#dr livesey x reader
blasphemousgoggles · 10 months
Livesey My Beloved
A Doctor Livesey x Reader. I don't know okay.
Warnings: Mild Gore, Blood, Premarital Kissing
Leaning against the wooden wall of the moon lit ship, you wheeze spitting out the blood in your mouth. It's a miracle you haven’t passed out yet, having to haul yourself from the island back onto the ship but with the black spots clouding your vision and blurry surroundings you ain’t far off.
Groaning, you clutch your sides. There's blood everywhere, you really should have stayed in bed instead of brawling with those pirates. Your entire body is bruised, your nose is leaking copious amounts of blood, and you can barely walk. In short you look like a gory mess and you are literally leaking blood everywhere. What a terrible night.
It’s pretty late, the others are in bed, and you’re losing blood rapidly. Despite the situation you chuckle and bloody spittle comes out. You fight the need to fall over and bleed out on the floor because it would be a sucky way to die, you’d rather kick the bucket on a bed.
Stumbling on your bloody, probably fractured, mess of a leg you finally make it to your destination. You crash into the door and grip the handle, knocking loudly and heaving as you do so.
The door opens and you're greeted by the ship's beloved jovial Doctor.
“Oh! What a surprise!” a hearty voice proclaims. Then a pause and then a quiet laugh. “Oh dear. My friend, you appear to be quite injured!”
Despite the airy voice you can still hear unease in it. It's very dark out and you can’t make his face out.
With great effort you forced words to come out of your mouth.
“Heya doc, it's not too late for a check up is it?” You let out a toothy grin. Bad idea, blood leaked from inside your mouth and pooled onto the floor along with your nosebleed. You felt pretty bad about waking him up at this time but you’re pretty sure he doesn’t mind.
“Of course! Come in dear.” He quickly ushers you in and sets you on a cot. The lights are now on and you can see Doctor Livesey clearly. He is smiling but he appears to be very frazzled.
Livesey grabs a towel and holds it onto your nose. “Hold down on it and lean your head forward.”
You do so but unfortunately you feel the blood start leaking into your throat and it starts coming out when you breathe out of your mouth. Gross. As you're coughing out blood he wraps some gauze around his fingers.
“Apologies dear, I must stop the bleeding on those injuries while I tend to your other ones.” Livesey lets out an anxious laugh “Unfortunately this will hurt.”
You grimace, this is gonna suck so bad.
The doctor places his gauzed fingers into the lacerations and gory wounds of your body, stuffing each of them with gauze. Your skin feels like it's screaming and you wish that you could just pass out instead of being awake for this pure hell.
Livesey is putting some sort of saline or antibiotic on some of your wounds while you try to dissociate.
“How’d you get such injuries dear?” He asks with no laugh or jovial tone.
“Well you see, I got into a bit of a scrap with those pirates. It ain’t a big deal though.” You inwardly cringe as he stops applying ointment and grabs stitches.
“Not a big deal? You came to my door looking like death!” His eyes sharpen and he chuckles sardonically. “Dear, you must be more careful! I’d hate for this to happen again.”
You grin. “Aww. Concerned Doctor?” Thankfully your nose had stopped gushing and you could remove the now soaked bloody towel. Your muscles scream but you sit up higher on the cot and lean in closer. “You sure know how to make one blush.”
Livesey brightens up. “Dear try not to strain yourself for my sake.” So you lean back into your previous position into the cot, making a gross squelching noise of the soaked cloth.
He hands you a wet rag and you wipe your face off removing the dried gunk.
“Try not to move. This will sting.” He warns. You brace yourself. As the needle goes through you hiss.
“I’ll be quick.” Livesey assures. 
“Hah! It’s fine, I can handle it.” In reality you are literally fighting tears.
“You should have seen those guys! They’re looking worse than me!” You wheeze out. “I bet they don’t have half as good of a doctor like I do!”
He chuckles heartily “Flattering are we?” Then he frowns. Livesey finishes up the stitching and questions you. “Dear, may I ask a question?” You grinned “You already asked one Doc.” He doesn’t smile. “What were you doing out of the ship so late?”
Your grin lessened “I wanted to blow off some steam.” You turn away from his eyes “Honestly I didn’t expect to run into those guys.”
“Why didn’t you bring anyone with you? You know that there were pirates on that land.” He asks with no laugh. You're so used to the Doctor being cheery in every situation, having him not be makes you feel, well really guilty.
“I didn’t want to disturb anyone, it's late.” He raises an eyebrow “My friend, you ended up hurt. Now I have to treat you.” You grimace but he continued “You would have saved me the hassle of patching you up and instead asked me.” This time he leaned in closer “Unless you went out tonight with the intent to fight so that I could patch you up.” You blushed a very bright crimson. Doctor Livesey guffaws “Dear, you could have just asked for my company.”
Then he grimaces “In all seriousness dear, please do not do this again.” He pats your head “I’d hate for you to injure yourself for my sake.” You nod sheepishly “Will do.”
He then leans in closer laughing boisterously “May I kiss you darling?” he asks between laughs.
Your eyes widen and a big grin splits your face, “Please.”
He obliges then pulls away with a cheery grin.
“You should rest now dear. Sleep should help you heal!” He turns off the lights and you eventually doze off.
Despite every part of your body aching, you can’t help but grin.
Worth it.
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not-a-good-writer · 2 years
Dr. David Livesey x gn!reader | hurt/comfort
CW: moderate injury, still pg tho
AN: due to popular demand and my own love for this goon, I decided to make this short fic. Thank you all so much for the support and kind words, I love reading each and every one of your comments and tags💖
It was a bright sunny day in late summer. The temperature was started to go down just enough to where the days were pleasently warm, rather than sweltering. You and David decided it was the perfect day to have a picnic together.
You were currently in the kitchen, double checking to make sure you had everything packed and ready while David was outside getting your horses ready. You made a mental checklist, making sure you had all the food and utensils you needed. Once you confirmed this, you took everything outside and headed toward David and the horses.
He looked up and his smile grew wider when he saw you approaching "Ready to go, my dear?" the sunlight shining through the tress made him look as handsome as ever. "Yep, we're all set." he helped you load everything into the saddlebags before hopping onto his horse.
"By the way, you look incredible today, darling. It's like I've gazed into heaven itself." David always said such sweet things to you. He truly had a way with words and always seemed to know exactly what to say to make you swoon. You felt yourself getting butterflies, and your knees felt a little weak; unfortunately, you were getting on your horse at the moment, and his words caught you so off gaurd that you slipped and your foot got caught in the stirrup while the rest of your body hit the ground.
Your sudden tumble sppoked the horse and it pulled back a bit, twisting your ankle. You cried out in pain and David immediately rushed to your side and helped you. He got your foot out of the stirrup and helped you sit up, "Y/n, are you alright?!" His voice was filled with concern, and his smile was no longer there. The pain in your foot was awful and you felt tears start to well up in your eyes "No, my ankle got twisted real bad."
David wasted no time in picking you up and bringing you inside. He set you down on the couch in the living room and brought a footrest over, "Wait here, I'll be back in a minute." and he left to go put up the horses and your things.
When he came back, he had his doctors' bag with him. He kneeled down beside the footrest "Now let's take a look..." He gently removed your shoe and examined your ankle. He bent it slightly, causing you to yelp, to which he quickly apologized "Sorry dear, I just need to make sure nothing's broken. Just bear with me for a few more seconds, alright?" He took your hand in his and gently squeezed. You nodded and tried taking deep breaths to help with the pain.
He bent your foot a few more times and examined your leg too, "Well, the good news is that it doesn't look to be broken, just a sprain." He took one of your hands in both of his and kissed it, before reaching into his bag and taking out what he needed to make a splint. He wrapped up your foot, made sure it would remain still in the splint, then closed his bag and sat down next to you.
He wrapped an arm around you and kissed you on the forehead, "I'm sorry dear, I know you were really looking forward to today." you turned towards him and kissed his cheek "It's ok David, we'll just have to go another time. But on the bright side, I'm lucky that you're a doctor and you know how to take care of me." He gave you a small smile at that and hugged you close.
The next day, you woke up to find that David wasn't in bed. You were confused, thinking that he'd want to stay glued to your side with your injury. "David!" you called out, wondering where he could be. Not two seconds later, you heard the approaching footsteps of your partner.
He opened the door and was holding a tray in his hand, "Yes, y/n? Is everything alright?" He sounded worried. As he came closer you realized that the tray had your favorite breakfast on it, "Yeah, I'm ok, I just didn't know where you were. What's this?" The food smelled amazing. Along with being a scholar and M.D., David was also a pretty good cook. "Ah, it's your breakfast. I figured you'd might want to eat in bed."
He placed the tray in front of you when you sat up. "You didn't have to do this, David." you smiled up at him, what did you do to deserve such a loving man? "I'd have to disagree with you on that, love. As a doctor and your partner, It's my job to ensure your full comfort when you're unwell." He ran a hand through your hair and smiled, "I'll be off work until you feel like you can take care of yourself again. So expect breakfast in bed for the next couple days."
You chuckled lightly and took his hand and kisses him sweetly. "Thank you David, I love you so much." He smiled brightly, "I love you too, y/n."
He sat next to you while you ate, and once you were finished he set the tray aside and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close. Being injured like this certainly didn't seem all that bad, not when you had Dr. David Livesey looking after you.
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dastardly-imbecile · 2 years
Pt 2 of the Dr. Livesey fanfic
refer to prior post for explanation
The sun beat down on your back and the top of your head, almost unbearable. The beach of bodies was far enough behind that if you looked back, the island would curve before you could see them, but you still couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling. 
A feeling not helped in the slightest by the presence of your companion. He swaggered along beside you, seemingly quite unbothered, just quick enough that you had to stumble to keep up. 
To your right lay the endless expanse of the sea, glimmering in the sunlight and barren of any type of rescue. You’d kept your eyes on the shoreline for any sign of a crash, but not a single plant of wood littered the sand. To the left, the beach slowly seceded to a forest. You may have been inclined to walk under the treeline for the shade, but something about it made you appreciate the open expanse of the beach more than you would otherwise. Who knew what lay inside of the tangle of trees?
Besides that terror, an all-more-pressing need slowly crept up on you. The stores of food and water that had been on the ship were - much like the ship - nowhere to be found, and under this heat, thirst was already creeping up your throat. 
Well, you had to break the silence sometime, didn’t you?
“Do you have water?” 
He paused and immediately reached into one of the pockets of his overcoat. A moment later, it came out holding a leather flask. “Ah, I keep it on me at all times. Better than rum, yes it is, no need for that…”
He grinned at you. The flask was warm, and so was the water inside, and it was all you had to only take one sip before handing it back. 
“Thank you.” It went back into his coat. 
Don’t stare at it longingly. When you’re thirsty again… when it runs out… what then…?
Maybe staring longingly would’ve been conducive after all, but by now, you were simply staring at the expanse of his chest and not anything you could drink. 
And so, the day dragged on under the weight of the sun, trudging through piles of sand. Eventually, it began to dip below the horizon, flaring the sky into a quilt of colors. 
“I think we’re alone.” Truly, you hadn’t ever really thought you’d find another ship. Maybe it was simply denial, but something about the island made you feel distinctly… isolated. 
“Maybe, maybe.” The man beside you looked out over the sea. There was a peculiar smile on his face as he regarded the sunset - a smile very out of place in this situation. Still, you looked towards it as well, suddenly unwilling to let the sun go, despite how much you’d been cursing it only an hour ago. Heat and light were infinitely better than the darkness. 
“What should we do now?” The logical course, in your opinion, was to set up a fire. A chill was already creeping into the air and under your clothes. But fire meant wood and wood meant entering the forest, and in this half-light it appeared as a smudge of black and gray. 
“Why, we sleep, of course. A very advantageous thing. We will need to be well-rested to make it around the island.”
“...Around? Are we still going?” There had been nothing to find but sand and sea and what there was to find, bodies with no ships, was less appealing than even that. 
“What else are we to do?” He let out a long laugh. It definitely didn’t fit the situation you were in. “How foolish.”
You didn’t respond, mostly because you couldn’t think of an adequate one. As a cold breeze rustled past the island, finding its way under your already-light clothes, you couldn’t help but shiver. 
Your companion’s brow furrowed in concern. “Ah, yes, the chill is coming. That won’t do. Cold begets illness, you know, so we must keep you warm…”
Whatever he was thinking was rather inscrutable - at least, until he began to shuck off of his overcoat. It was made of some thick, green fabric, clean and finely woven. Perhaps his ship was richer than usual, or it was just his own fortune. In any case, you shied away. 
“I can’t. What about you?”
He stepped forwards to thrust it upon you. “I would not be felled by some lowly cold.” Another laugh. It was starting to get vaguely unsettling. “I am in superb health, you know! My body is finely honed.”
With the coat off, his clothes underneath were much like yours - thin linen, vaguely white and unfitting. Yours were too large; his were on the other side of the spectrum. It creased where his arms, his chest, were too large to contain, the faint definition of muscles below. Finely honed indeed - if physical prowess was a contest, he would win. Strength of mind, on the other hand…
You grabbed the overcoat. It was rough, but not overtly uncomfortable, and smelled of herbs, something faintly bitter. Medicine, most likely, given his profession. 
Far too large for you, as could be expected. But warm, enough so that it felt almost like you were standing in the embrace of someone else. The shivers subsided quickly enough, and sure as he’d said, he showed no sign of vulnerability to the wind. 
“Thank you.”
“Nothing of it.”
Without anything more to do, you gingerly sat down on the beach. For a moment, he stood above you, a monolith stretching high beyond your comprehension- but then, he sat, and was once again reduced to a mortal. 
“What’s your name?” You asked, suddenly realizing that, over the course of the entire day, you’d never learned it. Strange. 
“You may call me Doctor,” He responded. As close as he sat - perhaps it was simply the lingering qualities of his coat, but you could almost feel the warmth of his body. “Doctor Livesey.” 
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jadeverse-asks · 7 months
Hey everyone! (read here for main blog rules!)
I have gained quite a collection of unusual/unpopular F/Os lately over the past few years, so I've decided it'd be a fun idea to open up this blog and have anyone send in x reader/headcanon asks if they happen to like them as well :)
Who I write for atm! (will be updated if a new F/O is gained!)
Telltale Batman (Telltale Bruce Wayne and John Doe/Telltale Joker, main husbands atm don't ask me :3)
MLP (Sunset Shimmer, Limestone/Marble Pie, Pipp Petals, Hitch Trailblazer and Autumn Blaze preferred!)
Sonic (Espio the Chameleon)
Mina and the Count (The Count)
Little Monsters 1989 (Maurice)
Goosebumps (Slappy, movie versions only)
Sebastian Solace (Pressure)
The Guava Juice Show (Hart Spirit)
Teen Titans (Mad Mod)
Scooby Doo (Velma Dinkley, any version save for THAT version is okay!)
Tiny Toons (Fifi La Fume, aged up though and the reboot version of her is allowed too!)
Puss in Boots the Last Wish (Big Jack Horner)
Helluva Boss (Queen Bee and Vassago)
Eddsworld (Edd only)
Inside Job (Reagan Ridley)
The Simpsons (Sideshow Bob and Jacques)
Flint the Time Detective (Merlock Holmes aka Narugami Kyoichiro)
Gorillaz (2-D)
Danny Phantom (Vlad Masters/Plasmius)
Treasure Island (Dr. Livesey, 1988 film version)
Loonatics Unleashed (Rev Runner)
Dad'X (Striker/Foudror, this cartoon/fandom is kinda obscure btw but I still decided to include him!)
TF2 (Medic and Sniper)
Now for rules!
-I can write both SFW and NSFW, however fetish/abuse/death/anything else weird is not allowed
-Any gender/pronoun is allowed for asks!
-Reply times to asks may depend on how busy I am, and GIFs of your asked character may be included with my answers :)
-I don't really tend to chat and just take asks, so keep that in mind about me!
-However if you want you can ask the characters questions themselves, they'd be happy to answer you :3 (new rule as of 14/07/2024)
-And finally my inbox is always open, and have fun simping and asking! >3
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not-a-good-writer · 1 year
David Livesey × reader | Dog Days
AN: David finds a stray puppy and you two decide to adopt it.
CW: none, just fluff
The heavy rain beat down loudly against the roof of the house. You hoped David would be able to make it home safely. Sometimes unexpected storms came up when he was taking house calls, and a few times he had to stay at a nearby inn for the night.
Thankfully this wasn't the case, as you heard the front door open and close back quickly. You jumped up from your seat and ran to your lover, "David!" You gave him a big hug, not caring that he was soaking wet, "I'm so glad you made it back safe!"
"Careful darling." He adjusted himself before hugging you back with one arm. It was then you noticed that one of his hands was tucked into his coat, "What happened? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, but this little one isn't." He pulled back his coat to reveal a small puppy, soaking wet and shivering. "I found it all alone on the road, and I just couldn't leave the poor thing there." You're heart melted at the sight of the little dog. You took it from David's arms and craddled them close to your body. It looked up at you and wagged It's tail, despite cleary being weak.
"What was it doing all by itself? Was it's mom not around?" David shook his head, "Not from what I could see." After removing his coat he gave the puppy a few head pats, "Why don't we get you warmed up little one?"
You grabbed some towels and blankets and brought the puppy into the living room while David went to change. You sat by the fireplace and rubbed the puppy down vigorously to dry it quickly; this made it think you were playing, and it kept trying to play tug-o-war with the towel.
You also checked to see what gender it was, finding it was a girl. Once she was dry you bundled her up in a blanket and set her on some cousins by the fire.
David came into the room shortly after with a bowl in his hands. You gave him a curious look, to which he replied, "I figured they would be hungry."
"They're a she." you informed him. "Ah, a sweet little girl." He sat down next to you and the puppy's nose twitched in the air as it smelled the food. She jumped up from her cocoon and barked excitedly. "Ha ha, yes, here you are." He set the bowl in front of her and she started devouring it immediately.
"You poor thing, you must've been starving." David pet the puppy's back while she ate. You leaned into his side and watched the little dog fondly.
"Are we going to keep her?" David looked at you and smiled more than he already was, "If you want to, then I don't see why not." You smiled back and snuggled against him. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in closer. The puppy had finished eating and cralled into your lap to cuddle too.
"She's really friendly." You scratched her ear and her little leg started kicking. David chuckled, "Quite adorable too, like someone else I know." He pressed a kiss to your temple and you felt your face heat up. David patted your shoulder and moved to stand up, "Well, it's quite late, my dear, we should be heading to bed." You looked at the clock and it was indeed late. You stood up with the puppy in your arms and headed to the bedroom.
You sat in the bed and watched David set up a bed for the dog. He took a shallow basket and put a pillow in the bottom with blankets surrounding it. One he was finished he patted the dog bed and the puppy waddled over, sniffing it before climbling it. She turned around a couple times before laying down.
David stood up and got into bed with you, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you close. "What should we name her?" David pondered for a moment, "How about Sokro?"
"Sokro?" You questioned. "It's short for sokrovishche, Russian for treasure."
You giggled at the mention of treasure, "Maybe. We can figure out a name in the morning." David hummed and kissed your forehead, "Goodnight my love."
"Night, David." Soon the two of you drifted off to sleep, wondering what life with your new companion will bring.
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dastardly-imbecile · 2 years
Trapped On An Island With Dr. Livesey
Wrote this for a friend and know next-to-nothing about the original work, so apologies for lack of canon-compliance.
Vaguely Dr. Livesey x GN reader?
You lay on the beach, utterly disoriented. Judging from the sun hanging bright above, it was sometime in the range of noon, not that that helped you much. The dully humid weight of the air around you only served to emphasize the utter discomfort of the position that you found yourself in. Groaning, you braced your arms against the sand and managed to push into a sitting position. 
Here, at least, you no longer had to stare straight up towards the brilliance of the bright blue sky, but your gaze was immediately arrested by the other sight - bodies lay piled around the shore in poses similar to the one you must have been sprawled in just moments earlier. Only, in this case, you couldn’t tell whether they were dead or not.
Where was your ship? Sunlight gleamed off of the ocean in undulating starbursts, moving with the crests of water. It was all quite pretty, but what really would have made the view would be a ship anchored in the sea, whole and seaworthy enough to take you far from here. 
Unfortunately, there was no such thing in sight. For now, it was only you, on this beach - you and the bodies and not exactly a stellar memory of how you’d gotten here. There had been… the ship, for sure, the rocking of the waves and wood beneath your feet. The crew… a sea of faces swam vaguely before your mind’s eye, but you couldn’t bring yourself to start scanning the bodies. What, exactly…?
A wreck would’ve taken care of the ship, but it wouldn’t leave bodies scattered this far from the water. Pirates could’ve made off with the ship and scattered the crew, but then why would you be alive - no wounds to be seen, even? 
Something jolted you out of your thoughts, some instinct honed by the lifestyle you led. There was someone behind you - maybe a pirate from the aforementioned theory, or perhaps this island wasn’t quite as uninhabited as the empty stretch of coast would make it seem at first-
You grasped at your side. Nothing. Then, down to your boots, where there should’ve been a dagger strapped to the side-
“No need for that.” 
Of course, who were you to listen? Your fingers fumbled with the leather strap for a brief, panic-stricken moment, and then it was in your hand, gleaming just as bright as the sun. 
You jumped up around to see a man, standing almost a head above you, standing a safe distance away - safe for him, at least, too far for you to easily reach with only a dagger. 
Safe for you? Still up in the air. 
“Don’t come closer,” you warned. Here was the only standing person besides you, and as you were fairly sure that you weren’t the one to leave all the bodies, there was reasonable expectation that it was him. And by that logic, if it was, then you and a dagger couldn’t stop him in the slightest, but best not to think about that. 
“You look good, yes,” he said, eyes scanning over you. “No wounds visible. Heatstroke? Maybe.”
Completely ignoring your warning, he stepped closer. “Oh, but you’re alive and that’s a wonderful thing. Do you happen to have any idea what has landed us here?”
“Do you?” You ask. 
“Why, no. I’m asking you, am I not?” He sighed, brushing a hand down the front of his barrel-broad chest. “I suppose it’s forever a mystery.”
Warily, you put your dagger-hand down. “Is there anyone else?”
“All dead.” He swept his hand over the space behind him, a showman and his macabre display that would never be on any stage. “Quite strange. No wounds to be found. I could autopsy…” 
“Your ship?” You asked tentatively. He definitely wasn’t a part of yours, but the prospect that two boats had been… whatever this was chilled you. 
“Gone. I came from the other side of the island. Almost thought I’d walked all the way back around when I saw the bodies again, but for…”
“What do you remember?”
He tilted his head. “Ah, I was a medic on the Hispaniola. My men were scoundrels. Filth, the lot of them. Though they didn’t deserve this. I was treating a patient, yes, he drank too much, they all do… Oh, and then I was upon the beach.”
Before you could ask anything more, he brushed his hands together. “Well!” Almost incongruous to the mood only moments before, he grinned. “Perhaps there’s another one on the third slope of the island. Let us keep on.”
“What about… everyone?” Maybe it was time to bring the dagger back up again. Surviving something like this probably couldn’t be good for the mind, and that smile…
“What about them?” He looked around, swiveling his head almost comically. “There is nothing to be done. I cannot bring the dead back!” 
“But… Burial?”
“No, no, far too little time. Oh, oh, I know what it is you want. Of course, how could I not have thought of this before? Do you possess ill humors?”
“I’m fine,” you said. “I-”
“Nonsense. The patients never know themselves. Give me your arm.”
The clothes he wore were rich for a sailor, solidly woven and clean. There was no sign of a weapon concealed under them, nor one in the open, and if he really wanted to hurt you, you’d reckon it would happen anyways. With that in mind, you tentatively offered up your free hand. 
He peered down at it and traced a large hand from shoulder to wrist, applying a light pressure as he went. This close to you, he practically loomed above - for a medic, he was built rather large. It was…
Well, disconcerting, among other things. 
“You’re in well health,” he declared after a long moment. You stared at the single arm he examined.
“...Is that all?”
“Well, I shall need more time for the rest. Getting under the clothes requires more effort. But ah, if you’re gravely injured below, I suppose we’ll find out soon!” He chuckled at the comment. It was true, but you still found it profoundly unfunny. 
“Now, let us depart.”
He marched on ahead. Behind him, you could see the footsteps stretching through the sand from where he’d come - and his heavy step left more, swiftly proceeding past you. What choice did you have, besides following him? At least maybe knowing where he was would be better than him potentially having the ability to sneak up on you. 
So, with that in mind, you scrambled to follow.
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not-a-good-writer · 2 years
Dr. David Livesey general relationship headcannons
A/N: based off Dr. Livesey from the 1988 animated film Treasure Island. I've fallen so hard for this man it's not even funny.
C/W: none, just fluff
For starters, as a doctor, David would prefer to take care of you himself when you're sick, but if you already have a doctor you trust and would rather consult, he's fine with that too.
No matter who you request to see, he'll still make sure you have the best possible care at home. You'll never have to lift a finger for anything; he's even willing to carry you to the living room, outside to get some fresh air, or wherever else in your shared home that you'd like to be.
David's certainly overbearing at times, but if you express that you don't need to be coddled every second, he'll tone it down.
Hope you enjoy PDA, because this man certainly does! David's always been physically affectionate with his friends: side hugs, pats on the back, etc. So as his significant other, you're going to expirence that ten-fold.
He's always touching you in someway, whether that be holding your hand, having and arm around you, or having you sit on his lap. That one's a personal favorite of his. If he's reading or in his study doing paperwork, he'll encourage you to sit on his lap. He can be close to you and focus on whatever activity he's doing at the time.
Being the busy man that he is, he'll bring gifts back to you when he comes home. Flowers, candy, clothes or jewellery, whatever he thinks you'll enjoy he'll buy it for you. He makes good money, so he has no problem spoiling you.
David's always so interested in your hobbies and the things you like, and frequently asks you questions about them. He'll happily listen to you info-dump about your favorite topics. He'll often join you in your favorite activities, even if It's not something he's good at.
Overall, David Livesey is a very affectionate and loving man. As long as your with him he'll make sure you'll have everything you could ever need and want. He's happy as long as your happy, and promises to love you until the end of time.
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not-a-good-writer · 2 years
Dr. David Livesey x gn!reader
CW: none, pure fluff
Today had been a lazy day.
David had the day off, so the first thing he wanted to do was sleep in. Even though he was a morning person, he couldn't resist the temptation of cuddling you for as long as you'd let him. When the two of you finally did get up, you made your way downstairs to have breakfast, not bothering to change out of your pajamas.
David was attached to you the whole time breakfast was being made. If you went to grab something, he went with you, keeping his arms wrapped around your waist. If you tried to reach for something that was a bit too high, he'd grab it and hand it to you before putting his arm back around you. You were also pretty sure David put things in places you couldn't reach just you'd ask him to get them for you, but he hasn't confirmed or denied your suspicions yet.
After breakfast you both changed into comfortable clothes and have been lazing around all day since. It'd been raining since you woke up, so you couldn't go outside anyway. Not to mention that David preferred to stay at home with you on his off days.
It was the afternoon currently. David was laying on his back on the couch while you were laying on his chest. He was reading a book, holding it with one hand and using the other to gently stroke your hair. He set his book down and you looked up at him thinking he wanted to get up, but instead he remained still and simply looked at you. His ever present smile was soft, and his eyes were half-lidded and full of admiration.
"What?" you spoke after a few moments, "Nothing," he replied with a small chuckle "I'm just admiring the most beuatiful person in the world." You blushed at that. He always liked doing things to fluster you. You would try to fluster him as well, but you couldn't make him blush as easily as he could make you.
You buried your face in his neck which caused him to chuckle again. He placed a kiss on your forehead, which made you look up again, and he captured your lips in a sweet kiss. It didn't last long, but you soon realized that was intentional on David's part, as right after he began peppering your whole face in kisses.
You giggled at both the sweetness of the gesture and the light tickling of his lips. He did this for a little while before he finally pulled back. He placed his hand on your cheek and stroked it lightly with his thumb, "I love you so much darling. Nothing in the world could capture my heart like you have." You rested your forehead against his and closed your eyes, "I love you too, David."
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