#Eleven (DQ)
thegreatsolaris · 8 months
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Haven't finished this game but what's with these homos...,,,,.,....
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iconstore · 1 year
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Dragon Quest XI - The Luminary icons
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captainbobbin · 2 years
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Early Act 2
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kking-64 · 1 year
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yangus · 2 years
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uniguinflutist · 2 months
Titanic AU of Luminerik where Erik is the starving artist and Eleven is the miserable affluent noble.
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lagolagomorph · 2 months
Things DQ characters would get you for your birthday- a thread
Alef: a yellow flower
Gwelyn: a nice tart she baked herself
Middenhall: a nice card
Cannock: a sticky hand
Moonbrooke: a webkinz
Erdrik: exactly what you asked for
Solo: a flower bracelet
Sofia: a flower crown
Alena: weights/protein powder
Borya: a book. (Not a good one)
Kiryl: a locket with Alena's picture in it
Meena: a charm
Maya: a lil kiss
Torneko: he would share his lunch and invite you to his home to meet his family
Ragnar: one of those tin whistles
Psaro: a stone he found
Rose: a braided bracelet
Madason/Five: a hand carved sabrecat
Bianca: a tasty pie
Nera: she would probably write a song for you but be too embarrassed to sing it
Deborah: her presence.
Parry: a cool rock
Madchen: a pretty rock
Sancho: a hearty meal
Reck/Six: a handmade headband
Carver: a well made chair
Milly: a palm reading with tea
Ash: a makeover
Nevan: he doesn't really celebrate but maybe a rosary?
Terry: a small slime Statue (secretly)
Amos: he would take you out for a drink
Arus/Seven: a fish sandwich
Maribelle: a carefully made pastry
Kiefer: he would forget, but Lisette would help him make you a whetstone.
Gabo/Ruff: one of his loose teeth
Aishe: dancing lessons
Mervyn/Melvin: an old sword
Eight: some cheese he made
Yangus: a beer and a pat on the back
Jessica: a embroidered handkerchief
Angelo: himself.
Morrie: also himself (probably in a giant cake)
Red: nothing (but she might give you something for a trade)
Nine: they would just want you to be happy
Eleven: the sword you always wanted
Erik: a trinket he stole
Veronica: a friendship bracelet to match with Serena and you
Serena: again, friendship bracelet
Sylv: they would plan the party and make sure everything in it was your favorite thing
Jade: sparring lessons
Rab: a peek at his *collection*
Hendrik: he would like to spar please
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cresentcube · 1 year
Howdy there! I'm a bit late to the party, by like, a few years by my estimate, but I'm absolutely in love with your Nine in DQ11 AU. I had a similar thought because DQ9 was the one other DQ game I've played. But yeah, I've been tearing through your AU, feeling a little betrayed that I'm just finding this now T_T. I'm not sure if you're still taking questions for this AU, but there's one thing I'm wondering that I'm pretty sure I haven't seen yet. Apologies if you've already answered this. What are Nine's general vibes with Serena, Erik, and Jade. Like what's their relationships and interactions like?
I still have this AU in my heart, yes! I'm so glad you loved it!!!
It's an AU I always hold dear in the corner of my heart and if anyone leaves a like on my post I immidiately just leap up in joy. Just haven't been posting since life was really busy but it's still one of my favorite pastimes to just think about it for a while. Your ask filled me with pure joy! if you have any more questions or ideas or just random thoughts about the au, anything, just dump it on the ask and I'll be there with you in an instant. Feel absolutely free to barge in, I love getting asks. Thank you again.
Now, to your question!
Serena: They've got a lot of things in common: mainly, that they're the team gluttons. If left unsupervised they will drift to a bakery unprotected and return after spending half the team's budget. They're also both absentminded as all hell, so you can constantly see Veronica chiding the two of them at the same time- Nine and Serena side by side, slightly looking like soaking wet puppies. Like partner in crimes- but the crimes are just things like disappearing into the crowd and being lost, only to be found hours later, sharing a pastry, blissfully unaware how much the other party members were frantically looking for them in concern.
They're very good friends! She's the one who Nine makes the most casual conversation to, due to them having a lot of common interests- Nine's affinity to healing magic brings them together to discuss healing magic theory together, too. Nine enjoys braiding her hair if there's nothing to be done! Serena very, very much enjoys listening to his nighttime stories of stars and constellations.
Erik: If you leave them together, their bickering will NOT end. It's a constant stream of roasts and roasting back. Despite all this, it's all in good fun- in truth, Nine is very, very fond of Erik. Ever since Erik helped El bust out of the dungeons, Nine is always very thankful to him. He's also... aggressively protective of Erik, but does not seem to realize the fact himself. Their usual conversation is on the bickering side, but they're all good-natured and both know it. ("Nine, you know your plans make no sense." "Sure, mister 'I jumped off a cliff and would have died immediately if not for El's miracle powers', tell me your wisdom, then!')
Since Nine usually has his head above in his clouds- El's a bit too used to Nine's casual chaos- it's usually up to Erik to try and "save him from himself". "Nine, stop trying to eat that loaf whole. We have a bread knife. We're not savages." "Nine, for the love of- how did you burn the cooking pot down?? It's made of copper!!" Erik is also fond of Nine, but in the way of "Good God. My partner's brother needs a leash(affectionate)" kind of way.
In return, Nine cares a lot about Erik's wellbeing: he constantly asks Erik whether he ate anything, quietly mends his clothes, forcefully sits him down to check for his wounds and tends to them personally. As I mentioned, Nine almost gets aggressively protective of Erik from time to time- Erik notices this but does not mention it.
Jade: Jade views El as a brother: and the fact that Nine had dedicated his (jade's percieved sense of) entire life to keeping Eleven safe has won her respect. She doubts his motive at first, because she instantly recongized he was a man that was hiding a bit too much inside his seams- but the fact that Nine gets hurled off a cliff just to give them a time frame to escape erased her doubts right away. She does have her own blazing questions about Nine's true identity, but she decides to keep silent in the behalf of the respect she holds against him.
It's a relationship of solemn respect, at first, Jade respecting Nine as a protector and Nine viewing Jade as a lineage of royalty and treating her as such.... but it slowly melted into something much more friendlier over the time.
Jade does not speak of it, of course, but by the time act 1 is coming to a close she already came to a point where she considers him as her second younger brother. She (half jokingly) tries to appoint Nine to come be her royal knight beside Hendrik after she is crowned queen- Nine politely refuses.
(Nine still holds a bit of regret in the fact that he could not help any of the tragedies made in the day she lost the grip of the basket.)
Another tidbit is that albeit not daily like Hendrik and Nine, they spar quite regularly. Hendrick and Nine's sparring usually follows the same routine: Hendrik, with his physical wall of defence and his slow but devastating blows, tries to brute force his way through Nine's shield spells. Nine, with his floating movements, utilize his dexterity and small form to dodge his attacks and tries to find an opening. It's a calm conversation, almost, and since they both know each other's limit, they usuallt let go of their weapons when either of them looks drained and end the sparring in a peaceful handshake.
Jade and Nine's battle, however- not so much. Jade's blows are quick, very quick, and absolutely merciless. Since Nine's go-to battle strategy is to glance off attacks by dodging, parrying, and putting up shielding spells, this means Nine have to dodge a LOT. When they spar, it's a constant flurry of movement, sounds of split-second parrying, and the dust sifting around them as Jade metaphorically chases Nine around to land a strike: it's chaos. The only thing one would be able to make out of this mess is an occasional, frantic chant of SKARA! as the gold tint of Nine's shield spell surrounds himself, only to be deftly broken by Jade's roundhouse kick. Jade does not have mercy. To her it's either a win or a loss: Either Nine puts up a shield a second late and gets flung across the field like a rag doll by a kick, or Jade loses her balance for a split second after Nine's parry and gets a sword hilt smashed against her stomach.
Nine very much enjoys sparring against her! Erik is very concerned for his sanity.
That's what I can think of of the moment. I'll add more when I have more ideas, and if you want more details feel free to ask!!
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danglovely · 9 months
Regrading Taskmaster: S06E02 Tarpeters.
We open with Greg trimming the opening monologue and screaming at Alex at the top of his lungs. Alex debuts his various musks throughout the episode.
Prize Task: The Best Hairy Thing That Isn't Alive
The foremost collector of hair, he says it's real.
This is really easy to grade and Greg and I would have it exactly the same if I didn't believe in ties. Asim brings in a cardboard cutout of himself. Cardboard isn't hairy. Plus, there is plenty of evidence that you can, in fact, bring yourself in as a prize (Hugh Dennis brought himself in as a chair). Alice's hair clump is definitely the worst hairy thing because it's actual garbage.
Greg has Russell tie with Alice for a Chewbacca costume, but I think Chewbacca is obviously better than a clump of hair. Liza has a fun story, but no one was competing with Tim. I do actually think he brought in genuine Elvis hair because the man is famously a huge fan of the King.
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Alice: 2 (0) Asim: 1 (0) Liza: 4 (0) Russell: 3 (+1) Tim: 5 (0)
VT 01: Get the highest score in darts.
You let yourself down, Vine.
The genuine dread that washes over the entire cast at the same time when they realize this is the task that is coming up is delicious. It's one dart from 1 meter, three darts from 2.37 meters (the actual distance one throws from in darts), or sixty darts from ten meters.
I really don't understand how Russell and Tim do so poorly other than it must be a lot harder to hit the board from ten meters than it looks. Still, you'd think with the number of times Russell hit the board, more would've avoided the black. Even so, you have to choose the sixty if you're in that position, because how often do you get the opportunity?
I looked at the boards and I take no issue with the scoring.
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Alice: 2 Asim: 3 Liza: 5 Russell: 1 Tim: 4
Team Task: Keep Alex dry. Driest Alex wins.
Team Funk went and buzzed it. Can I just clarify, we haven't settled on Team Funk.
Several DQ conditions here: - Touching Alex. - Being in the compass when the shower is on.
The task doesn't forbid the contestants from doing anything to the shower so breaking it, turning it off, etc, is completely okay.
I think the team of three might have touched Alex as they were draping bin-bags and tarpeters over him. It's not entirely clear and I assume that requirement was meant to prevent them from removing Alex from the shower.
Team Funk turns off the shower and adds a dry martini and hair dryers as the coup de grace. Greg gets the scoring right because the team of three didn't get disqualified.
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Team Funk: 4 Asim, Liza, & Tim: 1
Studio Task: Take a picture of a group of people, each holding an egg. Most people holding eggs in a picture wins. You must be in your picture.
Well it just goes on and on forever. It doesn't though, does it mate?
I don't think Greg's scoring makes any sense on this one. Let's set a few things straight:
"Take a picture" was meant to mean snapping a photo. I wish it hadn't included editing one together or making one. That said, you could take a screenshot of different eggs in different locations and it would still technically fit the letter of the task.
Holding an egg means actually HOLDING an egg. If you photoshop an egg onto someone, they weren't actually holding an egg. You simply made it appear that they were holding an egg.
With these rules in place, Liza didn't complete the task. No one in her photo is actually holding an egg. Even if we counted the photoshopped eggs, the task implies that everyone in the photo should be holding an egg. Hell, Liza herself doesn't even have a photoshopped egg. She is getting zero points.
It's tougher to tell with Asim's if everyone is holding an egg, but I think they are (and he definitely is). Alex says he is at fourteen people, but then later says he's at eleven. It's tough, but I counted nineteen.
Alice's is unambitious and actually has a random guy at his workstation in the background. This guy is not holding an egg. She's going to take a tough zero as well.
Russell's photo with the Mumbai Blasters fits the rules and numbers twenty people. Alex says twenty-three, but Alex is doing awful on measuring this task.
Let's address Tim. He uses a mirror trick to try and create an infinite feedback loop of himself holding eggs. It's clever, but by the letter of the task there are only two actual people holding eggs. Weirdly, that's still good enough for third.
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Alice: 0 (-2) Asim: 4 (+1) Liza: 0 (-5) Russell: 5 (+1) Tim: 3 (+2)
VT 03: Make this wind-up little man on the most extraordinary journey.
He was alive!
The timer gives them thirty minutes so there is a question of whether they merely must set him on his journey or have him actually complete his journey within that frame. The word "make" implies that he just has to start it, which is important for Alice's attempt.
Liza stomps him and it's funny. It does scream "lazy" and it's definitely not extraordinary. Russell has Alex read Buddhist aphorisms while he drops the man off the roof. It's not all that extraordinary, but since Alex manages to catch him, I think it's one of the better efforts of these five.
Tim raises the man into a tree with a rope tied around his neck. Asim amusingly accuses him of lynching. It's kind of a pedestrian attempt, but it isn't lazy. Alice loses the man in the mail. I think we can guess that it was semi-extraordinary journey, but there's no proof of it.
Asim's journey is good and fun to watch. I actually don't fully understand how he got the monsters, fire, and camera into the pipe he travels through.
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Alice: 2 (-1) Asim: 5 (0) Liza: 1 (-3) Russell: 4 (+1) Tim: 3 (0)
Live Task: When instructed, put your grape in either your mouth or your hand whilst staring at the taskmaster. You must then answer the taskmaster's question and fool the taskmaster into thinking your grape is not where your grape is. Your answer must contain at least five words.
Slippery . . . sausages . . . serendipity.
Stupid-ass grading in this one. It's meant to be a winner-takes-all task, but because Tim and Russell tie, they give everyone zero instead of having them replay the round. They do this despite Russell and Tim making it a round further than everyone else.
I'm going to give the five to Tim because Russell cheats in the final round.
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Alice: 0 (0) Asim: 0 (0) Liza: 0 (0) Russell: 0 (0) Tim: 5 (+5)
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Alice: 10 (-3) Asim: 14 (+1) Liza: 11 (-8) Russell: 17 (+3) Tim: 21 (+7)
Tim gets an early episode win. I'll be frank, Greg and Alex combined to create one of the worst-scored episodes in the franchise. It doesn't matter, because Taskmaster isn't about fair. It just upsets people doing pointless regrades, such as myself.
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romijuli · 2 years
eleven or serena for the ask game :D?
God it’s been a while since I wrote dq, let me wrack my brain on both of these
1) everyone’s got their own take on el of course (silent protags you know the deal) but I feel like the One Most Important Thing about my very special boy as far as canon goes is the vibe of being, like, in over his head I guess? Like in general he’s barely an adult and gets thrown into a losing battle without even KNOWING it.
2) this one is definitely a Me Thing but canon!el strikes me very strongly as being like “I fucking hate this” for 90% of the game
3) so obviously all this flies out the window if you’re not writing canon or canon-adjacent, right. I think outside of canon he’s a bit more Chaotic. He’s known for playing pranks as a kid he deserves to be chaotic.
1) way more competent than she believes herself to be. I don’t think I ever saw a fic that treated her otherwise but sometimes I saw people talking about act 1 serena like she was useless and that’s just factually untrue. Girl went ALONE into the cryptic crypt to rescue veronica and did so well that you find her TAKING A NAP almost right outside the boss’s room.
2) oh man I haven’t even read dq fic in so long. I think that first bullet point is all I got….
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georgiafitzsimons · 4 months
ABBA (2022) ABBA - SOS (Official Lyric Video). YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKXAN-bcwRo [Accessed: April 18th]
ABKCOVEVO (2016) The Rolling Stones – Paint it, Black (Official Lyric video). YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4irXQhgMqg [Accessed: February 19th]
ABKCOVEVO (2019) The Rolling Stones – Sympathy for The Devil (Official Lyric video). YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgnClrx8N2k [Accessed: February 19th]
Amine (2021) Compensating feat. Young Thug (Official Video). YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzSZtHdMDzk [Accessed: February 16th]
Armin van Buuren (2018) Armin van Buuren - Blah Blah Blah (Official Lyric Video). YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfJhMfOPWdE [Accessed: April 25th]
Bakare, L. (2020) Government scraps ballet dancer reskilling ad criticised as 'crass'. The Guardian. 12 October. Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/oct/12/ballet-dancer-could-reskill-with-job-in-cyber-security-suggests-uk-government-ad [Accessed: February 17th]
Bellatoni, P. (2005) If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die: The Power of Color in Visual Storytelling. Available from: https://web.p.ebscohost.com/ehost/ebookviewer/ebook/bmxlYmtfXzEzMDIyMF9fQU41?sid=b036a442-baa5-4cdc-bebb-b1287f208446@redis&vid=0&format=EB&rid=1 [Accessed: February 22nd]
Black Mixture (2021) Smooth Text Animation Effects Motion Graphics Basics Tutorial. YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g2TAhcnfe0 [Accessed: February 20th]
Brookes, P. (1984) Reading for the Plot. Oxford University Press. Available from: https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=pofL1Hyfvc8C&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=related:5H2NF8AbIZoJ:scholar.google.com/&ots=eQDiRejw2m&sig=CxzY3DJ8DZjQQGZ7RyVD3touoXU&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false [Accessed: March 5th]
Camp Keyframe (2023) Create Smooth Waves in After Effects - Tutorial. YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYSk1aN_6WY [Accessed: April 15th]
Cyriak (2019) RIP. YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP-A1s4ikBo&t=1s [Accessed: March 7th]
David Ward (2023) Freewheeling. YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCPofSJhO08 [Accessed: February 12th]
David Ward (2023) Temporary. YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCPofSJhO08 [Accessed: February 12th]
Drewtetz (2023) Glassanimals darling debut LP celebrated its 9th anniversary. TikTok [online] 18 July 2023. [Accessed: March 7th]
ELEVEN PERCENT (2023) How to Make EASY KEN CARSON OPIUM Effects | Premiere Pro Tutorial. YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeUAKhtEMR4 [Accessed: March 22nd]
Erisya Armani (2020) Black Panther Ceremony Dance Scene. YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHSZX1gg9Ks [Accessed: February 18th]
Experiments with Google (n.d.) [online] Available from: https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ [Accessed: February 17th]
Foolen, A., Lüdtke, M. U., Racine, P. T., Zlatev, J., and Lüdtke, U. M. (2012) Moving Ourselves, Moving Others: Motion and Emotion in Intersubjectivity, Consciousness and Language. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Available from: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/aib/reader.action?docID=878499&query=+emotion [Accessed: February 23rd]
Frechenmedia (2020) Better Animated Grain Texture | After Effects Tutorial. YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vucqr04wvJE [Accessed: April 12th]
Glass Animals (2020) Glass Animals - Heat Waves (Lyrics). YouTube. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT7F15T9VBI [Accessed: May 1st]
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tommstic · 1 year
My friend got his license today, he drove us to DQ and then we watched the cars pass over the dam
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We stopped at 7 eleven to throw our trash out and get gas,, listened to csh almost the whole drive <3
Was his first time getting gas so we were at the station for like 20 minutes lmao- honestly was super proud because he’s an amazing driver already!!
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kitchenlegrecords · 1 year
Halfsilks at Ryskinder release party, 05.05.23
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dq agency & Jungle World present:
RYSKINDER (releaseparty) + HALFSILKS + SAEKO KILLY05.05.2023 || Urban Spree Einlass 20:00 Uhr VVK: 12,00 € Tickets: https://link.dice.fm/S1047fbb59ab
Ryskinder (Berlin/Jerusalem/Tokyo, Baby Satan Records)Melting together Jerusalem and Tokyo , Ryskinder channel their raging souls into immersive Hip-Hop groove made out of samples, surf guitars and Hebrew rap while sprinklering a hefty amount of punk attitude on top. Ryskinder shows are wild, unpredictable, dancy and wicked. With percussionist Miho Shimomura´s (Jaguar No Me) expressive drumming, spacy vocals and Asaf Eden´s ground breaking sampler work, Ryskinder incorporates a multiverse of influences from The Fall to Beasty Boys. Having extensively toured the Middle East and Europe,including as support for Mac DeMarco, Dirty Beaches and Psychic Ills, Ryskinder has performed over 400 live shows, most recently at Fusion Festival, Berlin’s Synästhesie and Hamburg’s Off the Radar. The upcoming album “Omets Homless” (eng. Homeless Courage) is expected later in 2023. ---
Halfsilks (Berlin, Kitchen Leg Records)Berlin based trio HALFSILKS, with members from Point no Point, Gym Tonic and Matching Outfits, will take you on a trip to share their vast musical influences from 60s girl groups to post-punk. They write synth-driven, angular pop songs about horses, outdated technologies and female role-models while being pro-dancing and anti-macho.---
Saeko Killy (Berlin/Tokyo, Chill Mountain Records)Sakko Killy completes the lineup as an opening act. She's a Berlin-based DJ, vocalist, and producer. She has been active in the Tokyo scene as a DJ. After moving to Berlin in 2018 Saeko found herself in the orb of Club Sameheads, where she made herself known as a DJ and live performer. After releasing her first EP "Dancing Pikapika" with the label Chill Mountain from Osaka in 2021, followed a Jam session during the pandemic lockdown, resulting in the eleven titles collected together for the album 'Morphing Polaroids' produced by Brussels DJ and selector soFa elsewhere. The LP is a contemporary Leftfield Club sound, effortlessly combining elements of Dub, Post-Punk and Kraut with electronic Beats.
There will also be a DJ set by Baby Satan.
Funded by Musikfonds e.V. by means of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
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fuddledance · 1 year
howdy there!! the name’s charlie, and this is my dq account, i’m mainly planning on this being for live blogging my journey through the series, seeing as i’m fairly new to it, but you never know! spoilers will be tagged with “#xi spoilers”, or “#viii spoilers”. i follow from @wrightfamily !
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[IMAGE ID: Serena, Veronica, Erik, and Eleven from Dragon Quest XI waving at the camera in Hotto. /END ID]
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yangus · 2 years
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uniguinflutist · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Quest XI, Dragon Quest Series Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Camus | Erik/Hero | Luminary (Dragon Quest XI), Graig | Hendrik/Sylvia | Sylvando (Dragon Quest XI) Characters: Graig | Hendrik (Dragon Quest XI), Camus | Erik (Dragon Quest XI), Hero | Luminary (Dragon Quest XI), Sena | Serena (Dragon Quest XI), Veronica (Dragon Quest XI), Homer | Jasper (Dragon Quest XI), Sylvia | Sylvando (Dragon Quest XI), Emma | Gemma (Dragon Quest XI), Marutina | Jade (Dragon Quest XI), Rou | Rab (Dragon Quest XI), Amber (Dragon Quest XI) Additional Tags: Act II, writing this because my sleep schedule is shit, Character Study, Past Relationship(s), Explicit Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Trans Erik, Trans Male Character, Miscarriage, Birth Control, Sexual Repression, Camping, Hero is named Eleven Summary:
As dusk reaches the mountainous outbacks of Snilfheim, the party decides to set up camp at a nearby site before heading to Arboria. Erik has finally recovered his memories and his sister, and the Luminary is in even higher spirits as they set out on their quest.
It's there that Hendrick learns of an unofficial position that rotates through the party: The Night Guard, where someone guards the Luminary's tent to watch for Mordegon's spies. Being the honorable knight that he is, Hendrick offers to take the position as "The Night Guard" permanently, and there are no complaints about that.
Unfortunately for Hendrick, he soon learns the true reason for the job: it isn't to protect the Luminary from Mordegon's spies, it's to prevent anyone from walking in on Eleven and Erik while they're having ROWDY SEX. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
As Hendrick slowly learns more about the humanity of the chosen Luminary and his boyfriend, he begins to grapple with the loss of his own.
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