Work It Off || Keith+Derek
Outside Jameson’s Garage | Mid-Morning
Patched up but still sore, Keith stood outside of Jameson’s garage. He was the only tow truck in the town, and Keith knew his bike would be here after Lexi had called to have it pulled from the accident. In the slew of poor decisions that Keith made on a regular basis, he knew this had been one of the worst. Whatever had made him think it was okay to get on that bike while drunk was al all time bone-head move. After he had gotten a clear head at the hospital it really hit Keith. He could have really hurt someone. All he ended up hurting was himself, which was fine -- it was a good reminder. But he could have hurt someone else, and that unnerved Keith. Not enough to do anything productive or healthy about, but he knew he wouldn’t be getting back on the bike drunk again.
Groaning, he scrubbed his fingers through his hair, mentally and emotionally prepping himself for the ass chewing he would get from Derek. The two didn’t know each other very well, but their last encounter Keith had promised he would take care of the bike and he wrecked it instead. Hoping that it was mostly cosmetic damage, as he hadn’t actually run into anything, just narrowly missed Lexi’s car, he walked into the shop.
He had no idea how he was going to fix the mess. He was now without a job since Mikey’s burned down, and was still paying off his tickets from the Fuck the Curfew party that Jackson had burdened him with. It was a long shot, but Keith had to try. “Hey,” Keith said sheepishly, looking down at his shoes. “I was wondering how my bike was. I didn’t get a good look at it...after I went to the hospital.”
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