drbasilshomeo · 6 months
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How Homoeopathy can help people from weight gaining?
Weight gain is something of a complex issue troubling many people who struggle with it at various points in their lives. It affects various aspects of an individual’s life like physical health, mental health, confidence, and quality of life. Many are considering weight gain as a simple cosmetic issue. A great misunderstanding among people about weight gain is that some common factors are leading people to become obese. And they are following some common instructions regardless of the causes of their weight gain. Weight gain should be dealt with individually. A customized treatment is necessary for the proper management of weight gain. Homeopathy treatment for weight gain considers each patient as a unique one and makes a detailed study regarding the cause of weight gain. According to the individualized peculiarities, the doctor will prescribe medicines and suggest suitable diet and exercises according to the nature of weight gain.  Homeopathy treatment for weight gain is completely free of side effects and available at affordable costs.
What is overweight?
Overweight is a condition having excess body weight from muscle, bone, fat, and/or water. Specifically, being overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9.
BMI is a calculation that uses a person’s height and weight to estimate their body fat. It’s determined by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared.
A BMI in the overweight range shows that a person’s weight is more than what is typically considered healthy for their his height. This extra weight can come from body fat, muscle, bone density or other factors.
It’s important to note that BMI is just only a screening tool and doesn’t directly measure body fat percentage or take into account factors like muscle mass. Some people, like athletes, may have a high BMI but not excessive body fat.
Factors causing weight gain
There are several factors causing weight gain. Here are some of the main factors:
1. Calorie imbalance: Having more calories than your body utilizes through daily activities and exercise leads to weight gain over time. This is often due to a combination of overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.
2. Poor diet: A diet having more processed foods, sugary drinks, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and make it harder to feel full and satisfied.
3. Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to gaining weight more easily due to factors like a slower metabolism or higher levels of hunger hormones.
4. Medical conditions: Somet health issues like hypothyroidism, PCOS, Cushing’s syndrome, and some medications can lead to weight gain or make it harder to lose weight.
5. Lack of sleep: Not getting enough quality sleep has been linked to increased hunger hormones and weight gain over time.
6. Stress: High levels of stress can lead to overeating and cravings for unhealthy comfort food
7 . Sedentary lifestyle: A person who is engaged in work needs prolonged sitting without any physical activity leading to weight gain easily.
8. Environment: Social, cultural, and environmental factors like the availability of high-calorie foods and limited access to affordable healthy options can influence eating habits.
Health risks from being overweight?
Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing several serious health risks. Here are some of the major health risks associated with weight gain:
👉🏻Type 2 diabetes
👉🏻Heart disease
👉🏻Certain cancers, including breast, colon, endometrial, kidney, and liver cancers.
👉🏻Sleep apnea
👉🏻Fatty liver disease
👉🏻Reproductive issues
👉🏻Mental health issues
👉🏻Reduced quality of life
Homeopathy treatment for weight gain 
Homeopathy treatment is one of the best treatments for weight gain without any complications. During the initial stage of treatment, the doctor will collect all the symptoms regarding the patient including physical symptoms and mental symptoms. Homeopathy medicines for each patient vary according to the totality of Symptoms. In homeopathy treatment for weight gain, for each patient, the doctor does a detailed case study to find the underlying causes. Homeopathy treatment for weight gain is safe for all age groups and even for pregnant ladies. It also can be taken by patients having any other health issues and taking any other medicines. Effective homeopathy treatment for 
Weight gain including customized diet and exercises succeeds in weight gain in a natural way.
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
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Manage uric acid the homeopathic way.
Most of the patients having a high uric acid level reach hospitals with joint pain. Many are aware of high uric acid levels when doing a blood test while having severe joint pain. Uric acid not only causes joint pain but also kidney stones and hypertension. The reason for high uric acid levels is impaired metabolism. Uric acid is a by-product that results from the metabolism of purine-containing food. Due to the unhealthy diet and lifestyle patients having high uric acid levels are increasing day by day. Homeopathy treatment for uric acid can cure metabolic errors causing high serum uric acid levels. Moreover, homeopathy medicines for uric acid are free of any complications and side effects. 
What is uric acid? And how is it formed?
Uric acid is a waste product that results from the breakdown of purines, which are chemical compounds found naturally in our bodies and certain foods.
Purines are present in many of the body’s cells and RNA and DNA, the molecules carrying genetic information. When purines are broken down, they produce uric acid.
Normally, uric acid dissolves in the blood, passes through the kidneys, and is excreted from the body in urine. However, if there is too much uric acid produced or if the kidneys cannot effectively remove it from the body, it can build up and crystallize in the joints or form kidney stones.
Most of the uric acid in our bodies comes from the natural breakdown of purines in cell nuclei. But levels can also increase from eating a diet high in purine-rich foods such as:
▶️Red meat
▶️Organ meats
▶️Alcoholic beverages
So in moderation, uric acid is a normal byproduct. Excessive amounts accumulating in the body lead to medical issues like gout, and kidney stones, and potentially contribute to conditions like hypertension and cardiovascular disease over time.
Maintaining healthy uric acid levels depends on limiting dietary purines and ensuring the kidneys can effectively eliminate excess uric acid.
Causes for high serum uric acid level?
👉Diet high in purines: Eating a diet rich in purine-containing foods like red meat, organ meats, seafood, and alcohol leads to increased production of uric acid.
👉Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases uric acid levels, likely due to increased purine turnover and decreased uric acid excretion.
👉Genetics: Some people inherit a genetic predisposition that causes them to either overproduce uric acid or have difficulties excreting it properly through the kidneys.
👉Medical conditions: Certain diseases and disorders like psoriasis, hypothyroidism, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and renal disease can disrupt uric acid production or excretion.
👉Medications: Diuretics, immunosuppressants, niacin, aspirin and some chemotherapies can raise uric acid levels.
👉High purine cell turnover: Conditions with rapid cell turnover like cancer, psoriasis or starvation increase purine breakdown and uric acid production.
👉Dehydration: Not drinking enough fluids decreases the body’s ability to flush out uric acid effectively.
👉Gender: Men tend to have higher baseline uric acid levels than women.
👉The kidneys normally filter out uric acid from the bloodstream. But factors like diet, obesity, genetics or kidney dysfunction can overload or impair this process, allowing uric acid to accumulate.
Symptoms of high serum uric acid level
• Acute gout attacks – Sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, swelling and tenderness in joints, often affecting the big toe. Gout flares are triggered by uric acid crystal buildup in the joints.
• Joint stiffness and reduced mobility – Chronic gout can lead to joint deformity and lack of flexibility from uric acid crystal deposits.
• Tophi – Chalk-like lumps under the skin around joints formed from uric acid crystal buildup over time. Common on fingers, hands, feet, elbows and ears.
• Kidney stones – High uric acid levels increase the risk of developing painful kidney stones when uric acid crystallizes in the urinary tract.  
• Fatigue and malaise – General feelings of tiredness, sluggishness or lack of energy from uric acid’s inflammatory effects.
• Cognitive issues – Some research links high uric acid to poorer cognitive performance and risk of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease over time.
• Hypertension – Excessive uric acid may contribute to the development of high blood pressure in some individuals.
The frequency, duration and severity of symptoms can vary greatly between those with moderately elevated uric acid versus long standing, poorly controlled hyperuricemia. Many people are being cured of the sufferings of uric acid with Homeopathy treatment. The number of people who choose Homoeopathy treatment for uric acid is increasing day by day.
Homeopathy treatment for uric acid
Homeopathy treatment for 
Uric acid manages patience with simple medicines, having natural origin without any complicated procedures. Call me medicines for Eure acid are prepared from natural sources like plants, animals and minerals. Safety and completely free of any side effects are the speciality of homeopathic medicines for uric acid. There are a good number of homeopathic medicines for uric acid, which are selected for eight patients based on symptom totality. Symptom totality is a group of individual symptoms of a patient which are selected from collective data obtained from case-taking. During the case-taking procedure, a homeopathic doctor inquires about the history, family history, physical and mental characteristics, moral and social values of the patient, etc…
Home medicines for uric acid are very effective and safe for all age groups even during pregnancy. Moreover, this Homeopathy treatment for your acid can be taken safely by any patient, who has any other health issues and is taking other medicines.
Some of the  important homeopathy medicines for uric acids are,
1. Bryonia alba: One of the top remedies for acute gout attacks with intense tearing pain, and red and inflamed joints that feel worse with the slightest motion. Also used for arthritis pain.
2. Ledum palustre: Useful for treating red, hot, swollen joints from gout where the pain is improved by cold applications. Often indicated when the foot/ankle is affected.
3. Benzoic acid: Helps eliminate uric acid from the body. Indicated when uric acid deposits cause nodules or tophi formations.
4. Urtica urens: Aims to alkalinize the body and blood to prevent uric acid buildup. May provide relief from burning pains and stiffness.
5. Colchicum: A common anti-inflammatory remedy for gout flare-ups with intense pain and swelling, especially in the big toe joint.
6. Arnica montana: Relieves pain, inflammation and arthritis symptoms from uric acid crystals. Often used after an acute gout attack.
7. Berberis vulgaris: Helps treat kidney stones and gallbladder issues related to high uric acid levels.
8. Lycopodium: Indicated for arthritic pains and digestive issues that can contribute to elevated uric acid.
9. Sarsaparilla: Believed to help purify the blood and remove uric acid and toxins from the system.
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
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Homeopathy gives a solution for your thyroid issues.
The thyroid is a small gland situated on the front of the neck. Even though the thyroid gland is a small gland and occupies a small area of the body, thyroid hormone is essential for the smooth functioning of almost the most important organs of our body and any disorder of the thyroid gland can badly affect the functioning of the whole body. This vital gland produces thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, development, and the function of nearly every cell in the body. When the thyroid produces too little or too many hormones, it can lead to an array of problems collectively known as thyroid disorders.
Thyroid disorders are more prevalent in women and tend to develop during middle age, though thyroid issues can arise at any time from birth through old age. The most common thyroid disorders include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and thyroid nodules or thyroid cancer.
Symptoms of thyroid disorders vary depending on the specific condition but may include unexplained weight changes, fatigue, mood changes, hair loss, intolerance to heat or cold, constipation, muscle weakness, dry skin, brittle nails, and irregular menstrual cycles. Fortunately, most thyroid disorders can be managed with medications, radioactive iodine therapy, or surgery. With proper treatment, those with thyroid disease can go on to live normal, active lives. 
A complete cure for thyroid disorders is possible with homeopathy treatment. Homeopathic treatment for the thyroid gland is with natural medicines from plants, animals and minerals in very diluted form.
What are the common thyroid disorders?
👉Hypothyroidism – This is when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. It is the most common thyroid disorder. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, depression, and muscle weakness. It is typically treated with synthetic thyroid hormone medication.
👉Hyperthyroidism – This is when the thyroid is overactive and produces too much thyroid hormone. Symptoms include unexplained weight loss, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, sweating, anxiety, and diarrhea. Graves’ disease is the most common cause. It can be treated with antithyroid medications, radioactive iodine, or thyroid surgery.
👉Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – This is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks and damages the thyroid. It often leads to hypothyroidism. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold, and thyroid enlargement. It is treated with thyroid hormone replacement medications.
👉Thyroid nodules – These are lumps or masses that develop in the thyroid. Most are benign but some can be cancerous. Small nodules may only require monitoring, while large or suspicious ones may need a biopsy.
👉Thyroid cancer – Cancer of the thyroid is relatively uncommon but can occur. The most common types are papillary and follicular cancer. Treatment may involve surgery, radioactive iodine therapy, thyroid hormone therapy, and chemotherapy.
👉Thyroiditis – This refers to thyroid inflammation. Symptoms can include pain, swelling, hyperthyroidism followed by hypothyroidism. Causes include autoimmune problems, viruses, and postpartum thyroiditis.
All thyroid disorders are effectively managed by homeopathic treatment. There is no surgical management or any other complicated treatment procedures.
Homeopathic treatment for thyroid disorders.
Homeopathic treatment for thyroid disorders varies for patients based on their peculiarities. The physical symptoms, mental peculiarities, and moral and social values are very important for homeopathy treatment for thyroid disorders. Homeopathy medicines for thyroid disorders are selected based on these characterizing symptoms. Thyroid disorders are very common during pregnancy, and it is very risky to take treatment during pregnancy due to the complications of medicines. Homeopathic  treatment for thyroid disorders is very safe during pregnancy. The medicine also can be taken by people having any other health issues and taking any other medicines.
Some important homeopathic medicines for thyroid disorders are Calcarea carbonica, Iodum, Lycopodium, Lapis albus, and Thyroidinum. The specific remedy, potency and dosage are chosen by a trained homeopath based on the individual’s symptoms and constitution. For more details about homeopathic treatment for thyroid disorders please contact us.
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
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Ease depression naturally with homeopathy
Depression is a serious mental health condition that impacts millions of people worldwide. It is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch – clinical depression is a persistent low mood and loss of interest in activities that can significantly interfere with daily life. The feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and fatigue associated with depression can make even simple tasks seem insurmountable.
Despite being one of the most common mental disorders, depression is still widely misunderstood. Many people dismiss it as something that can be overcome through willpower alone or view it as a personal weakness rather than a legitimate medical issue. The truth is depression results from a complex interplay of genetic, biological, psychological and social factors that alter brain function and chemistry.
While depression can be debilitating, it is also highly treatable in most cases. Homoeopathy can effectively treat depression. Since Homoeopathy treatment gives the most importance to mental symptoms, the complete symptoms of depression Homeopathic treatment can be cured. While considering the side effects in the treatment of depression, homeopathy treatment is the best. Homeopathy treats the condition naturally and helps the body regain all the inborn power to root out the condition naturally and completely.
What are the features of depression?
Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest. It affects how you feel, think, and behave, and can interfere with your ability to function in daily life.
Some key characteristics of depression include:
👉Persistent low mood or feeling sad, empty, or hopeless most of the time
👉Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
👉Significant changes in appetite or weight
👉Sleep disturbances like insomnia or oversleeping
👉Fatigue and lack of energy
👉Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
👉Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
👉Thoughts of death or suicide
Depression arises from a complex interplay of genetic, biological, psychological, and social factors. It can happen at any age but often begins in the teens or 20s. With proper treatment like therapy and/or medication, most people with depression can get better. To cover these features of depression Homeopathy treatment has medicines of natural origin. Homeopathy medicines for depression are made from plants, animals and minerals.
Causes for depression
There are many potential causes of depression. It is usually the result of a combination of factors rather than a single cause. Some of the major potential causes include:
1.Biological Factors:
👉🏻Genetics – Depression can run in families
👉🏻Brain Chemistry – Imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine
👉🏻Hormonal Changes – Fluctuations in hormones from puberty, pregnancy, thyroid issues
2.Psychological Factors:
👉🏻Low Self-Esteem
👉🏻Pessimistic Personality
👉🏻Trauma or Abuse
3.Environmental Factors:
👍Difficult Life Circumstances (unemployment, divorce, poverty)
👉🏻Lack of Social Support
👉🏻Major Life Changes
👉🏻Substance Abuse
👉🏻Seasonal Changes
4.Medical Causes:
👉🏻Certain Medications
👉🏻Chronic Illness
👉🏻Chronic Pain
👉🏻Sleep Disturbances
It’s important to note that depression is not a personal weakness or character flaw. A complex combination of factors can increase vulnerability. Major life stressors often act as triggers, but depression can also occur spontaneously without obvious external causes. Understanding the potential underlying causes is important for guiding effective treatment.
These causes of depression homeopathy treatment can eradicate completely from the suffering patients.
Depression, Homeopathy treatment is the best
There are a good number of homeopathic medicines, which cover a wide range of mental symptoms. Homoeopathy can correct the imbalanced state of mind to a balanced state with pure natural medicines without any side effects. The causes of mental disorders are very important during Homeopathic treatment. For treating depression, Homoeopathy treatment is the best, since it nearly does not control the symptoms, but it has the power to root out the disease to its whole extent. People of any age group can take Homeopathic medicine for depression for any long time without any complications. Even it is safe for pregnant ladies. People having any other health issues and taking any other medical treatments can also take homeopathy medicines for depression safely.
some of the Bodden homeopathy medicines for depression are,
1. Aurum metallicum – Claimed to help with depression accompanied by anxiety and obsessive thoughts
2. Natrum muriaticum – Claimed for depression with sensitivity and grief
3. Sepia – Claimed for depression in women with hormonal components
4. Ignatia – Claimed for depression after grief or emotional trauma
5. Pulsatilla – Claimed for mild depression with sensitivity and a changeable mood
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drbasilshomeo · 1 year
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You can consult your doctor from your home as your convenience. Once it was a dream, but now it is the reality. Most of the patients consider it as a blessing in their life. Nobody has time to waste by waiting in front of the OP room for hours. This will result in a situation where people will wait to consult the doctor until the last stage of their health issues. Easily manageable diseases become complicated due to the lack of health care at the proper time.
Possibilities of homeopathic online consultation
The possibilities of online homeopathic consultation is much in this Era. It is the time where nobody is available physically but everybody are available online all the time. Since health care is an inevitable factor in our life, if the health care is available online health care, it will be approachable to all people in the world.
👉 One of the main issues that most of us facing is lack of time. Online homeopathic consultation is a better solution for this problem.
👉If a doctor is available online, the patient will be more free to disclose his health issues and clear all doubts regarding health care. This will raise the quality of life to a higher level.
👉Since there is no physical contact with other patients while going to hospitals, there won’t be any chance of hospital-born diseases.
👉Some patients hesitate to disclose certain diseases like diseases of private parts. They won’t like anyone to become aware of it. For such patients, online homeopathic consultation is a great relax.
👉There are a lot of countries where there are no homeopathy or homeopathy medicines are very expensive. People living there who are very interested to take homeopathic medicines for their ailments can take online homeopathic consultations at a reasonable cost.
👉 Many patients are properly denied treatment due to the long distance to the hospital where an effective treatment is available.
👉Patients are more interested in getting a chance to get familiar with the doctor before the consultation.  For such patients can depend on online consultation. Where they can get familiar with the doctor prior to the consultation.
👉Now patients are more curious to know ragarding their treatment before consultation. Online consultaion gives opportunities to know about their treatment in detail before consultation.
👉 For online homeopathy consultation the patients no need to get ready and go out of their home. Patients can consult from where they are and at the time which is convenient for them.
Availability of the Internet and its influence on people
Now the internet is available at a cheaper rate, sometimes even cheaper than any other basic needs. So it is affordable to the people even at lower economic level.
The Internet has become an unavoidable factor in life. Those who are not using the Internet are very rare. Even an illiterate person can use the Internet for his needs. Most of the people are available online for the majority of their time. So in such a situation online homeopathy consultation has got a great place in the health care field.
Consult from your home and medicine will be reached at your doorstep.
Online homeopathy consultation provided sfacility to consult from your home. Effective and high-quality medicines will be reached at your door at your doorstep as early as possible. 
Options are more in online consultation.
Vast variety of specializations are available online. Even more than available a hospital.
Whatever factor if  we consider, online homepaty consultation is a stepa head in its services. People are more interested to take online consultation.
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