#dr e mann
balioc · 9 months
This list counts only published books, consumed in published-book format, that I read for the first time and finished. No rereads, nothing abandoned halfway through, no Internet detritus of any kind, etc. Also no children’s picture books.
(There were so many children's picture books.)
Hand of the Sun King, J. T. Greathouse
Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery
The Circus of Dr. Lao, Charles G. Finney
When the Angels Left the Old Country, Sacha Lamb
Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us, Rachel Aviv
Elder Race, Adrian Tchaikovsky
Yamada Monogatari: Troubled Spirits, Richard Parks
Victory City, Salman Rushdie
Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America, Richard Rorty
Cage of Souls, Adrian Tchaikovsky
A Morbid Taste for Bones, Ellis Peters
One Corpse Too Many, Ellis Peters
Priest of Bones, Peter McLean
Priest of Lies, Peter McLean
Demon Summoner: Apprentice, Greg Walters
By the Sword: A History of Gladiators, Musketeers, Samurai, Swashbucklers, and Olympic Champions, Richard Cohen
Tsalmoth, Steven Brust
Priest of Gallows, Peter McLean
Priest of Crowns, Peter McLean
Waybound, Will Wight
Convenience Store Woman, Sayaka Murata
The Tatami Galaxy, Tomihiko Morimi
These Violent Delights, Chloe Gong
Death in Venice, Thomas Mann
Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life, Rory Sutherland
The Man Who Was Thursday, G. K. Chesterton
Storming Heaven, Miles Cameron
Against Worldbuilding, and Other Provocations: Essays on History, Narrative and Game Design, Alexis Kennedy
From Ritual to Romance, Jessie L. Weston
To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf
Rats and Gargoyles, Mary Gentle
Labyrinth's Heart, M. A. Carrick
Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships, Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Gabrielle Zevin
The Long, Long Goodbye of "The Last Bookstore," Mizuki Nomura
The Last Sun, K. D. Edwards
The Hanged Man, K. D. Edwards
The Hourglass Throne, K. D. Edwards
Pinocchio, Carlo Collodi
The Thirteen Petalled Rose: A Discourse on the Essence of Jewish Existence and Belief, Adin Steinsaltz
The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?, Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
Untethered Sky, Fonda Lee
The Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius
The Star-Child, Oscar Wilde
Monk's Hood, Ellis Peters
St. Peter's Fair, Ellis Peters
The Leper of St. Giles, Ellis Peters
The Virgin in the Ice, Ellis Peters
The Nutcracker, E. T. A. Hoffman and Alexandre Dumas
The Sanctuary Sparrow, Ellis Peters
Child of God, Cormac McCarthy
The Devil's Novice, Ellis Peters
Dead Man's Ransom, Cormac McCarthy
Plausible works of improving nonfiction consumed in 2023: 10
["plausible" and "improving" are being defined very liberally here]
Balioc's Choice Award, Fiction Division: The Circus of Dr. Lao, Charles G. Finney
>>>> Honorable Mention: Rats and Gargoyles, Mary Gentle
[This seems like the correct place to point out that, for the Balioc's Choice Awards, I consider only works that were first published with the last 100 years. Otherwise it would just be "surprise, old classics are often classics for a reason."]
Balioc's Choice Award, Nonfiction Division: The Thirteen Petalled Rose: A Discourse on the Essence of Jewish Existence and Belief, Adin Steinsaltz
>>>> Honorable Mention: A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?, Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
The Roscommon Princess Award for Luminous Trembling Beauty in the Face of a Bleakly Mundane World: The Star-Child, Oscar Wilde
The Anguished Howl Award for Somehow Making Me Regret Reading a Book About a Demon Summoner in the Thirty Years' War: Demon Summoner: Apprentice, Greg Walters
The Tamsyn Muir Award for Demonstrating that Popularity Really, Really, Really is Not the Same Thing as Quality: The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
The G. K. Chesterton Award for Being G. K. Chesterton, I Mean, to Whom Else Could I Compare Him, For Someone So Avowedly Stodgy He is the Ballsiest Motherfucker I Have Ever Read: The Man Who Was Thursday, G. K. Chesterton
...this year was much like the last several years, only somehow even more so. Not in a good way, I fear. My current lifestyle continues not to be super-conducive to reading, and writing a weekendlong LARP kind of knocked the wind out of me, both during and after. If it weren't for a massive silly-fun historical-mystery binge in December, my numbers here would be shameful. And you will notice that a whole lot of the things on that list are very short.
Most of the contemporary fiction was pretty much what I expected it to be. There were few real standouts. Things by good authors continued to be mostly good; things by shlocky authors continued to be shlock.
I should probably drive less for my various solitary recreational jaunts, just so that I can spend more of that time with a book. I should definitely read more old stuff, because old stuff continues to be the most reliably rewarding. (The cream of the cream of the old stuff, anyway, which is...what you read.)
I continue to be Extremely In the Market for recommendations of really good, deeply-informative nonfiction.
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Naming Conventions: EMESIS BLUE is a Beautiful Name for a Baby Girl
analysis below
Detective Mannix and Lieutenant Columbo
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[I.D.: Spy introducing himself and Soldier at the investigation at Scout's house: "I am Detective Mannix. This is Lieutenant Columbo (17:57-18:00) /end I.D.]
Funny enough, these two are referred to in the end credits as The Detective and The Soldier respectively. Are these their actual names? Fake aliases made up by Spy? Who knows!
So if their names sound familiar to any, it's in reference to two pop culture detectives! (I will now read the Wikipedia articles on these two LMAO)
Mannix falls under a very archetypical private eye, going about investigations by opposing his higher ups and finding his own solutions.
Interestingly, I believe this parallels the nature of Spy's own investigation, confusing and raising suspicion among government authorities. I doubt it would be a reach to assume that he and Soldier are acting on their own accord with the amount of trickery and probably illegal activity it takes to gain all their knowledge. (Seriously, did no one worry about the whole Soldier on the police radios ordeal?)
Colombo is known for his unassuming everyman appearance, acting clueless or bringing up seemingly unrelated evidence to slowly corner suspects into incriminating themselves or to simply confess.
While none of these comparisons necessarily scream "Soldier," it is interesting to consider how many on the receiving end of a good old-fashioned Colomboing are the wealthy upper-class.
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[I.D.: Soldier repeatedly shooting Blutarch, the former of which is sitting in a black car. (1:40:46) /end I.D.]
A good old-fashioned Colomboing.
Whether this is their actual names or fake names made up by Spy is a funny thought to me. Keep in mind that the end credits does canonise some names while decanonising others, such as with Scout and Medic.
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[I.D.: 2 screenshots. First is of Scout's termination notice. He is referred to as "Patient SC-10498 (Jeremy E)." (18:11) The second is a credit card of Cameron Nichols featuring as Scout. /end I.D.]
One such instance is Scout. We know his name is Jeremy in the canon of TF2 thanks to the comics, and yet he is still referred to as "Scout."
... Don't tell me his last name is "E." for "Elbertson" like Jerma, this is inhumane.
We know the files are likely trustworthy enough considering how Medic is given similar treatment.
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[I.D.: Medic's termination notice, his picture captioned "Dr. FRITZ LUDWIG / authorized personnel of Builder's League United Industries. "(18:51) /end I.D.]
...His name in the end credits shows up later in this post. I'm not putting it up again. Trust me, it says Ludwig, which was canonised in the comics.
So the end credits can be a little inconsistent!
So in context of Spy and Soldier, it is interesting to consider whether the names Mannix and Columbo are their actual names and an interesting reference by the writers or a fake alias by Spy.
To be honest, I didn't read the description of the video, which confirms that Spy is a detective, and just decided he absolutely could not be telling the truth when introducing himself as a detective. I kind of think it is cute to imagine he sees himself as just (and committing so many crimes in doing so), as well as Soldier as smarter than people give him credit for.
Which would assume Spy thinks nice things about Soldier though. :(
Dr. Fritz Ludwig, Cyclops, and Stalingrad
On to the rest of them, we have...
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[I.D.: Credits card for Chad Payne featuring as Dr. Fritz Ludwig, The Detective, Cyclops, Maynard Conagher, Redmond Mann, The Hunter, Agent Stemmons, and Stalingrad. /end I.D.]
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[I.D.: TF2 wiki page of Soldier's domination lines of Medic, Heavy, and Demo. Highlighted for each character are the lines following lines:
Medic is "You just got dominated, Fritz!"
For Heavy is "Checkmate, Stalingrad!"
Demo has two highlighted quotes: "I love your death, cyclops; your death is sweet to me like love is sweet." and "You're like the Cyclops of Greek myth; except you are Scottish, and I hate you!" /end I.D.]
I love how Fortress Films took Soldier using vaguely ethnic-sounding names for characters as an insult and just running with it. It's not a bad thing, I just need the people to know that Soldier said "your death is sweet to me like love is sweet."
People are so mean to Demo. :( Yeah, I know it's not unique to Sodlier to point out the man has only one eye, but I think it's funny enough that three characters' names in film match Soldier's domination lines.
Heavy being called Stalingrad is real funny, especially since he has a given name in the comics--Mikhail.
Stalingrad isn't actually a name for a person. Rather, it's the former name of the Russian city Volograd. It breaks down into "Stalin" and "-grad," the Russian suffix for settlements (like the English "-town"). It's like naming your kid Bakersfield!
And now I skip this part of analysis because talking about history, especially in context of war, for an animated SFM with cartoon men fighting feels weird.
While a funny coincidence, Medic actually shares a name with the director of M (1931), Fritz Lang. (M (1931) is the VHS that Scout steals from Medic.)
Zed and Maynard Conagher
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[I.D.: Credits card for Anton Pelizzari featuring as: Zed & Dell Conagher, injured police officer, funeral director, the bartender, police chief, and the limo driver. /end I.D.]
On the topic of films, isn't it real interesting how we don't learn the names of the Conaghers who run the Conagher Slaughterhouse until the credits? Their names are Zed and Maynard Conagher.
It's a Pulp Fiction (1994)* reference, in spite of being a good 16 years early to reference it accurately. It features accomplices sharing a name with the brothers, who fall under the archetype of hillbillies.
*Exercise caution in doing your own research on these characters, content directly related to them contains sexual assault.
Zed from Pulp Fiction is shot and killed with his own shotgun, mirroring the death of the second Conagher to his own sentry. Given these parallels, it's hardly a stretch to guess which is Zed and which is Maynard.
It's also a more exact science than comparing vocal performances with the other listed roles of the voice actors! I got the same answers though. Does this mean anything.
Honestly, it just means that there were some pretty solid voice actors on the cast. We should appreciate them more! Let's go rewatch the end credits and appreciate how much life they brought to the animation. :)
...the more I look, I realise there are more references to Pulp Fiction than I anticipated. There will be an attachment to my thoughts on this later. When I post it.
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therummonster · 1 month
Okay question, would the daycare/daycare academy universe versions(sorta) get along with the Mc heroes versions of themselves? (Ik Sabre isn't Peter so- just like- idk main characters of each got thrown somewhere so y e -) Just a random question :333 also do send me more art if you can /nf I love ur art sm :3
technically peter does have a daycare variant, aka the councilor of yandere camp-
anyways, i'm honestly not fully sure, so most of it's guess work.
long ramble!
Ryan of the daycare is this chaotic child that often throws people under the bus, he literally attempted to trap and blow up bobby in a train engine {to be fair, the child is an asshole.} in season 1 of daycare because Tina broke up with him briefly.
while Ryan from heroes is more calm and mature. he's saving money by eating cheap, he probably also knows how to do medicine stuffs.
so idk, give them tea and they'll chill out for as long as the cup has a drop.
Tina The Tiger {TTT according to her initials-} is a bit of a yandere, extremely possessive over Ryan, gets jealous easily and acts brash. she also runs the equivalent of a mafia/gang.
Tina, hero universe, is more calm. she's clingy, yes, but at the same time she's keeping quiet about the fact that for once she wants a day where it's just her and Ryan.
honestly, they'd probably gossip a whole bunch with each other. maybe mope about Ryan not being as into the relationship as they are.
Goldy in the daycare is chaos incarnate, has a reputation for being absurdly stupid, yet still knows a bad situation when she sees one. she loves toys, probably is eternally cursed to be searching for her long lost love, which i think was a rocking horse. also her dad is literal pure gold.
Goldy working in the heroes universe is not that observant, or at the very least doesn't make the first move in terms of romance. that isn't to say she's completely repulsed by the idea of some kind of chemistry, as she puts a kiss on Unicorn Mann's cheek after the fight with Dr Ostrich.
these two can probably get along the most, having multiple similarities to pull from.
Unicorn in daycare, he's a mix of anxious, confident, lonely, and smart depending who you ask. he's a massive hodge podge of a being that has literally gotten his emotions split apart, and he's probably holding himself together with duct tape or hand screwed screws. without leaving canon, he is a copy cat in the daycare universe.
Luke is almost the same. almost. his emotions haven't been fractured, so he's still basically entirely whole. he's also got a secondary voice in his head.
these two have canon reason on why they will not meet, due to all the ucms having something in their systems to act as multiverse repellents with each other. it isn't naturally there, as unicorn{friends} could still go off and find ucm sr. but they'd probably be chill.
and for absolutely less than no reason, chicken mann meeting small ucm would be just watching him pause, stare down at the other, before one insult goes and they're back in the streets fighting each other.
or daycare ucm meets peter and they are just chill cat energy with each other.
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ladyaislinn-dark · 4 months
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Erinnerungen, die bleiben...
Robert Addie als Guy of Gisburne (leider allzu jung verstorben), der Gegenspieler von Robin Hood hatte es mir total angetan. Ich glaube, ich war eine von vielen, die sich in der ersten Episode prompt in ihn verliebt haben. He was such a cute guy! Sein jugendliches Auftreten, verbunden mit einem wundervollen Testosteron-Timbre, seine Autorität, die oftmals ins Wanken geriet, wenn er in ein Fettnäpfchen stieg, und sein verzweifeltes Suchen nach Anerkennung beim weiblichen Geschlecht (meine Güte, wie konnte man so einen Mann ablehnen?), seine imponierende Größe, seine Reitkenntnisse.. all das trug dazu bei, dass er bis heute unvergessen bleibt und auch in Zukunft sein wird. Leider ist er viel zu früh verstorben (an Lungenkrebs), RIP, best Guy of Gisburne ever!
Als erster mir in Erinnerung gebliebener Held der Mattscheibe ist mir das inzwischen leider von uns gegangene Spitzohr - mit der manchmal ebenso spitzen Zunge- Mr. Spock (L. Nimoy). Seine Coolness, selbst in brenzligen Situationen, seine Selbstironie und unerschütterliche Loyalität waren für mich einfach nur "faszinierend". Als einzige emotionale Regung ein Hochziehen der ohnehin schon nach oben zeigenden Brauen oder Andeutung eines milden Lächelns war schon das höchste der Gefühle beim grün-blütigen Vulkanier. Wie oft hab ich diese umwerfende Coolness herbeigesehnt, während meiner Schulzeit vor allem die Logik, die mir so sehr fehlte, wie bewunderte ich die Helden im Pyjama-Look und schwarzen Stiefelchen (die Damen in atemberaubend kurzen Kleidchen), die sich jeder brenzligen Situation im All (oder auch komischen: "Kennen Sie Tribbles?") unerschrocken stellten. Sollte Spocks Umgang mit seinen Mitmenschen und Eltern auch von einer gewissen Unterkühlung geprägt gewesen sein, ich wünschte mir diese Nüchternheit zuweilen nach Austeilung der Mathematik-Schularbeiten-Hefte. Ach, wieder ein Nichtgenügend, aber das ist doch kein Weltuntergang, ich verstehe das ganze Theater um die Noten nicht. Piep. Hier Bowman. Ende.
Dann war da etwas später auch der ultracoole Dr. House, stets die Lösung für schwierige medizinischen (Not-) Fälle parat, fies zu seinen Mitarbeitern (und Patienten) und meistens halb high durch Vicodin. So fies wollte ich auch zuweilen sein, wagte es aber nicht, aus Gründen der zwischenmenschlich erforderlichen Harmonie. Oh ja, man wünschte manchem schon mal die Pest an den Hals, (selbst das konnte Dr. House diagnostizieren, meistens war es aber Lupus. ) Leider kann ich die Serie aus hypochondrischen Gründen nicht mehr nachverfolgen. Absolut nicht mehr.
Widmen wir uns lieber meinem Lieblings-Neurotiker Adrian Monk, in dem ich einige meiner eigenen Unzulänglichkeiten entdeckte. Z.B. Höhenangst, Angst vor Milch und vor Bakterien. Dr. Google schlägt mir weiters vor: Akrophobie, Aviophobie, Canophobie, Ophiophobie, Klaustrophobie, Achluophobie, Aphephosmophobie, Agaraphobie, , Dentophobie, Enetophobie, etc., eventuell Asperger . Monk schlittert schon mal in einer sozialen Interaktion von einer komischen Situation in die andere. Er liebt seinen Psychiater Dr. Charles Kroger, (Stanley Kamel, leider verstorben) heiß und wurde mit seinem einarmigen Kollegen nicht recht warm, abgesehen von den Gruppensitzungen (eek!). Meine Eltern nervt/e er etwas, ebenso ab und zu seine zwei Assistentinnen; ich finde ihn drollig, er hat was von Mr. Bean, und ich wünschte, ich hätte manchmal auch ein nüchternes, realistisches, nicht in den Wolken schwebendes Beiwagerl (schon wieder ein schulischer Ausdruck), das mir ein Tuch reicht, um Türen zu öffnen. Und nachher zum Desinfizieren der Hände. Ich bin aber damit bis jetzt recht gut gefahren, auch wenn manch einer die Augen verdreht.
Ausflug nach Colorado Springs zu Dr. Quinn und Byron Sully "Es schwebt was in der Luft: Testosteron oh, Byron Sully, der hat viel davon..." Für Joe Lando in der Lederhose war es eine ziemliche Herausforderung, den Sully authentisch darzustellen. In der Prairie spielte er den emotional leicht angegriffenen Sully, braun gebrannt, einen Freund der Indianer und einen oft wortkargen Naturburschen. Im echten Leben ist Joe Lando eher blass unter dem vielen make up und hasst Schmutz unter seinen Fingernägeln. Sully lebt in vollkommener Harmonie mit der Natur und seinen Bewohnern, allerdings ist er im wirklichen Leben allergisch auf fast alles, was darin vorkommt, einschließlich der Hundehaare des Haus"wolfes". Sully reitet, nach anfänglichem Zögern, doch recht flott stets ohne Sattel und wirft gekonnt den Tomahawk, wenn es einmal nötig erscheint, aber Joe Lando's Allerwertester musste nach jedem Ausritt mit Eis gekühlt werden. Er und Michaela liegen sich oft in den Haaren, meist wegen Kleinigkeiten, aber das Happy End gestaltet sich meistens mit: Du hattest Recht, Sully, .. nein, du hattest Recht, Michaela...
von G.B. Bowman aka LadyAislinn *Überlebenskunst* 🖤
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Characters for Ask Series
So here's that list I was talking about... it's a long boy-
Shane Gang Related Cast: Eli Shane, Trixie Sting, Kord Zane, Pronto Geronimole, Will Shane, Junjie, Mira Serene, Katrina Drake
Allies of the Shane Gang: Honey Shane, Jimmo Shane, Dr Nathaniel Serene, Marie Serene, Dana Por, Tom Por, Brodie, Coop, Bartholomev, Katherine McGregor, Tobias, Grendel, Indra, King of Sling, Mario Bravado, the Gentleman, Millard Milford, Redhook, Sally, Shadow Clan Priest, Tharsos, Chief, Shadow Clan, Shanai, Vance Bolt, Dandelion Redwall
Blakk Industries Big Leagues: Dr Blakk, Twist, El Diablos Nachos, Maurice, Tad Blakk, Brimstone, Dark Bane Elites, Blakk Goons, Locke, Lode, C.C, John Bull, Quintin, Sedo, Ivor 'the White Bear' Lewis, Janice Lewis, Trip Lewis, Matt Holarctic
Enemies of the Shane Gang: Billy, Shorty, Glasses, Blite, Malvoilo Drake, Brutale Drake, Fang, Mr Watts, Fav, Gabe and Marcus Powers, Boss Ember, Straggus, Mongo, Lil Stevie, Munch, Mr Saturday, Spirex, the Game Master
One off Villains: Gar Revelle, André Geyser, Fire/Flame, Ice/Frost, Behemoth, Darius Yorman, Gerhard Stocker, Judge Logan, Primo Presto, Sergeant Slug, Shockwire, Viggo Dare
Citizens: Bob Johnson, Blast Vanderhuge, Bryce Estavan, Chief Lucius, Croesus, Cyrus, Desdmona, Dorium, Dr Harlan E Blakk, Howard, Sylvia, Jacques, Welder Walter, Max Jackson, Rubin Evern, Sid the Kid, Spinks, Thrasher, Trini, Trini's Mom, Waylon, Quill Wright
Eastern Caverns Heroes: Drucilla, Old Man, Lian, Hamangku, Flower, Hoshi, Swick, Sleade, Yang
The Emperor's Army: The Emperor, The Goon Doc, Jonny Mann, Underlord Holt, Underlord Yarry, Morv, Oogleby, Stone Warriors, Unbeatable Warriors
Other Eastern Citizens: Nathan, Symothy, the Pyritor, Orion, Celestia
Slugs: All of the Shane Gang's named All of the villains slugs/ghouls that are named All of the other cast's slugs/ghouls that are named
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soldier-requests · 2 years
Can I get a playlist for the RED Medic from TF2?
sure! i'll put a bunch of songs here just for u :D.
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i'll do it like: "song" + "artist" !!
"Blood - End Credits" + "My Chemical Romance"
"I'm Gonna Win" + "Rob Cantor"
"Terrible Things" + "Brick + Mortar"
"Schöner fremder Mann" + "Connie Francis"
"Trad: As der Rebbe Elimelech is gevoryn asoi freylach" + "Traditional" / "Itzhak Perlman" / "Dov Seltzer" / "Israel Philharmonic Orchestra"
"Lifetime Achievement Award" + "Lemon Demon"
"I Fucked in Heaven" + "Mom"
"Chemical Overreaction / Compound Fracture" + "Will Wood and the Tapeworms"
"Chop Suey!" + "System Of a Down"
"Drunk" + "The Living Tombstone"
"Smells Blood" + "Kensuke Ushio"
"The Fine Print" + "The Stupendium"
"Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)" + "Will Wood"
"Der Busfahrer Song" + "Pyrictus" / "Kalle Koschinsky"
"Halt dein Maul" + "Y-Titty"
"Moments musicaux, Op. 16: No. 4 in E Minor: Presto" + "Sergei Rachmaninoff" / "Lilya Zilberstein"
"Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart - 2017 Version" + "Vera Lynn"
"A Little Priest" + "Johnny Depp" / "Helena Bonham Carter"
"Dr. Sawbones" + "Creature Feature"
"Charlie's Inferno" + "That Handsome Devil"
"Funeral Derangements" + "Ice Nine Kills"
"Novocaine" + "Fall Out Boy"
"Mercy VS Medic Rap Battle" + "J.T. Machinima"
"Meet the Crew - Remastered" + "JT Music"
"The Most Fashionable Faction" + "The Stupendium" / "Harry Callaghan"
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dividers from @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Fri[day] 28 October 1836
7 3/4
12 20/..
No kiss fine frosty morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 34 1/2° now at 8 50/.. a.m. out ab[ou]t till br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/2 - A-  [Ann] d[i]d
h[e]r Fr[en]ch - out ag[ai]n at 10 1/4 – Ingh[a]m + 2 men and a boy at the parapet wall ov[e]r the dry wall arching –
Rob[er]t Mann + 3 lower[in]g and levell[in]g in front of the h[ou]se till 11 then took them off to prepare for mov[in]g the
heap of clay laid last y[ea]r ag[ain]st the gard[e]n wall - the run and all made ready and they beg[a]n mov[in]g the clay to the [foot]
the mound (to the east) of the rockwork immed[iatel]y aft[e]r their din[ner] – Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and his man Jos[e]ph all the day wall[in]g
the hall-cellar drain - the gard[ene]r and Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[art]h and John Booth and Mark Hepw[or]th help[in]g when they
c[oul]d to clear the orch[ar]d – lit[tle] trace left of an orch[ar]d this ev[enin]g - Mark Hepw[or]th levell[in]g soil aft[e]r the N[orth]g[a]te
carts on the gr[ea]t embankment in front of the h[ou]se - Frank cart[in]g for Ingh[a]m st[one] fr[om] the gard[e]n wall in the morn[in]g and rag
throughs fr[om] Hipperh[olme] quarry in the aft[ernoo]n - Booth the gr[eate]r part of the day and 2 masons all the day at the west tow[e]r
2 masons jobb[in[g – prepar[in]g for the top of the drab-r[oo]m chim[ne]y (hew[e]d by the 2 hewers Ja[me]s Murgatroyde and
Booths’ son Jos[e]ph and w[oul]d ha[ve] been put up but for the windy days we ha[ve] late[l]y h[a]d) - and prepar[in]g
lancet-lights for the groin[e]d dry wall arch - In the gard[e]n and ab[ou]t all the day exc[ept] fr[om] about 2 to 4 when
saunt[ere]d d[o]wn the walk - and along the low[e]r brea daisy bank thro’ Wellroyde wood int[o] the N[or]thow[ra]m r[oa]d to so[me]
dist[an]ce ab[ou]t Upper brea - to where Shibd[e]n is 1st seen - stood compar[in]g the diff[eren]t points of view –
ret[urne]d by the Stump X Inn and the Lodge – 1/2 h[ou]r there talk[in]g to Matty for Hannah Pearson the cook here
20 y[ea]rs ago h[a]d been at the hall and call[e]d on her way b[a]ck to see Matty - poor Hannah! she told me how I w[a]s
altered – so[me]bod[y] h[a]d told h[e]r lately how m[u]ch I w[a]s aged - But she d[i]d n[o]t kno[w] she sh[oul]d expect
me to look just as I us[e]d to do - no! s[aid] I, you ha[ve] n[o]t seen me these 20 y[ea]rs - it is ti[me] for
me to be alt[ere]d - it is fr[om] s[u]ch peop[le] one hears the  truth - I h[a]d th[ou]ght, on her ent[erin]g the
r[oo]m, she w[a]s grown an old wom[a]n - so chang[e]d I might n[o]t ha[ve] known her en passant –
b[u]t I made no rem[ar]k on this to her – ho[me] ab[ou]t 4 – w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann at the clay mov[in]g and ab[ou]t
till ca[me] in at 6 – dress[e]d – direct[e]d and seal[e]d and s[e]nt off by Frank tonight my notes (writ[ten]
last night and dat[e]d yest[erday]) to ‘Mr. Hoyland Gibbet-lane’ order[in]g a hatch[men]t for my a[un]t to be done as soon
as poss[ible] - and my no[te] to ‘Dr. Kenny Ward’s end’ enclos[in]g a guin[ea] (a sov[erei]gn and a shil[ling]) sor[ry] that
this sm[all] debt of w[hi]ch I w[a]s n[o]t aware h[a]d been so long unacknowledg[e]d – din[ner] at 6 35/.. – coff[ee]
upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch - I asleep on the sofa 1/2 h[ou]r - A-  [Ann] h[a]d let[ter] tonight fr[om] Messrs. Gray –
the complet[io]n of her Radcliffe purchase to be at the White Swan H[alifa]x on Tues[day] - Mr. S. Washingt[o]n
to attend - A- [Ann] annoy[e]d - we all al[on]g th[ou]ght of go[in]g to York - she h[a]d n[o]t wish[e]d the purch[a]se to be
complet[e]d here and for Mr. SW- [Samuel Washington] to ha[ve] an[y]th[in]g to do w[i]th it - at 10 20/.. p.m. h[a]d just writ[ten] all the ab[ov]e of today
at wh[ic]h h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 33° ver[y] fine cold frosty day -  
 How m[u]ch I chang[e]d
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drmaqazi · 1 month
Too Jhukaa Jabb Ghair Ke Aagay Nah Mann Teraa Nah Tann | 
Bal-e-Jibril: 27 | Allama Iqbal Poetry | Urdu Poetry | 
Allamah Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Rahmatullahi ilaihi
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lorenzlund · 2 months
Unsere Pfleger-/innen geben Behinderten aus Lie Bi- einen Korb! Diakonie in Deutschland *Gemeint ist der dabei erneut an einen von ihnen weiter gereichte prall gefüllte kostenlose Warenkorb aus dem örtlichen Supermarkt. den Bi- (an etwas) hindern (wollen). die doppelte Veranlagung. Meist sollen wir Männer sie haben! Aber auch Frauen können oder sollen sie gelegentlich besitzen, so wird behauptet! Dann naemlich gilt das so, sollten sie dem eigens selber zuvor vielleicht so noch zugestimmt haben und dem Mann gegenüber nicht etwa sehr deutlich ablehnend gegenüber auftraten! 'Wir wollen das (er)klim(m)' A'(ersche) verbessern für ganz Remscheid!!' 'Kinder von starken 'R (selber) auch (dr)in' werden später oft selber dazu'. 'Vom Rauchen erhaltet ihr nur unnötig Lungenkrebs'. 'Fruechtetraum' (vom). ehr(enhaften) Mann. der Jock hurt aus dem Supermarkt. (der) Job (am) Center. die Jobvermittlung. 'Kirschsahnequark' (angepriesen als: 'Besonders cremig!').
'Auch Russland plant und verspricht die Stationierung neuer Raketen, und zwar auch in unmittelbarer Naehe zu Deutschland, so wie die USA es jetzt vorhaben, so der Kreml, man wolle in dem Fall unbedingt gleichziehen!' 'Aerzten gelingt die Entwicklung gänzlich neuer Heilverfahren bei Krebs mittels langfristigem und notfalls wiederholtem Herunter-Kuehlen des Tumors in Schnell-Zeit'. Selbst bei möglichem Wiederauftreten wirkt diese Vorgehensweise optimal. OPs, das bisher gewohnte Wegschneiden per Messer, erwiesen sich regelmäßig dabei als unnötig!' 'Kanzler für schnelles Abschieben von Schaft-er-taetern in Herkunftslaender wie Afghanistan und Syrien'. 'S-t-r-a-f'... als Vorsilbe erneuter und das selbst Strafgefangenenlager fruehere im direkten Vergleich und dem Aufbau von Silben. '(a)r(sch) ol(e) Fahren' bzw. 'Farten mit dem/im Rollstuhl'. to fart : pupsen, auch: lautes Herumgepupse. der Rollstuhlfahrer. (What it can mean if you/if we) elect (ourselfves some) tree/-s sick. elektrischer Strom und Rollstuhl. 'Wir wollen Schwerstkranke in ihrer letzten Lebensphase ball-Ei-aktiv und medizinisch begleiten!' palliativ. Unser schon auch bisheriges 'Ladegerät' welches auch wir von Geburt an besassen als Männer weltweite erstmals hat es nun doch ein stark anderes Aussehen. 'Verbrennermotoren und Autos sollen bald ganz verboten werden, planen Regierungen'. Weil wir gesaesslich betreut werden, gelten wir als Mann von nun an als sehr viel treuer in Augen anderer auch! die Gesetzesabhandlung oder auch Text. Inhalte Bedeutungen von Gesetzen. Der gesetzlich verordnete Betreuer. Mich auf Reisen gelegentlich auch mitbegleitende Ärzte warnten mich zuletzt wiederholt sogar vor dem erneuten Besteigen selbst von Personenzügen wegen derer strahlender Außenhäute wie sie der Überzeugung waren. U.a. bestünde die Gefahr erkrankter Fussgelenke. (die Böden). Aber auch fortgesetztes sehr starkes Übermüden. Zuerst wird es immer so und auf die Weise von ihnen wahrgenommen! Sie mussten mich wecken! Busse waren auch schon betroffen! Ein laptop gerade vielleicht erst neu durch mich auch erworbener oder selbst das nagelneue Handy von uns! Auch hier schlafen wir noch während des Weiterarbeitens auch des eigenen in oft weniger als einer halben Stunde ein, der Kopf liegt von da an darauf! Metall koenne das so übrigens immer bei uns bewirken, so die mir dann nachgereichte Erklärung, nach dem erneuten Wecken durch andere, einer solchen Gruppierung oder Gruppe, die das für mich tut, oder glaubt erneut dann tun zu müssen, kann - neben Polizisten - selbst der ein oder andere Arzt dann durchaus erneut selber wieder auch mit angehoeren! Bereits in den 70ern schaltete auch Deutschland von der bis dahin noch fast alleinig aus Kohle gewonnenen Energie gänzlich auf die Kernenergie und den aus ihr gewonnenen Strom um. Aus Bergwerken wurden Museen! Aus bisherigen Bergarbeitern, wie selbst italienischen, wurden Taxifahrer, Pizzaverkäufer - oder heutige Museensangestellte! Raketen treffen heutzutage dabei immer öfter selbst Kinder und Jugendliche erneut der jeweiligen genauen Gegenueberseite - selbst wieder dann auch der eigenen, und töten einige von ihnen! Regierungen - zumindest einige -entscheiden sich inzwischen wiederholt aber schon selber auch dagegen! 'Kommt in unsere Firma als neue A**** zu Bi-s und lasst euch (r)ausbilden!!' jemd. fällt dabei ganz aus dem gewohnten bisherigen Rahmen oder dem geschossenen Gemeinschaftsfoto. 'Trotzdem du im Leben jetzt fehlst, zumindest mit dem Herzen bleibst du uns allen in Erinnerung'. *so eine erneut von mir wahrgenommene Inschrift auf Solinger Grabmal - erst gestern wieder auch. 'Spieglein Spieglein an der Wand, sag', wer ist schönster Mann im ganzen Land?' (der versteckte Hohlraum hinter dem Spiegel auch sehr viel früherer Jahrhunderte schon, heute erfüllt die moderne Videokamera heimlich von anderen erneut dort untergebrachte diese Funktion meist aus - stattdessen. Sie hing wohl mehrfach schon in einer auch meiner früheren Wohnungen. Gerade wir Dichter lebten immer schon in dieser Gefahr - weltweit ist es auch dabei geblieben!)
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schoje · 2 months
O deputado Dr. Vicente Caropreso (PSDB) recebeu em seu gabinete a visita dos vereadores mirins  do município de Guaramirim, nesta terça-feira (16). O deputado destacou a importância do projeto que visa incentivar a participação dos adolescentes na política e do idealizador do projeto, o então vereador do município Marcos Mannes, que faleceu em 2010. Ele também tratou do trabalho no Parlamento catarinense e apresentou ações do seu mandato que estão beneficiando a cidade e a região, como a duplicação da rodovia  entre Jaraguá do Sul e Guaramirim. O grupo estava acompanhado do prefeito do município, Luís Antônio Chiodini, e dos vereadores Tiago Stoinski e Professora Maria Rosana Zermiani Franz. “Troca de experiência importante para mim e para eles. É um projeto muito rico, que fortalece a nossa democracia, os valores da cidadania e  aproxima o trabalho legislativo da nossa  juventude”, afirmou o deputado. Ele frisou que, além da questão legislativa, da análise, apresentação e votação de projetos de lei, a função parlamentar envolve a representação política. “Somos os porta-vozes das demandas dos municípios da nossa região. Batalhamos  por recursos no orçamento do estado para  obras e investimentos  que terão impacto na qualidade de vida da população, seja na saúde, na educação ou na infraestrutura.” Para exemplificar, citou ações do seu mandato em prol do município, como a duplicação do trecho estadualizado da BR-280, entre Guaramirim e Jaraguá do Sul, a licitação da duplicação da SC-108, entre Guaramirim e Massaranduba, a instalação de aparelhos de ar condicionado em várias escolas estaduais e a destinação de R$ 1 milhão para a prefeitura realizar a pavimentação do acesso ao distrito industrial que será transformado no Complexo Municipal Multimodal, além do apoio ao funcionamento de entidades como os Bombeiros Voluntários.Fonte: Agência ALESC - Gabinetes
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vorunruhestand · 4 months
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chrisbannor · 5 months
Chapter Twenty Eight: Rusty
Author: Chris Bannor
Wu DaQi had never felt more helpless in his life. The news played on the large screen across from him, but his head was full of live video feeds as he watched the chaos that took the lower levels of the city.
His heart was breaking for Yi.
More than anything, he wanted to pull Yi into his arms and keep him from the mayhem outside their safe house. It wasn’t who they were though. Hiding from the world and the horrors outside wouldn’t make anything better. They had to face it and see where this new horror would lead.
Yi hadn’t moved in hours, not since martial law had been declared. Yi stood silently staring out into the city, resting his head against the window. DaQi saw Yi’s back straighten at the same time the news across from him flashed to alert them to an urgent report.
“We have just received breaking news. The police have released a statement concerning the case of possible AI let loose on our city streets. A doctor has been taken into custody by agents of Mann Enterprises. There is no indication of what chargers Dr. Atieno Obuo might face, but the doctor was a part of Mariner Tech’s science division before she was fired for selling corporate information to Safe-E Tech.”
The screen turned off the reporter and showed an image of Obuo being led into Mariner Tech’s corporate office.
“As you can see, the doctor is now in custody. Police will soon know what hand she had in the development of sentient artificial intelligence and what she knows about the current location of these two dangerous robots.”
DaQi muted the screen as it moved on to images of the Piles again.
“I thought she’d made it out safely,” Yi said. He walked away from the window and took a seat on the couch across from the screen. “She had connections to stay alive that long. I hoped they’d see her outside of this mess.”
“You know what this is.” DaQi needed him thinking clearly tonight, but it was obvious he was worried about his friends.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t change anything, does it?”
Wu DaQi ran a hand through his hair. “No. Even if it is a trap, we need to get her out of there. She did too much for us over the years.”
“They won’t hurt her.”
“We don’t know that for certain though.”
Yi nodded. “And that’s exactly why we have to get to her. They won’t keep her at the corporate offices. They made too much of a show of bringing her in there. They’re using the crowd to help keep an eye on us and any escape we might try to make.”
“We don’t know who she’s connected to, but it’s high enough they’ve kept her alive this long. They’re using her arrest to bait us, and they’ll move her someplace safe.”
“So, we just need to figure out where that someplace safe is. So how do we do that? She gave me an earpiece that would reach her, but even if she managed to keep them from finding it, she’d have made it untraceable.” Yi said.
DaQi thought about Mariner and the information he’d learned over the years. About what he knew from the last seven years working in various positions around Mann Enterprises and Mariner itself. “The stolen tech,” he realized. “They knew where it was, but Salin kept putting us on the detail because he was trying to get you to come back for me. I don’t think he knew what was going on. Which means he probably didn’t pass along the fact that we were tagging the stolen merchandise. Before they let the Piles burn they would have retrieved it and taken it someplace safe.”
“Follow the tech and you think they’ll have her there too?”
“They aren’t going to worry about securing too many of their locations against the raids and riots. The ones they do are important.”
“So, we just need to find the merchandise you tagged, tap into the properties owned by Mariner Tech, and see which ones they’re securing.”
“And then we go get Obuo.”
“Oh good.” Chan Yi smiled for the first time since they’d come home. “It’s been almost a week since I last broke into a Mariner Tech building. I was afraid my skills might get rusty.”
Author's Note: And now Obuo has been pulled into this mess! Do you think she's really alright? Is the person who kept her out of trouble so far powerful enough to keep her alive now? Or are Yi and DaQi going after a corpse?
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blog-aventin-de · 6 months
Arm oder reich
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Arm oder Reich · Philip E. Humbert · Kurzgeschichte
Eines Tages nahm ein Mann seinen Sohn mit aufs Land, um ihm zu zeigen, wie arme Leute leben. Vater und Sohn verbrachten daher einen Tag und eine Nacht auf einer Farm einer sehr armen Familie. Als sie wieder zurückkehrten, fragte der Vater seinen Sohn: »Wie war dieser Ausflug?« »Sehr interessant!« antwortete der Sohn. »Und hast du gesehen, wie arm Menschen sein können?« »Oh ja, Vater, das habe ich gesehen.« »Was hast du also gelernt?« fragte der Vater. Und der Sohn antwortete: »Ich habe gesehen, dass wir einen Hund haben und die Leute auf der Farm haben vier. Wir haben einen Swimmingpool, der bis zur Mitte unseres Gartens reicht, und sie haben einen See, der gar nicht mehr aufhört. Wir haben prächtige Lampen in unserem Garten und sie haben die Sterne. Unsere Terrasse reicht bis zum Vorgarten und sie haben den ganzen Horizont.« Der Vater war sprachlos. Und der Sohn fügte noch hinzu: »Danke Vater, dass du mir gezeigt hast, wie arm wir sind.« (Quelle: Dr. Philip E. Humbert, The Innovative Professional's Letter, frei übersetzt und leicht geändert) Arm oder Reich · Dr. Philip E. Humbert · Kurzgeschichte zum Nachdenken Read the full article
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callcentermaschen · 8 months
"Das große Leipzig-Autoabenteuer: Freundschaftsleasing entpuppt sich als raffinierter Betrugsfall!"
Mitten in der faszinierenden Kulisse eines internationalen Flughafens beginnt die Geschichte von Stefan E., einem 38-jährigen Mann aus Athen, der am Flughafen Düsseldorf landet. Die Szene nimmt eine dramatische Wendung, als Polizisten Fälschungsmerkmale an seinem Ausweis entdecken. Was zunächst nach einem Routine-Check aussieht, entwickelt sich zu einem atemberaubenden Fluchtversuch und einer spektakulären Festnahme, die die Bundespolizeiinspektion Flughafen Düsseldorf am 22. September enthüllte.
Hinter diesem aufsehenerregenden Vorfall verbirgt sich ein weitreichender Betrugsfall, der Leipzig erschüttert. Über 100 Menschen wurden mit raffinierten Versprechungen in ein Netzwerk verwickelt, das Luxusauto-Leasing als "Freundschaftsleasing" tarnete. Während am Flughafen Düsseldorf der vermeintliche Drahtzieher Stefan E. festgenommen wird, ermittelt die Staatsanwaltschaft Leipzig bereits gegen ihn.
Die Betrugsmasche, orchestriert von Unternehmer "Alexander Szymanowski" und seiner Firma "Taste & Prosper GmbH & Co. KG", entpuppt sich als ausgeklügeltes Schneeballsystem. Die Opfer, rund 115 Personen aus verschiedenen Gesellschaftsschichten, darunter sogar Mitarbeiter aus Polizei- und Justizkreisen, haben mit verlockenden Leasingverträgen hohe finanzielle Verluste erlitten.
Die scheinbar attraktiven Leasingvereinbarungen verlangen von den "Leasingnehmern", ihre Fahrzeuge mit Werbung zu bekleben und sie an Mitarbeiter der Firma zu überlassen. Im Gegenzug verspricht die Firma, sämtliche Kosten zu übernehmen. Doch die Realität sieht anders aus: Die Fahrzeuge werden zu überhöhten Preisen finanziert, und das Geld fließt in ein undurchsichtiges System. Der vermeintliche "Gewinn" dient lediglich dazu, die monatlichen Darlehensraten zu erstatten und das betrügerische Modell am Laufen zu halten.
Trotz der spektakulären Festnahme von Stefan E. und den aufgedeckten Machenschaften bleiben viele Fragen offen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Leipzig hält sich bedeckt, während Anwalt Jannis Witte von Dr. Fingerle Rechtsanwälte weiterhin Licht in das Dunkel dieses hochkomplexen Betrugsfalls zu bringen versucht. #LeipzigBetrug #Freundschaftsleasing #CallcenterMaschen
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fictionz · 9 months
New Fiction 2023
I struggled with the idea that I need to keep up with everything new, when it's evident that I don't want to. Movies are easy thanks to subscription services like A-List (and a pathological need to get out of the house), but I was consistently happy to dwell in the past for reading and video games.
So I think I'll be more chill about fiction this year. Just follow what feels right.
Previously: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
2023: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Short Stories, Chapters, Excerpts
Jan - "Psalms" (1-100) ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Jan - "The Husband Stitch" by Carmen Maria Machado (2017)
Jan - "Inventory" by Carmen Maria Machado (2017)
Jan - "Mothers" by Carmen Maria Machado (2017)
Jan - "Especially Heinous" by Carmen Maria Machado (2017)
Jan - "Real Women Have Bodies" by Carmen Maria Machado (2017)
Jan - "Eight Bites" by Carmen Maria Machado (2017)
Jan - "The Resident" by Carmen Maria Machado (2017)
Jan - "Difficult At Parties" by Carmen Maria Machado (2017)
Jan - "The First Peer" by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore (2010)
Jan - "Reservoir Ferengi" by David McIntee (2010)
Jan - "The Slow Knife" by James Swallow (2010)
Jan - "The Unhappy Ones" by Keith R.A. DeCandido (2010)
Jan - "Freedom Angst" by Britta Burdett Dennison (2010)
Jan - "Revenant" by Marc D. Giller (2010)
Jan - "Work Is Hard" by Greg Cox (2010)
Feb - "Psalms" (101-150) ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Mar - "Proverbs" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Mar - "Ecclesiastes" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Mar - "WPO" by Joanne McNeil (2022)
Mar - "Flesh" by Louis Evans (2022)
Mar - "Devolution" by Ellen Ullman (2022)
Mar - "Always Home" by Jeff Vandermeer (2022)
Apr - "Canticle of Canticles" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Apr - "Wisdom" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
May - "Ecclesiasticus" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Jun - "Isaias" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Jul - "Jeremias" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Aug - "Lamentations of Jeremias" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Aug - "The Miracle of the Lily" by Clare Winger Harris (1928)
Aug - "The Conquest of Gola" by Leslie F. Stone (1931)
Aug - "The Black God's Kiss" by C.L. Moore (1934)
Aug - "Space Episode" by Leslie Perri (1941)
Aug - "That Only a Mother" by Judith Merril (1948)
Aug - "In Hiding" by Wilmar H. Shiras (1948)
Aug - "Contagion" by Katherine MacLean (1950)
Aug - "The Inhabited Men" by Margaret St. Clair (1951)
Aug - "Ararat" by Zenna Henderson (1952)
Aug - "All Cats Are Gray" by Andrew North (1953)
Aug - "Created He Them" by Alice Eleanor Jones (1955)
Aug - "Mr. Sakrison’s Halt" by Mildred Clingerman (1956)
Aug - "All the Colors of the Rainbow" by Leigh Brackett (1957)
Aug - "Pelt" by Carol Emshwiller (1958)
Aug - "Car Pool" by Rosel George Brown (1959)
Aug - "For Sale, Reasonable" by Elizabeth Mann Borgese (1959)
Aug - "Birth of a Gardener" by Doris Pitkin Buck (1961)
Aug - "The Tunnel Ahead" by Alice Glaser (1961)
Aug - "The New You" by Kit Reed (1962)
Aug - "Another Rib" by John Jay Wells & Marion Zimmer Bradley (1963)
Aug - "When I Was Miss Dow" by Sonya Dorman (1966)
Aug - "Baby, You Were Great" by Kate Wilhelm (1967)
Aug - "The Barbarian" by Joanna Russ (1968)
Aug - "The Last Flight Of Dr. Ain" by James Tiptree, Jr. (1969)
Aug - "Nine Lives" by Ursula K. Le Guin (1969)
Sep - "Baruch" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Oct - "Snatched from the Brink" by Mary E. Penn (1878)
Oct - "The Canal" by Everil Worrell (1927)
Oct - "The Lost Performance of the High Priestess of the Temple of Horror" by Carmen Maria Machado (2020)
Oct - "The Time Remaining" by Attila Veres & trans. Luca Karafiáth (2019)
Oct - "CUE: Change" by Chesya Burke (2011)
Oct - "Last Call for the Sons of Shock" by David J. Schow (1994)
Oct - "The Real Right Thing" by Henry James (1899)
Oct - "The Haunted House" by M.A. Bird (1865)
Oct - "The Island of Regrets" by Elizabeth Walter (1965)
Oct - "The Stolen Body" by H.G. Wells (1903)
Oct - "The White Priest" by Hélène Gingold (1893)
Oct - "The Man Who Went Too Far" by E.F. Benson (1912)
Oct - "Mater Tenebrarum" by Pilar Pedraza & trans. James D. Jenkins (2000)
Oct - "Menopause" by Flore Hazoumé & trans. James D. Jenkins (1994)
Oct - "Señor Ligotti" by Bernardo Esquinca & trans. (2020)
Oct - "Shambleau" by C.L. Moore (1933)
Oct - "The Pit and the Pendulum" by Edgar Allan Poe (1850)
Oct - "The Village Spectre" by Gianna G. Maniego (2002)
Oct - "The Fog Horn" by Ray Bradbury (1951)
Oct - "The Lady of the House of Love" by Angela Carter (1979)
Oct - "The Woman's Ghost Story" by Algernon Blackwood (1907)
Oct - "Black Bargain" by Robert Bloch (1942)
Oct - "Vastarien" by Thomas Ligotti (1987)
Oct - "The Doll" by Daphne du Maurier (1937)
Oct - "The Transferred Ghost" by Frank Stockton (1882)
Oct - "The Shadowy Third" by Ellen Glasgow (1923)
Oct - "The Daemon Lover" by Shirley Jackson (1949)
Oct - "The Interval" by Vincent O'Sullivan (1918)
Oct - "The Phantom Cyclist" by Ruth Ainsworth (1971)
Oct - "Couching at the Door" by D.K. Broster (1942)
Oct - "Bloodchild" by Octavia Butler (1984)
Dec - "Ezekiel" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Dec - "Daniel" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Audio Shorts
Jan - "The Briefcase" by Rebecca Makkai, performed by Victor Garber for NPR's Selected Shorts (2009, 2023)
Jan - "Paradise" by Yxta Maya Murray, performed by Tanis Parenteau for NPR's Selected Shorts (2020, 2023)
Oct - Tales from the Crypt Presents: Dead Easy by A.L. Katz & Gil Adler, performed by Sean Astin, Jake Busey, Tia Carrere, Brett Cullen, John Kassir (1995, 2022)
Novels & Novellas
Jan - Honor in the Night by Scott Pearson (2010)
Feb - Abyss by David Weddle & Jeffrey Lang (2001)
Mar - Demons of Air and Darkness by Keith R.A. DeCandido (2001)
Mar - Coraline by Neil Gaiman (2002)
Apr - Horn and Ivory by Keith R. A. DeCandido (2001)
Apr - Return to HorrorLand by R.L. Stine (1999)
May - We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds (2022)
Aug - Twilight by David R. George III (2002)
Aug - Are You Terrified Yet? by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - Creature Teacher by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - Invasion of the Body Squeezers - Part 1 by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - Invasion of the Body Squeezers - Part 2 by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - I'm Your Evil Twin! by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - Revenge R Us by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - Fright Camp by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - Headless Halloween by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls by R.L. Stine (1998)
Sep - Brain Juice by R.L. Stine (1998)
Dec - Revenant by Alex White (2021)
Dec - Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (2023)
Dec - The Men by Sandra Newman (2023)
Dec - Aftermath by Christopher L. Bennett (2003)
Dec - Jekyll and Heidi by R.L. Stine (1999)
Jan - Trapped in Bat Wing Hall by R.L. Stine (1995)
Jul - The Abominable Snowman by R. A. Montgomery (1982)
Aug - Tick Tock, You're Dead! by R.L. Stine (1995)
Sep - The Deadly Experiments of Dr. Eeek by R.L. Stine (1996)
Sep - Night in Werewolf Woods by R.L. Stine (1996)
Sep - Beware of the Purple Peanut Butter by R.L. Stine (1996)
Jan - A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, presented by Rice University Department of Visual and Dramatic Arts (1595, 2013)
Jan - "Comet as Paperboy" by Samantha Blysse Haviland (2022)
Jan - "The Art of Negotiation" by Meghan Privitello (2016)
Apr - "A Boat" by Richard Brautigan (1968)
May - "Idaho" by Dobby Gibson (2005)
Comic Shorts & Single Issues
Jan - "Forest Spirits" by Secondlina (2022)
Jan - "Forest Spirits 2" by Secondlina (2022)
Jan - "With Sympathy" by Oglaf Comics (2017)
Jan - "it went like this" by chaumas-deactivated20230115 (2023)
Feb - "The Hole in the Wall" by Angela Hsieh (2022)
Mar - "It hurt, but i don't regret it" by miggs perez (2023)
Mar - "Heaven, Heaven, Angel, Angel" by NoneToon (2023)
Mar - "A poem" by oddlyunadventurous (2023)
Apr - "Halt" by spiralshells (2023)
Apr - "Broomistega & Thrinaxodon" by Erin Roseberry (2023)
Jun - "A young couple have a strange encounter on a dark country road" by Iguanadon't (2016)
Jul - "My Local Gas Station" by Ink (2018)
Jul - The Adventures of Mighty Max - "Mighty Max and the Grand Slam" by Robert Hudnut, Gary Hartle, Brett Koth, David C. Weiss, and Phil Roman (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Trapped by Arachnoid" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Liquidates the Ice Alien" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Lashes Lizard" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Traps Rattus" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Outwits Cyclops" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Tangles With the Ape King" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Slays the Doom Dragon" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Grapples with Battle Cat" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Squishes Fly" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Blows Up Dino Lab" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Stings Scorpion" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Crushes the Hand" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Escapes from Skull Dungeon" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Conquers the Palace of Poison" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Sinks Nautilus" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Caught by the Man-Eater" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Bytes Cyberskull" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Terminates Wolfship 7" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Survives Corpus" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Against Robot Invader" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Zaps Beetlebrow" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Crushes Talon" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Out-Freaks Freako" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Rams Hydron" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Versus Kronosaur" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Challenges Lava Beast" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Tangles With Lockjaw" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Defeats Vamp Biter" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Fights Nuke Ranger" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Pulverizes Sea Squirm" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Battles Skull Warrior" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Hammers Ax Man" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Hounds Werewolf" by Bluebird Toys (1993)
Aug - "Mighty Max Neutralises Zomboid" by Bluebird Toys (1992)
Aug - "Mighty Max Defeats Battle Conqueror" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Head to Head With Hydra" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Melts Lava Beast" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Strikes Fang" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Shuts Down Cybot" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Shatters Gargoyle" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "Mighty Max Assaults Skull Master" by Bluebird Toys (1994)
Aug - "La-Mulana" by KC Green (2023)
Aug - "Mental Health Marge 2 Da Rescue" by ossian (2019)
Sep - "Hotline Miami" by KC Green (2023)
Sep - "I was told by my doctor that this'll completely compensate my human meat diet" by scribblingchimp (2023)
Oct - "Birds of a Feather" by Stephanie Phillips, Maan House, Giorgio Spalleta, Justin Birch, Chris Sanchez (2021)
Oct - "The Origin of Vampirella" by Budd Lewis & Jose Gonzalez (1981)
Oct - "Do You Know… the Beast-Man?" by Richard Howell, Colleen Doran, Kevin Cunningham (1992)
Oct - "Good Ol' Fashioned Vanilla" by W. Maxwell Prince, Chris O’Halloran, Martín Morazzo, Good Old Neon (2018)
Oct - "For Better or Worse?" by Richard Corben (2016)
Oct - "Werewolf!" by Frank Frazetta (1964)
Oct - "Chickadee!" by Aya Rothwell (2016)
Oct - "The Evil Dead" (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) by Richard Floyd-Walker (1986-1987)
Oct - "Famine's Shadow" by Rachel Deering & Christine Larsen (2014)
Oct - "A Pretty Place" by Emily Carroll (2023)
Oct - "The Thing from the Sea" by Wally Wood & Joe Orlando (1951)
Oct - "The Living Ghost" by Frank Belknap Long & Fred Guardineer (1948)
Oct - "Essence of Life" by Gail Simone, Tula Lotay, Jared K. Fletcher (2013)
Oct - "Hag of the Blood Basket!" by Al Hewetson & Sean Todd (1971)
Oct - "The Fisherman" by Franco, Tressina Bowling, Wes Abbott, Sara Richard (2022)
Oct - "Dental Plan" by Joy San (2019)
Oct - "Frankenstein y el Hombre Lobo" by Unknown (1946)
Oct - "Man's World" by Keith Giffen, Mary Sangiovanni, Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes, Taylor Esposito (2017)
Oct - "Shadow of Death" by William M. Gaines, Al Feldstein, Graham Ingels (1953)
Oct - "Smoke and Cedar" by Abby Howard & Alina Pete (2016)
Oct - "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" by Harlan Ellison & John Byrne (1994-1995)
Oct - "A Dog and His Boy" by Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer, Jill Thompson, Jason Arthur (2006)
Oct - "The Horror Beneath" by Leah Moore, John Reppion, Timothy Green II, Michelle Madsen, Nate Piekos (2006)
Oct - "Shadows on the Tomb" by Joe Certa (1952)
Oct - "The Muck Monster" by Bernie Wrightson (1975)
Oct - "The Duel of the Monsters" by Archie Goodwin & Angelo Torres (1966)
Oct - "The Willowdale Handcar or The Return of the Black Doll" by Edward Gorey (1962)
Oct - "Inside You" by Valerie D'Orazio & David James Cole (2014)
Oct - "Soylent Teen" by Jordan Morris, Liana Kangas, Ellie Wright, Jack Morelli (2023)
Oct - "The Gris-Gris" by Jim Keegan & Ruth Keegan (2004)
Oct - "Fair Ground" by Jo Duffy, Mike Manley, Jackson Guice, James Fry, Kevin Cunningham (1992)
Dec - "> THE JESTER" by Margaut Shorjian (2023)
Graphic Novels & Collections
Jan - Simpsons Comics Colossal Compendium - Volume One (2013)
Mar - Star Trek Deep Space Nine: N-Vector (2000)
Betas & Demos
Jan - "Full Void Demo" dev. OutOfTheBit (2023)
Video & Electronic Games
Jan - Thunderbirds dev. Saffire (2004)
Feb - Men in Black: The Game dev. Gigawatt Studios & The Collective (1998)
Feb - The Game of Life dev. Mass Media & The Collective (1998)
Mar - Hack 'n' Slash dev. Double Fine Productions (2014)
Mar - God of War dev. Santa Monica Studio (2018)
Mar - Buffy the Vampire Slayer dev. The Collective (2002)
Apr - Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb dev. The Collective (2003)
Apr - Bartman: Avenger of Evil dev. Acclaim Entertainment (1991)
Apr - The X-Files: Resist or Serve dev. Black Ops Entertainment & The Collective (2004)
May - Bart Simpson's Cupcake Crisis dev. Acclaim (1990)
May - Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith dev. The Collective (2005)
May - Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure dev. The Collective (2006)
May - The Adventures of Mouth Man dev. Retrocade Media (2023)
Jun - Spacebase DF-9 dev. Double Fine Productions (2014)
Jul - Mighty Max dev. Tiger Electronics (1994)
Jul - The Adventures of Mighty Max dev. WJS Design (1995)
Oct - Haunted House dev. Atari (1982)
Oct - Castlevania dev. Konami (1987)
Oct - Clock Tower dev. Human Entertainment (1995)
Oct - D dev. Warp (1995)
Oct - Friday the 13th dev. Atlus (1989)
Oct - Silent Hill 3 dev. Konami (2003)
Oct - Five Nights at Freddy’s dev. Scott Cawthon (2014)
Dec - The Simpsons: Bart vs. Homersaurus dev. Tiger Electronics (1994)
Short Films
Jan - "bugs" dir. k. pakiz (2023)
Jan - "enter initials" dir. k. pakiz (2023)
Feb - "An Ostrich Told Me the World Is Fake and I Think I Believe It" dir. Lachlan Pendragon (2022)
Feb - "The Flying Sailor" dir. Amanda Forbis & Wendy Tilby (2022)
Feb - "Ice Merchants" dir. João Gonzalez (2022)
Feb - "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse" dir. Peter Baynton & Charlie Mackesy (2022)
Feb - "My Year of Dicks" dir. Sara Gunnarsdóttir (2022)
Feb - "Ivalu" dir. Anders Walter & Pipaluk K. Jørgensen (2022)
Feb - "Night Ride (Nattrikken)" dir. Eirik Tveiten (2020)
Feb - "Le Pupille" dir. Alice Rohrwacher (2022)
Feb - "The Red Suitcase" dir. Cyrus Neshvad (2022)
Feb - "An Irish Goodbye" dir. Tom Berkeley & Ross White (2022)
Apr - "The Greatest Living Show" dir. Toby Fox & Itoki Hana (2023)
Jun - "Wolf in sheep's clothing" dir. Yea An (2023)
Jun - "War of Colors" dir. Emir Kumova (2022)
Jun - "Double King" dir. Felix Colgrave (2017)
Jun - "How Finding Nemo Should Have Ended" dir. HISHE (2016)
Jul - "What It Feels Like to Live as an Immortal?" dir. LazyOwl Studio (2022)
Sep - "Carl's Date" dir. Bob Peterson (2023)
Movies Jan-Jun
Jan - Avatar: The Way of Water dir. James Cameron (2022)
Jan - Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody dir. Kasi Lemmons (2022)
Jan - Thunderbirds dir. Jonathan Frakes (2004)
Jan - M3GAN dir. Gerard Johnstone (2023)
Jan - Corsage dir. Marie Kreutzer (2022)
Jan - Broker dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda (2022)
Jan - Skinamarink dir. Kyle Edward Ball (2022)
Jan - Plane dir. Jean-François Richet (2023)
Jan - Missing dir. Will Merrick & Nick Johnson (2023)
Jan - That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime the Movie: Scarlet Bond dir. Yasuhito Kikuchi (2023)
Jan - A Man Called Otto dir. Marc Forster (2023)
Jan - Puss In Boots: The Last Wish dir. Joel Crawford (2022)
Jan - Women Talking dir. Sarah Polley (2022)
Feb - Groundhog Day dir. Harold Ramis (1993)
Feb - Infinity Pool dir. Brandon Cronenberg (2023)
Feb - 80 for Brady dir. Kyle Marvin (2023)
Feb - Magic Mike dir. Steven Soderbergh (2012)
Feb - Living dir. Oliver Hermanus (2022)
Feb - Magic Mike XXL dir. Gregory Jacobs (2015)
Feb - She Came from the Woods dir. Erik Bloomquist (2022)
Feb - Magic Mike's Last Dance dir. Steven Soderbergh (2023)
Feb - Knock at the Cabin dir. M. Night Shyamalan (2023)
Feb - Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Scherzo of Deep Night dir. Ayako Kono (2023)
Feb - Consecration dir. Christopher Smith (2023)
Feb - Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey dir. Rhys Waterfield (2023)
Feb - Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania dir. Peyton Reed (2023)
Feb - Johnny Mnemonic dir. Robert Longo (1995)
Feb - Virtuosity dir. Brett Leonard (1995)
Feb - Jesus Revolution dir. Jon Erwin & Brent McCorkle (2023)
Feb - Cocaine Bear dir. Elizabeth Banks (2023)
Feb - Gattaca dir. Andrew Niccol (1997)
Feb - Strange Days dir. Kathryn Bigelow (1995)
Feb - Kissed dir. Lynne Stopkewich (1996)
Feb - Richard III dir. Richard Loncraine (1995)
Feb - Eye for an Eye dir. John Schlesinger (1996)
Mar - Creed III dir. Michael B. Jordan (2023)
Mar - Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre dir. Guy Ritchie (2023)
Mar - RRR dir. S. S. Rajamouli (2022)
Mar - The Lawnmower Man dir. Brett Leonard (1992)
Mar - Scream VI dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin & Tyler Gillett (2023)
Mar - 65 dir. Scott Beck & Bryan Woods (2023)
Mar - Shazam! Fury of the Gods dir. David F. Sandberg (2023)
Apr - A Good Person dir. Zach Braff (2023)
Apr - Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves dir. Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley (2023)
Apr - The Super Mario Bros. Movie dir. Aaron Horvath & Michael Jelenic (2023)
Apr - Air dir. Ben Affleck (2023)
Apr - John Wick: Chapter 4 dir. Chad Stahelski (2023)
Apr - Suzume dir. Makoto Shinkai (2023)
Apr - Mafia Mamma dir. Catherine Hardwicke (2023)
Apr - Renfield dir. Chris McKay (2023)
Apr - The Pope's Exorcist dir. Julius Avery (2023)
Apr - Beau Is Afraid dir. Ari Aster (2023)
May - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 dir. James Gunn (2023)
May - Polite Society dir. Nida Manzoor (2023)
May - Born to Fly dir. Liu Xiaoshi (2023)
May - Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret dir. Kelly Fremon Craig (2023)
May - Fool's Paradise dir. Charlie Day (2023)
May - Hypnotic dir. Robert Rodriguez (2023)
May - Evil Dead Rise dir. Lee Cronin (2023)
May - Master Gardener dir. Paul Schrader (2023)
May - Sisu dir. Jalmari Helander (2023)
May - Fast X dir. Louis Leterrier (2023)
May - The Wrath of Becky dir. Matt Angel & Suzanne Coote (2023)
May - Kandahar dir. Ric Roman Waugh (2023)
Jun - The Hangover dir. Todd Phillips (2009)
Jun - The George McKenna Story dir. Eric Laneuville (1986)
Jun - Last Action Hero dir. John McTiernan (1993)
Jun - We Have a Ghost dir. Christopher Landon (2023)
Jun - The Mother dir. Niki Caro (2023)
Jun - The Little Mermaid dir. Rob Marshall (2023)
Jun - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse dir. Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson (2023)
Jun - The Boogeyman dir. Rob Savage (2023)
Jun - The Roundup: No Way Out dir. Lee Sang-yong (2023)
Jun - Chevalier dir. Stephen Williams (2023)
Jun - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts dir. Steven Caple Jr. (2023)
Jun - Sanctuary dir. Zachary Wigon (2023)
Jun - A Thousand and One dir. A.V. Rockwell (2023)
Jun - The Blackening dir. Tim Story (2023)
Jun - No Hard Feelings dir. Gene Stupnitsky (2023)
Jun - Past Lives dir. Celine Song (2023)
Jun - The Flash dir. Andy Muschietti (2023)
Jun - Asteroid City dir. Wes Anderson (2023)
Jun - Adipurush dir. Om Raut (2023)
Jun - God Is a Bullet dir. Nick Cassavetes (2023)
Jun - 1920: Horrors of the Heart dir. Krishna Bhatt (2023)
Jun - The Childe dir. Park Hoon-jung (2023)
Jun - Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny dir. James Mangold (2023)
Movies Jul-Dec
Jul - Metropolis dir. Rintaro (2001)
Jul - Insidious: The Red Door dir. Patrick Wilson (2023)
Jul - Joy Ride dir. Adele Lim (2023)
Jul - Lost In the Stars dir. Cui Rui & Liu Xiang (2023)
Jul - Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One dir. Christopher McQuarrie (2023)
Jul - The Miracle Club dir. Thaddeus O'Sullivan (2023)
Jul - Shadows dir. Glenn Chan (2023)
Jul - Barbie dir. Greta Gerwig (2023)
Jul - Oppenheimer dir. Christopher Nolan (2023)
Jul - Haunted Mansion dir. Justin Simien (2023)
Jul - Talk to Me dir. Danny Philippou & Michael Philippou (2023)
Aug - Theater Camp dir. Molly Gordon & Nick Lieberman (2023)
Aug - Never Say Never dir. Baoqiang Wang (2023)
Aug - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem dir. Jeff Rowe (2023)
Aug - Meg 2: The Trench dir. Ben Wheatley (2023)
Aug - Ransomed dir. Kim Seong-hun (2023)
Aug - The Last Voyage of the Demeter dir. André Øvredal (2023)
Aug - Jules dir. Marc Turtletaub (2023)
Aug - Strays dir. Josh Greenbaum (2023)
Aug - Blue Beetle dir. Angel Manuel Soto (2023)
Aug - Gran Turismo dir. Neill Blomkamp (2023)
Aug - birth/rebirth dir. Laura Moss (2023)
Aug - Landscape With Invisible Hand dir. Cory Finley (2023)
Aug - Porco Rosso dir. Hayao Miyazaki (1992)
Aug - The Wind Rises dir. Hayao Miyazaki (2013)
Aug - Retribution dir. Nimród Antal (2023)
Aug - To Live and Die in L.A. dir. William Friedkin (1985)
Sep - The Equalizer 3 dir. Antoine Fuqua (2023)
Sep - Bottoms dir. Emma Seligman (2023)
Sep - Elemental dir. Peter Sohn (2023)
Sep - They Live dir. John Carpenter (1988)
Sep - Jawan dir. Atlee (2023)
Sep - Christine dir. John Carpenter (1983)
Sep - The LEGO Movie dir. Phil Lord & Christopher Miller (2014)
Sep - Outlaw Johnny Black dir. Michael Jai White (2023)
Sep - Satanic Hispanics dir. Alejandro Brugués , Mike Mendez, Gigi Saul Guerrero, Eduardo Sánchez, Demián Rugna (2023)
Sep - Prey dir. Dan Trachtenberg (2022)
Sep - Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight dir. Ernest Dickerson (1995)
Sep - Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood dir. Gilbert Adler (1996)
Sep - Tales from the Crypt Presents: Ritual dir. Avi Nesher (2002)
Sep - Vault of Horror dir. Freddie Francis (1973)
Sep - Tales from the Crypt dir. Freddie Francis (1972)
Sep - The Origin of Evil dir. Sébastien Marnier (2023)
Sep - The Expendables 4 dir. Scott Waugh (2023)
Sep - The Creator dir. Gareth Edwards (2023)
Oct - It Lives Inside dir. Bishal Dutta (2023)
Oct - The Company of Wolves dir. Neil Jordan (1984)
Oct - Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare dir. Rachel Talalay (1991)
Oct - Honeymoon dir. Leigh Janiak (2014)
Oct - Organ dir. Kei Fujiwara (1996)
Oct - The Bride of Frankenstein dir. James Whale (1935)
Oct - The Royal Hotel dir. Kitty Green (2023)
Oct - House of 1000 Corpses dir. Rob Zombie (2003)
Oct - The Nun II dir. Michael Chaves (2023)
Oct - The Godsend dir. Gabrielle Beaumont (1980)
Oct - Hatching dir. Hanna Bergholm (2022)
Oct - The Velvet Vampire dir. Stephanie Rothman (1971)
Oct - Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter dir. Joseph Zito (1984)
Oct - A Haunting in Venice dir. Kenneth Branagh (2023)
Oct - Piggy dir. Carlota Pereda (2022)
Oct - A Night to Dismember (The Lost Version) dir. Doris Wishman (1979)
Oct - The Blob dir. Irvin Yeaworth (1958)
Oct - Embrace of the Vampire dir. Anne Goursaud (1995)
Oct - Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls dir. Andrew Bowser (2023)
Oct - Exposed to Danger dir. Yang Chia-yun (Karen Yang) (1982)
Oct - Saw X dir. Kevin Greutert (2023)
Oct - The Birds dir. Alfred Hitchcock (1963)
Oct - Slumber Party Massacre II dir. Deborah Brock (1987)
Oct - Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island dir. Jim Stenstrum (1998)
Oct - The Being dir. Jackie Kong (1983)
Oct - Kuso dir. Steve (2017)
Oct - Visible Secret dir. Ann Hui (2001)
Oct - The Exorcist: Believer dir. David Gordon Green (2023)
Oct - The Love Witch dir. Anna Biller (2016)
Oct - Bones dir. Ernest R. Dickerson (2001)
Oct - Bedevil dir. Tracey Moffatt (1993)
Nov - A Million Miles Away dir. Alejandra Marquez Abella (2023)
Nov - Anatomy of a Fall dir. Justine Triet (2023)
Nov - Killers of the Flower Moon dir. Martin Scorsese (2023)
Nov- Five Nights at Freddy's dir. Gil Kenan (2023)
Nov - The Marsh King's Daughter dir. Neil Burger (2023)
Nov - It's a Wonderful Knife dir. Tyler MacIntyre (2023)
Nov - The Marvels dir. Nia DaCosta (2023)
Nov - Freelance dir. Pierre Morel (2023)
Nov - The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes dir. Francis Lawrence (2023)
Nov - Next Goal Wins dir. Taika Waititi (2023)
Nov - The Holdovers dir. Alexander Payne (2023)
Nov - Priscilla dir. Sofia Coppola (2023)
Nov - Thanksgiving dir. Eli Roth (2023)
Nov - Napoleon dir. Ridley Scott (2023)
Nov - The Persian Version dir. Maryam Keshavarz (2023)
Nov - Wish dir. Chris Buck & Fawn Veerasunthorn (2023)
Dec - Dream Scenario dir. Kristoffer Borgli (2023)
Dec - Godzilla Minus One dir. Takashi Yamazaki (2023)
Dec - The Boy and the Heron dir. Hayao Miyazaki (2023)
Dec - The Abyss dir. James Cameron (1989)
Dec - Eileen dir. William Oldroyd (2023)
Dec - A Christmas Story dir. Bob Clark (1983)
Dec - Wonka dir. Paul King (2023)
Dec - Monster dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda (2023)
Dec - Leave the World Behind dir. Sam Esmail (2023)
Dec - The Polar Express dir. Robert Zemeckis (2004)
Dec - The Muppet Christmas Carol dir. Brian Henson (1992)
Dec - Velvet Buzzsaw dir. Dan Gilroy (2019)
Jan - Thunderbirds - "Trapped In The Sky" (1965)
May - Well ABRIDGE Me, Princess! - "Well, Excuuuuse Me, Princess and the Frog" (2023)
Jun - The Simpsons - "My Mother the Car Jacker" (2003)
Jun - The Simpsons - "The President Wore Pearls" (2003)
Jun - Fox's Peter Pan & the Pirates - "The Coldest Cut of All" (1990)
Oct - Regular Show - "Terror Tales of the Park" I-VI (2011-2016)
Oct - The Simpsons - "Treehouse of Horror Presents: Not It" (2022)
Dec - The 100 - "Perverse Instantiation – Part One" (2016)
Dec - The 100 - "Perverse Instantiation – Part Two" (2016)
Dec - The Crown - "Ipatiev House" (2022)
Dec - The Crown - "No Woman's Land" (2022)
Dec - The Outer Limits - "The Galaxy Being" (1963)
Dec - Night Gallery - "Pilot" (1969)
Dec - Babylon 5 - "The Gathering" (1993)
Jan - The Outer Limits - Seasons 1-3 (1995-1997)
Feb - The Outer Limits - Seasons 4-6 (1998-2000)
Mar - The Outer Limits - Season 7 (2001-2002)
Apr - Star Trek Discovery - Season 4 (2021)
Apr - Moonbeam City (2015)
Apr - Star Trek Picard - Seasons 2-3 (2022-2023)
May - Tales from the Crypt - Seasons 1-2 (1989-1990)
May - Star Trek Lower Decks - Seasons 2-3 (2021-2022)
May - Star Trek Prodigy - Season 1 (2021)
Jun - Star Trek Strange New Worlds - Season 1 (2022)
Jun - Tales from the Crypt - Seasons 3-4 (1991-1992)
Aug - Tales from the Crypt - Seasons 5-6 (1993-1995)
Sep - Tales from the Crypt - Season 7 (1996)
Sep - Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Season 1 (1993)
Sep - Star Trek Strange New Worlds - Season 2 (2023)
Oct - Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Seasons 2 & 3 (1994 & 1999)
0 notes
spacenutspod · 11 months
2 min read Join NASA to Celebrate Worm Design, Influence with Original Designer Dr. Christine Mann Darden holding a model of Mach II in the Unitary Tunnel at NASA’s Langley Research Center on Aug. 18, 1990. Darden is pictured in a lab coat with a NASA ‘worm’ logotype patch across her back. NASA / Carol Petrachenko Chapman Media are invited to hear a discussion on the design and cultural significance of the worm logotype with NASA and its creator Richard Danne at 11:30 a.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 6, at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. The logotype, a simple, red unique type style of the word NASA, replaced the agency’s official logo (meatball) for several decades beginning in the 1970s before it was retired. The worm has since been revived for limited use. The event will air live on NASA Television, the NASA app, YouTube, and on the agency’s website. Learn how to stream NASA TV through a variety of platforms. Following opening remarks by Marc Etkind, associate administrator for NASA’s Office of Communications at NASA Headquarters, Danne and David Rager, creative art director at NASA, will provide remarks followed by a panel discussion with Danne and others including: Bert Ulrich, entertainment and branding liaison, NASA Headquarters Michael Beirut, designer, Pentagram Shelly Tan, design reporter, The Washington Post (moderator) Julia Heiser, head of live event merchandise, Amazon Music NASA experts and Danne are available for on-site interviews, as well as remote interviews after the event. Media interested in participating in person must RSVP to the NASA Headquarters newsroom by 3 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 3, at [email protected]. NASA’s media accreditation policy is online. The televised event will take place in the agency’s Webb Auditorium in the West Lobby inside NASA Headquarters located at 300 E St. SW in Washington. Learn more about NASA’s missions at: https://www.nasa.gov -end- News Media Contacts: Claire O’Shea / Melissa HowellHeadquarters, [email protected] / [email protected] Read More Share Details Last Updated Oct 27, 2023 Location NASA Headquarters Related Terms NASA History Explore More 5 min read 25 Years Ago: Launch of Deep Space 1 Technology Demonstration Spacecraft Article 3 days ago 7 min read 30 Years Ago: The STS-58 Spacelab Life Sciences-2 Mission Article 1 week ago 11 min read 55 Years Ago: Nine Months Before the Moon Landing Article 1 week ago Keep Exploring Discover Related Topics Missions Humans in Space Climate Change Solar System
0 notes