking about this idea makes my mind go brrr-
Unpopular Opinon: I'm not sure if this counts as unpopular but I really wish we could've had more lore about the Goolings and Tatiana's past, it would've been so much more intriguing-
Favorite Relationship: Tatiana being like a mentor to Mayday is something that always makes my heart flutter. Mayday showing how much she can play on Tatiana's old guitar that she gave her while Tatiana just smiles like a proud parent. Of course I also love shipping Tatiana with my NSR sona Olive it's a match literally made in heaven like yivdugdefuyvcbdfuyfva- the first time they meet is after the Music Revolution and the Garden of Thorns comes to town and right away gets a lot of attention that NSR also gets wind of them. They get invited to the NSR Tower to discuss collaborations but when Tatiana arrives at her office to meet them she's quick to notice that one of the band members is missing. Percy (lead singer) tells Tatiana that the drummer went to go grab some coffees and right when Tatiana says they can start without her, Olive comes in through the door with said coffees, not giving any mind that she's late and Tatiana notices just how tall Olive is-
Favorite Headcanon: Trans and Lesbian Tatiana. Being Kul Fyra also inspired a lot of LGBT+ people to be themselves, especially the fans.
And now it's time for Kliff and his moment to shine >:)
First Impression: When I saw him for the first time my heart skipped a bit, Kliff was the most cutest ginger I ever saw in my lifetime and I wanted to hold hands with him. I was a bit disappointed that he was a twist villain at first but then I realized he could still be redeemed if I put my mind to it via fan fiction lol
Impression Now: He could've taken a different approach in an attempt to get closure instead of trying to use a falling satellite, but at the end of the day Kliff is a stinky man and I love him.
Favorite Moment: When he first shows up in the game, Kliff is not only a cute ginger but he's also very helpful. His Kliffnotes on the NSR Artists are also very interesting and if you look closely there could be lore.
Idea for a Story: I need to update it but I'm working on a fanfic where Kliff does apologize to everyone for his actions and the Queen herself aka my oc Artemis helps him out, and while they're doing that they're also falling in love with each other because yes. Another idea which involves my OFA AU again is after the stunt Orion pulls with hacking into a satellite and blasting Burning Constellation's music on all technical platforms, Kliff is very proud of his daughter in a sense like "THAT'S MY GIRL :D " before his wife/Artemis gives him a look and Kliff goes "I mean Orion you can't be doing that- (I'm still proud of you though hack those satellites like I taught you >:D)"
Unpopular Opinon: I feel that there are some people that kind of go a bit too far with hating Kliff and I've come across fanfics where people write Kliff as an irredeemable character/a literal psychopath and I'm like ??? Can y'all chill??? I get that he's a bad person but he's not that evil-
Favorite Relationship: I would very interested to explore the concept of Kliff in his younger days and his relationship with Kul Fyra. Of course there's also me shipping Kliff with Artemis which is also a match made in heaven they're like so adorable Imma cry-
Favorite Headcanon: Kliff figuring out he's bisexual since back in the day he would flirt with other Goolings fans which were both men and women. Also DILF Kliff and him and Artemis going to every concert that their kids perform (Orion and her band Burning Constellation and Prince Astral's concerts with Linus because violin and piano duets are my favorite things in the world-)
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doveriathegoddess · 8 months
This morning I became very shooketh at my Twitter notifications because apparently Zuke's VA liked 3 of my posts???
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Gimme a minute I need to process this-
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doveriathegoddess · 10 months
It is confirmed that I will be flying out to my mother's homeland aka Puerto Rico for News Years, so there will be a chance that I will not be active during that time on this platform and over on Twitter.
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
I've been thinking about this for a while, but I've been really wanting to actually write out the backstories of the Gods (my Umbrella Academy ocs) aka when they were suddenly born on October 1st 1989, developing their powers, their childhood, and their accession to power /ruling the entire world after the Apocalypse (End of Season 1 of the show-) and the Great Resurrection, etc.
If I do write it I might write it on both Tumblr and Archive, I'll have to think further about it-
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
Finally! Found another One who ships an Oc with Viktor Hargreeves!
It's so adorable keep up the good work!
Awwww! This is a really great message to see when you come back from an out of town trip :D
I'm glad you like my silly oc x canon ship of Elise and Viktor, they're so silly together!
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