#dr cockroach x sah
as8bakwthesage · 2 years
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Oh hey another self insert! Wonder who they get shipped wi-
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Ah. Yes.
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
Sah’s First Words (MvA One-Shot)
The Crow had been at the base for what was days but felt like months to the monsters. The capture of Crow had been rather unfriendly and so they understood why Crow was so… disagreeable. 
The first few days, they didn’t eat, they didn’t drink, they just sat in the corner of their cell and watched the camera unblinkingly. The mask had yet to be removed and they gave no indication of movement. A few more days had passed and Monger had determined that Crow was safe enough to be around the Monsters. 
Their behaviour remained unchanging. They still sat in the corner, staff always in hand, and staring hard at the Monsters. It was unnerving just how much they rarely moved or blinked. None of the Monsters knew how to approach them, let alone show no harm.
It was Susan in her Ginormica form who first tried to make first contact. Crow simply looked up once with a glare before ignoring Susan and returning their focus to the table where the rest of the Monsters sat. Link tried next, only to be similarly blown off with an even harsher glare and a flash of their eyes. He was smart enough not to try again. Bob tried as well, but he was more interested in the ball he had brought with him. Crow ignored him completely.
Dr. Cockroach’s attempt to speak to them had yet to occur. He was far too… well, unnerved by them to try. He couldn’t get those violet eyes out of his head and the way they reached out to him. He had no idea what would have happened had Susan not arrived on the scene then. Crow genuinely scared him and he didn’t like that fact.
A few weeks had passed and Crow had eventually started to move around. Whether out of boredom or curiosity, nobody knew. But the being explored their surroundings and was often spotted on higher surfaces, looking down at people in seemingly uncomfortable poses. But despite everything, they made no effort to escape. They still either refused to eat or didn’t need to. The possibility that they didn’t need to eat seemed to be the more accurate estimation. 
And they still hadn’t spoken a single word to anybody.
Dr. Cockroach, for the most part, tried to avoid them or ignore them. He stayed in his laboratory whenever Crow was around and didn’t emerge until they were out of the area. Everyone seemed to pick up on the fact that Doc was scared of Crow except for Doc, who was in firm denial. However, over time, Dr. Cockroach seemed to become less and less scared of them, especially since Crow seemed to understand that he didn’t want them following him into his lab.
However, that didn’t seem to be the case when one day he walked into his lab and was horrified to see Crow sitting on one of his many desks and was pouring over a book.
They had yet to notice him, it seemed. They were too invested in their book to mind their surroundings. Dr. Cockroach didn’t move, feeling glued to the floor at that moment. He had no idea why Crow was in his lab, let alone why they were reading one of his books! Eventually he managed to snap out of his fear as he tried to take a stealthy step back out the door. 
Only for Crow’s head to snap in his direction as their eyes met his. He instantly froze on the spot, eyes widening in terror. They regarded him curiously, tilting their head in a very bird-like fashion. He didn’t speak at first.
“I-” He instantly cleared his throat as the first word came out as a squeak more than his smooth English accent, “Ahem, um… why are you in my laboratory?”
The Crow blinked before they looked back down at their book and then back up at him. He waited as they gestured to the book and almost looked… nervous? Shy even? Dr. Cockroach couldn’t believe what he was seeing! They were… nervous??
“I like books.” 
He blinked once. Then twice. 
They spoke! By Einstein himself, they spoke! Their voice was rather androgynous so he still couldn’t tell what gender they were. He didn’t quite know how to respond to the quiet tone they used as their attention returned back down to the book in their possession. He suddenly felt significantly less afraid of them as he carefully approached them, but maintained some distance. 
“What… what are you reading?” He asked, hoping to prompt another response from them. Crow didn’t look up at him.
“The Theory of Relativity and Subsequent Discoveries on Time and Space.” Their voice was soft, and rather neutral. For a few moments, he seriously considered if he had hallucinated their first response, but this proved he hadn’t! And even still, the book they held in their hands was a good read.
“Oh, that’s an excellent book! I could recommend a few more. If you’re receptive to the idea of course!” He clarified, hoping he hadn’t offended them. The Crow blinked as they looked down at the book and then back at his face, the mask on their face betrayed no emotion.
“If you’d like.” They said neutrally yet again. Dr. Cockroach blinked in surprise before he nodded quickly and skittered away to the bookshelf. He could sense Crow’s gaze on him, but everytime he dared to look, they were reading the book. He managed to grab a few books of interest for the fellow monster. He walked back over to them and placed the books by them. They glanced over at him briefly before continuing to read.
“Thank you.” They remarked quietly. Dr. Cockroach nodded once before he went to walk away, hoping he could get to work shortly. While he wasn’t fully comfortable with Crow being there, he wasn’t about to throw them out. That would be rude. “Doctor, may I ask you a question?” They asked. Dr. Cockroach stopped and turned to look at them with mild surprise, but out of slight social awkwardness, he shot them an anxious smile.
“You just asked one.” He joked, chuckling sheepishly. A small noise escaped Crow, but they quickly concealed it and remained silent, waiting for him to continue. At that, he hoped they were amused by the comment rather than offended. He felt slightly more at ease as he returned to being professional. “Certainly, you may.”
“Why am I here?” They asked the dreaded question that Dr. Cockroach had almost expected them to ask. He figured at some point they’d want to know, but even he wasn’t sure how to answer them properly. He settled for the most truthful answer he could give. “You are here because we know about who you are and what you’ve done. The government in the United States has deemed you a threat to keep you contained here for the time being.” Dr. Cockroach explained, trying not to sound harsh. However, Crow’s eyes flashed dangerously as they stared at him.
“Mind your words, awah8do, everything that I have done is for the greater good. You would be wise to look more into the stories you’ve heard about me.” They warned, grabbing the books he gave them and walking around him and out the door.
A part of Dr. Cockroach felt guilty but another part of him was glad to see them out of his laboratory. He internally wondered what their deal was but was smart enough not to question them. It seemed as though Crow was perhaps more than met the eye…
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
💌🥰💭 for the ask game!!! :3
I have brainrot for several of my F/Os so I'll discuss The Narrator, Obi-Wan, and Dr. Cockroach!
💌 - What would a love letter from your f/o look like?
The Narrator would write a short but ultimately passionate letter. His eloquence doesn't betray him, in fact, his feelings fuel the vocabulary. Obi-Wan would probably be to the point but it definitely reads like he trying to remain a gentleman and often says stuff like "only if you want to" and "your feelings ultimately matter in the end." And Dr. Cockroach would be too flustered to write a one, his usual suave is gone in the moment he sits to write it. When he finally manages to write, all he writes is "You make me so happy. I love you."
🥰 - What little thing do they do makes you happy?
The Narrator when he rambles. He has the warmest and loveliest of voices! It makes me absolutely flustered. But also him just holding my hand. Obi-Wan not going easy on me when he duel and how him making my favourite tea in the morning. And Doc helping me plant sage in my garden.
💭 - If you could read their mind, what thoughts would they have about you?
The Narrator's thoughts about me would make me absolutely flustered and happy. They consist of just pure adoration. Obi-Wan's thoughts are more subdued, but there is that constant affection and thinking about my needs always. And Doc thinks about how incredible I am and would marvel at my power, but he is also an absolute sap about me. A real malewife.
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
I see you also have Dr. Cockroach as an f/o- 👀
Oh yes!! I adore him immensely! He's such a charming fellow yet an absolute dingus! I'm chuffed to bits whenever I see him on screen.
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as8bakwthesage · 10 months
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Get kissed, idiot
yes i am diving hard into the self shipping shit guys, shut up-
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