vshdjdnf · 3 years
I haven’t seen literally anyone else mention this scene and it’s my favorite joke from the entire show
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
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Just some three tiny Bois with their special toothed smile. ft. Their tall pal/bro/partner
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
if you have hearing loss & ask me to repeat something & I say ‘nevermind’ I promise it’s not cause I’m a jerk treating you like an inconvenience, it’s cause I realized what i said was fucking stupid
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
Potato Candy from 1933
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
i knew this conceptually, but like you dont really KNOW that public school is designed to set you up to be a good worker bee until you're cracking out a report, after hours, at 7 pm on a monday night and it hits you; oh, i'm doing homework, this is why they made me do homework, and suddenly i'm feeling it in my chest. i cant believe i was raised by the state to be an automaton, and worse, i am one of the lucky robots who isn't doing manual labor.
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
“but aces are only 1% of the population!”
okay, do you have a friend who:
has green eyes (2% of the world’s population)
has red hair (1-2% of the world’s population)
regularly watches anime (~3.5% of the world’s population)
is vegan (.5-3% of the world’s population)
has a phd (1.1% of the world’s population that has been to university)
knows how to code (.5% of the world’s population)
can dunk a basketball on a regulation sized hoop (1% of the world population)
lives in california (.5% of the world’s population)
the chances are pretty damn good you know someone in an above group. i’ll admit, the numbers aren’t perfect. but just think about it. what are the odds you know someone who is ace?
especially when more and more people are realizing they’re aspec due to more visibility
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
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this pepper is way too small
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
oh youre bi? why dont you "bi" me some time with a distraction while i crack this safe ya fuckin goon
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
Stop convincing yourself you’re wasting your life away. The time you’ve spent resting and healing was and is necessary. You’re not a waste of a person if you find yourself struggling right now. Healing, recovering, sitting with your pain is foundational. It’s not a waste. You are still whole.
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
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Photos by Michaela Magaela Ďurišová
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
"we don't have girl talk, we have creature talk," my roommate Julia just said while rolling on the floor, "put that on your fucking tumblr, they'll love that shit"
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
reblog if you’re part of the holy trinity of ignored sexualities
pansexual, bisexual, asexual
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
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This is the truest tweet I ever read. I never seen a mainstream haircair/beauty brand try to cater to black folks without doing exactly this. Always with the shea butter and gold packaging. It’s like the only way black women will know the product is “for them”.
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vshdjdnf · 3 years
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To make a way for the dark hearts To feel the love I found There’s all the love you need Underground - ‘Dream Away’
I’m still listening to the Midnight, and im still not sleeping. Which naturally means time to make comfort characters do the job in my stead xD
((Make Believe arts))
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