#down your throat for any kind of philosophical wrong he feels could possibly apply even if it's obvious he's wrong.
stinkbeck · 6 months
every time i go 2 class, i come away thinking i've been punk'd. this guy's getting a degree in philosophy + doesn't know the basics of Patriarchy? like you're joshing. you're fucking with me, your honor.
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Title: Convince Me To Go {9}*
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AU Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Mild Cursing, Mild Smut, NSFW
Words: 2.4k
Summary: When we run away, we’re usually running from something. This time you may have run toward it instead.
Note: Welp. 🤷🏾‍♀️  I hope you enjoy this.
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
“And I win again!” You stood on the bed and danced around as he sat there with the Uno cards showing his defeat.
 “You know, they say a winner should always be graceful.”
 “Fuck that. I won, I won, I won. You lost, you lost, you lost. I’m a winner. You’re a loser!” He smiled and shook his head then grabbed your ankles and pulled you back to the bed. You shrieked and giggled when he climbed on top of you.
 “I’m a loser? Oh yeah?” he tickled you making you laugh loudly as you wiggled around trying to escape him.
 “Aaah, stop. Stop.”
 “No, not a chance.” He continued and you shrieked.
“Come on, prince charming isn’t supposed to do this.” You pouted and he stopped and smiled looking at the childish expression.
 “You’re right. Just take it back.”
 “Fine, I take it back. You’re not a loser.” He nodded in appeasement.
 “I’m glad you think so, because I think I’m a winner. You’re here right.” You smiled slowly and nodded.
 “I am.” Sadness washed over you. You were here right now, and you wanted to stay here.
 “What’s wrong?”
 “I want to stay,” you whispered.
 For the first time, he thought about reality.
 “Convince me to go.”
 “Why would I do that?
 “Because, I have a life to get back to,” you informed.
 “Ah right, your fancy life.” He rolled to the side and propped his head onto his arm as he watched you. “The same life you ran away from.”
 Rolling your eyes, you looked into the ceiling. “All right. I can do that.” He cleared his throat loudly and slide back to perch on the grey concrete block that was his headboard. “You can’t stay, you have to get back to that wonderful life with parents who want you to be someone you’re not. A career you’re good at and enjoy but feels stifling. You have to get back to a confining life in a confining place so you can be practical.”
 A feeling of dread filled you. When he put it like that who the hell would want to go back to that? The look on your face must have said it all because he snorted out. “You look like you’re going to be sick.”
 “I mean you suck at convincing me to go.”
 He shrugged and sighed. “Did you know you moan in your sleep. It sounds soft and innocent.”
 You looked at him and studied him, he was staring down at the sheets as if he were thinking about something of great importance.
 “I didn’t know that.”
 “You do, I like it.” Your eyes met again, and you nibbled your bottom lip as your heart skipped a beat.
 “You snore, I don’t like it.” His laugh was loud again, and it filled the room, it made you laugh along with him. slowly your laughter died down and the silence in the room returned.
 “Why did you leave?”
 “It was time. I came to the realization that who I was there was never the person I wanted to be; I wasn’t happy. I was happiest here and I was who I wanted to be,” he explained.
 “And who was that?”
 “The guy who drinks beer over wine, and Gin over fruity drinks, the guy with a truck rather than a Mercedes, someone who put family above all else and who looked in the mirror and felt good enough and happy to be who he is. The guy who prefers whole in the wall bars over sky top restaurants and bars that have more drinks on the menu that sound like they’re foreign countries as opposed to drinks. I’m the down to earth man who still had a drawer full of butterscotch, who loves fresh snow and eats more than his weight. The man who--.”
 “Would barge into a dark alley to save the rich princess at the drop of a hat, the guy who laughs with everything in him and whose smiles come all the way up to his eyes, the guy who sucks at Uno and can say every word to Ice Cube’s Do It. the man who has a carved out spot for him in a bookcase at the library right next to books about the meaning of life and other deep philosophical topics, the man who would fight off two muggers without a care of getting severely injured just to keep a woman safe. The guy who would open his home to a complete stranger, one he didn’t like and ridiculed not even eight hours ago. The man who is a pretty damn good architect, but an even better contractor, the man who never needs to prove himself to anyone about his worth. The kind, chivalrous, valiant, fun, giving, hilarious, patient, adventurous, sweet, guy?”
 His smile was soft as he stared at you. Every word you spoke his chest felt tighter and tighter. You saw him, really saw him. saw him better than anyone. Six hours and you’d just made the last six years of his life seem like a complete waste of time.
 “I never said I didn’t like you.”
 “Oh no? So you’re an asshole to everyone you like?” His jaw dropped.
 “Asshole? Really?” You nodded.
 “Calm down, you’re the nicest asshole anyone could ever meet.” He laughed again and smiled at you.
 “I see you too fancy face.”
 “What do you see?”
 “The woman who wants to belong and is trying to force it where she doesn’t. A woman who doesn’t realizes she has a voice and that voice is incredibly strong and powerful. A woman who while boring by her definition actually can be the life of the party if she only allowed herself. A woman who is so damn smart she could do anything she set her mind to. A woman who though sheltered is not naive, though guarded is able to trust, though completely blind can see. A woman who is so brave but can’t see it, who is such a badass she can mace one perp then tazer another unconscious and in the same breath remember to apply pressure to a wound. A woman who has such a big heart that she is willing to worry and care about a complete stranger. A woman who lingers close to practicality more times than not because she is afraid of taking a chance. The woman who I’ve found after careful research is good at everything we’ve done. Dancing, eating, drinking, being a hero, a nurse, you name it. The funny, perplexing, sweet, fun, adventurous, giving, compassionate, gorgeous, oxymoron of a woman.”
 Tears filled your eyes on the verge of spilling over. He didn’t want you to go. He wanted you to stay with him, consequences be damned. He watched them fall and you looked away and sniffled.
 “Goddamn it. You’re supposed to be convincing me to go.”
 “I know.”
 “You suck at this.” You wiped at the tears. He slid down to where you were in the bed and pulled you close.
 “I do. I don’t want to convince you to go. I want you to stay, right here.” You searched his eyes trying to understand what he meant.
 “You don’t mean that.”
 “I do. I really mean it. I mean it more than I’ve meant anything I’ve said in the last few years,” he admitted.
 “This is—no, you know nothing about me. We’ve known each other six hours.”
 “Technically, we can call it two days. This has been the best two days I’ve had in a long time. Tell me you don’t agree.”
 “I—I--, of course, I agree. It’s been great,” you agreed.
 “See, so funny people say you can fall in love at first sight. My grandparents met, fell in love and got married in the span of a month. Their story was always a fairytale to me and my siblings. It was a different time then, of course it was possibly possible. Not likely in these times but I stand corrected. I’ve felt things for you in the last two days, let along those six hours that I have never felt for anyone else ever. That scares the shit out of because it’s insane. It’s insane to think your life is fine then bam you meet someone, and they show you that your life was never fine it just was and they now make your life better. It’s insane but it doesn’t make it any less true. That is how I felt when I looked into your eyes in that alley and every hour since I’ve just--,” he paused. He knew he was rambling, he did it all the time when he was nervous or scared.
 “I—when I walked into that bar I was convinced that love was bullshit, it was some tragic thing there to make a fool of us and trick us into seeing what isn’t there. I was sure I’d never known it, and that I’d never be able to feel it. Now, here with you, I’m sure that I’ve never known it because—I’ve never felt this way before.”
 You crashed your lips to his and took charge of the kiss. As you kissed him you rolled onto him and quickly pushed off the pants he wore along with the shirt you wore and began the dance of lovers. The two of you rolled around the bed panting and moaning the names you’d used for each other the entire time. Once the bed became boring you came together on the floor perched against the mattress. Then again against the window with the backdrop of the winter wonderland of Boston behind you.
 By the time the two of you came up for air, it was once again night. Seeing him sleeping beside you made you smile. As you softly trailed your finger across his lip and down his chest pressing every curve and muscle to memory you got out the bed and quietly made your way to the living room where your purse was. You took it with you to the kitchen island, got a bottle of beer out the fridge and stared at your turned off phone. It had been almost three days. You knew the shit was hitting the fan and they were probably worried sick.
 At this very moment, you had no doubt there was a plan in place to either find you or carry on as scheduled. Your mother being the perfect socialite she was always kept the showing moving even when the wheels fell off. You were the wheels in this particular show. You being AWOL was a nuisance for her no doubt but in no way was it an impasse. After taking a heavy gulp of the beer you turned your phone back on and drank some more as it powered up.
 As soon as it got to your home screen it started going off with notification after notification. Quickly you grabbed it and turned the sound off and watched as message after message came in. You set the phone down and continued drinking. Five minutes later alerts were still coming in. After ten minutes all was still so you picked it up and saw over seventy messages, the same amount of texts and several emails. You groaned and finished the beer in one breath. Randomly you picked one of the voicemails to listen to. The sound of your father’s voice came on.
 “Princess, it’s dad. I’ve always played devil’s advocate with you, or should I say mother’s advocate. Right now, I don’t want to do that. Right now, I want to play dad. I know that the last few months have been a lot. I know it’s been hectic with work, the business, this impending merger and all that entails, and I know we haven’t had a lot of time to sit and talk and maybe that’s why you just picked up and ran. You probably felt alone. For that, I’m sorry, princess. I never want you to feel that way but running away is not the answer. You know that deep down. So, come on home. We all miss you and love you.”
 You sighed and closed your eyes and picked another message. This time your mother’s voice shrilled over the line.
 “Y/N, is this how you treat your mother? I carried you for nine months, spent twenty hours in labor, sacrificed so much for you, not including my breasts that will never be the same again. I have given you everything. This is how you repay me? Good lord, Y/N, you are behaving like a child. An impudent child. You cannot afford to behave this way. You have obligations, responsibilities. Things are expected of you, things have been laid out for you, planned and those things have to be upheld. Think of me, think of your father, think of the business and your standing in society. Get back here before this silly little rebellion costs you and everyone else a great deal. Do not embarrass me!”
 Dropping your head to the counter you groaned. While your head was down you tried to think about everything, the last two days included. It was a lot. You were quickly running out of time.
 “Hey fancy face.” you jumped and slammed your phone down onto the face in time to feel his arms wrap around you and his lips kiss your shoulder.
 “You okay?”
 “Yeah just, came for a beer,” you informed. His eyes landed on your phone.
 “And for a dose of reality.” You shrugged.
 “What can I say, I’m a sucker for torture.”
 “If that’s’ your thing I have some ideas on kink.” You smiled and turned to him and kissed him hoping to distract you both from the fancy android on the counter. He kissed you back and moaned on you, a moan you echoed.
 “Mmm, you’re naked.” His smile was wide.
 “So I am. Plan on taking advantage of it?” you smiled and kissed him once more.
 “Maybe, I’m gonna use the bathroom, but meet me in the bedroom in two minutes we should definitely talk about those kinky ideas you have.” He smiled again and you slinked around him hurrying to the bathroom.
 He smiled and walked to the fridge for a beer of his own. As he stood there and drank from it he rested his hand on the counter but knocked over your purse onto the floor. The contents spilled out before him. He bent down and retrieved each item he saw and marveled that you could hold so many things in one bag. Perfume, four different shades of lipstick, a mirror, mascara, hand sanitizer, tampons, painkillers, birth control, and a slender wallet. When his eyes saw the glint of a jewel to the left he peered around the island and underneath one of the stools his heart stopped at what he saw.
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best-of-jin · 8 years
On the wrong side of the bed?
I see an interesting prompt and am currently locked at home being supervised, so what do I do? Naturally, rebel and instead of doing my studies I write this short oneshot.
Taejin (Taehyung x Seokjin)
Slight bonus of Jinmon (Jimin x Namjoon)
Oneshot Prompt Is Here
KEEP READING TAB IS BELOW THIS TEXT (For some reason it doesn’t show up on mobile please try the browser.)
Italics is all a flashback
Kim Seokjin immediately knows something is wrong when he wakes up on the left side of the bed. The bed that wasn’t even his own. The bed that wasn’t even his own that was occupied by two people. A scream ripples in his throat but dies out when he sees that the stranger beside him is still asleep. Moaning softly at the headache, Seokjin looks down horrified to see that he doesn’t have anything but his boxers on. One word comes to mind. Shit. Then another. Taehyung. The next thing that comes to hit him like a wave is the guilt, because god knows that mass of red hair on that pillow next to him is not his beautiful, doe-eyed, innocent, soft brunette boyfriend.
“I’m going to kill Kim Namjoon,” Seokjin breaths, his mind involuntarily flashing back to last night.
“This is a bad idea,” Seokjin muttered as the bouncers easily let him in after simply looking at his face. Namjoon got a full rundown, but they didn’t need to go past his neck with Seokjin, his face was enough to earn a pass. (Namjoon always said it was unfair and ranted about a world where people saw what was truly on the inside and didn’t judge based solely on outer appearance. While Seokjin would agree in any other circumstance, he reminds Namjoon that the idea pretty much got rid of the whole point of having a bouncer at a club)
“Hyung. When have I, genius Kim Namjoon, ever had a bad idea?”
“Hummm the ‘let’s try to buy a star and name it ‘Suga’ using my roommate Yoongi’s credit card idea?’ Or the ‘let’s heat cereal and milk to see if it can make an edible soup but burn the microwave instead’ idea, how about?”
“Okay!” Namjoon stops his friend from spewing embarrassing stories and shoves him deeper into the club. “Those were pretty bad, but this idea is fine. Trust me. We’ll just try out this place, okay?”
Seokjin sits heavily on the bar stool and sighs, ordering a beer to start off. Namjoon grins and looks to the dance floor, eyeing potential people he could try his cheeky grin and philosophical pick up lines on.
Meanwhile Kim Taehyung was so ready to book it for the library when Park Jimin, his best friend (read: mortal enemy apparently), practically shoves him into the doors earning an unattractive ‘ooof’ from the student.
“Come on! We have to test how well your new hair will work!” Jimin urges, dragging the reluctant student with him. Taehyung fingers some of the strands that are directly falling into his eyes and shakes his head.
“I don’t need to test anything out I know Jinnie will be surprised, he’ll love it. He’s been trying to coax me into red hair for a whole month and I’ve been trying to act indifferent.”
Jimin blew some air through his mouth and claimed that explained nothing. Taehyung, annoyed, yanks his arm out of Jimin’s grip and decides to walk with his own will, “Face it Jimin. You just want to test out this new club and didn’t want to come alone.”
Jimin grins, and Taehyung swears he sees an evil glint behind those eyes, “However did you know, friend?”
“I knew it!” Taehyung shrieks through the loud pop music, “I can’t believe you.” He plops himself down on a bar stool at the end of the long counter as Jimin doesn’t even give him a chance to say anything more. The enthusiastic Contemporary Dance major confidently struts towards the dance floor looking for a possible romantic interest while Taehyung scoffs, “Why ask me here in the first place if you were going to just leave me alone?!”
Although Taehyung and Seokjin both start seeing double the two adamantly tell the weary bartender they’re not drunk.
“It’s okay Zero?!” Seokjin squints at the blurry nametag and nods, affirming his (wrong) answer, “Zero-sshi, I’m f-f-ine.”
“Y-y-eah I’m good!” Taehyung chips in, “I’m fine, Zeid-sshi.” He too, leans in and practically touches the nameplate, still managing to mix up the letters.
Zelo shakes his head, tired of even correcting the two of them who have somehow moved to converge into the middle of his counter. The next time they both order something, Zelo gives them water and smirks as they sip it slowly, humming in approval of the cold taste. Taehyung asks what kind of vodka it is and Zelo almost fails to stiffle his laugh, “It’s the good kind. From the tap.”
Seokjin swivels his head over and all he, frankly, really sees is a mess of bright red, like a stop sign. Interesting. “And what might your name be?” Seokjin asks, not even really understanding who he was asking.
“Humm?” Taehyung frowns up at the blob in front of him, a very attractive male is sitting besides him making Taehyung jump a little in wonderment. “Prince,” he whispers, feeling like he’s seen those exact beautifully softly blurred features somewhere before.
“Your name is Prince?” Seokjin asks, amused and immediately attracted to the deep voice that answered from his left.
“No,” Taehyung quickly answers, before grinning to himself shyly, “but I think yours could be.”
Seokjin snickers, but inside he rolls with happiness. He wants to get a look at this person better but a lack of his glasses/contacts and the alcohol is blurring his vision. Slipping out his phone, Seokjin quickly snaps a picture, a really close up and personal-space-evading, no-way-it-looks-good picture of Taehyung who hiccups with surprise. Focusing closly on his phone screen Seokjin finally grins, he was cute and a tad bit familiar. Nonetheless his voice and blank stare made Seokjin’s mind go even hazier with a warmth that spread through his chest.
“Wanna go upstairs? They have these rooms, I bet it’s quieter.”
Taehyung wordlessly hums, following Seokjin up the stairs. He needed a break from the loud lower levels of the club. (Both of them tackle the stairs, tripping multiple times and apologizing to the wooden railing for causing it trouble.) They close the door to one of the rental rooms and immediately the lack of loud, headache inducing, pounding music shakes them a little.
Taehyung panics slightly as he hears the lock click behind him and the stranger kick his shoes off. “Err... I have to go home. My boyfriend’s waiting.”
Seokjin pouts, but a snippet of information in the back of his head rushes forward like something pulled suddenly out of the water, breaking a calm surface. “Me too.”
The two of them slip out their phones.
Calling Jjinnie <3 ........
Calling Taetae <3 ........
“I’m sorry, but the person you are trying to reach is unavailable.....”
Seokjin sighs, his breath the smell of strong liquor of many colors, whites and ambers and even bright electric blues. He swears he can see the mist coming out of his mouth, “Great... I probably drank some serum that gave me super powers.”
Taehyung gasps, “You too? I also drank something weird at the bar... I think i’m becoming the hulk!”
Seokjin whimpers, “I’ll get you home to your boyfriend really quick!”
Taehyung’s eyes spin with sudden tears that threaten to fall, “If I go ballistic and try to destroy the city... don’t hesitate to finish me off with your newly found powers.”
Seokjin sniffles at the kind hearted soul and thinks, maybe, he feels this strange attraction (not love but at the very least an instant admiration for his brave and kind soul). “I will!”
“And tell my boyfriend I loved him!” Taehyung wails, feeling the blood rushing and boiling in his veins creating the crazy green monster in his stomach.
“Of course! Now let’s start for your house!”
Seokjin supports Taehyung to the door leading outside, or so he thinks (it actually lead to the conjoined bedroom) and kicks it open. They trudge on for hours, struggling through the harsh terrain (called a tangled rug). Seokjin fears he’ll lose the kind, poor, beautiful soul in his arms but he sees the light on the other side (aka Seokjin sees the destination five feet away with the lights making the white bedsheets glow).
Collapsing in a heap, the two sigh as a cloud envelopes them. Seokjin immediately smells Taehyung’s cologne that’s rubbed into the sheets and smiles. Home at last. 
Taehyung’s already fast asleep, snoring softly. In his mind though, it’s a roar, and he rips the restraining cloths off of him. He merely leaves on his (ironically) purple boxers, finally free of all human form. This was the new him, hideous maybe but unable to control it. 
Seokjin strips out of the uncomfortable clubbing cloths that are heating him as if he were standing outside in the middle of July. Blissfully unaware that they didn’t make it home, the two fall asleep, one dreaming of ripping New York apart with the Avengers and the other dreaming of nice, cold, ice cream pops on the summer beach.
Taehyung wakes with a sudden scream, and Seokjin flat out falls off the bed. He had been trying to inch off it slowly, not wanting to wake the stranger, but it seemed when he shifted it through the other off. Lunging for his cloths, Seokjin grips his phone between his two hands and bows, “I’M SO SORRY! I DIDN’T MEAN TO WAKE YOU! I WAS JUST LEAVING WHEN-”
“AHHHHH!!!” Taehyung screams and jumps out of the bed, pulling up the covers to hide his identity, only his red hair peeking out from the top of the startling white covers. “w-we didn’t... did we?”
“N-no...” Seokjin breaths shakily, trying to recollect his memories of yesterday. He was a terrible drunk, and his habits always changed, but there was one thing that didn’t. Sometimes he got violent and fought around so Taehyung had to apply all sorts of medicine and stick cute pooh bear band-aids on him. Sometimes he got sentimental and started buying all the flowers that came in to his sight, presenting them to Taehyung and sobbing saying he’ll be a great man worthy of the younger. Taehyung would smile and press one flower from each bouquet, now he had a considerable collection. Sometimes Seokjin simply went to sleep on the spot, Taehyung had a really hard time half carrying half dragging him home on those nights. 
However, no matter how bad his drunk habits were, Seokjin wasn’t a forgetter. He always (sometimes un-thankfully) remembered what he did while drunk. That’s why he could always apologize to Taehyung for scaring him with the blood. He made up by preparing a breakfast that would immediately have Taehyung forgiving him while forcing the elder into a pinky promise that it will never happen again. His amazing aptitude at remembering was why Seokjin could be embarrassed about the greenhouse he practically turned their apartment into. Every time though, he ends up smiling because Taehyung was ecstatic in his flower crown. That same memory of his, is why Seokjin could always massage Taehyung, and baby him, and personally give him a bubble bath after remembering he made his boyfriend struggle home with his big bulky weight piggy backed on. Seokjin always remembered what happened when he was drunk, that much never changed.
“We didn’t do anything!” Seokjin confirmed, sure of it. He felt guilty for sleeping next to a stranger in only his boxers, but at least he could sit down with Taehyung and explain everything calmly. Speaking of Taehyung, Seokjin knows he’ll be worried so he quickly opens his phone and rings through. A device blares and the red-headed stranger jumps up, “Shot!” he hears the deep voice yell, panicked.
“Hello? Seokjin-hyung?”
The sound of something hard dropping makes Taehyung flinch and he tries to elect a response from the other line, “Hyung? Hyung?! What’s wrong?”
The voice is strained, but not because of bad reception. Taehyung drops the covers that was hiding his face and body in shame. Seokjin gulps as Taehyung slowly turns, fully facing him and lifting his eyes. Jaw dropping and eyes widening, Taehyung’s face quickly mirrors Seokjin as he drops his own device onto the bed. “Seokjin?”
The two sit, fully clothed in the stuff they went out in yesterday. Taehyung had the scarf that Seokjin distinctly remembers tying around his boyfriend when he said he’d go meet Park Jimin. Seokjin was wearing the shirt that Taehyung had hummed while picking out yesterday morning when he heard Seokjin say he had a plan to go somewhere with Namjoon.
“Here’s your coffee!” The waitress cheerily puts down two mugs and some muffins. Taehyung stiffens a little as Seokjin sighs. “Here, your fork.” Gently, Seokjin cuts a side off of the blueberry muffin, Taehyung’s favorite breakfast, and gives it to Taehyung.
“Thank you.”
After some awkward stiffling, Seokjin finally giggles. Taehyung stares at him funny before finding himself unconditionally smiling. Seokjin’s giggle always made everything instantly better. It was easily Taehyung’s most favorite sound. “What? What’s so funny Hyung?”
Seokjin just sighed, calming a little. One peek at Taehyung however, sends him back into a fit of giggles. They soon turn louder, into squeaky laughing and Taehyung can’t help but chuckle. “What?”
“I’m just glad,” Seokjin hums, finally. He reaches over and wipes a crumb off of Taehyung’s face immediately bringing his thumb into his own mouth and quickly licking it. No matter how many times Seokjin did that, Taehyung always blushed. “Glad?”
Seokjin nods, “Yeah. I’m so glad and relieved I didn’t actually sleep with a stranger.”
Taehyung immediately nods, “Yeah. Me too.”
Seokjin nodded. He remembered their conversation from last night. “You told me you had a boyfriend. I told you that also, do you remember?”
Taehyung’s mind goes a little blank and he pulls out his phone. He slightly remembers calling Seokjin but nobody picking up. The two bring out their matching phones to check the logs and burst out into another fit of laughter. This time they laugh until Taehyung’s coughing, Seokjin’s wiping tears, and they’re both out of breath.
“I can’t believe we didn’t pick up because we were both busy calling each other!” Taehyung shouts, Seokjin just slaps the table harder, unable to calm himself.
“At least we’re both hella faithful,’ Seokjin cackles and Taehyung grins.
Seokjin raises an eyebrow before his eyes spark and he’s rolling over again. Taehyung, confused and wonder what he’s said, looks at his boyfriend. “What is it this time?”
“Y-you... that avengers reference....” Seokjin can’t stop this time and Taehyung finishes the chocolate muffin in spite, hoping his boyfriend would cue him in on what’s so funny. Seokjin should be annoyed that Taehyung ate the whole muffin but he lets it slide, ready to tell his story... “You know you....”
Namjoon actually screams and Park Jimin jumps awake ready to fight.
“What the?!!!”
Jimin looks down at his bare body and yelps, “Y-you! Kim Namjoon?! The Engineer student?!” Jimin wonders how drunk he must have been to allow himself to end up in bed with Taehyung’s boyfriend’s best friend whom he’s only met 3 times (and not in a very good manner either).
“Park Jimin? The brat?!” Namjoon adjusts his glasses that had been carelessly splayed out on the floor. Jimin scoffs muttering under his breath and saying he couldn’t believe Namjoon was let in to the new club looking like a book nerd.
“You know what I can’t believe? I can’t believe a bumbling dummby like you who spilled coffee on my precious physics textbook understood my eloquent words.”
Jimin slips on his boxers and raises an eyebrow, opening his mouth wide. “HAAA???? What are you talking about?!”
Namjoon rolled his eyes and checked, glad to see he (at least) had his ryan boxers on. “I said I can’t believe my pick-up line actually worked on you. How the hell did you understand what ‘do you want to make a fragile human connection in the vast and unfeeling infinity of a chaotic universe’ meant?”
Jimin just waved his hand airily, grunting as he struggled to get the thight jeans he borrowed from Taehyung to fit into his muscled thighs. Namjoon narrowed his eyes, he had a suspicion that Jimin in fact did not understand his pick up line at all.
“What I really can’t believe is that I slept with a dance monster! The shame I’m going to get from Hoseok and Jungkook.... I’d like to know how you can talk about what a  ‘fragile human connection’ is when you can’t even connect your one movement to another!”
Namjoon flushes greatly and his husky morning voice raises slightly in protest, making Jimin gulp at the tone. Maybe he really didn’t fall for the pick up line, maybe it was that deep, resonating, baritone voice. Namjoon, likewise, tries not to swallow too obviously while staring at the contemporary dancer get dressed. His body had a different line about it, something that was alluringly unique. Jimin’s every fluid motion differed greatly from his own clumsy antics, something about the younger was classy. Sophisticated and prim. 
“Well?” Jimin asks, flushing while pulling on a hoodie, “Are you going to buy me breakfast after getting dressed, or what?”
“Huh?” Namjoon asks, pulling on his jeans in a rushed manner. Jimin doesn’t repeat what he said earlier, but he doesn’t make a move to leave first so Namjoon clears his throat, “right! Breakfast.”
Kim Seokjin immediately knows everything is perfect because he’s on the right side of the bed. Their bed. In their apartment. Taehyung’s cradled to his left, his head resting on Seokjin’s chest. His very red hair, by the way.The red hair that Seokjin squealed at, took pictures of, posted all over every social media about, and squaled at some more.
“Now that I think about it... how come you didn’t tell me you changed your hair? It might have saved a lot of confusion this morning.”
Taehyung hummed, eyes glued to the screen and purring slightly whenever Seokjin would softly rake his nails slowly across his scalp. “I wanted to surprise you,” Taehyung peers up at Seokjin, his eyes twinkling mischievously, “You know I love doing that.”
Seokjin kisses Taehyung’s forehead and grins, “Yeah. Yeah you do, Mr. Hulk.”
“Hey!” Taehyung flushes embarrassed and lightly hits Seokjin’s broad chest, “Whatever Mr. Super Powers, now shut up! Captain America’s about to say something important.”
Seokjin just laughs, glad he could be on the right side of the bed, with his beautiful, doe-eyed, innocent, soft red-headed boyfriend, Kim Taehyung.
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