#AToD Work It Off
Oh, hey. Here’s another ATOD review no one asked for 💁‍♀️
Y’all have some MIXED reviews on this set… Let me prefs this post by saying, this is the first and only book set I have read. I finished all 5 books in about 2 months- which is a big deal to me. I just wanted to give MY opinion on this series for anyone considering to start 🤗
This set has 2 parts:
Persephone’s POV (ATOD, ATOR, ATOM)
Hades POV (GOF + GOR)
(the series IS NOT finished, so more to come!)
It’s best to read them in between each other; I did not do that and had to go backwards.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ // 5
🌶️🌶️🌶️ // 5
Fave book // A Touch of Malice
This book is strictly a modern day story about Hades x Persephone, how they met, fell in love, and fight for their relationship. Many reviews I’ve seen have been disappointed at the lack of connection/growth in secondary characters- such as Hermes, Apollo, Sybil, Aphrodite, etc. While I would love to read a full book on Hermes, that is not what this story is about (I want to say Scarlett St. Claire is working on writing more books on the Divine😆)
I’ve realized a lot of people find Persephone to be annoying, childish, reactive, and impulsive. While I hear you (and felt that way in the 1.5 books), we gotta giver her *some* slack. To me, A Touch of Darkness is really a “coming of age” adult plot. Is it even fair to compare a 22 year old woman who was kept captive by her mother her whole life, only having a chance in the real world for a few years, to a God who’s lived many millennia? I admit, some of her actions in the first few books pissed me off, but I personally think she gained some major growth by ATOM.
Lastly, whoever has a problem with “too many s🥵x scenes” can get f🌶️cked. Literally. 🤣 Okay, yea there were probably a few “unneeded” interactions, a few copy-paste positions, but truly, I think it got a lot better in variation + meaning by the last book imo. But girl, don’t tell me if you had an opportunity with HADES, you wouldn’t jump on that thang for dayyyyys???
Anywho, that’s my ✌️cents. I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this series and leave some recs for me ⬇️
CR: King of Battle and Blood- not in love with it so far, but hoping it grows on me?
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pika2482 · 9 months
ATOD 12-16-2023 - Ect. (Nick Lutsko)
[All albums are rated subjectively based off my own enjoyment]
A few days ago I reviewed Swords by the same artist. While I feel that this album is Objectively worse (less of an overall theme, more "collection of songs"), this is my album review thread, and I make the rules. Ect. felt much more my Genre than Swords; Much more up beat, and more drive in the instrumentals.
Cherry Red Medicine opened the album with a popping Southern-Blues-Rock instrumental that could have been ripped right out of a Kansas album, followed by some good 'ol fassioned Americana in Okay. Predator changed things up with a much funkier groove, followed by the highlight of the album:
All Shook Up.
Holy Shit WHAT a Highlight it is. Catchy ass guitar licks, a blazing solo, an instrumental section with enough drive to get me to OKC and Back on a tank of gas, and one of the most addicting choruses I've ever found myself belting on my way to work. This song found it's way onto my top 50 of all time and I'm not sure it's going anywhere for a loooong while. Good Shit Nick!
Moving to the back half, Dreaming of Medusa is a fine enough acoustic track, Geranium Thief felt far too off kilter for my tastes, By & By nailed the "Cool Guy" vibes (I'm hearing some "Software" in this), Beautiful was just alright, Uncle Stacy was very Down Tempo Bluesy with some accapelic percussive elements, and Rememeber Me and Morning Star closing out the album with heavy elements of Southern Rock, with Remember Me leaning a little more toward Americana than Morning Star.
Overall a very good listen. As stated earlier it felt less of an cohesive experience than a collection of songs, but I enjoyed this collection quite a lot! I can see myself jamming to these when they come up in shuffle.
Favorite Songs: All Shook Up, By & By, Cherry Red Medicine
Least Favorite Songs: Geranium Thief, Beautiful
Important Note: All Shook Up has a nice seat on my Top 50 playlist. I Need more songs like this man.
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magicalserendipity · 4 years
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WELCOME BACK TO LAMPLIGHT LOUNGE! MY HAPPY PLACE FOR DRINKS AND LOBSTER NACHOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to give y’all the lowdown how get a reservation if you weren’t able to get them when they dropped! ⠀ ⠀ 🐚- Come to the parks early if you can. I suggest not parking at Mickey and Friends if you want to try and dine here early. Patrick dropped me off at Harbor early today to just try and get seats for Lamplight. The parks for ATOD open at 11:30AM so people are already going in.⠀ ⠀ 🌊- Lamplight Lounge took the first 10-12 groups at the walk-in reservation first thing in the morning until they open the Virtual Wait at 12PM. ⠀ ⠀ 🏝- Unfortunately, the Virtual Wait didn’t open at 12 but opened 20 mins after at 12:20 and filled up FAST! When it becomes unavailable again, you’ll have to check back all day and see if there spot opens. ⠀ ⠀ 🦞- When we got our reservation, it took about two hours to be called back even though it was posted at a 60 Minute Wait! So plan accordingly. Come hungry if you can! ⠀ ⠀ 🥙- The Lobster Nachos is very much available but don’t forget that you can also get Steak, Chicken, or even Barbacoa Nachos! The menu is limited so I suggest looking beforehand if you really want to dine here. ⠀ ⠀ 💳- Your ATOD Dining Card is absolutely valid here! But it doesn’t work on alcohol. Only food and non-alcoholic beverages can be paid with your Dining Card!⠀ ⠀ I hope that helps! All of this can change by the time you go. Everyone is still figuring things out and how to navigate them. But have fun and enjoy yourself! Be safe and stay hydrated! 🥺✨🦋💜💕 (at Lamplight Lounge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMoHkrNgtnO/?igshid=s9bp8765pa86
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Day 23 - “You Play Piano So Well” - Boardwalk Boys
Sorry for not posting the last like 10 ish i think for may. Was kinda busy being depressed and not writing the past 2 days for pride. Sorry
tw none
Michael was fairly open and didn't tend to hide things from people. Especially his boyfriends. There were certain things that he did hide though. Like his skills with piano. He didn't know why he hid his piano skills. He had written two songs though. That he knew full damned well why he hid that.
They'd laugh and/or say it was stupid.
Or at least that's what his anxiety was telling him.
The first song he wrote the words with Jeremy during their freshman year. It was in mockery of how everyone thought they were gay for each other. (It ended up being true but Jeremy was still hooked up on Christine at the time. ) He swore the damned song had "No Homo" in it like 50 times. He just pretended to not understand how music worked so they just had the words. Later he added an instrumental and actually added notes for the words.
He thought it was a fairly good song. He called it "The Bro Duet".
Then he wrote a song based on the stupid cult chant thing they used he and Jeremy used to say literally every time they went to go play ATOD. It was sorta like their driving force. He wrote it around the time the 4 of them had gotten together after Jake and Rich pointed out how the chant was kinda cult-like. He also chose to make it as gay as possible without it actually being gay. That one he called Two-Player Game because he just wanted to call it Two-Player Gay in his head.
When he was really bored he would just play the songs he wrote and just kinda vibe. He always made a note to just not play around the time any of his boyfriends were supposed to be coming over.
ExCePt FoR oNe FaTeFuL dAy...
The bois had gone to Michael's house for a surprise visit just because. As usual, they met up at the fount door, argued about who was gonna open it (Rich did), and then exchange the usual pleasantries with Kathrine and Anna (aka Michael's moms). In which Anna said to let them know if they were going to have a four-way so they could leave because Jeremy was loud as fuck and to use protection. Jake proceeded to ensure they weren't, Rich laughed at Jeremy, and Jeremy looked like he wanted to crawl into the floor and die.
As the three went downstairs to the basement they noticed the severe lack of video game noises and turned around and went up to Michael's room. Someone was playing a piano and singing.
"Who is that?" Rich whispered, which was a shocker, Richard Goranski didn't whisper unless it was smoft times or someone just had a panic attack.
Jeremy went pale. "Jere, honey, don't worry it should be fine," Jake assured even though he was kinda concerned as well.
"It's just what we do! We make it a two-player game!" The person called through the door. It was a song none of them had heard before.
"Find the bad guy push 'em aside! Then move on forward with your friend at your side!"
"The cult chant..." Jeremy whispered. It still not clicking that it was Michael to any of them.
"It's a two-player game so when they make an attack," the line was interpreted by a bit of instrumental "You know you got a brother gonna have your back! Then you stay on track and- AH! Remain on course. And if they give you a smack you- GAH! You use your force. And if you leave your brother behind it's lame 'cause it's an effed up world but its a two-player game hey!"
It slowly started clicking that it was Michael singing and probably playing the piano as well. Then it clicked that he wrote a song using the cult chant.
"Two-player game!"
"Babe I think he wrote a song using your chant thing," Rich was still whispering
"He's good," Jake replied.
"Two-player game!"
Jeremy was feeling emotions. Mostly guilt over the SQUIP thing again. He was Michael's player two and then he ditched him for Japanese AI.
"Ok but that was really good" was the general consensus amongst the boys.
Jeremy opened the door to see a keyboard that he didn't know Michael owned along with a rather shocked Michael who, after he realized that all three of his boyfriends were standing there, looked like he wanted to die.
"How long have you three been standing there?"
"Just long enough to hear the end."
"I can explain!" Michael's mind was running with potential excuses.
Jake, Jeremy, and Rich stood there waiting. In that moment Michael decide against making up some story.
"So I wrote a song called Two-Player Game based on the cult chant," He looked up at them "and I can play piano. Never told you because..." he mumbled the last bit
A semi-awkward silence fell over the room. Rich was the first to break it.
"What? I couldn't hear the last bit."
Michael looked off into a corner. "I thought you would think it was weird or something."
Michael's gaze into the corner intensified as the others looked at each other and then at Michael a few times.
Rich scoffed. "Gotta be one of the stupidest things you've said in a while."
Jake glared at Rich and Jeremy kicked his shin. "Ok rude. That hurt." Michael laughed a little bit.
The J's approach was much gentler than Rich's with "We would never judge you" and "You play piano so well".
Michael smiled. "Well I did write an instrumental and added the musical part to the lyrics of a song that I wrote with Jere freshman year?"
"That thing that had no homo a bunch of times?"
Jake and Rich looked at each other. "What?"
"Just let me play the thing and we shall explain if there are questions."
The opening notes to The Bro Duet started to play.
Vividly remember ating this prompt.
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I'm really sorry to bother you but I'm scared and I don't know where else to go. I'm a danger to myself, I keep overdosing on various pills and I can't stop thinking about hurting myself. I was hospitalised at the end of last year and spent 6 weeks in the psychiatric ward but things are getting bad again but I don't want to be put away again and my ED is making a return I can't stop making myself throw up and I'm just really lost and scared I don't know why I'm like this
I can see you are looking for direction, or at least validation that what you think is the next step, is the right course of action. You cannot ignore what is going on, and you know that too or you would not be seeking assistance from someone else.
You need to go straight to your doctor, and tell them what is happening.Or a counselor, if you have one assigned to you/any ongoing mental health support, now would be the time to make an urgent appointment. Do it. 
Take a support person you trust, and if you feel that it will be too hard to say what is happening, write down everything and give the doctor the letter/list/paper.
- - -
The reality is you may require hospitalisation again, and that’s okay. You need to tell yourself that that is a thing that may happen, and it is a necessary step towards getting back to who you were before this.
Look at the plain fact you have told me:>you are overdosing>your ed is flaring up and exacerbating the issue>you are damaging yourself through continuous induced vomiting, hich you say is compulsive>you stated you are experiencing severe suicidal ideation/self harm>you are scared of all of this and want to change the situation for the better.
Why is this happening?>Only through exploration of your psychosocial circumstances over a period of several sessions can a trained professional help you work that out. It could be anything, from extreme distress, to hormonal imbalance/mental health concerns, through to repressed trauma. Everyone is different, every individual has a reason; biological, environmental, social, mental, physical, psychosocial, physiological, or any combination.
>You need professional support to explore this, and ascertain both what has triggered this, and how to resolve it. Which may take some time, but all recovery does. 
>You need personal support, emotional support, and someone who is on your side but non-judgmental. For some people they have a family member or friend who can fill this role of support person, but fr others they prefer a slightly more impartial person such as their counselor or psychiatrist. 
The most important thing is seeking assistance from a primary healthcare professional, such as your doctor. 
But if you require further support to make that step, or more resources, here are a handful of organisations who can give you a more personalised, anonymous, degree of support. Some can even help you make an action plan and schedule in to speak with you again, to check how you are going.
>Lifeline  - Ph: 13 11 14They have a Crisis Online Chat, a 24hr phoneline, and specific resources for men, women, young people, indigenous persons, poc, parents and the elderly. They also have additional resources for your specific needs under their Resources tab.
>United Synergies the main website has links to various other help organisations that specialise in mental health, youth, homelessness, suicide prevention, homelessness, and other topics.>>United Synergies: Standby Suicide Callback Service - Ph: 1300 659 467Suicide Prevention & Support Service.  Online Text & Video Chat counselling services available. For people who have experienced suicidal ideation, attempts, suicide in their social circle; for information, advice, assistance and counselling, and resource provision. They can plan to make contact regularly, if you need it. 
>Kids Helpline (Youth & Young Adult 13-25yrs) - Ph: 1800 55 180024hr phoneline, online crisis chat & email counselling is available. Trained counselors can listen and provide you with resources, and/or support.
>BeyondBlue - Ph: 1300 22 4636Online Chat & Email Counselling available, as well as 24hr confidential phoneline. Specialise in providing counseling for depression, anxiety and suicide related issues, concerns, and sufferers. 
>Alcohol & Drug Information Service (ADIS) - Ph: 1800 177 833This line can can provide information, advice, counselling, and referrals to a service in your area that will meet your needs.[Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Services (ATODS) can be accessed through this line.]
>Eating Disorder Helpline: Butterfly National Helpline (Ph: 1800 33 4673)Also has email and online chat counselling available. 
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If you are in immediate danger, if you take pills or feel like this is the moment you need to no longer exist, call 000 (or your country’s equivalent) for immediate emergency assistance.- - - 
In short the plan is simple, and you need to do this in order to protect yourself.
Step 1 (Optional): Find a friend or family member, someone you trust and know will be supportive and/or non-judgmental. Tell them that you need their help, their support, and if you can tell them what is happening. You can also do this in letter form if you wish.
Step 2: If Step 1 is not an option for you, then choose one or more of the above services and make contact in whichever way you feel most comfortable. I believe all the above have both verbal and non-verbal methods of counseling, which should allow you to express yourself in the way that is easiest for you. As some people experience heightened anxiety from talking on the phone, or talking about personal issues.It would be beneficial to you, even if you do have a support person, as the trained counselors on the other end of the phonelines/chat/emails will have experience in helping people in similar situations through difficult times, and can provide situation-specific resources for you. 
Please consider calling at least one of the provided organisations above.
Step 3: Create an appointment with your preferred healthcare professional. If you do not have a doctor, sometimes it is best to go to the hospital directly and tell them what is happening in length. The more detail they have, the more they can help you, or provide accurate care.>Hospitals also have mental health departments and social workers who can help you with a full spectrum of your circumstances.
If the idea of making the appointment is stressful, you can ask your support person to make it for you and/or attend the appointment with you. That is the role of a support person.
As said before, if you feel more comfortable writing out your situation (as you have in this ask) and providing the letter to your doctor or healthcare practitioner instead, you do it. It doesn’t have to be a final-edit novelisation, it just has to be a statement of the facts with your feelings interjected.E.g. “I need your help, but I am not sure how to say it, therefore I have written it down. I am scared for myself, because of the actions I have taken recently. I cannot stop trying to hurt myself, through taking large assortments of pills (specify if you wish), and making myself throw up. The idea of my ed returning is causing me stress. Consistent throwing up has (list any physical side effects such as weakness, mouth pain, etc.). I am afraid of being rehospitalised for this; and it has made it hard to seek help directly. At the moment I have told (name anyone directly involved like your support person) and/or contacted (any agency you have spoken with), who have helped me to come and see you today.”
Because it gives them an overview of your situation. What has happened, who is involved, your personal feelings, and where they can support you most.If you have been given any medications/been taken off any medication recently; or have been taking any additional substances (self medicating), please let them know. This can change the diagnosis slightly.
And if there has been a significant event or stressor this is related to, please let them know. 
Step 4: Understand that you may need to go to hospital, and prepare for it.What do you need to feel calm, what can you do to destress or decrease the anxiety associated with this situation?Otherwise, adhere to any plan you make with your doctor or further specialist/mental health physician. Including continued contact, medications, and/or hospital stays or assessments. 
Use your support person, let them know if things are going well or not. Have a codeword or a plan for if you feel things are too much and you need immediate assistance.
E.g. If you text them, “Rainclouds” covertly, they need to call you and check how you’re doing/call to talk you into calling one of the above organisations (or your specified mental health professional). Or if you send them, “Chasm” it means you feel the need to hurt yourself, and they should call for emergency medical help immediately. Ambulance officers can respond to patients in distress who are experiencing suicidal ideation, and determine if you are safe. It is better safe than sorry. 
Have a plan.
Also, use the organisations. Even if your support person is the closest person to you, if they are not trained in providing mental first aid or dealing with stressful situations, then it may be difficult for them too. They can also talk to any of the above organisations about their feelings on the situation; which will avoid tension and burnout in both of you.
Understand that you may not feel better for a while. And Relapses happen. But the more you persevere, the more likely it is that this can resolve and recovery will be in you grasp.
>If any medication you are given is having significant side effects (physical, mental, emotional, other) write them down, go see your physician. It does no good if they are making you feel worse, and it persists (your doctor will advise if there are temporary side effects).
Step 5: Write down how you feel.And I know that sounds incredibly “drink water and  do yoga for your depression sweetie :)” but it is actually an important psychological tool.If you write down your thoughts, how you’re feeling, any intense emotions, your physical symptoms, on an almost daily basis or whenever you need to… it gives you a record. A physical thing that you can look back on, and track your progress.
For example: “Aprarch 37th, you felt lethargic and down. It was day four of your new medications (name it if you wish), but otherwise you felt good. You saw a Chihuahua today, it was adorable. That was good.”Or, “Janutober 82nd, I got a bad grade on my test, and I am tempted to Gollum into a nearby volcano… but I called (support person) and that helped. They didn’t do much better than me, and we laughed about it. I feel a little sick, but I think it’s the cold going around campus.”Etc.Overly simplistic, but like, that’s really just it. It can be nothing more than that.But it tells you what’s happening, when, and why. 
Step 6: Know what your goal is.
You don’t want to feel this way, do you?You WANT to change, or you would not have sent this ask, and I assume the ‘help me please’ ask of the other day. 
Your goal is to fight this, and become who you were before.And you are not alone in this, there are a lot of people who can provide you aid in this. So never feel that this is something you have to do by yourself.
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You have reached out and been heard, your concerns and experiences are valid. You are very strong for seeking assistance to locate your next step, and I am very proud of you for finding the inner strength to do so.
The next thing you must do is seek assistance, personal and professional, to help you move on to a better phase in your life. 
If you find none of the above helpful, please make contact again.You are also free to simply leave a message to let me know how you are doing during this process. 
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Work It Off || Keith+Derek
Outside Jameson’s Garage | Mid-Morning
Patched up but still sore, Keith stood outside of Jameson’s garage. He was the only tow truck in the town, and Keith knew his bike would be here after Lexi had called to have it pulled from the accident. In the slew of poor decisions that Keith made on a regular basis, he knew this had been one of the worst. Whatever had made him think it was okay to get on that bike while drunk was al all time bone-head move. After he had gotten a clear head at the hospital it really hit Keith. He could have really hurt someone. All he ended up hurting was himself, which was fine -- it was a good reminder. But he could have hurt someone else, and that unnerved Keith. Not enough to do anything productive or healthy about, but he knew he wouldn’t be getting back on the bike drunk again.
Groaning, he scrubbed his fingers through his hair, mentally and emotionally prepping himself for the ass chewing he would get from Derek. The two didn’t know each other very well, but their last encounter Keith had promised he would take care of the bike and he wrecked it instead. Hoping that it was mostly cosmetic damage, as he hadn’t actually run into anything, just narrowly missed Lexi’s car, he walked into the shop.
He had no idea how he was going to fix the mess. He was now without a job since Mikey’s burned down, and was still paying off his tickets from the Fuck the Curfew party that Jackson had burdened him with. It was a long shot, but Keith had to try. “Hey,” Keith said sheepishly, looking down at his shoes. “I was wondering how my bike was. I didn’t get a good look at it...after I went to the hospital.”
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