#dq veronica
uniguinflutist · 5 days
Poor Veronica did not deserve to have to go through puberty TWICE
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kking-64 · 1 year
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winxixia · 1 year
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"Why does Jasper call you 'babygirl'?"
"How about we stop talking for a while"
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displacerbeasts · 2 years
DQXI Act 2 spoilers for Arboria ahead!! Finished a MAP part :’)  the frame sizes were really fun to work with on this one. The MAP is winter themed so I added snow etc to scenes that didn’t already have it which was kinda neat. complete MAP is here
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iconstore · 1 year
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Dragon Quest XI - Veronica icons
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dr-danny-simp · 2 years
They're poses match😭💕
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lagolagomorph · 2 months
Things DQ characters would get you for your birthday- a thread
Alef: a yellow flower
Gwelyn: a nice tart she baked herself
Middenhall: a nice card
Cannock: a sticky hand
Moonbrooke: a webkinz
Erdrik: exactly what you asked for
Solo: a flower bracelet
Sofia: a flower crown
Alena: weights/protein powder
Borya: a book. (Not a good one)
Kiryl: a locket with Alena's picture in it
Meena: a charm
Maya: a lil kiss
Torneko: he would share his lunch and invite you to his home to meet his family
Ragnar: one of those tin whistles
Psaro: a stone he found
Rose: a braided bracelet
Madason/Five: a hand carved sabrecat
Bianca: a tasty pie
Nera: she would probably write a song for you but be too embarrassed to sing it
Deborah: her presence.
Parry: a cool rock
Madchen: a pretty rock
Sancho: a hearty meal
Reck/Six: a handmade headband
Carver: a well made chair
Milly: a palm reading with tea
Ash: a makeover
Nevan: he doesn't really celebrate but maybe a rosary?
Terry: a small slime Statue (secretly)
Amos: he would take you out for a drink
Arus/Seven: a fish sandwich
Maribelle: a carefully made pastry
Kiefer: he would forget, but Lisette would help him make you a whetstone.
Gabo/Ruff: one of his loose teeth
Aishe: dancing lessons
Mervyn/Melvin: an old sword
Eight: some cheese he made
Yangus: a beer and a pat on the back
Jessica: a embroidered handkerchief
Angelo: himself.
Morrie: also himself (probably in a giant cake)
Red: nothing (but she might give you something for a trade)
Nine: they would just want you to be happy
Eleven: the sword you always wanted
Erik: a trinket he stole
Veronica: a friendship bracelet to match with Serena and you
Serena: again, friendship bracelet
Sylv: they would plan the party and make sure everything in it was your favorite thing
Jade: sparring lessons
Rab: a peek at his *collection*
Hendrik: he would like to spar please
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hellohyaku · 6 months
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Just got the boat and finished some sidequesting, some thoughts and random photos of the game so far! Game's extremely good. Sylvando and Veronica are great, and I like Erik and Serena well enough. Gameplay's pretty basic and for the most part easy, but it's still enjoyable. Get SP a bit slowly though, but ah well. Some of these bosses got hands though, my Boy Robbin' 'ood hits bit harder than he did back in DQIII. Have no idea where the story is going, but I've enjoy it so far. Enjoy how most of the problems you solve aren't MAJOR, but still important like rescuing a girl's dad or teaching a prince not to be a loser. Always have enjoyed the whole "the main quest is mostly a bunch of side quests" thing the DQ games I have played have done, glad to see it continue. uhhhhh lets see any other words i wanna say oh yeah i don't think i like pep? The boost doesn't seem too big, way too random, and most of the combo moves seem to be big buffs you want to save for bosses but since you don't know how long you'll have it for it makes it hard to actually save it. But it looks kind of neat so who can truly say if it's good or bad? also jasper's bitch made but had a fun boss fight. Very much looking forward to playing more and getting green girl and grandpa in my party and maybe learn what the HELL people's problem are with my dude. I aint seen this man spawn no dark!!!!!
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uniguinflutist · 5 months
If video game antagonists were female
There is a reason why there are SO FEW MAIN FEMALE ANTAGONISTS in video games and anime. In DQ there's some minor villainesses like Krystalinda or Evil!Jessica, but no MAIN ones.
I think that It's because (generally speaking) women and men fight differently.
A man will strike you with a divine sword of might, but a woman will destroy you mentally and emotionally, and that's harder to convey visually. Mean Girls is NOT a movie, it's a documentary.
I think about what the ending of DQXI would be like if Calamos was a mean girl. It'd probably go like this:
Eleven: I will fulfill my destiny to defeat you and save Erdrea! The Goddess Yggdrasil has guided me to this point!
Calamos: Yeah, save your sword from piercing me and go and put it up Erik's ass already.
Eleven: ...What?
Calamos: Me and Yggie have been trying to get you two together for CENTURIES since we first saw the prophecy. Like everything we planned up until this point has been to get you and Erik together.
Eleven: I don't believe you--no(hand starts glowing)
Yggdrasil: Why are you TELLING them this out loud? Ugh, I AM SO NOT inviting you to Wednesday afternoon brunch if you don't get this over with and finally get them together. And you KNOW I make a great gluten-free quiche.
Calamos: Alright, my birch bitch. Is Dhoulmagus coming to our book club this week? Or is he still pissed at Ladja about that thirsty fancam he made of Lester Holt?
Yggidrasil: I don't know. Go text him after this.
Calamos: FINE! Anyway, Eleven, I'll stop destroying the world if you destroy Erik's virginity.
Serena: H-Have you and Yggdrasil really been plotting together?
Calamos: So you're finally paying attention? If only you did that with your hair. Short hair does NOT fit your vibe, my girl.
Veronica: I refuse to believe your LIES! And HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY SISTER! I may be small, but I possess the might--
Calamos: Oh, and you. A cartoon character being turned into a little kid? How original. Oh, SPEAKING of original--Hendrick, do you know why Jasper loves Cats of all musicals? He's been playing it nonstop!
Hendrick: I have not the slightness clue as to what you are speaking of. He did always love cats, though...(sheds a single tear)
Calamos: Oh, and Sylvando. You are perfect in every way possible. Go slay, queen.
(awkward silence follows)
Calamos: Anyway, I've a manipedi appointment at 6, so...see you next week? Same time, same place?
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cresentcube · 1 year
Howdy there! I'm a bit late to the party, by like, a few years by my estimate, but I'm absolutely in love with your Nine in DQ11 AU. I had a similar thought because DQ9 was the one other DQ game I've played. But yeah, I've been tearing through your AU, feeling a little betrayed that I'm just finding this now T_T. I'm not sure if you're still taking questions for this AU, but there's one thing I'm wondering that I'm pretty sure I haven't seen yet. Apologies if you've already answered this. What are Nine's general vibes with Serena, Erik, and Jade. Like what's their relationships and interactions like?
I still have this AU in my heart, yes! I'm so glad you loved it!!!
It's an AU I always hold dear in the corner of my heart and if anyone leaves a like on my post I immidiately just leap up in joy. Just haven't been posting since life was really busy but it's still one of my favorite pastimes to just think about it for a while. Your ask filled me with pure joy! if you have any more questions or ideas or just random thoughts about the au, anything, just dump it on the ask and I'll be there with you in an instant. Feel absolutely free to barge in, I love getting asks. Thank you again.
Now, to your question!
Serena: They've got a lot of things in common: mainly, that they're the team gluttons. If left unsupervised they will drift to a bakery unprotected and return after spending half the team's budget. They're also both absentminded as all hell, so you can constantly see Veronica chiding the two of them at the same time- Nine and Serena side by side, slightly looking like soaking wet puppies. Like partner in crimes- but the crimes are just things like disappearing into the crowd and being lost, only to be found hours later, sharing a pastry, blissfully unaware how much the other party members were frantically looking for them in concern.
They're very good friends! She's the one who Nine makes the most casual conversation to, due to them having a lot of common interests- Nine's affinity to healing magic brings them together to discuss healing magic theory together, too. Nine enjoys braiding her hair if there's nothing to be done! Serena very, very much enjoys listening to his nighttime stories of stars and constellations.
Erik: If you leave them together, their bickering will NOT end. It's a constant stream of roasts and roasting back. Despite all this, it's all in good fun- in truth, Nine is very, very fond of Erik. Ever since Erik helped El bust out of the dungeons, Nine is always very thankful to him. He's also... aggressively protective of Erik, but does not seem to realize the fact himself. Their usual conversation is on the bickering side, but they're all good-natured and both know it. ("Nine, you know your plans make no sense." "Sure, mister 'I jumped off a cliff and would have died immediately if not for El's miracle powers', tell me your wisdom, then!')
Since Nine usually has his head above in his clouds- El's a bit too used to Nine's casual chaos- it's usually up to Erik to try and "save him from himself". "Nine, stop trying to eat that loaf whole. We have a bread knife. We're not savages." "Nine, for the love of- how did you burn the cooking pot down?? It's made of copper!!" Erik is also fond of Nine, but in the way of "Good God. My partner's brother needs a leash(affectionate)" kind of way.
In return, Nine cares a lot about Erik's wellbeing: he constantly asks Erik whether he ate anything, quietly mends his clothes, forcefully sits him down to check for his wounds and tends to them personally. As I mentioned, Nine almost gets aggressively protective of Erik from time to time- Erik notices this but does not mention it.
Jade: Jade views El as a brother: and the fact that Nine had dedicated his (jade's percieved sense of) entire life to keeping Eleven safe has won her respect. She doubts his motive at first, because she instantly recongized he was a man that was hiding a bit too much inside his seams- but the fact that Nine gets hurled off a cliff just to give them a time frame to escape erased her doubts right away. She does have her own blazing questions about Nine's true identity, but she decides to keep silent in the behalf of the respect she holds against him.
It's a relationship of solemn respect, at first, Jade respecting Nine as a protector and Nine viewing Jade as a lineage of royalty and treating her as such.... but it slowly melted into something much more friendlier over the time.
Jade does not speak of it, of course, but by the time act 1 is coming to a close she already came to a point where she considers him as her second younger brother. She (half jokingly) tries to appoint Nine to come be her royal knight beside Hendrik after she is crowned queen- Nine politely refuses.
(Nine still holds a bit of regret in the fact that he could not help any of the tragedies made in the day she lost the grip of the basket.)
Another tidbit is that albeit not daily like Hendrik and Nine, they spar quite regularly. Hendrick and Nine's sparring usually follows the same routine: Hendrik, with his physical wall of defence and his slow but devastating blows, tries to brute force his way through Nine's shield spells. Nine, with his floating movements, utilize his dexterity and small form to dodge his attacks and tries to find an opening. It's a calm conversation, almost, and since they both know each other's limit, they usuallt let go of their weapons when either of them looks drained and end the sparring in a peaceful handshake.
Jade and Nine's battle, however- not so much. Jade's blows are quick, very quick, and absolutely merciless. Since Nine's go-to battle strategy is to glance off attacks by dodging, parrying, and putting up shielding spells, this means Nine have to dodge a LOT. When they spar, it's a constant flurry of movement, sounds of split-second parrying, and the dust sifting around them as Jade metaphorically chases Nine around to land a strike: it's chaos. The only thing one would be able to make out of this mess is an occasional, frantic chant of SKARA! as the gold tint of Nine's shield spell surrounds himself, only to be deftly broken by Jade's roundhouse kick. Jade does not have mercy. To her it's either a win or a loss: Either Nine puts up a shield a second late and gets flung across the field like a rag doll by a kick, or Jade loses her balance for a split second after Nine's parry and gets a sword hilt smashed against her stomach.
Nine very much enjoys sparring against her! Erik is very concerned for his sanity.
That's what I can think of of the moment. I'll add more when I have more ideas, and if you want more details feel free to ask!!
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yumeirochaser · 1 year
finished dragon quest xi
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good fucking game. possibly one of my all time faves? it got me way more emotional than i expected, it's so like...melancholic yet also comfy and loving of what DQ is...it's the ultraman mebius of dragon quest. i loved it a lot...
i like how this was a good modernization of DQ while still keeping its traditional roots and stuff! it's really pleasing to play, i had a blast! the cast is also very lovable, i think my faves are sylvando, veronica & serena and erik, though i love them all. my only big complaints with this game is that the ost can get quuuuuiiiiiitteeee tiring to listen to after a while and the fact that. well. it can get daunting to play bc it's a MASSIVE game. a Game game. but overall i enjoyed the experience a lot
i'll see if i'll try more dragon quest titles after this!! this was a great intro and got me interested in the series!!
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liquidmetalslime · 2 years
Frankengolem and Spooky Veronica just got announced for DQ Tact (JP).
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romijuli · 2 years
eleven or serena for the ask game :D?
God it’s been a while since I wrote dq, let me wrack my brain on both of these
1) everyone’s got their own take on el of course (silent protags you know the deal) but I feel like the One Most Important Thing about my very special boy as far as canon goes is the vibe of being, like, in over his head I guess? Like in general he’s barely an adult and gets thrown into a losing battle without even KNOWING it.
2) this one is definitely a Me Thing but canon!el strikes me very strongly as being like “I fucking hate this” for 90% of the game
3) so obviously all this flies out the window if you’re not writing canon or canon-adjacent, right. I think outside of canon he’s a bit more Chaotic. He’s known for playing pranks as a kid he deserves to be chaotic.
1) way more competent than she believes herself to be. I don’t think I ever saw a fic that treated her otherwise but sometimes I saw people talking about act 1 serena like she was useless and that’s just factually untrue. Girl went ALONE into the cryptic crypt to rescue veronica and did so well that you find her TAKING A NAP almost right outside the boss’s room.
2) oh man I haven’t even read dq fic in so long. I think that first bullet point is all I got….
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fuddledance · 1 year
howdy there!! the name’s charlie, and this is my dq account, i’m mainly planning on this being for live blogging my journey through the series, seeing as i’m fairly new to it, but you never know! spoilers will be tagged with “#xi spoilers”, or “#viii spoilers”. i follow from @wrightfamily !
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[IMAGE ID: Serena, Veronica, Erik, and Eleven from Dragon Quest XI waving at the camera in Hotto. /END ID]
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lagolagomorph · 2 months
DQ Characters and their Favorite Desserts Thread:
Alef: Something plain, but Gwaelin made it so it's his favorite
Gwaelin: Shortbread with a flower embedded into it
Middenhall: Blueberry Pie
Cannock: Carrot Cake
Moonbrooke: Strawberry Sorbet
Erdrik: He has no favorite, but he likes a good chocolate croissant
Solo: Pistachio Ice Cream
Sofia: Mint Chip Ice Cream
Alena: Tiger Tiger Ice Cream or anything Apple
Borya: Licorice Funsorts
Kiryl: Melon Soda (but he will pretend it's something else)
Maya: Gulab Jamun with lots of rose syrup
Meena: Thick Mango Lassi
Torneko: There isn't much he dislikes, but his favorite are his wife's hot cross buns
Ragnar: Not a fan of sweets, but sometimes eats a hard candy if the local kids offer him some
Madason/Five: Dark Chocolate Ganache
Bianca: Angel Food Cake with Strawberries and Whip Cream
Nera: Angel Food Cake with Blueberries and Whip Cream
Deborah: Angel Food Cake with Blackberries and Whip Cream
Parry: All Desserts. He loves them!!!
Madchen: mostly plain desserts, like Scones
Sancho: Big cinnamon fan, loves Cinnamon Buns
Reck/Six: Not into sweets, but he does like a good gingerbread
Carver: he loves marshmallows
Millie: Shortbread with tea
Ashlynn: Strawberry Parfait
Terry: hates sweets. (But will have shortbread with his sister.)
Amon: a good chocolate parfait
Arus/Seven: Anything his mom or Maribel makes. He loves sweets!
Maribel: Apple Pie with Ice Cream
Keifer: Lemon Merangue
Gabo/Ruff: Shouldn't really have sweets, but he really likes chocolate.
Aishe: Bonbons, but only after meeting Arus, otherwise, none.
Mervyn: old man Caramels. Anything else might kill him
Eight: he's a big fan of Coconut, because it's so rare, like a coconut creme pie
Yangus: not a huge fan of sweets, but he does like a good raspberry tart
Jessica: she adores fancy little pastries, especially tiramisu
Angelo: Black Forest Cake, or other such elegant desserts
Trode: he's a fan of scones, especially if Medea makes them
Medea: Scones- she hates carrot cake
Nine: Angel Food Cake with Fig paste and mousse
(Haven't played 10....)
Eleven: A plain chocolate chip cookie (Gemma's are his favorite)
Gemma: Lemon Squares
Erik: Vínarterta or Randalin- it's a layered Icelandic cake
Veronica: Strawberry Shortcake
Serena: Lemon Shortcake
Sylv: Something extravagant and elegant! Style over substance, but they would like rose flavoured stuff
Rab: Scones, specifically Apple cinnamon
Jade: She has a secret sweet tooth for dark chocolate cake with pomegranate filling
Hendrik: hates sweets, but will eat them out of politeness. Probably would like coffee cake
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leyartser · 2 years
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Been replaying Dragon Quest XI, again, and though sadly I don’t think I have time to make some new fan art at the moment, it did get me thinking about the PJO AU I made for it last year, and how I never posted anything but a couple of doodles. So here are last year’s drawings, with some info. I’ve got ideas for the rest of the party and Jasper too, but a few don’t have drawings so they’ll be along later, I think
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