#dr fetus neon
cr0ss0versaga · 2 years
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Español: Me cuesta dibujar la mano, puedes dibujar a Dr. fetus Neon si quieres
Inglish: I have a hard time drawing the hand, you can draw Dr. fetus Neon if you want
4 notes · View notes
hayashidayuki · 12 days
Fill La Fill Pt.2: Interrogation Tactics (Pregnancy)
“So… Mankanshoku Back-Alley Clinic.”
Michael glared upwards, holding a wrinkled paper in his hand with a few shaky notes scribbled onto it. Some directions had led him through the cramped corners of the elusive Honno City, through murky alleyways of houses and houses as enclosed and stuck to each other as herrings in a can, a labyrinth of scaffold with no seeming end in sight. His eyes met with a large, garishly colorful neon sign, so bright he had to avert his sight for a second, blinded by the rainbow of lights that so deeply contrasted with the darkened mood of the nighttime city.
For what his more than rusted abilities in the language of samurais told him, the name he was looking for was written on that panel; in big, bold, white hiragana.
Despite his carefully crafted costume consisting of a Hawaiian shirt and comfortable jeans, meant to emulate an overexcited tourist, Dr. Michael Haussman was not there because of tourism, or a morbid interest in counterfeit medicine. Even if he wished for the former, that artificial island baptized as Honno City was not precisely a swell option for spending the Christmas holidays. Tyrannical, nepotist, cruel, and with a hierarchy so crooked it was almost mangled, the city was a cesspit of unfair living conditions, regaled by a monstrous authoritarian government that organized civilians and students between pigs and nobles, granting the latter superhuman abilities harvested with unique sets of clothing grafted from sentient, incredibly mighty fibers. In general, the place was bonkers.
Michael was instead there to investigate a puzzling happening. A daunting mystery, where on the flick of a feather, every single woman of fertile age in the entirety of the polis had woken up heavily pregnant overnight. Even if the streets were quite more silent with the cloak of the shadows atop, he could still see the waddling proof around him.
A brunette girl poked out of her house to grab a can of soda from a machine, holding her bulging stomach with one hand as she guzzled the soft drink on the way back. A student showed her little brother the shifting curve of her belly as the fetus swam inside her, the kid’s excited questions barely overlapping with her tummy’s loud gurgles. A mature woman strolled down the street, struggling to stand upright as her massive gut hung before her, stretching her dress.
It was out of control, and the detective was frothing at the thought of unveiling such an enigma.
His reverie was rudely interrupted as a hand placed itself on his shoulder, causing him to shiver slightly.
“H-Hey!” He turned back, in a startled surprise.
The playful scoff and the recognizable snark in the shade’s voice took no time in revealing her identity. “Heh. Are you always this much of a puss?”
His eyes fold slightly, noticing the frame of the girl. “I’ve been mugged three times on the way here, and one of them was by a dog with a hoodie! Of course I’m a bit jumpy!” The investigator complained, much to the student’s amusement.
By his side stood a young woman, a cocky grin plastered all over her face. Ruffled navy blue head, with a peculiar streak of red hair crossing her forehead; strong and dark eyes with gear-like patterns around the pupils. Plump, plushy lips wrapped around the small opening of a can of soda, taking long sips. Her strange, seemingly customized sailor fuku uniform with dark azure and bright crimson colors and a motif of an eyepatch was struggling to contain her swollen body even as she kept relatively still: massive breasts tightly packed by the fabric slumped on top of a colossal midriff, taut and firm as Michael could have well confirmed the last time they met. From the distance, he could spot the lazy outline of some feet or elbows against the thinly pulled skin of the unblemished sphere, deep gurgles filtering through the walls of her inflated womb.
Her name was Matoi Ryuko; as much an outsider to Honno as Michael was.
“Yeah yeah, yadda yadda yadda.” She shrugged off his claim, shaking her hand slightly with a playfully dismissive tone of voice. “C’mon, it’s not like you can be scared of a pregnant lady, eh?” She held up her stomach with both hands, shaking it around with loud sloshes as she ululated with her mouth, imitating a cartoony ghost in between snickers. “Ooooh, I’m fat and biiiiig, spooooookyyy!”
“No, I mean-” Before continuing, Michael sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Marking his words with his hands, he added a lightly stern tone to his voice. “Look, Ryuko. I need to get out of this place ASAP, or else I could be in trouble. So, would you maybe mind if we simply went along with it, interviewed your friend, and I leave on this midnight’s ferry?”
“The ferry? What are you talking about?”
“The dude in his underpants riding a wooden raft on the coast.”
“Oh yeah, that guy! Pretty cool dude. Makes a wicked stew too.” Ryuko laughed off the stranger’s tenseness, and patted his back with just a tad more force than intended, the detective flinching minimally again. “Well, if you’re that strapped for time, then let’s enter, yeah? I’m sure Mako will be happy to answer your questions.”
Mako… That name sounded eerily familiar. Had Michael met a person named like that, before? Or were they maybe a character from one of those old Japanese series he used to watch on VHS? He was a bit embarrassed to admit it, but plenty of the names of other countries kind of mixed in his head.
Still, he nodded at the student, earning himself yet another pat on the back before they both entered the Mankanshoku household.
The door creaking open with not much resistance, the two of them made their way into the living room. Somehow, the house was even smaller on the inside than it seemed from the outside. A tiny round table meant to kneel in front of stood in the middle of the room, quite well lit by soft and warm lights; some scattered plates with crumbs of brownish batter laid on top of it, remaining of a family dinner. A few trinkets and baubles were strung across the floor: cardboard boxes, papers, or even a few video game cartridges.
Michael sighed, looking down at the messy ground. He could excuse a relative lack of organization and having a few clanks and clonks about; but electronics should always be taken care of, and even more so something so expensive and valuable like a video game. He crouched down, grabbing it. “This looks like someone got murdered here, are we sure this is the right location?”
“Oh, because I have keys of all sorts of different houses, yeah, just laying around.” Ryuko snarked back at him, snickering as she rubbed her protruding stomach with both hands. “See my belly? I’m carrying the keys here.”
“Okay, okay, just wanted to make sure.” He retorted, rolling his eyes with a chuckle. Reaching down to grab another of the cartridges that was next to the paper door, when…
He was suddenly cut off by an almost violent force of push, ramming him onto the ground with the strength of a thousand warriors. Michael let out a startled yelp as he saw himself tumbling against a cupboard. Placing his hands on the tiles as best as he could, he rolled himself into a more advantageous position, his surprised eyes taking a quick peek at the danger…
Only to see a hand in a karate chop gesture rocketing down to his head, punctuated by another childishly high-pitched screech.
His deft fingers caught the wrist of the attacker as well as he could, grasping into unexpectedly tender flesh. He was being attacked. “Ugh!” He groaned, trying to free himself, before the chuckling voice of a clearly amused Ryuko chimed in, stopping the onslaught.
“Mako, he’s with me.”
“Oh, okay then! Sorry, big scary man!”
It was then when he could take a good look at the bouncer. And his entire body shivered.
A rather small and normally petite girl, with a brunette bowl cut perfectly fitting around her cheeks, and big and attentive eyes and a dumb Golden Retriever smile that gave her a strangely endearing air. She was still attired in her school uniform, the more common white and blue that all the No-Star students at Honno Academy had to be wearing; of course, fit tightly around a swelling body, trying to do its best to not pop open and reveal the entirety of her. The ditz stood before him, one hand on top of her, of course, incredibly protruding and rounded abdomen, and the other holding a frying pan, surely ready to act as a fierce and brutal concussion weapon had Ryuko not butted in.
She was just as big, if not bigger than Ryuko. Her entire body looked far, far more expanded and fattened, her thighs rubbing against each other as she shuffled in place, breasts so massive she could very well be carrying another baby in each. Her stomach poked out of her torso forming a perfect circle, an unblemished sphere of glowing skin crossed through the middle by a lightly pigmented line; but her entire body seemed to have no issue carrying around such outrageous weight, maybe that or her swayings seemed so in character for her that it was easy to picture her without the gut.
Still, a cold sweat ran through Michael’s forehead.
This was the croquette girl. The one who had been trying to stuff him with croquettes a few days ago, back at Honno Academy.
“OOOOH!” She hollered out like a rocket about to take off, her eyes opening wide with an expression as bright as the sun. “You’re the guy who was at school today!! Did you like the croquettes?”
Oh fucking hell.
Michael took another sip of the still piping hot tea, huffing out a bit as he waved at his tongue. Somehow, the tiny table had managed to pull enough room for the three of them to fit, sitting comfortably as he had already taken a few notes about the investigation, in a new notebook he had gotten himself in a nearby store, as he lost the last one. Don’t blame him, he’s had a rough couple of weeks.
“Oh, so you’re having like an inbreastigation?”
“An investigation, Mako.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said.” Mako spoke with a happy tone, somehow downing the entirety of the cup, of literally almost boiling tea, in a single go without making a noise. Michael could instantly hear her abdomen gurgling ever so slightly as the tea went down. “So, big scary man-”
“Yes, big scary Michael! What did you want to ask?”
The detective sighed, reading through the notes he had already taken. Pulling out his pen, twirling it slightly between his fingers, he began marking down a few points. His eyes peered up above the paper, spotting Mako looking at him with a big goofy smile in her face, and bobbing her head slightly back and forth. Did this girl not run out of energy? If you stapled a couple cables to her you could power an entire city through sheer power of electricity.
Tapping the edge of the paper with his pen, Michael hesitated, taking another, this time more careful sip of the sweet black tea, and nodding to himself. This was going to be a long night, he could tell.
“So… Mankanshoku Mako, was it, yeah?” He inquired, the girl nodding enthusiastically in reply. “Great, let me see… So tell me, what were you doing when this, you know, the whole pregnancy thingy, happened?” He pointed with his pen at her stomach, left bare by the rolled up uniform, where he could notice more than one small and sleepy kick.
“Oh, I was eating!”
“... Is that it? Like, just eating?”
Michael could hear Ryuko’s entertained giggles ringing in his ears, as much as she was trying to stifle them. “Yeah, Mako’s kinda like that sometimes.”
“Food is very important, you know?” The brunette added, tapping her fingers on her swollen gut, rubbing it up and down like she was trying to polish a fishbowl. Did this girl never stop moving? “I was like, eating and stuff, just some chicken my mum had left; I was really enjoying it, my mum makes a killer dish every time she tries! Oh, although I’ve just realized, now that I’m gonna have babies, my mum is technically a grandma now! Should I call her grandma instead of mum? Although she’s having babies too, and grandmas don’t have babies that I know of, or do they? I mean, I don’t know if they ca-”
Ryuko proceeded to give her a whack on the head with the back of her hand, laughing ostensibly. “O-Oh, okay! Where was I? Oh, yeah, grandma!”
Michael groaned out, rolling his eyes.
“So I was just eating, then my tummy started to feel a bit funky. Like, I feel really really full, although I rarely am!” She kept bobbing her head ever so slightly, drumming on top of her womb with multiple fingers as if it were a percussion instrument in the school band. “Then it starts to bubble and make funny noises, and I notice my boobies have grown!” Her hands clasped the underside of her breasts, her expression becoming quite serious for a moment. “Look at them! They’re huge, and constantly dripping everywhere, it’s a mess!”
The detective closed his eyes slightly, scrunching his factions as he tried not to blush, hiding his bizarre mug with the small surface of the notebook. Ryuko was clearly having the time of her life on the side of the table, taking a sip out of her own teacup.
“Y-Yes…? A-And what else?”
“And then all out of a sudden, BOOM!!” Mako extended her arms outwards, and let herself plop on her own back, her ballooned gut sloshing and churning like the fluid inside was attempting to be freed from its fleshy, warm and snuggly compact cage. “My tummy suddenly bulges out like it was trying to explode! Something starts moving inside of me, like, have you watched one of these movies where there’s like a weird worm that comes out of a guy’s belly? Can worms do that? Or is it because they are weird? I don’t have any worms inside my belly, right? Oh gosh I’m scared now…!!”
She shivered dramatically, pulling the back of her hand to her forehead, and pretending to pass out like a melodramatic Victorian lady, slumping her head over to the ground.
Michael directed a subtle glare towards Ryuko, conveying an almost comedic exhaustion through his eyes within barely five minutes of the interview. The bicolor girl giggled, shaking her head. “Yup. She’s always like this.” She tilt her head, grinning. “Don’t worry, you’ll learn to love her.”
Just as the detective was about to reply, Mako’s voice chimed once again, once again loud as a church bell. “Oh! They’re kicking!” She shot upwards, sitting on her widened derriere, eyes glittering like she was just given an early Christmas present. “Look, look!” She pointed at her gut with both hands, caressing the dome of taut flesh up and down as it visibly began to shift and churn from side to side, deep sloshing noises emerging through the tightly pulled skin as the two babies inside her kicked and punched up a storm. All the while, she was glaring down at her massive gut, eagerly watching the ball turn and move, with a goofy smile on her face.
“Here! Touch!” She proclaimed excitedly, suddenly grabbing Michael’s hand and plastering it on her belly, the entire womb emitting out a profound thud as his palm made rather strong contact with it. The detective flinched, startled by how much strength the girl had managed to use.
“I-It’s okay, don’t worry! I-I’m sure they don’t like that too much!” He muttered, despite feeling already that opposition would be futile.
“Ha, nonsense! Look! They’re so excited to feel you!” She once again pointed at her tummy, the thrashing inside her growing even more feisty the more his fingers made contact with the terse and warm skin of her stomach. The kilograms of fluid inside her belly rippled and murmured, as she happily rub the sides of her gut, tracing the rounded curves with the tips of her fingers, the clearly well fed twins wading around, cramped and tight within the walls of her uterus, fighting their respective sibling for room. Her abdomen was warm, and her skin was silky and smooth, a coat of cushy fabric pulled thinly over a surprisingly firm inside, a planet of flesh and surely food that carried an ocean of liquid and insistent life brewing in it.
Michael couldn’t help smiling softly. The scene was cute, to say the least; and Mako’s astounding enthusiasm for unexpected motherhood stuck to him slightly.
“Y-Yeah, they certainly seem so…” He spoke in a calmer tone, glaring down at the shifting contour of the girl’s massive pregnant gut. Running his hand down the midriff’s flank, despite noticing Ryuko’s ballsy snicker chiming in onto the background, he posed himself to ask another question-
Before being rudely interrupted by the loud, filtered growl of a hungry stomach.
Mako, with a slight hint of blush in her cheeks, giggled, patting her gut. “Ooooh, someone’s hungry!” Without a millisecond of hesitation, the girl suddenly heaved herself up with an unnecessary twirl, almost dropping to the ground in a clumsy trip, her belly and chest bouncing en sonne with the upwards movement. “Gimme a sec! My mum left some croquettes!” She cried, before turning back to the kitchen like the time was going to run out, and rushing as best as her waddling legs allowed her to head towards the other room; all the way cradling her belly and remarking childish claims about how hungry the babies had to be.
“Do you want some of them?!” She yelled from the kitchen, unsure if anyone had even heard her.
Michael sighed, setting himself back and checking his notes. An hour had passed, and he had asked a grand total of one question. This was going to be a very, very, very long night, wasn’t it?
His eyes turned at Ryuko, laughing vicariously.
After stopping herself for a bit, the girl returned his glare, still giggling lightly. “Well, you certainly seemed like you were enjoying yourself, yeah?”
“... I-It was merely professional.”
“Heh. Pervert”
0 notes
All I Need~ Part 2
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Pairings: Josh Dun x Pregnant!Reader
Overview: You move to Columbus, Ohio to live with your brother after your ex-boyfriend becomes abusive after telling him of a surprise pregnancy. You become involved in the church and unknowingly befriend the Dun family. After finally meeting Josh, there’s a connection between the two of you that lands you in some complicated situations.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
Y/N = Your Name
Y/B/N = Your Brother’s Name
Part 1
You’d been living in Columbus for four weeks now and were finally settled in completely. You’d gotten a job working at a comic book shop of all places, were taking two classes at the community college just to continue your schooling, had gotten involved in the church more than you ever thought you would, and finally had your first ultrasound.
You sat on the edge of a hospital bed, leaning back on your hands to give your growing belly room to stretch a slightly. Your brother sat in the chair next to you while a nurse asked you questions, “How old are you?” She asked.
“23,” You responded.
“Are you on any medication?”
“This is your first visit with Dr. Leslie, correct? When were you last seen by an OB/GYN?”
You had a feeling you’d be judged for the answer, “About four months ago. Not since I’ve been pregnant. I found out I was pregnant in the urgent care and left that town before I could see a specialist.”
She wrote everything down, “So no ultrasounds have been done or any other extensive testing?” You shook your head in response. The nurse wrote down the last few notes before looking up, “Alright, Dr. Leslie will be in in just a moment.”
About three minutes later, a middle aged woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun walked into the room, shaking your hand, “Hi, I’m Dr. Leslie and I’m your new OB/GYN. I see here you have a little something on the way.” Her bubbly nature made her seem younger than she was but it gave a good vibe to the room. As she prepared some things, bringing over a little sonogram machine on wheels, she kept talking, “So is this dad?” She motioned to Y/B/N and you laughed at the increasingly common misconception.
“No, that’s my brother. Dad isn’t in the picture.” You confessed.
Dr. Leslie smiled, “It ends up being for the best sometimes. But no information on the father’s family medical history?” She questioned. You shook your head. “Well that’s alright. Okey dokey! We’re gonna get started, if you could please lift your shirt up just to expose your belly. Brother, you can stand over here if you would like to see as well.” Y/B/N stood by your side as the doctor squeezed blue gel onto your exposed belly, making you shiver.
“We’re just gonna run this over your belly until we can see something.” She placed the small device on your stomach and the screen lit up, indistinguishable black and white marks appearing. “You said you’re at 8 weeks, correct?” You nodded, mesmerized by the image and trying to make anything out of it. Dr. Leslie’s face looked concentrated until she finally smiled, pointing at a white bean shaped object in a black spot on the screen, “There they are!”
Your heart swelled with joy looking at the picture. That was your baby. That was your child. She flicked a little switch and you could hear something that resembled a heart beat. Y/B/N stared intensely at the screen, holding your shoulder proudly. “The heartbeat sounds a little strange…” the doctor said, concern in her voice, “It could just be technical problems, developmental issues that will fix itself, or something more serious. We won’t know until we run more tests but as for right now, just take your vitamins and don’t worry too much until I tell you there’s something to worry about. But looking at the fetus otherwise, they seem healthy. We won’t be able to tell the gender until about 18 weeks, though. Do you want the pictures?”
You and Y/B/N left the clinic, pictures in hand of your baby-to-be. “Alrighty, to the Dun barbeque we go!” He said, opening the door for you.
Your heart stopped, “Wait what?”
He gave you a strange look, “What do you mean ‘what?’ You knew we were going to Bill and Laura Lee’s barbeque after your ultrasound for weeks.”
“No, did you say ‘Dun barbeque?’” You asked in momentary terror.
Y/B/N laughed a little, “Yeah.”
“You mean as in Joshua William Dun of twenty one pilots?” He gave you a stupid smile that confirmed what you were thinking, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?! I’ve known Josh Dun’s parents for a month and I had no idea! What the hell!” You ran your hands over your face, stressing out over the new revelation.
Your brother laughed, “They like to keep it kind of quiet. Everyone in the church grew up with Josh so it’s not a big deal to them but when new people come, they don’t like to make a big deal out it. It’s just easier that way. But yes, you are friends with Josh Dun’s mother and you are going to their home for a barbeque that he may be at.”
“Was the twenty one pilots shirt I was wearing the other day not a good sign for you to tell me any of this?! Have you ever met them?!” You hissed as he pulled out of the parking lot.
He put a hand up in defense, “It was exactly why I didn’t! I didn’t want you to freak out like this. And no, I’ve never met Josh or Tyler. I’ve heard about them but I never became close friends with Mr. and Mrs. Dun. You did this on your own, kiddo.”
You couldn’t believe it. You were going to the childhood home of one of your favorite musicians. Why you didn’t put this all together was beyond you. Columbus, Ohio. Bill and Laura Lee, the loving Christian couple. You weren’t a crazy I’m going to stalk them fan but still. Pregnancy brain, maybe? Yeah, that’s the story you would stick with.
You looked in the mirror, looking at yourself and realizing you looked like a wreck, “Can we stop by the house so I can change?” You asked referring to the wet spots on your loose band shirt for your favorite band (other than twenty one pilots) from where the gel wasn’t completely wiped off.
“No! It started half an hour ago as it is! You look fine!” He told you, turning up the radio to signal that the discussion was over. You rolled your eyes, trying to dry up the spots on your shirt.
Soon the car pulled along the curb and you stepped out, adjusting the flannel that was wrapped around your hips before grabbing an apple pie from the back seat that you guys brought. “I hate you.” You muttered angrily at Y/B/N as you walked directly into the backyard through the wide open gate.
“Y/N! Y/B/N!” Laura Lee said, running up to hug you guys.
You smiled awkwardly, finding the new revelation of who her son was all you could think about. It made your whole friendship seem like a lie. Of course it isn’t, you told yourself. “We brought a pie,” You told her, handing it to her.
“Awe thank you darling. You didn’t have to do that. Well anyways, this is the family! You know Jordan, Ashley, and Abigail so they’ll show you around. Drinks are in the ice chest on the back patio,” Something caught her attention and she waved frantically in your direction, “Ooh! Josh! Come here!” She glanced back at you as a familiar man walked towards your group, “This is my son Josh. Josh, this is Y/N. She just moved to Columbus recently.”
The world stopped for a moment. Josh Dun stood in front of you in all his glory. Faded neon pink hair stuck out of a snapback just like it did in pictures you’d seen online. His smile brightened the world around him. The ink on his skin was mesmerizing.
In the real world, though, time kept moving and thankfully you were composed enough to be civilized around him, “Hi! It’s nice to meet you.” You greeted, extending a hand.
“Nice to meet you too.” He shook your hand and it seemed to light up as his skin touched yours, “Where did you move from?”
“(where you would like to live/ currently live). I’m definitely glad to be living here though.” You chuckled a little bit.
He smirked. Oh goodness, that smirk, “That’s awesome. Welcome to Ohio.” You smiled back at him, trying to not be embarrassingly captivated by him. He’s just a person. A normal person, you told yourself. That was until you noticed that neither of you had said anything for a while and you were still looking at each other.
Laura Lee must have noticed the prolonged silence because she gasped and her eyes lit up out of nowhere, “How did the ultrasound go? Pictures?” She was nearly squealing with excitement.
A grin plastered on your face as you reached into your back pocket and handed her the stack of sonogram pictures. You pointed at the small white spot that was your baby, “He or she is right there.”
She put her hand over her mouth as she looked at the picture, “Oh my word, look at that!” She leaned over, showing Josh, “Look at that!” Josh’s eyes lit up with an adorable sparkle.
“You’re pregnant?” He asked with a smile.
Your hands found their spot on your slightly swollen belly, “Yep. About 2 months.”
“No way! That’s awesome. Congratulations!” His eyes flicked between you and your brother and you were scared that he also assumed that your brother was the baby’s dad.
You smiled warmly, “Thank you!”
Laura Lee held up the pictures up, “I’m gonna go show these off!” Before you could object, she ran, showing everyone she could the pictures.
The three of you couldn’t help but laugh a little bit, “Well while she’s doing that, I’m gonna go grab a drink. Does anybody want anything?” You offered.
“No, I’m alright. Thank you though.” Josh said politely.
“I’m good, thanks.” You brother told you. You turned and walked over to the ice chest, grabbing a soda. Somewhere along your journey across the backyard, you were also ushered into line to get some food. One can and a plate full of fruit and cookies later, you finally were allowed to grab a seat at one of the plastic fold out tables.
Y/B/N was talking to some of the Dun family that he did know, looking happily at the group around him. You sat alone but didn’t necessarily mind ot. Everyone around you had this vibe that made it impossible to feel lonely. You picked at your fruit, telling yourself to eat that first no matter how much you craved the various cookies in front of you. Being by yourself did allow your mind to wander and you found yourself unintentionally eavesdropping on people’s conversations. You weren’t sure who but a little girl’s voice yelled from somewhere, “STOP IT! The butterflies don’t want to smell your toes!” You almost choked on your mango out of laughter and you sat there silently choking into your napkin while laughing.
“You alright there?” A familiar voice asked. You looked up to see a smiling Josh sliding into the chair across from you.
You shot him a strained smile. Clearing your throat one final time, “Yeah, I’m okay.” You took a deep breath, “I’m okay.” You repeated, “Sorry, I just overheard something funny.”
“Nothing is funny enough to die over so please try to stay alive.” He teased.
“I’ll try.” You giggled.
He grabbed a chip off his plate, “Was anybody sitting here? I forgot to ask.”
“Oh no! You’re fine there.” You reassured him, “Did I really look that lonely?” You joked.
He shrugged sarcastically, “Pretty lonely, but I figured I might be able to fix that.” You both chuckled a little, “My mom’s talked a lot about you. Thanks for helping her so much at church, by the way.”
You ate another strawberry, “Of course! It’s great to have something to do. And your parents are such great people it’s really not any trouble at all. They’ve been so kind to me.”
“And that’s your brother over there, right?” He asked, nodding to Y/B/N.
You nodded, “Yeah. I moved in with him a month ago. He lives near the university.”
“That’s awesome.” He smiled, taking a bite of his burger.
Suddenly, you started feeling guilty. You felt like you were lying to him for some reason, “I just feel like I need to tell you, I, uh, know who you are. Oh gosh that sounded weird. I mean I… I like your music.” You stuttered over your words, trying to recover from the initial weird comment, “Sorry, I just didn’t want to get half through a conversation and be like, ‘Oh yeah, I’m a big fan.’” You tried to laugh away the awkwardness.
Thankfully, Josh was laughing too, “Don’t worry about it. And speaking of being weird, I hope this isn’t too out of line or anything, but why are you living with your brother with… uh sorry. Nevermind.” He looked away, realizing how personal his question was.
Even though he didn’t finish the question, you had a feeling what he was asking, “It’s fine. He’s not in the picture.” You told Josh, referring to your baby’s father.
“Do you mind if I ask why?” He asked, looking cautiously for your reaction.
You laughed slightly, “He was just a pig. Long story. I don’t want to bore you with the problems of my life.”
He leaned forward slightly, “I have time and an open ear if you’re willing to tell.” His eyes were so kind and he looked like he genuinely wanted to know.
You cocked an eyebrow and sighed, “Alrighty, if you insist.” You giggled before getting slightly more serious, “His name’s Marcus. We had a mutual friend who wanted him to meet our friend group since Marcus had just come back from spending ten months in Brazil. We hit it off and dated for a year or so. A little over a month ago I found out I was pregnant. When I told him, he got super pissed and told me to ‘get rid of it.’” You put air quotations around the last four words and Josh’s eyes got wide, “I refused and he stormed out and disappeared for a week. Heck, I even said he didn’t have to be around if he didn’t want to, I just wasn’t getting an abortion. When he came back he kept apologizing and said he wanted to make it up to me.
Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I believed him but he seemed sincere so I gave him a chance. He said he wanted to apologize for everything and even wanted to start pricechecking baby things. We drove over to the mall and looked around for a bit. The elevator was out of order so we started walking down one of those stairwells that are all concrete, like in parking lots. After I walked in, he shut the door and tried to shove me down the stairs.”
“Oh my gosh…” Josh looked horrified but couldn’t figure out what to say.
You scoffed, “Yeah, I know. Thankfully, I knew something was up when he made sure the door was shut all the way before walking in. I was able to grab onto the railing enough to not really fall when he pushed me.”
“What did you do?” Josh asked, disbelief carved into his face.
You laughed a little, “Once he realized I didn’t fall, I punched him in the face as hard as I could, called him some less than appropriate names, and left him on the ground. I stayed the night at a friends house and was on a plane here the next day.”
Josh just looked at you in horror. After a moment of shocked silence, he stuttered, “Wow. I am so sorry. That’s just… Wow.”
You raised your eyebrows as you sipped your soda, “Yeah, tell me about it,” You chuckled a little bit. It really was all you could do. “But now I’m here. Way better future for me and the little one. So many amazing, loving people like your parents have stepped up to help me out.”
“They’re pretty cool I guess.” His face lit up with laughter.
You tried to think of something to ask him, “So is there anything I just have to do while I’m in Columbus? Anything super awesome that I can’t miss?”
Josh leaned back for a moment in thought, crossing his arms over his grey t-shirt, “You’re already at the coolest place in this whole city. I mean the Dun barbeques are kind of legendary. We have a trampoline and everything so I don’t know why you would want to go anywhere else.” You shrugged in agreement, “But for a serious answer… hm… It depends on what you like. There’s a cool garden and German Town. Downtown has some pretty cool places too if you just like to walk around.”
“That all sounds really cool actually.” You told him, trying to figure out which one you would try first in your head.
“Oh! And if you go to downtown there’s this restaurant.” Suddenly he stopped talking, looking lost, “Oh my gosh, what is it called?” He asked himself, a laugh escaping his lips. “You know what? I’m going to remember this at two in the morning when it doesn’t matter.”
You hadn’t realized how much your face hurt from smiling until right now, “Just make sure you don’t forget it so you can tell me whenever I see you again. Or at least you can tell your mom to tell me.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, “I was wondering if I could actually get your number, that way I can wake you up in the middle of the night when I remember.”
“Hmm,” You mock pondered, “Sure.” You took his phone and put all your information in it before handing it back to him. Your heart was nearly bursting out of your chest. Did he really ask for your number?
Josh leaned back, stretching when a small blonde girl ran up to him, “Uncle Josh! Can you bounce us really high on the trampoline?” She asked, holding onto his arm and jumping up and down excitedly.
He smiled down at her, glancing at his arm that was nearly vibrating from her energy, “Does your mommy know how many cookies you’ve eaten?”
A mischievous little smile appeared on her face, “Nooo….” She sang.
“Do you even know how many cookies you’ve eaten?” Josh raised an eyebrow at her.
She didn’t even answer. She just laughed like what he said was the funniest thing she’d ever heard. Then she rolled her eyes and used all her tiny weight to pull on his arm, “Come on!!!” She whined.
“Okay! Okay!” He smiled, his eyes lighting up, “I’ll be there in just a second.” She ran off, yelling to all the kids that he was coming. He sighed, looking back at you, “Well sorry to leave you but maintaining favorite uncle status has its responsibilities.” He stood up, chasing various children on his way to the trampoline. You watched as he stood surrounded by several kids sitting around him. He began jumping and soon children were rolling and jumping all over the place. He leaned over to help one up and before anyone knew it he was being dogpiled.
“Stop making googoo eyes.” Your brother’s voice teased you from behind. He sat in the same seat Josh was just in a second ago.
“I wasn’t!” You yourself, putting your hands up.
“Um, yeah you were. But I think he was looking at you too.” He wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up!” You hid your blushing face behind your hand. You glanced back over to Josh who was being chased in circles by a horde of young children. Okay… maybe you were making googoo eyes.
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cr0ss0versaga · 8 months
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He is blushing, i think he likes you.......or nervious, is moving the tail(?)
Esta sonrojado, creo que le gustas……o nervioso, esta moviendo la cola(?)
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cr0ss0versaga · 7 months
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my fingers hurts
me duelen los dedos
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cr0ss0versaga · 1 year
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me and the monsters after eating some stones (from kidney) that shine
yo y los monstruos después de comer unas piedras (de riñón) que brillan
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cr0ss0versaga · 2 years
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este es Dr.fetus en su forma Neon, sus llamativos colores de su cuerpo y de su traje brillan en la oscuridad, creado por Cross-Over Universe
this is Dr.fetus in his Neon form, his bright colors of his body and suit glow in the dark, created by Cross-Over Universe
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cr0ss0versaga · 1 year
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more drawing of this neon fetus
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